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That delta is just to represent that I don't know what operator to put there. Its just a symbol for an unknown operator. Could have been a circle.
Fine, but you wrote clearly here that you want your operator to be binary - to take in two vector fields. But in the equation you're feeding it a single vector field, $E_g$.
So what do you really mean?
I spend a lot of time of Physics stack Exchange. During a conversation I was cast as an "attention seeker". Why is this a problem?
When one writes a physics paper; an activity I don't participate in, one has to seek the attention of their peers to have them scrutinize their work.
When humans attempt to communicate, attention has to be sought heck, well delivered talks end with "Thanks for your attention".
Why can't I say that it inputs nabla as a vector?
I am proudly an attention seeker! When I have a non-trivial thought, or want to engage with humans I think might be interested in something I might have to say,
@YuzurihaInori Vector operators are not vectors...
@YuzurihaInori Nabla of what?
I "seek out" their help and attention. I ask and expect a (polite) response. I want the "attention seeker
" terminology to stop as it seems to me a dirty trick used to attempt to prevent people from opining and conversing. At any rate, the conversation bothers me because I think the Physics community has a general tendency to . . . well . . . to put it colloquially "think some kind of way". It's completely fine to ignore people (actually not really) but name calling sucks.
My question is how should I respond to this kind of thing? It really pissed me off because , I don't even care about that kind of attention. I mean I've lived!!! I don't care for . . . . sigh
ok I had to say this stuff could not sleep
@BalarkaSen Let me first clarify something. Does vector operators pass as vectors?
does anyone know who semiclassical is?
@YuzurihaInori NOOOO!
No, what the hell.
@Cows Okay then... I was taught wrong.
@YuzurihaInori well don't follow in my footsteps, I'm strange , lol but you may observe at a distance :P
@Cows SemiC just pointed out that you were writing quite a few long (including some meaningless sentences) aimed at people who were clearly not involved in the conversation. I do agree that calling you an "attention seeker" was a bit over the top, but let's give this line of conversation a rest already.
@Blue yeah, I had to type this though. Could not sleep
Change of question... In the equation I mentioned earlier, what can we put in place of $\Delta$ so that the LHS is divergence free?
@Blue I will drop this line of inquiry but I want him to take back the "meaningless" part lol
or at least tell me why they were meaningless
3 hours ago, by Cows
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. Telll meeeeeee ME WANT TO KNOW
@Blue ok ok lol :P
@Blue @Cows What the hell... xDxD
@Cows You're engaging in a monologue over a public space - that's the chat. That's taking up space where no actual conversation is happening. That's effectively spamming, if not intentionally - which I am perfectly happy to believe.
This is kinda like what @Secret used to do.
(But doesn't anymore)
@BalarkaSen well, will you and others join my conversations?
I won't because I don't know physics but if you pose interesting questions, I am sure others will!
sounds fair
Alternatively, if you discuss math, I will be very happy to engage.
I will certainly direct my math queries to you in the future. Don't be afraid they'd make sense
That'd be very nice. I can't promise I'll be able to answer them, but I can certainly have a go at them.
@Cows For the record: Pinging random people with aimless questions like "You there?" or questions you have no reason to believe they are interested in is considered "spamming the chat" here if done more than once, and especially if you do so after someone asked you to stop.
Responding to people who ask you not to do something here with "This chat is not your property" is not the way to deal with disagreements, there is precedent for that attitude being rather unwelcome here. Instead please figure out what is bothering other people and consider if they do not have a point.
For better or worse, chat is a single stream of messages often containing multiple conversations, which means we all need to use it in a way that does not overly disrupt others' usage of it.
I remember that guy. I enjoyed conversing with him, but he acted viciously when some people pushed back against him posting competition problems here.
@ACuriousMind This goes back to our conversations about what would happen if too many users started using the chat - a desirable alternative for the formality present in the Q&A site counterpart, but renders the chat functionally retarded.
@BalarkaSen Yes, it is feasible for our current volume of chatters if we all try a bit, and I think there would be room for some more, but at some point the concept of a single "bar" for the whole site falls apart. E.g. SO has a model where most large tags/subtopics have their own chat, there's no "general SO chat"
Which pressurizes the moderation panel a lot, of course
@ACuriousMind you make valid points. I probably should also be more considerate in the chat. I do have a tendency to push the envelop on here. I shall scale back a bit. I do hope people join my convos. I have genuine interests in most things I ask about.
ok off to bed now. I can sleep now
Good night!
@Cows Maybe this helps to not take it personal: I regularly see posts in here which I'd like to respond to in other circumstances, but which I can't because I'm currently doing something else, or am tired, or already debated a lot and am not looking for another technical conversation, or... Sure, sometimes I'm also genuinely not interested.
Another thing to consider is that conversations will start easier if you offer something: "Talk to me about X!" is very non-specific, and usually will only draw in people currently bored or really excited about X. Asking a specific question about X, or presenting a specific line of thought for discussion usually has a somewhat higher success rate in getting a conversation going.
@ACuriousMind assuming you're either not at work, or are very bored, can you write the EM wave solution of Maxwell's equations in terms of the field strength tensor? If so, does that mean it is in a sense a tensor wave like gravitational waves?
@JohnRennie I'm indeed not at work, Ascension is a holiday in Germany ;)
Another holiday? Do you chaps never do any work? :-)
Not in May we don't :D
(Seriously, May has like 4 public holidays every year)
Hi guys, I'm looking into the c theorem and the a theorem (RG flow for CFTs)
I have two questions, one about stereographic projections and one about higher dimensional integration
The stereographic projection x/a --> tan (x' / a) seems to result into an integral that I can't reproduce, and at some point I have the divergence of a quantity under the integral sign which Zamolodchikov turns into a boundary and a bulk part, but again I cannot reproduce the form of this integral
But in order to write the EM wave solution as a tensor, isn't all you have to do use $F^{0i} = E^i$ and $F^{ij} = \epsilon^{ijk} B_k$?
@YuzurihaInori has been asking about gravitomagnetism, and I was wondering how close the analogy to EM is. If the EM wave can be written as a tensor wave that would make the correspondence very close.
My question is mostly, what should I be looking at if Zamolodchikov;s book doesn't clarify sufficiently (for the second part) and also what's a good start on Stereographic Projections and its application in solving integrals for the first question
@JohnRennie Well, I don't know what a "tensor wave" is but you can certainly write down the solution from knowing the $E$ and $B$ fields since these are just the components of the tensor
(first question is about a-theorem btw, Cardy didn't write any books about it so that leaves me lost...)
I guess what I'm really asking is whether it makes sense/is useful to write an EM wave that way.
I suppose it would make it manifestly covariant
It makes sense. Whether it's useful depends on what you want to use it for ;)
Generally the covariant formulation of EM is not terribly useful in solving any actual EM problems, but very useful in getting a simple prototype for covariant field theories
I'll have think some more on this ...
@user55789 I'm not sure we have any CFTers in the chat.
ACuriousMind (a string theorist) would be your best bet but I think he's said he hasn't done that much work on CFTs.
I do know a bit of CFT but I'm utterly lost at RG flows. However, questions about the stereographic projection etc. as such don't really sound as if they are specific to CFT or RG flow, so you could either try to ask them here anyway or ask at math.SE/in the math chatroom
In any case, I intend to spend my day off playing the newly released Pillars of Eternity 2 and not spend overly much brain cells on anything intellectual ;)
CFTs are barely intellectual
I'll start with the stereographic shenanigans at Math.SE, thankx!
@JohnRennie Thanks for taking my topic seriously :) If you don't mind, could you tell me if it is possible to have a momentum continuity equation straight out of einstein field equations? Or sth in terms of like : If energy or mass is flowing out of a region, then the momentum must be flowing out of the region (in analogy with electric charges and currents)
We all know $L^2$ (i.e. magnitude of angular momentum squared) has eigenvalues $0, 1/2, 1, 3/2,...$ in QM. Why then are the legal energy levels for a pair of particles with masses $m$ rotating in $3$ dimensions around a sphere with radius $r=a$ equal to $E_n = \dfrac{\hbar^2 n(n+1)}{ma^2}$for $n=0,1,2,...$??? What happened to the half integers??
@YuzurihaInori To be honest I'm not sure what you're asking. Momentum flow goes into the stress energy tensor, so we normally put it on the right side of the Einstein equation.
@Lozansky Check the derivation for $E_n$
@Lozansky The orbital angular momentum (which is $\vec x \times \vec p$, unlike spin angular momentum) does not actually admit the half-integer values.
@JohnRennie Just asking if there is a continuity equation for momentum...
@ACuriousMind But in the chapter "Angular momentum" (=orbital angular momentum?) Griffiths writes that $L^2 f^m_l = \hbar^2 l(l+1)f^m_l$ for $l=0,1/2,1,3/2,...$ and $m=-l, -l+1,...,0,...,l-1,l$. But then (in the same chapter) he claims that $L^2$ has the eigenvalues $\hbar^2 l(l+1)$ for $l=0,1,2,...$. Since spin hasn't even been introduced, I am wondering how this is consistent?
@YuzurihaInori I think that's just the condition that the divergence of the stress-energy tensor is zero.
@Lozansky I have no idea what the $f^m_l$ are, so I can't say anything about that
If you have the book, the two (imo different) statements are at page 165 and 170
To $L_z$ and $L^2$
@YuzurihaInori This is built into GR because the divergence of the Einstein equation is zero, and Einstein's equation equates the Einstein tensor to the stress-energy tensor.
In general, the possible eigenvalues of a quantum mechanical angular momentum are 0,1/2,1,3/2,... But in the specific case of the angular momentum operator acting on complex-valued square-integrable functions, only the integral eigenvalues occur.
I get it. So it's the whole of the tensor that's conserved.
The "root cause" of this is that the representation on complex- or real-valued functions is almost "classical", and the half-integral values do not occur classically.
@ACuriousMind And the Hamiltonian for a rotating system has to act on complex-valued square-integrable functions?
@Lozansky Well, in the case you're looking at (a spinless particle) it does.
But not if it had spin?
@Lozansky I got the part you are mentioning. But in the second case, I can't see where he mentions $l$ to be integral.
@Lozansky Yes. But if you haven't gotten to spin yet don't worry about that part yet
He = Griffiths
@YuzurihaInori He switches from $l$ to $n$. Same thing. (Problem 4.24)
Got it. Well, he mentions the half-integer thing at the end of the section. It's the spin part. The integral ones are the orbital angular momentum solutions.
@YuzurihaInori Ah alright that clears it up! Thank you and @ACuriousMind
Please forgive me if I toot my own horn.
@rob Congrats
Anyone here has an Idea about JEE?
@ACuriousMind Thanks. A long time coming.
@AbhasKumarSinha Java Enterprise Edition? I have, but I would be more happy, being a physicist
@peterh JEE means, Joint Entrance Examinations, it's the one of the hardest exams on earth
@AbhasKumarSinha There is also a academia.stackexchange.com
@AbhasKumarSinha There's plenty of Indian users around here with experience in it, and there's a problem solving room where JEE problems are discussed frequently.
yes, Success rate in IIT is 0.023% and MIT is about 5 and Oxford is about 3%
@peterh Academia is for academics and those who are students at a university, JEE is an exam you take prior to being enrolled at a university
The probability that you'll die of heart attack on your birthday is less than the succcess rate in IIT
@peterh @ACuriousMind Why don't you try this - drive.google.com/file/d/0BxIR7Kj71SMKN1NaQ3FrbU5STTA/view
@AbhasKumarSinha Why would I? I don't have to do exams anymore :P
@ACuriousMind Don't these look good? XD
@ACuriousMind What are your present qualifications?
@rob congratulations Professor.
@AbhasKumarSinha I'm a physicist by training (Master's degree), but I'm working as a software engineer.
@ACuriousMind Oh, then you are my type of guy
I too love physics and dev
in software
@peterh you?
@ACuriousMind What you feel about JEE Questions? Are they hard for you?
@AbhasKumarSinha don't you mean greater than?
@AbhasKumarSinha I haven't ever really sat down and tried to solve one, I'm afraid.
@ACuriousMind oh
@skull yes, sorry
np :-)
@skull What are your qualifications?
Exercises were often tedius when I had to solve them, so I have little interest in solving some on my own
@skull You love physics or mathematics? which one more?
tough choice
@skull what are your qualifications? Phd?
@skull no problem
thanks, I'll have a look
@skull great :)
Hi @Jim o/
@skull hello
how are you? my friend
@skull distracted (thus the delays), but great
how you been?
Can anyone enlighten me on this?
@NoahP That yellow marked thing?
I'm not sure why the distance is zero in minkowski space @YuzurihaInori
Because it's null-separated
@Slereah Could you elaborate a bit please? :)
Here the distance is not the euclidean distance, rather the relativistic invariant distance.
Its definition is $d^2=c^2t^2-x^2-y^2-z^2$ in the $(+,-,-,-)$ metric signature.
Where $c$ is the speed of any massless particle ( popularly known as speed of light, but it's a special case )
Ok, so how come its zero?
Just see that it's at an angle $45^°$. Therefore $x=ct$, and since it is in 2 dimensions (1 space + 1 time), $y=z=0$
Put this in, and you will see how it's 0.
Right ok, thanks :)
@rob Congratulations, indeed. That has been a long time coming. And I see a lot of familiar names in the author list.
Just like the Pythagorean distance remains invariant in euclidean geometry, the distance formula I mention (I forgot it's name), remains invariant in Minkowskian geometry (flat space-time geometry).
@rob Congrats Prof!😊
@dmckee Any way to read @rob's paper without a nature subscription? :)
@NoahP Is this pic from a big fat notebook?
It's actually a screenshot from my lecturers notes, I presume its done in a big notebook
That page looks eerily similar to a book, but now that I checked, the book does not even go near Relativity :P
@YuzurihaInori Not sure if nature lets you put things on arXiv, but you could look there for the title.
Doesn't look like it, but there is a Dissertation from last year which will have much more detail.
And of course the proposal (from 2003) is there. That's what I meant about a long time.
@dmckee By the same name?
@YuzurihaInori Very similar. I used a Google search: site:arXive.org Precision measurement of the weak charge of the proton
the hell is arXive
is it a lady version of arxiv
@Slereah In what language is '-e' a feminine marker?
French :p
Oh, right, I guess I thought no further than le/la/les and wondered why -e might be feminine
Ok .... I'm looking at a student response to a question on a final exam.
I told them that the SHO through a diameter borehole in a uniform model Earth would have a period of 83 minutes and asked for the angular velocity $\omega$.
The intent was that they would find $\omega = 2 \pi / T = 1.26 \times 10^{-3} Hz$.
This student used the formula for the angular frequency of a simple pendulum $\omega = \sqrt{g/L}$ with $g = 9.8 \,\mathrm{m/s^2}$ and $L = R = 6.4 \times 10^6\,\mathrm{m}$ and got essentially the same answer.
I hate it when things "just work out" on test problems.
What's the error in his answer? (Precision error)
This is just a pretty weird coincidence, or is it?
It's not a coincidence, because for a harmonic oscillator $a_\text{max} = \omega^2 A$, which gives $\omega = \sqrt{a_\text{max}/A}$. And the amplitude is the radius of the model planet...
Indeed later in the problem I ask them to find the maximum acceleration and that it comes to $g$ is suppose to be the big surprise.
But any way, their answer differs in the 3rd digit, but then I rounded all the inputs to two digits so that is to be expected.
I just hadn't noticed that particular way to stumble into the right answer. This student is in for partial credit.
@dmckee I appreciate this. My school would have slashed across the question when they see that formula.
@dmckee I worked it out right now, that's why I asked. It's the maximum accelaration used.
@YuzurihaInori This is the course for pre-meds, bio-chemists and other non-specialists. I'm pretty lacks on the grading for them.
In the course for physicists and engineers I'd be a lot harsher.
This is madness, how can $P_0$ be positive definite :(
Energy doesn't have to be positive, e.g. Hydrogen atom energy levels, and susy is supposed to 'prove' that energy levels are always $\geq 0$, not assume it :(
@bolbteppa Not that I know anything about SUSY, but ... should you be counting the mass energy in there?
Because the total energy (including mass) of the hydrogen atom is positive, even if it is lower than the total energy of the two bits separately.
@bolbteppa Where does it say that, tho
It might be just for free theories
From equation 3.30 to 3.34 on page 6
Basically they want to figure out what the anti-commutator $\{ Q_a^L, \overline{Q}_{\dot{a} M \}$ looks like, where $L, M$ are the indices for the different susy generators, while $a, \dot{a}$ are their components, it must depend on $P_{a \dot{a}} = P_{\mu} \sigma^{\mu}_{a \dot{a}}$, and then some other symmetric matrix $C$ in $L$ and $M$. They prove that the $C$ matrix is Hermitian after 3.30, so they can diagonalize it,
and they can even re-scale the diagonals so that you only have $\pm 1$'s along it, but it takes positive-definiteness to remove the $\pm$ question, and they seem to do this by ending up with the right hand side being $C^L_M P_0$, but this depends on $P_0$ being positive-definite
e.g. equation 3.35
I'm guessing they probably assume positive-definiteness as an axiom for this theory
Since they're probably doing the free theory?
I think for most reasonable theories you can assume positive definiteness of the Hamiltonian, or at least that it is bounded from below, in which case you can renormalize it to being positive definite
If it's bounded from below by $P_0 > -C$ you can just redefine $P_0 \to P_0 + C$ and the theory will be the same
@JohnRennie sounds interesting, would like to inquire on that myself further, considering similar directions, not an expert on this, but there seems to be some kind of natural math relation between tensor formulations and waves (of all types)... some of this is brought out in one of my oft cited refs in here Tenev + Horstemeyer... suspect this has been studied somewhere... there is probably some ("more") precise way to formulate your question... would seem to require extended analysis/ inquiry...
@YuzurihaInori Nature's rule is that the paper as accepted by them can't appear on arxiv for six months, so you can read it for free eventually. What's new is that this analysis includes our entire data set, with all the hairy corrections and little details. If you just want to know the big idea, you could look at the commissioning paper from a few years back and substitute the new result from the Nature abstract :-)
I read something about that, being bounded from below meaning you assume it's positive definite, will check now
Generally theories that aren't bounded from below don't work
Like commutative fermions or cubic interactions
Vaguely think that's the answer, will write it up now and see
my question got 3 upvotes on data science and yet no answers :(
@Slereah @ACuriousMind I’m gonna guy a game pad today. What’s a good one? Is the steam brand one good?
You mean you're gonna guy a bame pad?
I've never used a game pad for PC
And the last time I used a joystick for it was probably 20 years ago
The Steam controller is...weird, but not bad. I've had an Xbox 360 controller for years that has served me well
@Slereah Some action-y games play much better with a pad than with keyboard+mouse
@Slereah I want to play The Witcher 2 but it’s literally impossible on a keyboard
@ACuriousMind I own an X360 controller
How do I connect it
@ACuriousMind I'm an adventure game kind of guy
Wireless one
It's all point and click
@0celo7 It's USB isn't it?
USB4...no plug
Well, mine has a cord with a standard USB at the end. I just plug it in, done
> Of course, of course; he doesn't want a proof of the existence of fish, he wants to catch a fish
@0celo7 with the wireless controller you need to buy a receiver that will plug into your PC (typically USB).
They sell for small change on eBay
^^^response to me criticizing an answer for writing down an object with dubious existence :P
Physics as imaginary fish-catching amuses me more than it should, probably
@JohnRennie gaming tech or Ai choose one wisely
@RishiKakkar the official MS receiver is only $15 so I'd buy that. At least the drivers will be MS software and therefore (probably) reliabe.
Choose one for what? A prize? Total extinction? A round of tickles?
@ACuriousMind what
@JohnRennie Hmm.
Wonder if I can buy this at GameStop
@0celo7 No, it's about positiion eigenstates, you'll just get upset :P
I mean like which would rather prefer
@0celo7 I'm sure any reasonable game store will sell XBox 360 receivers.
@ACuriousMind link dammit
@Slereah Wess and Bagger's SUSY book, the book which the above argument is taken from www2.ph.ed.ac.uk/~s0948358/mysite/SUSY%20chapter%203.pdf is probably the one susy book one should read, and probably what will get you to the promised land
You hid the questionable part of claiming that this operator can be "diagonalized" in the implicit claim that the "evident eigenvector" is, in fact, a meaningful vector. As they are a Hilbert basis, infinite sums of the basis of energy eigenstates only make sense if the sequence of their coefficients is square-summable, which your sequence of entries in that vector very likely is not. — ACuriousMind ♦ 24 mins ago
is the LHC able to look for SUSY?
@enumaris Yes, but it hasn't found any
"Looking for SUSY" is essentially just trying to produce the superpartner particles
"Infinity should not bother you."
Maybe they're ashamed of their stupid names (looking at you, slepton) and just hide from us, though.
well by looking for
I also mean like
able to rule out
at least parts of it or something
what I'm getting at is, can we forget about SUSY now cus the LHC hasn't found anything lol
@enumaris clearly the SUSY scale is variable and is 2x whatever the LHC can currently reach
'the spectrum of the energy operator E (the Hamiltonian) in a theory with supersymmetry contains no negative eigenvalues.'
@enumaris Well, you can forget about any SUSY models that predict superpartners with a mass less than what LHC is able to produce
and how many of the SUSY models is that?
like a negligible number...or a significant number?
why is SUSY even expected
@enumaris Since any reasonable counting probably puts their number at infinity, I don't even know how to answer that question.
Still not 100% though, hmm
I'd be proud to be called slepton.
Why you gotta call out slepton
so SUSY is one of those "this model has an infinite parameter space, so you only get to shrink the parameter space down with experimentations" kind of thing?
@enumaris Yes
I mean the sterile neutrino is also is like that
SUSY is the only known way of going beyond the Poincare group + internal symmetries by the Coleman-Mandula theorem, and making SUSY local gives you supergravity, i.e. quantum gravity, but it's not renormalizable, but you can fix it with strings to get renormalizable gravity, all other paths have gigantic flaws
Usually there's some pieces of the parameter space that's interesting though
Hello, apologies in advance for this sort of a question, but I figured this might be a good place to ask. Does a bad semester in undergrad significantly affect the grad schools one is likely able to attend, if the undergrad is otherwise a fine student (3.5-3.7 GPA at application, research, etc.)?
like "if the particle properties is in this part of the spectrum, then we can explain XXX with this particle"
@enumaris In my understanding, the major problem with current HEP theory is that there's nothing to explain :P
Yes it's looking for susy
awesome :D
There are no mysterious particles detected in colliders, no puzzling behaviour showing up in detectors.
@ACuriousMind explain gravity pls
@KennyDuran I'd be tempted to ask on the Academia Stack Exchange
The world seems as boringly Standard Model as it can be
aside from the bits that aren't
@ACuriousMind but then what is the dark matter
@0celo7 I said HEP theory. Also, can you point to a gravitational phenomenon we have observed but do not understand?
@ACuriousMind muon g factor?
is there a scale at which SUSY would lose it's usefulness...like...the partner particles get so energetic that it messes with the theory's other predictions in some way or other?
Quantum gravity? :p
Zwicky wants to know
@JohnRennie Meh, that's not even above $5\sigma$ :P
It refuses to go away though ...
@JohnRennie I have. I got downvoted, and later found a comment on a physics stackexchange post that recommended the chat might be a fine place to ask.
are we gonna be stuck with SUSY forever no matter what the LHC says?
The LHC is pretty low energy compared to string theory scales
@ACuriousMind I know many open problems in GR :P
@KennyDuran the trouble is that few of us are academic staff so we aren't ina position to answer.
what is this "observing" thing though
If it wasn't for Republicans, those energies would be more accessible and in the 90's
@0celo7 Damn cosmic censorship
@bolbteppa Not an observation, just something people think we should theoretically be able to explain. Very different from the host of unexplained things particle physicists were observing in their colliders that eventually led to the genesis of the Standard Model
Ok, that's understandable. Thanks anyway!
You can thank them for making sure it wasn't the US that got the Higgs
@ACuriousMind Also the standard model as it is currently is a bit ramshackle
ie neutrino mixing and weak mixing
It's a bit ad hoc
@bolbteppa You're thinking of the supercollider?
hey.....I worked with neutrinos...thems fighting words
Neutrinos suxx
@Slereah It's funny, isn't it - I asked for observations and most responses are about theoretical considerations :P
fite me
@ACuriousMind Well you still didn't answer for dark matter!
@ACuriousMind I don't understand physics. What counts as an explanation?
dark energy is mysterious as well
they figured out the voyager anomaly tho right
Dark energy is perfectly explainable within GR though
you can just fix the value of $\Lambda$
@ACuriousMind B meson decay
@Slereah Dark matter is probably one I'm willing to fully count, but it's not really in the realm of HEP theory. The muon g-factor I'm a bit sceptical about since I never trust perturbation theory so I'm counting it has half an observation ;)
What if we pointed the LHC into the sky
To hit dark matter
sounds legit
Yeah, but you can't hold back your blame for Democrats either, who mostly deserve it too, but R's deserve it more, this seems to have 'radical-ized' physicists Michio Kaku and Weinberg and the rest to become popularizers of science :p
Like into 'hyperspace overdrive' territory
@bolbteppa what are you on about
Radicalized HEP physicists are dangerous
they have the death rays
does weinberg do the michio kaku thing? I've never seen him on stuff...
He did his own version of it, e.g. the First Three Minutes book and atheism and stuff
They have brought up this collider a good few times in interviews on youtube etc
"It was the turning point of the decline of american exceptionalism. It broadcast to the world that America is not ashamed to be number two. An easy decision to make. Absolutely a no brainer."
@dmckee you here or is your avatar just passing through?
(Quote is not from them, some randomer online)
@JohnRennie That one comes and goes, but yes, it's a good candidate. Sadly not many seem very excited about it
@ACuriousMind Other than that I must admit the world does look awfully standard :-)
@Slereah Once again, you're confusing mad scientists with mad engineers ;)
ehep people are basically engineers though
One thing I like about the LHC is that the beam ends up in a giant block of concrete
Like comically huge block
@bolbteppa I'm not convinced the SSC would have worked out.
I suspect they were pushing the technology of that era too far.
They apparently just wanted to double the Fermi lab thing, and felt it was possible in like the 80's even, not sure, we'll never know
@JohnRennie Sorta here. I have a (probably brief) break from baby wrangling.
@dmckee I was wondering if you could help with this:
17 mins ago, by Kenny Duran
Hello, apologies in advance for this sort of a question, but I figured this might be a good place to ask. Does a bad semester in undergrad significantly affect the grad schools one is likely able to attend, if the undergrad is otherwise a fine student (3.5-3.7 GPA at application, research, etc.)?
"The SSC meant a great deal to the theoretical physicist Steven Weinberg, who had independently co-devised electroweak theory in 1967 and shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics for his contributions to it. In eloquent testimony to Congress and in elegant prose for the public (in a book called Dreams of a Final Theory, published in 1992) Weinberg emphasized that physicists were "desperate" for the machine because they were "stuck" as physicists in their progress toward what he called
"a final theory" of nature-a complete, comprehensive, and consistent theory that would account for all the known forces, fields, and particles in the universe. "
@KennyDuran I haven't sat on any graduate admissions committees, but I have helped several student apply (and some get accepted).
A bad semester or two can be overcome, but...
@JohnRennie I asked a physics prof in my department who is on the admissions committee the exact same question and he said if it's in the first few years then it does not matter as long as your grades in your senior courses and other advanced level courses are good.
(A) You'll need a good story about how and why that happened.
(B) You'll want some good letters of recommendation from people who've spent some time with you after that.
(C) It's true for everyone that it is easier to get into merely very good schools than the most elite schools, and that is probably more true after a stumble.
(D) It's help to have something else that makes you stand out from the crowd.
Interestingly the two I've help get accepted to grad schools recently were both "second-time arounders".
@dmckee Does this apply globally?
@YuzurihaInori All my experience is in the USA.
If I understand right the European situation is not hugely different but there is more weight on letter of recommendation.
@dmckee Ouukay
No idea elsewhere in the world.
@dmckee I am neither... xD
@dmckee Then let me ask sth. Suppose I completed First year in a college and wantto apply to Harvard or MIT for a course in Physical Sciences. What's the best possible route?
2. Can I apply after a BSc or BMath degree?
Contacting the admissions offices and asking is usually the right thing to do.
Hmm... I might do that. Thanks!🎂
@bolbteppa I think the SSC was pushing the technology so far that budget an time overruns were inevitable. The LHC had the benefit of another decade of technological development, but even so it overran both its budgets and the schedule. My guess is that the SSC would have drastically overrun.
Maybe, but even as they were planning CERN's collider back then too as that article says, they still felt "The SSC's acceleration energy would be 60 times greater than the CERN collider's, making it by far the most powerful proton accelerator in the world" was a realistic goal even back then, even if it was not 100% possible, a 50 times greater thing would be good too :p
I think the susy thing makes sense
Why should tax money be spent on insane scientist's toys
You're right, it shouldn't, let others who value science do it
There's no shame in being number two while also 'first'
@ACuriousMind for my part, what I found more irritating was the suggestion that people who are not interested in engaging with the preferred topic were 'not capable' of such discussion
Basically SUSY implies the sign of the energy always has to be exclusively positive or exclusively negative, and so if you want a theory with energies bounded from below and not from above you pick the $+$ sign, hmm
@JohnRennie The SSC was already over the proposal budget when it was shut it down, and they hadn't even finished civil construction, much less installed any hardware. Plus the improvement (nearly a breakthrough, really) in magnet technology they had counted on hadn't come to fruition.
The after the fact audits also turned up all kinds of things. Money badly mis-allocated. Money misappropriated (though I never heard of any criminal charges). Money simply lost—there was a lot of money they hadn't actually spent but no longer knew the location of!
The DOE took a long hard look at how big physics projects were managed after than and made some changes.
Mandatory financial and process training for various tiers of project leadership.
More structured accounting rules.
More steps along the road to actually getting traunches of money.
More traunches, each of which has to be qualified for.
The mistake that really blew my mind was that they had bought thousands of workstations for analysis ... years before there was any data.
My grad-school buddies and I inherited five of those machines. By the time we got them, their combined drives and memory made two decent machines.
@dmckee if it were to be built now it would be a straightforward project. The trouble is that enthusiasm for a slightly bigger hadron collider is a bit limited with the failure of the LHC to find anything new but the Higgs.
I'd guess the next collider built will be an electron-positron collider.
If it was going to be 60 times more powerful back then, I wonder what the ambition version could reach today
Isn't the Next Big Thing the really powerful linear accelerators
I also recall some enthusiasm for wakefield plasma accelerator or something

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