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Turns out fetlife isn't the place for physics discussions to flourish
who would've figured
Ha . . . I can't make my answer pass all test cases. Let me just grab a burrito first
Ok I am listening to Enya right now and solving this problem (duplicates) I think I can pass all the test cases, especially since I don't live in Rindler space
@Phase thanks for the heads up i'll keep that in mind
1 hour later…
Crap!!!!!!! Execution time limit exceeded
Will relax by reading about black hole information hehe (yes I said it lol :P)
@BernardoMeurer can you help me do this in O(n) time, O(1) space and in minimal execution time. I am trying to find duplicates. My firtst working pass is this function firstDuplicate(a){

var temp = [];

for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++){

if( a[i] === a[j] && i != j ) {




if(temp.length === 0){
return -1;

var sorted = temp.sort();
return a[(sorted[0])];

@Cows That is some hideous formatting
And I have no clue what that code is supposed to do or what language it is in
Are you trying to dedup an array?
Is that it
I think the site did horrible formating
hang on let me give you a link so we can explore the code together
Are you concerned with time complexity or space complexity?
You kind of have to pick one here
Also, can we assume the array to be sorted, or no?
@Cows ?
yeah that is what i was thinking, but they want all those constraints too. Presumably there is a trick. lol I don't know what it is
So you want it to be low time and low memory?
@BernardoMeurer Note: Write a solution with O(n) time complexity and O(1) additional space complexity, since this is what you would be asked to do during a real interview.

Given an array a that contains only numbers in the range from 1 to a.length, find the first duplicate number for which the second occurrence has the minimal index. In other words, if there are more than 1 duplicated numbers, return the number for which the second occurrence has a smaller index than the second occurrence of the other number does. If there are no such elements, return -1.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ a.length ≤ 10^5,
1 ≤ a[i] ≤ a.length.
Traverse the array. Do following for every index i of A[].
    check for sign of A[abs(A[i])] ;
    if positive then        make it negative by   A[abs(A[i])]=-A[abs(A[i])];
    else  // i.e., A[abs(A[i])] is negative
    this   element (ith element of list) is a repetition
hmm let me see if I can get a shareable online editor so we can try this
I tried something similar but it failed 4 test cases and the edge cases
@BernardoMeurer Let's try it here
@BernardoMeurer actually that editor does not work well
Yeah, it doesn't
@BernardoMeurer can you write an example in c++?
Look, the algorithm I outlined has the requirements
No. I can write a C example
that will be good too
please don't use pointers lolz, those things scare me
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void printRepeating(int arr[], int size)
  int i;

  printf("n The repeating elements are");

  for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
    if(arr[abs(arr[i])] > 0)
      arr[abs(arr[i])] = -arr[abs(arr[i])];
      printf(" %d ", abs(arr[i]));

int main()
  int arr[] = {1, 3, 2, 2, 1};
  int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
  printRepeating(arr, arr_size);
  return 0;
oh nice
That's not good C code though, I didn't bother to change it
And if you're scared of pointers you ought to grasp them before trying to achieve complex array manipulation
And also, the whole thing is a trick question, if you're worried about duplicates you should use a Hashset and have them ignored at insertion time
@BernardoMeurer yo
@0celo7 What uuuuuup
nephews got baptized this weekend
Ok cool knocked that out
I might be going to NY and DC in July-ish
I'll try to see you
In July I'll be in Knox or Chicago
Not sure
We can't fucking meet
@BernardoMeurer Do I need a visa when I go to Rio in Aug?
It's easy to get tho
how do I do that
@BernardoMeurer can you give me a quite run through of linked lists?
@BernardoMeurer are you not gonna be in Rio during the beginning of Aug?
I'll be in the Baja area
@0celo7 Nothing set yet
I was waiting on your schedule to make mine
I want to attack a cs problem on it but I want to see if may be you can give me some insights about this stuff
I should go see my mother in NY for a week or so
Then I'm free
I was planning on going home in August when you go
@BernardoMeurer thanks
@Cows Linked lists are absolute this, and almost useless
*singly linked . .
@BernardoMeurer cool, cool
Rio seems to be crazy
@Cows If you think you need linked lists, odds are you don't
Use a Hashmap, a Hashset, a B+ Tree, a Quadtree, an array, a rope, anything
@0celo7 Rio is insane
I shaved a guy's head in a party over new years
And I had sex on top of a fork and got my ass pierced
It's fun
@BernardoMeurer the author of amazon.com/Algebraic-Topology-Edwin-H-Spanier/dp/0387944265 was robbed at gunpoint 3 times in 6 months while in rio
Oh and I got to set people's new year resolutions on fire too
@0celo7 When was that?
in the 60s I think
Ah, yeah
It was a whole other city back then
@BernardoMeurer I changed the formatting of my thesis
@0celo7 Send it my way
@BernardoMeurer done
@0celo7 How come it's not dedicated to me
I am offended
Cuz Bob buys me books
who's Bob?
no one you need to know
@BernardoMeurer basically pages 5-19 are done
do you like the font?
Yeah, I do like the font :)
It looks very nice
@BernardoMeurer thanks, many hours were spent doing that
Implementing linked list in javascript
then will use it to solve some problem in O(n)
@BernardoMeurer this is volume 1 of my manifesto
@Cows Use a hashset
You don't need a linked list
2 hours later…
still reeling from todays wild chat session, but wanted to thank all the well-intentioned SE mods who work hard to make SE a great place in cyberspace, incl esp all those who got their msgs deleted... am dedicating this song to you :) metrolyrics.com/shiny-happy-people-lyrics-rem.html
@Slereah did you write this arxiv.org/abs/1802.04362
@0celo7 what's up with this gluing of spacetime everyone is doing these days?
@Cows why not?
@0celo7 well, how does it work?
2 hours later…
@Cows depends what kind of glue
haha yes
@0celo7 Mike sent me this. See theorem 3.1 section 3
Sounds like what I want but over the free loopspace instead of the pathspace
Maybe there's some nontrivial functional analytic fuckery here
@0celo7 doesn't seem like my style
@vzn that's a tiny ass atom
Oh man
I have the perfect answer for a post
But it would get deleted
Q: Greatest possible symmetry group of Lagrangian

RazorI have two very specific questions regarding the symmetry group of a lagrangian. N Complex Scalars, massive, non-interacting Do we have a global U(N) symmetry, or a global O(2N) symmetry? 1 Fermion, Massless, non-interacting I have the idea that the symmetry group should be $U(1) \times U(1)_...

I wish to answer it with
"The largest symmetry group of a single Dirac field is... $\operatorname{U}(4)$!"
Q: Nonlinear dyanmics and chaos theory in Electrical systems and circuits

FluxintegralsIs there a possible application of the field of chaos theory and nonlinear dynamics in electrical systems such as circuits and power? If so, are they based on conventional nonlinear dynamics or are they more based on electromagnetic theory?

Too broad?
@BalarkaSen does this seem alright
A: Discontinuity of metric derivatives in the Israel junction formalism

SlereahI am you from the future. Here's a probably fine argument for this. Take the normal bundle of the hypersurface $N = (-1, 1) \times \Sigma$, with the adapted coordinates $(r, y)$ such that $\partial_r$ is a vector normal to the hypersurface. We can decompose the metric tensor as $$g = g(\partia...

Q: Most efficient way to learn simple formulas by heart without understanding

LauraIs there an unorthodox way to memorize formulas for daily use, similar to the assimilation of multiplication tables in primary school? I included 'without understanding' because I do understand the formulas: given pen and paper and time to think (about the physics involved and/or dimensions) I ca...

Primarily opinion-based?
@Qmechanic Well you could test for efficiency
Good question for physics-education.SE :P
@Slereah It's an individual thing though - what works best for one person might not for the next
that is why you use statistics
also individuality is an illusion
Great flag
This post (v2) seems like a list question. — Qmechanic ♦ 1 hour ago
@Qmechanic Can you look over my latest question on meta?
"Western observers of Soviet science often spoke of the "blackboard rule," meaning that their Soviet colleagues could be expected to excel on those topics where world-rank work could be done with tools no more complicated than blackboard and chalk."
A: Why is the damping force proportional to $v$ and not $v^2$?

Todd Chutichetpongmaybe look into Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi or 1984 by George Orwell.

^ that's a new one
Hmm, I guess that might explain why professors of russian lineage like to teach with blackboards...
ditto with this one by the same user
A: How to model a non-linear pendulum with air resistance?

Todd Chutichetpongmaybe look into Einstein's work. Seems applicable here. Or another option is to go to bed.

@mods: i accidentally flagged a post as 'rude or abusive' last night b/c the mobile app sucks for people with thick fingers
hope that doesn't confuse
Yeah, it's not made for the members of the big hands club :P
Neither was electronics...
1 hour later…
"This view was challenged by Erich Kretschmann (1917), who argued that every theory of space and time (even including Newtonian dynamics) can be formulated in a covariant way, if additional parameters are included, and thus general covariance of a theory would in itself be insufficient to implement a generalized relativity principle."
Kretschmann the first to call out the diffeomorphism scam
I think that's a bit unfair. General covariance isn't enough on it's own, but if you consider it an essential component the GR pretty much falls into your lap.
SR is generally covariant :p
if you allow arbitrary frames
Didn't Cartan formulate Newtonian gravity in a covariant way?
It's in MTW
Presumably in one of the chapters that no-one reaches because they died of exhaustion first
I think I read about it in Penrose's book
I usually carry around physics books to read them on the bus
but I did not dare do it for MTW
"Consequently, Felix Klein (1910) called it the "invariant theory of the Lorentz group" instead of relativity theory, and Einstein (who reportedly used expressions like "absolute theory") sympathized with this expression as well"
Bit of a mouthful
"Other pseudo-Kantians like Ernst Cassirer or Hans Reichenbach (1920), tried to modify Kant's philosophy. Subsequently, Reichenbach rejected Kantianism at all and became a proponent of logical positivism."
the power of GR
"Some proponents of Philosophy of Life, Vitalism, Critical realism (in German speaking countries) argued that there is a fundamental difference between physical, biological and psychological phenomena. For example, Henri Bergson (1921), who otherwise was a proponent of special relativity, argued that time dilation cannot be applied to biological organisms, therefore he denied the relativistic solution of the twin paradox."
Ahah what
"Pierre Duhem regarded relativity as the product of the "too formal and abstract" German spirit, which was in conflict with the "common sense"."
@ACuriousMind is that the German spirit
Q: Is it possible to form modern physics using entirely "classical" theory?

SlereahEach of the big theories of modern physics have a somewhat more "classical" equivalent, that is The Lorentz aether theory for special relativity The Bohm theory for quantum mechanics Pauli-Fierz theory for general relativity (the non-linear version of it, anyway) I'm not 100% sure that they a...

Off-topic as non-mainstream physics?
I'd say no
This guy sounds like a proper gentleman
Also all three of those theories are properly mainstream theories, as defined in the rules
@Slereah : Ha-ha :)
a bit obsolete but most definately mainstream
Been reading about SR history so I wondered about the status of the Lorentz ether theory :p
Also hopefully this post will make Lubos Motl angry
"Beginning in the second third of the nineteenth century it was argued by American scientists such as Joseph Henry that while there was a great deal of activity devoted to inventions and the creation of practical implements, Americans were indifferent to basic science and basic research. "
So things didn't change that much it seems
"L.T. More, Professor of Physics at the University of Cincinnati, teased relativists on the grounds that if they were right then the sun was melting away at an incredible rate and that when a man caught a baseball, the mass of both the ball and the man's hand should change."
Do I have to indicate the dipole in a covalent dative bond?
I read from Quora American universities focus more on engineering than fundamental sciences.
Why am I getting 0 answers these days?
Maybe that's the case because I recall I read a PhD program in USA requires physics doctoral graduates to be familiar with both theoretical subjects and experiemtal subjects.
I mean here
We haven't had any experimental courses since master; the purpose of my touching experiments is only to teach first year undergraduate students.
But I think engineering graduates are better at teaching those experiments. The both instructors whose courses I served as a teaching assistant are PhD graduates in engineering; they both know much about electronics which I don't know.
brought to you courtesy of SMBC over at smbc-comics.com/comic/wise-master
(especially when it involves snark on the internet. and that's probably all I should say :P )
bahfest.com hmmm, tempting.
@Slereah that's not even a joke
@EmilioPisanty huh, the upcoming MIT one has Max Tegmark as a judge
I mean, substitute splork for zilch and you get a legit physics concept
@Slereah though it does then develop into $ab$-infra-zilch and the like
What sound does a high energy theorist's parrot make?
I find that inordinately amusing and I'm okay with that.
> Pending the satisfactory physical interpretation of the new conserved quantities, economy of expression will be facilitated by assigning them convenient identifying names; the ten conserved extensive quantities $Z^{ij}$ defined by Equation (7) will hereby be collectively called the "zilch" of the electromagnetic field, and a particular one labeled by the indices $(i, j)$ will be referred to as the "$ij$-zilch" of the field.
actual quote from an actual physics paper
"I don't know what it is but it needs a name soooooo.... yeah, 'zilch' it is"
IIRC very high derivatives of the position are called crack, snapple and pop
@Slereah indeed they are
as far as SMBC comics with a moral go, this is probably my favorite one: smbc-comics.com/comic/2011-04-06
(which feels strangely pertinent...)
@EmilioPisanty anything new in saddle point land?
@Semiclassical not particularly
the main thing I figured out lately is that I've got a periodic hamiltonian which is doubly degenerate...when I pick antiperiodic boundary conditions :S
I did meet an experimentalist yesterday and I'm quite confident that I've convinced him to carry out an experiment
so, on that front, =D
oh nice
@EmilioPisanty is that innuendo
@Slereah nope
I have discovered a new quantum number and we have strong theoretical evidence that it's conserved in (extreme, non-perturbative) nonlinear optics, so we're asking experimentalists to check
(I mean, not to toot my horn or anything)
toot toot
Will you call it a splork
The splork number
@Slereah nope
I can share the acronym
@EmilioPisanty oh sweet
ah, weinersmith
just a tad late
The main thing that’s neat about the double degeneracy in my case is that it raises the possibility that we’ve got instanton trajectories which interfere destructively
And that’d be pretty cool
I was about to say lol
Watterson did it first
"What is not widely known is that not only was he adamantly opposed to Einstein's theory, after World War II he was actively working behind the scenes to undermine not just Einstein's physics, but Einstein's reputation as well."
oh no
there we go
bejeesus, gocomics tries hard to make that image inaccessible
@Semiclassical thirty years ago =|
btw have you seen the Hobbes & Bacon series?
plus a few others
"The scientific reception of relativity in France"
Oh boy
"With rare exceptions, teaching, textbooks, and university programs reflected the indifference toward the subject until the 1950s."
@Slereah who is that about?
Herbert Ives
I suppose a big difference between GR and QM is how immediately relevant they were from a technology perspective
Well that was special relativity
which had immediate applications in nuclear physics
Hmm, true
Yeah, I can understand a slow acceptance of GR more easily than a slow acceptance of SR
SR took a while to get universally accepted
sure, but 1950s?
@JohnRennie I looked at the standard solution. My method was pretty much like it, but didn't get the right answer...
Well, in France anyway
It would be interesting to correlate that with what experiments French physicists were concerned with
Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night,
God said "Let Newton be" and all was light.
It did not last, the Devil howling "Ho!,
Let Einstein be!" restored the status quo.
Apparently only Poincaré and Langevin really cared about SR when it first came around
other french physicists didn't really work on it
And of course there’s also a difference between the reception by the French establishment vs younger physicists
"As for the general conceptual framework, mechanics was all-powerful and affected a faultless orthodoxy that was spread by a system which taught physics as a rigid and solid body of doctrine from which all weak points had been eliminated or disposed of. Science was presented as a fully realized achievement, encased in certainty, organized around Newtonian categories and justified by a positivism that took on the colors of mechanism, or, in a lesser fashion, those of energetics."
Planck’s line about science advancing one funeral at a time probably applies here
@Slereah What is the source for this?
"The comparative reception of relativity"
a big book on relativity history
@Abcd we can have a look tomorrow if you want. I'm a bit busy for the rest of today.
Okay, fine.
@Abcd Irodov problems are hard. Have you been recommended to study them? I would have guessed that you'd be better doing JEE question papers.
@JohnRennie yes, my teacher recommended it because JEE can cross any level of difficulty anytime...it's unpredictable..
@Abcd well if you can do all the Irodov problems you should be in a good position, but don't be surprised if you find some of them very hard. What is the number of the problem you're stuck with? I'll Google around for a solution that shows the working.
@JohnRennie Currently, I am stuck with one problem. I have already googled and found its solution...but I am worried about my method which appears to be absolutely correct but doesn't yield the right answer...
If you give me the number I might be able to find a solution that shows the working.
Thermodynamics and Molecular physics question 41. (A heat conducting piston...)
"Einstein gave this testimony: "Poincare was in general simply antagonistic [against the theory of relativity], and, for all his acuity, showed little understanding of the situation"."
A: What happens to a photon in a black hole?

The nobodiesNothing in the material world has infinite mass, hence no material thing can be accelerated to light speed. It would require infinite energy to do so. This proves that there is a definitive ontological boundary between matter and light (mind). They do not belong to the same category of existence....

@JohnRennie Already seen.
Seen this too...
@Abcd If you want someone to check your solution (and where you went wrong), you need to write it down first. John can't read your mind...
Apparently Langevin was pretty much the only one enthusiastic about SR in France
@Blue Obviously, but he is busy that's why I can't tell him my method right now.
Most of the times I do that(sending my solution) in the Problem Solving room...
"TSUTOMU KANEKO/Einstein's Impact on Japanese Intellectuals"
Oh boy
"On the business side, Kaizo's December 1922 special issue was sold out and reprinted, and Kaizosha's "Einstein Zenshu" (four volume-set), the first complete works of Einstein to be published in the world, sold an amazing 4,000 copies during and after the boom."
Some kind of Einstein anime?
Einstein No Zenshu
"Yokozeki later recalled that "When I asked him whom he was referring to, he replied Einstein. 1 thought he meant Eduard Bernstein (German social democrat)." "
" Yamamoto shot his pet question at this uncompromising philosopher. "Who are the three greatest people alive today?" Russell replied "First Einstein, then Lenin. There is nobody else." "
that article seems to be mostly about Einstein's trip to Japan
not so much about Japanese physicists
"the major physics journal (Zhurnal russkogo Jiziko-khimicheskogo obshchestva, chast' Jizikicheskaia, hereafter ZhRFKhO)."
"In general, mathematicians in Russia were interested in STR and came out in support of it. Of course, mathematicians were constrained by the "chains" of generally accepted physical concepts to a lesser degree than physicists and mechanicians. Therefore, the radical conclusions of STR disturbed them less, and its mathematical order and the possibility of utilizing new geometric structures was more attractive to them. "
"Nevertheless, in 1922 an appeal "To German Physicists" was published in Zeitschrift fur Physik [115] with a call to help physicists in Russia overcome the informational famine and collect journals and offprints of the preceding years for them. "
Q: Why was my answer on decoherence deleted?

monkMy answer to this question was deleted. For anyone who can't see it, the answer was: I hope somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the simplest way to phrase the main objection is that decoherence doesn't even try to solve anything beyond "for all practical purposes." F...

1 hour later…
@JohnRennie I was using windows Remote Desktop to access a remote computer. A few hours ago some problem happened and I can't connect using RDP anymore (apparently some update is automatically installed which requires me to click "ok" somewhere, and this prevents the RDP session from connecting).
Fortunately I have a SSH server installed on that (windows) machine and currently can still connect and execute commands (in cmd) on it.
I'm trying to restart it but for some (unknown) reason, shutdown -r -f doesn't work neither!
Is there any other way to somehow restart that?
What error does does shutdown /r /t 0 give?
it just does nothing
and I have to Ctrl+C to get back
If it appears to complete successfully but nothing happens then that indicates the system is already in the process of shutting down.
You mean the command hangs?
I wonder what user account the SSH session is running as ...
you could try runas /user:administrator shutdown /r /t 0
Doesn't work :(
Hangs again?
shutdown /r /t 0 always worked perfectly fine
Is there any indirect way (like killing a process) that breaks down everything and forces windows to restart? or something like this?
You could try killing lsass.exe. I think that's supposed to trigger a restart. I can try it on a test PC here if you want, before you go trying it ona live system.
I terminated lsass.exe but nothing's happened!!
Yes, on my test system taskkill /im lsass.exe /f forces a reboot
But it takes 60 seconds
@lılostafa your computer's still sassy, then?
@JohnRennie oh let's see what happenes
@EmilioPisanty It's Win7 service pack 1
or is lsass.exe just a thinly veiled reference by a German programmer to how Alsace should still be German?
I killed the process in an interactive session and immediately got a popup saying "your PC will restart in 1 minute"
@lılostafa to be clear, this is just me trying to troll
Local Security Authority Subsystem Service
@JohnRennie ooooh, "Authority" now, is it?
yeah, that sounds pretty sassy from the computer
It's been that way since the Windows NT 3.1 beta programme back in ... err ... early 90s some time.
It seems it hasn't worked as I'm still connected :)
(lsass.exe is killed and not running)
To be honest, if shutdown.exe hangs I suspect something in the kernel has hung.
Is there a malware that I can install to force it to restart?
I suspect you may struggle to get the computer running again
@JohnRennie Physically restarting it should solve all the problems...
(if I had access to it)
rundll32.exe user.exe,ExitWindowsExec
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 4
Grasping at straws now ...
Ohhh I just found someone at the lab!!!
Asked him to restart it. Let's see
Did he say what was on the screen?
He doesn't have an account
(and I can't give him mine:)

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