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Which I think is perfectly fine
Is Ravel or Debussy classical music?
Debussy falls under more impressionism
read that L
Actually some of his works fall under more late romanticism...
had to argue that over the weekend lol
@CooperCape Yes, I agree
Debussy is a bona-fide impressionist
Yet we call his work "classical music"
No one says "I'm going to go listen to some impressionist music tonight with my girlfriend"
@BalarkaSen look at these kids
Mostly because no one here has a girlfriend
@ooolb Really liking Cantus in Memoriam
Personally I'd say Debussy..
@BernardoMeurer well ;p
@ooolb looool
but I wouldn't watch debussy with her...
wow this guy has a gf
give him a cookie
@CooperCape I know debussy you're interested with her
sighs ;p
@ooolb I am partial to a cookie ngl
@BernardoMeurer Well, I'm going to go listen to some impressionist music tonight with my girlfriend
I swear every debussy song on yt has at least one kid going "Don't finish on the bach, finish on debussy - hahahahaha look it's... debussy cause hah"
@BalarkaSen You don't have a girlfriend
Lol, what
Is that quite how that works?
wrap your mind around that, biatch
I like how it still manages to fit in $\forall$ at least 3 times...
is it \forall? I forget
@BalarkaSen Add me on snapchat
yesterday, by Bernardo Meurer
@BalarkaSen Get a snapchat
add me on discord
(I could have said "added" and that would be vacuously true too, but)
@BalarkaSen what's your discord
Actually I made a discord for my school bus
Think it's got 5 people in it
Trust me it's banging
@BalarkaSen Discord isn't very good
@CooperCape i believe you
i can't imagine how cool a discord full of kids who think it's cool to sit in the back of a school bus would be
@ooolb u are in that discordant version of hbar aren't you? i can just join there
phase sent me an invt some time ago
@ooolb lmao are you saying it's not cool to sit at the back of the school bus cmon...
uck invitation expired
@CooperCape old habits die hard
even on public transit it's always the edgelords sitting in the back
literally everyone sitting the back looks like a rapper of some sorts
Dude we play "What's in the box" on the way home where we guess what's in my lunchbox how is that not cool
Also I wouldn't say we look like rappers. Huh.
bear paws and chicken tenders
@CooperCape public transit
Oh I see. Gotcha
Nah it was tuna sandwhich today
@BalarkaSen didn't look lmao
I kinda regret starting it though sometimes they get mad if I eat my lunch at lunch now so when I'm hungry I'm stuck lol
@ooolb accepted
@BalarkaSen you need a rapper name to join the discord
lil rye, lil Φ, etc...
how bout that
XXX Butter Chicken
lil BS
Lil Holy Cow
@BalarkaSen maff tooter
lil Balsen
A$AP maffer
big maff$
q&ck maff$
i like big maff$ more
it suites you
i am amazed at this collaborative effort at coming up with a thug name
is this how you make lo-fi hip hop
mind = blown
i'll follow you on soundcloud
lyrics stolen from the h bar discord:
It's quite disturbing,
the nature of a peturbing
potential differential
incidental or accidental
the system changes
through various ranges
time dependent states
changing at different rates
with operators time dependent
to represent beauty transcendent
Oh man that's actually pretty good
rap that over cantus with a dope bass drum
thanks, ghostwriter
I shall def do this
big maff$ - i want to get physical with you [prod. ooolb]
can we make this a thing
absolute banger
@BalarkaSen are you in the discord or not?
Is it as banging as one would expect it to be...
i am not in the discord server you guys made if thats what youre talking about
jake paul sent me an invitation but it expired so rip
@CooperCape it's nc17
I don't understand... :c
also got a fresh one
i once asked what does "lmgtfy" mean to a person who said it to me
response was "lmgtfy lmgtfy"
i use aol because i'm different from everyone else
Let me aol that for you
Hey wanna hear something that'll make you cringe?
The Fourier transform convention used in engineering and physics are opposite. To fix this, some authors have adopted the convention $j = -i$, and they use $j$ in engineering formulae but $i$ in physics formulae.
Oh god
What's cringey about that?
dw only cool people can understand
ACM's machine learning algorithm is hanging on the word "cringe"
19 messages moved to Trash
i love it
1 hour later…
@DanielSank I'm with @ACuriousMind on this one
engineers insist on being wrong on two independent counts that, for once, do manage to cancel each other with only a minor hack
so, what's wrong with applying that minor hack and in one fell swoop minimizing a huge fraction of the damage caused by engineers' wrongness?
A: Is it important not to scratch copper wire when removing insulation?

RedGrittyBrickMinor superficial marking is just that. Unimportant. Deep nicks around the circumference create weaknesses. Those would cause problems. Redo. With the right tools, careful use and a little practice, you will be able to strip insulation without nicking or scratching the copper. Suitable tools, ...

that's possibly the best picture ever in an SE answer

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