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first time heard of such term
physicists also used it in particle physics according to some arxivs
This one single book chapter combines a lot of chemistry physics and maths
I wonder if you guys have seen something similar in the quantum texts (except for virial and force of course)
The continuity theorem is interesting, since the commutator term vanishes. Granted, within an atom, we won't expect the number density to change
Looks like engineery/chemistry-ey versions of physics things
indeed, Bader is putting the chemistry in a (mostly) physics language
'the addition theorem: $\oint (\mathbf{\mathcal{P}}^{A^{A}} + \mathbf{\mathcal{Q}}^{B^{B}}) \cdot d \mathbf{ \mathcal{S}} = \oint \mathbf{\mathcal{P}}^{A^{A}} \cdot d \mathbf{ \mathcal{S}} + \oint \mathbf{\mathcal{Q}}^{B^{B}} \cdot d \mathbf{ \mathcal{S}}$'
uh, that's a trivial property of $\oint$...
Anyway, his theory had been widely used among the literature since the conception and is used to predict reaction pathways, and bonding in molecules e.g.:
2 hours later…
Q: Relation between Heisenberg uncertainty principle and relativity

Tushar AnandIn special relativity light changes time, mass, space for maintaining it constant speed.Heisenberg uncertainty principle is for everything even light. If light change those things for maintaining it's own constant speed, means it can make momentum and positions of particles uncertain for maintain...

This is a strange question, why would two conjugated observables must imply there is an invariant governing their tradeoffs?
Found this fascinating
> ...there is a distinction between understanding conceptually what mathematics is all about on the one hand, and being able to carry out the mechanics of solving actual problems on the other. When teachers say, “Multiplication is repeated addition,” or “Exponentiation is repeated multiplication,” they are addressing the mechanical aspects of the subject.
> [The concern is that] these mechanical considerations sometimes transgress their boundaries, and get improperly applied to the conceptual side of things. This makes it difficult to give students a broader understanding of what these operations are really all about.
You can't do perturbation theory around the free theory, but can you perturb it around another value?
Like if you have some coupling constant $g$, can you do perturbation theory around $g' \neq 0$
@SirCumference We already discussed about this before I guess. When teachers talk about multiplication as "repeated addition" they are actually talking about multiplication for the whole numbers only. There's a systematic way to define it for integers, rationals, reals and so on...
But yeah, I agree with you that they should mention it explicitly
@Blue Yeah, I just think it's interesting to separate the mechanics of mathematics from the concepts
You can never really be satisfied with definitions in mathematics until you take much higher level classes
That is very true. For example I'm almost fed up with my math professor teaching us tons of artificial methods to solve DEs without inducing motivation (typical for an engineering course). That is perhaps why so many people grow up to hate math.
@Blue Exactly. If we're to speak about the philosophy of mathematics, you won't get a good explanation on what something as (seemingly) simple as multiplication is unless you can understand
> Abstractly speaking, multiplication is one of the basic operations that define the algebraic structure known as a “ring.” Rings are required to have two binary operations. One of these operations is called addition, and it is required to satisfy certain axioms. Multiplication is a second operation that is required only to be associative, and to interact with addition via the distributive property.
I remember when I first took calculus, I had no ability to grasp what a differential was. The only response I got was "they are properly defined in differential geometry"
@SirCumference I'm not sure that's a very good definition for multiplication of numbers considering that multiplication elements of a ring may not be commutative. :p It probably needs some fixing
I never read the first and last sentence of every paragraph to help build a map, that might help
@SirCumference Heh. I was just told it is a "small change"
in $x,y,..$
Understanding the rigorous definition of a differential does indeed require some proper background in multivariable analysis.
A "small change" is not that bad.
@BalarkaSen I never said it is bad. But I find it nice that SirC's teacher mentioned that explicitly.
Mathematics is a subtle balance of rigor and intuition. It's important to understand what the proportion of either is
I agree. Maybe I'm a bit biased because two of physicists I really look upto, always state clearly when they are shoving things under the rug in order to focus more on the intuitive aspects of the topic. That's the the type of teaching I'd love people to emulate (so that students don't develop misconceptions after dealing with flawed analogies over extended periods of time).
Probably I'll never be half as good a physicist as they are. But that's a quality I really appreciate.
in an ideal world mathematical communications would not be limited to writing "Theorem 4.2: Blah" and "Proof: Da da da \blacksquare"
because that's most inefficient at communicating the thought that goes into writing a proof
Q: Thinking and Explaining

Bill Thurston How big a gap is there between how you think about mathematics and what you say to others? Do you say what you're thinking? Please give either personal examples of how your thoughts and words differ, or describe how they are connected for you. I've been fascinated by the phenomenon the que...

It's the Stone-Von Neumann theorem that guarantees that all QM theories are on the same Hilbert space, right?
Hence perturbation theory
$PV = \mathbb{constant}$ only for reversible isothermal process? Or is it valid for both reversible and irreversible isothermal processes?
@Abcd assuming we are talking about an ideal gas then at equilibrium it is always true that $PV = nRT$, so for an isothermal process where $T$ is a constant $PV$ will also be constant.
But ...
Irreversible processes by definition cause the system to be out of equilibrium
@JohnRennie oh, I didn't know that condition.
Now we have a problem because if the system is not at equilbrium properties like the pressure and temperature are strictly speaking not defined.
If the temperature at equilibrium before the change was $T$, and the temperature at equilibrium after the change has the same value of $T$ then we can be sure that $PV$ is the same before and after the change.
But if the change goes through highly non-equilbrium configurations then we can't say much about what value $PV$ has during the change.
Although in most cases the system doesn't get far from equilibrium and $PV$ is approximately constant.
The disappointment I have in my brother is immeasurable when I see a facebook post from him saying "Logan Paul just posted."
tfw your brother is a Maverick
@CooperCape Does the sentence end at just that?
Yes, yes it does.
absolute savage
won't lie he does have maverick merch
My niece seems completely uninterested in Facebook. Apparently she prefers real life (whatever that is :-)
@CooperCape Well, good to know. I'm watching that video currently. :p
Good for her :-)
I only use facebook for the messenger tbh
Don't know if it's just a pretence, but it seems to be unlike his other videos.
huh damn
@CooperCape Same here. That too, just for conversing with only one or two friends
@skullpatrol one day she'll discover that real life is just an illusion caused by insufficient drugs and alcohol.
classic John on the xannies again
his recent video is ok
Yeah I really only message one person on the reg
Did you see the one with the guy who committed suicide?
who hasn't?
Doesn't John's niece want to be a journalist? I suspect that's why she prefers real life :D
I prefer real death
I prefer any life where I don't have to face frequent human contact.
keeps life simple
yeah, simply boring
@Blue Hell is other people
... and hydrodynamics. Hell is hydrodynamics too.
ewww skull likes human contact...
isn't what we're doing here "human contact?"
@skullpatrol what exactly are you doing with your PC?
I only like human symplectic, not human contact
nah I'm indoors and alone it's chill
there are sites you can chat with a bot
@skull That's what we are doing, with you, right now
contrarian view, hydrodynamics is utopia
Ohhh shite, the arrow again
← vague implications intensifies
<----- :O
anti arrows :(
don't get the wrong idea, we appreciate your arrow notation
appears BaSe is an arrow hater :(
he's just a hater in general
← Dabs in arrows
@skullpatrol lol agreed o_O ...(maybe needs hot gf to regain lust for life?)
@vzn This is discrimination. I do not identify as a heterosexual male.
he hates life
11 mins ago, by Balarka Sen
I prefer real death
so BaSe are you communist or what?
Far communist
@BalarkaSen do you identify as something in particular? (prepares for ridiculous response)
@vzn This ^ (Speaking on BS's behalf)
@BalarkaSen miley cyrus & kristen stewart also identify as fluid and/ or pansexual so youre in good company :P
That's me on the right.
With my cheap sunglasses, oh ya...
@BalarkaSen did you cry real tears when vine died? :P
yes, i am hyped for vine 2
more 3 second videos of lele pons smashing into concrete
thats what i call content
this is what I call content
@vzn The thing I posted is not a vine, actually. I do not know if it was made in vine or in youtube, but it's origin lies in the infamous Idubbbz video where he jumps off the kitchen chimney in his leather green suit and cries out "I'm gay" with shrieks of Filthy Frank from behind the scene
@Blue alas not cool/ hip enough to recognize it, so now desperately looking for algorithmic help eg recode.net/2015/12/23/11621694/… inc.com/minda-zetlin/…
good days
@BalarkaSen who is he? think nobody can compare to jake paul & his brother these days :P
Idubbbz? An edgy youtube comedian
I have fluctuated between thinking of LSZ is the most, then least, and now again most, important concept in QFT
@Blue yikes so maybe you are communist sympathizer also? o_O
Soviet Russia did indeed have a serious hipster culture in the later days
5 mins ago, by skullpatrol
this is what I call content
The whole hand-waving about what goes on in between the start and end being some magic is pretty much an intrinsic part of QFT
What does Weinberg say on LSZ Vs. Srednicki, seems like he's going overboard
@Blue Do you know/want to learn the singular value decomposition? I never learnt it but I may have to
@vzn Not really
@skullpatrol so zz top fan? have you heard their new one "27 lighters"? o_O ... like the video, play it in new guitar hero
@BalarkaSen It's given in Axler. I read it briefly but forgot it. Have to re-read Axler again
@vzn the older stuff
I think it's in Ted's book
Let's see
Axler probably has a 10 minute video on it
I have just skimmed what he says about it and want to read it
I'm focusing on the abstract algebra part more now. But sure, we can do it sometime this week
@Blue I think I'm going to learn it right now. It shouldn't take long
Thanks @bolbteppa
@BalarkaSen Okay, I'm opening the book
Let's see
@skullpatrol are you psyched about superbowl?
Yup, the big question is will they cover.
–7 points
Eigenvalues of $A^T A$, is it? Wonder what that means
so BaSe wanted to ask, were you serious about this? always hard to tell with you
Jan 20 at 19:18, by Balarka Sen
@vzn My close family members have schizophrenia (and it's provably inheritable, so I have a sufficiently nontrivial probability of having schizophrenia later in life). Not even joking.
Yes, that's true @vzn
Okay so if $T$ is a linear map on $V$ (an endomorphism)....
@BalarkaSen not brothers or sisters? have studied sch. myself some, very complex
The singular values of $T$ are the eigenvalues of $\sqrt{T * T}$
I am shocked I never realized if you treat the entries of a matrix as the value of a bunch of polynomials in the entries, and then ignore the value and expand the matrix in terms of polynomials and end up with matrix polynomials, you can completely ignore vector space theory and get big results on matrices a completely different and easier way
With each eigenvalue listed the same number of times as the dimension of the null space of $\sqrt{T * T} - \lambda I$
Proof now
I do not understand the meaning of this
@vzn the jaguars almost beat NE and the Eagles have the momentum going into the game, the 7 point spread will make it....interesting :-)
@skullpatrol only interested in the commercials + Timberlake :P j/k
If $A$ is orthogonal, $A^\mathsf{T} A = I$
Anyway pro-bowl today
@BalarkaSen $T^{*}$ is the adjoint of $T$
@skullpatrol so youre a mystery, did you ever study physics in school?
Is that the confusion?
I have no confusion. I am just saying, what does this notion mean?
The first question to ask when you're learning any piece of mathematics, as usual
So anyway, orthogonal matrices have singular value 1
What happens when you're not orthogonal?
Googling around tells me singular values are the lengths of the semi-major axes of the ellipse $A S$ where $S$ is the unit sphere centered at the origin.
That's strange, and interesting
I can't be the only one who thinks that "What is [quantum thingy], really?" translates into English as "Tell me I don't have to deal with the ambiguity of quantum and mathematical complexity of quantum mechanics". Can, I?
A: How can you explain the Singular Value Decomposition to Non-specialists?

lhfMuch of linear algebra is about linear operators, that is, linear transformations of one space to itself. A typical result is that by choosing a suitable basis for the space, the operator can be expressed in a simple matrix form, for instance, diagonal. However, this does not apply to all operato...

This looks good
I see what's happening. Choose a orthonormal basis $\{e_1, \cdots, e_n\}$ of $\Bbb R^n$
Preferably the standard basis
The singular value decomposition is the only main result about linear transformations between two different spaces. It says that by choosing suitable bases for the spaces, the transformation can be expressed in a simple matrix form, a diagonal matrix. And this works for all linear transformations. Moreover, the bases are very nice: orthogonal bases.
This gets send to the basis $\{Ae_1, \cdots, Ae_n\}$
The "envelop" is the ellipsoid that $A$ sends the unit sphere to
Well, suppose $A^T A$ is diagonal
Then $A^T A e_i = \lambda_i e_i$
So $A^T$ sends our new basis $\{Ae_1, \cdots, Ae_n\}$ to $\{\lambda_1 e_1, \cdots, e_n \lambda_n\}$
@BalarkaSen Ah, yes. In 2D we can visualize it
there is nothing special about 2 dimensions
Just consider $\hat{i},\hat{j}$
Oh, I get it, I get it. If $A$ stretches the $i$-th semi-axis of the ellipse by a factor of $\sigma_i$, then $A^\mathsf{T} A$ stretches it by $\sigma_i^2$
So $\lambda_i = \sigma_i^2$
This $\sigma_i$ is the singular value of $A$. It's the square root of the eigenvalue $\lambda_i$ of $A^T A$
@BalarkaSen Yes. It makes sense
I get it now
This is nice
Follow the steps in the picture above
Well I have not seen the statement of the singular value decomposition yet, let me see that
Rotate-Scale-Rotate basically
So I can write any matrix $A$ as $U \Sigma V^T$ where $U, V$ are orthogonal and $\Sigma$ is diagonal?
That sounds fair.
I can prove this
The diagonal entries of $\Sigma$ are going to be the singular values, of course
Say $S$ is the unit sphere in $\Bbb R^n$ centered at the origin. Then $AS$ is the ellipse with semi-axes being $\{v_1, \cdots, v_n\}$ with $\|v_i\| = \sigma_i$ precisely the singular values
This basis of semi-axis vectors is an orthogonal basis
Let $V^T$ be the rotation of the orthonormal basis $\{e_1, \cdots, e_n\}$ to $\{v_1/\|v_1\|, \cdots, v_n/\|v_n\|\}$
Let $\Sigma$ be the "squishing" operation which squishes the unit sphere to the coordinate ellipse with semi-axes of length $\sigma_i$
Hmm, and $U$ is again a rotation operation
Yeah it should rotate the finished ellipse back to a coordinate ellipse
It's a good geometric analogy
Well, I'm a little scared. Why shouldn't $U = V$?
In linear algebra, eigendecomposition or sometimes spectral decomposition is the factorization of a matrix into a canonical form, whereby the matrix is represented in terms of its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Only diagonalizable matrices can be factorized in this way. == Fundamental theory of matrix eigenvectors and eigenvalues == A (non-zero) vector v of dimension N is an eigenvector of a square (N×N) matrix A if it satisfies the linear equation A v = λ v ...
Oh nevermind, I see why
Well, why do you think so? Even if they were symmetric $V=V^{*}$ with real entries
I don't see why U=V
@Blue Yeah I had a wrong picture stuck in my mind. I was thinking you'd turn the same amount of angle you went from the standard basis to $\{v_1, \cdots, v_n\}$ as you would from going from $\{v_1, \cdots, v_n\}$ to $\{Ae_1, \cdots, Ae_n\}$. No reason that should hold...
@BalarkaSen Yep, the angles will be different!
Did you see the gif on Wiki?
I did not
good picture lol
Click on it
yeah done clicked
Good gif.
Ok, so singular value decomposition is something very simple. OK
Yeah, it looks quite simple now. They have proved it using Spectral theorem in Axler
Although that's equivalent to your line of thought
I need to learn how to cut and shape metal pipes now. Machine workshop tomorrow!
$A^T A$ is symmetric, is the point
So you can spectral theorem the shit out of it
@Blue Ugh
It's a good skill to learn. I can make weapons to keep humans away from me, now :P
We work on these ^
Well, I should go now...XD
My brain has done its thing. It has shifted into (pure )mathematics mode. I am officially in another universe now although my body inhabits this one. Cheers!! I will be in this mode for a while now.
@Blue good luck making machines
@dmckee you're not alone.
Tell me what a "variable" is really?
Let's just enjoy life. The masters are no more τ(n) – Ramanujan tau function
"I am the shit like I slithered in poop" - Hopsin
@BalarkaSen brings a tear to my eye
It truly does
@0celo7 what's up? What have you been up to recently?
@BalarkaSen hey dude
@loocsieulb Gonna sound weird, but do you have those UToronto calc 1 notes?
@SirCumference Seems to be online: home.tykenho.com/LectureNotes137_Preview.pdf
@SirCumference why is it weird
didnt i send them to you?
blue linked it^
the first link
My god, my god, Gelfand has a section on polynomial matrices in his linear algebra book (which I never even looked at) which proves the Smith normal form (without calling it that) and then re-proves the JNF again
Those pesky...
@BalarkaSen fuck me, reading some old essays I wrote
r/iamverysmart material
1 hour later…
oi, I need a TeX god
General SUSY algebra in $n$ dimensions with central charges, pure insanity even starting from Minkowski space, how does anyone know this stuff
Imagine what the general superconformal algebra looks like
surfing/ looking into "law of maximum entropy production," finding lots of wild stuff o_O
I think we are capable to simulate any particle with the quasi particular properties of atoms in these simulators
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