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I think a lot of physics is reliant on metaphysics. I don't say that as a bad thing.
I mean that's a fine terminology. A completely useless one however
It's consistent, just useless
So, the technical adjective we're looking at here is "platonist", right? Which gives you a sense of just how many BS sessions have failed to resolve the issue.
there's different versions of platonism
you can suppose that math is 'real' without saying it's physical
plato liked young boys
that is a genuine philosophical position
Next time before debating with someone I'll keep the Oxford dictionary open and tell them to do the same :P (same edition)
@skullpatrol XD
If you were expecting to get a cat_transcendence_limitless.gif reaction to my explanation of why the Fermat's last theorem is a natural question to consider, I must say you should have seen disappointment coming
No scientific result on existence can be "physical" by your notion.
@BalarkaSen Well, I was seeing it coming. But since it was you I decided to keep listening :P
Anyhow, let's get back to something else now...anything else.....XD
I propose to talk about why Fermat's last theorem is interesting instead of why it's "physical", given that latter is now an established bullshit notion. :D
Works for me.
Me too.
otherwise I'd have to talk about Kant's distinction between analytic a priori, synthetic a posteriori, and synthetic a priori propositions
and good god do i not want to do that
Kant is toooo dense
@skullpatrol Kant as a thinker, interesting
Kant as a writer...
This reiterates the point I made earlier about how philosophy not having a unified language of communication makes it harder for outsiders to appreciate
he makes Russell sound talkative :P
@BalarkaSen wait, you actually tried to argue that FLT is physical?
His lectures tend to be more readable, probably because those were adapted from notes other people took
@0celo7 I tried to argue why it's interesting and meaningful/compatible with our perception, yes.
Which is a good question and has a good answer
how do diophantine equations matter to perception
It's unclear why anybody should give two shits about solutions of a random diophantine equation
@0celo7 Read ^^
Where did you say anything about "perception"?
well, I've gotta prove a Noether theorem
wb @ACuriousMind
A solution to FLT inevitably involves trying to generalize the unique factorization property of integers... that's why it's compatible with our intuition of the fundamentals...
(Technically only for Kummer primes, but let's ignore that. I don't know the story beyond Kummer theory)
But that's approximately the reason people got excited about it
number theory has no motivation
I think one could just boil this down to an example from antiquity
namely, the infinitude of primes
numbers are the motivation
Especially since the sieve of Erastothones does seem so pleasingly concrete.
I think that's how I first really understood primes
Good call
There is something quite striking about that, yeah
Very true
(it's also cool how the sieve idea is essential to linking primes to the Riemann zeta function, but that's more esoteric)
That $\zeta$ has a pole at $s = 1$, yup.
Am I damaged if prime numbers are so boring to me it hurts
I think I first understood why the Riemann hypothesis is really interesting by understanding what information $\zeta(s)$ spits out about primes as you let $\Re[s]$ vary towards $1$
If you have $s = 2$, $\zeta(2) = \pi^2/6$ by the famous Euler computation
That already says there are infinitely many primes
By writing out the product and seeing it can't be rational
I don't really mean to come to specific philosophical conclusions btw. My point is more that their resolution is only self-evident if you already have conclusions of your own
@0celo7 without them there would be no fundamental theorem of arithmetic :P
1 is a prime. Rights for 1 as a prime. 1 is a prime in the scriptures.
Near $s = 1$ you get Merten's theorem about convergence of $\sum 1/p$
near the line $\Re[s] = 1$ understanding that there are no zeroes of $\zeta$ gives you a proof of PNT
It seems obvious that going $\Re[s] < 1$ would be even more revealing about the prime numbers, really
does anyone have a good pdf of Weinberg Vol 1?
I can only find pretty cancerous ones
wb @JohnRennie
boring latex task is boring
the devil is in the details :P
i hate latex so much id rather use typewriters lol
@BalarkaSen contrarian
well im about to go to bed
I want to have the EMS TeX format
this was a hot fiery death and destruction discussion
@Semiclassical do you think I could email someone there and get it?
"integrating by parts"
"incorrect math"
@ACuriousMind help
I'm trying to derive the conservation law for a translation invariant lagrangian
but it seems like one has to do the integration overall of spacetime
is there a more rigorous way to do this?
(maybe it's not true in general?)
bangs head
I do not understand physics
1 hour later…
@Slereah I finally understand Noether's theorem
3 days later, hydrogen atom wave functions from absolutely nothing, with all stupid normalization conventions $[(n+l)!]^{1 \text{ or } 3}$!
Coulomb units are a nightmare, random $1/4$ conventions, stupid old definitions of Laguerre polynomials
19 pages long, will become 20!!!!
\psi &= R_{nlm}(\rho) Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi) \\
&= \sqrt{ (\dfrac{2}{r_0})^3 \dfrac{(n-l-1)!}{2n(n+l)!} } e^{-\dfrac{\rho}{2}} \rho^l L_{n+l}^{2l+ 1} Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi) \\
&= \sqrt{ (\dfrac{2}{r_0})^3 \dfrac{(n-l-1)!}{2n(n+l)!} } e^{-\dfrac{\rho}{2}} \rho^l L_{n+l}^{2l+ 1} \sqrt{ \dfrac{2l+1}{4 \pi} \dfrac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!} }e^{\pm i m \theta} P^m_l(\theta) \\
&= \sqrt{ (\dfrac{2}{r_0})^3 \dfrac{(n-l-1)!}{2n(n+l)!} } e^{-\dfrac{\rho}{2}} \rho^l \dfrac{d^{2l+1}}{d \rho^{2l+1}} L_{n+l} \sqrt{ \dfrac{2l+1}{4 \pi} \dfrac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!} }e^{\pm i m \theta} \dfrac{1}{2^l l!} (1 - x
Pure insanity, no wonder I skipped this before
That's the atom son
In the non-relativistic approximation ignoring spin which immediately leads to fine structure splitting so the solution has fun problems immediately
How do you write Rodrigues in terms of trig functions nicely so I can make the solution even more logical
we made up compact notation to avoid this insanity
Imagine, some books throw in $[(n+l)!]^3$ in that coefficient instead of $(n+l)!$, just for fun
@bolbteppa which books
Griffiths QM for example
garbage book!
Then most books (e.g. Pauling) will calculate the normalization using generating functions, Landau does it I think with insane hypergeometric functions, nobody just takes this stuff on directly, except Sommerfeld's old book, which leaves lots of gaps but at least it's direct and forces you to learn it all nicely
Yes, now page 20!
Haven't even began the relativistic hydrogen atom problem, which involves coupled hypergeometric functions for spi****nors, fun times
(Ah I put the wrong Laguerre in there, looks messy!)
$$ \psi = \sqrt{ (\dfrac{2}{r_0})^3 \dfrac{(n-l-1)!}{2n(n+l)!} } e^{-\dfrac{\rho}{2}} \rho^l \dfrac{d^{2l+1}}{d \rho^{2l+1}} [\dfrac{e^{\rho}}{(n+l)!} \dfrac{d^{n+l}}{d \rho^{n+l}}( \rho^{n+l} e^{-\rho})] \sqrt{ \dfrac{2l+1}{4 \pi} \dfrac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!} }e^{\pm i m \theta} \dfrac{1}{2^l l!} (1 - x^2)^{\frac{m}{2}} \dfrac{d^{m+l}}{dx^{m+l}} (x^2 - 1)^l $$
I knew it wouldn't fit

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