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This needs spam flags:
A: Force of an object "skidding"?

LOGAN PAULyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet @loganpaul.com/shop

@BernardoMeurer how do we know you're not feeding video through that cable?
@0ßelö7 Because that's way more work than running Doom, lol
@BernardoMeurer it seems laggy af
It's a calculator
@BernardoMeurer Skyrim port coming to TI Nspire in 2019
Bethesda getting dat high school math student market
If it runs on Linux I can get it to run
Does Skyrim run on Wine
If it does it could be possible :P
With a large enough USB drive
does the thing even have enough RAM?
No, which is why we need a large USB
to have a huge SWAP
In fact
We could have many USBs with a RAID-0 swap
It'll probably saturate the USB bus though
@BernardoMeurer oh god I have to do cubic splines
@BernardoMeurer can't; have student loans
I mentioned the Big Rip to a cosmologist. Got told it was "crackpot science"
@SirCumference It is.
You gotta appreciate the formal term "crackpot" that has arisen in physics
@0ßelö7 Wait, since when have you known about the Big Rip?
Well I mean, the reasons for it being "crackpot science"
unless you have a regularity condition in your GR claim, I don't believe it
Here's a question I should know an answer to (motivated by a discussion problem for tomorrow)
@Semiclassical Ah, you probably know stat mech well, right?
pretty well
Integration by parts: $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty u(x) v'(x)\,dx =[uv]_{-\infty}^\infty -\int_{-\infty}^\infty u'(x)v(x)\,dx$$
If $uv\to 0$ at infinity then the boundary term doesn't survive.
@Semiclassical Emulating stat mech, if an operator $A$ has eigenvalues $0\le\lambda_0\le\lambda_1\le\cdots$ (repeated according to the multiplicity), we say that the partition function of $A$ is $Z_A(t)=\sum_{j\ge 0}e^{-\lambda_j t}$. Given $Z_A(t)$, how can I extract the $\lambda_j$'s?
@Semiclassical sounds reasonable
To extract $\lambda_0$, take the free energy $ \frac{1}{t}\ln Z_Z(t)$ and note that this goes to $\lambda_0$ as $t\to\infty$.
One can do a similar trick to get the next eigenvalue, but it's not particularly nice.
what if $\lambda_0$ is repeated?
also I'm not seeing how that's true
is there a log rule for sums I'm forgetting?
i mean, the basic trick I'm exploiting is that $Z_A(t)\sim e^{-\lambda_0 t}$ for large $t$ since $\lambda_0$ is the smallest positive eigenvalue.
so I guess I missed a minus sign.
Does anyone know if it's possible to get data from a satellite orbit? Or what program can be used to do something like that?
satellite orbit simulation***
oh, and I should've had Z_A earlier
@Semiclassical Hmm...large $t$
Oh, if I multiply by $e^{\lambda_0t}$ and take $t\to\infty$ it should kill all of the terms except for $e^{-\lambda_0t}$
Right. Same trick.
But that's an easier statement.
Final plunge of Cassini into Saturn will start on 15/9/2017
So I have $\lambda_0=\sup\{a\in [0,\infty):e^{-at}Z_A(t)<\infty \text{ as $t\to\infty$}\}$
and then the multiplicity is the value of the limit
I actually had to deal with a scenario where the eigenvalues $\lambda_k$ could either be real or occur in complex-conjugate pairs, with the first eigenvalue $\lambda_0$ being positive real and having the smallest real part.
@Semiclassical Now I redefine the partition function and do the same thing.
That leads to the 'partition function' having subleading oscillatory behavior with $t$...which is weird.
@Semiclassical So what about integration by parts?
If memory serves, it reflected that the system slightly preferring to have a length which was an intger multiple of a certain length scale
So we love when we can toss out those boundary terms
And that happens quite a bit in the context of 1D quantum mechanics, since in most of the applications the wavefunction will vanish at infinity.
I'm trying to remember, though, if there's an easy example of where this goes wrong and the surface term survives.
@Semiclassical we were talking about this ~1 month ago.
Jul 28 at 1:35, by 0celoñe7
@Semiclassical There are more details than anticipated. The proof goes roughly like this. Using integration by parts one shows that if $\psi\in C^\infty\cap L^2$ and $-\psi''-x^4\psi\in L^2$, then $\psi\in D(H^*)$. One then constructs such a $\psi$ such that $$\langle \psi,H^*\psi\rangle -\langle H^*\psi,\psi\rangle =-\lim_{A\to\infty}[\overline{\psi(x)}\psi'(x)|^A_{-A}-\overline{\psi'(x)}\psi(x‌​)|^A_{-A}]\ne 0.$$
I guess I should clarify: Is there an easy example within common physics applications?
a potential which is unbounded below doesn't really count in that regard.
@Semiclassical Not "at infinity" but you can put boundary conditions on $[0,1]$ to get stuff
you mean, like a particle in a box?
if memory serves, that does actually create some issues when one wants to compute $\langle p^2\rangle$ for a particle in a box wavefunction
since the wavefunction vanishes at the boundary but not the first derivative.
so maybe I can mention that.
@Semiclassical if you define the momentum operator as usual but give the functions the boundary condition $\psi(0)=\psi(1)=0$, the operator isn't self-adjoint
But it is symmetric, so that's neat.
sounds right.
@Semiclassical so unless your kids like functional analysis, that might not be helpful
heh, no.
@Semiclassical I find it interesting how we need horrible $L^2$ functions for the math to work out but everyone always assumes the wavefunctions are $C^1$
nice functions make life easier.
@Semiclassical when doing beamer and inserting \pause, how do you prevent the editor from spawning 100s of slides and making editing impossible?
no idea, i haven't touched beamer in years
do you use powerpoint?
it's more than I haven't had to do presentations in quite a while.
something I'd prefer not to get into, tbh
welp, I can't track down the example I was remembering
oh well
Q: Peltier "saturation" effects

poomptWhat happens when a Peltier cooler is unable to maintain the listed gradient because the cooling required is too great? Specifically, if I have a cooler that is rated to provide 1 Watt of cooling when there is a 100C gradient, and it was the only point of heat transfer between two infinite heat ...

A for effort
what are they trying to fit to?
@3075 Is that obe?!
don't be silly
He's literally had that name before
@user400188 idk, it's just an example
Looked like a bad fit to a fibrillating heart.
@Secret Huh?
yes hello
o, must be a different one then...
@3075 How was Ireland?
Didn't you go away?
Someone here told me you were in Ireland
lmao no
too easy
sorry but you got trolled.
Wait then what happened?
@3075 did you get good?
@0375 Were you Blue?
@0ßelö7 no
it's too early
@Blue people are talking about you...
actually to tell you the truth I logged into my old laptop and it was on sleep mode on the h bar logged into this account so yeah here I am.
it was unintentional
@3075 He's leaving us again
I'll come back someday but not right now.
also @0ßelö7 do you have any advanced linear algebra book recommendations which is a bit more advanced than hoffman/kunze but not insane? since hoffman/kunze is out of print. asking for a friend.
@3075 Com on man you gotta stay
oh, who are you?
@3075 get a pdf of hoffman-kunze
would that be the best option versus a printed version of a different book?
I don't know any other linear algebra books
okay I'll let my friend know :p
what linear algebra could possibly be more advanced than hoffman-kunze
it's 18th century math
@3075 that's esoteric
@0ßelö7 Rusty says hi
@TheBearofBadNews who the hell are you
and why do they keep leaving the room after each message
I'm taking so many courses right now it's ridiculous
I'll probably end up dropping out of a few of the higher ones but I'll attend class anyway for exposure.
@3075 Preaching to the choir on that one >_>
why can't you just do classes like normal people
because I am an insane dude
@0ßelö7 bear of bad news
@GPhys i am procrastinating so hard right now that I just started flossing
@SirCumference you're doing 7+ of your uni's more difficult courses in a semester?
anyway I will probably have to commit to only a few in the end due to time but I'll still go to the rest anyway.
@3075 Eh, 5 of the more difficult courses
oh you people
okay that does seem like showing off but it doesn't really mean anything
anyone can take a course...
but to ace it is a different story
@3075 Yeah :/
@3075 are you ready for my list of problems yet?
give me
okay bye!!!
@3075 I will give you 7 months for one of them
do you want to send it now? because my skype is basically dead forever.
i don't have the e-mail or password since I forgot it.
and I signed out
@3075 Show that $\mathscr D(\Omega)$ with the usual LF topology, is separable.
No hints
okay I only know some of those words but sure i'll save it
cya in 7 months!!!
@SirCumference Who are you??
I dunno how to answer that
Oh wait nvm, you're not him
@ACuriousMind help, this person is scaring us
also I forgot @ACuriousMind hi hope you're doing fine
@0ßelö7 I still need to finish up what I have of this homework and go to bed
@GPhys I have to do a cubic spline by hand
in theory I know how to do it
in practice I'd rather take the 0
it's due tomorrow morning because somebody convinced the professor to make it due 4 days after it was assigned
@GPhys sounds like a dilligent student
what are you doing, you lazy [redacted]
@0ßelö7 What?
@Blue What?
Which people?
23 mins ago, by 0ßelö7
@Blue people are talking about you...
24 mins ago, by Sir Cumference
@0375 Were you Blue?
I thought there was some conspiracy going on....boring....:P
Blue gets on once obe leaves
Conspiracy theory:
As The Past returns, something big will happen in 2020
Perhaps, big enough to finally be able to destroy the Source Code
@SirCumference obe is Indian
That is a lie. and I have no idea how you would conclude that. also you made me reset my password on this comp to log in and say this :p
you have it backwards but yeah, bye!
@JohnRennie time for a benchmark?
Morning :-)
got worse again
@JohnRennie hi
@0ßelö7 I need analysis (multivariable calculus) halp...
@Blue why the ellipses
For differentiability of $f$ why should there exist a function $\phi(h)$ such that $f(c+h)=f(c)+h\phi(h)^{+Ah}$ where $\phi(h)\to 0$ as $h\to 0$ ?
I'm not sure how they got the $+Ah$ stuff up there...
where are you getting this from?
@0ßelö7 Professor's notes :/ I was absent that day...
what is $A$?
Trying to decipher it...
@Blue are you trying to prove the chain rule?
@Blue c'mon
@0ßelö7 How's chain rule related?
@Blue I am wondering why you need that
and need to know before I go to bed so I don't worry
@Rumplestillskin sounds like kerbal space program kerbalspaceprogram.com/en
@0ßelö7 what class is that anyway? Game Development? :P
@vzn quantum cohomology
@0ßelö7 huh, really? what dimension are the splines? what is the application?
@0ßelö7 ok. just remember, "builds character" :P
1 hour later…
I was wondering from a primitive perspective, what is mass, in school we learned it is the 'amount' of something but what is 'amount' when you're talking about things like particles which don't always have mass, things like the photon have zero mass but they exist so what does 'mass' mean. Is it energy?
It seems that mass is basically energy, but Einstein's $e^2=\left(mc^2\right)^2+\left(pc\right)^2$ seems to imply that mass and energy is distinct
Energy emerges from a symmetry of the action called time shift symmetry. For any system that exhibits this symmetry there is an invariant property that we call the energy.
And the energy is related to the mass and momentum by the equation you cite. This comes from the fact that the norm of the four-momentum is an invariant.
So for any system we have another invariant called the invariant mass, that is the $m$ in your equation. You can regard the invariant mass as being defined by this equation.
@Downgoat I'm not sure I would go along with the statement mass is basically energy. The mass is a property of a system just as the energy and momentum are properties of the system. They are related to each other but are all distinct properties.
@0ßelö7 Honest question. Considering how much you read on your own, have you ever found a math course challenging in college?
Hi, everyone :-)
Hello @Kaumudi.H
@JohnR: In At The Deep End is dead, eh? Is there any way to retrieve it at all?
@Kaumudi.H chat rooms get suspended if they aren't used for two weeks (or some time interval of that order). If the room still exists we can ask a mod to unsuspend it, or we can just create a new room.
Ah, nice.
I tried searching for it and it seems the room no longer exists. So you can just create a new room with the same name if you want.
@JohnRennie No, no, it does.
Odd. I wonder why it didn't show when I searched for it. Oh well. As soon as one of the mods appears we can ask them to unsuspend the room.
OK :-)
Are you thinking you'd like to restart the questions about physics?
Yes, but not this week. It will have to be after my exams, which end on next Wednesday, I think.
I will ask a mod. to unsuspend the room after then, how about that?
Yes, or you could just create a new room.
Good luck with the exams BTW. What exams are you sitting?
@dmckee are you around? I see your avatar is live ...
@JohnRennie Thanks :-) They start next Monday.
I'm sitting all of them-ICP, ISE, BEE, Cal., Phy. and EGR.
@JohnRennie I'm up for a few minutes with the baby. What's up.
@dmckee can you unfreeze a chat room taht has been frozen due to inactivity?
Yes, please? _/\_ :-)
@JohnRennie Yeah. Which one?
@dmckee Thanks :-)
Thank you! :-)
On a completely unrelated note, I just want to say how much I loathe the abbreviations '+ve' and '-ve'. And also why young people should stay off my lawn.
Hehe. Why do you hate those abbreviations?
I can see using them in notetaking. The full words are long, but not on Stack Exchange, please.
@Kaumudi.H Just one of those things, I guess. I long since decided not to edit them out, but my finger often itch when I see them.
Right, right, I understand.
@dmckee does that #trigger you
It triggers me, and I don't normally have a problem with it.
::chuckles:: Being a particle guy I prefer the proper Trace=-2 approach to relativity.
There is no other acceptable way of giving oneself the illusion of being productive whilst procrastinating than by organizing one's bookmarks folders:
I just stick all my bookmarks to my bookmark tab
Oh, geez!
Additionally, I also use "sophisticated" tools such as Pocket, lol x'D
@Kaumudi.H are you on the train yet? Or just killing time waiting for the train?
@JohnRennie Oh, no, no, my train isn't for another 7 hours!
I was only joking before for I do have an agenda for these 7 hours, and I'm getting on it.
If you have no agenda, you can just talk in this room, lol.
@BernardoMeurer A guy in the math chat uses sick to mean cool, lol.
@3075 Advanced Linear Algebra by Loehr covers the linear algebra of modules and multilinear algebra and can be read after Linear Algebra by Hoffman/Kunze or Linear Algebra by Peter Petersen.
@BernardoMeurer is that related to the code you were trying to compile a few days ago? You got it to work then?
@JohnRennie No, That never worked
Protobuf screwed me
I assume you've got some acceleration library working since you've compiled the terminal with it ...
That's just OpenGL, that's EZ
The problem is OpenCV
That's the POS to compile
@JohnRennie just help me with this question. I am unable to understand the question.
Question: Unknown mass of ice melts into water at 0 degrees. In doing so, it gains 1 kg of mass. What was its original mass?
@Sid I'm not sure I understand the question.
Unless it means you have to add some energy $E$ such that if you use $E=mc^2$ the $m$ works out to be 1kg. That seems unlikely though.
Exactly. That's the point. It doesn't mention about adding any Energy
Well ice won't melt if you add it to water at 0 degrees.
So.. We add energy so that ice melts?
@Sid We're just guessing. At the moment the question is nonsensical. There must be a misprint or some other information that you haven't given.
Okay so is a dual vector space, $V^*$ a set of functions that allows a vector space, $V$ to exist? I'm so confused about this.
Wolfram alpha just says that it's the vector space of linear functions $f:V\to R$ but I'm not quite sure what that entails.
@CooperCape I can't parse this line. It's just the set of linear functions $V \to \Bbb R$ with a vector space structure.
You think of each linear function(al) as a vector in this space.
I am not sure what's confusing about that, but feel free to ask
but what does it mean by 'dual vector space'?
"The vector space of linear functionals $V \to \Bbb R$"
That's the "dual vector space" of $V$, denoted as $V^*$
is... is that it?
@CooperCape Yes.
I feel like it would be more substantial that that...
but okaay. thanks :p
I am not sure why you would think that.
jusss sounds more jazzy I guess.
If you want simple things to be complicated that's something I guess.
@Sid I think (although agree with @JohnRennie that it's a bit of an odd question) all it's looking for is that ice and water have different densities at 0 degrees
@dmckee I'm with you there
Jun 4 '16 at 13:08, by ACuriousMind
Why do people write "+ve charge" or "+ve direction"? They seem to mean "positive", but "+" does not mean "positi", so why do they append the "-ve" to "+" instead of just writing "+ direction", which would be a shorter abbreviation that carries the same meaning?
@Sid lol...you are still thinking about that question ? :P
@Blue Say, what's happened to that JEE prep. room that S007 created?
@JohnR: My train leaves in 3 hours :-( I'm not sure why I have kept on updating you about this piece of information but bear with me, please :-P

 Problem Solving Strategies

General chat for high school physics. For MathJax see meta.sta...
Nice! :-) I'm glad that it survives...thrives.
The trouble is people keep asking me really hard questions in it :-)
@JohnRennie I see that :-) It will keep your brain from atrophying, at the very least!
I made chocolate cake again, BTW, to take back to college.
Dang, I do miss Doraemon :-/ Wonder what he's up to, these days.
To eat in case of emergencies e.g. having to eat the YWCA food :-)
@JohnRennie Yes :-)
My lunch today will be boring. I need to eat healthily for a bit to shed the weight I put on staying with my Mum.
Ah, 95 more days.
@JohnRennie Ah. Apples again?
@Kaumudi.H Haven't decided yet. Not apples though. I'm out for drinks with a friend tonight so I need something starchy to soak up the alcohol. Rice or pasta probably.
Ah, nice.
Risotto, then?
Probably. I made my vegetable risotto for my Mum while I was staying with her, and she was actually quite impressed.
Wow! Nice :-)
Gah, better do my packing now; I must leave in two hours.
I'll come back later!
@JohnRennie I think Mum shouldn't be capitalized here
@SirCumference I thought the homework for my advanced calculus class was very difficult
My representation theory class almost makes me cry
Other than that, it's pretty easy
The hardest classes are engineering classes
They give you these ridiculous problems and you're expected to know how to make simplifications and assumptions that are not obvious
@BalarkaSen grr
might as well?
@0ßelö7 What specific classes in Engineering?
@0ßelö7 this is similar to astro fluid dynamics :/ Worse is that the assumptions can often be wrong
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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