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12:09 AM
oh jeez
dba moved my table and my tableau dashboard broke
problem is, I've forgotten how the joins worked...so I now need to figure out how to reproduce that data source...
oh yay, tableau allows me to just replace that data source by dragging another table over it
seems legit
I've seen a lot of job postings listing tableau experience. Is it the type of thing I could sit down for an afternoon and figure out?
Also have you heard of a company doing systems monitoring with ML? I was trying to find it, but forgot who was doing it
I have not heard of such a company
Tableau is just data visualization
it's one of those things I think it'd be best to just play around with it and make graphs until you figure out the functionalities
hmmm my brain needs better indexing for search
and ahh doesn't sound too bad
it makes some pretty graphs
but I'm not too happy with its "intuitiveness"
also, it's really dumb that tableau tries to redo all the connections at every refresh
and won't let me cancel them nicely -.-
2 hours later…
2:52 AM
@bolbteppa not sure what the question is, you mean the new Meissner-Nicolai theory?
3:38 AM
If you have a function like tanh that has some vertical asymptote, would you say that value is in the range? Like do you have $\tanh: \mathbb{R} \to [-1, 1]$ or $\tanh: \mathbb{R} \to (-1, 1)$?
2 hours later…
5:31 AM
@danielunderwood The latter because for no real number it attains a value of $1$ or $-1$
9:08 AM
@Johnrennie you there ?
5 hours later…
2:33 PM
@vzn yeah
3:15 PM
@bolbteppa almost )( nobody has spoken positively of Tenev-Horstemeyer here other than me (to say the least; there has been very strong criticism/ pushback). the Meissner-Nicolai work/ innovation has pros and cons. its a different angle. if physorg had written on Tenev-Horstemeyer, youre right, it wouldnt be much different.
arxiv is full of hundreds, thousands of papers full with speculation. how to separate the needle in the haystack? signal in the noise? only time will tell™ the future is already here its just not evenly distributed™ the pioneers are the ones with the arrows in their backs™
its all about kuhnianism + human unpredictability + bias. yes, popsci coverage (where physorg is close to that) can help build momentum around a theory. why did physorg pick one theory over another? its the collective id in play so to speak. also... the truth is out there™
3:31 PM
::X files theme plays::
4:15 PM
@ACuriousMind since you are the moderator, I must respect your authority. But give me the possibility of telling you that the questions that I have made were absolutely related in order to understand the physical meaning of that potential. I haven't asked unrelated questions. On the contrary, the additional questions were useful to understand my difficulties with that kind of theories.
@newUser Oh, I understand that you ask all these questions to a specific end. But what matters here is whether they can be answered separately - if they can, they should be asked as individual questions.
@ACuriousMind I have edited the question
@ACuriousMind I am pretty sure that if you answer one question, all the other answers follow immediately. This is the reason why I have just wrote a single post.
4:28 PM
@ACuriousMind There's DiFrancesco at a french lab
Gonna try to apply there :p
Didn't know you were into CFT :P
I'm into CFT over web development
hell I'm even looking into stat mech thesises
@Slereah Saclay is very far from Paris. Get used to walk a lot :D
Hell I went to Saclay for my software engineering degree
I've been there before
Also I don't live in Paris at all
So the issue is more getting a flat there
are you going to apply for post-doc?
4:37 PM
Though so far the first problem is just getting a thesis at all
Just a doc for a start!
It's not looking that good
Trying to find a theoretical physics PhD that will take me and is financed isn't easy
I have spent some times in Saclay, if you need any suggestion...
Well, if you need a PhD student :p
I'm there!
I am still a PhD student eheh
You can delegate some of that work onto me :p
Pyramid scheme PhD
What are you doing your thesis on?
different topics, from EFTs to EW phase transitions
this is why I am studying cosmology from Weinberg's book
@Slereah only one advice. Look for young researchers
4:49 PM
@newUser I'm not in a field where I can really ask for a specific kind
I've got to cast a broad net
@Slereah electroweak, I'd guess
The guy who answered me for a thesis is also an electroweak thesis
it's not looking so good
@Slereah Yes, Electroweak
@Slereah It depends. The topic is too vague
this one
He is asking for quite a level though
oh wait, different thesis I'm thinking of
@Slereah Antoniadis is not young at all eheh
it depends on what you want to work on
4:53 PM
So far he's the only one who answered with something other than "No thesis!" though
Also I'm not young either
I am an old man now
how old?
RIP me
it is not a problem at all
you have to be motivated ;)
You can say that again when I actually found a thesis :p
@vzn ahah
@Slereah Did you ask Anton.. about doing it
4:57 PM
I did
No way
Well, depends what you mean by "doing it"
What happened
If you mean the thesis, yes
"Thank you for your interest. The problem with my thesis proposal is that it requires a good knowledge of some theoretical courses that you may have not taken: advanced QFT, supersymmetry and supergravity and introduction to string theory (besides particles physics of the Standard Model end Beyond, GR and cosmology). If you think you can compete for a fellowship in EDPIF, you can send me a detailed CV with grades of the last years and a list of corses that you have taken."
You mean the phd or an msc
4:57 PM
It's not looking too good
Already got a master
Have you done any of those before (on paper)
Well not in class
My master wasn't that great on theory
Mostly basic QFT and cosmology
I did do some stuff on my own, though not a lot of SUSY
Sent him a mail with what I did, though I'm not holding much hope
Especially if I have to compete for financing
@Slereah Where are you from?
Lille right now
Unfortunately there ain't nothing good there
So, are you looking thesis in France?
have you tried abroad?
5:02 PM
France and Belgium
I challenge you to find me a places that teaches a sugra course
Well his university, I guess
He's at the ENS
He is not at the ecole polytechnique anymore?
Lemme check
Is there like an msc course on it there
5:04 PM
Let's see the courses
It's apparently associated to la sorbonne
@vzn the point is you really have no idea either way, whether the Tenev stuff is any different from the Nic stuff, I really have no idea why you wouldn't end up espousing the idea in that article as the real answer to everything - the only difference I can see is a completely arbitrary anti-establishment variable :p
I think it's that one
first semester :
Lie groups, Lie algebras and representations
Statistical field theory and applications
General relativity
Condensed Matter Theory
Numerical Physics : algorithms and computations
Second semester :
Advanced Topics in Quantum Field Theory
String Theory
Differential geometry and gauge theory
Renormalization group theory and applications
Introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics
Information, Inference, Networks : from Statistical Physics to Big Biological Data
Quantum Field Theory II
Particle Physics : The Standard Model
Algebra, Integrability and Exactly Solvable Models
Selected topics in statistical field theory
Statistical Physics2 : Dispordered Systems and Interdisciplinary Applications
See there isn't even a susy course there
Might be in " Advanced Topics in Quantum Field Theory "
'This course will cover a selection of advanced topics in quantum field theory (anomalies, instantons, monopoles etc...).'
Different title course, same lecturer, probably same course
5:10 PM
Man I really shouldn't have stayed in Nantes for my master
Our school sucks
'one example for physics beyond the standard model : supersymmetry' in the SM course, but it would be almost nothing on it I'd say
Between now and starting time one could prep as if they were doing a course on these things
Well I told him all I did and that I was willing to brush up on it during the lead up to the 2019 PhD season
Not much more I can do
I should probably buy that SUSY book you recommended
Get the Demystified one
Do the more advanced one later
5:13 PM
the hell is that cover
Your future self super-fied
God I hope not
Still got a bunch of leads
Plus really
PhD season for 2019 is all the way up to october 2019
So I'll be at it all year
Funding season isn't though
Tell me about it
After X-mas your best chance goes, but then ads will still come up with funding so it's up to chance offerings
5:15 PM
but then again even before it is quite up to chance
(I'd read responses like that as insurance on their side and as an opportunity to assuage worries about lasting/coping)
Theoretical physics isn't really a field with a plethora of easy to get thesis
@vzn that Nic article is different from almost everything else in that it claims to get gravity into the sm, in a completely different league to (what you think is) some alternative classical way of viewing classical GR
It's too bad doing a thesis on classical GR isn't really a thing anymore
More my thing
Gotta throw in all that quantum
Cosmology would be a sneaky way to do that no
5:25 PM
@bolbteppa definitely do have an idea, others dont have same ideas, or have few to no ideas... have outlined the thinking behind it in here + my blog repeatedly, it falls on deaf ears :P :(
I don't even think you can do theoretical cosmology these days without a hefty dose of QFT
either that or you just do a lot of experimental stuff
@Slereah How's computational cosmology/astronomy these days?
London's not too far I suppose
Can go back home on the weekend
'Conservation laws for linearized gravity on black hole spacetimes'
'The Willmore functional and related functionals in GR'
'Global numerical evolution of radiative asymptotically flat spacetimes from Cauchy data'
'Critical behaviour and cosmic censorship in the gravitational collapse of axisymmetric matter fields'
5:31 PM
Nice but Munich's a bit far from me probably :p
Well I can try I suppose
'Black hole jets and holography
Theoretical aspects of black hole collisions, symmetries and future experiments
The quest for missing black hole solutions in higher dimensional theories'
Loads of potential ones anyway
It's quite a bother that I bought a flat really
Feels annoying to have to leave it behind
Could rent it out
Yeah I suppose
@vzn ideas that make sense and can be justified, I've really tried to explain the fatal (basic) flaw with your ideas and no response
5:38 PM
Munich professors have the tendency of nonreplying.
They all do
but y'know
As I said
Gotta cast a broad net
Though if I'm looking far abroad
Maybe I should try to write to the few guys I actually have read their papers
I read Giulini's paper but after writing to him, he doesn't reply me.
Fewster's in York
That's not toooo far
Hawking's not too far either but he is also dead
you'd still have to read his huge book
Hawking didn't write a huge book
5:51 PM
only to then get silent guidance :p
You're thinking of Ringstrom
Fuck Ringstrom's book is huge
@bolbteppa That's not a book
It's a compilation of articles!
Hm, Ringstrom is in Sweden
is reading professors' papers helpful in contacting professors? I find professors wouldn't reply my questions in their papers via email; maybe they lack time. Only my MSc advisor has done that.
@CaptainBohemian It depends
I wrote a few people about their papers
Response rate is about 50%
5:53 PM
@Slereah I mean whether they reply you about the specific questions in their papers, not whether they will give position.
I repropose the question... :D if anyone knows the answer... physics.stackexchange.com/questions/441381/…
That is what I meant, yes
At the end of the day, your best chance is reading or knowing some of their papers and writing based off that
or applying to a place which accepts general applications (e.g. oxbridge, usa) and seeing what happens
@Slereah really? they bother to reply you with detail answers with math by LaTeX?
Well I mean, don't expect a full paper as a reply
But they may answer specific questions, yes
Krasnikov, Geroch and Ellis did
5:58 PM
I will jot down these names Krasnikov, Geroch and Ellis for the possibility of sending them emails with physics questions.
Geroch was pretty nice
6:12 PM
I read the papers of a Munich professor and even posted a question issuing from those papers in physics forum but nobody replies me.
about Higgs mechanism for gravity
hey nice
Fewster has a PhD program thing
"PhD supervision is available in any of the areas listed above, or more generally in quantum field theory in curved spacetimes."
I'm sending him one
6:37 PM
You're touching 'the quantum'
6:49 PM
Eh that's fine
hey do you know about I. E. Irodov's thermodynamics book
I have the russian but couldn't find any english translation
do you know if there is one?
7:05 PM
@Blue thanks! That's what I suspected, but wasn't entirely sure. I suppose it's similar to a function being undefined for some point in its domain and having an asymptote
@danielunderwood Exactly :)
@Yellow Do you have the link to the Russian version?
I know only 3 of Irodov's books which are available in English. Thermodynamics ain't one. ;)
@bolbteppa ("finding a way to agree") we agree there is some flawed thinking going on :P
Physics is hard man
7:13 PM
hmmm speaking of blind spots, lets count how many phds with topnotch credentials endorse ideas you/ others snap dismiss/ reject... oh nevermind, whatever™...
@Blue Can you recommend any other currently studying for ipho and resnick and its derrivatives are boooooring
@vzn This Tenev stuff is fatally flawed :p, there's a big difference, why would you choose it over the article I sent which is not so inherently broken
@Yellow I'd recommend getting this, if it's available. They also have an associated website. Check out the Advanced Illustrations there.
(lol) lets see, a few names off the top of my head: t' hooft, susskind, bush, couder, wolfram, feynman, fredkin, tenev + horstemeyer, bell... etc
@Yellow Or HC Verma
7:19 PM
For IPhO however, you'd need to solve a lot of problems I guess.
Check past papers and all that.
Are tests and olympiads super common in India or am I just getting sampling bias from being here? I don't remember anyone really doing those things when I was in high school. I was one of the few people who even took the ACT
@danielunderwood Yes, they're super common here ;)
They are pretty common in India but I am not
Yellow isn't from India iirc
7:28 PM
that's right
That's going to take a lot to get right in my head with Blue being from India and Yellow being blue
that's the point
but why does it matter we might just be bots :D
If you guys are bots, you should sell your technology to Amazon so my echo can actually answer questions :D
Amazon can't afford me. I can't speak for Yellow though. :P
I can finish irodovs electromagnetism book in a night
such an easy read
7:35 PM
I never read it. Is it good?
it looks fine
not like griffiths tho
I personally like griffiths better but irodov has great problems and a smooth flow
it is a better fit for olympiad study
I see
do you guys know of any books which is the goldstein of electrodynamics
will check it
7:39 PM
They say it's grad school level
I wouldn't try it for Olympiads
Goldstein isn't for Olympiads either
@danielunderwood How popular is the Putnam in the USA?
I've liked the parts of Jackson that I've had a solid understanding of at the level of Griffiths since he mentioned some mathematical details that Griffiths left out. I felt like I was lost at sea when looking at some stuff in Jackson that I didn't have earlier knowledge of though
i know but goldstein is a great book
7:42 PM
I didn't know anyone that took it and never really heard of it until some math YouTube channel (3B1B?) mentioned it
that's usually the way with grad level stuff
Though my high school was terribly weak in math/science now that I look back at it. Sadly it was by far the best high school around though

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