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03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@Slereah this is some good physics
Morning fellows...
@0celo7 what is
Nowww... FINnalllllyyYYYYY.... No ONnnenn ITTSSSs, A GIRLLLLLL!!!!!!
Volcano son what the fuck you gonna do about it
Jesus wasn't a protestant.
@Mithrandir24601 perhaps, this may help
@0celo7 get on dc :'(
2 hours later…
@skull It does actually, thanks! :)
np, good question :)
1 hour later…
Changing history = simultaneous rearrangement of events in a section of a worldline
Obviously took a lot of energy to do
Perhaps the flip flop state of a grandfather paradox in type 3 universes can be stabilised by expending extreme amounts of energy so that the time travelling act will not be erased from existence by creating a singularity at the point of departure while preserving the altered history
more investigations on the plausibility of this later
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Important question
should I write the sphere as $S$ or $\mathrm{S}$
why is it so important?
whichever appears more pleasing to you
I was born without a sense of beauty
very rare disorder
then it's time to correct that
after all, it is in the eye of the beholder
I was born without eyes
very tough
18 hours ago, by 0celo7
I learned $\int_a^b f=F(b)-F(a)$ in kindergarten
$$\int e^{\%} = \%$$
$$\int e^{e^{e^{\%}}} = e^{e^{\%}}$$
where is physics
adm mass
But that's the bogus Riemannian ADM mass
wow, mean
Is there a name for like
a warped product
but instead of a product, the manifold is a bundle
@bolbteppa Thanks for sharing :)
the post-defense brain drain is real today
how did it go
good enough
some obvious stumbles, and definitely points where I could have been clearer about the setup
but, good enough
@0celo7 I just wanted to ask, is there something like Theoretical Reactor Physics
@SwapnilDas Do you mean like a book?
No, a field of study
I wanted to know if Nuclear reactor Physics is all about experimental work or else has some Theory.
@JohnRennie Any idea^^ ?
@SwapnilDas you mean reactor design?
That's really engineering.
Its well understood physics, but the systems you're working on are complicated.
@JohnRennie and politics. :-|
how come the site with the Feynman quote in the starboard also has this : genius.cat-v.org/eric-cartman
and it's not like a huge quote website
Is there anything like Computational nuclear physics?
@SwapnilDas As it happens a friend of mine works in reactor design studying heat flows in reactors. He does mostly compute modelling.
there's only 15 people quoted
It seems an odd sample of people to quote
@JohnRennie I see. Do they do any hands on stuff or just computers?
I have passed 7000 points
@SwapnilDas I think it's pretty much all computer modelling.
3000 left and I have the Power
I wanted some career advice.
I wanted to work in Nuclear Physics, but I like Theory rather than experimentation. What should I study, then?
Nuclear physics
there's plenty of nuclear physics theory
That I also know :P
@Slereah Is that as competitive as string theory?
I have heard that many nuclear Theorists work in the industry. Is that a career transition or do they have something of their relevance?
I don't know any real nuclear theorists in the industry. Most of the people here are engineers.
I see.
Nuclear theorists work more at like
Like the nuclear accelerator in France, I forget the name
Possibly SPIRAL2
SPIRAL2 (Système de Production d'Ions RAdioactifs en Ligne de 2e génération) est un projet de faisceaux exotiques pour la recherche en physique nucléaire fondamentale et interdisciplinaire au GANIL. == Explications == Il est basé sur un accélérateur linéaire de particules, le LINAC, qui fournira[Quand ?] des faisceaux d’ions stables de très hautes intensités. Les réactions induites par ces faisceaux stables dans différentes cibles de matière produiront des noyaux exotiques à des intensités inégalées. Ces noyaux exotiques (non présents naturellement sur Terre) permettront aux physiciens d’étudier...
that's the one
except very French
@Slereah So accelerator physicists can be theorists?
You use the various nuclear models to predict reactions
and then test those predictions
That's something exciting
As exciting as the nuclear N-body problem can be
No hands on work right? ( Asking just bcoz I hate it )
@Slereah Fundamental physics is competitive, you know.
Tell me about it
it is a figure of speech
Q: Why does "tell me about it" not mean "tell me about it"?

Django ReinhardtA commonly used American phrase, but one that still baffles me if I stop and think about it. Why does "tell me about" actually mean, "I understand what you're talking about as I have experienced it myself". Not only are you not literally inviting the person to go into more detail, but (most confu...

as u can check from StackExchange
Well, do you know any famous accelerator physicist , who is a theorist?
What if the Theory of Everything is just a whole bunch of accidents and cannot be expressed in nice equations
@Secret No problem. The journey will be rewarding :)
Warped manifold papers are all in math people tensor notation
very bad
$T (\otimes \otimes \cdots)$ stuff?
@Mithrandir24601 Hi how's it going? Short QMT question: When describing a general quantum measurement. Do you have an idea of what is meant by "the pointer states are in fact determined by the requirement that different measurement outcomes decohere via interaction with the environment?"
@Slereah 3 Yvonne citations
Wonder if that's all I'll need...
@BalarkaSen maybe
are you read to read some topology
what kind
@BalarkaSen section 6.4
@0celo7 having a looksie
so which bit do you want me to read
unless you learned Riemannian geometry without me noticing, probably the whole thing
Thm 6.22 and Rk 6.24 are the topological bits
and Lemma 6.23
@BalarkaSen hi
Question: There was a scientist before Richard Feynman that managed to inspire his works, I believe his last name began with an 'E'? Does anyone happen to remember the name of this scientist?
Much less commonly known than einstein
@Droleulb Hey
but plausible guess haha, I probably should have made that more clear
I think that's it! Thanks CooperC
I'd check that
@A.Rudzinski Engels wasn't a scientist
Erwin Schrodinger?
Enrico Fermi?
@BalarkaSen how was your final exam?
It was meh
when are the results back?
I took two admissions. The first was good and the second was, as I said, meh
next month
i guess you could say it was a good meh
as opposed to a bad meh
lets see if i get in
Hello @BalarkaSen you got admitted into CMI ?
I took the exam yesterday
It was ok, but I don't think I'll get in.
how was ISI entrance ?
@BalarkaSen how were the questions?
@AlexKChen ISI*
@AlexKChen Much better. I did 18 correct on the objective section, which is slightly worrying, and 6.5/8 on the subjective part.
@Abcd Not hard, but complicated to nail down in 3 hours for slow thinkers like me, I think.
@BalarkaSen I don't get why you can't just have the top mathematician in India write you a letter
6.5/8 ? You're definitely in, so chill ! (well that's unless you have a very very very bad luck on objective cutoff due to JEE retards writing the test, which I hope don't happen)
@0celo7 That's not how the Indian education system works.
@BalarkaSen were they like JEE Maths questions?
@AlexKChen Yeah that's what I'm hoping. Usually the cutoff is like 60-70, so I think I'll sail through.
@Abcd No.
They were very natural and not at all tedious.
there's really no way to circumvent the tests?
people who clear national olympiads in math/informatics don't have to write the tests I guess
@BalarkaSen how about bribing somebody?
(one of my indian friends told me, idkO
@enumaris Lel
@enumaris not everyone has a job like you
can't afford the monet
bribes don't have to be money
you can bribe them with cookies
which one you'll join @BalarkaSen Delhi or Bangalore ISI ?
who doesn't like cookies?
@AlexK B.Math happens on Bangalore ISI
o i am pretty good at making cookies
you can help out then :D
i can send some
And in Delhi ? Statistics ?
And aren't there one in Calokota ?
Unsure. I thought B.Stat happens on Cal
OK, good luck for the interviews (though I don't think it would propose any problem to someone as pro as you :P )
@BalarkaSen did you understand what I wrote?
@0celo7 Did you understand what he said ?
My advisor said it was very well written but I've been showing him this for months so he probably knows it too well
@AlexKChen what?
@AlexKChen Thanks
Let's see what happens
@0celo7 what ?
@BalarkaSen are you gonna wash for the interviews
damn, you don't give a fuck
wash what
@Droleulb Balarka showers once a week
@Droleulb my butt, presumably
Oh God I remember this shower conversation
Pretty sure celo just called everyone filthy
i used to shower once a week when i was balarka's age
like 2 yrs ago
that's naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty
not really because i didn't sweat
@0celo7 I still haven't regained the energy to have a proper look. Give me a few hours.
that's even worse...are you an alien?
@Droleulb Dam son
I don't sweat either
Nov 30 '17 at 17:39, by 0celo7
@CooperCape yes, people who don't shower daily are gross
they banned me for preaching that truth
For real?
@Abcd Oh, were you asking if the ISI questions are like JEE? I don't know about that.
The subjective part was total calculus
Was that the time when you got banned for everything you wrote tho
I had to write a proof of Banach fixed point theorem in one basically lol
@BalarkaSen its already established ur me and im u
@BalarkaSen Have you seen JEE questions?
uh oh class in 10 mins brb
@Abcd A little. My impression of them are they are generally more tedious and less puzzle-like.
@Droleulb bbye
@BalarkaSen Nah, not that tedious ... they are like "very tricky" ... you should know lot many tricks and manipulations...
Mm I see
This is pretty good!!!!
This is more like Death Grips
@BalarkaSen wtf is Streaky about
@0celo7 idk but D O N T T H R O W I T O N T H E G R O U N D
Random path integral question
What if I need to integrate two paths at the same time, do I just expand the number of dimensions so that the two paths get parametrised into one path in a larger (infinite) dimension?
i am $\ni$ r e v e l a t e d
sorry i don't understand 1$\ni\ni$7 speak
i need to show you this diageram from my topology book
in other news i wrote "diageram"
we already have physics mods in here that understand the context and don't go around banning people for no reason.
3 messages moved to Trashcan
Go read the latest chat moderation post again, and don't do this. Mkay?
It's even conveniently pinned for you
what moderation post
the one that's pinned
same i can't see it
it's not there for me
yeah, I felt insulted so I flagged the message
isn't that what I was supposed to do
@Droleulb For the record, no one "banned them for no reason". An offensive message was posted, it was flagged, and enough users validated the flag so the system automatically deleted the post and suspended them.
but we're friends
it wasn't meant badly
Being friends and intent are irrelevant.
No. Take the point. Inappropriate language is, funnily enough, inappropriate, and will be dealt with.
We can't know your intent. It's not welcome behavior on Stack Exchange. Period.
How should I use ReaserchGate
I don't have an email account of my university
Please help what can be done
@ArtOfCode which message was inappropriate by the way?
you deleted all of them and I don't remember which one it was.
@Droleulb Then take the cautious route, and assume they were all worthy of deletion.
that wasn't even a physics stack exchange user
why are we being accosted
@0celo7 Don't pull this again. You know how chat works, and how you have to behave. You've been told enough times. Take the point, and behave as you should.
Don't pull what? Have I misbehaved?
What's going on here?
Pls help me abt reasrchgate
This room was placed in timeout for 5 minutes; the topic of this room is "General chat for Physics SE (physics.stackexchange.com). For MathJax see meta.stackexchange.com/a/220976. Don't ask about asking, just ask." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
^ That.
Inappropriate conversations have been tolerated here in the past in the name of leniency. That kind of behaviour is no longer welcome, period. If it's seen, it will be removed along with the users who take part in it. This is the only warning you will get.
@ArtOfCode thanks
5 mins ago, by ArtOfCode
Inappropriate conversations have been tolerated here in the past in the name of leniency. That kind of behaviour is no longer welcome, period. If it's seen, it will be removed along with the users who take part in it. This is the only warning you will get.
sounds legit
I just asked:
9 mins ago, by skull
What's going on here?
and this is the answer I got
10 mins ago, by ArtOfCode
This room was placed in timeout for 5 minutes; the topic of this room is "General chat for Physics SE (https://physics.stackexchange.com/). For MathJax see https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/220976. Don't ask about asking, just ask." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
So I've never seen that guy before lol
10 mins ago, by ArtOfCode
^ That.
I guess he's an overall room mod?
censorship is always fun
All of the site moderators are chat moderators. That's how the chat system works.
I see
how many mods does it take to just ban a single dude?
@enumaris For the record, if anything gets flagged, you're likely to get an army of blue people, since we all see the flags. (as well as any user with 10K rep)
answer: too many
@RobertHarvey I dodnt get the thing that I wanted like I cannot messege or chat in chatrooms in researchgate
can anyone list thee utility of researchgate and tell me how it is different from stack
I mean staxkexchange
Anything? Across all SE sites? You guys must have to look through tens of thousands of flags a day lol
No, only in chat.
I see...
So any moderator from any SE can come moderate this chat
does that system make sense...hmmm...
Q: If the community deletes what I know to be an excellent question, is it impolite to gloat?

Steven HattonA few months back, I posted what I know to be a very insightful question. It was labeled as "off topic" for "reasons" which remain incomprehensible to me. The question has a short answer, which is "Yes." The long answer is "Yes $\dots$, but physics isn't mathematics." Someone posted an answ...

Hey @CooperCape
Ohai :)
What... what happened here
somebody got banned I gather
@enumaris Chat is network-wide with two site exceptions. Expecting a site's moderators to be around to handle things here 24/7 is not possible. We absolutely do frequently defer to local mods but, in some cases, it's more necessary to act than not.
Mods are not required to moderate chat at all, so some mods would never see it.
I see...
@CooperCape you don't want to know, presumably
Pretty much yeah
I'll probably say something stupid and revolutionary if I do.
Marx debunked revolutions yeaaaaars ago
My friend is radicalising me to Maoism
Yikes, that's too far left
@gateprep Research Gate is very different from Stack Exchange. SE is primarily a repository of Q&A; RG does have Q&A but it's primarily a repository of people and their research.
Be a postmodern neo-Marxist
One word from Chairman Mao is worth 10,000 from others.
That's where all the fun is at
Where's the edge.
The revolutionary mindset
Purgers gotta purge
03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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