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This is the greatest review for a textbook I've ever seen
@0celo7 How much algebra does GR expect?
I.e. should I take Algebra II or would it not help me with GR?
@SirCumference how is he supposed to know what algebra II is in your university?
Don't need algebra nor even topology (at most, beyond absolutely basics like 'open set') for GR unless you want to do the (boring) global (irrelevant :p) parts
you need to know basic linear algebra though
@loocsieulb Right...
Why don't the pedants call out the fact half of every linear algebra book does multilinear algebra :p
"Principal ideal domains; introduction to field theory; field extensions, constructible polygons, non-trisectability; linear algebra over a field; splitting field of a polynomial, algebraic closure of a field. Galois theory: correspondence between subgroups and subfields; solvability of polynomial equations by radicals."
no you don't really need that
That's Galois theory man
@bolbteppa Oh c'mon, there's definitely more you need to know then an open set
based off me reading the first half of carroll's book which is advanced enough from most physics student's points of view you don't need anything
it introduces any topology or geometry stuff you need
Regardless general relativity requires differential geometry, which is greatly helped by topology
just know vector calc and linear algebra
You can make GR complicated for no reason if you want to, but you absolutely don't need to, and it's kind of ridiculous to do so
@loocsieulb There's no way that's it. Otherwise I could get started now
then get started
But if it were that easy, it'd be an undergrad class, not a graduate one.
it is an undergrad class
Tensors, basic differential geometry, covariant derivatives, Riemann curvature, calculus of variations, electromagnetism, they are the stumbling blocks
normally final year
@loocsieulb Not here
of undergrad
so? doesn't mean intro gr isn't undergrad level
and besides physics grad students know surprisingly little math based off the ones i know
(the ones that only did physics undergrad)
Intro GR, maybe not. But as a course I'll use in my career, I need to know what math to take
you won't use that kind of math as an astrophysicist working in GR
so get started learning it you're already ready for it
@loocsieulb I've got other subjects to focus on rn, like classical mech
GR is most naturally modelled as a Lagrangian for a metric tensor the way EM is modelled as a Lagrangian for an electromagnetic potential, or relativity as a Lagrangian for a relativistic particle, with the low energy limit being the classical mechanics Lagrangian for classical mechanics, otherwise you postulate conditions on the curvature a bit more directly
if you read Zee he discusses the classicalmech/electro/SR stuff you need
in the first several chapters
in enough detail to continue learning GR
So you do GR after those subjects and you learn basic differential geometry
OK, I certainly need diff geo. That's what a lot of people are telling me
you don't need to take a course in diff geo to learn GR
most physics GR books introduce it
Zee sets up the diff geom you need, so do most GR books
The problem is mathematical maturity, and not having the intuition you get from learning lagrangian mechanics (and especially Lagrangian electromagnetism)
I mean if I'm going to be taking a graduate level class, it'll be more difficult and require more math than an intro GR class
first year grad level GR courses are intro GR courses
at least the one in the first semester tends to be
Grad level GR will give more of a focus to topology, set up things with more linear algebra, but this is all basically an exercise if you learn GR the normal way first, it's just formalism prepping you for global GR which most people ignore anyway
Ignoring bolbteppa on GR matters is generally good advice btw.
not me
@SirCumference realistically you need little to no algebra
tensor algebra is completely trivial
why don't you ask the professor?
@0celo7 Good idea
@SirCumference I only ever have good ideas.
'An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field. - Niels Bohr' (burn?)
>implying you have to personally make the mistakes in order to learn from them
...implying if you only have good ideas, you can never make the mistakes necessary to be an expert, thus implying ignoring my GR comments is advice coming from, well, burn...
>implying that it's necessary to make mistakes to be an expert
Can somebody help me with a maths problem?
Nobody in the maths chat will help
(x-1)yexp(-1/2*((x-1)^2 +y^2))) Im trying to find the stationary points but im not getting all the points
How do you know you're not getting all the points, have you differentiated correctly, not sure what that means without latex
@JakeRose here is the WA code wolframalpha.com/input/…
Plug the points into the derivatives:
f(x,y) &= (x - 1)ye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} = xye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} - ye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} , \\
f_x(x,y) &= ye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} - xy(x-1)e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} + (x-1)ye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} \\
f_y(x,y) &= (x - 1)e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} - (x - 1)y^2e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} \\
0 &= f_x(x,y) = f_y(x,y)
Seems to be fine
I cant get the 2,-1 and 0,-1
$f_x(0,-1) = - e^{-blah} - 0 + e^{-blah} = 0$ etc...
Yeah but thats not exactly deriving the points
How do you get A to be equal to that square root of stuff ? I'm not getting this comparison of coefficients...
@JakeRose just factor the terms and it becomes obvious
f(x,y) &= (x - 1)ye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} = xye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} - ye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} , \\
f_x(x,y) &= ye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} - xy(x-1)e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} + (x-1)ye^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} \\
&= y[1 - x(x-1) + (x-1)]e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} \\
&= y[- x^2 + 2x]e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} \\
&= -xy[x - 2]e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} \\
f_y(x,y) &= (x - 1)e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} - (x - 1)y^2e^{-\frac{1}{2}[(x-1)^2+y^2]} \\
@HsMjstyMstdn \begin{align}
\theta(t) &= \theta_0 \cos(\omega_0 t) + \frac{\Omega_0}{\omega_0} \sin(\omega_0 t) \\
&= [A \cos(\delta)] \cos(\omega_0 t) + [A \sin(\delta) ]\sin(\omega_0 t) \\
\theta_0 &= A \cos(\delta) , \\
\frac{\Omega_0}{\omega_0} &= A \sin(\delta) , \\
\theta_0^2+(\frac{\Omega_0}{\omega_0})^2 &= A^2 \cos^2(\delta) + A^2\sin^2(\delta) = A^2 \to A = \sqrt{\theta_0^2+(\frac{\Omega_0}{\omega_0})^2}, \\
\frac{A \sin(\delta)}{A \cos(\delta)} &= \tan(\delta) = \frac{\frac{\Omega_0}{\omega_0} }{\theta_0} = \frac{\Omega_0}{\omega_0 \theta_0} \to \delta = \tan^{-1} ( \frac{\Omega_0
Oh wow thx for the whole thing
much love <3
Here, have a listen to what I consider to be a very nice song as well as a very powerful music video as thanks
Here's a powerful song + video (vaguely motivated by today's events :p) back at you
>funded by Russian government
Eww, wait
hahaha didja link the wrong song perchance
Is @JohnDuffield back yet?
sadly not
he's allowed back but I haven't seen him
I hope we will see him soon, and this time he will survive more long as poor Muze!
He made some reviews!
2 hours later…
@JohnRennie Is it possible to access the contents of a .odt text file using the Linux terminal? I tried, but it says "permission denied", although I can open it normally
@Blue what command are you using to open the file?
@JohnRennie Good Morning :)
Morning :-)
@JohnRennie Do you listen to trap ?
I tend to listen to weird prog rock and psychedelic bands that no-one has ever heard of.
Got you . @JohnRennie
@JohnRennie would you wanna try something new ?
It depends what you mean by new. I'm always interested in new bands from the genres I like. I'm less eager to try new genres because experience has told me they're unlikely to be of interest.
Well it's trap
What is trap?
Wikipedia means (a) a variant of hip hop and (b) electronic dance music.
its (b) that I was talking about .
Actually I have a bit of a weakness for some EDM. But don't tell anyone :-)
I guess you wouldn't be interested
whaaaa okaay !
just between me and you.
I suspect the EDM I like is more mainstream than trap. e.g. I like the two singles David Guetter did with Sia Furler, though that's partly for their surreal videos.
lol Guetter
@JohnRennie Try this , youtube.com/watch?v=S_j_K2uVpoc
It's a banger
Listening now ...
cool. Let me know what you think of it.
Not really my thing ...
I tend to like music that is at the weirder end of the spectrum.
This sounds, well, a bit mainstream.
Yeah , lol , that fine
hmm , got you.
@JohnRennie John Rennie likes electro country confirmed
Most of the EDM is mainstream.
electro country ! lmfao.
(caution, buttocks may be briefly visible in this video)
This is probably my favourite of the genre
The genre that exposes buttocks ?
@JohnRennie This one is the definition of 'mainstream'.
@Tanuj totally surreal video though!
yup @JohnRennie
@JohnRennie Based on this particular song , I know something you may like
@JohnRennie I'll be honest , I hate old music. But that's just me.
@JohnRennie try this youtube.com/watch?v=GuAtcpFQpMw
I'll have to put the music listening on hold for a bit while I'm concentrating on something.
@JohnRennie do let me know what you think about that one though. :)
@JohnRennie You like Pink Floyd? Why am I not surprised...
When I was in high school, I thought Pink Floyd was a new boy band/all girl pop group.
@Sid I think the music that stays with you is the music you heard as a teenager. That's the time you build the musical habits that stay with you for life. And I was a teenager when Pink Floyd were in their heyday. Oh well :-)
@JohnRennie John reminiscing John.
A Question: Can anyone explain to me as to why Fermi Energy is considered independent of Temperature? (Assuming the Temperature change is not very high)
@Sid It's defined at absolute zero...
@JohnRennie If I use the cat command followed by suppose "Test.odt" it returns the text in an unreadable format with weird symbols. And if I just type the file name it says "Permission Denied"
@Blue I probably meant Fermi Level there...
@Blue .odt files are not plain text. They are OpenOffice Writer files and have a binary format.
The confusion comes from the use of the term "Fermi level" to refer to actually to the chemical potential. The chemical potential is the one that depends on temperature, according to that formula. By the very definition of the Fermi level, it does not even make sense to talk about the Fermi level at any other temperature than zero K. But the use of "Fermi level" for chemical potential is so common that there is nothing to do but accept it. — nasu Jun 15 '17 at 17:41
@JohnRennie Ah, hmm. Any way about this?
Or can I convert them to .txt files?
@Sid Even "Fermi level" is defined only at absolute zero. Any book claiming otherwise is using non-rigorous terminology
Open them in OpenOffice and copy paste in gedit?
@Blue Open them in Open Office and save them as text?
There are probably command line convertors if you Google for them ...
@Blue Well, the Prof told me that Fermi Level varies with increase in temperature but the variation is small. It doesn't make sense that he told me something like that if it was defined only at absolute zero..
@JohnRennie Yeah, I'm searching for that. Anyway, copy-paste would be the street-smart way
@Sid So he was talking about chemical potential
@Sid there's a distinction between Fermi energy and Fermi level. One is defined at absolute zero and the other at all temperatures, though I forget which is which.
I think the Fermi level is the 50% occupation energy and the Fermi energy is the Fermi level at absolute zero.
@JohnRennie Both are defined at absolute zero only. :P But some books mean chemical potential when they say "Fermi level"
@JohnRennie Yep
"In band structure theory, used in solid state physics to analyze the energy levels in a solid, the Fermi level can be considered to be a hypothetical energy level of an electron, such that at thermodynamic equilibrium this energy level would have a 50% probability of being occupied at any given time"
If you define it at other temperatures use this definition ^
Otherwise just use Chemical Potential, instead @Sid
"thermodynamic equilibrium" is the keyword
There is now a blizzard in the UK. Looking out my window the snow is whipping through my garden.
I've never seen snow ;_;
It's white
... and cold.
Must be fun :P
Don't eat it if it's yellow.
@Blue ... for a few of the less mainstream definitions of fun
@JohnRennie Don't tell me you've never made a snowman.
I'm supposed to be driving to Minehead today. I think I shall postpone that trip.
@DawoodibnKareem OK, there are fun aspects to snow :-)
We are having the Holi festival here. Just came back after being drenched in a bucket of colored water :)
And my white t-shirt got ruined forever!
Who wears a white T-shirt during Holi?
Someone who likes coloured tee shirts? :-)
That ^ :P
@Blue Holi is tomorrow, no?
@Sid In Kolkata we celebrate both days
Actually 3 days
Yesterday my classmates were playing with abir
We had a working day today in College. Mass bunk. :P
Drinking + Playing Holi....not a good combination ;)
By the evening they all seemed ready for a Halloween party
@Sid Awesome!
@Blue Obviously. Everyone's gone home for holidays. :P
(Mid- term exam was over a couple of days back. So, holidays...)
Yeah, same here. Many people are going back home
Gulal (गुलाल), also known as Abir (अबीर), is the traditional name given to the coloured powders used for the typical Hindu rituals, in particular for the Holi festival. During this festival, which celebrates love and equality, people throw these powder solutions at each other while singing and dancing. == Origins == A legend narrates that Lord Krishna complained to his mother about the darkness of his skin compared to that of his consort Radha. As a result, Krishna’s mother smeared colours onto Radha’s face. This explains why today Holi is celebrated by throwing colours on people. == C...
Ah, abir is called gulal
I forgot that name
And it is so hard to really get time this semester for me. Too many lab records to write and a whole lot of assignments at once.
I just wait for others to finish writing their lab report and copy it on the day before the submission
As for assignments..we don't get much of it
Just a hell lot of tests
@Blue Yeah, that too.
@Sid What are you majoring in ?
@Blue Heh, try doing that on Central Workshop here. Those people literally compare your lab record notebook with the one before and after yours. If there's some similarities, you will get a "F" for that particular activity.
@Tanuj Electrical Engineering
cool :)
@Sid Our labs are a joke. We get ready made circuits from which we just have to take the readings. The TAs hardly remember how they made the circuit (the circuit diagram i.e.). I really don't understand how just noting down readings and plotting graphs, adds to one's knowledge. We are mostly marked based on lab-copy-neatness.
@Sid Both people get F or the one who copied ?
@Tanuj Both.
NIT huh :/
@Sid Heh
@Blue Ah. That's our Physics Lab. Note down readings, plot graphs, answer some weird Viva questions, all the while with some lady screaming at the top of her voice to maintain proper silence(Yeah, the irony.)
Lol...there's always one such angry old lady...everywhere!
@Tanuj Go to any national level institute, it's same everywhere.
And Students would complain everywhere too.
hmm @sid
@Blue What are you majoring in ?
@Tanuj Electronics
okay , cool.
We need to choose our specialization in the third year though
@Blue I've seen only the CS guys getting good packages , why is it so ? And why didn't you join a good NIT with CS ?
@Tanuj Because Packages isn't everything
@Tanuj Pure CS doesn't align with my career goal
Hi all for some reason I cant get chatjax to work on firefox
We have sufficient amount of CS in our course anyway
I don't even know what am I going to be learning in different branches
I tried both methods with the bookmarks and with the greasemonkey script
@user55789 I think you might need to buy a new laptop. Maybe a Mac would work
@Tanuj You should probably think about that after your exams are over.
@Tanuj Sounds like the words of a sponsor
Should I give you my bank account number
Why is it snowing... in March
@Sid @Blue Well , you're gonna be my mentor for that
This is fake
@CooperCape It's global warming side effects
That’s kinda ironic...
@Tanuj As for you first question, there are a lot of available jobs in software development
@CooperCape That's how scientists explain it
The usual demand-availability argument
Yea .
@CooperCape it's snowing where you are too?
@CooperCape Winter is here err... not gone yet. :P
Apparently, it's snowing in Spain too.
@Sid I'm already in Half shirt and shorts
@Tanuj Also, be careful about the difference between Computer Science and Computer Applications if you are interested in that...
It's frakking freezing, there is a gale blowing and a blizzard. There is only one solution: more coffee!
@Sid I don't even know what I'm interested in
@JohnRennie Drink Coffee without milk and Sugar!
@JohnRennie are you trying to get high on caffeine ?
@Tanuj If you like Computer Science you might also like to take up Statistics or the Mathematics and Computing course. The higher end technical jobs always seem to prefer a strong math background, compared to the more common software development jobs. Also statistics is very cool stuff! Anyway, you'll get 2 months after your exams to decide about that
@Blue yea , I'll probably have to talk to you a lot before deciding that in those 2 months
Sure, and you can try appearing for the Indian Statistical Institute's exam too
I didn't know much about it when I was in class 12
But I think that's a pretty cool course they have
@JohnRennie Yes, schools cancelled... (annoyingly bah!)
A bit heavy but not overwhelmingly so
@Blue I know nothing about it too , what subjects does it demand ?
I wonder what I have missed by never experiencing snowfall.
@Tanuj Only math I think
Check their website
Q: What is a subatomic particle?

j.doeI am curious as to what a subatomic particle is and have done a bit of re-search but have turned up with nothing of any help.

Too broad? Does not show research effort?
@0celo7 : I've been a bit busy, sorry. A colleague at work is off and I've got to cover for him. Plus I've been doing some other stuff.
@JohnDuffield Welcome!
@Blue Thanks Blue. Sadly I have to go now. Work calls.
@0celo7 Consider yourself lucky. You got a reply from the man himself.
@JohnDuffield See you. Have a good day. :)
Also you've been banned
That can hinder your coming
Don't be a mean man, Slereah
I'm like the original inspiration for Scrooge, @Blue
On my grave will be carved "A mean man"
Can you prove a vector space is infinite dimensional by proving that a subspace of it is infinite-dimensional.
Cause like a subspace of a finite-dimensional vector space has to be finite-dimensional, so does that work backwards?
Sure, you can. And that's not working backwards.
Alright nice one, thanks :)
The fact that a subspace of a finite dimensional vector space is finite dimensional is EXACTLY THE SAME FACT as the fact that if a vector space has an infinite dimensional subspace, then the space itself is infinite dimensional.
Yeah that makes sense actually.
In logic terms, $\left(A\implies B\right)\implies\left(\neg B\implies \neg A\right)$
Also infinite dimensional vector spaces can have finite dimensional subspaces....which is quite natural I guess
Ah right that also makes sense
Cause like I guess for example the real vector space of all continuous functions has like the subspace of all polynomials of largest degree 4 or something...
Linear algebra doesn't really deal with infinite dimensional spaces as such. Functional analysis is for that purpose
Ehh it was just a question in the axler ting
And yeah it probably makes sense that it doesn't...
Lot of interestings things arise in the context of infinite dimensional spaces
@JohnRennie Can you help me find a youtube to mp3 extension for chrome ?
@Blue Think I'll stay as finite as poss for now... ;p
@Tanuj I use YTD downloader - ytddownloader.com
It's a standalone app though not an extension.
@JohnRennie hmm , I was looking for an extension explicitly . Thanks though. Chrome won't let me install any extension which is not in google webstore
Chrome presumably want to discourage you from hacking YouTube :-)
yea . I had one last year though.
Give it up youtube
it's impossible to prevent someone from hacking your videos
You have to send the data to the user in the end, so you just can't do it
@Tanuj Just use something like this: y2mate.com
Lots out there
As for extension I don't know...
@Blue yea , these websites seem to my best bet
Hello,anybody home?
I'm lurking in the undergrowth ...
Hi John Rennie... do you know the Rayleigh wave? Isnt it just combination of longitudinal and shear aka transversal waves?
A longitudinal wave is a compression wave. I think a Rayleigh wave is purely shear.
The reason there is a deformation in the direction of motion is because the volume of an element is constant. So as the wave peaks the elements get taller and thinner, while at the troughs the elements are shorter and fatter.
The horizontal displacement does make it look like a longitudinal wave, but the underlying mechanism is different.
You was describing shear wave now right? Anyway,I just found website that says Ryleight aka Surfacs waves are indeed superposition of longitudinal and shear wave
The Rayleight and Love waves arent pure shear waves
The point is that the propagation speed of a longitudinal wave like a sound wave depends on the bulk modulus because it is basically a compression process. The speed of a shear wave depends on the shear modulus not the bulk modulus. And the speed of the Rayleigh waves also depends on the shear modulus not the bulk modulus.
So while a Rayleigh wave is not a simple shear wave the underlying mechanism is shear not compression.
@Sweeper It's interesting to know that Love waves aren't pure shear waves ;)
Jokes aside, JR's point is right. It's closer in nature to a shear wave
There is some difference though
Thank you John Rennie.... when you say Rayleigh wave depends on shear modulus,do you claim that Rayleigh wave is not combination of longitudinal and shear wave?
@Sweeper yes
But when I say that I specifically mean not a combination of a longitudinal compression wave and a shear wave.
The Rayleigh wave does obviously include longitudinal displacements
When longitudinal and shesr waves meet,does it create Rayleigh wave where they coexist?
shesr = shear
@Sweeper have a look at this:
that's a pretty good illustration of the deformation that occurs ina Rayleigh wave.
It looks to me like superposition of longitudinal and shear waves that travel at same speed in same direction
I suspect we are getting mixed up about what we both mean by longitudinal wave.
To me a longitudinal wave means a wave like a sound wave that propagates by compressing the material through which it is moving.
So I guess I'm equation longitudinal wave with compression wave.
I agree that in a Raleigh wave there is an oscillating longitudinal displacement. However since this longitudinal displacement is due to shear processes not compression I would not describe a Rayleigh wave as a combination of a shear wave and a longitudinal wave.
goodness, what's been going on in the physics meta chatroom?
I didn't even know there was a Physics Meta chatroom. Link?

 Backup Room – The h Bar

A backup room for when The h Bar is busy. (chat.stackexchange....
Oh yes, of course.
That was created to give people somewhere to post random chat when we had Ask Me Anything sessions in the main chat.
I don't think it has any role any more, now that the AMA sessions have lapsed. Captain Bohemian seems to have taken it upon himself to keep it alive :-)
Thanks for explanation John Rennie
@Sweeper I'm not sure I have really answered your question, but if I've helped even a bit that's good.
What are you doing in real life John Rennie? Are you teacher or student or scientist? I always wonder why would someone spend significant amounts of time in Stack exchange helping random people on internet for free
I'm basically retired, though I do some part time IT work to keep me busy. I have lots of free time and I enjoy discussing physics, and hanging out in the chat is the ideal way to use my free time in an enjoyable way :-)
Retired? How old are you?
I was thinking you are young becose you look young in your avatar photo.... I guess its old one.
It's a very old photo :-)
lol ok well anyway,thanks for helping me,and others for free,thats rare activity in this world,live long and prosper
It's not a photo, it's a dagguerotype
riverrun, past adam and eve's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay
i'm going to use this phrase to greet people from now on
@Slereah a cave painting
@JohnRennie what about brlrlrl ahahah
100% EDM
this is what people at the gulag listen to while partying in the snow
It's probably wrong to say I like EDM. Rather I like a few tracks that happen to be EDM.
Electronic Dance Music. Though the electron dipole moment would be super.
I never liked EDM too much but @loocsieulb recently linked me something by deadmau5 that I really loved
It's not EDM, even though uses similar instrumentation
Let me find it
Not high on my playlist ...
@JohnRennie mistake, that
(caution: that video does contain a skin-tight skin-coloured suit)
It's a mistake to not have below average pop music high up on one's playlist?
@BalarkaSen well 'below average' is in the ear of the beholder
Goodness, she's a flexible young lady
though admittedly from an English-language perspective things do change a bit
@JohnRennie or at least, she was in 2009
@EmilioPisanty I agree, I personally throw it in the garbagio. I was just confused what you meant by mistake, not trying to pick on you
@BalarkaSen well, how much early Shakira do you know? Pies Descalzos, Dónde Están Los Ladrones and the like
I don't.
My pop taste is severely limited.
omg she wolf
that's a throwback and a half
@JohnRennie Actually, it wasn't created for that - it's the "main chatroom" for our meta site, which was automatically created back when the meta site was created
That it's the main room is also the reason it doesn't freeze over due to inactivity
I see JD is back
the man, the legend
Not much I'm afraid.
@ACuriousMind so, the chatter isn't actually needed to keep the room open, and it could e.g. be moved to a blog-style chatroom?
The captain seems to be enjoying himself :P
@JohnRennie Hey ! Seems like everyone got to know your weakness
@EmilioPisanty I haven't actually looked into the room (on mobile, again) but likely yes. I'll take a closer looks when I get around to it
Is this site blocked at your work? @ACuriousMind
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