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Yeah I'm pretty cynical after seeing the inside too
Hopefully they only do the dealing with clients softwares :p
My view is that consulting companies don't really care about their software and the real product is sales...I don't know how accurate that that is though
can extremely outcynical anyone :P
It has made me avoid applying for that type of company in my current job hunt
I dunno man...I just interviewed for a A.I. consultancy...I can't trash talk consultancies until they reject my application lol
I'm kind of curious how AI consultancies work...do they just work on easy stuff?
who knows
If they didn't, I feel like they'd have a number of things where they just can't get a working model
Most AI stuff fir companies is easy
Just the same types of problems
Look for patterns in sales and whatnot
I bombed the anomaly detection question today...brain no worky at 7am-y
I learned anomaly detection before...but like 12 months ago...so...it didn't all come back to me until after the interview was over looool
Probably better than my response of "anomaly detection?...uhhh"
The closest thing that I could think of would be "assume your data is a Gaussian distribution..."
I should have at least said something like "I know the resources to answer this question" or something like that but nah, I just blurbed about gaussian distributions and standard dev...
then the dude cut me off cus the time was up
and that was that
epic fail
huh I don't think I've ever had a "time is up" interview
@bolbteppa already went there!
They always listen to what I say even if it's stupid
Sent an email to the math phys one and the QFT one
Also sent an email to the string group just in case
Hire me dammit :V
yeah I think it pretty much means he didn't need to hear more lol
sing and dance
On the bright side, what you consider a fail was my best attempt at a shot in the dark it seems
I have no idea how you'd do anomaly detection without first assuming a distribution
you can look at the distribution of the data you have already
But what if it's something scary?
I was gonna go into a little bit of non-parametric methods
like anova
come crazy n-modal distribution
there are statistical methods to deal with those
I am not super well versed in them, but I know they exist
Ahh right. we did anova in my stats class, but I don't remember any of it. I think it was just "import this library and call anova()" though
generally under the heading of "non-parametric statistics"
There is a statistics with R specialization on coursera that I may look at after this deep learning one
I didn't get to that part tho
@Slereah lpt.ens.fr/spip.php?article247&lang=fr e.g. the phys.ens.fr/~kashani/page3.html one, would look into it more than presented here
ran out of time...
My view from physics is that only Gaussian distributions seem to really exist aside from that time we used a Poisson distribution
And I suppose we used binomial distributions a lot, but didn't really call them that
my first interview went quite well, this one went quite poor...maybe they will average lol
@bolbteppa oh god the page layout is so bad
You have your in for the webpage-for-phd trade ;)
Hey you haven't had a bad interview until you have one where you get off of the call and go "well that was the weirdest thing"
I would say first one went 9/10, this one went 4/10 maybe they will give me 6.5/10 lol
Happened to me when somehow the job requirements weren't correctly communicated to HR
Would read up on the people here lpthe.jussieu.fr/spip/spip.php?article12&lang=en and send some off maybe too even if they're not in the huge list edpif.org/en/recrutement/prop.php#view39
@bolbteppa I did try with Antoniadis already!
Might try with the others
the ghost locomotive one was one where I went "well that was weird"...I would have rated that 3/10
They don't have a PhD listed tho
they requested a follow up interview tho so that was also weird
Ghost locomotive?
Also I had one that went really well, but ended up not getting the job
self driving start up
yeah interviews are weird
my perception of what went right or wrong is pretty unreliable
I thought my microsoft interview went pretty well and they were like "nah, you ain't shit"
Ahh I thought it was a typo lol
I even had one that supposedly I was the only interviewee to answer all the questions well
hey, anyone here familiar with PSO vs ACO studies? I'm looking for physics applications.
Maybe I should ask the math people. since, it's optimization.
@bolbteppa hasn't been my experience so far but it is worth a try!
My project this sem is comparing PSO with GA, PA and any other ABCD I can find.
You need to sell it right
I wish it was acceptable to just send the same email to everyone really
Well I try to sell myself if I know the subject to some degree
But that's pretty hard except for a few instances
i.e. read up, not just random/general ones, but don't bluff
It is what I do, yes
@Slereah would they find if you send the same mail to a bunch of professors? I guess they won't.
But it's only good for selling it in a few instances
Like it was easier for Fewster since I actually read his stuff
I wonder if you could get one at Lisi's Hawaii institute thing haha
@enumaris do GANs compare with LSTM for sequence generation?
@bolbteppa bit far off!
though really so far the problem is mostly just that either they have no thesis at all or they just ask me to submit a letter for funding
In only one case was I told I just plain old wasn't good enough
I heard from Facebook a chemistry phd graduate sending emails to all professors in every chemistry faculty because he accepts any research topics, and finally got one accepting him who helped him apply for funding.
@Slereah who said the good enough thing, the An.. one?
@bolbteppa yeah
I wouldn't read it that way at all
The one who said I needed to have followed a string theory course during my master :p
@danielunderwood GAN is not the same "level" of model as LSTM. It's a general framework for generating some data using an adversarial framework. An LSTM is a specific kind of cell in a RNN, it's not some general framework. You can have LSTMs in a GAN for example...
And that books weren't good enough!
Ahh I see
Shame there's no online string coursera thingy :p
Well I wouldn't be against doing a year of master to be up to speed
But it's like
I'd need 100% assurance that I'm getting a PhD behind it
Can't fuck around like that anymore
I've got bills to pay
I suppose that should have been obvious now that I think about it in retrospect
@Slereah part III?
as you get more exposure, those things will come :D
in Belgium there is postmaster program.
@bolbteppa I'd really like to see some advanced courses on there, but I feel it doesn't have a huge demand. EdX has had some stuff, but it's all undergrad level from what I've seen
@CaptainBohemian Same thing, tho
There was a GR course on coursera, but I didn't find it to be particularly easy to understand
Can't spend 6 months not working without an assurance of a PhD
if bills are your concern...wouldn't working in industry be better financially than a PhD
I'm not sure your salary expectations really go up with a Physics PhD tbh...
I even see prepostdoctoral program in some countries.
I'm fine with a PhD salary
But I'm not fine with 0€ salary
Probably best to forget the msc, all you want is one yes
(But part III is different)
I can live in a shit flat for the duration of the PhD and eat ramen
that is fine
is taking a definite integral on both sides of an inequality mathematically legal?
but I can't do that on 0€
@Yashas Same rules apply as usual
@enumaris yeah I need to just get to programming to get that exposure. I realize a bit of a confusion this morning that the dimensions of weights in an RNN is fixed. Doesn't that mean that the sequence length is fixed. So far that's been the case in the RNN lectures, but my understanding was that RNNs are supposed to work for variable inputs...maybe I just haven't gotten to that yet
You could offer to do a free internship with those string guys if necessary as part of the process or something
Depends if it's monotone increasing or something
@bolbteppa Bit risky
Aim high, go for the Sorbonne, Bourbaki style
They're not the ones deciding on the funding
Get into the Cartan Bourbaki Goursat History
If you throw yourself at them (metaphorically) and your transcript is ok you could land somewhere
I'm throwing myself a lot around
@Slereah was that reply for me?
Hopefully it will work
Yeah it's a long game
I'm not even sure I'll get one for 2019
@danielunderwood no, the sequence length can be variable. The sequence length does not enter into the dimensions of the weights. Weight dimensions depend on the internal hidden state dimension and the dimension of the input at one time step.
I looked at Amsterdam yeah
@danielunderwood what does need to be fixed is the input dimension from time-step to time-step. E.g. if you are inputting one-hot vectors encoding English words, your dictionary size can't be changing from time step to time step.
Roughly there's like only a month maybe 2 left to get apps in then it's a wait for call backs (except for the ones that drip out from then on) so worth going all out
@danielunderwood there is a caveat though that during training you might want to make sure your sequences are uniform in length since you want to do batching. This means you probably have to implement padding. Otherwise you would have to be reduced to pure SGD training which would be computationally very slow.
Ahh I was mixing up the input dimension between timesteps with the entire input dimension
input usually (batch_size,time_steps,dim_per_time_step)
@bolbteppa Well after that it's only funded ones, IIRC
weights don't care about the first two in that tuple
which is better to apply to but usually boring topics
Do Keras and such automatically handle padding?
not that I know
you need to input valid numpy arrays as your training set
padding has to be done a that stage since you can't have numpy arrays be jagged
there could be some util to do it that I haven't seen yet though
So if you had something like one-hot encoded values, I suppose you'd add a padding token?
you generally have a <UNK> token or a <END> token or something like that
keras embedding layer has that feature
it turns the [1,0,0,...,] vector into a "padding" variable I think
it's been a while since I worked on it though
@Slereah do you think theoretical condensed matter physics boring topics to apply for?
depends on the topic I guess
yeah, you don't wanna accidentally do something that's useful to someone :P
Sorry society
I want to exclusively not be useful
I mean, do the wrong CMT, and you might invent a new semiconductor or something!
I'll just have to work on toy models that don't exist at all
The thing is, that stuff actually does influence qft and strings though it's hard
But you touch the dreaded 'application' as well
But well
What do you mean "influence QFT"? Some CMT is straight QFT, just not HEP.
but if getting a phd in theoretical condensed matter physics, it may not be possible to get a position in high energy physics after graduation.
if I don't get anything by january
Beautiful acronym flood.
I guess I'll start applying to more applied stuff
Condensed matter stuff is probably funded usually
this April I saw a position in theoretical condensed matter physics in Amsterdam, but i didn't apply for it.
Those lists above are full of things like that
yeah I know
does a qubit's state space have a particular name?
I feel theoretical condensed matter physics is application of theoretical high energy physics.
Condensed matter physics, experimental QM, nanophysics
those are the cool kids
@Yashas Bloch sphere?
SSB came from condensed matter, big part of Landau's research was in it, it's nuts stuff
@Slereah That's the projective space, not the Hilbert space :P
doing a phd in fundamental topics then one has more chance after graduation, I think.
I need a Hilbert Space
@ACuriousMind Universal cover of the Bloch sphere
wikipedia says two-dimensional hilbert space but it isn't a name, is it?
Or $\mathbb{C}^2$ I guess
@Slereah The n-sphere is its own universal cover for $n>1$.
the most general one is $L^2$?
@Yashas Why does it need a name?
I mean qubits are just $\mathbb{C}^{2n}$ hilbert spaces
They don't really need a specific name
It's common as dirt
@ACuriousMind I was writing an answer where I was trying to show that a qubit's state space is a subspace of $L_2$ but writing "qubit's space" sounded awkward.
@Yashas $L^2$ is not a complete notation (you want e.g. $L^2(\mathbb{R})$), and those spaces of square-integrable functions having nothing to do with qubits.
@Yashas The qubit state space is not a natural subspace of any $L^2$ space (though of course you're free to map it to any two-dimensional subspace of any $L^2$ space).
@ACuriousMind the qubit states must also satisfy the constraints such as the state functions must be normalized?
@Yashas There are no functions. There's just a state vector. The qubit state space is finite-dimensional and not expressible in terms of wavefunctions.
I appear to be lost once again :O
All these function spaces are infinite-dimensional vector spaces. The space of a qubit is not such a space.
where does a|0> + b|1> requiring a^2 + b^2 come from then?
In quantum computing you just ignore all degrees of freedom of the Hilbert space except spin
so it's just a 2D Hilbert space
@Yashas Well, that's normalized. But it's not a function.
I thought I could relate all of qubit stuff to the more general QM stuff.
Well you can, but general QM doesn't need $L^2$ spaces
Many different spaces are Hilbert spaces
@Yashas The general QM conception is that the state space is a Hilbert space, i.e. states are vectors. In many cases, this space is infinite-dimensional and can be represented as a space of functions. In some cases, in particular those in quantum information, they are finite-dimensional and can not be represented as spaces of functions.
It is in fact the functions which are the special concept here, not the vectors.
Hell you can even do a 1-dimensional Hilbert space if you want
It's boring but you can
$\mathbb{C}$, with states on $S$ and projective Hilbert space $\{ 1 \}$
And it only has one operator, $I$
Not much you can do with it
@ACuriousMind Hilbert space is the most general one?
does it mean that I can describe QM using any Hilbert space?
@Yashas For some values of most general...
You can do a formulation in terms of $C^\ast$-algebras where you don't have to fix a Hilbert space, but you very likely do not need to worry about that
@Yashas I don't understand the question
The most general Hilbert space in QM is just an abstract space that obeys the properties of a Hilbert space
(Well, that and it's separable)
QM is a framework, like classical Hamiltonian mechanics
There are many different physical systems, each of which has its own state space (a Hilbert space in QM, a symplectic space in Hamiltonian mechanics)
Or even worse
In principle, you can think about any Hilbert space together with a designated Hamiltonian (some Hermitian operator) as a QM system. It is of course not guaranteed that there is any real-world system modeled by that particular pair.
I mean technically there's only one Hamiltonian corresponding to a real world system
And you have to apply it to the wavefunction of the universe
@Slereah No there isn't.
But it's a bit tricky
Hamiltonians, like Lagrangians, are not unique.
Or whatever
mister picky
You said technically
How am I supposed not to nitpick that? :P
You win this round, Dick Dastardly
I don't know what a multisymplectic space is, but it sounds scary. I'm not even that familiar with plain old symplectic geometry
::twirls mustache:: Until we meet again!
Multisymplectic space is the one you use for field theories
Where the phase space is field configurations + configurations of the field momentums
it's pretty bad if you look into it too close
Doctoral school is about 3 months
Still pretty long to leave work tho
Not ideal
why is everything so hard
...you get 3 months vacation?
Need to be in a phd already I think
@ACuriousMind Well I have about 6 weeks vacations
Total doctoral school is 9 weeks
6 weeks != 3 months, technically
So not really
Unless I take like 3 weeks without pay :p
Though if I'm ever between jobs that would be ideal
1 hour later…
nine zero rep caps, baby
badaboom badabing
That's pretty close to 150, no?
welp, meetings done for the day
fun beans...
Just got done with my interview...seemingly went well
Though there were a variety of technical questions but the next round is supposedly the technical round
nice nice
seems like the infosec team is not gonna go forward with my suggestion to not change passwords every 3 months...
also probably no free wifi...sad
Actually the job I just interviewed for was a security position
Maybe if I had a position like that then went into data, I could just point at it and be like "I know security" :D
are you interested in infosec?
Yeah it's another area I find interesting...though more in the form of break things and figure out who let me do that than tell people what they can and can't do
my exposure to infosec is quite boring lol
guys, I'm not really sure where to find more information, but I'm trying to figure out what is the commutator of two vector operators. So say we have $A=[A_1\, A_2\, A_3]$, where each $A_i$ is an operator, then I would think that $[A,A]=0$, because $[A_i,A_i]=0$. But apparently we have $[A,A]_{i,j}=[A_i,A_j]$, so we have to consider all components. I found this last expression as the definition of $[A,A]$ on a stack post, but I don't really understand why my own thinking doesn't hold.
I used to think that a vector operator is just a vector whose components are operators, but I'm finding online that there are a couple more conditions for something to be called an operator (but it's still quite confusing to me). Could someone clarify, or maybe redirect me to a readable source?
The position I applied for was actually a data role in security, but the interviewer suggested a different role may be a better fit in a way that suggested that I could either be a top candidate for that role or a not top candidate for the role I originally applied for
my initial interview with the AI consultancy had the interviewer say they think I'm a better fit for a slightly different role
and they asked for a 2nd interview
Yeah that's basically what happened
welp, can't change anything now
just gotta wait and see
we are in the same boat :D
But the suggested role sounds pretty good as well and it sounds like there's some flexibility in roles
@ShaVuklia The commutator of two "vector operators" is not actually a standard concept because you'd have to say what it means to actually apply the full vector to a state twice, and it is not clear what $\vec A \vec A \lvert \psi\rangle$ is supposed to be (the definition from the stack post you cite implies it's a matrix of states, but it's not clear that that's the "natural" notion). You can define it however you like.
And a vector operator is just a vector whose components are vectors. Who's trying to tell you otherwise?
there's generally some flexibility, unless the company is hiring for a specific project or something
Well it sounded like a specific project, but the project is something that's just getting started it seems
@enumaris I choose to believe that an AI consultancy is a consultancy founded and led by an AI.
I see
@ACuriousMind it could be the case...I have not met the founder yet
dun dun dun...
I've met (conference called) with 3 data scientists and 1 principal data scientist
Or 1 good machine
could be
1 machine that passed the turing test 4 times
Clearly, "data scientist" is just a multivalued function.
(That's a pun on prinicpal value)
(explaining jokes takes the fun out of it bro)
should let me stew
wonder what exactly you mean
and maybe in 15 years I'll let out a chuckle
:47792851 1. As I said, there's no standard notion, so it is what ever you'd like it to be. Applying a vector of operators to a state is rarely useful. 2. Is the $i$ in your expression summed over? If yes, then one would more expect that to be written $(\vec A\cdot \vec A)\lvert \psi\rangle$.
I wonder what gradient descent does with a multivalued function
it just does it element by element
@ACuriousMind yes, I just realised your second point. If we apply $\vec A$ once, then it's quite straightforward what we get, because $\vert\psi\rangle$ is scalar, but if we apply $\vec A$ twice, then on the second application we would have to define our product. that's how I'm seeing it now
you get a Jacobian matrix rather than a Jacobian vector
Wait aren't all Jacobians matrices?
@enumaris I think you're confusing a multi-valued function with a vector-valued function...
$(\delta J)_{ij} = \partial J_i/\partial W_j$
Also, what @danielunderwood said.
right, so if you have a vector-valued function you have a Jacobian matrix
@ShaVuklia I think the more important question here is why you'd want to define that at all.
if you have a scalar-valued function, your "jacobian matrix" is really just a row vector...
@ACuriousMind I just came across this, because my reader asked me to show that $L$ doesn't commute with itself
@enumaris It is still, semantically, a matrix, since it operates on tangent vectors.
Oh you're calling the gradient a Jacobian. And I'm not really saying a vector-valued function. I'm saying something like an inverse trig function or square root. Though I suppose you could use the branches as components or something
I guess it's not that useful, but I wondered because of the exercise
@ShaVuklia Ugh. I hate such ill-defined questions :P
Why wouldn't they just say: "Show that $[L_i,L_j] \neq 0$ for $i\neq j$."
@danielunderwood I've not dealt with complex loss functions so I'm not sure
I think I know what they were on about
let me show
Because that's certainly what they intended you to do.
Though the square root would be particularly odd since it would "fall off" if you didn't look at the imaginary component too
no no, they had sth else in mind:p slightly different
let me show;
first they want me to write $L$ as a cross product of itself
and then I can show that $[L,L]\neq 0$
what I was referring to is
but I was thinking, screw that cross product, I just want the definition of [L,L] :p which apparently turns out to be $[L,L]_{i,j} = [L_i,L_j]$:d
if you use like some generic loss in tensorflow but forget to average it over some dimension, tensorflow will still work iirc...
If you did not explicitly define the commutator of vector operators somewhere, I still maintain that's an ill-defined exercise :P
tbh it has been a while since I've done something like that on purpose
I suppose if you change your choice of principle value, you'd end up with something like this datascience.stackexchange.com/questions/23257/…
wrong link
hahah I agree, it's ill-defined, but they strongly suggest a certain approach:p
Multi-objective optimization (also known as multi-objective programming, vector optimization, multicriteria optimization, multiattribute optimization or Pareto optimization) is an area of multiple criteria decision making, that is concerned with mathematical optimization problems involving more than one objective function to be optimized simultaneously. Multi-objective optimization has been applied in many fields of science, including engineering, economics and logistics where optimal decisions need to be taken in the presence of trade-offs between two or more conflicting objectives. Minimizing...
I think I have a problem in being interested in edge/pathological cases
@danielunderwood Uh...just do constrained extremization with Lagrange multipliers?
yeah I dunno what the application might be, but I just recall tensorflow didn't error out when I forgot to average over some dimension I think
so my last post (2 posts back) should actually say I can't recall ever doing something like that on purpose
it was all accidental
hmmm I'm not all that familiar with Lagrange multipliers
I had a reason to learn them for something, then promptly forgot
Ah, nevermind, I misunderstood the problem setup
lagrange multipliers allow you to optimize a function given some constraint
the multipliers implement the constraints
Yeah but I don't remember how to do the actual calculation. It's fairly simple iirc though
Q: Time for some more swag!

JNatOn occasion of our anniversary celebrations, we offered some cheese boards a while back. If you were late for that, though, no sweat! You’re just in time for another limited edition super special swag contest! This is the bit where you go “It’s about time, isn’t it?” To which I’ll reply with “we...

oh, man
that is so tempting
PSE sure does have fewer questions tagged time than I would have thought
I'm thinking a dedicated Q&A on that tag would make a nice entry
> number of violations of PEP8 are embarrassing
Every Python programmer, ever.
no idea if I have the time to write it before FGITW takes over though
I object - that's not what Big Ben looks like. This is what it looks like (as of this year, and until ~2021, it seems). — E.P. 10 mins ago
does any python programmer actually read the PEP guidelines?
I read specific cases...
I feed my code through pylint or similar
meta.stackexchange.com/a/318926/263383 ...they nuke spam on Stack Exchange using a smartwatch? Oh brave new world we live in.
I feel the deletion should be triggered by a punch-y gesture, though
I don't know that I've ever looked at PEP8 much, but I do look at PEPs occasionally
also I liked the inclusion of this in one of the answers
If you plot a graph of intensity vs angle after a double slit experiment what is that type of curve called?
Like a sine waveform but which damps in both directions
I'll try find a picture
@SpaceOtter The enveloping function (responsible for the damping) is the square of a sinc
Also, the sine wave is actually a squared sine.
I bet the guy who came up with the name cardinal sine had a good laugh
Hmm, It seems origin doesn't do that
Thanks though @ACuriousMind
@Slereah ...before he went to HELL
helle's belles?
Uh oh...just got a "take home assignment" from that interview

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