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Hear ye, hear ye!

I've created a bookmarklet that adds three buttons to the editor box. One is for SI unitifying--it converts the selected text to \:\rm{blah}.

The other two add dollar and doubledollar signs to the selected text. Pretty useful while reviewing.
Bookmarklet here: pastebin.com/XM1qhhfW
Note that in the review section, if you open a new editor-box for another question, you have to reclick the bookmarklet. This does NOT re-add the button to any existing open editbox.
Just found myself doing this a lot while reviewing so I jQuery'd it ;-)

Un-minified on request (You don't want to look at it, I've used some quick-and-dirty tricks)
Actually I'm going to program a full math parser--basically it converts simple-ish typed math (with slashes for fractions and carefully copy-pasted square roots/greek letters) into TeX. THat will make stuff way easier
3 hours later…
@annav hm, well I'm still not sure this completely makes sense, but thanks for the help anyway
Gtg now, bye!
@Manishearth Evidently I can't, I created it
Oh right :p
I can't, unless this is implemented Ihttp://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/128147/tag-synonym-voting-set-score-threshold-as-the-sum-of-scores-on-the-synonym-and
I was just pinging the top users, so it didnt occur to me that you'd proposed it. shrug

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