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I am confused by the "What would it look like"; do you mean on impact, or when it is approaching?
Usually that phrasing is used for objects near relativistic speed
On impact it would look white
bc explosions in your eyes
@Slereah I thought on Explosions it would look like Heaven
because that's where you go
as long as you praise $\huge{\dagger}$
not me
I'm immortal
What do you Praise?
The sun?
On impact.
I've been alive for 30 years and haven't died once
Oh, I see. Do you just end up a melted puddle who is faintly conscious?
I've been alive for 19 years and died a couple times already :(
I think by induction I can assume to be immortal
Effectively, I think it would look like a meteor strike.
So, @Adirian. It is on impact.
how about praising the satan? N O T I C E M E S E N P A I N O T I C E M E
At least before the person ends up.....well, either dead, injured or PTSDed.
@BalarkaSen please never come back to Church
you are excommunicated
So, on impact, how does the bombardment look like as the rod hits the ground?
And as 11 kt of TNT are released, what does an observer experience prior to either imminent doom, injury or suffering PTSD?
Probably "why is there a really long pencil in the sky"
followed by [melting]
Well, is there a shockwave released, and earthquake?
I think it's a safe assumption a shockwave is a factor
Since all you need for a shockwave is an expanding wall of high pressure air
and explosions do that just by virtue of being explosions
At Mach 25, that would mean.....?
no clue
Well, Mach 25/8.5 km/s?
Well, it is going that fast on impact. And what about the earthquake?
Given the speed, there would be a plume of fire in the sky, followed by an eruption of fiery debris led by a shockwave, which would create further debris and kill anything in a relatively small radius. Then, in a larger radius, the debris would rain down causing further damage, and probably fires. Given a city there might follow secondary explosions caused by gas lines and the like.
Especially when releasing 11 kt of TNT equivalent?
@Adirian. Multiply that by 40,000 of them?
@Phase so why is MP3 so large
@0celo7 because it's downloading all the in game alcohol from BargainBooze
I should delete F4
It’s taking like 150GB on my SSD
it's also trash
b o d i e d
Nah the gameplay is really fun
So, that being said, what happens if 40,000 of them smash the surface of Earth over the course of a few retrograde over major cities, most air bases and nuclear silos?
@0celo7 sure, but the story and dialogue
are gayyyyyyyyyyyyy
O wow, we have WSE visitors
@Phase that’s actually offensive.
Both to PC and Christian people.
@0celo7 ? I romanced MacCreedy
Why not romance Strong instead
He's quite a hunk
@BalarkaSen I hope you'll like it, but if you're not enjoying reading it then stop - no-one's paying you to read it :-) Despite the title it contains zero references to The Wasteland.
Strong is a huge bitch to get to like you because he only likes killing giant monsters and hates everything else
@JohnRennie Yeah, let's see if I enjoy it
@Slereah because unless you're a powerbottom it's not a good match
The ideal romance option is obviously Dogmeat
Phase is awfully familiar with the gay terminology
@0celo7 It's a tactical error to not familiarise yourself with the terminology
"hey wanna be _____"
"ha ha that sounds fun idk what it is but sure"
e d g y
whats edgy
Im not being edgy, I've been in some awkward social situations just from not being aware of conventions and terminology
also @0celo7 it aint just gay terminology, jeez. Get your mind out of your internet history
@JohnRennie found your comments very interesting. agreed dark matter is a great area of investigation/ research & that some major revision connected with GR/ gravity might be forthcoming, also like Verlindes ideas on emergence a lot. but ofc you know the origin of the term "paradigm shift" though right? seems to be "persona non grata" around here at times o_O :(
@vzn The thing is that I'm extremely careful about what I say. The problems I've pointed out are all well known, and I've been careful not to advocate Verlinde's theory because (a) it's purely phenomenological and (b) is doesn't work (yet).
That's why people don't round on me and accuse me of talking bollocks.
@JohnRennie I’ll round you ;)
@0celo7 to be fair you generally only accuse me of talking bollocks when I am talking bollocks :-)
@JohnRennie I've never heard that before, what does "round on" mean?
Like, "gang up on"?
@Phase think of rims!
hello, is it sufficient to cover algebra and ode/pdes just in a math methods course ? or should I try to take individual courses for these? senior year undergrad here
@0celo7 w o t
@Phase glazed donut holes
@Phase It means a reversal of position; in the context, people shifting from respect to disrespect, probably. It is a reference to an interpersonal discussion where somebody switches sides.
As long as I do it with another Christian Jesus will approve
@Adirian huh, fair.
Oh no what got flagged
Oh no. What was flagged?
change the topic.
That's why I stick to pseudonymity. It isn't particularly strong - a determined person could figure out who I am, if they care to - but it does mean if I manage to trash my reputation I just start over.
flag, guys?
I guess I got flagged
Even when I speak in riddles I get flagged
@0celo7 I think it was me
a flag summons creatures from other universes
i am from Brazil
is that how Shog9 entered the universe?
@user929304 Well, I have a month left but I don't think anything will come of it, although I have some very rough drafts on QM and gauge theories lying around :P
@Slereah The sudden appearance of a lot of algebraic and differential geometry is quite different from standard QFT
I am alive.
What did I miss?
@BalarkaSen Ah, I usuallly recommend Player of Games as the first one to read, but it doesn't really matter which one you start with
0celo7 alluding to unchristian things and a flag @FutureHistorian
@ACuriousMind is there actually any differential geometry
@FutureHistorian Your death, at the very least.
@ACuriousMind I see Jost posts some diffgeo related to string theory
@0celo7 There's stuff like the analytic/Ray-Singer torsion, for example
A good thing to keep missing.
@Adirian depends on your philosophy
I meant as in: any updates on t-. looks at question Oh.
@Phase picture someone standing nearby, hearing something you said and turning round to confront you. That's the image the phrase round on is meant to convey.
the meta for the memes used in this chat is really old and lame.
y'all living 3 months in the past
@ACuriousMind what’s that
@JohnRennie Ah I see, so like talking about putting cream before jam on a scone, in any sensible part of the world
I don’t like the sound of torsion
You'd get justifiably beaten up
Hm. Has anybody figured out a conversion factor between time and space units? I/e, a second is equivalent to X meters.
@Adirian $c$
If you mean numerically you can use the speed of light
what JR said : p
@JohnRennie isn’t the speed of light variable?
@JohnRennie legitimate question from a brit to another: what order do you make your scones
and how do you pronounce "scone"
@0celo7 the coordinate speed is certainly variable. The four velocity of light is of course undefined anyway :-)
@Phase I rhyme scone with on not own. I rarely eat scones, and when I do it's just with butter so I'm not fussed about what you do with cream and jam as long as it's not illegal/you don't do it in public :-)
@JohnRennie Scowns.. With butter...? good lord
@MarkBooth was something flagged
@Phase don't round on me! :-)
Q: Let's break up with "Graduation" and remove a bunch of "Beta" labels

CatijaOver two years ago now, we made a big shift in how we handle "graduation" - nearly severing the connection between "graduation" and site design. We also talked about removing the "beta" label at some point before sites “graduated” - when sites are clearly past that phase but don't yet qualify for...

This desperately needs more attention
@JohnRennie so the definition of meter is variable
JD might have been right...
@0celo7 I'm not sure where this is going. A proper length of 1m is the same for all observers and most certainly not variable. If you choose some crappy coordinate system you can claim a proper length of 1m isn't 1m in your coordinates (as JD does) but that's a facile claim.
Injecting some philosophy to form an existential crisis:
Q: Physical meaning of the Lebesgue measure

user21820Question (informal) Is there an empirically verifiable scientific experiment that can empirically confirm that the Lebesgue measure has physical meaning beyond what can be obtained using just the Jordan measure? Specifically, is there a Jordan non-measurable but Lebesgue-measurable subset of ...

A good reference whenever we had any future debates on what maths has physical meaning
@JohnRennie fine but seems like playing semantics to say youre "not advocating" Verlindes theory.
hi! i've got a question about electrical field and conductors
i know that inside a conductor (if is a closed object) there is no electrical field
and all the charges are on the surface
@Phase Could we perhaps stay away from using "(un)christian" as a moral descriptor in a joking manner? I get that you bear no ill intent, but it can feel unwelcoming to actually religious people to use it as such, especially given that there's a large variety in the actual moral views of people identifying as Christians.
why is that? is that like the conductor has first reached equilibrium and then we have charged its surface again or is there any other reason?
@vzn read what I wrote. That's very different from parroting the latest sensationalist tripe from the popular science press.
@0celo7 Well, I don't know much more about it than that some path integrals actually compute that torsion, just something I recalled of the top of my head :D
@ACuriousMind Path integrals? What is the chance that's rigorous :P
@JohnRennie did read what you wrote. bye
@0celo7 None, but that doesn't mean it doesn't appear
@parvin Cf. e.g. physics.stackexchange.com/q/22773/50583 and its linked questions
@vzn you seem to have some aggression problems
Chill out and stop with the passive aggression
@JohnRennie Cool :)
everyone's friendly here
except 0celo7
just stay away from him he's a bad egg
@BernardoMeurer goodbye
I'm clairvoyant
@BernardoMeurer it really works!
@Phase you seem to have some comprehension problems.
wait why was bernardo mad?
i'm out of the loop
No idea
@vzn feel free to explain them
@Phase you really think I'm unfriendly ;(
@0celo7 only at first ;P
@goodnight "I don't know"
@goodnight I think he wanted to make a joke about everyone being friendly and chose to do so in a rather unwise manner.
No way
Is he chatbanned
"It's early morning"
@Phase he is
@ACuriousMind can you unban him?
@ACuriousMind that's ironic on so many levels
he was clearly kidding
it's the intent that matters
I wasn't offended at all
@Phase my feeling is there is ("intellectual") aggression by others in here. so one might call it an "attributional" issue eh?
@vzn how do you define "intellectual aggression"
Impatience with repeating things?
@0celo7 No, telling another user to "fuck off" is not acceptable, even in jest. We've had this discussion about being mean to each other in an ironic way already several times.
well @ACuriousMind banned me for being facetious and also takes all my roleplay sarcasm at face value.
@Phase you used the term "aggression".
@vzn and you modified it with "intellectual"
So I'm asking what "intellectual aggression" means
@ACuriousMind Does a perfect pairing regard $V\times W$ or $V\otimes W$? Does it even matter?
@goodnight I don't take everything at face value but certain jokes you'd make in private with people you know well don't transmit well to a general audience and are thus not appropriate for a public chat such as this.
@ACuriousMind I said I was sorry. :(
r we cool now :D

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