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02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@danielunderwood That's nothing, just pray that the other person doesn't know he married his cousin :P
You think you're Einstein?
"Why...yes I am"
Einstein also worked on hydrodynamics. I've cited his work on the vicosity of dispersions.
And on stirring tea.
(I haven't cited that)
I'd make a pithy comment about tea stirring, but
I'm American. so my knowledge of tea is basically "I know that I don't know how to make it right"
A: What forces are at work causing sand to migrate to the centre of a spinning bucket of water?

John RennieThe problem was solved by a certain Albert Einstein, who is probably not unknown to users of this web site. Actually he also calculated the viscosity of particle dispersions (Einstein (1906). A. Ann. Phys. 19: 289 - not on the net!). Presumably he only did special relativity after getting bored w...

3 down 4 to go...
@user1732 no, but I often pass by
I like to think that I know how to make tea properly, but I may be a joke if I went elsewhere
u ever participate in a tea ceremony?
I watched one in China, was pretty cool
good tea
I've heard of them, but never had a chance to participate or see one in person. I think it would be neat
pretty neat
I've actually never had tea out of a teapot now that I think of it. I've only had single brews...guess I'm not a real tea guy
Get some quality tea
really does make a difference
(hard to go back tot he cheap stuff after getting used to the quality stuff though)
I mean I think I have quality tea, I just use a single cup infuser. Well I don't know if it's qualitea, but it's better than lipton or something
I did get some pu'er a while back and thought it was quite strange. I've heard of people getting whole tea bricks, but I'm not in quite that deep
@ACuriousMind the good thing about the Lemaître-Hubble affair is that it is finally going to get fixed by decree
@JohnRennie Is that like the Buckingham Pi Theorem?
High end Tie-guan-yin tea is so good
Yeah I'm definitely not at the level of different varieties of tea. I've liked some teas better than others, but don't really know the difference
I will say that I love jasmine tea. Don't know if that makes me a tea casual or not
there's the different levels at the level of Jasmine vs Chrysanthemum, Oolong, etc...
and then there's different levels at the level of within Oolong there's subcategories like Tie-Guan-Yin
I think most people are at that first level of difference...and so am I generally speaking, but I do like myself a good cup of Tie-guan-yin
Hmmm chrysanthemum tea sounds interesting
I also love earl grey, though I know that's just a flavor on top and has nothing to do with the actual tea
Chrysanthemum tea is quite good, but it's almost not a tea since it's a flower tea
doesn't really have a tea taste
Is jasmine the same way typically? The tea that I have now is actually some sort of green tea with jasmine, though I don't know if that's normal
Jasmine is another flower tea, but its so ubiquitous that I feel like it has a "tea taste"
a good jasmine should be very aromatic
smell the tea leaves
You should be able to smell the jasmine
In the olden days Chinese people would sew tea leaves into their pillows for mild aromatherapy :D
They're certainly aromatic and different from a typical tea, but I don't know that I've ever smelled a jasmine flower to compare with
A tea pillow sounds interesting
I also recently tried fir tip tea. It indeed tasted like a tree
just the tip, eh
On another topic, evidently twitter is either filled with bots/user farms or it's the premier political forum of today. I started pulling in a bunch of tweets to mess with and at a rough look, around half of them seem to be related to politics in some way
Though I was specifically looking for people complaining about things, so maybe that skewed the results
Half of all tweets are from The Don?
he is twitter
Though last night seemed to mostly be regarding the supreme court nomination. A lot of the ones coming in were just retweets, which was mildly annoying
Brett Kavanaugh is either a dirty liar or the last hope for an unbiased judiciary I'm guessing
Pretty much all the tweets I saw suggested dirty liar
So your tweets are biased liberal?
is Twitter biased liberal?
Is Brett Kavanaugh indeed a dirty liar
Well a lot of that thought came from 2 or so tweets that just kept getting retweeted. I remember seeing a few tweets on the conservative side, but they were way off on another topic. I was just glancing at them as they came in, but I'll probably try to throw some actual analysis at them tonight
And it seems like half of the non-political tweets were a retweet of "Y’all ever cried over a math problem? That’s a different type of hurt right there"
People seem to have politics and math as their biggest problems
do some NLP on that
That's the plan! I couldn't find much of anything for twitter datasets and wanted more up to date stuff anyway, so I threw something together last night to pull in their stream
Well part of their stream. My computer would be on fire if I managed to pull in the whole thing
hey it looks like the one coming in now aren't about politics as much
predict stock prices based on tweets!
That's actually the idea a friend and I had in college, but we never really went through with it. Made all sorts of plans, but never really carried them out
On the other hand, it's not like either of us really had money to buy stocks with at that point anyway
(Brett Kavanaugh's Vince Foster behavior/obsession is all you need to know to know how insane it is this guy got the nomination)
I find it kind of odd that the president can nominate someone for a lifetime appointment while being under investigation. Though I suppose if that wasn't the case, someone would try to start an investigation to try to block an appointment
@bolbteppa from an NYT op-ed on that: "Mr. Kavanaugh apparently took a special interest in Hillary Clinton’s bruited affair with Mr. Foster, a popular rumor in the fever swamps of the right. As he reported, his investigators “asked numerous people about it,” before he decided to ask Mrs. Clinton herself."
Sounds a bit like going after small-town gossip
Or high school rumors really
@danielunderwood the fact that the Supreme Court is a (potentially) lifetime appointment is why his influence on America will last long beyond his administration
the people he's appointed will be there a long time
which, if you're a conservative, is a great thing. if you're a liberal...not so much
Yeah I suppose it shouldn't matter in principle either since judges are supposed to be neutral. But no one can really be completely neutral and I'd personally doubt that he'd even attempt to nominate someone that's neutral
Three years ago it seemed the Republican party would never win an election again going the way they were, now they have managed to affect an entire generation with these SC appointments alone
@bolbteppa yep. Yet another reminder of why elections matter
Fever swamp is the right way to put it, the Trump era existed in the fever swamps well before the modern era
yeah. though that starts to get into the question of "how on earth did he get elected"
which is some mix of "some people really like the fever swamp" and "not enough people liked Clinton" imo
I think some people voted for him as a joke as well, which is just sad
(Bernie would've won)
I dunno. I feel Clinton was more acceptable for moderates to vote for than Bernie
yeah, well
We know how that thinking turned out, and one had to deny evidence like polling to justify it etc
would you have expected Trump to be more acceptable to moderates than Clinton?
(I'm not sure he was in general, come to think of it. but in places like Pennsylvania/Michigan/Wisconsin...)
Absolutely not. I always saw Clinton as kind of a picture of moderate politics
I think talking up "Clinton was more appealing to moderates" misses how strong the anti-establishment mood of the country was
I don't think that's what motivated all Trump voters, to be clear: A lot of it was driven by brute nativism, and a lot of it was how much work people had put into poisoning the well as far as Clinton went.
The whole 'for every liberal we lose we pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs' plan was spectacularly and irrefutably invalidated in 2016
I honestly still don't see the pro-Trump side of things. Like I can understand people being conservative/Republican, but Trump is off in another land imo
I also know people that really don't like Trump, but say they would vote for him again because they're Republican. I don't really get that either
Authoritarianism (in the psychological sense), can't find another explanation
@danielunderwood well, let's be fair: Trump won and has so far delivered them two SC seats, along with a lot of other appointments
So if one views the fight for the Supreme Court (e.g. Roe v. Wade) as the driving concern, then he's succeeded as far as that goes
I think they would say anything to make what they did socially acceptable, it's all just rationalization for something more primitive/latent, those SC picks are natural consequences of the actions they took
That's kind of like saying your team has won a game, but politics isn't a sport
Yeah it's literally that primitive, team vs team
Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) is a personality and ideological variable studied in political, social and personality psychology. Right-wing authoritarians are people who have a high degree of willingness to submit to authorities they perceive as established and legitimate, who adhere to societal conventions and norms and who are hostile and punitive in their attitudes towards people who do not adhere to them. They value uniformity and are in favour of using group authority, including coercion, to achieve it. == History == The concept of right-wing authoritarianism was introduced in 1981 by...
my point is just that, if you're already in a mindset where winning the Supreme Court for conservatives is your driving concern, then the jump to tolerating Trump really isn't a big one.
I don't agree with the premise, but the logic from that premise is consistent enough
(That's not to say that there isn't tribalism at play; there's a lot of it. But there are voters for whom supporting Trump does make ideological sense, and that hard base isn't going to shift.)
But there are still people who seem to praise him for being the best president ever. Maybe they just had too much kool-aid
In RWA language, Trump is an 'authoritarian leader' who demonstrated this from the get go in going after McCain, Mexicans, Jeb!, Fox, etc... and the 'authoritarian followers' knew exactly what to do, Trump literally paid people to take notes from insane right wing radio in 2014 so he basically spoon fed the followers what they wanted to hear, the problem is the fever swamps
@danielunderwood yeah. that's a whole other realm of crazy than what I'm talking about
Guy who originated that theory wrote about his poll numbers staying the same about 2 weeks ago
"Many people, including I, have labeled Donald Trump an authoritarian leader. But they are honestly baffled by the loyalty of his followers. The decades of research on authoritarian followers provide some answers."
I can understand tolerating Trump on pragmatic grounds, at least to a point; I can't understand thinking he's this paragon of leadership.
"Compared to most people, studies have shown that authoritarian followers get their beliefs and opinions from the authorities in their lives, and hardly at all by making up their own minds. They memorize rather than reason."
Doesn't matter how contradictory things get, Trump became an authority and that's all that matters
I could definitely see them doing that
One scary thing is that it seems like there's a similar cult on the far left that just happen to be invisible at the moment
I don't think one can compare this behavior to anything even semi-normal, it's beyond the pale
If it were a TV show, it'd be either be seen as a masterpiece of absurdism or simply too crazy to suspend disbelief
but it isn't a TV show
It's like an Ancient Greek play
I mean there have been all sort of cults in the past. Maybe this is the same and just fueled by being spread on the internet?
The internet is definitely a big part of it
Did The Don literally tweet "17 years since September 11th!" as his 9/11 remembrance tweet...
with the exclamation point too... like..."12 years since our baby boy was born!"
"5 years since we got married!"
"17 years since September 11th!"
@enumaris Apparently yes. Wow.
fist pump?
At least he also went after, spending more time on, Strzok and the rest
This is Mad King territory
somebody post the picture of the guy face palming through his whole head
Help me out a lil
Scroll down on that tweet, my god
People are also bringing up his bragging about how now he has the tallest building in NY right after the 9/11 attacks...is that...legit...
seems like they've got audio of it, so probably
He was asked about it directly kind of, and apparently he was wrong about it huffingtonpost.com/entry/…
Good evening everybody.
I cry for our future
tbh I save my wtf for the terrible stuff he says now
@enumaris @Semiclassical How are you?
Hello @NovaliumCompany I'm doing well, thanks :)
alright, just commiserating
Don't worry guys, he just said something offensive this one time...I'm sure it won't happen again
insofar as every event is unique, he won't do it again
I'm reading a really good book on Francis Crick and James Watson on the Discovery of the DNA.
he'll just do new things which are equally awful
Uh oh. Tweets have just started getting more political than they were an hour or so ago. Maybe I just happened to be collecting political tweets at the peak yesterday?
Forgot about him making money off this twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1039522199374192640
@ZeroTheHero When I say "I also know people to whom this happened" I mean "I am a coauthor of that paper".
thankfully not the first author, and I wasn't the lead on that project so the consequences for me weren't as damaging, but still. 0/5, would not recommend.
what paper
that's... probably too much information to put down on a public forum with named attribution
tic, toc
Question for myself: Why is $\langle m|e^{-i\beta S_y}|m'\rangle =\langle m'|e^{i\beta S_y}|m\rangle $ for any spin-s system, where $|m\rangle$ is the usual $S_z$ basis?
Question for myself: Why do some people find the spin-s system so entrancing?
Question for others: Why is the third-person voice so appealing?
@Semiclassical it's not.
it isn't? dang.
@Semiclassical sorry to be the beaver of bad news
bad news beaver
how cruel you are
I was hoping there'd be better memes for that
apparently not
can't meme 'em all
I mean, that's pretty damn boring
eh, the beaver is charming
you could at least have a beaver carrying the words Bad News or som'n
@EmilioPisanty oh man... In fact my friend Alice was spent some time at institution X, and forgot to close the door of his office for a (long) coffee break. Strange coincidence: Bob (permanently based at institution X), whose office happened to be right by Alice's, basically submitted Alice's work 6 weeks after Alice had left (Alice had not submitted by then).
also, it's "the", not "a" beaver.
@ZeroTheHero ...were they collaborating on this?
@ZeroTheHero you have remarkable friends.
I don't know many male Alices.
there were NOT collaborating on this.
Alice Cooper for one.
That seems like it could have...reprecussions
@ZeroTheHero but yeah, that sounds pretty bad.
@Semiclassical could should
but then again science is what it is, innit
also I know of student Charlie and postdoc David who had finished a draft manuscript. Postdoc David sends the draft to his former thesis director, who "scoops" Charlie and David by submitting to a quick turnaround journal.
(without any references to the manuscript of Charlie and David)
I mean, with the Alice and Bob story there's at least some level of deniability
hard to see any of that in this case
I saw the handwritten notes of Alice...
and the manuscript (now published of Bob).
There can be no deniability...
@EmilioPisanty and that's not even at the level of a seminar/conference presentation.
@ZeroTheHero yeah
heck, in our case, Lead Postdoc gave a presentation, took some questions at the end of the talk from Other PI, and then spent a half hour after the talk talking about the material with Other PI
Thankfully such cases are rare but when they happen to people you know it stings... especially student Charlie who left academia in part because of this terrible experience.
@ZeroTheHero yeah, that's pretty bad
if your first paper as a student gets scooped in this way it leaves a very bad taste.
yeah, that's terrible
I'd hope that there were consequences for the former thesis director
But uh
and heck, it's not even something you can really take up the chain, unless Postdoc David is really secure in his position or ready to blow it to smithereens
and the worse part of this specific story is that the thesis director of Charlie found out because he was asked to referee this manuscript...
@ZeroTheHero ffff
real shitstorm.
@ZeroTheHero so? did he tell the editor?
I mean, at that point it's still fixable
for one, that's the very spot at which you submit to the arXiv
I think he phoned postdoc David's former boss and said back off.
Charlie's thesis director did?
no arxiv on those days.
@ZeroTheHero and did he?
Academia seems to sound worse every time someone talks about it
Did Charlie & David ultimately get to publish the paper?
some changes were made and an acknowledgement was added.
@danielunderwood well, it's not as though office politics don't occur in other professions
but the old adage applies: the politics are so fierce, because the stakes are so low
although strictly speaking speaking Charlie and David did not publish the first paper on this.
I understand there is actually a famous case in HEP theory similar to this.
@ZeroTheHero I swear there's an applicable smbc, but I'm having trouble finding it
it does sound like Charlie and David were suffering from a bad case of 1980itis
it did happen in the 90s.
there was already arXiv in the 90s
eh, the 1990s came out of the 1980s. still counts :P
arXiv was launched in 1991, jeeze
arXiv "took off" in the last 90s.
well... the 2nd half...
I wonder how long it took for various disciplines to get into the habit of using arXiv
of the 90s and it was not so universally used at first.
one reason why it's not so popular in life sciences (read: medicine) is precisely because of the fear of being scooped.
@ZeroTheHero I want to bash the nineties as archaic, but I grew up during those, so my range of action there is limited.
in those days you still submitted actual paper manuscript to journals (2 or 3 copies, depending on the number of referees).
the great thing about this one
is that it has joined its own canon
oh ffs
I never actually saw Home Alone in theatres
so that's a bit lost on me
oh, wait. that was 2011
@Semiclassical point
eh. nor did the matrix make much of an impact on me
I can say I saw Disney's Aladin more than once in theaters.
wasn't alive when Home Alone was in theaters
given the range of audience it's just a lower bound on mine really.
@Semiclassical ah, c'mon. how old are you?
:46689840 nah. Given that he responded to Home Alone, I suspect 31-32 is the range to go to
puts it in the range of 'Return Of The King came out in the first half of your life', maybe
also The Incredibles is fifteen years old
@EmilioPisanty 31, yeah
But I missed The Matrix somehow
LOTR is on point tho
@danielunderwood no, seriously, though. The "real world" is just as bad. Heck, there's even an SE site for how "real world" office politics is worse than academia.
@Semiclassical you probably don't want to think too deeply about just how old the Star Wars prequels are
Tho I only saw the first prequel in theaters
I didn’t see a lot of movies
Stop making me feel old
I'll ban you all
I think my brain has melted from taking all the required employee education courses...
I don't feel like doing anything more today...
Time to revise renormalization in terms of path integrals obviously so
brain meltyyy
simply connected
@EmilioPisanty I guess I have it lucky that I don't really have office politics. I do sometimes have "release a product or perish" though
Wow the school I went to is pretty much shutting down for the rest of the week due to the hurricane. I don't think anything like that happened while I was there
People where I live have an interesting way of dealing with weather. Bad weather doesn't seem to happen enough that people know how to handle it. People really seem to lose their minds when it snows even though it happens about every year
Such as this great thing that happened a few years ago
oh wait you can't see images...that's sad
I can see this one
for some reason
They decided to restore your image privileges after your image sensitivity training
nope, it only works for that one image
I'm bored
entertain me
02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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