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tikz is terrible
@dmckee Thanks. I guess what prompted the question is I feel a general need to learn a new tool, so I am looking for advice on a few to look into before I take the plunge. Right now I just use gnuplot for graphs and hand-drawn stuff for everything else, but between teaching classes, writing papers and sketching out some designs for my peers, I feel the need for a way to produce some more professional looking diagrams.
Since I've seen some nice diagrams on SE, I was wondering if there was any local consensus on which tool or tools were the "best".
Nothing wrong with gnuplot for graphs, but I don't have a great suggestion for drawing other figures. If you see a user that consistently posts good figures (and we have a few) you could ask them what they use (chat would be better than a comment).
@NeuroFuzzy =D thx much man! think posted links are mostly on physics. like your blog & (new?) youtube channel too wink =D mathandcode.com/programs m.youtube.com/user/DKM101 so still wanna do an upcoming talk? its all clear for you right now
@0ßelö7 ?!? thought you werent into that stuff o_O
2 hours later…
@NeuroFuzzy cc @vzn I actually wasn't following that particular discussion too closely, but in general, 50 links in 250 days all to your own content is a bit much.
@dmckee hey! TikZ syntax is actually pretty clear
@DavidZ its mostly wrt physics. there are apparently no official SE guidelines on so-called "self-promotion". ps why do you never link to your own blog? (maybe have cited it myself here more than you have!) seems like a glaring omission. is every citation to a personal blog "self-promotion"? dont want to be tarred with a brush. :( O_o
There is one, but it's intentionally vague
I don't link to my own blog because it's very rare that there is something on there worth linking to
And I'm not sure what the rest of your message is getting at, but surely you know better than to think that linking to someone else's blog counts as self-promotion?
@DavidZ the guidelines are for main SE sites, not really chat, which is purposely quite loose(r). less than 1% of my chat msgs link to my blog, probably a small fraction of a percent, typically tied in with current discussions/ topics/ responses. (just wondering, if nothing in your blog is worth linking to here in chat, why do you write it? ok, rhetorical question, guess there could still be good reasons.)
@simplicio Current favorite tool: matplotlib. I especially like the ipython command shell, which has some nice syntactical sugar.
Can I use
area = double pow(double side, double 2);
in C programming
to write $side^2$
@Koolman Brackets round the casts
area = (double) pow(double side, double 2);
like this
Anyway why would you do that? Why not side*side
area = pow(side, 2)
I want to learn how to use it
the power function
You shouldn't need the casts
The function definition is double pow(double x, double y)
@JohnRennie will there be no semicolon
If you're calling it just use area = pow(side, 2);
then when we have to use double pow(double x, double y)
That's the function prototype
@Koolman You need to declare side as a double variable before writing that statement. Also, you need to assign a value to side.
You only have to use the prototype if you're writing a header file

int main()
double side,area;
printf("enter the side of a square : ");
area = double pow(double side, double 2);
printf("Area of the square : %lf",area);
printf("Area of square in integer form : %d",(int)area);

return 0;
area = pow(side, 2);
@Koolman Change that to area=pow(side,2)
That's all
Try it if you don't believe me :-)
You have already taken side as input
@Koolman Have you tried that? The compiler should give an error message.
I have already tried that
@Koolman Did it work?
It is showing
/tmp/ccY7he4N.o: In function `main':
areasq.c:(.text+0x56): undefined reference to `pow'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
@rob no
@Koolman Of course. Writing double pow makes no sense
@Koolman To your compiler options, add "-lm" to link the math library.
Claim: Thermodynamics in a nutshell:
You have it included, but not linked.
@Blue I have not written that
But you should then get some syntax issue, because the relevant line in your program need be only area = pow(side, 2)
@Koolman You have area = double pow(double side, double 2);
^ Change that to area=pow(side,2);
@rob Sorry , but I don't know how to use it
@Koolman How do you compile?
@Blue area=pow(side,2) after using this
A system with uneven distribution of entropy trying to equalise itself, and in doing so, part of it can be converted to useful work
I got that error
@rob I am using terminal
@Koolman You're typing something like gcc blah.c?
@Koolman Change to gcc -lm blah.c
Keep all your other options
If you have any, that is
-lm areasq.c
No command '-lm' found, did you mean:
Command 'plm' from package 'plm' (universe)
Command 'clm' from package 'mcl' (universe)
-lm: command not found
One reason of having this suspicion is that notice how in all devices we use to generate energy, it almost always involve some kind of gradient between two or more ends, and as work is being extracted, the gradient slowly vanishes
Here's the corrected code:
int main()
double side,area;
printf("Enter the side of a square : ");
area =pow(side,2);
printf("Area of the square : %f",area);
printf("Area of square in integer form : %d",(int)area);

return 0;
@Koolman No, continue to run the program gcc with the argument blah.c (or whatever)
But add the additional argument -lm.
Execute the code on the online IDE to check
If it is not working on your system that's some compiler issue
@rob additional argument ??
@Blue should we not use %lf
Q: Scanf/Printf double variable C

Dragos RizescuLet's say I have this following bit of code in C: double var; scanf("%lf", &var); printf("%lf", var); printf("%f", var); It reads from stdin variable 'var' and then prints twice in stdout 'var'. I understand that's how you read a double variable from stdin, but my questions are: 1. Why can you...

@Koolman At the terminal prompt $, where you would usually type gcc blah.c ...
@Koolman ... instead type gcc -lm blah.c
@Koolman Both will work
But yes, lf should be the one used over here
gcc -lm areasq.c
/tmp/cc2kCIOy.o: In function `main':
areasq.c:(.text+0x56): undefined reference to `pow'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
@Koolman Hmm. Give me a minute.
Q: Undefined reference to pow( ) in C, despite including math.h

Ian Knight Possible Duplicate: Problem using pow() in C what is 'undefined reference to `pow'' I'm having a bit of an issue with a simple piece of coursework for uni that's really puzzling me. Essentially, I've to write a program that, amongst other things, calculates the volume of a sphere fr...

Q: What does "collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" mean?

user3682120I see the error collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status very often. For example, I was executing the following snippet of code: void main() { char i; printf("ENTER i"); scanf("%c",&i); clrscr(); switch(i) { default: printf("\nHi..\n"); break; case 1: pri...


int main()
double side,area;
printf("enter the side of a square : ");
area =pow(side,2);
printf("Area of the square : %lf",area);
printf("Area of square in integer form : %d",(int)area);

return 0;
it is showing
gcc areasq.c
/tmp/ccciKePE.o: In function `main':
areasq.c:(.text+0x56): undefined reference to `pow'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gcc -o areasq areasq.c -lm
@Koolman Try this once^
koolman@ubuntu:~/s$ gcc -o areasq areasq.c -lm
koolman@ubuntu:~/s$ ./a.out
bash: ./a.out: No such file or directory
@Koolman So -o changes the name of the output file. Try ./areasq
finally done
Now please anybody can explain what we have done
my trail has led to a 6 page review article where all the references are in French
I mean what mistake I have done
Note that the fact that Blue's correcting above fixed it implies that the error came during the linking stage, not during compilation.
And of course it would be nice to be able to tell when that is up in the future.
Write down what you did to finally solve the problem and which part you didn't understand. @Koolman
And your hing (with gcc) is that it references a file offset in hex for where the error occurs instead of a line number.
gcc -o areasq areasq.c -lm
Why I cannot simply use
gcc areasq.c
@Koolman Because the important part is the -lm.
It tells the liner to include the math library.
That is different from telling the compiler to read the math header.
which is what #include <math.h> does.
@Koolman If you were using Microsoft Visual C you could :-)
You could use gcc areasq.c -lm; ./a.out.
If you wanted to.
14 mins ago, by Koolman
koolman@ubuntu:~/s$ gcc -o areasq areasq.c -lm
koolman@ubuntu:~/s$ ./a.out
bash: ./a.out: No such file or directory
@JohnRennie Just about any IDE can figure that out, but raw command line tools only do what you tell them to.
@dmckee The VC command line cl.exe command includes the math libraries by default
Ah. And with good pruning it doesn't hurt anything. NIce.
D:\rhs\c>cl koolman.c
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.24215.1 for x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.00.24215.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


enter the side of a square : 2
Area of the square : 4.000000Area of square in integer form : 4
Just use Dev C++ or Netbeans or CodeBlocks to get rid of execution hassle :P
ok I proved one limit
what is going on here
Claim: Let A be a wrong act. There exists a rule where if a person accused another of A, then soon A will taste its own medicine as some time in the future, the person will become what is described by A
Computer nerdary again I'm afraid
god, why are you people such nerds
It's fun :-)
Example: Let A=lazy. Saying that someone is lazy and you will eventually be accused by someone else as lazy
What we are interested: Counterexamples to this rule
@0ßelö7 Says the nerdo
yeah dude why is everyone a nerd here
more philosophically speaking, is there exist personality traits or labels where reciprocality does not apply
@Blue analysis is not nerdy. Only algebra, set theory, etc. are
@dmckee i got it
Thanks to all
the -lm option tells gcc to link (that's what the 'l' stands for) your code with the "math" (this what the math library is called) shared library
@BalarkaSen Says another nerd ;)
ima less nerdy than any'all
wtf do you keep insulting people for
you have no culture
you don't even know what a deep fried meme is
When I have not defined area and side
I think knowing what a deep fried meme is disqualifies you from being normal
It will be interesting if there exists a label such that you call someone that label, that person cannot call you with such label
@BalarkaSen Oh, you're a geek too.
or else a logical contradiction occurs
I'm not much of a geek
@Blue ma nama jeff
The definition of a confidant of mine is easy:
A person is considered a confidant of mine if:
When you let the confidant be the zero baseline, then almost everyone will be people I will kill on sight
"Geeks are often associated with an abnormal appreciation for mathematics. Here, an approximation of the number π (pi) extends from the logo of a Mazda 3, parked at University of California, Irvine."
The word geek is a slang term originally used to describe eccentric or non-mainstream people; in current use, the word typically connotes an expert or enthusiast or a person obsessed with a hobby or intellectual pursuit, with a general pejorative meaning of a "peculiar person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual, unfashionable, or socially awkward". Although often considered as a pejorative, the term is also used self-referentially without malice or as a source of pride. Its meaning has evolved to refer to "someone who is interested in a subject (usually intellectual or complex...
I don't know any digits of pi
The use of almost always is valid since the number of people are countable and discrete, and discrete sets have measure zero
pi = 22/7
@0ßelö7 what kind of memes do you like then you normo? fricking neil degrasse tyson memes?
@BalarkaSen Dank and prequel ones.
oh but then you're not a normal anymore
normies like normie memes
If I were a real engineer I should have taken $\pi=3$. But I don't. Proves that I'm not fit to be an engineer. :P
hmm, but what about the droid attack on the wookies?
@Blue oh, dude
I remembered, you asked how to picture infinte dimensional spaces
star wars memes are for nerds
@0ßelö7 lol
@Blue ^ accurate representation of an infinite dimensional space
what is that book
@BalarkaSen I think one has to be pretty familiar with compact operators to make sense of that picture...defeating the purpose
i have immediate increase of respecc for that author
Looks like nonsense to me
despite the risks inherent in pictures :-)
But then I don't know math
@0ßelö7 Compact means maps bounded sets to closure-compact sets, yeah?
@BalarkaSen Booss and Bleecker's Index Theory book
@BalarkaSen yeah
why will compact operators sort of intersecting itself?
@Secret they're trying to depict: i) a compact operator "shrinks" balls, ii) it's a limit of operators with finite dimensional image
I don't think it's a particularly good picture, but I kek every time I see it
I don't understand the picture
@BalarkaSen I think the inward spiral is supposed to be the limit of the formerly not-precompact set
It's hard to get intuition for compact operators because the most common ones are embeddings where you just forget a part of the norm
Hmm, I see.
and I'll be dammed if I can tell the difference between $\int f^2$ and $\int f^2+|df|^2$ in a picture
@Blue but maybe there's a reason why no one draws pictures in functional analysis
@vzn Yep and yep! Well I've had a website for the last uh, six or so years, and don't really post. A chat session would be awesome, I just said I couldn't do one before the 26th. Qualifying exams!
Hmm, the way I try to interpret that picture is that each spock of that ball $B_H$ represents one of the coutable/uncountably many dimensions of that infinite dimensional vector space, and that the ball is turned into a spiral means a compact linear map always shrink each dimension of the ball such that the shrinking action is always ordered from large to small along each dimension. However this interpretation seems risky as not all infinite dimensional vector space has some kind of hilbert basis. I guess....
@Secret I think $H$ is a Hilbert space
ah ok
I also suspect the following image of the ball under some linear map is also included in the above compact case because we can always relabel the basis elements to recover the spiral I think...
@dmckee Are the Wacom tablets good for drawing diagrams? I've been thinking of buying one
@Blue Wacom are one of the industry standard makes of tablet. However they are mostly used for freehand drawing or by artists. They aren't especially useful for technical drawing.
@JohnRennie Oh. Isn't there any other device used for professional technical drawing?
The AutoCAD users I know just use a mouse.
Using a mouse for drawing is such a pain :P
@0ßelö7 I have a dilemma for you
if it involves integral operators, I'm already doing one of those
@BalarkaSen so...what is it
If $\omega$ is a $k$-form on a manifold $M$, consider a parametrization $\varphi : U \subset \Bbb R^n \to M$ and $C$ be a coordinate $(k+1)$-dimensional unit cube in $\Bbb R^n$. If I want to prove $d\omega = \lim_{\text{vol} C \to 0} \int_{\partial C} \varphi^* \omega$, how would I go about that?
There should be a pullback there. $\varphi^* d\omega$ is that.
@BalarkaSen This sounds suspiciously like a Lebesgue differentiation theorem with more details.
I want to do this without Stokes, because if you use that that's obvious
The point is you can define the exterior derivative this way, and prove it has all the properties of an exterior derivative, and then Stokes is a triviality
Right. Check Arnold's book for details.
The Classical Mechanics book
He defines the exterior derivative that way but also has the original formula
@BalarkaSen Yep, page 190 has what you want
I'll have a look
@BalarkaSen He does the 1-D case
@BalarkaSen Why are you trying to do this?
@0ßelö7 It came up in a conversation during my ODE reading course
Actually it's not obvious to me why $d(d\omega) = 0$ using this
@JohnRennie hi, are you free for a few minutes?
@BalarkaSen hmm
@Blue Since I couldn't (or at least chose not to) afford one of the spiffy ones where the drawing surface is a high resolution display, using one is ... weird at first.
You look at the screen and draw on the pad.
@0ßelö7 Maybe it's because $\partial \partial C = 0$?
@Abcd Not right now. I'm busy fixing servers. Try again in half an hour.
The boundary of the cubes cancel
I've been doing some really basic art-school exercises every time I take it up, but that isn't often enough for me to be making rapid progress (and right now I need a new cable—grrrrr).
@BalarkaSen Intuitively...maybe, but there's two limits involved
I've been trying to exchange an integral and a limit for about 7 hours now, so :)
@0ßelö7 lol
Well I have to go now
I'll think about this and consult Arnold later
@Abcd I'm free now
@JohnRennie Blue's helping me out :)
Hi, everyone :-)
@Kaumudi.H Hey!
@Kaumudi.H hello stranger :-)
I've been too busy over the weekend!
I was at the A.I summit all day yesterday. Today, I'm busy preparing for an exam tomorrow. I've spent four hours attempting to gather information about/registering for a workshop on Big Data at the techfest of NIT Calicut.
Wow! :-)
Lol, was that sarcastic? :-P
It all sounds good fun - well, apart from the exam revision
@JohnRennie Haha, yes :-)
Ah, I checked hangouts just now. THANKS SO MUCH!! ::Fingers crossed::
We'll see. @Blue 's disk appears to have vanished somewhere in the Indian postal service ...
Oi, who starred those?! Speak up! (:-P)
How's your weekend going, @JohnR?
Generally good. Some server problems last night, but all sorted now :-)
Ah, OK :-)
And lunch?
I'm contemplating hamburgers
(it's a form of Zen meditation)
@JohnRennie :-)
I'm contemplating...air. I haven't had anything to eat in 24 hours :-/
But with bread, or with french fries? Decisions, decisions.
I'd choose the latter, given that I'm lacking calories at the moment :-P
Was there no food at the AI meeting?
There was, see, that's where I ate last :-P That was 24 hours ago.
I'll probably eat bread with jam now and go out in the evening to get an early dinner/late lunch, as usual.
No, I'll probably have a bunch of rotis...
Or that place that does the sandwiches with fried cabbage etc?
Pizza once a month! :-)
@JohnRennie Fried cauliflower :-) They've probably run out of those. Besides, they won't be nearly as filling!
To be fair I only used to eat pizza once a month or so as a student. I couldn't afford to eat it more frequently. There are advantages to being old and flatulent affluent.
There is a hotel a few Kms from here. I'll cycle there in the evening :-)
@JohnRennie Exactly :-)
Hahaha x'D
@Kaumudi.H the solution to that is to eat lots of them :-)
Each one is Rs. 20!
So no, I'll cycle to that hotel instead :-)
20 rupees. That's about 25p in the UK. I wish I could buy sandwiches for 25p. They typically cost several pounds here.
:-) This is the umpteenth time I suggest you apply for the position of Physics prof. at my college and move here :-P
Ah, anyhoo :-/ I've wasted more time than I could've afforded, running around registering for that workshop. I gots to go study some effing Sustainable Engineering, yo! And then some circuit theory :-/
Have fun!
Thanks, lol :-) Have a nice day!!
@JohnRennie :(
It still didn't reach
Something is fishy
We'll see what happens with K's DAC. If that gets through maybe I'll try sending a disk again though at the moment I don't have any old disks spare.
The problem is that if I send it by a secure delivery system it'll go through customs and they'll charge you import duty.
Diamond anvil cell?
Dog And Cat. It was a real job getting them into the envelope.
Dog, Ant, Cat. "And" is not an organism. :P
@JohnRennie Unable to ping you in the other room, (if you are free)
You didn't have to send an Ant to K. She must have plenty of them in her college. :'D
Sounds like one of those logic problems. How do you send a dog, a cat and an ant to India? :-)
@Abcd I think you can only ping someone if they've been in the room in the last two days. Anyhow I've joined the room now.
2 hours later…
Q: Puzzling Increase in Rep Points Today

Inertial IgnoranceToday, I gained +60 reputation points. The majority of these gains were from numerous questions/answers I wrote quite a while back. I did not have this type of gain in any day of the past few weeks, especially not from such a wide variety of questions/answers I wrote. It also just so happens...

We should go to the Sun. Maybe during winter, when it's cold
2 hours later…
@NeuroFuzzy great, next room mtg is oct3, 9d from now, enough time to post to/ announce at meta, even waiting after 26th to do anything, although sooner would be better. ok? too soon?
@Kaumudi.H cool, what was that AI summit like anyway? ps am sure would make a good topic for a spkr session, wink :) re Big Data™, saw interest/ discussion in here, latest vzn1.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/…
@Kaumudi.H lol great idea, or you could help arrange a guest lecture :P ... just make sure the food is good... np there right? :P
@vzn That's a good idea :P
I wonder why I go to university. I learn everything from internet and books after all.
Perhaps the exam schedule helps me to stay focused. That's all.
@Blue lol reminds me of this quote
18 hours ago, by dmckee
@Blue originally the title was an academic one at a time when physicians in Europe were barely more than folklore equipped leech mongers. The medical community eventually established schools and worked very hard to get the title applied to their practitioners.
I heartily recommend this as a great way to waste an afternoon. Some of the stories are wonderful. Putting a ferret through an accelerator tube to find an obstruction for example!
@BalarkaSen turns out I just needed dominated convergence theorem for one of the limits ;_;
@Semiclassical How come you are in hbar, but not in the math chat
I'm forgetting. What's the usual symbol used to denote the rapidity in special relativity i.e. $\tanh^{-1}(v/c)$?
hyperbolic angle
@BalarkaSen because chemistry is boring
@Semiclassical triggered
@Semiclassical is the math chat being invaded by JEE chem?
@0ßelö7 not JEE
we were talking about 3c4e bonds
...bounded mean oscillation?
bonding molecular orbital.
Gods it's been long since I've had chemistry
who cares
i dont
@BalarkaSen I'm obviously failing at basic math here
what's a condition for pointwise convergence to imply uniform convergence
Not Dini's theorem
monotone convergence theorem?
frick ok
monotone is integral convergence, I have that
This book says uniform convergence for continuous functions is easy, then one should bootstrap L^2 from there. I got L^2 independently but can't get uniform for the life of me.
yeah by monotone convergence theorem i actually meant dini's theorem
@BalarkaSen I know.
convergence in L^2 doesn't necessarily mean uniform, does it?
there's a standard example by taking tanh type functions
Don't think so. Doesn't even mean pointwise.
which converges to the sign function
@0ßelö7 I think pointwise + L^2 even doesn't mean uniform
@BalarkaSen Yeah, but there are worse examples.
so what do you mean by bootstrap?
@BalarkaSen Approximate $L^2$ functions by $C^0$ ones and bound the $L^2$ norm in certain places by the $L^\infty$ one since the manifold is compact.
But that's a secondary issue. Right now I can't get the basic uniform convergence.
Math chat has become chemistry and physics chat has become math.
@0ßelö7 hm
And everyone in the chemistry chat is hibernating.
@Jasper looks at chemistry chat
shit sniped
sniped plus wrong ping
double rekt
@BalarkaSen >_>
@BalarkaSen I don't have the hypotheses for Dini, but I do have $\inf f\le P_t f\le \sup f$ for each $t>0$ (the limit I want is $P_tf\rightrightarrows f$)
each $P_tf$ is continuous and the manifold is compact
@LeakyNun You are going to fly off soon, right? I wish I were in your shoes, lol. Bright future ahead for you!
oh fuck, can I use dominated convergence for L^\infty? Is that a thing?
@Jasper thanks
@0ßelö7 I doubt very much
@BalarkaSen yeah
So continuity of each $P_tf$ has to play a key role here
I think I want to show the sequence is Cauchy
I tried showing equicontinuity but that didn't work
The physics chat is becoming more interesting than the math chat.
spark up some drama
post some good memes
Make Math Chat Interesting Again
I just realised a cool fact.
Drama = D R M = Do Re Mi
@BalarkaSen ...does a uniformly converging family have to be equicontinuous?
it's sufficient for a subsequence, but what about necessity
I feel like this was on my analysis homework once
@0ßelö7 This is the classic 3epsilon proof isn't it?
or rather epsilon/3
yeah I think so
I know this result is true, but why is the proof so hard

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