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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

7 hours ago, by Balarka Sen
i kinda like it
There's a GIF, too!
jesus christ GR is too hard
god damn signs
fookin ell @Slereah yvonne is a madwoman
she uses two different conventions for extrinsic curvature in the same equation
@Slereah I need to write a note on null geometry
this is too hard
just doing everything from scratch would be easiest
1 hour later…
@JohnRennie I logged in from my old deleted account. I have forgotten the email of my actual account, what do I do now?
I am logged in from my actual account through mobile.
But there's no way to see my email :/ :(
The reason is, that I hadn't deleted login history since 3 months on my laptop and today I deleted it :/ , Then after that I couldn't recall my email.
Can any Mod please help?
@Abcd Mods can see the e-mail of your actual account. Though I guess you'll need to prove to them that you're really Abcd not some hacker pretending to be Abcd.
@JohnRennie Yes, I can prove that to them by sending screenshots from my real account which is still logged in from my mobile.
screenshot of my profile page* on the SE mobile app.
That should be no problem then. Is there a Contact us link on mobile? Alternatively ping the mods here and ask them to help or post in the Meta.
@ACuriousMind @dmckee @DavidZ @Qmechanic Please see.
@Abcd is there no way to see your email from the SE app profile page?
@JohnRennie no :/
Loong isn't a physics mod.
Qmechanic, dmckee or DavidZ are the other mods.
@Secret Done!
1 hour later…
15 hours ago, by vzn
~275 refs to susskind in here. just bought his book on QM. via reddit physics ran across this new video espousing universe-as-simulation. any reactions?
If the universe is a simulation, then magic will be possible
Else if the universe is not a simulation, then there is no magic since any model can be expanded indefinitely to accomodate new phenomenon
@Abcd I suggest contacting the SE team.
@DavidZ I will give you the proofs...why make the process long?
In general, the moderator agreement prohibits us from revealing personal information such as email addresses. I guess it should be fine to reveal an email address to the owner of that email address but we (site mods) don't really have an established procedure for verifying that you do own the address, so I think we would have to be overly cautious. But the people on the SE team will know what to do.
@DavidZ Christmas is over!
@EmilioPisanty there was obviously more demand for an explanation of the symmetric twin paradox than I thought. Not just has it attracted lots of upvotes but also five other answers. Only my list of things to do is extend my answer to discuss four velocity and how it transforms between the three observers' frames.
in Mathematics, 12 mins ago, by Vrouvrou
Let $u\in L^1_{loc}(\Omega)$ such that $$\int_{\Omega} u(x)\xi(x) dx=0,~\xi\in C_0(\Omega).$$ Then, $$u\equiv0~\text{a.e. in}~ \Omega.$$
Does this famous result even have a name?
I only knew it is used in making a boundary term to vanish in electromagnetism
I like how two of the big papers you get for branching spacetimes are "What branching spacetime might do for physics" and "Why branching spacetime is a bad idea"
Hey @ACuriousMind
in SecretLabs (SE Branch), 11 hours ago, by Secret
I think we are getting closer to tabletop proton accelerators
@Secret Yes, that is correct.
You won't get to LHC-like energies
i.e. tabletop laser wakefield accelerators are unlikely to be producing Higgs bosons anytime soon
i.e. I don't think those energies are even on a 20-year roadmap (but then again I'm not an expert on the accelerator uses of lasers)
We already had tabletop proton accelerators in the 30's
but there's plenty that you can do
Not great energies, but still
@Slereah yeah, that's the rub
the first accelerator was like 20cm
from the Nature Comms paper Secret linked to
> The emitted proton bunch is reproducibly observed with central energies between 20 and 40 MeV
that's going to be hard to do on a tabletop using electrostatic acceleration
though a megavolt isn't all that crazy for e.g. a small facility that can be built in-house
> PHELIX laser. The experiment employed the PHELIX laser at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung. PHELIX is a glass laser system based on chirped pulse amplification with a central wavelength of 1054 and 3 nm bandwidth. In the experiments the pulse energy amounted to 150 J with pulse duration of 500 fs. The laser pulse was focused by an 45° offaxis parabolic copper mirror with 400 mm focal length. The beam size amounted to 250 mm. The laser contrast was enhanced by a fast Pockels cell and optical parametric pulse cleaning techniques leading to an amplified spontaneous emission (ASE
I love how they need to jump to laser contrast pretty much immediately
it's such an unintuitive concept
Also of note:
> The laser is capable to deliver one shot every 90 min.
not quite the way to go for experiments that need lots of data to crunch the statistics.
"Some results of branching phenomena within a single spacetime were prompted by research into so-called “trousers worlds”"
an entire world of trousers
@Slereah lolz
1 hour later…
I know entropy is extensive when it is weakly interacting. but how weak is weakly interaction?
have this confusion when I was studying blackbody radiation, what first came to my mind is: "it is quite hot, so probably something pretty crazy going on there.", but then it turns out to be weakly interacting
It really blowed my mind, and left me in dire confusion: how weak is weakly interacting? When exactly we can neglect the energy of interaction ? How weak the interaction need to be, so that we can safely claim entropy is extensive? Do we only possibly know it in hindsight? Anyway we can foresee it?
Would anyone be kind enough to shed some light on this matter for me?
1 hour later…
What happens when a capacitor is earthed ?
1 hour later…
@JohnRennie any idea what caused this and basically crashed my computer? i.gyazo.com/58e15a16a9cb9f7d0d1ccf664c557e72.png
@0celo7 You can use the Task Manager to see what apps are using memory. Right click the taskbar and choose Task Manager from the popup menu.
@JohnRennie whatever did that stopped using the memory
The memory usage alone shouldn't have crashed Windows though. It peaked around 13GB so you had memory left. I wonder if the memory spike was just a symptom of some other problem.
that's my worry
it didn't crash, it basically stopped responding for a few seconds
Unless you can catch the rogue app in the act there's not a lot you can do.
Intense disk activity can cause that ...
But it has to be pretty intense.
@JohnRennie even with an SSD?
Unless it happens again I wouldn't worry about it. I doubt it's a problem with the hardware of Windows.
Just a rogue app.
I'll have to leave that with you. I have to go off and score lunch now :-)
@Slereah I'm going to write up section 2.7 of HE.
And then do a thing on apparent horizons.
The literature is too confusing, I have to work it all out myself from scratch.
Which one's 2.7
@Slereah hypersurfaces
@Slereah I'm working on stability and regularity of (apparent) horizons for now, so I'm trying to work through the derivation of all of the equations
it's a mess
@Slereah one also has to be careful of physicist proofs in this area...
tried copying from a pdf
Is that the physicist proof
just take a screenshot
will be simpler
@Slereah it's not related to GR
Why do we define the volume form, anyway
Why does it have to be $\sqrt{g} \varepsilon$
Why can't it be some other function
In what sense does it define the volume
I guess it has to just be the Lebesgue integral in the flat limit, but that doesn't make it unique
@Slereah because if $e_1,\dotsc, e_n$ form an orthonormal frame, then $\omega(e_1,\dotsc, e_n)=1$.
ah yes
@Slereah Look up "Gram determinant"
Hm, does the notion of space orientability make sense if a spacetime doesn't admit a spacelike foliation?
If $\{v_1, \cdots, v_n\}$ spans a parallelopiped in $\Bbb R^m$ then the volume is given by the square root of $\text{det}[v_i \cdot v_j]$
I'm not sure
@Slereah what is space orientability
Errr... I guess the best way to define it without foliations is that spinors don't have left-right projections
or does that just depend on orientation period
I'm not sure
@Slereah there is a serious need for a good mathematical GR book
not Yvonne
@Slereah no, something with big guns
black hole topology, hypersurface dynamics, jet formulation of ADM
this is the only math book with big guns
existence of maximal surfaces
just doing jet formulation of Hamiltonian is hard enough my man
I don't even know why you need foliation for Hamiltonian mechanics
my stack of mathematical GR papers that are nowhere in books is ludicrous
Since the bundle description never seems to mention it
granted some are very recent
I guess it's needed for some uniqueness of development argument
@BalarkaSen yo
Suppose I have a linear map $\theta:V\to W$ of vector spaces
IIRC if you do ADM without a good foliation the metric fails to be Riemannian
or something
If one wants to consider the "natural extension" of $\theta$ to the tensor algebras $T(V)$ and $T(W)$, it should be like $\theta:V\otimes V\to W\otimes W, v_1\otimes v_2\to \theta(v_1)\otimes\theta(v_2)$, right?
and then do the multilinear shit
@BalarkaSen ok so consider the following
I have an embedding $\theta:M^n\to V^{n+1}$ of manifolds
For $p\in M$ I let $H_{\theta(p)}V=\{v\in T_{\theta(p)}V:\mathbf g(v,n)=0\}$, so just $d\theta_p(T_pM)$
And one can define $H_{\theta(p)}^*V$ in the natural way
the map $\theta^*_p:T_{\theta(p)}V\to T_pM$ will be injective on $H^*_{\theta(p)}V$
so we may consider $\theta_{* p}=(\theta_p^*)^{-1}:T_p^*M\to H_{\theta(p)}^*V\subset T_{\theta(p)}^*V $
@BalarkaSen idk what's wrong
$\theta_p^*$ is the dual map of the inclusion $d\theta_p : T_p M \to T_{\theta(p)} V$?
@BalarkaSen it's the pullback
injection rather than inclusion but w/e
Sure, same as dual
so $\theta_{* p}$ is an isomorphism of $T_p^*M$ and $H^*_{\theta(p)}V$
Hm, it is.
so it extends to the tensor algebra
in particular, let $g=\theta^*\mathbf g$ be the natural induced metric on $M$
now we can "push $g$ forward" by considering $h=\theta_*g$
this is now a tensor on $V$, but shouldn't be a metric
by following the arrows, we expect that $h\in\Gamma(H^*V\otimes_S H^*V)$, right?
$h$ is only defined on a subbundle of $TV$, right?
@BalarkaSen restricted to $\theta(M)$
Well, a subbundle on $TV$ along $\iota M \subset V$
Yeah ok
I was being a bit lazy there
np, i getchu
$H^*V$ is only defined along $\theta M$
but $H^*V\subset TV|\theta M$ in a natural way, so $h$ is a tensor on $\theta M$
But, by the definition of $H^*V$, we have that $h(n,-)=0$
because $H^*V$ annihilates the normal bundle
@0celo7 I agree with this
@0celo7 Mhm
@BalarkaSen the goal here is of course to find a formula for $h$
the claim is that $h=\mathbf g-n\otimes n$ works
$h$ is of course very degenerate because of $h(n, -) = 0$
@0celo7 Hm
@BalarkaSen not very degenerate, should only have a dimension 1 kernel
namely the normal bundle
Yeah true
see, it's the metric on $M$ viewed as "living in $V$"
very convenient for computations
so we have that $(\mathbf g-n\otimes n)(n,X)=0$ for any $X$ tangent to $\theta M$
assuming $\mathbf g(n,n)=1$
Is $n$ the dual of the unit normal vector?
@BalarkaSen yeah
$n^\flat$ if you like
for sure
so what this shows is that $\mathbf g-n\otimes n$ has values in $H^*V\otimes H^*V$ because it annihilates the normal bundle
and I don't know if that is immediately true or needs some work
I mean it's a tensor $TV \otimes TV\to \Bbb R$ which vanishes on $n \subset TV$. That descends down, either by restriction or thinking of $HV$ as $TV/n$, to a tensor $HV \otimes HV \to \Bbb R$. (by the universal theorem of quotients if latter)
That's your element of $H^* V \otimes H^* V$
Just elaborating that much should be enough
right, I guess you could define a "restriction" in the natural way, and then it agrees with it on everything, so it's equal to the restriction
Ok, so we have that $\mathbf g-n\otimes n$ lives in the right space
so to show that it equals $h$, we claim that $\theta^*(\mathbf g-n\otimes n)=\theta^*h$
Now $n \otimes n$ vanishes on $HV \otimes HV$
By definition
and then the claim follows from the isomorphism property of $\theta^*$
'Cuz $\mathbf{g}|_{HV} = h$
@BalarkaSen well that's the problem, I'm having a hard time unpacking the definition of $h$
it's $\theta_*\theta^*\mathbf g$
putting a $\theta^*$ on that is too hard
theta_* is just inverse of theta^*
so they cancel
restricted to HV
the "restricted to HV" bit is what I need to make precise
Look, $\theta_* : T^*M \to H^* V$ is an isomorphism. $\theta^*$ is inverse of this isomorphism.
$\mathbf{g}|_{HV}$ lives in $H^* V$
Therefore $\theta_* \theta^* \mathbf{g}|_{HV} = \mathbf{g}|_{HV}$
do you mean $\mathbf g|_{HV}$
Right, sorry.
@BalarkaSen ok, so?
@0celo7 HE "defines" space-orientability p. 181
@Slereah they probably mean that "if" there are spatial slices, they should be orientable
yeah, it's my guess
@Slereah whoa
that's quite remarkable
@EmilioPisanty why?
fucking algebraic topology is so mysterious
I have no idea what level this stuff is
maybe algebraic topology is just the best subject and those who don't do it are crap plebs
@0celo7 getting the git commit hash into the pdf
though I guess if the pdf isn't in the repo it's not that crazy
@0celo7 Let me be more precise and politically correct. $\iota : M \to V$ was the inclusion. $\theta : TM \to TV$ was inclusion of tangent spaces, and it's image is $HV \subset TV$. $\theta^* : T^* V \to T^* M$ was the pullback. $\theta^*|_{H^* V} : H^* V \to T^* M$ is an isomorphism. $\theta_* : T^* M \to H^* V$ is the inverse of this dude. OK?
@BalarkaSen sorry I've gotta get showered and to class
It's not hard to see, you just need to write down everything carefully.
I was typing this last night and I have some typos which are the source of my confusion
@BalarkaSen exactly
@BalarkaSen I'm trying to be very careful because next I want to put a $\Sigma^{n-1}\hookrightarrow M$
So proof that the inverse metric is same class as the metric
$X, Y$ are smooth, then $g(X,Y)$ is $C^k$ if $g$ is $C^k$, which means that $g^{-1}(X^\flat, Y^\flat)$ is $C^k$
which means that $g^{-1}$ is at least $C^k$
But how to show it's exactly $C^k$
Since $X^\flat$ is $C^k$ itself I can't rly do much better
I doubt that $g^{-1}$ magically becomes smooth when $g$ is $C^k$, but dunno how to proof
Wait, if $g^{-1}$ is $C^{k+n}$, then $g^{-1}(\omega, \theta)$ is $C^{k+n}$, but then it's also equal to $g(\omega^\sharp, \theta^\sharp)$, which should also be $C^{k+n}$ but is only $C^{k}$ best case scenario
So it's $C^k$
@Slereah follows from Cramer’s rule
Is that proof working alright, too?
How do you define the differentiability class of tensors, anyway
I used $T(X,...)$ smooth for smooth vector fields but I have no idea if it's correct
Apparently the correct definition
@Slereah I’ll have to look tonight when I have a computer
It’s not clear from what you wrote that X and X flat have the same regularity.
X flat is partial application of g, so if g is Ck, so is X flat
And same argument with ω sharp and the regularity of the inverse metric
@EmilioPisanty 9 seconds. ::blows smoke off gun::
What's the general rule for regularity anyway
if I have a $C^k$ vector field and a $C^r$ function
Is $X(f)$ of class $C^{\min(k,r)}$
@ACuriousMind had I the power to unilaterally close homework questions that would be nothing. Note no smiley, because the current deluge of homework questions is not funny.
@Slereah yes
@JohnRennie I think the proportion of HW questions hasn't really gone up, but our total traffic has simply increased
Yeah, in November we had 29,4% close rate with 35,6% of that homework, now we have 34,7% close rate with 37,2% of that homework. Not a very significant increase I'd say
@ACuriousMind a pointer to mechanics.stackexchange.com might've come in handy
Q: Helping our new users make the transition

Zaidmechanics.SE is not a forum It's Q&A. Not Q&Q. Nor Q&Commentary. Nor Q&Chit-Chat. The seasoned SE veterans understand the rules, but the new users don't and we ought to help them make a smooth transition. I'd like to use this Meta post to highlight to the new users what they should understand ...

> mechanics.SE is not a forum
> It's Q&A. Not Q&Q. Nor Q&Commentary. Nor Q&Chit-Chat.
@EmilioPisanty I didn't have in mind that site existed, but you're right :)
Sorry I only go to the best stack exchange
@ACuriousMind it's come up a few times on the SEWAGE list
Q: How does Islam interpret the creation of the universe and is it compatible with the Big Bang Theory?

Salman ZaidiMy colleagues and I often discuss about creation of universe, our solar system which is, in scientific theories, explained by Big Bang Theory. My questions are: Was this universe, specially our solar system, created according to the Big Bang Theory? Does Quran and Ahadiths support this theory...

nothing but great physics threads
I am sure we get compatibility-with-science questions in Hinduism SE too
@Slereah well, there was this one physics.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9595/8563
hint : the answer is always no
well, are there
proposed community ad from last year
I'm sure things fall down in the Veda
somehow managed to get four upvotes
i would upvote it
don't know if I've ever been more mystified at upvotes on this site before
its very psychedelic
I love the bearded dude in the background
me too
his expressions are very c o s m i c
@Slereah good thing is that you can check for yourself.
is it hindu jesus
its a hindu monk i guess
My favorite thing about buddhism by the way
Is that Buddha never saw old age, death, sickness or religion until he was all grown up
@Slereah ... is how tenuously related it is to hinduism?
And then he goes out in town
it's like they're two completely different religions =P
And he sees ALL OF IT AT ONCE
What a ride!
The illustrations of it are great
Same cultural substrate :p
Siddhartha was a jolly old prince
@Slereah the watermarks add to the aesthetic
If I was the Buddha I'd never leave my house again
look at that midget skeleton
btw y'all seen this golden bit of twitterism?
OKAY I HAVE AN IMPORTANT THREAD FOR YOU about fighting in ballgowns! I will illustrate with Disney Princess gifs, because why not. First, you can absolutely swordfight in a dress. Some dresses are great to swordfight in, and some are not so great.
guess thats a new brand of feminism is it
good good
But where do you keep the sword while in the gown but not fighting? Do you have to get an aesthetically fitting scabbard for each dress?
@ACuriousMind would that be such a deal killer
Probably not
also, good punch
Remember all this, and be ready to rip your seams if you have to, and you'll be able to dance with the villain AND duel him later. https://t.co/iiZvL5JK2n
as a trained martial artist, I approve of the punching technique
What is your martial art
good solid stance, well-squared arm movement, good all-body involvement, clean pullback
could maybe rotate the hips a bit more for some extra oomph, but hey
you don't want to kill the guy, either
@Slereah wu-shu
Sounds delicious
I did Judo when I was a kid
went to a tournament once
I lost every match
But I still got a gold medal
I was so thin I was the only one in my weight category
@Slereah Lol. Were there gold metals for being extra heavy too? Like, if everyone else is thinner than you ? :D
Actually there was!
One of the contestant was a fat girl
and she too got a gold medal for that reason
That's an awesome competition I must say
It seems easy to win, for me. I'd just eat pizzas 3 times a day, for 6 months.
A good trick if you want to win at competitions
fighting is too hard
Plus judo's boring
Kids don't want to do judo
You can't kick people in judo
@Blue the circuit I fought in, the heavyweight category was >70kg
meaning there's very little point trying to outrun it
there'll always be people in it, and they will generally be faster than you
@Slereah I don't want to kick people
I don't want to break my leg
though admittedly that was on blackbelt territory
I wasn't in >18yo <blackbelt for very long so I don't remember what the categories were
I only went up to orange belt
I wasn't very good at judo
One of my father's friends was a commando in the second world war. I remember asking him if he was trained to fight kung fu style. He told me that no, you preferably shoot people, failing that stab them and failing that hit them with any large heavy objects conveniently to hand.
presumably the >18yo heavyweight category on a starter belt isn't quite as scary as the heavyweight blackbelt one
@EmilioPisanty So you got upto black belt? That's remarkable! I dropped out with a blue XD
Hence your name?
I was 13 then I think
That's the difference between Hollywood and real life I guess ...
@Blue I did two black-belt examinations
what karate people call "second dan"
@JohnRennie Léon Degrelle holds the record for close-combat kills in WWII
He did it by strangling people
little tip from an SS officer
@ACuriousMind Nah, I just had the divine realization that my last belt color matches my code-name ;)
savate is where it's at
(savate means shoe in french)
i can tell
@EmilioPisanty How many degrees of black belts (dans) were there in your form of martial art? In mine (Shinkyokushin) there were upto 6 degrees iirc
Our instructor had 5. I never met anyone with 6
I guess it takes a lot of perseverance to reach that level
@Blue there isn't really an overarching regulatory body outside of China that I'm aware of. The founder of my school has five if I recall correctly but it's been a long time. I'm not entirely sure where he did his examinations.
Does it mean I can start my own karate school
Ah, I see
And give me 10 black belts
@Slereah I am struggling to find a reliable source to back up that claim ...
@JohnRennie From what I heard, 75 kills in close combat
frankly, the fourth examination still makes some sense to me (roughly indicative of ten years of continuous improvement after the first blackbelt) but after that it gets pretty fuzzy afaic
@Slereah citation?
@Slereah sure, for all the good that that'll do you
@JohnRennie From what I see, it might be in Ritterkreuzträger mit Nahkampfspange in Gold?
also here
@BalarkaSen It was my dream as a child to introduce a form of martial art where you're allowed to bite people. I was an expert in biting people who annoyed me, in school. (Also received a lot of nicknames acknowledging that skill of mine) :P
It's one of best methods of self-defense. The karate guys will never teach you that
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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