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hmm will stream later . . . . need to do some dirty work first to prep the data graph
*** Everyone I need a time auto correlation function 101 . I have to implement this tonight hehe
Keeping it hardcore, getting motivated to code. . . . youtube.com/watch?v=L_u97PqWX6g
Got to get this done
> I do not participate to this site any longer. I do not accept a situation in which, a scientific answer not understood by some users, is downvoted repeatedly instead of asking clarifications from the poster of the answer. And such a situation is considered normal, instead of being avoided. And when the poster of the answer protests, he/she is considered not O.K. Given this situation, I don't see any reason why offering my knowledge at all.
@Fawad what about it?
curse my chromebook!
it automatically updated which for some reason broke linux =/
@DanielSank I seem to recall that this user held a forcefully opinion on matters related to entanglement.
For instance:
Q: Faster than light signals and the price to be paid if we accept them : a very simple protocol

SofiaSome physicists currently understand entanglement as transferring information instantaneously, yet not violating causality. Is this really a satisfactory explanation, or should be look for something better? In particular, some people try to be explicit about a signalling between particles, but t...

@DanielSank Did you get an email from the person responsible for that site, too?
::Pokes around a little to see what it is (as opposed to what the email days it might be)::
ok i am back from my walk. I think I can code now
@dmckee hey dude. . . I said hi to you the other day, and you were acting all upidy upidy. What's up with that? You feel better than me? lol
@Cows Don't recall the incident, but in all likelihood I considered the demands of my infant child more important than chat (that's been happening a lot recently), and by the time I noticed your greeting it was hours later and your avatar didn't even appear in the sidebar.
But let me make it up to you.
Hey, @Cows. Nice to see you. How've you been?
@dmckee oh just been hanging out and so forth.
I just got my grades turned in late last night, and I have to board a plane tomorrow, so it's nearly straight from school stress to packing stress. But I am determined to chill while I'm on the west coast. Assuming we don't have to evacuate.
::raps firmly on his own head:: Knock on wood.
Wow, that's quite a busy schedule
My in-laws badly wanted this trip to happen, but it had to be arranged around multiple constraints meaning that it ended up being less convenient that is desirable.
kaggle forcing me to use their kernel is gonna drive me insane
I can imagine.
@enumaris I have been hoping to see you
Can you help me connect through basic auth
connect where?
It is to an API end point out of south America. I can't connect
I have the secret and key, and have tried to do this via node and get wierd messages
the API documentation is in spanish
Can I share more details with you about this?
not sure I can help...I'm not all that great with stuff like that lol
oh lolz
I think Bernardo or David Z would know better than me
I need to get POS data and make some correlation functions
with that data and facebook data
Point of sale
I am building "God Mode" for my client
@enumaris I also have some phone location API i need to integrate, but it seems I need to do some proxy conx
I'm working on a kaggle competition lol
cus I don't have a job..=/
oh nice
whaaaaa . . .
I am sure you will get a job
@enumaris Use your time to write some more physics.SE answers, then ;)
I find that when I go to write answers, unless the questions are extremely straight forward (e.g. homework questions) I start going into caveat after caveat until I'm too lazy to finish the answer...
Ah, perfectionism coupled with laziness is a terrible curse ;P
@Cows what ML problem are you working on? "this video has been removed by the user, sorry about that :\"
> “The train accident that just occurred in DuPont, WA shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly. Seven trillion dollars spent in the Middle East while our roads, bridges, tunnels, railways (and more) crumble! Not for long!” --Trump foxnews.com/us/2017/12/18/… o_O
@dmckee yes I did. I responded that is a very good idea and that I will help if certain conditions are in place to ensure longevity
That kind of thing could be hugely valuable, but everyone involved has to understand going in just how enormous a project it really is.
@DanielSank yeah interesting, has potential, defn like the concept of "andragogy vs pedagogy," sometimes wish wikipedia allowed writing on same subj from different povs and think it sometimes tries too hard to shoehorn topics into "only one [authoritative] entry" :( ... iirc maybe this has already been pointed out by some somewhere... physicstravelguide.com
@dmckee yes, the structure must be such as to support unplanned growth directions.
that's actually non trivial @DanielSank
if it's not thought through properly it will end up like wikipedia
like i said the idea of the site itself is nothing special, it's all in the work
it needs to be designed so that it doesn't reference in on itself and always has a linear structure from one topic to a different topic
doesn't reference in on itself in a loop*
Hi, everyone :-)
@JohnRennie Niiice! :-)
@JohnRennie Dang! <3
@Kaumudi.H hey hows CSE going are you learning coding/ python? :)
@ooolb I didn't say it was trivial.
@ooolb I completely disagree with that.
@JohnR: Do ping me when you're free!
@vzn Python, yep!
@Kaumudi.H Morning :-)
Hi! :-) I'm back home!
Good to be home? (silly question :-)
:-) Silly question indeed!
Actually, I think I will text you on Hangouts, instead...
Ok, I'll jump over to Hangouts ...
@Kaumudi.H Yay!
@Kaumudi.H Ten dosas???!!!
:-D That's right!
@JohnRennie What??!
@Sid I had ten dosas this morning!
Believe it or not!
@Kaumudi.H a noble feat. One that I would be proud of myself!
:-) Thank you, thank you.
You will fall sick. That is overeating.
@Sid Nonsense. If you can still stand up and walk then you haven't eaten enough.
@Sid Well, I feel completely OK!
It has only been two hours, actually, and I think I could eat more now...
Oh god I'm 19
I got a comment on my answer by someone claiming that photons have both an electric and magnetic dipole...-.-
@DanielSank cool definitely don't provide any reasoning to back up your disagreement
@enumaris That's Holger Fiedler for you. He has some ... err ... curious views about physics.
I must confess I wish I understood the relationship between photons and classical light waves better. But whenever I look into the subject it seems formidably complicated.
yeah...that's..."quantum weirdness" I guess
Q: How can i prove EFE in general theory of relativity

shadiI now how to prove einstein field eqation in special telativity,i was wondering how can i prove it in general relativity(by using tansors) Please help me solving it

this guy can "prove" the EFE's in special relativity...wat...
@enumaris *telativity
The troll is strong with this one
the best way to weaken a troll is to take away its food
By using lorentz transformation we can simply get to E=mc^2 — shadi 14 mins ago
he can still comment on my answer?
He thinks $E=mc^2$ is the Einstein field equations???
Also your answer is wrong :p
You can derive the EFE
Although I love the word "tansor" now
You can't derive it tho, it's a postulated set of equations
Well you can postulate it, yes
But you can also derive it from Lovelock's theorem
You can also derive it as the proper gauge invariant limit of the Pauli-Fierz equation
those are not derivations =/
@JohnRennie so... You need to have 3 pizzas next time?
@Mithrandir24601 It's a long term goal, but the two sausage pizzas were right at my current limit :-)
@enumaris Why not
You can also "derive" it from the Hilbert action but I don't see any of these as being more fundamental
You start with some assumptions and end up with the EFE
Lovelock's theorem is a bit more fundamental I'd say
It's like saying you can derive Newtonian theory from Lagrangian mechanics
Just requiring second derivatives and a divergence free stress energy tensor
that's a pretty simple set of requirements
I mean, I guess it's a matter of taste at that point
You could also argue that extremizing an action is somehow more "fundamental" than some f=ma stuff.
Well because it is, yes :p
I haven't used $F = ma$ in quite a while
But extremizing the action is always great
so you would argue that F=ma is derived?
I would, yes
I mean what does "derived" mean, according to you?
lol are we gonna go into a semantic argument now
that's what it all boils down to, I suppose!
I have no interest in making semantic arguments :)
Note also that the question uses "prove"
It also uses "special telativity"
I don't know what telativity is
If your point is my answer is wrong because my english is bad and I got prove and derive mixed up, then sure. Cool beans.
@Slereah that's not true
Is it not
GR is one of a set of theories that can be derived from the Lovelock assumptions
It's only one in four dimensions
I mean I guess you also have to assume that it's a metric theory of gravity
And restricted to second derivatives and local
yes, that is what I said
which sounds like a fairly simple set of assumptions
So what you're saying is that if you start with a description of GR you can derive GR
I'm saying with those few conditions you can derive the Einstein Field Equations
just like if you start with an action that can reproduce F=ma you can derive F=ma :D
Well what would you consider to be a true derivation then
given F=ma, if F=2N, M=1kg, then a=2m/s^2 general case --> specific case. But again, I'm not really interested in having a semantic argument =/
Maybe if Lovelock's theory makes a bunch of (tested) predictions that GR doesn't and then shows that GR is only a subset of the larger overall theory, then I would buy that the EFEs are "derived".
Well Lovelock's theorem predicts the EFE, and not any of the alternative theories of gravity
It does predict more things in different dimensions but alas not too interesting
cool beans
Except for string theory
I don't know if string theory links to Lovelock's theorem, though
Maybe GR on the full target space is Lovelock gravity?
I dunno
Fantastic hip hop beat there
tfw Steve Reich discovered lo fi beats
everyone looks so serious
because it's SERIOUS MUSIC
It sounds like Mario could play to this music
Good call
I just feel like throwing a freestyle to that tune man
@Slereah This is beautiful
Me I just keep thinking about Disco Inferno
@JohnRennie Charlotte Gainsbourg makes semi pop music after acting on semi flop movies?
That's news
@BalarkaSen I didn't claim she was any kind of artistic genius, I just said I liked that track.
Ah, sure, I was cracking a semi joke
I thought all of her movies with Lars von Frying Pan was bad
not a popular opinion but yeah
Frying pan? Am I missing a meme or a pun on Trier?
yeah it's a bad pun on Trier
plz explain the pun
frier, trier, geddit? GEDDIT?
Based on a mispronunciation of Trier?
Antichrist is one of the worst movies of his
it has an interesting idea but he makes 0 effort at panning it out
just because you can make good camera movements in the woods with a lot of ambient noise doesn't mean you're Tarkovsky
like jesus
What was Jesus's best moviee
The Room
I actually saw the Room two days ago
It was fun enough but mostly boring
it's a piece of art though
It's a piece of something certainly
@Slereah art is in the (brown) eye of the beholder?
badum tish
So there's two methods for path integrals of fermions
The classic way with Grassmann variables
And some weird ways from the 60's, where you do some integration over $SO(3)$
I have no idea how they relate
You know what the room and antichrist have in common?
A cute doggo
good observation!
Hey stackexchange peeps
Is there a way to filter posts
To not see all the [duplicate] and [closed] questions
because who cares for those
Can't I just do it for everything to not see all that trash
It would be nice to have some setting in the preferences akin to the ignored tags, but I don't think any such setting exists.
You could ask on the Meta but I wouldn't hold your breath.
@ACuriousMind What's more disturbing is that you could bijectively rate each integer with a rational :3
A $\aleph_0$'s worth of work for Siskel and Ebert
The EFE in special relativity are just the extremum of the Einstein-Hilbert action for the motion of a particle in a fixed Minkowski (flat/empty) gravitational field right
Special relativity (or telativity) doesn't have an EFE
it's just some poorly worded question
The EFE are the Euler-Lagrange equations you get extremizing the EH action for the metric, $\delta S = \delta _g S(x^{\mu},A_{\nu},g_{\rho \sigma})$ where $x$ and $A$ are fixed, and the motion of a particle in a fixed $g$ field is found by varying w.r.t. $x$, $\delta_x S$ etc... Qogito Ergo D
The poorly worded question was probably unintentionally right :p
Isn't it Quod Erat D...
Portmanteau of QED and Cogito Ergo Sum in praise of/inspired by tansors and EFE for special relativity tbh
Ahhhh right
@Blue you around?
tansors though...
Like seriously damn
tensors are hard enough
$\tan (v_i\otimes w_i)$
I'm on phone I don't know if that worked out
what does that even mean
you cant tan a tensor
is that a joke
it was a shit joke
Someone wrote tansors in a queston
@JohnR: Sorry that I didn't finish downloading the bunch! I fell asleep for three hours in between :-/
Not a joke, it's the graded algebra of tan tensors = tansors $\tan (v_i \otimes w_i) = v_i \otimes w_i + \frac{1}{3} (v_i \otimes w_i) \otimes (v_i \otimes w_i) \otimes (v_i \otimes w_i) + \dots$
Also, @Balarka: Hey, man!
@Kaumudi.H you fell asleep at your laptop? Now that's what I call CHILLED :-)
@bolbteppa That's not an element of the tensor algebra in general
You're writing an element of $\prod T^k V$
Which is why we gave it a new name of tansor
Tensor algebra is $\bigoplus T^k V$
@JohnRennie Pretty much! :-P It would seem that I didn't get very much sleep last night. I rested my head on the table to shut my eyes for a few, fell asleep soon enough, then slumped onto the bed when I woke up momentarily :-P
Hey @Kaumudi
Done with all the exams whatsoever?
@Kaumudi.H :-) In any case there's no urgency. I'll leave the files there for a few days.
@Balarka: Decided to participate in WinterBash, I see!
@JohnRennie OK! :-) Still, I should be done soon...
@BalarkaSen Yupp! :-D I'm home!
I'm uninspired this year
Most people have collected like over 20 hats. I have 5, and have stopped bothering
None of the hats look good
Dude, I have zero! x'D
Collect some
@Kaumudi.H Congrats
:-) After hearing you talk about Tarkovsky so much, I've decided to watch "The Mirror".
One of his least powerful movies, but worth watching anyhow
I mean it's damn good
Just not what Tarkovsky's full potential is, to me :)
He's probably the greatest director of all time (not my opinion; ask your friendly neighborhood movie critiques), so ranking his films are hard
Hmm, I see, OK.
The visual style of Mirror is unique
I'll let you know what I think after I watch it!
okie dokie
1 hour later…
Let's read Recherche Critiques sur l'électrodynamique générale
I've been wondering how much it actually discusses advanced potentials
The article talks about electromagnetic mass
even though it's from 1908
After special relativity
he doesn't even mention Einstein
@JohnRennie Hello! I just came home...
Oh man
He still talks about the aether
Was special relativity still not well known in 1908
@Slereah I think Einstien also mentioned the aether in his SR paper, for space-time (i'm not sure bout it)
Well obviously
Since that was the theory of the time
could be he's talking about aether in the same sense Einstein meant it
He doesn't even mention Einstein
He's 100% talking about the Lorentz aether theory
It's one of Those old papers
Without any vector notation
@Slereah I'm not familiar with that theory
The Lorentz ether theory is basically special relativity
Except instead of the Lorentz group acting on the structure of space, everything is an effect of the ether
that doesn't make sense, what kind of effect is he talking about and how do they happen?
Length contraction and time dilation
Einstein isn't mentionned, but you know who is?
He apparently worked on the Lagrange equations for EM
is there an english version of the paper?
the french version
There's a lot of wanking about whether or not electric and magnetic fields are fundamental to electrodynamics
then what is fundamental to electrodynamics?
according to him
@Slereah Is "fundamental" ever defined? :P
@PrathyushPoduval It's an old thing
You can define electrodynamics (classically at least) without ever refering to EM fields
Just by dynamics of point charges
For instance with the Jefimenko equations
it talks about differenciating under the integral sign
I'm having some trouble reading the paper bc it's old but I think basically he's arguing that advanced potentials can't work because of the Cauchy problem
Otherwise you can't predict events without knowing events from past infinity
Since you get converging waves from infinity on all charges
also something about creating infinite energy from systems by having the energy go in and out via retarded and advanced waves
Apparently it goes all the way back to Lorentz
Q: What happened to the comments on a question?

Mozibur UllahThis question on renormalisation in quantum field theory had a number of comments under the main question, including one of mine; they all seemed to have been removed without any indication that they had been so. How come?

"This solution isn't the general integral, there will be, for instance, solutions corresponding to a wave motion towards the volume elements rather than away from them. We reject them from the theory by admitting that charges are the sole generators of perturbations. We also exclude ether states that are completely independant from charged matter."
Lorentz didn't even believe in sourceless EM waves!
@knzhou I'm preparing one now and I'm giving this template a whirl, it needs some changes to fix e.g. this format (particularly p.10) but it's otherwise quite nice
there's more templates here in case you haven't seen that list
(btw if you do run that first one, it's xelatex/lualatex only, pdflatex won't cut it.)
Quantum field theory final exam in 50 minutes.
He scheduled a 3 hour exam so I think we're calculating something in QED to tree level
Spoiler : It's a muon-electron scattering
One biblio reference in this is the number 1 of a journal
"The notion of field doesn't seem to be applicable to gravitation."
Oh how he ate those words
I hope so - wouldn't that be just one tree level diagram?
Can't draw to check right now, in class
Sorry you're gonna have to solve quantum gravity
Solve all worldsheet diagrams in an 11 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold
@Slereah There are no 11d CY-folds, CY-folds are necessarily complex :P
Doesn't string theory use 6D Calabi Yau manifolds?
@Slereah sure
Why can you have 6D complex manifolds but not 11
..because one is even and the other is odd? :P
Doesn't it need to be $2^n$ though?
The "nD" is the real dimension and the manifold can only be complex when $n$ is even.
Since one complex dimension is two real ones
What's the tangent space for a 6D complex manifold, then?
I don't understand the question
It's a 6d vector space, obviously :P
But where does the complex part come in
Isn't a complex manifold where the tangent space has a complex structure
In there being a complex structure on that 6d vector space that makes it into a 3d complex vector space
so just $\mathbb C^3$?
Yes, but I think you're asking the wrong question :P
I just wanted to know why the requirement for even dimension :p
@Slereah Uhhh. Because $\mathbb{C}^n \cong \mathbb{R}^{2n}$? Or, more physicsy, because one complex number is two real degrees of freedom?
Yeah I see that now :p
@JohnR: Ping me when you're around!
are there simple examples of Calabi-Yau manifolds

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