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@0ßelö7 I don't often delete messages. When I do find myself moved to delete them it's because I believe they shouldn't have been posted, and if I believe a message shouldn't have been posted then I will delete it and damn the torpedoes.
oh, with regard to entanglements of distinct particles: spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/semiconductors/devices/…
so that's a pretty practical example of electron-photon entanglement
It's interesting that the experiment given there is both fairly recent (2012) and uses a somewhat esoteric system (quantum dot). So it's not a trivial accomplishment by any means. @ACuriousMind
@JohnRennie Hm.
looking at QFT homework
<!-- begin snippet-->

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char str[100], search[100];
printf("Enter a string ");
printf("\n Enter search substring ");

<!-- end snippet -->

When I run the above code, the first `scanf()` does execute and takes user input. However, it skips over the second `scanf()` and ends the program.

I think this happens because the second `scanf()` finds `\n` in the buffer (from previous input) and stops. What can I do to correct this behaviour?
@JohnRennie Could you help with that ? ^
@0ßelö7 do you really care or are you just mocking the topic? (often quite a fine line for you anyway... but ps thx for the defense) :( :|
@Semiclassical its some cutting edge stuff to try to get quantum computing going in silicon chips. entanglement is one of the core mysteries of QM. however there is some... sensitivity to openly/ freely discussing the topic among hardcore physicists...
@Semiclassical Nice, so it exists practically, but is kinda hard as I guessed
@DanielSank frankly, I'm confused about what that question is asking
@Blue give me a mo and I'll fire up my C compiler ...
Sure. Take a mo :P
@ACuriousMind yeah
what i was mainly interested was which interaction was giving rise to the entanglement
with electron-electron pairs, it's the Pauli principle i.e. the fact that the electrons are quantized excitations of a fermionic field
with that experiment, you're able to get entangled electron-photon pairs but that's evidently by virtue of the system you're working with
I'm not sure what conclusion, if any, one can draw from that though.
@Blue I agree it's because you're telling scanf to read up to the first \n, so it stops leaving the \n in the input buffer.
@JohnRennie Right! I need to do something so that the \n is consumed
The ideal solution would be to flush the input buffer, but there is no way to do this in C.
Sounds bad....any alternative? Would gets() work?
There are various solutions, of which the best is not to use scanf, which is the work of the devil anyway.
gets() works but is deprecated because it suffers a buffer overflow vulnerability.
getline() is better
@JohnRennie What does that mean?
@JohnRennie Trying that...
Or use fgets()
@Blue Your array str is 100 bytes long. Suppose I type an input string longer than 100 characters. The program will still read it into memory starting at *str so it will overflow the end of the array and corrupt memory.
@ACuriousMind the professor claims it's true without any hypotheses on the curves
he said to ask Morwen about it
@vzn both
@Blue The scanf function has no way of checking for buffer overflows because it doesn't know how big your array str is.
I would hope that by now you know that unless it's analysis or geometry, I am always mocking it at least a little bit
@Blue the getline function checks the length of the data input and allocates a buffer big enough so there cannot be an overlow. The only catch is you need to remember to free the pointer returned by getline.
@0ßelö7 maybe you should ask Einstein what he thinks o_O
@vzn my cat can't talk
@Blue The fgets function has an argument that tells it how big the buffer is, so again a buffer overflow isn't possible.
@JohnRennie I get it. Thanks. I'm trying to change my program using getline/fgets
@JohnRennie I found a quick and dirty fix. Lol. Declare a character variablechar ch and then scanf("%c",&ch) after the first scanf() to consume the newline character.
@Blue If I were your examiner you'd get zero marks for that trick.
But yes, the overflow issue is still there...
@JohnRennie what does that mean?
good or bad?
So I'll use getline or fgets now
@0ßelö7 Bad. Ignoring possible buffer overflows is unacceptable coding.
@Blue with fgets you need to check whether the input was too long for your buffer. With getline() you don't have to check.
In both cases the input includes the '\n' and it's up to you to trim it off.
@0ßelö7 guess one mans sacred cow is anothers BS
Q: How many significant figures should one give in stating a experimental uncertainty?

JorgeHow many significant figures should one give in stating a experimental uncertainty? For this purpose I found three rules: Experimental uncertainties should be always stated to 1 significant figure. For example: $3.45 \pm 0.015$ should be $3.45 \pm 0.02$ [doc1]. The number of significant...

^ surely this is a dupe, right?
@JohnRennie Okay, fgets is working. But one problem with fgets() is that it includes a newline character. I again need to do something to get rid of that newline character before printing.
Take this for example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char name[10];
printf("What's your name? ");
printf("\n Glad to meet you %s.",name);
The full stop appears in the next line (for the output given by printf)
Say, you input "John" for this program. The output appears as: Glad to meet you John
Anything after %s appears in the next line
@JohnRennie is there a way to bind a full-size period table to a button on my keyboard? Like if I press "page up" (which I never use), can a period table show up?
@0ßelö7 What is "period table"?
You mean the chem one?
I have no idea how I missed the -ic twice
I think there are plenty of key remapping softwares out there on the net
You need to look for the right one
but how do I get a periodic table to pop up
@0ßelö7 Save it as an image on your Desktop. When you press that key, the image should open.
via "Photos" or some app like that
Or just change your Desktop background to a Periodic Table...lol
@Blue gross
tiny image
Doesn't look that bad
periodic table for ants
You'll get HD quality ones on the net
@Blue Sorry I haven't been around lately to help you with C :(
@BernardoMeurer It's okay. JR helped me out. How's life in California going on?
It's alright, I'm having a good time
Great :)
I just received my Arduino Uno today morning...pretty excited :D
@Qmechanic You like them too?! Dope!
@Blue Awesome!
Arduinos are GREAT for learning C IMO
no MMU means you actually get to see your bugs happen
So if you screw up a buffer access or allocation it'll compile and run
and then your circuit wil go naynays
I have video, one second
for (i = 0; str[i] != '\n' && str[i] != '\0; i++);
str[i] = '\0';
@JohnRennie Isn't there something in the stdlib for doing that?
@BernardoMeurer is there?
@BernardoMeurer Haha...sounds like lot of hear tearing is upcoming for me :'D
"The reason why macs are so expensive compared to pcs is because apple use quality materials not plastic and they also have a lot more technology inside" :^)
@JohnRennie There's everything somewhere in there
@JohnRennie Ah, loop will obviously work. :D
@0ßelö7 Meh.
@0ßelö7 Save the image of the periodic table somewhere, then create a shortcut to it on your desktop. Right click the shortcut and choose Properties, then you can set a hotkey for the shortcut. Now when you press the hotkey the image of the periodic table will open.
@JohnRennie Aha! I know how to do it!
strtok(var, "\n");
@0ßelö7 it's because Macs are lifestyle choices i.e. fashion accessories!
Macs look great, feel great, and work well enough, I don't see why people go naynays over this
@BernardoMeurer and that's faster than my method? :-)
@JohnRennie I think only people who don't use macs think that
What kind of fashion statement is it supposed to be?
It's perfectly fine to pay more for something that is beautiful
It's PC people who think that
Also, it's OS is POSIX but still has loads of software
Makes me think it's jealousy
I think it's a fair choice for a computer
@BernardoMeurer that's pretty much the definition of a fashion accessory
@BernardoMeurer is reasonable
@JohnRennie Not sure, but it sure looks better :P
@JohnRennie wrong
I'd benchmark but I'm lazy
@Blue I was one of the earlier ones to get a raspberry pie just before I started my CS degree :P
@0ßelö7 I have two Mac Minis. I bought them because at the time they were the perfect solution to a problem I had.
In fact they still are, and I still use them.
so you're a traitor
@0ßelö7 I am an arch pragmatist. I will use whatever works best.
I don't care who made it.
the worst of the traitors
@Mithrandir24601 Same here. Just replace RPi with Arduino. :P
@JohnRennie So, I'm looking at this code I wrote a while ago
And "earlier" with "earliest"
That is an iterative implementation of Ackermans function
and I have no clue how on earth this works
did you not comment the code?
No, I was a scrub
@BernardoMeurer but it's better to pay the same and get a super-good gaming laptop :)
people who have expensive gaming laptops are the worst
they are invariably insufferable
@Mithrandir24601 What if I don't want a gaming laptop? They look super cringy, their battery doesn't last, and they're heavy
all gaming stuff looks super cringey
@Blue Welcome to the wonderful (and well-paid!) world of CS!
@Mithrandir24601 Nah...I'm not interested in software jobs :P But yeah, I do like CS
@BernardoMeurer erm... The battery does last, just not when gaming...
I'm more interested in algorithms than programming(web development etc.) though
@Blue @JohnRennie @dmckee @Mithrandir24601 A keg of beer to whoever figures out how my Ackermann implementation works!
To be fair I can see the point of a gaming laptop. It's effectively a portable workstation though.
@JohnRennie the only nice thing about Windows is the ability to have programs snap to 1/2 or 1/4 of the page
@0ßelö7 Gnome has that :P
@BernardoMeurer yup
@Blue same, although I'm now doing something slightly different and even better :)
@0ßelö7 This focus on cosmetic niceties is an alien mindset to me.
hence why I am finding myself working on Linux now because it does exactly what it needs to do
@JohnRennie It's absolutely fantastic
If you're so addicted to video games that you need them on a laptop, seek help.
@Mithrandir24601 I take it you've bought a gaming laptop? :-)
I'd like one of those Dell workstation laptops
They double as a self defense weapon and bulletproof vest
Really useful
get the Razer triple monitor laptop
Lol, no way
doubles as a brick for weighing down a body you dump in the river
Though of course only for running finite element stuff on the GTX1080 :-)
@JohnRennie I almost bought a dell rack server yesterday
Luckily I had less money than I thought I did
@BernardoMeurer Which one?
@BernardoMeurer with what money
@JohnRennie you can have my 1080
I don't use it and it's not like anything is optimized for it
Almost did it
@BernardoMeurer that would be noisy as hell and guzzle power like it was going out of fashion.
why doesn't AFT come to chat anymore?
@JohnRennie Exactly
It IDLES at 300W
@BernardoMeurer get an etherium mining rig
I think you'd find the excitement wears off :-)
and a small nuclear reactor to power it
@JohnRennie I get free power in my apartment. Wonder if I'd get in trouble if I ran a server out of it.
well, "free"
I don't pay extra for utilities
Your PC probably uses over 100W at idle.
@JohnRennie At full blast I blow a fuse if the ceiling fan is on :)
Just don't tell the landlord :-)
it's the university, I could probably get in trouble for a lot of things here
Actually, how would the landlord know which of his residents was using all the electricity?
like this fire cable mess fire hazard
Have you given up playing games on the PC then?
@JohnRennie I don't have much time
and the games I do play (Skyrim, Fallout 4) are so poorly optimized that they don't pull 100% power
The Witcher 3 sure did
@JohnRennie I just don't turn on the fan. AC works fine.
The problem is when I go to turn on the light and miss
Have you looked into using the GPU for number crunching? Weren't you doing some big Monte Carlo calculations a few months back?
@JohnRennie I was but those were CPU calculations and not "big"
@JohnRennie I've heard of people selling GPU time but that seems sketchy
However...it would be essentially free for me
@BernardoMeurer: I use a Mac Mini with an i5 as a server and it works really well.
@JohnRennie Oh, I hooked up a bluetooth speaker via aux and am using it
works fine and uses no space
What's the make? Zen something?
I didn't buy it, someone gave it to me
A Zenbre M4?
That's a perfectly good PC speaker.
I don't know the model
it doesn't say
@JohnRennie I did about a year ago and so far don't regret a single penny :)
@Mithrandir24601 Sadly I'm bound by the Be Nice policy
just keep in mind what I said
@0ßelö7 if I had limited space I'd get something like that. If you feel the urge to spend your own money the Anker bluetooth speakers are allegedly very good.
I need to save money
@Mithrandir24601 I'm too old and boring for gaming these days, but if I feel the urge to start playing Witcher 3 I'd seriously consider something like that.
@JohnRennie do you have unlimited money?
get a monster rig with a custom water cooling loop
run the water through an LN2 bath
or do mineral oil cooling
@0ßelö7 I bought one of these to carry with me when I'm visiting family. I hook it up with the bluetooth on my laptop. And it's pretty good.
@JohnRennie the sound quality on this thing is fine, I don't see myself getting anything else until it dies
I really just needed something louder than my monitor's speakers
I have good headphones for more serious affairs
A friend of mine bought a Dell workstation with dual 22 core Xeons, yes 44 cores, for doing finite element analysis.
What should I do if my advisor has asked me to do something, but can't help me with it even a little bit?
Well, his company bought it ...
@lılostafa ask here?
@lılostafa Find another advisor :P
@Blue PhD students will find themselves doing stuff their advisor doesn't know. It wouldn't be research otherwise.
@0ßelö7 :P I would definitely make use of your 1080 ;) (I only have a 980, which is still fantastic)
@JohnRennie One (naive) question: Why is Berry connection sometimes called "Berry Potential"? Is it actually a potential that enters the Hamiltonian?
@JohnRennie So is it natural?
1080 isn't that good because games are programmed awfully
especially when you start to mod them
even non-graphical mods do strange things
Although... I do have use of the Uni's supercomputer :D
@JohnRennie I know. I was just joking. Well, actually I was suggesting contacting other people (professors/researchers) who know how do the task which Mostafa's advisor doesn't. Mailing such people might help. They might even lend him a helping hand (informally).
which probably runs linux
@0ßelö7 aww :/ is it any good for 4k stuff?
@lılostafa I don't know! You're confusing me for someone who understands quantum mechanics :-) But I'm sure the QM guys around here can help. Emilio perhaps?
I don't have 4K
4K monitors are too expensive and I never want to go below 60fps
Q: How to include Berry connection in Hamiltonian?

ChinmayeeWhen we calculate Berry connection, $A(R)=i<\psi(x,y)|\frac{d}{dR}|\psi(x,y)>\hat{R}$ corresponding to the Berry phase of any system, the gauge potential is related to the $R$ of the parameter space. It is not dependent on $x$ like $\psi(x)$ because in the inner product the spatial part is integr...

Atomic mass 22.98976928196 ± 0.00000000194 u
how the hell do they measure it that precisely
In a mass spec
@Mithrandir24601 for some reason Ultra grass kills GTA5
I get 80fps until there's grass, then 30
@BernardoMeurer let me guess, you go to beach regularly? biking too? :)
@JohnRennie That was almost exactly what I was looking for!
Shouldn't the Schrödinger equation have an $i$ before the $\partial_t$? If not, can you comment on the reasons? — Emilio Pisanty May 11 at 12:58
Anyone knows^ ?
Easy to google: "entangled phonons"
Hard to google: "Is there an acoustic version of Bell's theorem?"
(because bells are already acoustic rimshot)
Challenge to chat: which ball reaches the ground first?
(the chain is heavy)
@LeakyNun together, I think. (The chain's tension is zero.)
@lılostafa did you factor in the weight of the chain?
@Semiclassical srsly? have been pondering that myself for yrs, think it is possible, have many leads
@lılostafa What makes you think that the chain's tension is 0 ?
right, it certainly isn't zero
@vzn neat.
the word 'acoustic' is a bit misleading, of course: If all one is doing is classical wave stuff then I see no reason to expect bell-type stuff
on the other hand, if one is working with phonons i.e. quantized lattice vibrations then in principle you're in business.
@vzn This seems like a possible realization of that idea: quantumtechnology.ca/wp-content/uploads/…
@ACuriousMind you might find the above link interesting as well, given our conversation from earlier
@Semiclassical the "problem" with acoustic waves is there is supposedly no transverse wave that could give rise to an analog of "polarization orientation"... however have my doubts about that.
@Semiclassical actually there are a few relatively new papers, not widely appreciated, that insist bell nonlocality behavior can happen in classical systems and therefore the bell test, while maybe measuring presence of entanglement, is not exactly testing nonlocality.
@Blue because it's in free fall
@LeakyNun Yes
@LeakyNun I intuitively feel that the one tied to the stone should fall slower for a variety of reasons. But I won't make any bets as of now. I'll think a bit more and let you know tomorrow.
lol, both people having different answers, both being wrong
It's basically a ball with a massive chain attached to it, compared to a ball.
Do you people not understand that heavier mass does not mean things fall faster?
Btw you need to mention if the height of the ceiling is greater than length of chain + stone.
and we have the third wrong answer :P
@Blue lol, sure
@0ßelö7 Yes it does
@0ßelö7 the heavy chain isn't in free fall
[model it as another object falling half the height]
@LeakyNun ?
[taking the center of mass]
@lılostafa is berry potential what your advisor is asking about?
@lılostafa it is attached to the ceiling
@LeakyNun the right hand part of the chain that connects it to the ceiling is irrelevant.
@LeakyNun It's not as easy as you might be thinking. There will be more than two possible cases to take into account. Don't forget the bending of the chain while it falls.
Unless you have a video of this I won't believe anything anyone says
Newtonian mechanics of things that are not point particles is bullshit.
@Blue I assumed everything is ideal
It's a stupid question unless leaky nun mentions all the assumptions.
49 secs ago, by lılostafa
@Blue I assumed everything is ideal
@Blue lmao you're just mad you don't get it
@0ßelö7 I don't need to. You guys are assuming things to be too simple. A simple model never tells you anything about reality.
He didn't even take the bending factor into account
3 mins ago, by 0ßelö7
Newtonian mechanics of things that are not point particles is bullshit.
but I agree with this principle
Looool blue is so salty
He would make a terrible physicist with that mindset. Good engineer though.
@0ßelö7 Don't worry. I'll be a good physicist. I'd like to discuss the intricacies of that experiment with @LeakyNun tomorrow. :)
I ain't no physicist
@LeakyNun Neither am I. Yet.
Leaky's question was a trickshittery
@LeakyNun The problem with your sketch was that it wasn't clear where the "ground"is. and this is the key factor here. My answer would be correct if the ground was just below the "bend" in your sketch
Y'all know there's a relevant xkcd for this situation, right?
@Semiclassical Of course you're right, since Bell's inequality is a general quantum feature you should see it with phonons like with any other setup, if you can get an experiment that produces entangled photons. I'm therefore confused what you mean by an "acoustic version" of Bell's theorem, since the theorem/inequalities themselves don't rely on any particular feature of the experiment (i.e. whether the QM states involved are photons, phonons, or something else).
@Semiclassical However, if that was just a setup for this joke, then well-done :D
@lılostafa I think it is called a "potential" because e.g. the electromagnetic potential (which is also a connection, but usually called a potential in physics) enters into the phase of states in e.g. the Aharonov-Bohm effect in the same way, i.e. the Berry connection takes the role of the electromagnetic potential/connection in this sense.
More the joke.
The serious question underlying it was to novel realizations of systems with no local correlations
But "acoustic Bell" was too good to resist
@ACuriousMind Another thing: if it's just a phase, why does it make a measurable difference when added to a state?!
@lılostafa You can measure relative phases (i.e. if you have a state $\lvert \psi_1\rangle + \lvert \psi_2\rangle$ and $\psi_1$ shifts by the phase and $\psi_2$ not, then that does change the state)
Taking two steps forward is different than taking one forward and the other backwards :)
(Or taking one step forward and then stepping one to the right, etc)
@ACuriousMind Yes but you could say the same about this "regular" phase:
obtained over an adiabatic process
what is special about the additional Berry phase, that may allow it to have measurable consequences?
(I'm reading this from Shankar, p.592)
@lılostafa The Berry phase is measured over a cycle of a cyclical evolution, i.e. where that phase is zero (if it never becomes zero you don't have a cyclical evolution and the Berry phase is unobservable indeed).
@LeakyNun In my opinion in depends on the type of material used for the chain
The metal chain used in that video had low resistance to bending and thus pulled the right part down
The effect of bending was negligible there
I'll surely ask this question on the main site tomorrow
It's a really interesting one
lol ok
I don't know what that lol was for but okay.
Thanks for sharing the question though.
thanks to veritasium
and random youtube feeds showing me this
Veritasium is a good channel. I liked their double slit experiment videos and spring videos.
@Blue did you see the one on oil drop/ soliton dynamics? went viral =D
@vzn Uh no...link please?
Thanks :)
@Blue my pleasure! =D ... ps it also has double slit in it...
@vzn Could you please tone down the self-promotion a bit? I mean, the occasional link to your blog wouldn't bother me when no other resource says what you want to say, but we're at about 50 links to your blog this year alone and it's starting to feel a bit spammy to me.
For instance, in this case, you could have just linked the video directly.
@ACuriousMind OK thanks :)
@ACuriousMind uh, think you have some point but the blog highly cites/ credits stackexchange, credits people in here, etc, it was used to promote DS/ chat talks, etc. think there should be policy of encouraging blogging here by anyone. if anyone looks up youtube links in here, there are zillions. are (misc) blog links inferior somehow? do you want to crack down on too many youtube mentions? :(
@vzn Is there actually a "soliton" in the video?
@lılostafa (did you watch it?) its a new area of research and the terminology is in the process of being linked up, believe that the oil drop dynamics is very close to soliton dynamics, but unf nobody is "officially" making the connection yet, afaik/ afaict. the blog attempts to explain some of the connection(s) etc
@vzn People are not posting links to their own youtube videos, that's a false equivalence. I feel self-promotion (of non-SE content even more than of one's own SE content) should be done sparingly and with purpose, not whenever it just sorta-kinda relates to the topic and there's much better links one could have posted.
yeah I watched it from the beginning to the end
@ACuriousMind fine, but feel linking to a blog is incorrectly/ unfairly made equivalent to "self promotion" sometimes by SE mods... there is no product being sold etc... its not really "advertising"... typically link to blogs on physics etc...
@lılostafa Try watching from the end to the beginning at twice the speed, there's a satanic solitonic message there ;)
@vzn Currently I'm talking more as a user than as a mod, fwiw.
@ACuriousMind lol
I was thinking why the hell am I so tired at the same time as everyday (1:40AM). I realized that it's [actually 2:40AM](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time !
They're not doing DST switches from Saturday to Sunday where you live?
who are they? I use windows (and my phone) clock
Well, whoever decides DST timings for your timezone, I have no idea
DST switch isn't here until late October, I think
@ACuriousMind personally would like to see other users blog more & channel some of all the copious chat energy into web pages. last blog link was to include physics commentary on the video. write/ chat a lot, only cf blog occasionally wrt chat dialog :|
I'm writing about DRM as a W3C standard for my English course
I hope the teacher understand anything I'm saying
Fortunately DST has not been implemented here :P
WTH I just realized I haven't had dinner yet
Yesterday I tried to cook frozen pasta and I triggered all the fire alarms in the house simultaneously
I'm never cooking again
@BernardoMeurer why can't you be normal?
write about something like social injustice or interpersonal violence
@0ßelö7 She asked me to write about "a problem you're passionate about"
I literally have no passion
@BernardoMeurer Sounds like a life-extending strategy in your case :P
"curvature flow"
I either talk about DRM or I talk about Free Software
@BernardoMeurer What about proprietary malware?
@ACuriousMind did you see the picture of bernardo turning my PC into a potato?
@ACuriousMind Yeah, but that's less current, the DRM/EME debacle just happened
@ACuriousMind It's too hard, cooking is dangerous
@BernardoMeurer eric is pretty annoying
idk why ethan keeps having him on
I agree
total virtue signaler and outrage specialist
I also don't like Joji, he was on Hot ones today and it was really boring
@BernardoMeurer Hot Ones is always r/cringe
sometimes less but always cringe

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