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it's the hatting time of season?
@Mithrandir24601 I would say that about The Raging Bull.
3 hours later…
@skullpatrol Huh, already?
Time flies
Hi, everybody.
I solving all the problems in Lemons's random processes book
@DanielSank When life gives you Lemons, you solve all the problems in his random processes book?
@BalarkaSen Correct
Are there any good books on quantum measurement theory?
something in this code actually shuts off my computer...wtf...lol
unless my CPU is overheating or something...
@enumaris that'd be my guess
my CPU is liquid cooled though
That doesn't necessarily stop it from overheating
I ran it quite heavily for 10 days straight doing data processing, I guess it still might be overheating heh
I'm pretty sure the issue is the loader is shutting down the que before the trainer has a chance to finish training
but I can't figure out why it's doing that
cus even getting rid of the que.close() command and the return statement completely didn't fix it lol
That I'll still have to get back to you on
The trainer should take 731 steps per epoch, but when it errors, it has taken between 720 and 730 steps. I have diagnostic messages printed at every 10 steps and it errors after step 720. So essentially, when it errors it's about 10 steps from completion...which pretty much corresponds to the que size...
feels like it's gotta be the loader shutting down the que after it finishes queueing everything
You can check that by changing the queue size and seeing if the timing of the error changes in a corresponding way. Also you can print diagnostic messages at every step from 720 onward to make sure you know exactly where it's failing.
I haven't been able to find a pattern in when it throws the connection reset by peer error and when it throws the file not found error
oh, good idea
after changing que size to 30
it errors after step 700
it was quite consistently throwing the error at step 720 earlier
error at 711 when que size is 23, so I guess it's not exact, but it's throwing the error at roughly when steps+que_size=total steps
smaller the que size, the later it throws the error
at que size of 10, error at step 724
so...yep...linearly proportional to que size
welp...looks like the only hack work around I can get going at the moment is to manually break out of the loop at the last epoch after step 700...the program hangs (I guess the loader hangs)...but it will save the output and I can technically use the output later to continue training...seems like...a horrible work around though...lol
also now I have 1 print statement that is being printed 3 times to console...wtf...this is baffling...
Cripes! -5°C in Chester.
We've finally got snow in London ;).
Though it's mostly melted now.
do you take an umbrella to go out when snowing?
Hello John, how are you?
@coderhk morning :-)
That question of yours:
You just need to calculate the potential energy
When the proton is at a position $x$ on the $x$ axis the PE is: $$-\frac{kQ_1e}{x} - \frac{kQ_2e}{x-3} $$
where $Q_1$ is the charge at $x=0$ and $Q_2$ is the charge at $x=3$
Calculate the PE at $x=5$ and $x=6$ and take the difference, and that's equal to the KE of the proton.
@coderhk I did the calculation to check it, and it does give the correct answer
@JohnRennie I see. Thank you very much. However, would the integration method work as well.
Integration of the force just gives you the equation I quoted above for the PE, so yes it would work, if you did it correctly :-)
Ok. Thanks. :D
Hall's a nice book but Jesus so much introduction
I'm going through classical mechanics, which is a nice reminder but a bit long!
Starting from fields in QFT is literally sweeping so much stuff under the rug
what do you mean
QFT is from fields
that's what the F stands for
A: Quantum Field Theory is equivalent to QM of identical particles for free fields?

Valter MorettiWhat we can say is that Quantum Field theory for free fields includes the relativistic formulation of free Quantum Mechanics of systems of arbitrarily many identical particles. Here, several well-known theoretical problems appear regarding relativistic localization and position operators. For l...

Yes you can do particles for free fields
But you can't for interacting fields
that's why you use fields
instead of particles
you can use particles for interacting fields but then you get something very very awful
You have to sum over graphs
So apparently, and this may be a defect of the particle perspective, you can only look at interactions with no time dependence that pass systems from free initial particle systems into free final particle systems, not as a flaw but as a feature of the theory
"The momentum can figure in a consistent theory only for free particles; for these it is conserved, and can therefore be measured with any desired accuracy. This indicates that the theory will not consider the time dependence of particle interaction processes. It will show that in these processes there are no characteristics precisely definable (even within the usual limitations of quantum mechanics)...
... the description of such a process as occurring in the course of time is therefore just as unreal as the classical paths are in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The only observable quantities are the properties (momenta, polarizations) of free particles. The only observable quantities are the properties (momenta, polarisations) of free particles: the initial particles which come into interaction, and the final particles which result from the process."
Is this all old stuff that fields overcame?
Pretty much
That's relativistic quantum mechanics
Which was what became QFT in the 30's or so
RQM is still used in some domains
Especially for very low energy processes
From this perspective you can derive quantum fields like immediately, but your starting point is just plain old QM and Relativity
where interaction doesn't matter too much
But right now I am denying the concept of interactions as anything but small perturbations, which is probably wrong
Like in relativistic chemistry
Where you don't have to worry about particle production
Yeah but this is also qft or at least qft as you'd find in Peskin, but with a RQM starting point but no gap getting to qft
My vague sense is RQM is basically postulating equations out of nowhere, like the Dirac equation as in Bjorken-Drell and waving your hands
RQM is fairly simple
It's the quantization process applied to relativistic equations
ie you quantize $$E^2 = p^2 + m^2$$
Which gives you the Klein-Gordon equation
which has some problems
Since $\pm \sqrt{p^2 + m^2}$ are solutions
and this translates to the quantum realm
You mean RQM is taking $E^2 = p^2 + m^2$ and setting $E = i \partial_t$ etc... as your quantization step?
pretty much yes
I mean you can do it more properly
Take the relativistic action $S = \int -m ds$
Apply quantization to the Poisson bracket
But that's pretty much how it is
Basically the problem is antiparticles
Which doesn't matter if there's no interactions since you can't have negative energy states popping up without interactions
But otherwise things get weird
Alright, cool, well curveball - that is pretty distinct from what I am thinking of, but you might still call it RQM, where you literally start from the Schrodinger equation, but with an abstract Hamiltonian, and then derive the method of second quantization from it (e.g. the Walecka book), and the end result of this is getting quantum fields, the conjugate momentum, and even the quantum canonical commutation relations for fields, all starting from Schrodinger
then you need to perform some Things to get rid of problems
Well I do not know this method
the only issue is the symmetry group you use to construct the explicit Hamiltonian - Galilean symmetry gives you the standard non-rel Hamiltonian, but due to relativity you need to go beyond Galilean symmetry, leading to reps of Poincare give you the qft cases as usual
The Dirac sea is a theoretical model of the vacuum as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy. It was first postulated by the British physicist Paul Dirac in 1930 to explain the anomalous negative-energy quantum states predicted by the Dirac equation for relativistic electrons. The positron, the antimatter counterpart of the electron, was originally conceived of as a hole in the Dirac sea, well before its experimental discovery in 1932. Upon solving the free Dirac equation, i ℏ ∂ Ψ ...
@bolbteppa That wouldn't give you QFT
Dirac sea stuff is in Bjorken Drell as RQM stuff I never read because it's supposed to be wrong or something
Well I mean
What do you mean by "The Schrodinger equation"
If you mean $H \Psi = -i\partial_t \Psi$
Then yes, that is true
But that's because this is true for all QM
Yeah that
that's pretty much the definition of the Hamiltonian
but that doesn't really give you the dynamic of QFT
You don't get field operators from this
So there is a way to start from Schrodinger for wave functions in the coordinate representation and end up with creation and annihilation operators, their commutation relations, quantum fields and the canonical commutation relations by transitioning to the occupation number formalism and a bit of combinatorics
That's a quick write up of the transition in the bose case
Waleka book has the fermi case
yeah you can write free QFT as an infinite number of harmonic oscillators
So interacting qft, in the qft books I've seen, only does it perturbatively, which jibes with the whole explanation above that you can only measure free particle momenta and must ignore time dependence in interaction processes, only looking at the beginning and end free particles
Does it even make sense to talk about non-perturbative qft ("The momentum can figure in a consistent theory only for free particles; ... This indicates that the theory will not consider the time dependence of particle interaction processes. in these processes there are no characteristics precisely definable (even within the usual limitations of quantum mechanics); the description of such a...
... process as occurring in the course of time is therefore just as unreal as the classical paths are in non-relativistic quantum mechanics" seems to say it does not make any sense)
I've been living under the delusion that qft being perturbative is some gigantic massive flaw, when apparently it's at least partially characteristic, which is crazy
You can do non-perturbative QFT
It's just not very pleasant
or possible, in most cases
You can do it okay in one dimension
I think it's also mildly possible in 2 dimensions
and for some specific theories in 4 dimensions
Like very nice supersymmetric systems
I guess I'm just thinking out loud as to whether that whole subject is just a big error, it's all math with no physical content, or whether these passages are old and flawed, because those passages seem to say you can't do it
It's probably written with a very specific model in mind
I keep reading the claim all of qft is axiomatically non-perturbative 'by definition/axiom', physics.stackexchange.com/a/33207/25851 which if you take those passages above literally, is a gigantic error haha
There's like a whole bunch of QFT axiomatizations
And none really work that well for the standard model
"standard" QFT isn't really an axiomatized theory
It's just kind of a loose bunch of ideas that work
it's a sausage factory
Just don't look too close how it's made
and keep eating
That's part of the charm
QFT is basically a strings and tincan theory
I mean there's some rigorous QFT, but for the most part it's not really used
Hi, everyone :-)
A: What is the issue with interactions in QFT?

AccidentalFourierTransformThere are many different problems with interactions; or, rather, many manifestations of the same problem. For example, interactions are always non-linear in the equations of motion, e.g., $$ (\partial^2+m^2)\phi=\lambda\phi^3 $$ or similar equations for QED. As the operators are distributions, ...

Finally, a vague appreciation of Haag now that I vaguely know what it says, sync's well with what's written above!
@Kaumudi.H morning. Should I ask how the exam went?
Yes, it was alright, thanks :-)
How has your day been?
@Kaumudi.H cold!
Ah :-/
4 hours ago, by John Rennie
user image
But that's OK. I'm nice and cozy indoors staring out at the snow and ice :-)
I'm at work in my parka rn
They're not very good at heating the office
@JohnRennie :-)
@Slereah Oh, wow.
@JohnR: I am hungry and bored :'-( Quite tired, too.
@Kaumudi.H it must be lunch time in Kochi. Grab some lunch?
I will go out and have a grilled chocolate sandwich in just a bit but there is nobody to go with and I am starting to get tired of my own company, haha.
"Annual temperatures range between 23 and 31 °C"
I'm guessing @Kaumudi.H has less troubles with the cold!
@Kaumudi.H If I'm bored and a bit fed up I quite like to go for a walk. I find the (gentle) exercise cheers me up, and I can relax into a daydream as I'm walking.
@JohnRennie No, I have tried that before and it doesn't quite work on me.
@Slereah Yep, I'm quite comfortable living near the Equator :-)
Go to the library? Spend some time browsing?
What library? :-P
There must be a library in Kochi ...
I saw that typo :p
Don't get too cocky @JohnRennie
@Slereah Bit of a kock up :-)
@JohnRennie Hmm, there is, but it's quite a way away and my cycle is not very good to ride in hilly areas like these.
@JohnRennie ::groans:: I'm just leaving the ~20 degree warmth to return to that... This is the downside of going to the tropics in midwinter
@Mithrandir24601 That was a short stay. When do you leave?
Actually your timing is good as it's going to get significantly warmer over the next week.
@Kaumudi.H does the college provide any recreational facilities, e.g. a gym?
x'D Nope!
Man, I really do appreciate your efforts to suggest an activity for me!
There does seem to be a big difference compared to UK universities, where the social life is a large part of the experience.
@JohnRennie in about 5 and a half hours - I'm actually already on the bus to the airport. Would have really liked to stay longer, but it was too last minute. Also, being in China is vastly easier if you know someone from the area :)
Is that generally the case in India or is MEC particularly bad?
@JohnRennie I...don't know, actually.
I guess we need some of the other Indian students to comment, but no-one is around ATM.
MEC is particularly bad, absolutely, but I can't be sure about the social life in other, better colleges, such at the NITs and IITs.
OK, I will do what I have been doing for so many weeks now-listen to this week's episode of "Dear Hank & John" on my walk to the "cafe" and back.
@Kaumudi.H Enjoy the walk/podcast/sandwich in whatever order is appropriate
Thanks, John :-)
You could install Python ...
@JohnRennie to be fair, this varies a lot in the UK as well - I remember Nottingham as not really having any social life, outside of the people I knew from the course and from outside the uni
Or set up Google drive ...
@Mithrandir24601 really? Cambridge was crawling with student clubs and societies.
@JohnRennie so is Bristol :) but Nottingham just felt a bit dead really - the campus is lovely and I got on well with everyone and everything, but the student life there just seemed non-existent. I'm not into clubbing or anything, so I don't know if that made a difference or not though
And I can confirm that the Chinese uni I was at these past few days has a gym, badminton, tennis etc. Etc.
So, we're going to be checking to see if Oumuamua is an alien spaceship ...
@JohnRennie We have lot of sports clubs here. Also literary club, science club(which is a robotics club in disguise :P) and a coding club. There is a so-called gym which no one bothers to use :P. It might shut down in a few years. I don't participate in most of the events other than the friendly football matches. I hope I can convince people to make a "serious" science club here which does real science and not just discusses popular science.
Hehe. BTW the number of clubs varies widely depending on the university. All the well established well funded old universities in India have a lot of clubs and social activities. The newer ones: not so much.
@Blue ah, OK, that sounds much more like the experience I had at university.
MEC is relatively a newer college. So what Kaumudi said is expected. I'm sure over time it's gonna develop. It's surely one of the best in Kerala.
To be fair MEC isn't a campus university, so it will be limited in the facilities it can offer. For example I'd guess a gym would have to be away from the main buildings.
BTW how is the laptop doing now it's had a chance to settle down?
Ah, that is unfortunately true. They also seem to have very strict rules like no mobile phones in class and uniforms...aaaah! :p
@JohnRennie AWESOME
Cool :-)
In waiting for 14th...I'll get back home and ping you for the dual booting :)
Damn...last exam is humanities...XD....didn't study it the while year
Now I've to be in maximum overdrive and complete 6 months worth of syllabus in 1 1/2 days
@Blue at your convenience. You'll need the Ubuntu install image. You can either grab it from the Ubuntu web site or I have a copy I can put on my server. It's about half the size of the Windows install image :-)
@JohnRennie Sure, we'll see
Ew that paper writes "coördinates"
How 19th century
@CooperCape nihao!
@EmilioPisanty for what is worth (and what you may care), upon further reflection about yesterday's discussion, I find myself mostly agreeing with you. There really isn't much of a point, at the present stage, in having (trying to have) a separate site like the one of that proposal.
> QFT evades Haag's theorem through renormalisation, and only because the latter is an intrinsically ill-defined operation.
This is soooooo (insert word)
@glS I'm neither for it nor against it, to be honest. I am against it being done wrong, but that's a different matter.
each their own and all that
btw, this
A: How can we certify that the randomness in the measurement outcomes is not due to randomness in the state preparation?

glS How do we know that the randomness is not caused by the state preparation itself? It depends what you mean here. In some sense it is caused by the state preparation: the "state preparation" generates the quantum state, which is the cause of the randomness in the measurement outcomes. But ...

was one quality answer
I started writing an answer about three times and gave up thinking that it was just going to be too much trouble
but that answers says most of what I wanted to say
@Slereah the New Yorker consistently oös their oöable oos, if I remember correctly
It is good that acuriousmind and other quantum guys are currently on, cause later on I might need to consult you guys on a philosophy of quantum mechanics problem raised by a philosopher I chat to today in a conference
@EmilioPisanty yes that's what I've thought. At the present stage, also having a look at the people that seem to be there, it's just probably not going to go well. And there isn't much of a point in doing it if it doesn't go very well, because really physics.se shouldn't be underestimated.
@EmilioPisanty thanks, I appreciate it
@Mithrandir24601 I don't speak these foreign terms.
I think it's some weeb term.
Q: Are the components of 4-vectors the physically measured quantities?

Matt0410I am very confused with the difference between components of four-acceleration and coordinate acceleration. If I was in an inertial frame observing an accelerated object I would say its four-acceleration is $$ a^{\mu} = \Big( \gamma^4 \frac{\mathbf{v} \cdot \mathbf{a}}{c},\gamma^2\mathbf{a}+\gam...

measuring the time component will be hard
@BalarkaSen aret thuo arundeth?
"For any bounded operator A, there is a unique bounded operator A∗, called the adjoint of A"
Are adjoints defined for unbounded operators?
Yes, but the construction is nontrivial
(I am reading Hall)
I assume he talks about it later
Yes, he defines it in chapter 8 or so
I'm chapter 2 so it might take a while
@ACuriousMind Dude
do you want to play BL2 today/tomorrow?
I'm done with school after today
@Slereah if I say "Merry Christmas" in an email am I Christian ISIS?
is that considered a bad thing now
Only in your crazy country
use the standard American way
@0celo7 I'm busy both evenings my time, but could do tomorrow afternoon (no idea what time that's for you)
@ACuriousMind works for me
Can you give me a UTC time?
I'm staying in town for a few days to wrap up some business before going home, so I'll be here tomorrow morning
Hmmm...sometime after 1200 UTC and before 1800 UTC, I think
Time to stop chapter 2 and investigate appendix A

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