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I think I've put together a resume in the most ridiculous way possible. You define everything in JSON and then tweak templates/CSS until you're happy and it generates everything github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume
don't have to understand them to use em
just use em
I'm reading through the drama of IPS getting booted off HNQ lol
They're just the path that closed strings go through in spacetime, right?
yeah, people like to drew them like a pair of trousers
think feymann diagrams being ballooned up into cylinders
dunno, just call them world tubes :P
the technical name is worldsheets
but worldsheets also applies for open strings
Worldsheets is basically worldliness traced out by strings
You also have world volume if you are using branes in M theory
dammit, the original tweet is deleted
now I don't know which question sparked the backlash to get IPS booted
@Secret I like "tubes"
wowzah, found a meta post with the actual questions involved
those questions are so vanilla lol
holy jeez
so much salt...ah yes...this salt sustains me...
mmm my favorite part of internet culture
somehow a question asking about how to tell someone they are autistic is "ableism"
This is a weird question, but have you ever just felt the saltiness while playing a competitive game? I've had these periods of like tense super-stress...or maybe I'm just weird
o.o I've gotten pissed off at losing
do you mean that?
I've also got stress from not wanting to lose
A: How do you tell a Facebook friend that they might be on the autism spectrum?

AstralbeeAutism is understood today in a way that it never was in the past, which is why so many kids are getting a diagnosis, but also why so many adults that may be on the autism spectrum were never diagnosed. You point out that there is a clear difference between thinking you are on the autism spectru...

the OP is autistic himself...uhhhhh
lol maybe I'm just weird. It's a bit different than just getting pissed...like a thing across multiple games
A facebook friend that he's never met and they have no mutual friends?
Actually I suppose that may be like talking to people on here
What's the difference?
For your video game thing I mean
uhhh like it always ends up with my back being super tense and it just gets worse the long I play
Maybe I sit differently when I start to get frustrated or something
Or maybe the other people insulting me are doing it to relieve that feeling
I submitted a resume for the AI recruiter job, but they didn't seem to send any confirmation and their form exploded when I tried to use the connect linkedin button...I don't have high hopes
Only for multiplayer games?
Yeah it's only when I get frustrated from losing
Jumping from software to HR is a pretty big jump
No idea what it is, but it isn't pleasant
You sure you want that jump lol
I mean any data science role is going to be fairly close to software, isn't it?
I don't get back spasms... probably you're tensing your muscles or something...
maybe you just aren't salty enough
Oh, you mean AI recruiting like building systems to help recruiting?
Yeah...did you think I was going to become an actual recruiter? That sounds terrible!
Lol yeah, like a technical recruiter in the ai space
I'm far too introverted for something like that
Not to mention the lack of technical challenge
I put my resume on stella.ai
Not a peep from there tho
You can check it out
oh man this is kind of like something I thought about doing
"tinder for jobs"
Although it only suggested me one job...I suppose the other half is to hope an employer searches you?
> Are you willing to relocate?
...2 other questions
> Are you willing to relocate to North Carolina?
Quick Question: could anyone explain why Bernoulli's principle doesn't correctly apply to viscous fluids. Is it because it does not account for the friction between the fluid particles?
1 hour later…
@Secret Maybe
The paper mentioned about that some of the new particles are fractionally charged gravitinos which can form massive bound states, thus a candidate for dark matter
but nothing very unusual I can see so far
4 hours later…
@Johnrennie are you around?
1 hour later…
what does moduli stalilization, which often appears in the context of string theory, mean? Does it mean to remove the singularities of a moduli space?
@CaptainBohemian the moduli are the parameters that determine the geometry e.g. the size of the compact dimensions.
In principle the moduli are free parameters, and the trouble with this is you'd expect them to naturally shrink to zero or expand to infinity. So why don't they?
This is addressed by theories like KKLT that suggest a mechanism for fixing the values of the moduli, hence moduli stabilization. I don't know if KKLT is still considered the state of the art in string theory of whether it's since been superceded.
@JohnRennie how does KKLT fix the values of the moduli? introduce some extra fields?
@CaptainBohemian KKLT is so amazingly complicated that even Ed Witten found it baffling, and I have absolutely no idea how it works. It's to do with wrapping of strings round the compact dimensions.
regular string theory is hard enough
@CaptainBohemian this is the paper - may the force be with you ...
Francisco Lobo is in Lisbonne university
cool stuff but a bit far, I dunno
It's like old professors often don't supervise PhD students.
I can keep myself busy
what I can't do is get that sweet sweet money
I should look into the netherlands, too
not too far from here
like closer than York
there are only 6 universities in Netherlands having theoretical physics, and it's like all of them are members of an organization.
I mean y'know
I'm sure a lot of stuff isn't ideal
But that's a worry to have when I have more than zero offers
and most high energy physics professors are members of nikhef.
most theoretical physics universities are around Amsterdam and only one Groningen is not.
@JohnRennie are you around?
@Nobodyrecognizeable hi
@JohnRennie recently i answered a question and got +24 on that but there are 0 votes on that how ?
@Johnrennie are you still here?
@Nobodyrecognizeable link?
@JohnRennie the same question you answered recently "what is the velocity of photons in water"
You got 3 upvotes and 3 downvotes. Each upvote adds +10 rep and each downvote -2 rep, hence the net change of +24.
@Johnrennie ok i see . Sometimes you write your answer and see the other answer posted by site topper. And you shake ..... on what have you done ......
First experience on life.
@Nobodyrecognizeable Your answer is one that is commonly used to explain why light travels more slowly in a dielectric, but it's an oversimplification that is fine at the pop science level but not for physics students. I'd guess that's why it has attracted downvotes.
@JohnRennie @ACuriousMind Hi there :), I had a general question about solving Heisenberg EOM, I've heard people discussing "if you solve the backward Heisenberg eq, you can get rid of the time ordered exponentials...", and I'm trying to figure out what they meant. I guess this starts from the fact that we have a Hamiltonian operator where $H(t_i)$ and $H(t_j)$ don't commute for i and j different (and hence the time ordered exps). Do you have any guesses what they must have meant?
I wouldn't have downvoted it because it is a common description, but I guess the downvoters disagree with me.
@user929304 I've never studied matrix mechanics I'm afraid.
@JohnRennie no worries, thanks for getting back to me nonetheless.
@JohnRennie i see i have to be a proper physics student anyway . Anyway ill note that . Ok . Professor have a nice day, goodbye.
@Nobodyrecognizeable this should be laid out in a bit more detail in your user profile's reputation tab
@Slereah "far", lol
try being a 12-hour flight away from home
(at best)
@EmilioPisanty are you from mamerica
Another not-no answer!
And this one in Paris
though still no funding so gotta send another application
Can anyone give me 72.000€ so I can just self-finance a thesis
@Slereah it depends on what you mean by that
@EmilioPisanty So that means "America but not the US"
if you're using a geographically-correct understanding of America, then yes
Sorry @EmilioPisanty
Only the US is America
@Slereah sorry, I think your text got garbled there, I think you meant "only the US is arrogant enough to think that they and only they count as 'America' "
More paperwork to do!
Also I really should finish that personal statement thing
Also what should I send if I want to apply to the thesis you're proposing?
Like my standard pitch?
Do i mention you or something?
is there a secret handshake
@Slereah If you're interested in the quantum-optics-hhg project, then you should mention explicitly that you've been in contact with me, that you've seen the project proposal for blending QO with HHG, and that that's one of the areas that you're interested in exploring (or something like that)
if there are other areas our group works on that you're also interested in, then obviously mention them
Well if it has non-perturbative QFT stuff that indeed could be nice
got a link to the group?.
be as specific as you can
@Slereah we don't do QFT much. This project doesn't really do QFT - only insofar as quantum optics does
you won't need anything that isn't in Gerry & Knight
at least to start with
should probably read some of the papers I guess
@Slereah yep
if you're interested in this project, read the Tzallas papers, with an emphasis on the first one
It's quite unfortunate I only like physics that will be of no use to anyone
not the type to usually come with a funding
or when it does you have to be top of the class or something
if you want to look at the broader areas in our group, then look for the broader publications of the group ;-)
I'll look into it, thanks
mb I should ask Valter Moretti if he's hiring, too
You've got Alain Aspect as an experimental collaborator? That's pretty neat.
@Semiclassical well
@ValterMoretti Hire me plz
historically, at least
this seems to be the latest paper from that collaboration
but, I mean, if you're counting fancy names
I kind of start with "our group leader is Maciej Lewenstein", y'know
It's pretty hard to randomly find people you know browsing universities, really
I only found two that way
Henneaux and Di Francesco
But then again, not that many big theory people around here
It would really be nice if there was a centralized list of PhD topics really
Just finding it on each site is an adventure
Apparently Yvonne Choquet Bruhat's last PhD student was in 1975
Probably not a good idea to ask


@SirCumference ow
Hey there.
"Do the research scientists of AI have to wear rings with gems, precious stones..."
I know I do
Maybe that's why I'm not good at some things
I just need the right ring
Quick question: is there any widely-used symbol to relate two physical, measurable quantities in such a way that $v_1 \mathbb{R} v_2$ iff $\mathrm{sgn}\, \mathrm d v_1 = \mathrm{sgn}\, \mathrm d v_2$?
I also find it impressive that he asked a previous question that wasn't all caps
@LucasHenrique Same derivative sign you mean?
In other terms, $O(v_1) = O(v_2)$. My motivation is usual language: for example, Newton’s law of gravity; more distance, less force. But not a direct proportion.
@Slereah yes, pretty much. Stopping to think, the differentials here are nonsense.
Can't really think of a widespread symbol for that, no
@Slereah there are several
I've lost track of where they are
but they do exist
$\Delta v_1\propto \Delta v_2$, maybe
@EmilioPisanty Well yes, but that's kind of the point
or maybe just $\Delta v_1\sim \Delta v_2$
"several" is pretty much the opposite of centralized
And most universities don't even list them there
So I just have to go scrounge a hundred websites
or just send random emails to scientists
Isn’t that direct proportionality tho?
Yeah, you could have $x = -y$ and then it would still be $x \propto y$
oh, you're interested in the sign of the changes being the same
Even though it's the opposite of what you want
yeah, I don't think you'll find anything helpful there
someone went mildly star happy
So there's a chat event soon
I've got a topic
Plz give generously
Gotta do all the song and dance to get one
will compute feynman integrals for food
It was really a big mistake to do my master in Nantes really
Place is terrible to do theory at
But can't change the past
I'm sure they'll give you funding if you figure out time travel
Also go back and tell me to not be a bad student
Well I'm not gonna figure it out while coding websites at the same time, that's for sure
Find someone with funding and a terrible website
^and the desire to make said website not terrible
@danielunderwood It's physics
They all have terrible websites
And none of them care about having terrible websites
Have you seen 't Hooft's website?
He has a nobel prize, he's got money
> Last revised: ≥ March 9, 2018
Yeah you'd think it was last updated in 1998
I was looking to see if there was a date it was originally created, but I couldn't find anything
I half-expected a comment with all that in the source from a lot of the old scientific code I've seen
Hey Verlinde!
I wonder which academic has the best (looking) personal website
Peter Wittek's seems nice
Do you mean content or design?
Oh man
I mean, really
Content is a plus
From what I've experienced
I'd probably say mine
And my website's design is awful
It's not really a good contest
This seems decent ^
It does look modern yeah
though it looks like just a random blog design
Yeah, I guess they just used a template
I don't think I've seen any professionally (custom) designed faculty webpage so far
At least in the STEM fields
More reason to hire me
I designed my own website!
All in fancy modern technologies!
You could send your Ph.D. applications with that as an exchange offer. "Admit me, and I'll design your website for free!" :)
That's just an underhanded "I think your website is ugly" comment!
@Slereah Heh. By the way, did you consider applying to the US or Canada side also? Or is Europe better for you due to the locational advantage?
Europe is better indeed
Although if things don't pan out I guess I'll try broadening to the US and Canada, too
It is some kind of utility function that has the topic of the thesis, the proximity to here, the salary, how much time is left and whether or not I know people in that city are the parameters
US applications seem a bit easier in the sense that they have formal admission processes, rather than - "mail and wait for response"
So as time goes on I'll probably look more into the applied QM thesis and US thesis
For now I'm mostly looking at theory in Europe
Y'know, don't want to have to spend a thousand bucks to go visit friends and all
@Slereah I can understand, yeah :/
The distance is gonna be a problem
also the US is seeming pretty scary these days :p
I thought the same
Let's see if Montreal is cool
AFT moved from Spain to Canada. I wonder how's he doing these days
QFT PhD iirc
Hi, good morning everyone. I'm here because of an e-mail regarding the scheduled chat that was a while back.
How is everyone?
@Nick Hiya!
@Blue 'sup, hiya! What are we talking about?
@Blue my advisor created the one for the group I was in, but I think it looks fairly nice physics.ncsu.edu/longland
@Semiclassical My dearest @Semiclassical
@Nick Sadly contemplating the terrible scarcity of funded Ph.D. positions in theoretical physics :P
@danielunderwood Oh, your advisor designed it himself?
@Blue Yes, funding. What every researcher needs.
That looks rather nice
You know what I hate?
People that think research is gonna work like some other field
And they're like "Oh well I just didn't go with another company and started my own!"
Like they think someone is gonna pay me to do fundamental research like that
@Blue yeah I'm fairly sure he did. Wasn't really something we talked about more than a couple times though
I don't even know what kind of money you could do in theoretical physics
You don't get paid to publish articles
I get "just go to grad school part time like everyone else does" a lot...it's a bit annoying
You barely make any money writing books
And I don't think you get paid for conferences
@Slereah Eeh. Don't bother about the ignorant public
Just get rich so you don't have to worry about money!
@danielunderwood I'm currently trying to find the pirate's gold
All the doubloons
though really in France I don't think you even can do self funding for physics
@Slereah fyi (full sympathies but...) that sounds a lot like what hardy semifamously said about number theory in the early 20th century... and it turned out to be "not very accurate"...
@vzn Not arguing about the possible applications that some field may have
It's more "Who will actually fund this right now"
Maybe you could find a sneaky way to do GR where there's more funding? Numerical relativity or astro type stuff
Yeah I'll probably expand into this if this doesn't pan out
@Semiclassical yeah. As said, my interest is linguistic: “bigger distance, lesser force”. However, $F \propto 1/d$ is not correct.
@vzn I'm sure that was a huge comfort to the penniless 19th-century number-theory prospective PhD students =P
@Slereah yeah @#%& neoliberal capitalism is like that :P
@EmilioPisanty Dying of cholera in the gutters
@Slereah scribbling diophantine equations in the gutters with whatever fluid was around?
I mean you know
Or maybe there's a rich person who wants to know about GR
lol geez
I'm all about the real use of theoretical physics and all
But they're not really the kind of stuff you can go ask rich people with
it is several levels removed from usefulness
@danielunderwood Lol, maybe just email Bill Gates. He might be interested :P
@EmilioPisanty theres a great movie about hardy + ramanujan from a few yrs ago, highly recommend it :)
@Blue he evidently watches educational videos while exercising or something like that...just get him to replace those with GR lectures
Exactly, that's the plan
I'd do it if I had billions
I can pretend to be a poor african child

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