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but... but there is non-green lettuce too
:: german minds blow ::
@AccidentalFourierTransform Red Lettuce = Roter Salat
Use GT man
chat not loading
and me seeing someone say oatmeal and raisin cookies
@Blue Now I want roter Heringssalat. :-|
@Loong Hm, I've never been clear on whether that's just Kopfsalat or any kind of Blattsalat
@Blue GT?
google translate
@ACuriousMind If we only had a stackexchange site for such questions!
Haha, first question I see: Warum reitet Merkel auf einer Wurst?
is that something to do with sausages?
What is herring salad?
Is it made with potatoes or something?
@CooperCape Yes
@Blue No, with herrings and red beets.
once again German GCSE coming in strong
Herring are forage fish, mostly belonging to the family Clupeidae. Herring often move in large schools around fishing banks and near the coast. The most abundant and commercially important species belong to the genus Clupea, found particularly in shallow, temperate waters of the North Pacific and the North Atlantic Oceans, including the Baltic Sea, as well as off the west coast of South America. Three species of Clupea are recognised, and provide about 90% of all herrings captured in fisheries. Most abundant of all is the Atlantic herring, providing over half of all herring capture. Fishes called...
This ? ^
Yes, it's a popular kind of fish
Typically more beloved in the North though
Oh, cool. I never saw the usage of the word salad for a fish based item
It's tasty?
Never heard of tuna salad?
@ACuriousMind Nope. We just call it tuna
lol, tuna salad is not just tuna, it is salad+tuna
@Blue Tuna salad is one way to prepare a dish with tuna, these things are not the same
how on earth does $\delta_{ii}\delta_{jj}$ (i,j = 1,2,3) = 9? where $\delta$ is the Kronecker delta.
@ACuriousMind and now explain Matjessalat :-)
@CooperCape Well, do you understand why $\delta_{ii} = 3$? (There's summation convention implied!)
is it (1+1+1)?
i=i so $\delta$ = 1?
oh wow
I think someone is serial-downvoting my answers.
yeah that makes sense now... I just wasn't connecting the delta and the summation... just thinking of it as an identity matrix :/
@DanielSank Why?
@DanielSank yes, it looks like that :-S
(not why do you think they do that, but can you point me to some instances that make you suspect that?)
@ACuriousMind I don't get downvotes too often... then today I get three across two different sites. It just doesn't make sense.
If you give me some leads I might be able to investigate it and possibly do something about it
You fought with someone ? :P
@Blue Not that I know of. However, what constitutes a "fight" in my mind differs considerably from what constitutes a fight in the minds of others. Just ask @SevenSidedDie.
Oh that's interesting, they're downvoting my questions, not answers.
@DanielSank Reminder: Downvoting questions is free, downvoting answers costs 1 rep.
So if there is indeed serial/targeted downvoting going on, this would be the expected pattern if the downvoter values their rep.
It just seems weird to get zero downvotes for three months, and then suddenly get three across two sites.
I don't care about the rep. Six rep don't mean no thang, but it just seems odd.
If it is targeted downvoting, that is cause for concern regardless of the rep. Thanks for bringing it up, if you find these downvotes disappear at some point in the future you'll know you were right ;)
Ever tried rose tea?
You stick rose petals in hot water, wait, and drink.
It's delicious.
Never even heard of it
If I drink tea, I stick to simple Earl Grey like Captain Picard ;)
Rose petals? I wonder how'd they taste....
@Blue Taste like roses smell. Wonderful.
@ACuriousMind Hmph. No herbal tea for you, eh?
mmmm green tea, so good
Ever had hojicha?
I need to try eating a rose petal :P
Hōjicha (ほうじ茶) is a Japanese green tea. It is distinctive from other Japanese green teas because it is roasted in a porcelain pot over charcoal, whereas most Japanese teas are steamed. The tea is fired at a high temperature, altering the leaf color tints from green to reddish brown. The process was first performed in Kyoto, Japan, in the 1920s and its popularity persists today. == Description == Hōjicha is often made from bancha (番茶, "common tea"), tea from the last harvest of the season; however, other varieties of Hōjicha also exist, including a variety made from sencha, and Kukicha, tea made...
BTW I like coffee much more than tea
I like pizza more than steak, but I still like to hear about good steak.
@DanielSank Lol, why are you getting worked up :'D
Currently making bourbon-soy beef
With rice and roasted carrots
@Blue ~sigh~ am I worked up?
DS is very argumentative :-P
I just said that "I like coffee more than tea". I never said that "I don't want to hear about good tea"
This conversation is on its way to hell, so I'll step out.
black tea with honey is good, but hot chocolate is best of all.
@AccidentalFourierTransform AM NOT! you're wrong!!!!111!
Oh, please
@ACuriousMind Feldsalat gibt es nicht in English
Chill :)
@DanielSank yup
@heather Agreed
@0celóñe7 What a shame
I'd trade anything for a cup of hot chocolate!!!!!
Genmaicha (玄米茶, "brown rice tea"), also called brown rice green tea, is the Japanese name for green tea combined with roasted brown rice. It is sometimes referred to colloquially as "popcorn tea" because a few grains of the rice pop during the roasting process and resemble popcorn. Although today it is consumed by all segments of society, this type of tea was originally drunk by poor Japanese, as the rice served as a filler and reduced the price of the tea; which is why it is also known as the "people's tea". It was also used by those persons fasting for religious purposes or who found themselves...
@Blue get a Keurig
@0celóñe7 Are those good?
bourbon > all
@Blue I have one and use it 3+ Times a day
Coffee in the morning, coffee when I get back, hot chocolate at night
Oh, need to buy one...lets see :D
There's one in The office that I use a lot too
@0celóñe7 good beer > all
With good Scotch a very close second
@Blue Ok well, trading a few dollars for it is pretty easy.
@ACuriousMind Beer and tea are good for very different things, IMHO.
@DanielSank AFT and 0celo7 started with the alcoholic beverages, but I agree with you
Although as an underage person I must say that I have never partaken in the devil's swill
I forgot. 0celo is 10 years old (or 13?)
Mar 13 '16 at 15:55, by 0celo7
@ACuriousMind I had one glass of bourbon with my dad last night
Oct 22 '15 at 1:12, by 0celo7
I'm a hypocrite
@ACuriousMind By "had" he probably meant he "had" a glass of bourbon in his hand but did not drink it. XD
why are we talking about coffees and shit
@Blue yes
get cocaine yo
He and his dad were holding a glass the previous night and were just staring at it without drinking it :'D
That sounds like him
You were just holding the flask in this example then, too?
Mar 15 '16 at 0:36, by 0celo7
@ACuriousMind Kentucky whiskey in a Jagermeister flask, I'm truly a bilingual man.
@ACuriousMind Hmm. 2016? That doesn't make much sense
I got that flask for high school graduation
@0celóñe7 I know
Funnily enough, your only mentions of hangovers relate to my hangovers :P
@ACuriousMind you're creepy
@ACuriousMind what?
@ACuriousMind because I never mention when I'm hung over
They are never proud moments
Not that I could get hung over of course
> I didn't even know what "unitary" meant
I am surprised by that.
My opinion that Feynman is overrated continues to solidify :P
well, his calculation was correct and it agreed with Schwinger's so theres that
I think Dirac was more my sort of people
and Schwinger, definitely
Feynman had way more sex than any other physicist
Not overrated
"There is no God, and Dirac is his prophet" - Wolfgang Pauli
@0celóñe7 He bragged more about it than any other physicist. Suggesting a lack of modesty :P
Oh please
You damn physicists
The prophet is Einstein
ehem, his cousing, ehem
Newton was the only modest physicist.
uh, what?
Newton was a jerk.
(and by no means modest)
he died a virgin and he considered that one of his greatest achievements
@AccidentalFourierTransform GoT has made me appreciate such things
I meant modest in a different way
::groans:: i need to stop taking things the normal way =P
@0celóñe7 The prophet of what though
GoT is for kids
you can't be modest about A if you do not have A
I wonder if people would watch GoT if not for those scenes. I won't say it has a bad storyline, but heck! So many other tv series also have great storylines which are not half as popular.
@ACuriousMind same thing Dirac is I guess
that's not what modesty means
I wouldn't agree to watch GoT even for a bag of yage
life is too short to be watching shit
@0celóñe7 Einstein wasn't as clear an atheist though. Pauli's remark was made because Dirac seems to have been a pretty firm atheist contrasted with the more mysticist leanings of e.g. Schrödinger or Heisenberg.
@Blue People also read the books, and they're certainly not titillating most of the time
@ACuriousMind The books aren't that popular at all.
A very small set of people read the books compared to the set of people who watch the series
(I'm saying from my experience i.e.)
@Blue Huh? Maybe not in the general population, but they're pretty big among those who read fantasy novels to begin with.
@Blue But for a book series it's incredibly popular
@Mithrandir24601 Ok, we can say that though. BTW I've heard the storyline in the show is a bit different from the books
@Blue It is; the show has actually progressed beyond the books' storyline as of now
there are too many shit fantasy novels out there
twilight is one
It does change a bit, here and there, but GRRM is happy with it and has said that there are things that he would have changed in the books if he was to write them again anyway
@BalarkaSen I won't dispute that, but there are also good ones
i don't disagree
Just like with every other genre :P
Ugh, twilight...phew
@ACuriousMind Nah, stoner literature is one of the things that is rarely bad
@BalarkaSen I disagree :P
@BalarkaSen Sturgeon's law is applicable here. Though I have less tolerance of crappy fantasy than crappy [certain other genres].
@dmckee Hah. Well, I feel like most of the half-scifi or fantasy literature/movies the popular culture embraces is melodramatic pseudononsense. That might just be my opinion but
It feels good when I see a good writer having good opinions.
@BalarkaSen Oh, well that is easily explained: most people have very poorly tuned taste; they simple can't tell the good stuff from forumulaic pandering to their desire for excitement and titillation.
That sounds about right.
@BalarkaSen For semi-random (in my opinion) good examples of these genres: Sci-Fi: Watch/Read The Expanse, read the Culture novels by Iain M. Banks, read Redshirts/Old Man's war by Scalzi. Fantasy: Read Sanderson, especially the Mistborn trilogy
I think you personally might especially enjoy the Culture
The ability to criticize certain aspects of a favorite authors work and praise some aspects of works they don't care for is a good marker for a more nuanced approach.
I vaguely remember hearing the name of Iain M. Banks. Thanks for those suggestions!
I'll bookmark it.
@BalarkaSen Banks (may he come back from the dead to write some more) is good not just in SF, but also in his more mainstream works. (Published under the name Ian Banks without the middle initial.)
@BalarkaSen Among the overwhelming trend towards cyberpunk and dystopias, Banks is a rare example of engaging stories written in an utopian context. Though one can question how utopian the Culture actually is.
@dmckee Right, he was not just a SF author! The Culture seems to have been very close to his heart, though, according to his interviews.
@ACuriousMind Meh. Banks simply points out that people aren't utopian. Give them perfect material security and a nurturing environment and some will still find ways to be unhappy.
@dmckee This sounds like a concept right out of Dostoyevsky.
@BalarkaSen And of course I shouldn't forgo recommending Pratchett to you in the realm of fantasy. Another late author who turned delightfully satirical especially in the later installments (I wouldn't recommend starting with one of the first books)
One of the observations in Notes that I love and adore.
@BalarkaSen Wouldn't know. I've never ventured to try the Russians beyond a some Chekhov. Can you suggest a manageably sized start work?
@ACuriousMind (and @dmckee) Thanks a lot. Actually I have been wanting to find a way into science fiction lately, I know very little of the works there beyond the classics.
@ACuriousMind That right. Skip The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic until after you've come to know the setting.
@dmckee Ah. Notes from The Underground is exactly the kind of thing you might be looking for.
@dmckee Nah, I think mostly of the question of how Contact and SC fit into the utopian pattern: They are dangerously close to being secret police, and they influence the fate of worlds and even entire empires (see Player of Games) without clear necessity
@dmckee Yup. I read these first and was turned off. Then a friend forced me to read the Vimes novels and I was blown away. I've been a Pratchett fan ever since.
@ACuriousMind That's people again. They—as a group—are happy neither intervening directly nor leaving evil that doesn't affect them to it's own devices. So they are always trying to finesse the issue.
And the Minds just have the same issues in spades.
And of course, that whole question has been very topical for 'western civilization' over the last few decades.
The minds - and especially their naming patterns - may be my favourite depiction of AIs I've ever seen
...and now I realize that the "Mind" in my name may fuel the suspicion of being an AI for someone familiar with Banks' calling AIs "Minds".
It's very interesting. Most authors avoid story telling from the POV of superhuman intelligences. Banks just makes them like mostly benevolent Greek Gods: possessed of the same foibles but on a monumental scale.
Maybe it's a little bit of a cop-out or maybe it's a ballsy philosophical statement, but either way it is an effective storytelling track.
@dmckee I think it's a statement about consciousness - they have to have human foibles in order to feel things comparable to human happiness or contentedness, which are what the Culture's hedonism values
Heh, funny you mention that. I think one of my most favorite points of views of story telling is from the point of view of unhuman (that's... a word?) objects, or at least stories which revolve around objects which cannot be reduced to human understanding.
Sort-of SciFi related. Have you watched Rick & Morty?
I have been recommended to lol
Should I?
It's pretty good
don't stop watching until you've finished
The first few episodes can feel a bit lackluster, but it really picks up
yeah true
s2 is great tho
And the commitment to continuity is amazing - in contrast to almost ever other series of this kind, all actions have consequences that aren't forgotten in the following episodes. One of the few series where Status quo is god is completely averted
I don't need to watch another show
Next in line is the Sopranos
I watched s1 and 2 in the same day I found it...
@ACuriousMind Was Paul an obnoxious atheist?
@CooperCape Same here.
Exactly it's great
@0celóñe7 He seems to have been notorious for being an atheist, but since I'm not a historian I can only speculate. I'd wager he simply was one of the few atheists around at that time when most of the other physicists either were vague deists or appropriated Eastern mysticism, and so when discussion about such things erupted, he had to be very vocal. Maybe he was just obnoxious though, I don't know.
@ACuriousMind To be clear -- I am using obnoxious as an adjective, not a perjorative.
@JohnRennie Gotta move this PC back to school
@0celóñe7 I don't see how obnoxious can be anything other than a pejorative adjective (these things don't exclude each other)
@AccidentalFourierTransform Cool. anything that shows that's remotely accurate?
@ACuriousMind I know, I don't know the right word for it.
@AccidentalFourierTransform I am getting motion sickness from that
@0celóñe7 Well, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Do you mean something like "outspoken" by "obnoxious"?
@ACuriousMind Nah, I stand by obnoxious. The adjective/perjorative thing is not right.
Then I'm really confused by what you want to say. I mean, it clearly is negatively connotated, hence pejorative.
@ACuriousMind Consider liberals. There are some people who think all liberals are stupid, so "stupid liberal" just means "liberal"
But for many people, a liberal does not have to be stupid, so a "stupid liberal" conveys more information
There are people that think that way about atheists
@0celóñe7 You realize that that's not really a helpful analogy because "liberal" means something entirely different over here? :P
@ACuriousMind The left and right think the other is stupid no matter where they are
How does that break the analogy :P
Unless you're talking about classic British liberalism
@0celóñe7 I mean it's unhelpful because the corresponding stereotype you're alluding to might not exist on my side
In any case, does it make sense?
@ACuriousMind Replace with socialist then.
Or stupid --> racist and liberal --> Trumpette
I'm just saying that I don't think all atheists are obnoxious
Trumpette is a nice new word
Added to my vocab :D
But if you're famous for being an atheist...well
@0celóñe7 Okay, so what does it mean when you apply that label to an atheist?
@ACuriousMind People like Dawkins who intentionally pick fights with/troll religious people.
I am not religious by any means btw
I like to think of myself as Christian fundamentalist though
I mean, my speculation is that, possibly in the after-hours, religious/spiritual discussions erupted regularly at conferences at that time. Dirac, as one of the few atheists, may have become sort-of notorious for taking the atheist stance in these discussions, perhaps because he also liked arguing with people. Does that make him obnoxious?
@ACuriousMind Ok, I buy your point that he was one of the few atheists so he stood out.
But there are some crazies today like that guy from New Mexico Univ., can't remember his name
@0celóñe7 I really dislike "definition by example" because there are several things I dislike about Dawkins but I don't know which one set you off :P
A physicist
Or even if one of the things I dislike is one of the things you mean by "obnoxious"
@ACuriousMind You don't have to tell a mathematician that's a bad way to define things
I thought what I was saying was intuitively clear to you but if not, then there's no issue
It's not really relevant then
@0celóñe7 Thought so ;)
@ACuriousMind Ok, I guess I could refine my question
Was he the Dawkins of the day
Pretty sure he wasn't by any measure (didn't write popsci books about his field of expertise, didn't write books about his atheism, didn't get invited to speak about atheism rather than his expertise)
@ACuriousMind Logical follow-up: was there a Dawkins of the day?
@0celóñe7 I don't know
A few decades earlier there was Robert G. Ingersoll, though.
@ACuriousMind Huh, don't remember him
@ACuriousMind the GoT subreddit has people going through the previews looking for spoilers
pretty crazy what they find
1 hour later…
@Avantgarde Hey
I listened to the Sunset In The 12th House song you gave me, just wanted to say I liked it so much
Ah you're gone darn
The avantgarde doesn't stay long in one place :P
hahah true
@ACuriousMind How do I watch Rick and Morty
@0celóñe7 Netflix, for example
@vzn Is 9pm next Tuesday an OK time for the AMA?
@Mithrandir24601 In principle every time is okay for an AMA if we announce it
@ACuriousMind Fair enough then... I suppose that means that I've got to write a meta post...
9pm GMT next Tuesday would be 4 hours after our regular chat session ends, if I am not mistaken
And yes, if you want to do it at that time you should write a meta post ASAP - I think we usually had the meta post up more like two weeks in advance, but I'm not sure how necessary that was
OK... I'll get it up tonight...
@ACuriousMind $\det A\le (\mathrm{tr}\, A/n)^n$?
@0celóñe7 No, there are traceless matrices with non-zero determinant.
@ACuriousMind $A$ is symmetric and pos-def
Probably follows from diagonalization and some algebra
Oh, wait
the determinant can be negative
It actually took me a while to find the 'ask question' button :P
Okay, so by diagonalization this is the claim that $\prod_{i = 1}^n \lambda_i \leq (\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i)^n$ for all positive $\lambda_i$.
For $n=1$, it is the claim that $\lambda \leq \lambda$, which is true
For $n=2$, it is the claim that $ab \leq \frac{1}{4} (a+b)^2 = \frac{1}{4}(a^2 + b^2) + \frac{1}{2} ab$, so $2ab \leq a^2 + b^2$, which is true since $a^2 + b^2 - 2ab = (a-b)^2 \geq 0$.
Seems like it is true
I think you can get it from multinomial expansion of the r.h.s. in general and forgetting a bunch of terms since the $\lambda_i$ are all positive
@ACuriousMind Yeah, was just wondering if you had a quick way
@0celóñe7 'fraid not
@ACuriousMind So it doesn't follow from Newtons formula or anything
@0celóñe7 Oh, I think it might follow from some characteristic polynomial magic
@Mithrandir24601 generally think its better to ride on the standard mtg but that time should be ok, also recommend at least 1 wk lead time on the meta announcement, so thats ok if you post soon. glad you havent forgotten, havent forgotten here either :)
@vzn I think Jim's AMA (which also wasn't at the usual chat session time) didn't go noticeably worse than the AMAs that took the standard time slot
Other time slots might even attract people who otherwise cannot attend the chat sessions
@vzn Can't do the regular meeting time for the next 1.5 months unfortunately :/
@Mithrandir24601 Just do what time suits you, then
@Mithrandir24601 yeah didnt phrase that totally unambiguously. am fine with any time myself, just encourage reuse of the standard mtg where possible. thx again for following thru! :)
@ACuriousMind How long do I wait for the "getting Windows ready" screen until I do something drastic?
@0celóñe7 I don't know what the "getting Windows ready" screen is (I still use Windows 7)
@ACuriousMind when you turn it off and it does the updates
it's not installing them
the disk is being accessed
is it doing disk repair?
What do you mean "it's not installing them"? How can you tell?
@ACuriousMind oh, nvm
as usual asking you fixes the issue magically
it was stuck on the update screen for 30 mins
Hm, it would be time to change my avatar again. Who should I be next?
may I suggest certain buddhist symbol?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Only characters from RPGs, please.
@ACuriousMind I'm leaving Weinberg QFT at home
I no longer have a need for it in my life :'(
@Qmechanic Did you mean to link to one of the top results instead of the Google search itself?
@ACuriousMind : The google search to prevent link rot.
Ah, so the historians in a few decades can still reconstruct what this joke was about. Gotcha ;)
@Qmechanic you actively think in terms of link rot?
@ACuriousMind Einstein is young so by the time Imgur dies I can take another picture
@0celóñe7 Not sure if you're pessimistic about the internet or optimistic about your cat there ;P
Phew... Done:
Q: Ask Me Anything: 22nd August

Mithrandir24601I'm Mithrandir24601 (if it's not obvious, that's not actually my real name. Finding my real name is left as an exercise for the reader :P Bonus points for those who know both origins of that username) and I have, for some unknown reason, been asked to do the next AMA. Owing to other commitments,...

@Mithrandir24601 Yay! You might add that that post is for soliciting questions in advance, though
@ACuriousMind That better?
@Mithrandir24601 yup :) Now to decide what questions I want to torment you with...
oh, sweet, i can actually be there for your AMA!
=D =D
::rubs hands:: I'll have to prepare some questions.
@heather So can I :P
Oh dear...
@Mithrandir24601 what?
@heather I'm not sure if I'm more terrified of getting questions or not getting any questions :P
@Mithrandir24601 you'll be fine.
I did an AMA, and it was pretty scary, but I didn't die, so all was well.
you are an adult, so you will probably do better, because you know what you're talking about =P
@heather I do?
I might have more experience in pretending that I know what I'm talking about...
you have, y'know, degrees and things
and you are in college
and doing research
@heather I dislike the concept of programming. Python is a symptom of a disease.
=( has Bernardo heard you say this?
@heather trying to do research. Still really good fun though :)
@BernardoMeurer see above
@Mithrandir24601 Ah, good old impostor syndrome
@Mithrandir24601 I got you some questions right now ;)
@heather Did you make cookies?
@ACuriousMind When you say applications, do you mean 'What uses will it have' or 'how will I simulate them'?
@Mithrandir24601 I mean "why are you interested in simulating these specific Hamiltonians?"
(I like the questions though :) )
@ACuriousMind gotcha
@ACuriousMind not yet
i'm feeling lazy
and reading
and there is already dessert in the house.
@Mithrandir24601 I try to make my technical questions relevant and the non-technical questions at least discussion-triggering ;)
@ACuriousMind Yeah, certainly looks that way :)
(that was a smile of half-nervousness, by the way :P)
so, uh...
hmm, i thought arxiv one-boxed.
has anyone found the error in it? (I presume there is one?)
@BalarkaSen Sorry yeah I come and go. It's a nice band. You could have a look at the full album too (called "Mozaic")
it's written by a legitimate researcher, it seems...
Q: Ask Me Anything: 22nd August

Mithrandir24601I'm Mithrandir24601 (if it's not obvious, that's not actually my real name. Finding my real name is left as an exercise for the reader :P Bonus points for those who know both origins of that username) and I have, for some unknown reason, been asked to do the next AMA. Owing to other commitments,...

@Mithrandir24601 Heh, you'll be fine. :)

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