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so there is really no way to exactly find the publicatoins of some researchers in both inspire hep and arXiv? When inspire hep lists the publications of researchers with similar names, there are usually thousands of publications and it's not easy to find those accurately belong to the researcher you target.
@Abcd \begin{vmatrix}...\end{vmatrix}?
@CaptainBohemian Each author has an INSPIRE identifier, and if you click on their name in one of their publications it will take you to the page for that identifier. Theoretically that page should only list publications by that particular author, and not anyone else with a similar name. Of course in practice sometimes it's not perfectly curated.
@DavidZ but I sometimes can't find the identifier of the author I target. For example, when I want to find the publicatiions of Frank Ferrari, I get inspirehep.net/…
The trick is to find a non-collaboration paper of theirs. Those tend to be early-career papers so I just jumped to the end of the search results.
@DavidZ It may be a good trick. Thanks. Next times I will try it to see how often it works.
2 hours later…
Q: Is it possible to break supersymmetry in such way that the SUSY partners of the known particles have a much lower mass as opposed to greater?

 H. CooperTo continue, is it possible to break SUSY in a way that leaves some of the SUSY partners about equal in mass? These issues arose in connection with an unpublished ab initio calculation of the cosmological constant correct to one order of magnitude (when parameterized by the WMAP data). The attem...

@danielunderwood I am a strict ambivert
Actually, is there exists pathways for light objects to escape detection despite they should already have been produced. For example gravitational waves is massless, but it took 100 years after GR is proposed to have the equipment to detect it?
Perhaps there might be other particles like this, that require a completely new channel to detect them
No idea how to characterise the space of all these possible channels though
1 hour later…
Q: Is the inverse of the Klein-Gordon equation ever used in physics?

WapitiThe Klein-Gordon equation (scaling constants) is $$\square u = -m^2 u.$$ I am wondering if the equation $$\square u = m^2 u.$$ for real $m$ ever shows up in the physical literature?

2 hours later…
@JohnRennie Q: How many Cambridge dons does it take to change a light bulb?
I give up
A: gasp CHANGE?!
(not my original)
You are extremely rude for someone who is demanding such a huge amount of work from highly educated people who can spend their time on more valuable things than helping you with your homework and offering just 50 points for doing original research. You have no appreciation for the amount of work other people have done for you. You did not say my classical algorithm was N^2.37 you said that cnada's algorithm was O(CN) and now you realize you're wrong and you're switching to saying that mine's N^2.37. You don't appreciate at all that I improved the classical complexities in your question either. — user1271772 14 mins ago
Phew, it's sad to be called rude when you're just trying to correct people :/
Gotta develop a thick skin I guess :P
@user2646 Well, confidence and extraversion are not necessarily related to each other
@user2646 That is true
@Blue Two remarks, one general and one specific: The general: Trying to correct people and being rude are not at all mutually exclusive. In fact, since correcting someone is a sort-of adversarial act, it's much easier to be rude while doing it without intending to. The specific: Instead of complaining about it in chat, flagging that comment thread would probably be a better course of action.
I'm surprised the system hasn't auto generated a chat room?
@user2646 The system never auto-generates a chat room.
All it does is suggest to the users to take it to chat, they're free to ignore it.
@user2646 It's self-deleted.
Can I post a screen shot? :P
I'd prefer if we didn't import the drama from another site into this chatroom.
I was joking
What's the rep requirement for viewing deleted posts on beta sites?
@ACuriousMind Thanks. I was just hunting about for that page myself :P
Why on earth have half the meta sites with the new themes turned orange? I've decided that I really really hate it.
It's on Physics and Math, but SU and SF are normal.
@Chair If you have an account on a site, the link to it is at the top of the rep change/achievement drop down menu
No hunting necessary :)
@ACuriousMind I was really not complaining. Also, I didn't think it was serious enough to be flagged
Welcome back @Blue
@ACuriousMind I had a QC tab open, so I clicked the badges tab there, and I knew that yellow banner on the right has a link to the privileges page as well. The problem was that I didn't really know what the privilege for viewing deleted posts was... 'access to moderation tools' or 'trusted user'.
@Chair The former (you can click on the privileges to see a more detailed list of what they entail)
Are the privilege levels lower on beta sites, or do they always start off low then scale up as the site grows?
@ACuriousMind Yeah, I was hunting through the trusted user thing until I found nothing, and then I looked at the 'access mod tools' page. By the time I got back here, your message was sitting there... eh whatever.
@JohnRennie I think they're the same for all beta sites, irrespective of the size.. But there are a couple of exceptions, like the one for a certain harvard math course.
@JohnRennie It's binary afaik: They're lower on beta sites, then get adjusted to the standard levels when the site graduates. No scaling.
Or maybe it's a comp science course. I forget.
Q: Reputation requirements compared

badpHow do reputation requirements for various privileges compare on Stack Overflow vs a graduated Stack Exchange 2.0 site vs a site in public or private beta? Return to FAQ Index

@Chair there's a Harvard math course?
Harvard CS 50... probably comp science, not math
Oh ya, CS55
@Chair Wait....wtf
What type of things get out of the Area 51 dungeons these days? Lol
@Blue I think there was a huge spike in popularity once Ron Maimon wrote somewhere that the course is easy. People freak out so much.
Makes me wonder....we could have pushed through with the Memes Stack Exchange
What Harvard wants Harvard gets :P
It gets simul cast at Yale
@Blue I dunno... I guess a lot of memes are insulting to certain communities, right? and with the SE emphasis, such things won't float. consider the kinds of jokes you see in memes. Sure, they'll work in a chat, but when SE is concerned that people in a workplace will be seen looking at potentially insulting things on SE sites, I don't think they'd be willing to risk that.
And if you cut out all the racist jokes and stereotypes from the memes, you're going to be ignoring a huge part of the subject.
If it got popular, I wonder they'd care about it as long as they profit from it :P Anyway, there can be non-insulting memes too
(I was mostly joking though. But seeing the CS50 SE made me chuckle about the direction SE is going...although not for any bad reason)
Probably among the most tragic SE front pages.
@Chair lol
@Blue ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Hi there, I have a basic algebra question. I have this equation given (picture) but I cannot see how the second equation arises. Could someone enlighten me?
Put $x=e^{-kt/4m}$ and simplify
I dunno whether that step is correct...try on paper
I would actually substitute $a=(-kt/2m)$ instead... So you'll be dealing with $1-e^{a}$ and $1-e^{a/2}$ instead. I guess it's similar eventually, but still.
@FizzleDizzle Looks about right
Hmm, about the "Trying to correct people and being rude are not at all mutually exclusive. In fact, since correcting someone is a sort-of adversarial act, it's much easier to be rude while doing it without intending to." - this is an interesting point of view. I always wondered why people don't want to take criticisms constructively even when the whole discussion is simply technical and nothing subjective at all.
I mean like...being wrong once is a while....is OK....and human!
Ah yeah thx. :) I've been wondering whether there was such a "quick" way but I couldn't see it!
I'm surprised by the fact that the meta post announcing the new site theme has a positive score (+2 right now)... on Math SE, the counterpart has about -110, and on Electrical Engineering, it's -3 or something, but theirs was put up at the same time as ours.
Q: Physics' updated site theme is ready for testing!

CatijaAs part of implementing the new unified themes across the network, we're gradually rolling out updated site themes for each site. As of today, we have enabled your updated site theme for testing. If you can't see it right now, that's by design! We're hoping to get feedback from you before rolli...

Is there a reason why 6 people are happy enough overall to upvote?
I'm not in the band which is vehemently against the left nav and is out for blood or whatever, but I think the ch-ch-changes have come with a pretty huge drop in usability and cosmetics.
A: Physics' updated site theme is ready for testing!

Emilio PisantyI'll have to test the rest, but this bit is nice: vector logo no more awkward arrow The Feynman-diagram to the background of the logo is also gone, and you know what? I'm having a hard time missing it at all. It's not like people noticed it unless it was explicitly pointed out, or at le...

Some reasons are already mentioned in the answers
They did finally remove the awkward arrow, which is nice
Yeah, even I had a couple of positive PSE-specific things. But the general opinion on all sites is that the changes are bad, and voting patterns show that. However, on Physics there's a net positive (though controversial) reception. Surely the awkward arrow isn't such a magnificent improvement?
Maybe it is? :P
@Blue I dunno... still kind of hard to believe. I guess even the vector logo post got a score of +60; it's in the top 5 highest-voted posts on Physics Meta.
I didn't initially like the new look, but after using it for a couple of days when I go to an SE site still using the old format I find I prefer the new look.
But I wish the left bar were collapsible as it's wasted space.
@JohnRennie Hmmm. How so? Did you like the cosmetics or the usability?
@JohnRennie You can collapse the left bar. It doesn't show for me
@Blue you can?
Yep. Lemme check the settings
It doesn't show on a phone, but I'm guessing that's the web site adapting to a smaller screen.
I'm very annoyed with the left-bar collapsing feature. It's completely useless. I'm pretty familiar with the keyboard shortcuts to get to any menu I need, and I'm generally much more comfy with keyboard usability even though I use windows, but collapsing the left nav doesn't give me much more space. On my 14 inch 1920 by 1080 screen, I get barely half a centimeter more on each side for my actual content.
@Chair cosmetics. It looks cleaner somehow. I don't find any change in the usability.
Go to Settings -> Preferences
" Hide left navigation
When you check this box, the left navigation will no longer be pinned to the left of the page on Q&A sites."
It's in the same menu where you enable beta testing.
@Blue aha, excellent, that makes it much better
I'm finding the new site design to be pretty neat and clean actually. Space seems sufficient
Also, if you're short of screen space, just set the zoom to 110%
@Blue What kind of device are you on? Apparently it's particularly useless for larger screens
I never use the phone, so I don't know how it is on small screens
13.3" screen
Dell laptop
Maybe on larger screens it's a bit more inconvenient
@Blue Surprising. I have a 14 inch, so it's pretty similar. But I've tried it on my dad's 16:9 monitor (I think it has a 25 inch diagonal or something), and it's an insane waste of space.
Can you post a screenshot?
I guess I'm a bit accustomed to white space because I keep my text pretty small.
@Blue For which decive? I can't do that for the 16:9... I'll need to launch that one; it'll take a while.
For the 14 inch I meant
The real plus of the we have the 16:9 is that it's really convenient to do split-screen stuff. For viewing a single window, it's pretty useless unless you're looking at a huge spreadsheet or something.
@Blue Yeah, give me a minute.
@Chair I use a 24" 1080p monitor and the site looks fine to me. But I view it in a window not fullscreen.
@Chair That's so weird!
Mine is nothing like that
@Chair why on earth are you viewing it fullscreen?
@Blue Lucky you. I don't like so much white space.
@JohnRennie I dunno... Nothing to split with I guess?
@Blue Looks like you have completely different zoom settings.
@Chair It's at normal 100% (on Chromium)
I guess the problem is with your browser settings and not the site :P
@Blue Probably resolution stuff. It's not my browser settings... it's my computer itself. It actually recommends setting a 150% zoom through the windows settings, but I keep 100% because I get to use split-screen stuff really easily.
Did you try setting it at 150%?
My computer's resolution is pretty high considering the display size.
It should work fine then
I mean if you are using it at lesser zoom than recommended that's a problem at your end :P
And I hardly use split screen...so
@Blue It gets pretty annoying with some software. Like when I use Word and I set the Word zoom to 100%, what I see isn't actually the same size as the stuff which gets printed with conventional printer settings. It's a trade-off.
Technically, now that I've spent some time thinking about it, my problem isn't that there's too much white space... I've always seen loads of whitespace on every site, and even the old PSE layout has a similar amount of free real estate. The issue is that removing left nav doesn't improve anything significantly.
You can always set the page and margin sizes from the print settings in Word, I guess?
And there's print preview too
Always measure spaces in "pts" when you're working in Word
@Chair hmmm, well it doesn't because you're already so zoomed out that it doesn't matter anymore
For me the collapsing of the left nav, improved the page view tremendously
@Blue It's tricky; I don't fully understand what's going on. But 100% zoom is actually 100% in print when my Windows zoom is on 150%. But I have my windows zoom on 100%, so the actual Word zoom needed for the size of things on the screen to be equal to the size of printed stuff is about 120. Now that I think of it, I could actually do the math to find out an exact value but whatever.
Eh I'll just leave it like it is. I can increase the zoom easily enough whenever I want to and whitespace isn't the biggest issue.
Unrelated: flip-flips seem to be the smartest circuits ever :P I had earlier never thought that something like a feedback loop could be so useful
@Blue Huh? I guess in the sense that they underlie all logic gates ...
@JohnRennie I'm not sure what you wanted to say there. Are you saying that some logic gate designs involve feedback loops? :)
Flip-flops afaik are constructed from basic logic gates though
All logic gates certainly don't consist of flip flops
@Blue oops yes, I got this exactly the wrong way round :-)
@JohnRennie BTW was playing with electronics the trend among the geeks in the pre-computer era? Must have been fun times (well, although I hate practical electronics) :D
Building something like a calculator from scratch sounds fun
@Blue yes, all the geeks I knew used to mess about with electronics. There was a huge support industry as well. Magazines like Practical Electronics and mail order retailers like Maplin.
I got a circuit design published in Practical Electronics once ;-)
@JohnRennie Whoa! :D
What circuit, do you remember?
As it happens Maplin recently went bust. Basically because geeks now hack computers instead.
Damn, sad. I remember you writing a FB post about it :/
@Blue it was a light sequencer i.e. a circuit for making a series of lights flash in sequence.
@JohnRennie Ah, sounds pretty cool :)
Lots of us were into the live music scene so we designed stuff for the concert light shows
To be fair the hobbyist electronics scene is still alive and well but it's now concentrated around things like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
Hehe, I can understand the live music hype back then :) (no YOUTUBE!!!!). Yeah, lots of people seem to working on the IOT (using Arduino and Raspberry Pi) stuff these days. Last year I started reading about making wireless circuits and communication using the Arduino, but I eventually got bored and dumped that project (the prof is probably still angry on me for leaving it midway) :P
@JohnRennie They've this website: epemag.com/index.html
EPE Magazine 50th Anniversary (Part 1) (PDF 6.6MB)

EPE Magazine 50th Anniversary (Part 2) (PDF 9.8MB)
These look good ^
Wow 50th anniversary. Now I feel old :-)
Haha :P
@JohnRennie Now you feel old? ;-)
@Loong my mental age plateaued out at around 13, which is an enormous advantage for a geek. Just occasionally my illusion is shattered, but only temporarily.
13....yeah, that's probably the best thing about you ;)
No one likes an old grumpy man :P
I feel as though I meet grumpy old men all the time, and the thought I might end up like that one day is utterly horrifying.
This week, I could crawl through a VVER for two days during an outage. That adventure made me feel a bit younger again.
Lol, please don't become like that. Horrifies me too XD On a more serious note, however, I guess it's the life struggles which gradually turn people like that, and not everyone can deal with those situations effectively. The old profs at my uni are literally evil and they'll find every way to trap you and make you fall in trouble. Well, there are a couple of exceptions
And I have only got 32 µSv from that and no contamination. I would have expected more. :-)
That 50th anniversary edition mentions a project to build a metal detector. I remember building a metal detector! It's actually very simple because it just measures the change in inductance of a coil due to the presence of anything conducting.
@Loong in my days as a grad student I used to work occasionally on the electron synchotron at the Daresbury Lab in the UK. We discovered there were a network of service tunnels underneath the synchotron and we used to mess about in them.
I think it was safe enough. The really dangerous areas were cordoned off so we couldn't go through them. However it wouldn't surprise me to find out I picked up a bit more X-ray exposure than your average citizen.
Health and safety regulations weren't so exacting in the 1980s :-)
Local colleagues found a vodka bottle in the steam generator room. :-D It was from 1972, i.e. from the construction period.
1 hour later…
They take a long time to update new words
The definition and the example do need some modification though, lol
I can't believe they have let that through!
@JohnRennie You clearly have no idea about what Urban Dictionary allows :P Just browse the site for a bit!
The best thing of course is that, it appears on the top of Google searches
The search engine optimization is probably due to the popularity of the slangs among the younger kids: "Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto "Define Your World."[2] The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham."
Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto "Define Your World." The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. == History == The site was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham while he was a freshman computer science major at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He launched the site to compare urban slang used by university students in different parts of California. He had previously created a spoof version of the Ask Jeeves web search engine while studying at Cal Poly but closed the website after he received an...
Can anyone guide me for GSOC ?
@Blue @JohnRennie
@Blue what does anti-famous mean?
@CaptainBohemian A jocular term for "infamous" ;)
@Koolman What type of guidance are you looking for? :P I am not preparing for GSOC btw
@Koolman ping @ManishEarth
@AvnishKabaj Manish hasn't visited the site in a very long time. I doubt he'd respond to pings
Also, apparently, SE doesn't allow you to ping people who haven't visted the chat in the past 2 days
But you could of course contact him by mail. He has a blog too
Anyhow, you know who the best guys to contact for GSoC advice are? The people in the organisations' mailing list. Best to contact them over IRC
They'd know which projects/libraries/bugs are priority and need work
Also, it's a bit funny that people try to prepare for making open source contributions. I'd say just start! You'll pick up things on the way :)
@Blue Thanks for the guidance
@Koolman Np, which organisation are you aiming for btw?
Hola everybuddy.
Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunch!!! :-)
Looks orders of magnitude tastier than whatever stupid programming error I need to wrote into a technical support email
that's curry, right?
@Secret Looks more like butter chicken (or cream chicken...whateva) with vegetable fried rice ;)
I'm feeling hungry now!
Kofta with a cream and masala sauce
@JohnRennie Chicken kofta?
Beef's rare here
(apologies to any fervent Hindus reading this)
Yeah, the anti-beef sentiment is pretty strong here
(For reasons I do not understand)
It was very good, but then anything with lots of cream is good.
I like to break the koftas into pieces because the ragged edges soak up lots of sauce. That's why it doesn't look that much like koftas.
True, lol. Since the past week, me/I and my mom have been looking for vegetable recipes which won't repel me (I just can't eat slimy vegetables although they're supposedly good for my health). I told her that one of the options would be to fry them and add a lot of cream! :P
Q: Should I put myself last? "me and my friends" vs. "my friends and me" or "my friends and I"

soutarmI've always been taught to put myself last when referring to myself in the same sentence as others but the usage of "me and..." seems to be everywhere these days. The misuse of the word "me" instead of "I" aside, is there some new rule I haven't heard of? Shouldn't we put ourselves last regardles...

Damn, grammar!
me and me
...what's a slimy vegetable?
@ACuriousMind okra bhaji
Trichosanthes dioica, also known as pointed gourd, is a vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family, similar to cucumber and squash, though unlike those it is perennial. It is a dioecious (male and female plants) vine (creeper) plant with heart-shaped leaves (cordate) and is grown on a trellis. The fruits are green with white or no stripes. Size can vary from small and round to thick and long — 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 cm). It thrives well under a hot to moderately warm and humid climate. The plant remains dormant during the winter season and prefers a fertile, well-drained sandy loam soil due to its...
@danielunderwood If your cucumbers are slimy, something is very wrong :P
Okra or okro (US: , UK: ), known in many English-speaking countries as ladies' fingers or ochro, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of West African, Ethiopian, and South Asian origins. The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world. == Vernacular names in English-speaking nations == The name okra is most often used in the UK, United States and the Philippines, with a variant pronunciation in Caribbean English and Nigeria of okro. The word...
Okra, yeah
And many others
Well I suppose they may only be slimy after they've started to get a bit old
Peppers do the same, but in less time
Onions too I suppose, but I consider onions bad if they start to get slimy
Maybe I should increase my standards of what a fresh vegetable is
I can't even look at these ^
Leave alone putting them in my mouth
@danielunderwood I'd say so, neither of these are "slimy" in any way when I eat them!
@JohnRennie Huh.
Ew I would not eat those
Well, I guess I'm glad that slimy vegetables are not common here :P
@ACuriousMind okra seem to slimy at the east excuse. I've eaten some okra bhajis that were not good advertisments for texture in food.
Yeah, the Wiki article mentions they're characteristically slimy when cooked.
We tend to fry the slime out of okra here
@Blue gerkins?
Though okra in stews does tend to have some slimy quality
@JohnRennie Similar, but that's pointed gourd
@Blue it looks like some form of evil green mollusc :-)
Apt description ^
It's true evil
Haunting me since I was 2
Can you get cauliflower, carrots, peas, beans, veg like that? Those are very good in a pilao.
I don't like cauliflower! But carrots, peas and beans are good in small amounts. We do use them in pilao :) My favourite vegetable is arguably banana flower. If cooked well, they can be really tasty
On a less foody and more physicsy theme, talks from the Fifty Years of the Standard Model symposium are on YouTube here. Videos for the non-non-nerd.
The uncooked version looks like this ^ :P
And this is the cooked version ^
Search word: "mochar ghonto"
It sorta tastes like mushroom
I could watch it sometime, but I don't know what level it is aimed for. General public?
@Blue I have not decided yet .
That paper is not new
It will be more interesting if Tipett have figured out how to get past the naked singularity and exotic matter problem, otherwise it is going nowhere like many other time travel papers
in theory salon, 20 mins ago, by vzn
@JarekDuda =O holy @#&% cow you just went viral congratulations! 26k upvotes on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/9c7kw6/google_is_trying_to_patent_u‌​se_of_a_data/ https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/08/after-patent-office-rejection-it-time-goog‌​le-abandon-its-attempt-patent-use-public
@BernardoMeurer ↑
1 hour later…
Q: OP edit is identical with my rejected edit

LonelyProfThis is mainly to help me understand how the reviewing of edits (to questions) works. I recently had an edit to this question approved by a reviewer (Chair), but then "rejected by Community" because "This edit conflicted with a subsequent edit". Then I discovered that the "subsequent edit" was my...

3 hours later…
I'm still having trouble identifying what I can click on. Can we underline the other links as well? — Dukeling Aug 18 at 12:58
↑ that.
@EmilioPisanty Oh, I'm not saying I like it. Just pointing out that the point has already been raised and answered
@ACuriousMind oh, I'm not saying you're saying you like it.
I just thought the comment was appropriate
Yeah, consistently underlining every link would be even uglier
oh, and btw
Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." It is named after Ian Betteridge, a British technology journalist who wrote about it in 2009, although the principle is much older. As with similar "laws" (e.g., Murphy's law), it is intended to be humorous rather than the literal truth.The maxim has been cited by other names since as early as 1991, when a published compilation of Murphy's Law variants called it "Davis's law", a name that also crops up online, without any explanation of who Davis was. It has also been...
though Wikipedia skips the part with "and frankly speaking you shouldn't have written the clickbait piece in the first place".
We should just underline everything except links. Less likely for confusion that way, I think.
Maybe just add bold & italics, just to be sure.
↑ nerds of the world, beware. The bar has been raised.

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