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something's screwy
but i'm not sure what
I did the wrong initial condition
I evaluated $F=$ something
it needs to be $f=0$something
F[0]=0, F'[0]=0, F''[0]=p ?
and for $\nu=1$ they're the same
it needs to be $F'(\infty)=(\nu a)^{-1/2}$
i'm a little surprised by that, since in the presentation on Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stagnation_point_flow
it gets the initial condition in dimensionless variables as just F'(infinity)=1
there's a typo in the homework then
lemme see what we did in class...
my guess would be that, since F' itself is a derivative
it'll pick up a factor from the rescaling of the differentiation variable
and this hopefully cancels out the other side
it's also possible that your problem contains more parameters, but i'd start there
yeah wiki is right
the problem set has a typo
the notes are right
but the graph is still garbage
yeah, something's goofy
my guess is that the function provided by NDSolve doesn't like this kind of manipulation. but i frankly don't see why
@Semiclassical the solution is to dimensionalize the NDSolve equation
that's probably right
but ugh
that's also literally awful
let's try to avoid that
i mean, the simplest solution to this
why are the arrows going up
would be to label the y-scale as (stealing from wikipedia) $y\sqrt{k/\nu}$
@Semiclassical Maybe it's a chain rule issue.
but this is screwy. If I plot F[y/a] from y=0 to a, I should get ths same plot as F[y] from y=0 to 1
yeah but it's the derivative term that's mucking things up I bet
the $xf'(y)$ guy
I've been trying to avoid that by writing it as F'[y/a]a, though
and it still comes out as non---wait maybe I see it
@Semiclassical yes?
try doing the following plot, to have a common reference point:
StreamPlot[Evaluate[{x F'[y*.1]*.1,-F[y*.1]}/.sol[1.23259]],{x,0,5.1},{y,0,5.1/.1},PlotRange->{{0,5.1},{0,5.1/.1}},
StreamStyle->Red],StreamPlot[Evaluate[{x F'[y*1]*1,-F[y*1]}/.sol[1.23259]],{x,0,5.1},{y,0,5.1/1},PlotRange->{{0,5.1},{0,5.1}}]}]
sigh. it never indents how I want it to
where are you getting this from
anyways. the plot on the right is the original stream plot, and on the left it's with x rescaled by a
key thing is that, between the two plots, I'm pretty sure the streamlines which are sown on the left are actually the same as the ones on the right
the scales are different, but if you imagine overlapping them I'm pretty sure it's the same
the trouble is that, apparently, StreamPlot is mighty dumb
and as such it isn't sampling the plot for the graph on the left as the one on the right
as a consequence, it's coming out weirdly sparse
and tbh I'm not sure how to fix it
I buy that.
So should I just turn in the nondimensional one?
Or go full insane mode and put dimensions in the NDSolve
I have good notes with all the dimensional equations
what i'd do is just label the y-scale as $y\sqrt{k/\nu}$ (wiki's notation)
and tbh that seems like the right thing to do physically. sqrt(nu/k) sets the scale for y, so plotting y/sqrt(nu/k) makes sense to me
ok sir
thank you
I'm going to have some cookies and milk in your honor
i'm going to drink a glass of orange juice
also, one thing you can do as a quality check of this
orange juice at night??
better have some vodka
the wikipedia page lists the asymptotic form of F for large eta
and that's something you can check with your numerical solutions
(you can also sorta eye-ball the initial slope of F' from their plot as being in the ballpark of 1.2)
it does look linear
slope 1-ish?
a bit more than one, if you look at how the plot scales
oh, that plot
yeah, slope = 1 there
it'd better to match the boundary condition
yeah, I'm not sure how well you should expect it to work as you push n_max larger and larger
I don't know what to do
the precision you need on p=1.23... in order to avoid divergence gets sharper and sharper
to the point where the main thing you learn at large n_max is that it's really hard to avoid numerical divergence
so probably 100 is too big
how did people do this in 1911
now there is the question
hah, nice
if you do 1.24 there I bet it blow up
this reminds me of finding eigenvalues for the schrodinger equation
where any numerical deviation from the exact eigenvalue means that the wavefunction ultimately diverges
use Evaluate[] on the argument to make that plot work
there's a finite-time blow-up or something
@Semiclassical nope
Plot[Evaluate[F[n] /. sol[1.24]], {n, 0, 1}, AspectRatio -> 1]
massive error
but changing it to 1.23 works
oh, i get you
what's your n-max?
yeah, that's not asking for trouble :P
ok changing it to 100 fixes that
WOW the difference between 1.24 and 1.23 is insane
god damn dude
not entirely surprising, though, since p=1.23259 is closer to 1.23 than 1.24
if you do 1.23 and 1.235 i bet the results won't be quite so disparate
this is pretty cool
it makes it pretty clear how sensitive this problem is
if you miss at large values, you miss by a mile
@Semiclassical Yeah
I wonder what the long-range behavior for the flow is because of this
there's probably some smart explanation for why it's so sensitive
nonlinear ODE
some explanation in terms of the asymptotics of such solutions, though
this is cool
you can see why they call it the shooting method, lol
nice. not exactly physical, but nice :P
the part near the bottom is the good flow
this is the most physics this room has seen in months
and really it's just mathematica
@Semiclassical really what?
oh, I misread that picture
@Semiclassical the solution is accurate in a neighborhood of the origin
oh, i see it now
so bottom in this case means "below y=20"
that's why the other flow is bad
other flow?
beyond like n=50, the solution is garbage
the rescaled flow
the rescaled flow is using long-range values
i'd question even n=30 there, tbh, since by that point the flow starts pointing towards x=0 rather than away
are you having to do some kind of matching between the short-range flow and the long-range flow?
@Semiclassical Because I had 1.23 there
oh, nice
rounding has a crazy effect here
@Semiclassical no, thank god
now around n=130 it gets bad again
one thing I conclude is that, however Hiemenz did it, he probably didn't use the shooting method
@Semiclassical lol
or if he did then his precision was probably pretty low
he used an abacus
it does make you wonder how on earth they did it
@Semiclassical time to do fortran now...
given that Hiemanz wrote in german, i doubt i'd get much out of it
@Semiclassical does wiki have the reference?
i can read it
no way that has been scanned
the Howarth paper apparently improved on the numerics
so probably it'd give at least some sense of what the original paper did
seems like that'd be hard to track
"Due to problems with the underlying software, we can currently only offer part of the original AERADE service. We are taking this opportunity to redesign the site and restore the data, and hope to be able to launch it in the near future."
it's a conspiracy
yeah, their software conspired to put that paper out of reach
i do wonder why only some portion of the reports have been digitized: aerade.cranfield.ac.uk/listarcrm.php
"The design of a sensitive yawmeter"
this is some serious applied stuff
there's a lot of papers there, but it clearly isn't exhaustive
the names are occasionally interesting
the surname Hartree shows up, for instance
and seems to be the same Hartree as the Hartree-Fock equations
@Semiclassical did he develop bombs for the military?
no clue
"A solution of the laminar boundary-layer equation for retarded flow"
sounds about as theoretical as one could get in that context
That looks fantastic.What was the bread?
@JohnRennie idk, it's the costco bread lol
@JohnRennie it's too bad feta costs an arm and a leg
Just regular bread then. It looks more like a flatbread of some kind but maybe that's just the angle of the photograph ...
@JohnRennie it's sliced in half and toasted
it gets pretty thin after the toasting
@JohnRennie I should source some pita
and just eat pounds a day
I can take or leave pita bread.
that British weather must be messing with your mind
Though to be fair the pita bread the supermarkets sell in the UK probably isn't best quality.
I've had great pita at restaurants. I've never bought it in a store.
Naan is my no. one favourite bread, but it has to be eaten freshly made and it needs a special oven, so you can only get it at restaurants.
@JohnRennie I've never had it
Some of the best naan cooks are pretty much honorary volcano divers
Putting your arm into an oven at several hundred degrees always looked scary to me :-)
There's an "extreme" version of it in Armenia called Lavash. Some of them who handle the bigger ovens tip in at the waist !
seems easy.
to fall in, maybe.
@JohnRennie would it be accurate for me to say that the "canonical" model of friction most physicists are taught is the Amonton-Coulomb model ?
I don't think friction is really taught much. We learn Amonton's law at school, but you'd only start going into detail about the mechanism if you did a specialist tribology course.
But our oft-used F= meu x N is from that model, no ?
@HsMjstyMstdn It's not really a model - it's more of a phenomenological law. I think I posted an answer on it a while back. Let me go look ...
@JohnRennie hi. I need some help
A: How is frictional force dependent on normal reaction?

John RennieYou need to start by considering the microscopic origin of the frictional force. In most circumstances surfaces are rough so when to touch two surfaces together they actually only make contact at the highest points on the surfaces. We call these high points asperities, and in the diagram below I...

@Fawad Hi. What's the problem?
@JohnRennie Aight thanks, will digest.
why comparing energy density due to electric field ($\epsilon_o \frac{E^2}{2}$) and energy density due to magnetic field ($\frac{B^2}{2\mu_o}$) gives relation $B_o=\frac{E_o}{c}$
@Fawad Electrodynamics isn't my strongest area, but I think that's only true for a plane wave i.e. it's a special case. It comes out of Maxwell's equations.
That is when you obtain the plane wave solution from Maxwell's equations you find that $E/B=c$.
It's really $$\frac{E}{B} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon_0\mu_0}}$$ but of course $c^2 = 1/\epsilon_0\mu_0$
Another question. If surface is a perfect reflector then radiation pressure (and force) on durface will be 0? Radiation pressure $$p=\dfrac{U}{c}$$
The radiation pressure is the force per unit area, and the force is the rate of change of momentum. So the question to ask is whether the momentum of the light changes when it is reflected, and if so by how much.
Quick question
You can't add two quantities of different dimensions, right?
But you can multiply them, even though multiplication is just adding several times
@JohnRennie no. That different story.
@JohnRennie help Livesavior
Hi @Blue can you help me?
@Fawad that's a somewhat misleading description of how to solve the problem, because it gives the impression the energy has to be absorbed for momentum to be transfrred and that isn't the case.
The momentum of a photon is $p = h/\lambda$
The energy of the photon is $h\nu = hc/\lambda$ so the photon flux, i.e. number of photons per second per unit area, is the energy flux $U$ divided by $h\nu$.
$$ N = \frac{U}{h\nu} = \frac{U\lambda}{hc} = \frac{U}{pc} $$
And the total momentum of the photons is $Np$ giving: $$p_\text{total} = \frac{U}{c} $$
So in solution given in my book is as if only for 1 photon meets surface?
If the photons hit the surface and stop the momentum goes from $U/c$ to zero, so the momentum change per second is $U/c$.
If the photons hit the surface and reflect back the momentum changes from $+U/c$ to $-U/c$ i.e. the momentum change per second is $2U/c$. So for a perfect reflector the force is twice as great.
It's no different from throwing a ball at a surface. If the ball bounces back the momentum change is twice as big as if it hits the surface and sticks.
@JohnRennie yes. Thank you 😊
1 hour later…
According to second law of thermodynamics, the entropy of the universe is increasing which can be proved using Clausius inequality. What is the limit of this entropy? Can the universe bear infinite entropy?
@Abcd I don't think it's safe to apply the second law to the universe as a whole. Firstly it may well be infinite, and that causes all sorts of problems, and secondly since spacetime is expanding that also causes difficulties with interpretation of thermodynamic quantities e.g. energy isn't conserved.
There is a limit to the amount of entropy because the maximum entropy objects we know are black hole event horizons.
But exactly what this means for the entropy of the universe as a whole I don't know.
@Blue no, you can't invalidate flags on your own posts. I know this because I have tried it :-)
Right! Work done! Plan for now is to make a large coffee and stare out of the window at the rain ...
1 hour later…
Oh I see, thanks @0celo7 that would've confused me. I gotta dash to lectures now
@JohnRennie Wouldn't you rather take that coffee and look out the window to a beautiful sunlit morning?
@EmilioPisanty Tomorrow is forecast to be a sunny day. Right now we have what the Met Office describe as a belt of intense precipitation.
@JohnRennie if the met office calls it intense precipitation then it can't be good
but anyways, y'all have Stockholm syndrome with your weather
Looking out of my window I find I agree with the Met Office's description :-)
To be fair Chester doesn't get much rain as we're in the rain shadow of the Welsh mountains when the wind is from the west, and in the rain shadow of the Peak District when the wind is from the east. I cycle into town most days and it's relatively rare that I get wet.
just think, you could have weather like this every day
@EmilioPisanty Where's that?
@Blue out of my office window, just now
(instead of, y'know, convincing yourselves that shit weather every day (or close to) is not that bad, and that a wet gray windy dark day can be pleasant)
Oh well, variety is the spice of life.
(It isn't really. Garlic is the spice of life. Variety is nice though :-)
I like rains and storms more than clear sunny weather
Fair weather is boring :P
Tomorrow I'll post a picture of Chester in the sunshine just to prove it does happen occasionally :-)
(Also, we get too much sunny weather here, all the time XD)
In the summers, it's enough for a sunstroke
@JohnRennie I.e. a light drizzle :P
@JohnRennie that's the Stockholm talking
@Blue rains and storms is a mistaken description of rain in England
@EmilioPisanty Hostages develop an intense desire for garlic?
@JohnRennie yes, it's a well-known psychologic phenomenon
@EmilioPisanty Yeah, I guess. It's more of a drizzle I suppose
@Mithrandir24601 the rain belt is on it's way towards Bristol ... :-)
@Blue quite often it's not even a drizzle
it's just that the air itself is wet
I was talking in general about the type of weather I like
and also it is gray and cloudy
plus windy and cold
Well that's got rid of the UK then :-)
Afaik it rains quite a lot in London (?)
Just as well the European mainland is getting rid of us!
@Blue by volume, no
by rainy days a year, yes
@EmilioPisanty Ah, makes sense
We did get a hurricane last month - I'd never before seen such good weather in October :)
@Blue the UK weather is dominated by westerly winds blowing in off the Atlantic, and laden with water they've picked up from the Atlantic.
but by volume it rains 30% more in Rome
The west side of the UK gets most of the rain. London is on the east side and is relatively dry.
@Blue at home, I simply assume that it will 'rain' at some point in the day. Usually, I'm right :P
@JohnRennie you're in that little cranny northeast of Wales, no?
@EmilioPisanty Yes. In between two regions of intense rain, but our annual rainfall is quite low :-)
@JohnRennie still, I imagine your overcast-day count is rather high
@EmilioPisanty don't know to be honest. I notice the rain, because cycling in the rain is pretty miserable, but I'm not that fussed whether it's sunny or not.
@0celo7 someone answered the Godel question
A: Homotopy proof of the lack of foliation of the Gödel metric

borsAssume there is a foliation and consider the normal bundle of a closed time-like geodesic $\gamma$, call it $\nu$. This bundle is stably trivial, because its Whitney sum with $T \gamma$ (which is trivial) is isomorphic to the restriction $T\mathbb{R}^4$ (which is also trivial) to $\gamma$. But th...

it is not a simple answer
"consider the normal bundle of a closed time-like geodesic γ"
But Godel has no closed timelike geodesic
@Slereah I don't think the argument in that answer depends on the curve being a geodesic.
that is good
now I just have to understand most of it
Is this a topological foliation or foliation with more structure
There's "Whitney sum" in it so that's not gonna be easy
(What is the manifold we are foliating?)
$\mathbb R^4$
the manifoldest of manifolds
Whitney sum is just direct sum of bundles
@Slereah The Whitney sum is just adding vector bundles pointwise, it's not difficult.
What is the "normal bundle"
@Slereah Foliating by what dimensional submanifolds?
Spacelike hypersurface
So 3D
@Slereah Pretty much what it says - the bundle of vectors normal (i.e. perpendicular w.r.t. to the chosen metric) to the curve (or rather its tangent vectors)
ah yes, hence the cylinder or moebius strip thing
And since the spacetime is orientable, it's a cylinder
So these spacelike hypersurfaces are compact?
Well you see
The spacelike hypersurfaces do not exist
that's the point
I'm guessing that since we're doing $\mathbb R^4$, they are not gonna be compact if they existed, though?
I dunno

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