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> $\hat 2$
It's an interesting paper because it doesn't seem crazy if you don't read it
It has a reasonable layout
Proper tex
Equations that look like correct equations
But then you start reading the words
And you know why it's on vixra
Either it's a crazy paper or it's some interuniversal Teichmuller theory where he just never wrote down what the hell he's talking about
@Slereah wot
S^n is not a product space
I'm leaning towards crazy paper
> If you spot anything that is dimensionally incorrect, it is garbage no matter how brillant it is (it is not brillant in this case)
(where's that quote of feymann when I need him...)
@Slereah double helix alien DNA confirmed
that's not alien DNA, that's just to channel the power of the cosmos
it's this apparently
Apparently the proper geometric product is $$uv = u \lfloor v + u \wedge v$$
$\lfloor$ some inner product defined on multivectors, I suppose
I kinda want to see if you could define a spacetime on a Hilbert manifold sometime
Just to see if it even makes sense
How would you define the signature of the metric?
tough one
What's the smallest Hilbert space that isn't $\Bbb R^n$, is it just $L^2$
hmm... can a quantum version of spacetime be written as a superposition of classical metrics in GR...?
@Slereah yes
(Assuming the underlying measure space is sigma finite)
Is $L^2 \approx \Bbb R^{\Bbb N }$ in some sense
I do remember that it is also $\mathfrak l^2$
L^2 is a separable Hilbert space and those are all isomorphic
Which is just infinite series of complex numbers
Is there an infinite dimensional Hilbert manifold that is real
That is a vector space on the field $\Bbb R$ instead of $\Bbb C$
Or is it still $L^2$
I guess the only difference is the inner product
$f^2$ instead of $f^* f$
I was just wondering to get a good feeling why you can consider a Hilbert manifold a manifold
What's the proper definition of $\mathfrak l^2$ again, converging series of numbers?
I forget what $\mathfrak{l}^2$ is called
I think it was Heisenberg's original QM idea
@0celo7 Jiggling, my dude.
@Slereah little ell two
@Slereah L^2 Norm in the counting measure
@BalarkaSen wot
@0celo7 Call me Thurston and tickle my beard
o wait covariance
@Slereah Are $\mathfrak{l}^2$ and $\ell^2$ different ? (I don't know actually)
One is german looking
I meant the meaning of those two :P
Not that they look different
$\ell^2$ is the space of square summable sequences
that is not useful
bleh, I need to stop thinking about black holes for a while
Can you build an atlas between it and $\BBb R^\Bbb N$
What inner product are you putting on that thing
I have a hunch it’s literally ell^2
Well why are Hilbert manifolds manifolds
Or are they not exactly manifolds
Read Lang’s differential geometry book
He models everything on the Banach category
Most everything still works
[Random thought to be checked]
I wonder if the uncertainty principle applies well enough in spacetime metric such that you can spontaneously change its topology and back (e.g. having CTCs as part of the flucturation in the metric) as long it is within the bounds of uncertainty...
From Facebook. Not that I make a habit of reposting Facebook pictures here, but this one is so appropriate for me that I just had to share it.
You belong on facebook, OLD MAN
This sound convenient
too little vegetables
You can never have too few vegetables
There's a paper on QM in Hilbert manifolds
Curve those quantum states
@JohnRennie I don't get what gravitational potential of a solid sphere "at internal point" means.
How can we displace sphere internally?
Because the definition is "gravitational potential at a point is equal to the work done per unit mass by an external agent in moving a particle slowly from reference point to the given point."
@Abcd take some point inside the sphere, and put a test mass at that point. Then measure the work per unit mass needed to move the test mass from that point to infinity. That's the gravitational potential at that point.
Assume the test mass can pass through the material of the sphere e.g. it passes through a tunnel
Okay fine. I was thinking the other way round.
Cor, Eddie Clarke just died.
So that's the last of the original Motorhead lineup gone.
Man I'm getting old.
Next, you!
This need to go further so that spacetime metrics themselves become quantum states
Eddie Clarke was only ten years older than me. Mind you he spent his life drinking, taking drugs and having sex with groupies, while I've wasted mine.
@JohnRennie Maybe you're joking, but in my opinion one of the greatest rewards one can get from life is a healthy old age...
@Blue I would rather have a balance of both
long life and fun seems better
I want to do drugs and be immortal
Depends on whether you define taking drugs as fun
@Slereah should be OK as long as you stick to taking Sanatogen
@Blue is there any limit to the no of lines an IDLE shell console can print? (I'm running a long code and it stopped printing at 92000 lines)
@Blue well if you're immortal.....
smells star and flag abuse
I haven't seen any flags ... yet ... :-)
do you want to see? coz i can flag myself :P
Can you flag your own posts? Not that I recommend you attempt the experiment :-)
There has been a massive flag spam yesterday from The H Bar and from The Russian SO chat rooms, so better be cautious @>10kusers.
@JohnRennie i I tried it out
@PrathyushPoduval Maybe! IDLE has too many restrictions
@Mr.Xcoder too late.....
Hmm I don't see any flag notifications ...
Nor do I (...yet...)
5 mins ago, by Prathyush Poduval
long life and fun seems better
is what i flagged
@Mr.Xcoder what went on yesterday? I skimmed the chat log this morning but didn't see anything suspect.
You can flag your own post for moderators, only.
@JohnRennie Oh wait sorry two days ago (evening)
Probably self-flags go directly to mods (because who would flag himself as spam?)
@Mr.Xcoder what went on two days ago?
@JohnRennie IIRC there was a flag spam
@Mr.Xcoder I'd vouch for self-spam flags
Some people would surely use it on daily basis
@Mr.Xcoder you mean someone flagging posts for no good reason?
Yes, precisely
@Slereah hey,where can I learn to use conformal mapping to solve laplace equation?
@Mr.Xcoder I imagine the community mods will have had words with that person ...
@PrathyushPoduval Any complex analysis book would have that
But there were multiple persons, and not only in The H Bar
@Blue hmm okay
Anyway, gtg o/
@Mr.Xcoder \o
I have some quasi-personal / perspective type physics questions I want to ask and would appreciate some personal perspectives
1.) I only in the past couple of years began studying physics seriously. Seriously to think about things deeply
for example
Lie Groups, Lie algebras, exponential maps, non-relativistic and relativistic spinors
and particles
Essentially how taylor expansions are cool hehe
or also
topology, and topological invariants
So my personal question is the following
Do people really know what they are doing or studying when they first start studying physics
Is it even possible to study anything in Physics and know it well, the first time?
Even Quantum mechanics concepts, and spectral theory
I am only beginning to know what is going on
@Cows no
Takes ages to make sense of anything
Lots of people don't even think non-relativistic spinors exist for example, that they come only as an approximation to the Dirac equation solution or something
Quick search on physicsforums and you'll see comments like that
Yeah these things are honestly quite deep
I think when you learn something new it takes a while before you see how what you've learned fits in with everything else. You only really understand when you have that bigger picture.
So you go through life convinced you don't really understand anything :-)
Which is odd given how many of the non-scientists I meet go through life convinced they do understand everything ...
lol, yeah if only they knew . . .
@JohnRennie :P reminds me of my daily encounters
@Blue tell me about it :-)
@JohnRennie It would take days to tell all of them. XD For example, we have a nanny (who looks after my little brother) who stays with us. She keeps telling me her theories about global warming and earthquakes occurring because of quarrel between gods and demons (I'm not joking!). And when I try to explain, she tells me that science has blinded me from the well-established laws of nature
I don't blame her. But that represents the general awareness level
lmao it is god quarrels.
That was a chapter in my physics AS
plz stop hurting me bibtex
@Blue discovering that kind of ignorance is a bit like coming across an old bit of WW2 ordnance which never went off
which is to say, don't touch it and stay out of the blast radius :P
Is it possible that dark matter is supernatural?
Insofar as 'dark matter' is a term of physics and not of theology, no.
You could come up with some supernatural concept and call it dark matter, but it won't be what a physicist means by the term.
If you mean "is it possible that dark matter has no possible scientific explanation", well...it's not impossible from a philosophical point of view, but I wouldn't bet on it.
We can't see dark matter, just like we cant see the supernatural.
We also can't see individual air molecules by eye. That doesn't make them supernatural.
The only difference between dark matter and regular matter for a physicist is that our ability to interact with the former is apparently far weaker than the latter.
Plus...we do 'see' dark matter, insofar as the reason we postulate its existence is based on other empirical facts.
I feel that physics for next generation students is going to be really hard.
eh, depends on what part of physics you're talking abouto
particle physics, quite possibly.
condensed matter, though, is probably going to stay healthy.
what about school students?
will newtonian mechanics be removed from books?
again, depends on what you mean
hahaha no
But newton's law of gravitation is wrong...
Depends on what you mean by 'wrong.' It is not the final theory of gravity, no.
On the other hand, it is still a very good approximation of many astronomical systems.
it should be renamed then, "theory of gravitation"
Depends what we're talking about. "Newtonian mechanics" is not just "oh hey gravity has F=Gm1m2/r^2"
Everything you learn in school is an approximation/.
@CooperCape That's approximately true :P
Every year begins with "wot u heard last year is wrong"
it's just a bit of a meme
( e^(i pi)+1=0 is not an approximate statement, for instance. but by and large yes)
when I say "newtonian mechanics" I mean Newton's three laws of motion
F=ma and all that
even they aren't perfect...
Those are useful tho
Don't nasa use those
for some things
And regardless of what quantum mechanics or relativity theory have to say, Newton's laws are still exceptionally important
The car you drive, by and large, doesn't give a damn about the uncertainty principle or how spacetime is warped by matter.
lol, yes.
What matters are how the car responds to and exerts forces
ewww mechanics
I ain't into that
So the idea that Newtonian mechanics is somehow obsolete is just not correct. It may not present an active field of study in the same way as particle physics etc, but it is still a huge part of physics as education.
I see.
And you're not likely to understand how quantum mechanics or general relativity work without a solid handle on Newtonian mechanics.
Now, if you ask how physics as a research discipline is going to change...there, I'm not sure.
There are certain subjects within physics which are sufficiently grounded in experimental and technological needs that I don't see them going away. (Hence my statement about cond-mat theory.)
On the other hand, particle physics seems to be in a tough spot insofar as LHC confirmed the Higgs boson but hasn't yet suggested new physics.
It could certainly be the case that we've run into a wall there which we won't easily be able to overcome.
It makes me feel really sad when I read a book written pre LHC and it's like LHC may prove this or that and you read it like 'well....'
the tricky thing is that one can always say "well, maybe if we push the energy up a bit more then we'll see new physics"
What comes after a TeV...
philosophically, anyways. the trouble is getting someone to pay for that :P
An EeV?
@CooperCape Bankruptcy :P
I think Peta
Ahh right yeah.
define 'solid handle on newtonian mechanics' :p
"Whatever the physics profs who are writing the written exams say it is." :P
You only know a field when you teach it (excuse not to know things)
my feeling about my latex right now:
Actually a solid handle on newtonian mechanics is not what I need for my maths a level cause the systems broken
I can get an A* in maths with 36% in mechanics.
Or if I really nail the rest 16%...
tbf there's parts of newtonian mechanics which really just showed up in coursework for me
I can honestly say I'm awful at it ;)
e.g. non-inertial reference frame stuff
but I'm someone who mostly does quantum
if you're doing GR, I suspect understanding non-inertial newtonian mechanics helps a lot
Oh gosh. Thank god we deal with still stuff.
At least that makes energy conservation easier for us.
Couldn't cope if the observer was moving.
better version:
I remember spending ages with latex screwing me over for a school writeup I did.
I should imagine yours is 1. A lot more important and 2. A lot harder ;)
latex by itself isn't toooo bad, usually
latex plus figures is a bit annoying
I was being a foolish youth.
latex plus bibtex problems is suffering
Keep it to one tex thx
idek what bibtex is
bibliography stuff
ahhh right of course
(well not exactly of course, but it makes sense)
@Semiclassical indeed
Hence, don’t use bibles
Put in the bibliography by hand
i'm trying to avoid that, since this is for a thesis and I need to make sure the formatting is right
How many pages is your thesis?
dunno yet
(If you don't mind me asking :)
it'll be a bunch of papers stapled together, as my advisor puts it
and each of those papers had different formatting, so it's a bit tricky to gauge how much that'll take altogether
So I dunno :P
If I ever ask why anything works with a computer I end up at the plug socket + quantum field theory and then never get anywhere, get lost trying to figure out why a computer even wants to add :(
@EmilioPisanty Yes, you're late, that one's a classic ;)
does newton's law of gravity work under water?
I can now report SAP mixes excellent cocktails at their conferences :)
perhaps the force is the same towards the center of earth, but the water forms a resistance so that it's acceleration is smaller...
now I know the truth: intertial mass is slightly greater than gravitational mass.
@Slereah Hey, sorry, I think that was just my phone - I wasn't really in here all day
the difference is perhaps 10^(-20)g -- that's called pulling a wild hair out of my ass.
@theDoctor Please either substantiate your claims with mainstream physics or leave this room.
oh bejuses, is this a bar or what?
what are YOUR credentials?
My credentials are that I'm a moderator and room owner that will remove you from this room if you continue to troll.
can trolls ask valid scientific questions?
You may think of me as a bouncer.
or are you overmoderation?
nevermind, I retract this line of thought from this room.
@JohnRennie It is a persistent pattern: The people I've learned the most from are the ones insisting they're not qualified to teach anyone anything.
i.e. the reverse of the usual Dunning-Kruger effect
@Semiclassical It's called the impostor effect, and it's very real.
Me I just don't learn anything
Learning is for nerds
To question the orthodoxy you have to know what the orthodoxy is
I've had 400 years of it, bro.
You don't seem that old
@Slereah So much yes.
the heliocentric model isn't sufficient to account for all observations
The heliocentric model actually works.
The point of modern physics is that there's no prefered reference frame
Hence the heliocentric model is just as valid
oh but there is a preferred reference frame: the observer
Of course they didn't know that back then but most people don't seem to understand the actual problem of the heliocentric model :p
figure this, genius: the lens
do you think the lens can be explained by physics alone?
I, a genius, figure the lens.
Well, geocentric, not heliocentric
okay, let's rationate.
The lens has been figured out a little while back
no ithasn't
explain why there is a preferred axis in observing through a lens
when the lens itself is symmetrical?
Anywhere between Ancient Greece or the 19th century, depending on what you think count
The lense has a rotational symmetry, hence there is indeed a preferred axis
he's a testable experiment (kind of like the double-slit): construct a room that is tilted at a 30degree angle.
@Slereah: if it had COMPLETE rotational symmetry, then nothing could be focused, except light without an image.
like a magnifying glass focuses the sun.
light would be perhaps converge, yet it would not JUST UNDER converge to show an image.l
this is why Galileo was EXCOMMUNICATED.
I think you'd better diagram what you're trying to say
It's not very clear
you can image, if light is entering the lens ,and there is NO preferential treatment (like a slit, of an snake's eye, for example) on any axis, it would simply focus into more light at the convergence point.
but there is SOME OTHER FACTOR that makes it focus into an image.
I'm not sure what you mean, but
@Slereah I forget, do you have a day job?
You do know that you need two lenses to make a telescope, right?
@ACuriousMind That I do
grok that
@Slereah Whatcha doing there?
@ACuriousMind not much
Coding websites when necessary
@Slereah :(
Hopefully not for much longer
Might be getting a machine learning job soon
Well I still think it's boring but not a lot of GR jobs out there :p
Y'know, I always thought commercial stuff would be boring but...it's surprisingly interesting to be part of something that many other people will actually use
I say let them all burn!
I mean learning machine learning was alright, but most jobs are just inputting data
in other words: does a lens focus LIGHT or INFORMATION?
can it really preserve directional data?
@Slereah okay, that sucks
Would be nice to code machine learning stuff but these days most people just use existing software
how does the light know that it is entering a lens and must conform to it's curvature by the time it exits?
Like the new google thing
TensorFlow or whatever
this goes right to the heart of the double-slit experiment.
I should try to recode a neural network
Last time I tried it was pretty slow but I know how to program GPUs now
Should go better
@Slereah But...why?
Why not
You can trust many people better versed in the matter than you have done that
anyway... something to think about.... have a nice day!
I can also trust other people to play video games better than me
The excitiing thing about NN is not to implement them, but to come up with applications for them
I can do that too!
Also keep in mind that coding something yourself for a specific application can be more efficient than using a general purpose algorithm
@Slereah It won't be something you can sell though
If I could sell anything I work on in my sparetime I'd be rich!
Sure, crafting code for one specific application can be more efficient than anything else
also part of the benefit is showing it to potential employers
But in the end, the age of the cloud is about developing things that can be used by everyone, everywhere
Look at me, I know what I'm doing
To hell with the cloud I say
I've got my own server
Businesses don't want to purchase specific on-premise solutions anymore, they want infinitely scalable and adaptable technology that works in any cloud, always.
Yes, but it would show employers I know what I'm doing :p
@Slereah I got a job without any coding projects to show for. :P
The economy is pretty dire these days!
You gotta stand out
Even with like three degrees it's tough
@Slereah I got my job even though my master's degree isn't even finalized. You just need to convince them that you can do the work you're applying for.
I try my best!
Sam probably starts talking about wormholes and non-Hausdorff manifolds and gets shooed out by security
@ACuriousMind what happened to you

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