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@Slereah fyi re "results," had another thought on that, ran across this recently, liked it a lot, maybe some interest to mathematicians/ number theorists/ math physicists in here. cellular automata proven equivalent to the collatz conjecture :) Cellular Automata to More Efficiently Compute the Collatz Map / Chen arxiv.org/abs/1301.3125
HEY guys I have posted a new question
HEY where is John Rennei
@Akash.B Don't.
What I did?
Ping people when you ask a question
They'll answer if they want to
Don't bother them randomly
@BernardoMeurer Actually, Dr Rennie says in his profile "Just ping me if you want my attention". It seems unreasonable to tell someone not to, when Dr Rennie has given his explicit permission.
@DawoodibnKareem Did you see the guy's question?
And also, where in his profile does it say that?
No, I didn't see Akash's question. And the part that I quoted is the last sentence of the "autobiography" section of Dr Rennie's profile.
@Akash.B it's fine to ping me, though given I've only just woken up I may not be as lively as usual :-)
I've just read the question in question. John should probably go back to sleep!
@JohnRennie you are much braver than I am to issue such an open invitation. I would by no means invite the Stack Overflow community to "ping me with any Java questions".
I only said it was fine to ping me. I didn't say I would respond :-)
@JohnRennie I feel sad when I see people coming here, and refusing to direct their questions to anyone other than you. Not just because it's kind of insulting to everyone else in the room. But it also seems that you have made your own monkey for your own back. Or whatever the appropriate English expression is.
but john is the monkey
@0celo7 Did you read my paper?
Balarka gave it a Strong 9
Oooooooooh my question is duplicate again
the logic one? of course not
@0celo7 Why not??
I don't read logic
It's not logic even
set theory, same thing
@0celo7 It's not set theory either?
It's graph theory, and complexity theory
and some theory of language
set theory!
fine, I'll read it if my legs feel better tomorrow
@Akash.B The fact that 75% of the questions that you've asked on this site have been closed as duplicates suggests to me that you should probably work on your search skills before you post again.
What's with your legs?
they're pretty bad from skiing
I'll email you a higher-res version
Skiing? In Virginia?
west va
I can barely walk now they're so sore
this means I can't easily jump off a roof after reading your thing
It's more like this, as you continue to read to page 12, sure, there is no upper limit to signal propagation speed, but the lorentz transformation only admits one speed that is invariant, meaning that there is only one signal speed which all reference frames will agree on how fast the signal is propagating. When signals that are faster than this invariant speed is introduced, if timelike events based on the invariant speed is involved,
then these faster signals will lead to causality to be inverted, which then lead to time travel paradoxes
> The inversion of the time ordering for two events connected by the propagation of
a tachyon is therefore not, by itself, a difficulty. However, unless some restriction is
imposed on the type of propagation, it is potentially a source of paradoxes, as it can lead to situations where two events are timelike related, and yet the cause follows the effect. A typical argument is the following, sometimes picturesquely referred to as the “tachyonic anti-telephone”
@BernardoMeurer are there sets in this thing
@Secret Can I patent that?
@0celo7 No sets
@DawoodibnKareem nope, its already copyrighted, it's taken straight from that article
@Secret Damn! I suppose the problem with an anti-telephone is that it would be seem weird if you start thinking about somebody just after they call you.
no, the time ordering will actually be reversed in at least one frame due to the invariant signal speed, thus cause and effect swithc around in one frame while remains ok in another, thus you staged yourself to create a grandfather paradox
@Pandya A Trisquel user?
so its not weird but harmless
You're a pretty rare pokemon
@Akash.B new to the chat room? visit faq to get familiar :)
@BernardoMeurer Yes.
Q: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/393965/thought-experiment-what-will-be-the-result
Why is this "offtopic"?
@Pandya Nice, congratulations on your effort! How is HW support?
@BernardoMeurer Actually I started to use Trisquel 7.0 LTS on my Desktop PC in the end of 2014.
@user626528 because it doesn't fit the policy on homework questions. The comment under the question, attributed to David Z, was very clear.
And Recently 8 month ago I purchased a Dell Laptop in which I've Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS. Not tried Trisquel yet on Laptop.
"Homework-like questions should ask about a specific physics concept and show some effort to work through the problem. We want our questions to be useful to the broader community, and to future users"
@Dawood ibn Karee, it has absolutely nothing to do with any homeworks.
@Pandya I run Arch, so I'm interested in Parabola, ofc
But I've been worried about HW support
Hardware support is fine but I can't say much regarding Wifi, Bluetooth and Battery since my Desktop PC deosn't have such hardware and not tried Trisquel on Laptop @BernardoMeurer
@user626528 And that's why the comment specified "homework-like questions". It certainly resembles the kind of question one might find in one's homework.
@Pandya Well, things other than WiFi, Bluetooth, and Battery have never been the issue :P
But alright, thanks :)
@BernardoMeurer Yes, I want to implement Trisquel 8 on my Laptop but the development delayed (not released yet)
Maybe when it's out it'll have a GNU Hurd option :P
I can't help but mock Hurd
@DawoodibnKareem it has nothing to do with any homeworks. I'm just trying to figure out the concepts of relativity better.
@BernardoMeurer So, do you support GNU/FSF/RMS ?
@Pandya Yep
@BernardoMeurer Once I wanted to try Debian with Hurd but not get enough time!
Don't, I've tried Hurd and it's a POS
@BernardoMeurer Very Nice!
Well, mostly I'm a fan of the GPL
All my SW is GPL licensed, except for some libraries that are Apache or MIT/X11
@user626528 I don't have the power to re-instate your question, so arguing with me about this is pointless. I'm just trying to explain David Z's decision. Your question resembles homework, whether it's actually homework or not. Therefore, for it to be welcome here, you need to show some effort to work through the problem. That's the rule.
@BernardoMeurer Two year ago I written one blog on my computing which is outdated now though
Tbh I don't have any problems using only Free software
@DawoodibnKareem I've constructed this thought experiment. Don't really understand why it's "not enough effort".
@BernardoMeurer Congratulations! Btw, are you a developer?
@Pandya Yep
And a student
I really like the ethics of Software Freedom preached by RMS!
Well, he goes overboard sometimes
But I mostly like his work, and try to do my part :)
@user626528 Well, you could ping David Z and ask him what he was thinking. I've found him very approachable, intelligent and easy to reason with. However, my thought on this is that now that you've formulated your thought experiment, it would be good if you could work through what you think the answer might be, and include the analysis with your question.
You may be aware that in the starting of 2015, he declared that he started to run Trisquel!
@Pandya Well, I'm not, I don't follow him that closely I guess
@DawoodibnKareem sorry, but all these new requirements don't make any sense to me. If I could answer this question, I wouldn't need to ask in the first place.
I also don't like Debian, nor Debian-derivative distros
Just not for me
@BernardoMeurer ok. I also don't but I like the philosophy of GNU.
I run Arch on my PC, and OpenBSD on my servers
@Pandya What does liking GNU has to do with RMS having switched to Trisquel?
@BernardoMeurer Actually I started using GNU/Linux by Ubuntu so, I'm familar with Debain packaging and that's why I am using Trisquel.
@user626528 I see what you're saying, and I don't know what to add to what I've already said, and to what's already explained in the "help center". @DavidZ would you care to weigh in?
Be aware that it's 11:10pm where David Z lives, so he probably won't respond right now.
Does Perabola works fine? @BernardoMeurer
@Pandya Yeah, I started on Ubuntu as well, but I left quickly because I don't like apt
Parabola works well, yeah
I've ran it on a server for a while
Read my profile how I started and left Ubuntu. And some about switch to Trisquel
May claim was about non-free repo
I understand all of that, it's the same reason I've been considering Parabola, to avoid non-free blob
@BernardoMeurer Can I know why don't you like apt? actually I don't know much about various packaging systems like rpm and others
(Room is currently in CS mode, hmm...)
@Secret CS ?
computer science?
@0celo7 Ook ook
> The image of space being bent is just an analogy, it is not meant that anything is actually being deformed. Gravity distorts the notion of distance on spacetime, i.e. the presence of matter somehow causes the metric to change. A way to visualize this is to think of spacetime being bent, as you say, but really, spacetime is not made of anything, the idea of an ether has been laid to rest for a hundred years now, with good experimental reasons.
Recently I am toying with a scifi idea based on this
Consider a region of space where there's a particle
@Pandya For starters I don't like that they felt they needed a format for the packages. There's no reason packages shouldn't be a tarball and that's that. Secondly, the pkg manager includes the --autoremove flag, which is basically a "Please help me nuke my system without knowing how to fix it". Lastly I find it way too verbose and slow
@BernardoMeurer Btw, (as the stuff are off-topic here) we can discuss on /dev/chat for further discussion regarding comparison of various package management and distors or have a personal chat-room.
CS is not off topic in h bar
@Pandya We can talk about it here, often times we talk CS in here :)
h bar has many modes
e.g. food, CS, chemistry, philosophy, mathematics, politics, memes etc.
@BernardoMeurer ok :)
(cont.) The space in question has an extra structure called a Probability Field.
The particle is classical, meaning that it has a well defined trajectory
Now consider the following diagram depicting the particle passing through that region of space:
@BernardoMeurer you mean one should learn to compile and install from source rather then readymade deb or so?
@Secret I like it that you didn't mention physics :P
@Pandya No, I do not think that. In general I don't like source-based distros, although I have used Gentoo.
I think a binary pkg should be a tarball that you untar at / and it works
Btw, Has this room celebrated R.I.P of Stephen Hawking?
It should not need specialized formats, or anything of the kind
a package should just be a .tar.gz
@Blue lol, I have a habit of not including the default mode of a room in my analysis, because it is self explanatory
@Pandya See the 21 starred message
@Pandya Is that something to celebrate? :)
@Blue sorry my poor English vocabulary. choice
@Secret The default mode of this room is memes and food. Not physics :)
@Pandya I wasn't being serious, nevermind. The right word to use there would have been mourned I guess
not seeing...
Mar 14 at 3:50, by Bernardo Meurer
Stephen Hawking has died.
^^ oh found!
ah, you're probably on a mac, where the screen is too small to show all starred messages
My laptop has a small screen. Even it doesn't show more than 4 messages
@Secret I never on mac (even not in dream!) \o/ I am using somewhat enlarged screen
(cont.) Now since there's a probability field $\Bbb{R}^3 \mapsto [0,1]$ an observer near the travelling particle will see something very weird:
@dmckee I need help with the POSIX shell spec
@Pandya well you have found it, so it does not matter
@BernardoMeurer what is the difference between source-based and a binary?
Any idea how long private beta sites take to transition to public beta? (On average)
@Pandya In a source-based distro you have to compile all the packages yourself, which takes time but gives you greater control of how you'd like your programs to be configured and compiled
(cont.) The particle will pop in and out of existence as it travels along its trajectory, thus look like a sequence of blinks in a certain direction. In fact, if you repeat the experiment, the particle can blink in and out of existence in different places, showing its statistical nature
@BernardoMeurer As I'm not a developer, nor my education/profession belongs to computer/software in general I don't know in much depth. So, I usually wanted to learn more.
in a binary distro you download pre-compiled programs, which makes your life easier, take less time, but are less optimized and finely tuned to your needs
Feb 27 at 21:01, by Jake Rose
Apparently stephen hawking roams around here but ive only ever seen him once
90% of people are fine with a binary distro
@Blue which community?
@Pandya The Quantum Computing community is around 5 days old
@BernardoMeurer Is't deb a pre-compiled?
I was wondering when it will go public so that I can tell people about it
(cont.) Now, if you have a large enough ensemble of particles moving in that trajectory, then you will start seeing a long snake of particles materialised as the ensemble average
It still doesn't appear in google search
@Pandya Yes, it is
So are Arch/Parabola's pkgs
@BernardoMeurer and that is same as binary?
The only source distro that is large is Gentoo, and then there's Void but nobody uses that
@Pandya A binary is the result of compiling a source
So yes
ok. Thanks
Look, most of my points of disliking Debian are really technical and small, you're probably better off not trying to move away from something that works well for you
Q: What is Binary package? How to build them?

PandyaI want to get detail about binary package and run them on linux. I am running Debian base (Ubuntu/Linux mint) Linux os. How to build binary package from source? And can I directly download binary package for applications (like firefox, etc.) and games (like boswars, etc.) ? I run some direct pa...

^^ I still don't remember the answer.
@BernardoMeurer "For starters I don't like that they felt they needed a format for the packages. There's no reason packages shouldn't be a tarball and that's that" I didn't get can you explain? do you mean package should be in .tar instead of .deb ?
Smoke weed everyday
How's it going everyone
@Pandya Kind of. As I said, these are pretty technical points. Mostly my point is that a pkg should be a simple tarball that conforms to the Linux FHS standard, so you can easily install the pkg without a pkg manager if you need. Moreover it keeps things simple
If you don't know what the Linux FHS is, google it, and read on it. It's the standard for how files are organized on a Linux filesystem
@BalarkaSen This is pretty good
Also, @BalarkaSen, @0celo7 Doesn't want to read my essay :(
Basically what I look while choosing the distro: 1. Does it respect software freedom (GNU/Linux)? 2. Package Manager and 3. Desktop-Environment.
@BernardoMeurer yes, I know file system Hierarchy Standard :)
@Pandya Again, it seems like we have pretty different needs
1. and 3. don't even matter for me
and 2. is important
@BernardoMeurer ok. So, how Arch/parabola deal with it?
@Pandya In Arch a package is a gunzip tarball that is unpacked at / and it just works :)
@BernardoMeurer And I really have lake of knowledge in that (2. Package Manager) area :(
@BernardoMeurer cool!
But again
If Trisquel works for you, stick with it
Arch is a bit harder to manage if you don't have technical knowledge
It does teach you a lot
@BernardoMeurer And can you give some example of popular distro emphasizes on tarball pack type package management?
RedHat, SuSE, Fedora etc...
I don't know, honestly, I have never used any of those
I know Gentoo and Void work similarly :)
"Arch is a bit harder to manage if you don't have technical knowledge But It does teach you a lot" I really like that :)
Obviously smart work needs the knowledge!
At present you use Arch and Perabola, right?
@Pandya If you have time, I recommend trying it out. Feel free to drop by and ping me for help if you need it
I use Arch
And it's Parabola
I have Parabola on a server
But just for fun
Btw, Leaving the Debain would be somewhat difficult for me since I am only familiar with apt and dpkg!
@Pandya It's only hard for the first few weeks
then you get the hang of it
But later or sooner I really want to migrate to the distro that follow standards, having compatibility, respect the freedom and stay active in development.
Btw, @BernardoMeurer do you know about Guix SD which is developed by GNU itself? (Guix Package Manager)
I've heard of it
@BernardoMeurer decades ago I used to code in Algol 68, and it produced some of the most bizarre compilation error messages I have ever seen.
Do you feel the Linux vs GNU/Linux vs Lignux controversy interesting? @BernardoMeurer
Among the popular distros I found only Debain call them GNU/Linux
@Pandya Nope, I'm more interested in Kim Kardashian than I am in Lignux
@BernardoMeurer ok. I'll think for that :)
Also if they rebranded to lignux I'd switch to BSD
@JohnRennie Lol, that sounds pretty horrible
Honestly GCC's error messages are a language in and of itself
That I learned throughout painful years
@BernardoMeurer what is "Kim Kardashian" ?
@Pandya If you don't know it, DO NOT GOOGLE IT
It's a pretty useless human being
My point is, I think lignux is pretty stupid and petty
@BernardoMeurer \o/
It's flippin' snowing AGAIN!!
@JohnRennie Take a selfie doing a snow angel for us!
@BernardoMeurer Yes, but GNU/Linux is deliverable I think
Or write "PSE ROCKS" in the snow with pee
@Pandya It's a mouthful
Everyone says Linux, that won't change
@BernardoMeurer No chance. It's warm and dry indoors :-)
I’d just like to interject for moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNUcorelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of i
@JohnRennie One of the few times "warm and dry inside" is meant as a compliment ;)
@BernardoMeurer fnarr, fnarr :-)
I have a dead server this morning. And the VPN to the site router keeps dropping so I can't get onto the DRAC to see what's wrong. That's a pain.
@JohnRennie The hell's a DRAC
Hardware control card
@BernardoMeurer so, do you support why to call GNU/Linux or not? what is in name?
The Dell Remote Access Controller or DRAC is an out-of-band management platform on certain Dell servers. The platform may be provided on a separate expansion card, or integrated into the main board; when integrated, the platform is referred to as iDRAC. It uses mostly separate resources to the main server resources, and provides a browser-based or command-line interface (or both) for managing and monitoring the server hardware. == Features == The controller has its own processor, memory, network connection, and access to the system bus. Key features include power management, virtual media access...
It's a lifesaver. Trust me on this one.
How can it be malware? It doesn't have an OS.
@Pandya I think it would be nice, yeah. I also think it won't happen, it's a pointless fight, and people should stop worrying about it and just drop it ffs
Well ... I suppose it has some form of basic operating system
@JohnRennie I.. it's... It's malware
How is it malware any more than a router or a switch?
@BernardoMeurer ok. and the last point:- do you believe/support in Why Open Source misses the point of Free Software?
@Pandya Partially, yes
@JohnRennie Those are all malware too
@BernardoMeurer you need to drink less - or perhaps drink more :-)
@JohnRennie Definitely the latter!
@BernardoMeurer I summarized 3 year ago:
A: What are the philosophical differences between open source and free/libre software (if they exist at all)?

PandyaI recommend visiting: Free software movement and Open-source movement for historical point of view free software for freedom, full article open-source-misses-the-point and When Free Software Isn't (Practically) Superior for a Philosophic point of view Philosophy of the GNU project is close...

I haven't had a sip in a whole week! Can you believe it?
@Pandya Does that offer anything that isn't on GNU/FSF's website or on any of Stallman's 300 talks?
@BernardoMeurer no, only some notable points from OSI are also quoted.
@BernardoMeurer Sad!
ok. Nice to meet you @BernardoMeurer . I'll ping you if I've anything to know/learn regarding package management in Arch. Good Bye!
@Pandya Likewise, cheers
@BalarkaSen Put me in that discord chat
the anti-h-bar? that got too cancerous so got destroyed
what's your username there
ill send a friend req
@BernardoMeurer ya
Bernardo Meurer#8137
@BernardoMeurer What's discord chat?
Ah, hmm, something new in fashion
@Blue Make a discord, it's damn good
Already made
What's your id
bsen#4948 has hired a samurai to slay all friend requests.........
Take this: Blue#9420
Hm it didn't reach me yet
@BalarkaSen You've switched off the feature using which others can send you a friend request
Ah I see
Well good
Well, so it doesn't seem to be too useful :P
Sup peeps
At what point does an AI machine become conscious vs. mindlessly doing calculations unconsciously?

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