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Q: Calculation of exponential of momentum operator

Max BorovkovI'm puzzling out the way one can determine $exp(iA)$ operator for an unbounded $A$. More precisely I would like to know, how could I deal with the momentum operator $p_x = -i\hbar\partial_x$. I'm trying to follow the instruction which I learned from Frederic Schullers lectures (https://www.youtu...

@ACuriousMind do you want to leave a helpful comment or should I drop a bomb
@0ßelö7 Why don't you leave a helpful comment? :P
I think all I might want to comment is "see Reed/Simon" :P
@ACuriousMind Because he's doing 1960s spectral theory and I want to interrogate him as to why
@ACuriousMind Have you actually looked at Reed and Simon?
Well, I agree with ZtH's comments that context is lacking for this question
@0ßelö7 Long enough to confirm that Borel functional calculus and all that jazz is actually in there, and no longer :P
Riesz functional calculus
I went to a talk where a guy was doing something crazier, the usual functional calculus didn't work well with what he was doing
I was missing some context because he just seemed insane
@ACuriousMind He states very clearly that he is looking for the easiest way to rigorously define exp iP
@Avantgarde Death grips is great
@0ßelö7 a long list of reasons
about as long as the dumb / poorly formed questions I ask here on a daily basis
@Phase I don't know how to respond to self-deprecating comments like that.
its not really self deprecating man its just honest
come on be honest
I make people roll their eyes most of the time RIP
I never roll my eyes at your doubts, I can assure you.
Like the other day when I was asking if a matrix was the square root of I as if it was actually uniquely defined
Square root of a matrix is tricky.
@Phase Well, and now you learned that it isn't!
how'd that proof thing go?
I don't see anything wrong with that
what proof
@ACuriousMind indeed! I guess my issue is that to me I think I should be learning at a faster pace.
@0ßelö7 the thing you were talking about a while ago? The one that involved a 'more general lemma'
Didn't really get involved at the time, just curious if it's going well or not
@ACuriousMind Did I tell you about my disastrous attempted meeting with our hyperbolic PDE guru?
@Phase I have a bad memory. Unless you give more context I have no clue what you're talking about
I'm usually stuck on a few proofs at any given time
Oh. Well I guess if it's that trivial then nevermind, probably went well and I'm glad : P
@Phase I do think you need to be less hard on yourself. Yes, your questions are often confused, but you usually can be made to understand what was wrong with them and learn something in the process. I've seen far worse.
yesterday, by 0ßelö7
@ACuriousMind I was actually hoping to give a full proof of the lemma, because it's folklore
@0ßelö7 If that guru is the Russian lady, then I read your account of that meeting, yes
@ACuriousMind What do you make of it? Something lost in translation?
@ACuriousMind yeah I've been told I judge a bit harshly but tbf it's not like I'm comparing myself to geniuses, I just believe I should make more progress because I feel like if I don't it's just mediocre. At least when I start Uni a week I'll have a chance for actual structured learning
Here's hoping having metrics to actually gauge if I'm cruddy or not helps : P
So you haven't been at university?
You're too cryptic for us to follow.
Well, not quite no
it's not important tho
@0ßelö7 Sounded just like an old crotchety prof to me :P
OP should check the standard references: Reed and Simon (volumes I and II), Hall (Quantum Theory for Mathematicians), etc. — 0ßelö7 3 mins ago
@ACuriousMind Happy?
oh my god
the rain is coming tomorrow
where the hell is my umbrella
@BernardoMeurer getting hit by part of the hurricane tomorrow
@0ßelö7 Awesome!
Go swim
I might be in for a swim
and it's going to rain through the night so I can't wait it out either
How much of the Hurricane is gonna hit?
Hopefully nowhere near as bad as Florida
Just torrential rains
Not so crazy google search inspired from the crazy combination of time travel + self submitting and writing script + numerical analysis:
Augmented Lagrangian methods are a certain class of algorithms for solving constrained optimization problems. They have similarities to penalty methods in that they replace a constrained optimization problem by a series of unconstrained problems and add a penalty term to the objective; the difference is that the augmented Lagrangian method adds yet another term, designed to mimic a Lagrange multiplier. The augmented Lagrangian is not the same as the method of Lagrange multipliers. Viewed differently, the unconstrained objective is the Lagrangian of the constrained problem, with an additional penalty...
The details of the crazy stuff will available later: Self updating lagrangians and action functional
@Phase found my umbrella
@0ßelö7 maybe rename yourself to something that likes water
@Phase lol think youre really only an amateur at that. & think you have some outstanding questions on QM. if only you really cared about the answers :P which reminds me of this, ever heard of it? :) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoshin
why are all of the papers I'm interested in written in French
I'm gonna start calling manifolds varieties
I want to believe it's zero
@GPhys Is that the energy momentum tensor
nope just some arbitrary tensor defined for a problem on tensor manipulations
It's zero regardless
do $\beta\leftrightarrow \gamma$ and see where that takes you
because of the symmetric/antisymmetric thing I assumed it's zero
@GPhys yes, to prove that, do $\beta\leftrightarrow\gamma$ and set the things equal to each other
then manipulate the indices a bit
@0ßelö7 what manipulations? :< (really the only way I knew how to do this was actually calculating it, but then I barely had enough intuition to guess it was zero)
@GPhys Skyrim one sec
@GPhys do you agree that $T_{a(b}T_{c)d}T^{[bc]}=T_{a(c}T_{b)d}T^{[cb]}$?
since you're just swapping the indices and they're otherwise just scalars
so the RHS $=-T_{a(c}T_{b)d}T^{[bc]}$?
use the definition of $[cb]$
@GPhys which $=-T_{a(b}T_{c)d}T^{[bc]}$
ah so -blah=blah so blah=0
(assuming a field with characteristic $\ne 2$)
adds manipulating the index inside the symmetric/antisymmetric part to toolset
@GPhys just read appendices B, C, and D of wald if you want to learn index notation
do every calculation
you will be good after that
for Stokes theorem see physics.stackexchange.com/questions/237458/… (seriously)
Wald says wrong stuff
okay I will look, we are using Carroll
you mentioned that before
I'm not too familiar with Carroll
Wald is a standard for mathematical people
that was the easy question at least, the other easy-looking one asks for the all-covariant and all-contravariant components of the levi-civita tensor in spherical coordinates (R^3)
there's a formula
(if you know linear algebra)
It's involves some determinants
I found det(g)= $r^4\sin^2\theta$
and I think I worked out the formula in terms of that, just convincing myself I'm correct right now :P
Need to revise how to change basis in tensors
probably multiplying it with some suitable change of basis tensor
@Secret why? It's not something one really ever needs
Probably thinking too much about components and linear algebra...
But it does make me wonder...
If we are doing some calculation in one coordinate system and need to transform the result to another, there should be a way to do so?
e.g. going from rindler coordinates to schwartzchild coordinates after calculating some frame depending quantity at the vicinity of black holes
because if everytime we want to translate coordinate dependent results from one frame to another, it seems very annoying to recalculate everything when we switch coordinate systems
But actually, I am not sure, given how under coordinate transformations, the christoffel symbols do have a lot of nonlinear partial derivative terms
so perhaps recalculating the result is just as intensive as simply transforming it
@JohnR: YES, I was able to book a train ticket back to Kerala!
@0ßelö7 did you see the new pewdiepie drama
it's kind of serious this time lol
@0ßelö7 get to figure out this one yet, but these are just getting into normal Linear Algebra i.imgur.com/qge6Vu1.png
@Kaumudi.H Good :-) At least the journey back won't be too painful.
pretty sure for the remaining questions as long as I can convert whatever he's asking to usual maths Linear Algebra language I can figure them out
@BalarkaSen i did
racist is not a good adjective to be put in front of you, especially when you're already a nazi
bet this's gonna cause major defamation
@JohnRennie Not at all! :-) AC too!
@BalarkaSen I don't think saying that word makes you racist
@BalarkaSen Man, what's happened now? :-/
@0ßelö7 I agree.
But the way he delivered it is going to give him hard time
@Kaumudi he said the n-word on live stream, in a way that might be perceived in a derogatory fashion
@BalarkaSen rinku?
That man.
@0ßelö7 what?
@BalarkaSen Am I racist because my first thought is "so?"
@BalarkaSen oh, you're too young
do you have a link to the vid
@0ßelö7 shrug man
@BalarkaSen I watched the video
which one
where he says it
well it's everywhere
harmless, but people are going to go apeshit
@JohnRennie Thank you, BTW :-)
do people really not understand the difference between saying a slur when playing a game and going on hate marches
@0ßelö7 whether or not it's harmless is debatable, i don't have any opinions on this. i would watch the drama though
idk about other people, but that was a pretty common word when I grew up -- in both countries
@BalarkaSen it's a word.
lol pewdiepie + disney, accident waiting to happen! :o o_O :P vzn1.wordpress.com/2017/03/06/…
@0ßelö7 sure
Crap, I forgot to copy my PDE notes to the correct notebook
@JohnR: Chocolate ice cream for breakfast, BTW! :-) I'm LTD!
i don't get triggered by the n-word but i do think the style of how he said it might come off as offensive to people
@BalarkaSen I find it hard to believe that anyone is legitimately hurt by a word said in a non-racist context
How he said it? He wasn't chanting it at a Nazi rally
@Kaumudi.H eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die go back to college :-(
like idubbbzTV's slogan is literally "n-word f-word" which I find pretty amusing
but i can't root on the harmlessness on this one
@0ßelö7 ps whos that in your av?
@0ßelö7 I don't think that it is possible for me to have a proper conversation about this but I am interested to know how one is to know that it was a non-racist context.
shrugs man. i would just sit out and watch the drama
@Kaumudi.H wait is it sunday?
@0ßelö7 Monday here.
@Kaumudi.H He was playing a video game
@Kaumudi.H piediepie is like an internet comedian. did anyone hear of andrew dice clay? not much )( difference.
@vzn I can't say. People would flag it.
I mean he was playing a videogame
@0ßelö7 ?!? its just some dude right? celebrity? not pewdiepie?
@BalarkaSen Louis CK says it on stage all the time
@vzn His name is a combination of two slurs
@JohnRennie is allowed to say one of them
you m-f m-f n-f
but that's because it's a food in the City of England
@0ßelö7 @0ßelö7 someone flagged this post. Want be to delete it?
@JohnRennie ...
Oops, not sure why there are two links there ...
This chat is insane
@0ßelö7 lol you have at least 1 thing in common with pewdiepie. always testing/ pushing the boundaries :P
@0ßelö7 Right, how does that make it any different from using racial slur in other everyday contexts?
Ok never mind the flag has cleared so presumably the flag was marked invalid.
@vzn I don't believe in the concept
@Kaumudi Look, using the n-word doesn't make it racist; Pewd's delivery was a bit weird sounding to me
@0ßelö7 lol yeah right mr boundarypusher
It's true that the word has been a racist slur for 300 years but people can use it in non derogatory fashions too
An LHC upgrade with scitillation fibres to track the trajectory of particles to reconstruct their initial states
@Kaumudi.H If it's not directed to someone of that race, it's not a racial slur. Context matters.
but won't prolonged exposure will damage them?
@Secret ?!? yikes physics wtf :P
Hmm. Having experienced no racism myself, I can't possibly comment on whether someone who has would be offended by it.
these hints are more mysterious than the questions themselves
@0ßelö7 i dunno you can argue P said it as if he was offending the sniper there lol
@0ßelö7 the point is that pewdiepie uses the work nigger in a derogatory way. He clearly wasn't being complimentary when he used t.
and then news articles will go off on a tangent that if he slips the n-word in a derogatory way on live streams you never know if he uses it publicly in real life that way
@Kaumudi.H not too familiar but wasnt gandhi partly all about racism issues?
He is calling someone a nigger specifically to insult them.
That's mostly my beef with that word there
@vzn Well, yes, in some sense, but that is no longer a going concern.
But yeah I have no strong opinions on this either way. I am going to watch the drama for the week though
@Kaumudi.H unf racism is deep in human nature and evopsych studies confirm it...
@vzn Erm, what point are you attempting to make, exactly? :-P
@Kaumudi.H uh wait, there needs to be a point? o_O
Uh, 0celo got chat-banned
How strange
this idea of "using words/ slurs in a (non)derogatory way" reminds me of weird concept of so-called "reclaiming"...
Wokay, I'm going to eat some more ice cream and watch some videos created by this absolutely magnificent channel for a while.
I need ice creams
but I don't have one
It is interesting to note how the concept "racism" is itself controversial within philosophical circles
You need plural ice creamS? :-P
@Kaumudi.H ah yes if only 0ce stuck to math 100% of the time instead of 99.5% hed be safe.
@Kaumudi.H If I click that will I find Vsauce? I don't want to click on cancerous channels
@BalarkaSen Jesus Christ, man.
No, you will find a channel centered around abstract Math, called Infinite Series.
No, man, I can guarantee that the vibe of this channel is completely different from Vsauce.
Why dya dislike his channel so passionately?
@BalarkaSen Oh, my.
@Kaumudi.H (thx) :) its some cool stuff what do you watch/ like there anyway
Lol, np :-)
@Balarka: Oh, BTW, that channel had me discover the fact that if I do pursue CN, I will need to learn a heck of a lot of Topology.
@BalarkaSen lol uh let me guess... video of crystal meth production?
@Kaumudi.H Cool!
Video in question:
I actually heard of some topological robotics while talking to a guy in the workshop
Maybe that's relevant
@BalarkaSen Oh, wow!
On a related note, I also happened to read this article about the advent of A.I and it blew my mind just a little.
Law of Accelerating Returns etc.
Is neural networks at all related to cognitive neuroscience?
@BalarkaSen Lol, yes, 100%.
Ok, then you'll probably face lots of cool math
Yes, I will! :-D I'm excited!
You should teach that stuff to me
Oh, I'm sure that you will be learning even more advanced crap at C.M.I.
Not cognitive neuroscience surely
Ah, right, no.
@BalarkaSen Surely, when I get there in a few years' time.
@Kaumudi.H Ah yes I know this one
The video or the concept?
The discovery and a little bit about the math behind it
There's some nontrivial topological ideas involved there
Cool! When I discovered the video, I wasn't in a place to pay full attention to it, because of which I didn't watch it till the end and saved it for later. Later is now.
PBS sponsors some great shows on YouTube, BTW.
@GPhys post doubts and I will see in the morning
Bye everyone.
Bye :-)
has no idea what is going on
Goodnight :-)
@Kaumudi.H Nice. If you want I can tell you a bit about what homology actually is (which I suspect shows up in the video).
That's how they detected 11 dimensionality of whatever simplicial complex (generalization of "graph") they came up with
@GPhys what
with these questions, I mean :D
Ok so put your doubts here and I will take a look if you want
this one I'm not even sure how to do what he wants even if I could show the hint i.imgur.com/qge6Vu1.png so I moved onto the other ones for now
Ok I don't know why I'm still up
on this one I'm still trying to understand his map :D i.imgur.com/ChFeq93.png
Any math questions can likely be answered by @BalarkaSen
@GPhys V is a vector. Awful notation.
Ok sleep 4 realsies now
but e_(1) isn't though?
What's the english word for when one has the control of a field
In the current geopolitical arena, where the main battle is for technological ...
@JohnRennie Use your british powers
yeah just trying to understand what $\mathbf{g}(V,e_{(1)})$ is
@BernardoMeurer where the main battle is for technological supremacy
@JohnRennie Exactly
You're the man
In my day schoolchildren were taught to speak proper!! :-)
I was super excited because I though my college essay was free theme-wise
But it's about the worth of college
and I had some super nice ideas on an essay about death
So now I'm struggling to get this done in the next hour for delivery
Can someone understand what's going on here? ^
In quantum mechanics, the particle in a one-dimensional lattice is a problem that occurs in the model of a periodic crystal lattice. The potential is caused by ions in the periodic structure of the crystal creating an electromagnetic field so electrons are subject to a regular potential inside the lattice. This is an extension of the free electron model that assumes zero potential inside the lattice. == Problem definition == When talking about solid materials, the discussion is mainly around crystals - periodic lattices. Here we will discuss a 1D lattice of positive ions. Assuming the spa...
And not $$\beta^2-\alpha^2=\frac{2m(V_o)}{\hbar^2}$$
@BalarkaSen Could you help? :P ^ Some weird mathy stuff going on
These days I mostly reside in maths chat because I don't have much physics to discuss. Interestingly, the spontaneous response probability also drops with that, thus the lack of the feedback loop result in increased residence time in the maths chat
The residence time in h bar will rise again once I get back to quantum
@JohnRennie Synonym for "Personal growth"?
@BernardoMeurer Why not just say personal development? I can't think of a synonym that does any better.
@JohnRennie That's what I just did :P
@JohnRennie They told me to conclude with a "thoughtful concluding sentence" so I ended with "As said sir Mix-a-lot ``I like big butts, and I can't deny'' "
What's the context? What are you writing?
@Blue I can't figure out what the symbols are
@BernardoMeurer "England is my city"
@JohnRennie About whether college is worth it's cost
@BernardoMeurer bear in mind they have seen thousands of examples of students attempting to be witty ...
What? I do like big butts!
And I can't deny it!
Unless you are a comic genius I'd be inclined to write something fairly anodyne and straightforward.
I know, I know, I'm just fooling around
I'll come up with a "thoughtful concluding statement" in the next couple minutes
"Marx debunked the idea of university education YEAAAARS AGO!!! FOREVER RESIST CAPITALISM BABY"
Ended with
"The choice of getting a degree is under more fire now than ever before, and yet it is still intrinsically valuable. Graduating is an enlightening and molding experience, that has shaped many of great women and men of this nation. "
i see some wahmen respecting there
do you not know the respect wahmen memes
come on man
I'm old
I do know this meme

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