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@Semiclassical flow around a rotating disk near a wall
@AkivaWeinberger I convinced myself it's a punctured double torus. I don't want to unconvince myself :P
Should I convert to terms of entropy (?)
Or are they taking $\left(\frac{\partial U}{\partial V}\right)_T$ to be $0$...
That seems so wrong
V,T are the independent variables for the Helholtx free energy
Which makes me think you’d want to write U=F-TS and dF = -S dT - p dV
Yes. Oh, I think the $\frac{\partial U}{\partial V}$ is zero for ideal gases. But they mentioned just "gas"
Is the dual element of a vector $X^\mu$ written as $X_\mu$?
I’m starting from the right, to be clear
@Semiclassical Alright, I'm following you. (I hope the question is not a bogus one)
So, we have $dU=dF-TdS-SdT$
And $dF=-SdT-PdV$
Right. Let’s trade U=F-TS as well
Oh, it's $F=U-TS$
We made a mistake there
I more had in mind the U in the right hand side
And getting rid of that in favor of F
I mean in the right-hand side of the identity to be proven
What's $(\frac{\partial U}{\partial V})_{T}$ from $-PdV=dU-TdS$ ?
Plug in U=F+TS
Into the derivative itseld
Umm, I'm not sure what you're trying to say? Plug in, where?
So (d(F+TS)/dV)_T
What next?
Split it up
T is constant so you can pull it out of the second term
And the first term is a derivative of the free energy
@Semiclassical Ugh. $\rho\ge \rho^n$ for $\rho$ small. That's so counterintuitive.
Yep. Now use the differential form of dF to compute the first term
At least when you're doing a huge computation and that just pops up
$-P+T (dS/dV)_T$
Yep. But you already had +P as well
So that simplifies a bit
So, we get $T(dS/dV)_T (dV/dT)_P$
I feel like cancelling the dV's :P
But that would be wrong
TBH I was just following my nose up to here
So while this looks better I’m not sure what to do next
Maybe it's just a dumb question and they were deriving it for ideal gases (that would be very easy...as the first term vanishes)
Can we use a Maxwell relation for that second factor?
@Semiclassical Which one?
I don't see any direct relation for those two terms
Second of the two derivatives
I like that S is in here so I don’t want to get rid of it
It's just $-(dS/dP)_T$
So -T(dS/dP)(dS/dV), both at fixed T
That looks durn suggestive
I mean, the overall factor of T is definitely appropriate
It may be time to start manipulating the other side, though
@0celo7 pls
I suspect the right thing to do on the RHS is some chain rule application
But I’m not sure which one
@Semiclassical Same here :/
god damn it
So looking at the left may offer a clue
@Phase what
I’m forgetting the thermo definitions of the two heat capacities though
@0celo7 my understanding was that $e^\alpha$ was a 4 vector, and that $e_\alpha$ is it's dual, but i cant make sense of this
Here's the effing question worth 10 marks! :P ^
The superscript and subscript seem swapped around, and the left part of the inner product doesn't even seem to be a vector quantity
@Semiclassical Well, $C_v=(dU/dT)_V$
Or just $C_p=(dQ/dT)_P$
$e^\alpha$ is the dual of $e_\alpha$
and $C_v=(dQ/dT)_v$
what is the issue?
wait, so $e_\alpha$ is the regular 4 vector? and what about the quantity on the left of the inner product
only the quantity on the right has the vector arrow
which inner product
that angle bracket is the duality pairing
huh? But it says it equates to the Kronecker delta right?
$H=U+PV\implies dH=dU+PdV+VdP$
since they're basis vectors
At constant pressure $dH=dU+PdV$
that's the definition of the dual of $e_\alpha$
Had to step away, sorry
it's the 1-form such that $\langle e^\beta,e_\alpha\rangle=\delta^\beta_\alpha$
So, what is $(\partial H/\partial T)_p$ ?
man fuggit I might just give up
thanks anyway
Why would you give up
@Blue well. The same idea as before would suggest going to the free energy with T, p as independent variables
But let’s hold om
@0celo7 just seems arcane to me. + might be getting kicked off course again who knows innit
Did we have (dV/dT)_P earlier on the RHS?
@Semiclassical Yes
$T(dS/dV)_T (dV/dT)_P$
@Phase what the hell are you doing that they keep trying to kick you out of school?
On the left we have $(dU/dT)_P+P(dV/dT)_P-(dU/dT)_V$
@0celo7 attendance is like 70% because I have atrocious sleeping patterns and stuff
Back in a little bit
Although apparently it's looking very likely I'll be kicked out this time
Keep working, though. You might see something I’ve missed
just fix your sleep pattern
doesnt matter at this point
So basically we're trying to show $T(dS/dV)_T (dV/dT)_P=(dU/dT)_P+P(dV/dT)_P-(dU/dT)_V$
Probably would get flagged
I don't know how to help you with that
And anything I say will be Not Nice
Fair, I'm not expecting pity or anything
at this point I'm just talking because I have nothing else to do innit
just go to class
Yeah but it's pointless to say that now
Die has been cast
Just gotta see what it lands on
@Phase Right now, getting (more) stressed about it will just make things worse and mess with your sleep. If your sleep pattern is messed up, that'll be making you more tired and even more stressed and so we get a vicious cycle. Also, it could be that that's making you say/think what you're saying/thinking. So, if it were me, the first thing I'd do would be to talk to whoever's there that you can talk to about this sort of thing (tutor/supervisor/whatever)
Even registered myself to the University counselling service for an appointment
but that was weeks ago and have heard nothing
are you failing all of your classes?
then I don't understand what the issue is
I have a spotty hand in rate because of my attendance but what I hand in tends to be in the 90%'s
so you're not turning in homework
Haven't really got a metric to judge failing or success by yet. hasn't really been that much set work
so that's like 10% of the grade
how are they kicking you out?
over the weeks its been like
so you're literally getting kicked out for not showing up?
50, 65, 0, 70, 65, 70
1) That's incredibly stupid of the school. 2) Shame on you.
That's all I can say.
Yeah I know. I tried though
I've pulled two straight all nighters before
in a row
to make some of my lectures
What the hell does that have to do with attendance?
Why would you need to pull an all-nighter to get to class? That's literally the opposite of what you need to do.
Because I'm really bad at sleeping
@Phase have you gone to a (college?) doctor for insomnia
@Phase 1. Do you know this for a fact (as in, do you have an e-mail or similar saying "you will be expelled if...") or do you just think this is the case? 2. Don't do all nighters like that. Seriously, marks are much, much, much, much less important than mental health
I can't switch off, if I go to bed I just spend a lot of my time thinking and cant stop. I have to wait until I'm barely conscious from sleep deprivation to get a good nights sleep
@bolbteppa haven't gone to anyone yet, no appointments are being made by the system
@0celo7 what is difficult about having to stay up all night to make class the next day
@bolbteppa not everyone is as smart as you.
@Mithrandir24601 I was told by my course leader that I'll be meeting with someone much higher up, who has a reputation for removing people like me
@Phase Honestly this sounds like some 1984 shit.
@Phase It's usually up to you to make an appointment at all Unis I've experienced
I'm probably explaining it poorly
"Course leader" "meeting with someone higher up" "has a reputation for removing people like me"
@Mithrandir24601 I tried
I used the systems in place
What the hell, is this a university or a boarding school?
Idk, the UK
@Phase Have you called them? Have you physically gone to them and been like "I desperately need help"? Have you been to your GP?
Thankfully here no one gives a shit about you
@Phase if you are getting in trouble in the real world because of a sleep problem then it is generally advisable to go to a doctor if you can and talk about it and especially get a note if it's affecting things that badly
They can't remove you if they don't know your name
@Blue okay, back on my laptop now (was on mobile before)
If I get kicked out though that will by far be the worst week of my life. @bolbteppa @Mithrandir24601 again, at this point that won't be in time
@Semiclassical Great
I either am gonna get kicked out or a final chance that is apparently very rare
actually, in the interest of not interrupting
@Phase you should probably talk to your personal tutor straight away about this if things are bad and tell them you wont have the note in time but will get one etc
@Phase You think that you won't be in time. Universities in the UK are not remotely like that in my experience
I'm just going off of what I've been told
It's all my fault anyway
I'm not trying to demonise any institutions
@Phase Again, how do you know this? Rumours are probably there to scare you
It's from my course leader
@Phase you should let your tutor know and explain the situation to them asap that way there is a record you did your best
What is a "course leader"
what is a "tutor"
Universities in the UK don't even care about attendance unless you're doing something like medicine where it's a legal requirement
Like someone who's in charge of a year in a course
@Mithrandir24601 not true at mine.
I dont know why you're saying that when I've literally just said that I'm going to be kicked out over it
@Phase this kind of thing is literally what a personal tutor is there for
@Phase Your course leader said that. They're just a lecturer
@Mithrandir24601 yeah but they also have the power to remove me
as does the higher up he's referring me to
as an American, this seems extremely strange
It's possible they said that because they got out of the wrong side of the bed or they want to scare you into attendence
It's happened multiple times before
Someone else has already been removed
@Phase Then go to the higher-up and be like "I need help" and if they still kick you out, chances are it's a bad place to be
@Phase Starting tomorrow, you cannot miss a single class.
Idk. I messed up my A levels anyway, it's not as if I can go to anywhere that's like cream of the crop. If I get kicked out I'll probably just give up
If you keep missing classes you deserve it, honestly.
@0celo7 I'll try
There's no excuse. You have to go to class.
@Phase a personal tutor + a doctors note or the promise of a doctors note to the tutor is how a genuine issue is dealt with in these kinds of situations
@0celo7 I've never missed a class while being awake / stable
and even when my relationship of over a year disintegrated yesterday I still went in
I try to attend
@bolbteppa thanks I'll try
(What kind of place cares about attendance :p)
oh my god
I like a lot of the lecturers though. A lot of them are genuinely nice people, like one will always entertain my dumbass questions, and even recommended some books for me etc
I just wasted 30 minutes of my life
damn integrals.
Btw how does one distinguish between genuine depression and just being unhappy
do you want to kill yourself?
Because I keep being asked by the course leader but I can't actually give an answer
@Phase I'd suggest that you go to bed now and set the alarm for plenty of time for tomorrow's lecture. Allow your work to suffer if that's what it takes. In my experience, if you feel you can't sleep because of stress or you're thinking about work/physics, then if it were me, I'd physically exhaust myself before bed - have a really long game of squash or something else as intense and draining. If it's actual insomnia, you need to see a GP
yes but that could just be circumstantial
If not, do you have the energy to kill yourself?
I have tomorrow off
@Phase maybe you need to take up running or something
@0celo7 I do, and I don't
probably inappropiate for hbar
I didn't see that
Conversation should probably shift back to something more hbar suitable
You're gonna get an email from shog
@Phase If you're even asking this, I'd strongly suggest going to a medical professional
If sleep issues are affecting your daily life it's not circumstantial, go to see tutor + doc asap
@0celo7 I'll get a bill from Shog, at the exact cost of 1 human soul
@Mithrandir24601 seems a bit extreme though, besides Im not registered anywhere near here
@0celo7 Depends on the Uni :P
@Phase It's not extreme
I'm tempted to lean towards just being perpetually unhappy rather than depressed
depression sounds serious and spooky
@0celo7 lots of colleges around the world assign a 'personal tutor' to students, someone a student goes to with issues, problems, getting used to college etc
Go to the nearest GP practise and get an appointment - they can register you at the time - it's not a bother to them at all
Yeah I just dont wanna be unregistered from my home GP
@Phase They can also put you on the list temporarily (I've done this a couple of times when I've been at home over summer)
I guess that could work
I dont think I could really talk to someone about it though
Beyond it just being difficult for me to communicate with people in general, I tried talking a bit to the course leader but I ended up having to stop to avoid cracking
@Phase It's hard, but it'll make things better in the long run
@Phase Is it easier for you to send an e-mail?
I suppose, it's worth a shot at least I suppose even if for no other reason than a piece of paper to help me stay here
Well it's easier because it's no problem if I crack while writing it
I think I'd rather if we stopped talking about it though, I appreciate the care and advice and stuff, I just feel rather awkward commandeering hbar for a personal therapy session
@Phase Then it would be a good idea to send an e-mail to your tutor with the course leader cc'd
Thanks @0celo7 @bolbteppa @Mithrandir24601
@Phase It's OK :)
back to trying to understand what a Levi-civita tensor is
and generally spooky geometry
@Phase what they want to see is effort so that’s what you need to show them
@0celo7 i put a lot of effort into stuff it's just that it takes a while to be relevant
But nicely, today one of them actually did
Did Biot-Savart but did that a couple years ago as part of a challenge thing someone gave me
folks, question
can y'all access physics.org ?
it's stalling for me
@EmilioPisanty Doesn't look like it :/
In any case, @vzn, I realize now that my earlier defense of phys.org was based on a confused picture of the facts.
I was confusing phys.org with physics.org, which is an educational website run by the IOP and which used to have excellent content (though apparently they're not publishing much of late)
so my impressions of the average quality of phys.org are unreliable and need to be recalibrated
(they did have a much better piece than their competitors on this one, but I've seen several bad pieces too)
in any case, apologies for the mix-up

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