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@bolbteppa reed and simon vol 1 is undoubtedly useful for most non algebraic people
@skullpatrol Yugoslavian?
I don't remember any "Yugoslavian" PDE guy
@ACuriousMind yugibb or yuggib or whatever
...why would you think yuggib was Yugoslavian?
the name
...it's the reverse of "Big Guy" :P
holy fuck
that explains a lot
he's big and yugoslavian
Yes. Sure :P
@ACuriousMind I have an unusually friendly prof this semester
she made me feel like a dick for not saying hello properly
"How do you recognize an extroverted mathematician?" - "They stare at your shoes, not their own"
the antisocial nod or half-smile isn't good enough
amazon is omniscient
I wonder if google and amazon share data
@BalarkaSen at the end of class the russian lady asked one of the students to come to her office
she kept asking him if he had questions during the lecture, he said no, and she said she didn't believe him
wonder what happened
He probably looked confused...
@ACuriousMind he always looks confused
@ACuriousMind he literally said he had no questions, and then she went on a speech about it being an "open class" and saying we should ask questions
on the other hand, she always asks me questions when I look at my phone or do something else
Well, if someone looks at me confused, I'm going to assume he has some questions but is for some reason afraid to ask them in front of the class
@0celo7 Oh sure, that's an attempt to get you to stop looking at your phone :P
@ACuriousMind I realize that
but I conduct important business with my phone
emailing my advisor, calling balarka a fucking topologist, etc.
this Russian lady is weird
I'd send her to gulag
she comes to class 5 minutes late and goes 10 minutes over
@BalarkaSen that's not nice
@BalarkaSen ಠ_ಠ
@ACuriousMind are we allowed to send people to prison camps on SE
@0celo7 Solzhenitsyn disagrees with you
gulag is a v e r y n i c e place according to him
he wrote a book saying the opposite
oh damn you're not illiterate
there goes my communist agenda
I don't actually want that sentence attributed to me
@BalarkaSen I asked her about the regularity of something and she answered "don't worry about it, smooth enough"
the Russian sense of rigor is confusing
@0celo7 Ah, a physicist!
@ACuriousMind definitely not
I gave her shit about not telling us what $L^2([0,T];\mathscr S)$ is supposed to be
so she just changed it to "smooth enough"
meaning $C^0([0,T];\mathscr S)$
the spaces used in hyperbolic PDE are cancer
I can believe that
there's a book on vector valued measure theory I could read if I cared enough
one can allegedly do integration with values in any locally convex TVS
new racist video by pewdiepie
is this one actually racist for once
no lol
but its about Indians
I would say something but I might get banned
just go to his channel. first one uploaded
i luv bobs
@BalarkaSen are these indians trolling
has to be, right?
I can only hope
well you're around these people
yes, thence the fear that it's prolly false hope
@BalarkaSen these people will one day control your country's nukes
they already are...
this video gets better as it progresses
@BalarkaSen some of these are fakes, or at least the pictures have been reused for multiple memes
"straighter than the pole your mom dances on" ok that's p. good
blood or milk
so good
the economics dude tho
he's doing it for the waman
Do I want to know what this is about?
Sure, it's basically the #1 youtuber reading out some r/indianpeoplefacebook stuff aloud
wonder what multilinear harmonic analysis is
amazon seems to think I need a book on it
My copy of Milnor arrived a few days ago
Hopefully I'll get time to read it
@BalarkaSen does the top of it look shitty
the top edge?
@BalarkaSen That sounds wild.
@ACuriousMind It's funny to me, but I can't understand if it's unfunny for non-Indian people (in the same way the ugandan knuckles meme is unfunny to me, perhaps)
> The mean time between collisions is temperature dependent
mine has this damn black stripe across the top i.gyazo.com/695bc2362f9f0e945c8c5d94bb214add.jpg
That is strange @0celo7
@BalarkaSen Oh, I find some of the stuff funny alright, I'm just not sure why I'd prefer a video reading them out to me instead of just browsing it :P
you find indian memes funny?
what about the one where balarka goes a month without bathing
Seems everyone watched pewds new video
@0celo7 That was a meme?
@ACuriousMind It's just some handpicked ones
in the discord h bar it is
i thought that was dead
did you guys revive it again
two of us did
it's worse than ever
it's basically just linear algebra and memes
@BalarkaSen Eh.
and PUBG of course
@BalarkaSen actually I take it back
you never saw the NSFW h bar
yeah i didnt
Help me finding equation for time between collision in gases
> The mean time between collisions is temperature dependent
@loocsieulb look at discord
@loocsieulb I am reviving the discord server
trying to come up with a clever name
@JohnRennie help me when you come.
Well, I realize y'all are just gonna think I'm a big spoilsport again, but just let me say that e.g. the content of that video is not exactly the stuff we'd like to see discussed here - it has a rather real potential to turn off newcomers. Don't make this into a 'bobs and vegana' chat.
@ACuriousMind That's why I didn't want to link it here
content of what video
scroll up
@BalarkaSen Thanks for that, but there were still quotes and the discussion took a considerable amount of screen space - just better don't bring it up in the first place. This is really rather mild but I don't know how to say it without sounding so terribly earnest.
Fair enough
ACM is so strict
Let's talk about ACM memes instead
acm is a meme too
@0celo7 That's possibly the most ambiguous compliment I have ever received :P
you take that as a compliment?
not saying it wasn't meant as one
I guess it is ambiguous, but what is an ambiguous compliment?
I'm confused
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt...
is acm born in '95?
he's 24
@loocsieulb No, I'm older
@ACuriousMind in all seriousness, most mathematicians I know are very nice and sociable people
i was gonna say tfw ur birthdate is the same as your shift
I know one who is not social and it's kind of awkward because he does like looking at shoes
acm memes shrug
but is very friendly
'95 ---> nine-ty five ---> nine to five ---> 9 - 5
I am neither a nice nor a sociable people
@BalarkaSen you don't wash
Proudly so
@0celo7 Consider that there's a selection bias in that you tend to not get to know people who are not sociable
cavemen didn't wash themselves
(That goes for everyone, not just mathematicians :P )
capitalism has taught us how to bathe
i wash my hair every 5 days
can one die from an eye roll?
gonna make it 7 once i dye it blue
can the eyes get stuck?
@ACuriousMind well I consider them to be more friendly than the engineering professors
and certainly not as stuck up as the physicists
@loocsieulb way too much water
@ACuriousMind that might also just be department culture
kids in Atlantis could survive drinking that much water
shame on you
the engineering departments seem pretty toxic
@BalarkaSen i don't let it go down the drain my dude i savour it and then use it for drinking later in the day
@0celo7 that's certainly a large part of it
"some people distrust logic, regarding it as a tool of oppression"
you're damn right axiom of choice is oppression
All hail Banach-Tarski
axiom of choice is strange
but ill take it
axiom of choice has to be real
but well ordering is false
therefore ZFC is inconsistent
...and no one can tell about Zorn's lemma :)
but we use it anyway like a bunch of fools
I can't even remember the statement of zorn except for when I have a partial order I wave my hands, say Zorn, and get some shit
If every chain in a partial order has an upper bound, then there is a maximal element
if every totally ordered subset has a maximal element the poset has a maximal element
Not hard to remember, but hard to get a feeling for
I was joking
Never joke about Zorn
Zorn = if a functional is bounded on a subspace, it's bounded on the whole space runs
I still find it oddly appropriate that Zorn means "rage" in German
I have rage for Hahn-Banach right now
Zorn has a lot of applications
zorn is used in geometric measure theory, functional analysis, and PDE
damn thing is impossible to avoid
in commutative algebra too
no one cares about that
ears droop
PDE seminar is during my philosophy class
what the heck
"Fractional Laplacian Schrodinger equations"
"In this sense, we see how Zorn's lemma can be seen as a powerful tool, especially in the sense of unified mathematics[clarification needed]."
@BalarkaSen sorry it just seems like commutative algebra has no worthwhile applications
Damn right you need to clarify that you pretentious bag of crap
and studying it for itself seems silly
commutative algebra is an essential tool in algebraic geometry
meaningless algebra but impossible to avoid
polynomials are so 1700
no one cares about polynomials
they care about Grothendieck topoi
the are #realmath
I have no feeling for how advanced that stuff is tbh
it looks like random shit
A category C is a Grothendieck topoi if there is a small category D and an inclusion C ↪ Presh(D) that admits a finite-limit-preserving left adjoint.
You can't really read too much algebraic geometry without commutative algebra which is absolutely horrible
It's not too terrible if you have background in classical algebraic geometry and some topological things
I interpret most of commutative algebra in terms of pictures
I'd like to be able to do that
The ones I cannot I declare as worthless
See, to an algebraist that might be like what a sobolev space is to me
I just have no idea
until they prove their worth
@0celo7 You know what a Grothendieck topology is
I do?
It's not even a topology
It's a category with some properties lmao
I can't even remember what a flat module is, but apparently this is just basic linear algebra if you believe Bourbaki
aren't those the modules s.t. tensor product is an exact functor with them?
preserves exact sequences
why should I care about any of this crap
i only ever cared about projective modules which are flat
I just keep asking why why why why in algebra about everything and the turtles shells get bigger on the way down and the answers less childish and I give up, but find answers slowly over time
@0celo7 If $X$ is compact Hausdorff vector bundles on $X$ are in 1-1 correspondence with projective $C(X)$-modules
Is that reason enough?
Bourbaki sets this up as part of analyzing Hom(E;F) over exact sequences, why you want to do this is another question
the key is to stop reading bourbaki
Projective modules is the brother of a flat module in some sense and more of these problems
That's the Serre Swan theorem btw
I should have added "finitely generated" before projective
An A-module is projective if for every exact sequence $F' \to F \to F''$ of A-linear mappings the sequence $Hom(P;F') \to Hom(P;F) \to Hom(P;F'')$ is exact, I mean my god what is this
um yeah fuck that definition
that has no content to it
a better definition is the classical lifting definition tbh'
M is projective if for every surjective module morphism f : N --> N' any map M --> N' lifts to a map M --> N
@BalarkaSen nope
Still not super illuminating, but at least something
How can the domain determine whether some linear map into some $N'$ also maps into some other $N$
Lets see why they even want to map $\mathrm{Hom}(E;F)$ to some $\mathrm{Hom}(E';F')$
@0celo7 a module is like a vector bundle with varying fiber, a projective module is a vector bundle with constant rank fiber i.e. a normal person's vector bundle
thats all
i am sure the definition i gave is equivalent to the one you wrote
Yeah there are like 3 ways to view these things iirc
ok its way too late
i need sleep
bye all
Hmm, so lets say you have linear maps $u : E ' \to E$, $v : F \to F'$ over $A$-modules $E,E',F,F'$, then a map $f$ in the set $\mathrm{Hom}(E;F)$ of linear mappings from $E$ to $F$ can be associated with $v \circ f \circ u \in \mathrm{Hom}(E';F')$ setting up the mapping $\mathrm{Hom}(E;F) \to \mathrm{Hom}(E';F')$. I guess some of this is just 'change of variables' or something expanded into concepts
3 hours later…
@Semiclassical could be interesting but the price is insulting global.oup.com/academic/product/…
table of contents here: gbv.de/dms/ilmenau/toc/244497915.PDF
Can't say it really excites me.
@Semiclassical it’s very analytic for sure
The average physicist would take N to infinity and be happy
They'd be happy to not worry about how one justifies the limit, at any rate
But one of the calculations I worked on was where, for finite N, the leading behavior was $E_N=N\overline{E}+E_0+\text{other stuff}$
where the last bit vanishes as $N\to\infty$. But while the first term was easy to compute and the second had some interesting stuff, it was the behavior of the remainder term which was our main interest
So it's hardly out of the realm of possibility for a physicist to be interested in finite-size effects like that.
@BalarkaSen Almost deleted my entire music library
My knowledge of Linux never came so in hand
I literally read the raw filesystem, piped to a decompressor, a file checker, a stream verifier and a recompressor
I felt like God for a moment
@BalarkaSen haven't you gone to bed? I saw you said you was going to sleep.
I woke up a few minutes ago
@CaptainBohemian He always responds to me
Our love is strong like that
@BalarkaSen I got this album from the lagoon santa
And it's fuckign amazing
Like I can't even
It's so damn good
And it's rare too, the motherfucker isn't on Spotify even
I'm not even joking, the album is amazing
It's him in a quartet
Quarteto Novo was a group formed in São Paulo, Brazil in 1966 which released one landmark instrumental album and launched the careers of some of the band's members. The eponymous 1967 album has been influential in jazz and pop music. Originally named Trio Novo, the group consisted of Theo de Barros (bass and guitar); Heraldo do Monte (Viola caipira and guitar) and Airto Moreira (percussion). The group was created to accompany singer/songwriter Geraldo Vandré in concert and on recordings. With the arrival of flutist Hermeto Pascoal, the group was renamed Quarteto Novo. In 1967 the group recorded...
1 hour later…
@BalarkaSen the slogan I always heard was: projective is as free as we can hope for
@ACuriousMind Right, basically a free module is the trivial vector bundle.
That projective modules are factors of free module under direct sum is saying that every vector bundle is stably trivial
Maybe? I'm not sure I get the bundle analogy
To me a bundle is something "locally trivial" (a product) but I don't see that in the module
Q: Topic challenge: alien geometry

PyRulezI propose an alien-geometry topic challenge. Its often hard to tweak the mathematics of a world (for example, you can't really make 2+2=5 in a reasonable way), but one way you can is by tweaking the geometry. This can lead to many interesting implications, including chemical, biological, and eve...

not weird enough
Aha, the analogy is that if M is a projective R-module, M_p is a free R_p-module where R_p is the localization of R at the prime ideal p, @ACuriousMind
Or at least I think that's true
Yup, googled it. Finitely generated projective modules over local rings are free
Oh right
I like the analogy now :D
I think there's an explicit dictionary. Serre-Swan theorem says if $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space the category of vector bundles over $X$ and the category of f.g. projective $C(X)$-modules are isomorphic
Algebraists have always made a living out of abstractizing geometry, and so did Quillen and Suslin: The proved every f.g. projective module over polynomial algebras is free. This is analogous to saying every vector bundle over $\Bbb R^n$ is trivial
(That's Quillen's Fields medal work)
Six hours in, and maybe a very basic understanding of where projective and injective modules really come from, maybe...
Algebra is awful but when you get even a basic thing it's worth it
@Mithrandir24601 Hi how are things going your side?
@ACuriousMind Let me know if you have had a chance to check out the post. Sorry to bother.
His profile includes a quote of himself
Truly a legend
@JohnDoe ni hao! Very good :) Thanks
@Mithrandir24601 Are you still involved in quantum measurement theory research?
@JohnDoe not exactly, no - I'm doing something not entirely unrelated, but it's not measurements
(along the lines of PT-symmetry and open systems)
@Mithrandir24601 Oh okay and how's the PhD going?
@JohnDoe quite a lot of work and nothing ever works or happens as I'd like it to :P but still very enjoyable :)
@Mithrandir24601 Are you famaliar with Kraus operators and the completeness condition required to be a Kraus operator?
@JohnDoe yeah
@Mithrandir24601 I want to define Kraus operators which has a normal distribution. So it projects with a normal type distribution on a finite number of states. I defined it as in this post. If you have a chance please see if you agree that it defines a valid Kraus operator for the system.
@JohnDoe At first glance, it looks like a PVM, in which case, it would be a valid set of Kraus operators
@Mithrandir24601 Thanks for checking. The actual problem I have is that there are only a finite number of states $\{ |x \rangle \}_{x}$ yet the index $C$ is continuous and unbounded, so for some $C$ (the mean), the peak of $Pr(x|C)$ will be well outside the range of any $|x \rangle$. Do you see what I mean? This might not be a problem, I'm not sure.
@JohnDoe I think you're thinking of this the wrong way round - each $\lvert x\rangle$ doesn't have any sort of range - it's a projection stating that 'I have measured the system and I believe it was measured to be in the state $\lvert x\rangle$' - uncertainties can only be found from this by multiple measurements
(you have obviously generalised the 'discrete' Kraus operators to 'continuous' Kraus operators, but I'll assume that's fine :P)
@Mithrandir24601 Yeah 'range' is probaby the wrong word to use informally for mathematical discussions. And yes to the discrete Kraus operators to continuous Kraus operators as well. Have you experience in experimentally using these general quantum measurements in any way?
@JohnDoe yeah - I've looked at them to model things like gate dependent noise, derive the Lindblad formalism and am currently looking at them in the context of PT-symmetry...
I mean, you've got an infinite number of Kraus operators is essentially what you're saying...
@Mithrandir24601 Yes an uncountably infinite amount, that's part of what I want to confirm is okay.
"so for some C (the mean)" - this is where the issue appears to come in - C is actually the thing that's varying, while there's a discrete set of x's that are constant
@Mithrandir24601 Yes that's right. The index $C$ of my measurement operators corresponds to the mean $C$ of the normal distributions. So $C$ varies, giving different measurement operators.
@JohnDoe Mathematically, I don't really see the problem (assuming you're got something continuous etc.), physically though I think you're making this complicated - is there a reason that you can't just say that $\lvert x\rangle\langle x\rvert$ are the Kraus operators?
i.e. $K_x = \lvert x\rangle\langle x\rvert$
@Mithrandir24601 For what I am doing I want the type of spread of $|x \rangle$ that you get from a normal distribution.
@JohnDoe Can you use a measurement pointer?
@Mithrandir24601 Yeah the theory I am studying uses probe states, which I assume are the same thing as pointer states.
@Mithrandir24601 Are you famaliar with the book. I think I discussed some stuff with you in this book a long time ago. But anyway he uses probe states to describe general quantum measurements.
@Mithrandir24601 I'm busy reading this paper. Maybe you will find it interesting as well.
can someone tell me why more coils in a wire leads to higher induced voltage?
does having more coils allow a higher current that increases the voltage?
A: Transformers - Why more coils in second coil causes more voltage

FlorisExpanding on Jan Dvorak's comment: When you change the magnetic field inside a loop, an emf (electromotive force) will be generated. Now if you have two loops, each of these will experience the same e.m.f. When you put them in series, you have a coil with two loops, or two coils with one loop. N...

Q: Stern-Gerlach and spin-1 measurement

Vincenzo VentrigliaAn unpolarized beam of spin-1 particles goes through a SG apparatus with magnetic field in direction $$\hat{\mathbf{n}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt2}\left(\hat{\mathbf{x}} + \hat{\mathbf{z}} \right).$$ We then select the emerging beam such that $$\mathbf{S}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{n}}\equiv S_n=0.$$ If we make anoth...

Can you take a look?
I wanna know why my question is downvoted.
oh I said question, it ought have been answer.
@Hamilton Not my downvote, but that looks like a homework problem and we don't answer homework problems. I'd guess the downvoter thought you should not have answered.
@JohnRennie Oh sorry, I thought that they found my answer wrong.
I will be more careful next time.
@Blue thanks for that
@Blue would i be correct in saying that as we put more loops in the coil, then a given magnetic field line will travel through more coils, and each coil adds some total voltage in line with faradays law?
@Kane Yeah, sort of.
@Hamilton your answer may be wrong too :-) I only glanced at the question so I can't comment.
@Blue would it be more accurate to say that as coils are added, their respective magnetic fields are adding to give a stronger magnetic field which leads to a higher induced voltage?
@Kane All the loops have the same flux passing through them. So I'm not sure how you conclude magnetic fields are added
@Blue I just assume something has to be additive here. It seems multiple coils -> multiple induced voltage increase. From what I've learnt, V = IR, so an increase in V should come from an increased I (given R). But apparently in this case I doesn't change (not sure what happens to R).

Trying to understand why V increases here and it seems to be really difficult to find a simple explanation

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