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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@EmilioPisanty welp
have fun with that
@EmilioPisanty yeah, I mean, who wouldn't notice the heat equation in imaginary time? :P
1 hour later…
hey can someone help me out with a simple power question?

$\eta = \frac{P_{out}}{P_{in}} = \frac{iV_{out}}{iV_{in}} = \frac{i^{2}R}{iV} = \frac{iR}{V}$
$i = \frac{\eta V}{R}$
That was the way I found the current in a wire starting with the efficiency
I was given the efficiency to be: 0.998 and resistance to be 1659 ohms
so 0.998 * 750000V / 1659 ohms = 451A
but the answer is incorrect, I don't see what's wrong with it. The question was to find the current in this wire with 1659 ohms resistance and 0.998 efficiency and 750000V
note: That eta, my mathJax seems to display 'eta' as 'or'
2 hours later…
A black star is a gravitational object composed of matter. It is a theoretical alternative to the black hole concept from general relativity. The theoretical construct was created through the use of semiclassical gravity theory. A similar structure should also exist for the Einstein–Maxwell–Dirac equations system, which is the (super)classical limit of quantum electrodynamics, and for the Einstein–Yang–Mills–Dirac system, which is the (super)classical limit of the standard model. A black star need not have an event horizon, and may or may not be a transitional phase between a collapsing star and...
I want to mine that stuff in the core of these
1 hour later…
@Kane does the 0.998 efficiency mean 0.2% of the power is dissipated in the wire and 99.8% in the load at the end of the wire?
Hello, everyone :-)
Morning. I see your new avatar now.
Great! :-)
How's your Saturday going?
@KaumudiH bad start - I had a server down. Now fixed though :-)
Ah, damn :-/
S'OK. All part of the job.
:-) Right.
That's why I start so early. Fix this stuff before anyone even knows it's gone wrong.
My Saturday is not looking up. I have several assignments to finish and it is my last day at home :-/
Last day :-(
Yep :-/
Are you going to your Gran's tomorrow, or straight back to college?
Straight back to college. Guess how I'm going back this time!
No! Flight!
Yep! :-) There was a cheap offer and we grabbed it!
Where is the airport in Kochi? Actually I guess I could Google that ...
@JohnRennie :-) Yes. Two bus-rides away from my hostel, I believe.
Did you know that Cochin International Airport is the world's first airport to be fully powered using solar energy alone?
The CIAL Solar Power Project is a 13.1 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic power station built at COK airport, India, by the company Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL). Cochin International Airport became the first fully solar powered airport in the world with the commissioning the plant. == Overview == The plant comprises 46,150 solar panels laid across 45 acres near the international cargo complex. The plant has been installed by the German-based M/s Bosch Ltd. It is capable of generating 50,000 units of electricity daily, and is equipped with a supervisory control and data acquisition system...
How come you're flying? It has to be much nicer than the train, but I'd guess it's a lot more expensive.
11 mins ago, by Kaumudi H
Yep! :-) There was a cheap offer and we grabbed it!
Not only is it much nicer, it is also much faster! Only one hour from here!
I've flown on an internal Indian airline once, from Mumbai to Pune.
(and back)
And that was a long time ago, too, wasn't it?
I was just thinking that :-)
1995 or 1996 or something like that
A few years before I was born :-)
3 years after rereading this, finally had enough background to comprehend it:
I have flown once before, when I was merely 8.
I don't remember the experience in the slightest.
I used to fly lots as a child. We lived in Khartoum in Sudan and we used to fly between London and Khartoum several times a year.
Oh, wow!
But like you I've long ago forgotten anything about it.
:-) Hmm.
Is this video correct?
Scandium is [Ar] 3d1 4s2 according to Wikipedia
Basically, the easiest way to think about 2 time dimensions with causality, is that you are considering a vector field that is the gradient of the entropy described by two time variables $s$ and $t$, and for every initial condition, the evolution took the form of trajectories on the $s,t$ plane following the gradient field
@KaumudiH flying is good fun as long as you do it so rarely that it remains an adventure.
I hardly ever fly these days mainly because there's nowhere I particularly want to go.
which means, things are literally existing in multiple futures at the same time and these influence each other
@JohnRennie okay to represent orbitals that way?
@JohnRennie I s'pose so, yes :-)
@Abcd it's a common way to represent orbitals, but of course orbitals don't have an edge. They are fuzzy objects that spread out to infinity. The usual way of drawing s orbitals as spheres, p orbitals as kind of figure eights etc is just a visual guide.
so, things looks really arbitrary with objects suddenly vanishing and appearing at times when only one time dimension is considered, but remains deterministic when both directions are considered
@KaumudiH what's waiting for you at college? What courses?
Oh, haven't I told you about this semester's courses yet?
Wait, no, I did...
In conclusion: For a 2D time that operates in such a model such that the arrow of time is given by $\nabla S(s,t,\vec{x})$ where $S$ is the entropy, the laws of physics itself and its evolution will be frame dependent in a consistent manner, given the same outcomes and initial conditions
So perhaps, a possible experimental evidence that our universe only has one time dimension is that we never see the laws of physics changing with velocity or acceleration
@JohnR: Ping me back when you're free.
@Semiclassical I think I know where Cayley-Hamilton comes from... (!!!) If you consider the set of polynomials, we can set up the division algorithm, the remainder theorem, and the factor theorem for them. If we then generalize and consider matrices $A(\lambda) = [a_{ij}(\lambda)]_{nn}$ for square matrices whose entries are polynomials,
@KaumudiH I'm free now. My servers are all working fine :-)
we can re-express these as polynomials with matrix coefficients, and so treat them as polynomials with non-commutative coefficients. We can now set up analogues of the division algorithm, remainder theorem and factor theorem, splitting things into two cases for left vs. right division. Once we do this, the factor theorem applied to the 'matrix times adjoint = determinant times I' relation shows, for $A - \lambda I$ that $A - \lambda I$ divides $\det(A - \lambda I) I$
which means the remainder is zero, and you can show the remainder is $f(A)$. This is done in Ayres Schaums matrices book, and we can see why Cayley-Hamilton generalizes to modules instead of vector spaces pretty directly, why it links to Nakayama is the next stage...
@JohnRennie Cool :-) If you remember, I have Engineering Mechanics this semester.
OK ...
e.g. the example taken from Eves book
f(\lambda) &= \begin{bmatrix} \lambda^3 - 4 & 2 \lambda - 1 \\ \lambda^2 + \lambda + 1 & \lambda^4 + \lambda^2 + 5 \lambda \end{bmatrix} \\
&= \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \lambda^4 + \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \lambda^3 + \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \lambda^2 + \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 2 \\ 1 & 5 \end{bmatrix} \lambda + \begin{bmatrix} -4 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}
(Of course, the above argument does not invalidate thermal time dimensions proposed by bars, compactified time dimensions in F-theory and other multiple time dimension theory where the 2nd time dimension is proposed in a way such that it is microscopic and does not mess up causality)
And I have a quick-ish question. Can you tell me about the moment of a force? The way that it has been described by my prof./in the "text" isn't very clear to me.
In mathematics, more specifically modern algebra and commutative algebra, Nakayama's lemma — also known as the Krull–Azumaya theorem — governs the interaction between the Jacobson radical of a ring (typically a commutative ring) and its finitely generated modules. Informally, the lemma immediately gives a precise sense in which finitely generated modules over a commutative ring behave like vector spaces over a field. It is an important tool in algebraic geometry, because it allows local data on algebraic varieties, in the form of modules over local rings, to be studied pointwise as vector spaces...
@KaumudiH I don't think there's very much to tell.
OK, let me rephrase my question so that it is more specific.
How about Varignon's Principle?
It's not very inspiring to prove the C-H theorem from Nakayama's lemma
Can't make sense of what Nakayama is even saying heh
@KaumudiH never heard of it. Give me a Googlemoment ...
Yeah its rather algebraic. I do know of one interpretation of the lemma...
Ah, OK...
But this whole $\lambda$-matrix perspective seems really easy, and apparently if you prove the Smith normal form which seems easy it leads really quickly to the rational canonical form, the jacobson canonical form (wtf) and then the JNF with no fluff
@KaumudiH that seems like a complicated way of saying that torques add together, which since they are vectors shouldn't be any surprise ...
Hmm, OK, but what is this about moving the point of action?
Yes but I mean it's really a hassle to set up the correct theorems in noncommutative rings
I'm really happy with a hassle compared to having no idea what's going on :p
No but I mean there are simpler ideas which proves the same thing
Eg the diagonalization, and then the fact that diagonalizable matrices are dense
@KaumudiH I think that article isn't terribly clear.
That idea generalizes to arbitrary (algebraically closed) fields, actually. Instead of the real topology in $M_n(\Bbb R)$ you use the Zariski topology on $M_n(k)$
It's interesting that they stopped at gcd's for these things and are going this division algorithm to Smith to RCF to JNF, while you can prove the JNF directly from gcd thinking also
Serre swan lurking around this stuff, god
@KaumudiH The moment of a force is always defined relative to some reference point. In mechanics that point is generally a pivot because we're interested in rotation about the pivot. But you can choose any point you want to define moments, even if the result isn't especially usefukl.
@JohnRennie No, it's not :-/ That's the trouble.
Right, right...
A moment is just a torque i.e. a twisting force
And obviously that's most usefully defined relative to a pivot because we'd be twisting around the pivot.
Right, of course.
Hmm, we use this principle to find the point of action of the resultant of a system of forces.
... I'm not sure if this has helped because I'm not sure what the confusion was
What are we doing there, exactly?
I'm not sure what is meant by the point of action
It's defined, I believe, to be the point at which the resultant of a system of forces can be assumed to act so that the reaction force on that system remains the same.
Ah OK. So if you have some object with several forces acting on it then you can replace the multiple separate forces with a single force acting at a single point?
Yep, precisely.
That single point being the point of action?
I think so, yes.
That just means you can add torques together.
Hello John and Kaumudi.
Hello :-)
But it doesn't make sense to add a torque around one point to a torque around a different point. So before you do any vector arithmetic with torques, you need to define what point they're going to act around.
Morning :-)
I was going to point out that it's not morning where I am; but since I've never told you where I live, there's no way you could have known that.
@DawoodibnKareem Right, right...
@DawoodibnKareem I was ranting a few days ago how a physicist's vector space is honestly truly an affine space
@BalarkaSen Yes, I frequently rant about that exact same thing.
Aha, a comrade
Sorry @KaumudiH I don't think I answered your question. But I'm not entirely sure what your question was.
Me neither :-P But I think I've understood it.
OK, that's good. How are your other courses going?
Thanks, guys :-)
@DawoodibnKareem Boring, but OK, thanks :-)
Which one's the worst?
Chemistry, to be sure.
@Semiclassical also here solitaryroad.com/c152.html
How're your pigeons?
When I studied first-year chemistry, another student set my lab notebook on fire.
x'D By accident, I assume?
@DawoodibnKareem I had the idea you're in the middle East somewhere. Offhand I don't know what the time difference is between the UK and that region.
They're very well; thanks for asking. I hand-raised a baby, and I'm just in the process of graduating him to the point of being able to live in the aviary with other pigeons.
I'd set the author on fire, not the notebook
Consider yourself lucky
Well, I hope it was by accident. He did follow it up by putting it in the sink and pouring water on it; so it seems that arson wasn't his actual intention.
Dawood makes mental note not to do chemistry with Balarka
@DawoodibnKareem :'-) Aw, nice!
@BalarkaSen Same.
@Balarka: How are ya, BTW?
Im good
Hey, this is really hostile! Two of the people in this room want to set me on fire? What did I do?
I'm not Ocelo7!
You and Balarka.
Hey! I expressed no such desire!
Oh :-P Scratch that.
@KaumudiH By "author" of the lab notebook, Balarka implied Dawood ;)
Hi btw
Hello Blue.
@Blue :-P Lab notebook, of course! No, Dawood, I wouldn't set you on fire!
@DawoodibnKareem Hey, so finally you did drop some hints about which part of the world you live in :D
@Blue: Hello! How are you doing?
@Blue Yes, I'm somewhere where it's not currently morning. That eliminates pretty much exactly half the globe.
It's night-time only in the North and South American region at the moment....
Is that a fact?
And I can guess that you won't be awake after 12-1 at night...(Given that you are a family man who likes to rest on weekend nights after working the whole week :P)
@DawoodibnKareem Q1: locate Dawood using bisection :-)
So that eliminates almost 3/4 th of the globe
Okay, I'll keep looking for more hints XD
This is my baby.
But he's much bigger now.
Goodness, baby pigeons are even uglier than baby humans
@JohnRennie John, have you ever seen a baby cat?
@KaumudiH Yes. Do you mean newborn, or when their fur has had the chance to dry out and fluff up?
No, I mean a newborn.
Eyes still closed?
Yes. They look incredibly terrifying and ugly.
@KaumudiH Especially if you're a baby pigeon.
x'D Hahaha, I s'pose.
@DawoodibnKareem :-)
@KaumudiH they do look a bit alien :-)
Horror of infants is very Freudian
I used to flat with some people who got themselves a black kitten. It ran away after a few months, never to be seen again. About a year later, after I had moved out, a black cat showed up on their doorstep. They were convinced it was the same one, until one of their friends pointed out that the original kitten was male, and the new arrival was female.
That's easy
I've heard far fewer stories of cats returning to their original owner, compared to dogs. There must be something...
@Blue cats aren't pack animals
They don't form attachments to people in the way dogs do
more importantly cats dont have owners
they have employees
@JohnRennie I missed the @ at the front of that on first reading, and wondered where on earth you've seen blue cats.
@JohnRennie lions are
@JohnRennie Makes sense
@DawoodibnKareem :-)
@Loong lionesses are. Male lions aren't.
@BalarkaSen lol
@JohnRennie true
Hmm, not exactly smurf-coloured though is it?
Well, more like grayish blue
the russian blues are a famous breed
@Secret Chartreux?
Fair enough. We talk about blue pigeons too, and they're a similar kind of colour I suppose.
@skullpatrol Now I want one.
Me too.
The one on the right is blue.
I do not like cats. A cat which visits my gran's place everyday likes to follow me around and make a dash for my leg to rub its body against it. Very uncomfortable.
@KaumudiH They make me sneeze.
Oh, yeah, the stupid fur.
I admire cats for their elegance, but I've never felt the urge to own one.
("own" = house, feed, and pander to their every whim)
Do you think they admire you for your elegance?
I suspect cats have a very different dopamine response to humans or dogs. You have to approach their behaviour with that in mind.
Lazy as I am, I'd like to have any pet which can care for itself. Maybe the only things which fall in that category are mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants etc.
@Blue If you give me your address, I'll arrange a mosquito to be sent to you.
Ah, rats sound nice. I hope they can feed themselves
Of course they can...
@DawoodibnKareem Okay, but I will only accept mosquitoes which won't feed on me. ;)
@Blue So male ones, easy.
@Blue Tell you what - I'll send you one of each, just to make sure you get an acceptable one.
Dammit, I don't know how to edit images well enough :-( I have spent the past few minutes attempting to edit John's photograph onto a photo of a cat lady, but in vain.
What happened to your avatar? @KaumudiH
I fell in love with Dwight Schrute, that's what.
You look like a guy :P
@KaumudiH I assumed you had tried to edit your own photograph onto a photo of a cat lady, but failed.
Oh, that looks like a pig squinting!
thnx for sharing
@BalarkaSen Is that about scale invariance and correlation length?
um no its about hausdorff dimension
Interesting, I'll watch
In mathematics, the Poincaré–Hopf theorem (also known as the Poincaré–Hopf index formula, Poincaré–Hopf index theorem, or Hopf index theorem) is an important theorem that is used in differential topology. It is named after Henri Poincaré and Heinz Hopf. The Poincaré–Hopf theorem is often illustrated by the special case of the Hairy ball theorem, which simply states that there is no smooth vector field on a sphere having no sources or sinks. == Formal statement == Let M be a differentiable manifold, of dimension n, and v a vector field on M. Suppose that x is an isolated zero of v, and fix some...
Just when I thought I am reading chemistry, I saw this utterly incomprehensible theorem
This is far from an incomprehensible theorem
It's quite hard to understand. How did it come up in chemistry?
My prerequisites on differential topology is close to none. So far I only knew the most basic notion of topology and is completely ignorant of things like mapping degrees, homotopy etc.
It's part of the theory of Atoms in molecules, which locates critical points in the electron density of molecules to establish the location of bonds
i can explain if you want
@Secret It's really just talking about a generalisation of the Euler polyhedral formula, which is much easier to understand.
Take a surface $\Sigma \subset \Bbb R^3$ of genus $g$ sitting in the 3-space. A natural question to ask is if you can construct a nonzero vector field in the 3-space everywhere tangent to the surface
Very natural.
The reason why it's natural is the famous hairy ball theorem, which you all know, right?
That says you cannot have an everywhere tangent nonzero vector field on the sphere in the 3-space
yup (thought I have not read the proof in detail yet, but I knew the heuristics in terms of cowlick)
In a recent episode of The Chase, Mark Labbett didn't know the Hairy Ball Theorem. This surprised me greatly.
@Secret Right, that would suffice
What about the torus? Can you construct an everywhere nonzero tangent vector field on the torus?
Turns out you can
@BalarkaSen That's kind of trivial.
Once you see it of course
I am thinking about combing all circles of minor radii
That does the trick
There is an interesting point to be made. Suppose you take the torus in 3-space, and let $R_\theta$ be rotation of the torus along the axis passing through the hole by an angle of $\theta$
What it does is it "rotates the torus in the long direction"
Is this okay?
Now think about "$d/d\theta (R_\theta)$"
You get an everywhere tangent nonzero vector field
Namely, the field which describes the infinitisimal motion of this rotation
looks fine
Well the field should be always perpendicular to the circles of the shorter radii
Because every such circle moves to the next
There is a nice example of Poincare-Hopf in terms of maxima, minima and saddle points for like baby functions on the plane right?
@bolbteppa True
Anyhow, I got a little side-tracked there.
Where did this come up in chemistry
So it turns out the torus is the only surface on which there exists an everywhere tangent nonzero vector field
@bolbteppa Theory of Atoms in molecules by Bader, a model that uses gradient of molecular electronic density to assign bonds in molecules
This is a surface of genus 4 and an attempt at drawing a nonzero tangent field on it
But alas, it has 10 zeroes
The zeros are located at the 8 saddles on the surface?
Yes, 8 saddles plus the source and sink
(Forgot to include them)
So it's an interesting question to ask what is the total number of zeroes of a certain tangent field on a surface
But again, that turns out to be the wrong question
The usual picture of a tangent field on the sphere has 2 zeroes, right? The "cowlicks"
yeah, at the poles
Here's one with 1 zero
It's cheating, kinda, because you're smashing the two zeroes together to get this picture
looks like some kind of saddle. I can see vectors flowing in and out, and the rest circles around
Isn't that a bit of a cheat? That's a dipole i.e. you've combined the source and sink.
@JohnRennie Great minds think alike
Sorry. I hate people who jump ahead when I'm telling a story :-)
@Secret It's a saddle, but of the bad kind. It's analogous to the Monkey saddle with four hills and four passes
The right saddle should have 2 hills, 2 passes
These are what is known as the "non-generic singularities" or in fancier language "non-Morse singularities".
Burn them. We don't want to deal with this.
It's not bad if you have a two-headed monkey.
But yeah, you can fix this. Instead of doing a total over zeroes for arbitrary vector fields, we could do the following
@JohnRennie you lost me, what story were you telling?
Say $X$ is your vector field on the surface $\Sigma$. You can wiggle $X$ a little so that all the non-Morse singularities become (1) a source (2) a saddle or (3) a sink. This is what @JohnRennie said; you can uncombine the bad zeroes to get the simpler zeroes
Now consider the ALTERNATING SUM: number of source - number of saddle + number of sink
@skullpatrol I was saying I shouldn't have interrupted Balarka's story - like we're doing now :-)
Right, right.
This number turns out to be independent of the chosen vector field. This is the Euler characteristic $\chi(M)$ of $M$.
Is there a reason why we need a minus sign for the number of saddles?
Indeed :) The point is a saddle singularity has index -1. If you go clockwise on a loop around a saddle singularity, the vectors rotate in the counterclockwise direction (I encourage you to draw a picture to understand this)
Have you heard of the speluncean explores case before? @JohnRennie
@skullpatrol let's keep it until Balarka has finished ...
INDEED, this notion of index is crucial to the ultimate formulation of the Poincare-Hopf theorem
If $X$ is a vector field on $\Sigma$, the sum of index of the zeroes of $X$ is $\chi(M)$. No other assumption required.
The "index" somehow keeps track of the multiplicity of the zeroes
@BalarkaSen This dude, eg, has index 2
On the other hand in the standard cowlick picture, the total index = (index of a source) + (index of a sink) = 1 + 1 = 2
Indeed, euler characteristic of a sphere is 2
$\chi$ of a surface of genus $g$ is $2 - 2g$, in fact. This gives a proof of the earlier fact: If it had a everywhere tangent nonzero vector field with no zeroes, the total index would be 0 (it has no zeroes!!!). That would force $\chi = 0$
But $2 - 2g = 0$ implies $g = 1$
Thus the only possible example is the torus
Any tangent vector field on any other surface has to have a zero
Ok, I'm done
Ah I see
Thanks. I think with that knowledge, I will be able to understand this formula in the chemistry context, since I have a maxima, a minima, and two kinds of saddle points in 3D space
Klein bottle has EC of zero ...
@Secret Ah, sounds simple enough
@JohnRennie Oof, yes, but the Klein bottle is also badly nonorientable so "genus" doesn't really makes sense per se ;)
It does admit a nonzero tangent vector field, though
@BalarkaSen If you ever wanted to do chemistry in four dimensions, you could store all your reagents in klein bottles.
@DawoodibnKareem Actually, that'd work. Surprisingly there's a way to put stuff inside a Klein bottle so that it doesn't come out and make a mess
(Unlike what you'd think nonorientability would give you)
@DawoodibnKareem Actually, that's a bad idea, since klein bottles as containers are basically like a looped container, The klein bottle is basically a moebius strip fatten into a cylinder
Thus I will suspect it is not very efficient usage of space
@Secret See above ^^^
The mathematical way to say it is to say that there is a 3-manifold $M$ with boundary $\partial M = K$ the Klein bottle
Quite surprising
though synthesizing 3D chiral molecules will become very easy with a klein bottle apparatus and tubing

Balarka: But the 3 manifold is basically tubular in shape with a twist, so it is still not very efficient in terms of amount of surface to volume of space being used?
Oh uh maybe
I suppose so. I haven't thought about what could be the volume of that 3-manifold embedded in R^4
It would be interesting to try to develop theories of organic chemistry in four dimensions.
The volume is something like the shaded, analogous to the rectangular region of the moebius strip
@DawoodibnKareem Interesting idea
Although I suspect just the four-dimensional analogue of a hydrogen atom would be complicated enough.
I suspect the immediate complexity is that there are way way way many regular 4 dimensional polytopes than regular 3 dimensional polyhedra
@DawoodibnKareem Actually, one of the groups in my uni are developing molecular dynamics that make use of the 4th dimension to hasten protein folding
@BalarkaSen Are there?
but for true 4D chemistry, it will probably be very alien to us since maxwell equations falls apart in 4 spatial dimensions
It's difficult to imagine more than two.
I'm far off on way many
There are just 6
What are the non-obvious four?
Still more than 5, which is in 3 dimensions
the 24 cell is the most interesting one since its closest analogue, the rhombic dodecahedron, is not regular
Right, the other three are the 4-orthoplex (analog of octahedron), the 120-cell (analog of the dodecahedron) and 600-cell (analog of the icosahedron)
@DawoodibnKareem Tetrahedron->Tetrachoron, cube->tesseract, octahedron->16-cell, 24 cell, dodecahedron->120 cell, icosahedron->600 cell
in fact, 4D has the 2nd most number of regular polytopes
OK, I'm reading about the hexadecachoron now.
(the no. 1 of course is the polygons in 2D, which there are countably many)
I can kind of visualise the hexadecachoron now, but I want to digest it a little before I move onto the last three.
I wish I knew much about geometry of polytopes
Dawood: It is kinda worth it in trying to visualise and interpret 4D shapes, it helps in the intuition from multivariable calculus to geometry and also 3D scalar functions in physics
But again, when the shape gets complicated, fall back to the algebra is the safest way cause we can be fooled by optical illusions of some 3D shapes, thus it will be worse when the 4D shape gets more complicated than prisms and the regular polychorons
It just requires patience and imagination.
4 hours later…
The last message was posted 4 hours ago.
same message in the math room
this much simultaneous quietness is rare
@BalarkaSen dude
Why didn’t you respond to my Christmas comment
I’m offended
1 hour later…
Reslts chang=/=chane resuls
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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