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@BalarkaSen Yeah, Twilight!!! Damn. I can't imagine a worse love story plot. Liked the visuals though.
btw, this is what I want to post originally before seeing the vampire barging in, hoping to entertain mathers with something pretty
Now my mood is all screwed. I am going to do some metric stuff to chill
Fun fact: There's a maths user called MATH ASKER, but interestingly he does not behave like a help vampire
Q: Meaning of a remark by Heisenberg: Die "Bahn" entsteht erst dadurch, dass wir sie beobachten

Ben CrowellIn a paper by Joos and Zeh, Z Phys B 59 (1985) 223, they say: This 'coming into being of classical properties' appears related to what Heisenberg may have meant by his famous remark [7]: 'Die "Bahn" entsteht erst dadurch, dass wir sie beobachten.' Google Translate says this means something ...

migrate to German Language?
CC @ACuriousMind
@EmilioPisanty Tough call. It's technical language, so you wouldn't expect every German speaker to be able to provide a correct interpretation—it calls for someone who know how German is used in talking about quantum mechanics.
@dmckee yeah, it's a tough call
@Kaumudi.H laptop still OK?
Yepp :-)
@Kaumudi.H I recently discovered that to import any second hand consumer electronics to India needs as a special form called a no objection certificate
Oh, wow! :-o
Which we didn't have! But we got away with it :-)
I have heard of NOC
I suspect TNT did us a favour there, even though they were a bit crap at actually delivering it.
I remember 'no objection certificate' from Hera Pheri :)
Basically sending anything to India is a total pain. Unless of course you lie :-)
But there's a limit to what you can label as holiday photos!
@JohnRennie Yep :-)
I should try and do some math today
or listen to Litmus
and painlessly die
It's too late for maths now
Litmus the UK spacerock band?
Litmus are a London-based space rock band formed in 2000 by Martin (bass guitar/vocals), Simon (guitar/vocals) and Ben (drums), joined the following year by Andy Thompson (keyboards, 2001–2007) and Anton (synths). Matt Thompson joined on synth (2002–2004), while Marek replaced Ben in 2003. Oli Mayne (keyboards) joined in 2008, then left in 2010, along with Anton. As of November 2012 the line-up is Martin Litmus (bass/vocals), Simon Fiddler (guitar/vocals), Marek Bublik (drums) and James Hodkinson (keyboards/effects). They are influenced by mid-1970s Hawkwind and Black Sabbath, amongst others. They...
@JohnRennie 17:22 GMT is when I start doin' my maths normally... (Well not 17:22 exactly...)
@JohnRennie Unfortunately no
It's the new Jake Paul album
if you say so
It would make more sense idk if it is or not...
It seems it's not
@JohnRennie If you want to hear Christmas rhymed with Christmus rhymed with Litmus, over a thousand times, I recommend this
I post this as if I known (or care) what it's about ...
@BalarkaSen I'll be busy hammering six inch nails into my kneecaps.
Me too
It's less painful :-)
This is golden. Youtube recommendations are not that bad after all
@dmckee Actually, classical mechanics, since Bahn is the German word for trajectory, but yeah, I'd be fine with leaving the question here.
some comments to that eating video are pretty funny
@bolbteppa a prog rock band eh?
@BalarkaSen Oh, my God, I wonder what your recommendations list looks like!
Well, looks like I'm eating walnuts for the next few days
@JohnRennie southern-drawl prog rock at best :p
@Kaumudi.H It works quite well for me
@bolbteppa actually I've just watched that. I loved the animation :-)
@BalarkaSen That's me everytime I visit my parents, really :P
But I'm unconvinced that's typical of Primus' work
@ACuriousMind Hahah
Yeah it's untypical, usually like the first song, the guy is one of the most unique bass players ever, really weird complicated tunes
My friend, my savior.
@ACuriousMind amusingly my mother generally stays up until 3 a.m. while I go to bed at 9 p.m. (so I can be up at 5 to work)
@JohnRennie We'll see what my sleep cycle does once I have to go to work :)
I'd guess the SAP culture is on the corporate side ...
Imaginary Ambition is the progeny of Frank JavCee
@Kaumudi.H so, if you were living in Germany you'd be a Club Mate junkie?
I'm afraid I have absolutely no clue what "Club Mate junkie" is :-/
I got a free Monster
those things are too crazy
@JohnRennie Well, they repeatedly stressed their model is "trust work time" where there are no fixed hours you have to be there, but unless the rest of my team are night owls like I am I will have to adapt ;)
the lights are so bright now
monster + covfefe = yikes
@ACuriousMind can you please answer my quesstion
@0celo7 Which one?
@0celo7 what is covfefe?
I'd omit brackets entirely
it's the drink of patriots
but man the light is bright
My god it was in an exam
@ACuriousMind ew
"Choose normal coordinates $x^i$"
@bolbteppa Right? I love ISI
damn indices
I feel like a GR noob
@bolbteppa ...there are 26 different English alphabets? :P
sadly, I don't think Trump posts to facebook, mostly just twitter...
There is literally no way I could do the questions before that one, even if stated properly, yikes
@enumaris they wouldn't want to refer to a real incident, right? :P
Okay I just watched the youtube rewind for this year.
Why did I just watch the youtube rewind for this year.
I think u can get a rough estimate, COVFEFE is 7 characters, probability of a 7-character length string being exactly that is $(1/26)^7\approx 1.2\times 10^{-10}$ so I guess you would have to type approx a billion characters to start getting a good chance that COVFEFE appears.
Watch this instead
Without clicking on that from the past 8 minutes of my life I guess it will be <30 seconds long.
yeah I rate that
@ooolb Consider the hyperbolic space $H^n$ with the standard metric. Compute $$\inf\left\{\left(\int u^{2n/(n-2)}\right)^{-(n-2)/n}\left(4\frac{n-1}{n-2}\int|\nabla u|^2+\int Ru^2\right): u\in C^\infty_c\setminus\{0\}, u\ge0\right\}$$
It might be $-\infty$.
The answer is "Wait but why?"
I was going along those lines ^^
@BalarkaSen sorry if you were in our discord you would know
@ooolb It's unlikely to be $-\infty$ since $H^n$ has bounded geometry so Sobolev embedding works as expected. Construct a metric that blows up near infinity (incomplete is probably necessary) so that the inf is in fact $-\infty$.
I suspect $R$ needs to be unbounded below.
@ACuriousMind I think so.
@0celo7 Discord has MathJax now?
@Kaumudi.H no
@BalarkaSen Help me with this. "A Communist is a hypocrite if he/she eats in McDonalds or owns an i-phone."
Balarka isn't a true communist
he does it for the memes
It's a statement, not a math problem. What do you need help with? ;P
ask @ACuriousMind
@ACuriousMind Give a counter statement to prove it is not.
@Sid Yes, true.
@Sid Why would I? Maybe the communist is a hypocrite. Maybe they aren't. Whether you're a hypocrite for eating at McD depends on whether you called for a boycott of McD previously, no?
Eating a McDonalds is equivalent to embracing the capitalism.
Owning an i-phone is worse
Marx debunked i-phones yeaaaaars ago
@BalarkaSen Eating a McDonalds would mean you're the embodiment of the revolution that will devour capitalism ;P
good lord
Morning everyone
(you're missing a 't' there)
@ACuriousMind what
@0celo7 Balarka said "Eating a McDonalds" instead of "Eating at McDonalds"...
@ACuriousMind don't all communists hate capitalism and by extension hate McDonalds? :P
@BernardoMeurer "Mach will be a thing"???
enjoy the trip to siberia
@ACuriousMind Yeah, mach is already dead so I changed it to hurd now :P
whats a hurd
obligatory xkcd
It's GNU's kernel, it's been in the works since before Linux was a thing, and somehow not ready yet
@Sid Eating glamorous and expensive food on a regular basis and not as a necessity would mean you're embracing consumer fetish and capitalism, yes. That doesn't inherently prevent you from being a communism, but it does have an ironic implication.
There is nothing wrong with having a McDonalds burger at one point in your life
@0celo7 How do you communicate in Math on Discord, then?
I don't.
Reckon you could make a discord bot that mathjaxes for you maybe
I see.
To sum it up, eating at McDonalds and owning i-phones is neither a crime not does it prevent you from being a communist.
That might require some html fiddling though I doubt that's possible through the io.
@Sid Eh. I think there's plenty of room between "I think capitalism is a detrimental regime and think we could be better" and "I hate capitalism and will never go near anything associated with it", yet the former is still conceivably communist.
It just adds to the evidence of support of the arguably false claim that the person is embracing capitalism to some degree.
Not all beliefs need to be held with fanatical fervor
@ACuriousMind are you being ironic? Capitalism is freedom, the opposite of a regime
More importantly, communism is not a black-and-white belief
Welp, Southern California is burning to the ground again.
People only hate capitalism until they eat a nice juicy Big Mac while hungover
Then you understand what it's all about
If I don't make it, @BernardoMeurer you can have my rep points.
And @0celo7... I love you.
@0celo7 Maybe it's the wrong word, I meant "regime" in the sense of being an organizatorial structure of society, not in the sense of "dictatorial regime".
@0celo7 The structures that are usually called "capitalism" in the world today are not the philosophical simplicity of "you are free to trade as you see fit".
@DanielSank This actually constitutes a contract, we even have witnesses :P
@DanielSank Doesn't BM live like, right next to you? How's he gonna survive if you aren't?
@ACuriousMind I leave for Rio tomorrow
@ACuriousMind He flies to Brazil tomorrow.
I am bailing
^ smart
Ah, fleeing the sinking burning ship
It comes encumbered with a lot of dross around the idea of a government chartered corporate entities. To distinguish them you might call that "Corporatism" (as some people do).
I really hope I don't come back to a pile of rubble
I have a feeling that these people are calculating modulo higher order terms
@dmckee In fact, that's closer to the idea of a free market economy, which is a proposed alternative to postmodern capitalism.
@ACuriousMind Maybe California will burn and sink!
I went to see the fire when it started
Are we talking about political/economic systems?
Ventura looked like mordor
All we need is a magnitude 10 earthquake
Then CA will break off like a piece of parmesan
@0celo7 Has that ever happened?
Then we can end up with people arguing is favor "Communism" who distance themselves from, say the USSR and red China, and people who arguing in favor of "Capitalism" who distance themselves from, say the US and the Europe Union.
@BernardoMeurer probably not
but god works in mysterious ways
@BernardoMeurer I just heard a report that Capenteria is being evacuate. I just can't wrap my head around that: the place is a bunch a beach shacks with a city government.
I like my super specific notes
looking back, I have no clue what the issue is
@dmckee and a pancake restaurant.
@dmckee That is correct, as of last night Carpinteria is under evacuation
the fire crossed the 101
Hey quick, someone tell me something neat about physics.
@BernardoMeurer so should i not come to CA
@DanielSank You can use it to pick up girls at bars
@0celo7 SF is fine
@BernardoMeurer Which bars? Inquiring minds want to know.
h... bars...
hah.. hah...
@dmckee The park bar in Lisbon is a good one
Also George's Pub in Lisbon
And then here in the US all bars are shit so idk
2 hours ago, by ACuriousMind
@Kaumudi.H Well, that's tomorrow-you's problem ;)
I'mma go to bed. Goodnight!
And I'm back from discussing neural nets over on the data science chat heh
1 hour later…
::takes deep well deserved breath::
y'all can ban my stack but you can't ban my SOUL
@ACuriousMind i thought you were better than that.
@ooolb you get banned?
nah dude I just have a life
@CooperCape He get got
@BalarkaSen added u to my list
@ooolb rel...relevance?
@ooolb is it the blacklist
@BalarkaSen Through all the weirdness it's not the worst thing I've heard ever yano. I might even put it down as 'alright, I guess'.
I love Get Got
it's a good song
Actually a weird song I came across from h3h3 was "What up Fatlip"
Now that's a bit of a memey song I like
i have a thing for weird songs
i can connect to this one personally
also love the dude's pants
@BalarkaSen there's no black or white in blue.
@BalarkaSen I agree there. And the song's not that bad just not something I'd listen to at will really...
Mmm that dance though...
i like the girl on the left
I think Pink Season is high on my weird albums list
but i can't link or recommend songs here
ill get banned
@BalarkaSen do you listen to lil peep
that's so wet
Not into serious rap myself so no
not a kanye fan then?
Nope. I don't come from a rap-appreciative background at all
bs isn't a normie @CooperCape
well. i don't like Kendrick either
so there's no argument of being a normie or hippie here
Kendrick was in the youtube rewind lol
Except they cut out all instances of b****
I think I mainly listen to gorillaz tbh
Unless I'm feeling like an 'in the hood' kinda fella for the night.
@BalarkaSen do you have a criteria for liking a song?
not really
it just has to click
then how do you know if you like a song
how would you put it into words in first order?
I mean there's no specific criterion, but there's surely an algorithm of sorts
lets see
figure it out and share
since I come from a rock n' roll background, the first thing is that I prefer a tonal continuity. I don't like beats as much as I like a riff or something atmospheric (that's mostly why I don't like a lot of rap)
I think I liked Madvillany because it had nonstandard rhyming styles and Madlib's composition
Maybe you'd like a bit of Tchaikovsky...
I have heard a thing or two by him. My knowledge of classical music is not systematic
Had to study his Romeo and Juliet overture as part of my A level
his a bit of a melody master
so to speak
@BalarkaSen arvo part
ewww I saw minimalism
@ooolb Oh nice I shall check him out
minimalism is gr8
@BalarkaSen you'll like him
check out festina lente, cantus in memoriam (the space one), silentium
I very much dislike minimalism
big fan of Brian Eno and his minimalist style
@CooperCape what do you think minimalism is?
@ooolb Thanks a bunch
link something minimal you don't like
@BalarkaSen np, report back. i'd like to know what you think.
@ooolb Well... Starts off with one instrument usually a simple rhythm/melody then builds up to an ostinato with more instruments/counter-melodies lah dah lah
it's just not my thing
Short phrases is nah.
link something...
you can't making a sweeping generalization on minimal like that
not every minimal song is the same....
i don't like to label things
link something?
Oh gosh
starts with an s white?
Tryna think of the guy
It's fun how we started from dumb meme rap and ended up with classical music
it's not classical
Ah, fair enough.
everyone thinks symphonic = classical
simply not true
@ooolb You're being pedantic
what about
So the classical symphony
Sure, orchestral music is not always classical
Mhm, true.
is ummmm not classical?
Or you just saying not all symphonies=classical
But by now it's perfectly acceptable to use them interchangeably almost
if you say classical people think of like bach
but this music is nothing like that
Ravel is by no means classical, yet people call it classical music nonetheless; and it's okay
I get ooolb's point.
Well that's completely wrong
Bach isn't classical at all
now you're being pedantic
Why is the graviton spin 2, beyond hand-waiving, sense is, you do the gravitational waves thing of reducing $R_{00} = 0$ to $g^{\mu \nu} g_{\rho \sigma,\mu \nu} = 0$ for a weak gravitational field in harmonic coordinates, with solution $g_{\mu \nu} = \varepsilon_{\mu \nu} e^{ikx} + \varepsilon_{\mu \nu}^* e^{-ikx}$, then magic?
Bach is firmly baroque
@CooperCape Is correct
is this ironic
Bach is the Baroquest
Why do you think they call it "bachroque"
I didn't know this chat was capable of having a Rick&Morty level conversation
I underestimated @ooolb
what did i do
started a rick and morty level conversation about music
@ooolb You were pedantic
as far as I can see this is an ironic conversation and it's supposed to be funny
No it's not?
I love a good music chat
i get called pendantic for generalizing the world classical music which is not even wrong
then you act pedantic by saying bach isn't classical
Bach ISN'T!
He literally died before the earliest point you could call classical.
If your standard is "Only music that is classical in style can be called classical independent of performance", then Bach is not classical
what is the difference between classical and baroque
different periods
different instruments
but baroque is also loosely referred to as classical

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