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@JohnRennie ok, I probably seem really paranoid, but cut me some slack please
Overclocking is all good fun as a way of passing the time, but I'm not sure it's worth it. You're going to get small improvements at best, and from what you've said the CPU hasn't been maxing out anyway.
there are LEDs on the mobo that are now off
wonder why they were on in the first place
@0celo7 which LEDs?
What does the mobo manual say about them?
reading right now.
it was right above the CPU socket
not the EZ debug lights
nothing in the manual
@JohnRennie I restarted and it came back on.
You could ask on the MSI forums I suppose. Or you could just ignore it, which is what I'd do :-)
Is there anything written on the mobo by the LED?
@JohnRennie there are three LEDs
also there's one under the GPU that is constantly on
I'm only curious because it turned off over night
If MSI can't even be bothered to document what the LEDs are for I wouldn't be too worried about them.
@ACuriousMind is it not a little suspicious that Ciri was able to just kill two of the crones?
Why couldn't Geralt kill them in the swamp?
@0celo7 Although her fight don't show it that much, Ciri is much more powerful than Geralt could ever be.
(Also, it's not really clear to me whether they are dead, or just their corporeal form destroyed, possibly only temporarily)
@ACuriousMind Much more powerful? Why didn't she fight the Hunt general?
I thought she couldn't control her powers at this point
@0celo7 Well, the setup was kinda made so that both had to happen simultaneously - fighting one before the other would have warned the other.
So Geralt and Ciri each had to fight one
@0celo7 She can't control all of them, but she has some measure of control - Avallach taught her, after all.
@ACuriousMind But the general (can't remember his name exactly) said he was expecting them
Well, expecting Geralt at least
@0celo7 Imlerith, and yeah, I didn't quite understand why he'd expact them. IF they were expected, splitting up to fight him and the Crones separately doesn't make much sense to me
I was thinking Irileth but that's Balgruuf's housecarl :p
@ACuriousMind he said the Crones saw it in the water
@0celo7 Ah, well, that doesn't undercut my reason for why G&C split up - they couldn't know the Crones could prophezise that, and hence wanted to maintain the surprise
@ACuriousMind I'm not disagreeing. But wasn't Imlerith the stronger foe?
@0celo7 I don't think so. The Crones were a set of ancient spirits that had controlled Velen for centuries. Imlerith was "just" an elf, albeit a powerful one.
Yeah, wtf is with the Hunt being just elves
Latest plot twist ever
@0celo7 Not...actually a twist, since Geralt actually knows that from the beginning of the game (it's written in the character entry for Eredin or in the glossary for the Wild Hunt, I think)
@ACuriousMind I know, I read the glossary.
BUT the opening cinematic calls them wraiths
Everyone calls them wraiths
Yeah, because most people have no idea the Aen Elle exist
No spoilers pls. I just got back from the Aen Elle world for the first time (maybe I go back, just clarifying if that's the case)
Q: View counter: which is correct?

RumplestillskinI noticed one of my questions has a different view count from the main Physics.SE homepage? Which view count is correct? The one displayed in the question itself or the one on the homepage? For e.g. the question in question (nice!) says 2K views on the homepage and 1,544 views when you open the...

@ACuriousMind so what's with the symbolism?
Why do these super advanced elves wear creepy ghost armor?
@0celo7 I'm not sure whether it is ever explained, but I think they're wearing them for the effect it has on their opponents - they know that it looks creepy and will make at least some run away in fear of "wraiths"
hey guys
does anybody offer me a good reference on Fock space?
@Kiarash I'm not sure there are references specifically for Fock spaces, but at least some of the books on QFT and/or condensed matter will certainly explain them. Is there something specific you want to know about them?
@ACuriousMind please take a look at the topics of this book (which has not yet released): worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/10367
I have almost the same thing in mind
but it's not comprehensive
Ah, I see
@JohnRennie So...I'm gonna have money again in a week. SSD or second monitor?
Or should I chill
@ACuriousMind do you something in mind?
@0celo7 If you have money again, you should save them.
@Sid I think that would depend on how much money
Buy an SSD and install Arch in it
Well, saving money isn't a bad thing...
@Sid I could save 2/3 of the money and still have enough for an SSD. Maybe a monitor too
Depends on the monitor too
You could save all the money and buy your thing later when its price falls.
@JaimeGallego Bernardus was saying I should get one of those SSDs that plug directly into the mobo
The PCI Express ones, yeah
@Sid Wha? It's not something you want to wait. I'd have to move the OS
That probably gets harder the longer I use the PC
If the PC dies now it's not a tragedy
If something catastrophic happens to the current hard drive, that is.
@JaimeGallego Uh, no
M2 or something
My small mobo only has one of the large PCI slots. I have a small one free, but it's right by the GPU, would block cooling.
I'm assuming you just stick it in there...
@JaimeGallego a nice 500GB SSD...
Imagine the power
An SSD makes a huge difference to the speed of the PC.
250 GB SSD + HDD is sufficient. You would regret spending extra for a 500 GB one.
It's only $80 more. Why wouldn't I get it?
@JaimeGallego Remember modern games are big.
@JohnRennie I have a very fast SSD in my laptop
I notice the difference
A 256GB SSD is going to fill up pretty fast.
Ah yeah, the games
I think I am using ~800GB on my current HDD.
My laptop has around 900GB
@0celo7 I wouldn't build a PC without an SSD these days. It makes such a big difference to the speed that it's always worth it.
All the computers I use (even my servers) have SSDs.
@JohnRennie Are you telling me I should get it sooner than later?
@JohnRennie I keep only my OS on the SSD and the games on the HDD, I don't think it's necessary to have the games on the SSD. It might improve startup times but the disk is generally not the bottleneck.
Is OS swapping feasible?
Still, I only have four demanding games or so which benefit from being installed on the SSD.
@0celo7 Swap to what?
@Sid Read the conversation
If you're going to fit an SSD you really need to wipe the PC and start afresh.
I was told you can swap
What do you mean?
what do you think I mean?
Choosing to load one OS or another.
No, why would I do that?
Why can't I just put everything from my hard drive onto the SSD, then boot from the SSD and make it the primary drive?
Copying files is easy, but an OS is not just copy-and-paste.
I assume you would have to unplug the HDD prior to the installation of the SSD.
Because of the Windows license
Back up the files and uninstall Windows on one, then install it on the SSD and copy the backup.
@0celo7 Yeah, as I am reading, it would be fine with both drives connected as long as you don't have Windows installed on both.
@JaimeGallego Who are these people on r/PCMR who use 144Hz monitors?
I have one of the best GPUs out there and get nowhere close to that
Partly bragging rights, partly because games like Counter-Strike are much more lightweight.
So you can push them to 200 frames or more
My laptop has a 120Hz screen, I think. I played Morrowind for a while and got 120fps. It was something.
@JohnRennie I might buy an SSD right now if I can figure out the OS thing. Are you sure I have to uninstall Windows first? I spent a lot of time downloading shit on the current PC.
I will lose literally days of downloading time if I have to delete everything.
It might be possible to get windows transferred to the new disk, but you risk ending up with an unstable system, and Windows is rickety enough at the best of times. If you want a stable reliable PC the best way to achieve this is get the installation perfect from the start.
I guess I won't get an SSD then
The effort you put in doing a full new installation now will repay you over the years you'll be using the PC.
No, I just lost a week of work if I have to delete everything.
If you're happy with the startup and game loading speeds then the simplest solution is not to bother with an SSD.
I'm not happy, but I'm even less happy that I was led to believe this would be an easy thing.
Who led you to believe that?
Jun 25 at 19:45, by Jaime Gallego
Do not wait for an upgrade to buy an SSD. It's a bitch to uninstall the OS on one disk and reinstall it on the other.
Key word "uninstall."
We are now not talking about an uninstall, but a complete delete.
@JohnRennie In classical mechanics friction can't be classified as an applied force as it does not satify the condition $$\begin{align}
\sum_i \mathbf F_i^{(a)} \cdot \delta\mathbf r_i = 0
\end{align}$$. Am I right or missing something?
We are?
I think there's some miscommunication going on here, then.
To install my copy of Windows on a new hard drive, it has to be removed from the old one, no?
@Blue Uh...what are the $F_i$ and $\delta r_i$ there, and what is your definition of "applied force"?
@0celo7 you can leave the Windows files on the old disk. They won't do any harm - just take up space.
@JohnRennie What about programs like Mathematica, Matlab, etc. that I had to get licenses for?
@0celo7 They will need to be reinstalled and relicensed.
Fucking hell
@ACuriousMind As in here ^
In your place I would leave things as they are for now, let my bank balance recover then revisit the disk swap in a year or so.
@JohnRennie My bank balance is fine
In a year it will be an even bigger pain in the ass
Anything could happen. You might decide you don't like the new PC or you might decide to get a faster CPU or video card.
In a years time SSDs will be cheaper, and bigger.
Getting a 1TB SSD will allow you to put all the games on the SSD, but right now 1TB SSDs are pretty expensive.
Ryan is right on that point, though. The more time, the more effort needed for a full migration.
Or, if you eventually get an SSD bigger than your current hard disk you can simply clone the existing disk onto the SSD. It's easy to clone a disk to a bigger disk but much harder to clone it to a smaller disk.
@ACuriousMind Any idea?
@Blue I'm not sure what your question is - the paragraph explicitly says that the principle of (zero) virtual work does not hold for sliding friction. What's the question about that?
"let $f\in C_0^\infty(K)$, where $K$ is a compact subset of $\Bbb R^n$"
What does that even mean
@ACuriousMind Yes, so it that the only reason that friction cannot be classified as an applied force? What about other kinds of friction other than sliding friction?
@Blue I'm not sure what it means to "classify a force as an applied force" - if your definition of "applied force" is that the principle of virtual works holds for it, then sliding friction obviously is not an applied force, but I don't know what your definition of "applied force" is.
And yet, the principle holds for rolling friction (as the text you quoted say explicitly) and for static friction (for the same reason it holds for rolling friction).
@0celo7 Probably vanishing on the boundary?
@Danu I think it's $\{f\in C_0^\infty(\Bbb R^n):\mathrm{supp}(f)\subset K\}$. Now, that could be a $\subsetneq$...not sure. It's the boundary I'm worried about, yeah.
Vanishing at the boundary is the obvious way to make sense out of things to me
@Blue friction is a non-conservative force.
@JohnRennie how much cheaper and how much bigger, d'you reckon?
It converts work into heat in an irreversible way, so you can't integrate frictional forces and expect to get a potential energy.
@EmilioPisanty No idea. 1TB SSDs are pretty routine these days, though expensive in the UK thanks to the fall in the pound (thanks BREXIT), so in a years time I'd guess 2TB SSDs will have descended from their current stratospheric pricing.
@JohnRennie Ah, makes sense :)
@ACuriousMind Thanks. I think I got it now!
@JohnRennie goodness, yes, that 1TB to 2TB price increase is quite remarkable
I keep hearing rumours of new memory technologies that will reduce SSD prices, though I haven't seen anything concrete yet.
3D NAND sounds promising
@JohnRennie and c'mon, it's not that bad, at least in the formal conversion
you could even argue that brexit marked the end of a fairly steep consistent decline and led to a reasonable stabilization
@EmilioPisanty How would you like it if all the tech you wanted to buy was suddenly 20% more expensive?
@JohnRennie that bad, huh
it's hard to gauge how bad the on-the-ground stuff is doing from abroad
@EmilioPisanty I haven't done a rigorous study, but it feels as though things have gone up a lot more than 20%. 256GB SSDs were approaching £50 before Brexit and they are approaching £80 now.
@JohnRennie =/
Possibly my memory is misleading me on this, but they have certainly shot up a lot.
Brexit is the gift that keeps on giving
There you go. That's an order I placed just before Brexit.
@JohnRennie yeah, that's just before the whistle blew
@JohnRennie Lay it on me straight
What should i do
@JohnRennie Censor that address John
That's Amazon right now.
@JaimeGallego wow what a creeper
i didn't even notice it
@JaimeGallego My address isn't secret. I'm in the phone book so anyone can see it.
@JohnRennie if an analysis book shows up at your door, will you read it?
My remaining lifespan:no. books I want to read ratio is beginning to look scarily low.
@JohnRennie Modulo the beards and the weird-man-mustache, your face looks like Shinichi Mochizuki's
@0celo7 I'm an infosec guy :P
@JaimeGallego you're in high school
you're a high school guy
That too
Ah, excellent, the lego Saturn V is not in stock but there is a notification site for when it comes back isinstock.com/lego/…
Anyhow, the point is that in the UK SSDs have gone up 40%
@JohnRennie what do I dooooo
@0celo7 just leave it for now.
If the disk speed starts really bugging you then come back to the issue. Otherwise carry on enjoying the gaming.
@JohnRennie Well, the disk speed doesn't bother me. It's just the overall responsiveness is much better with an SSD
opening programs, etc.
If it was me I'd get the SSD and resign myself to the pain of reinstallation. But then I quite enjoy reinstalling PCs.
I probably reinstall my main work laptop at least once a year.
@JohnRennie Sigh.
I'll do it.
500 or 250?
If it was me I'd buy a 1TB SSD.
Ugh, a 1TB SSD is expensive.
Yes, it's expensive, but 500GB disks fill up surprisingly quickly.
Maybe wait for either the 1TB SSDs to get cheaper or your bank balance to go up.
I have a 1TB drive in my laptop with two 500GB partitions.
@JohnRennie Ok you can stop talking about my bank account
I have enough money for many SSDs, that doesn't mean I want to spend it...
@JohnRennie I think 500GB is good, assuming I can use my 2TB as backup storage. Is that possible?
@0celo7 In this context bank balance means freely disposable income. Even I don't spend all my money on computers :-)
@JohnRennie Can I use Keynsian economics to justify spending $400 on a hard drive?
Free your mind! You don't need to justify spending $400 on a hard drive :-)
@JohnRennie I could justify $180 for the hard drive, then $XXX on a 144Hz g-sync mofo monitor
(I would wait on the monitor)
@0celo7 Absolutely. Use the HDD for files and the SSD for MATLAB et al. and some games.
@JaimeGallego In theory I would put the three or four that I currently am playing on the SSD
How much space do they take?
Witcher 3 is like 50, Ass Creed Unity is like 50, Far Cry 4 is 30 (?)
I might get Battlefield 1 if I can find people to play with, that's 60
That's 200 GB of games right there
So I would need the 500GB.
Fallout 4 is 100GB
I want to replay that
Then put it on the HDD
@JaimeGallego The loading times are measured in minutes with my current setup
4k textures are no joke
You gotta choose
Pick the ones that need the performance boost most
Then throw the rest on the other drive
Either that or a) not playing games, b) spending $$$.
Eh, the $80 more for the 500GB drive doesn't bother me.
But the $180 jump for the 1TB drive is a lot
$180 more than the 500Gb, that is.
I certainly wouldn't get the 256GB disk. That's too small and you'll quickly regret it.
@JohnRennie Says the man who owns 27 laptops.
A: Are there examples in classical mechanics where D'Alembert's principle fails?

QmechanicGiven a system of $N$ point-particles with positions ${\bf r}_1, \ldots , {\bf r}_N$; with corresponding virtual displacements $\delta{\bf r}_1$, $\ldots $, $\delta{\bf r}_N$; with momenta ${\bf p}_1, \ldots , {\bf p}_N$; and with applied forces ${\bf F}_1^{(a)}, \ldots , {\bf F}_N^{(a)}$. Then...

"sliding friction, that we (for some reason) don't count as applied forces of type 1."
Is the reason = sliding friction is non-conservative?
@ACuriousMind Need some help with this: "The principle does not apply for irreversible displacements, such as sliding friction, and more general specification of the irreversibility is required." Which are the forces which produce irreversible displacements? Do all non-conservative forces produce irreversible displacements ?
Hi, everybody.
@0celo7 This is why I stick to Nethack and Super Nintendo.
For a few MB I get some of the best games ever made, and can play them on my phone!
i want to revise my physics knowledge
any sources you would recommend ?
@igor At what level?
Middle school, High school, undergraduate, graduate, etc...
i am a highschool student studying for ipho
@igor Start with the physics galaxy website then. It's great.
@igor Change to "global accent" if you can't understand the "Indian accent".
i would prefer a read
@igor I used the Resnick Halliday book during my high school. Not really upto the mark.
I don't really know another theory book at the Olympiad level
you can recommend undergrad
Undergrad physics topics are mostly way beyond the Olympiad level.
In IPhO the major topics are Newtonian Mechanics, Fluids, Thermo, Electromagnetism, Optics and Modern Physics
And some Relativity also
Look up MIT's undergradute physics syllabus along with their book recommendations if you want. But remember that you will be mostly wasting your time with those books as they are mostly beyond IPhO level.
@igor What are you trying to learn?
"I want to revise physics" is rather broad.
Start at the beginning, obviously
with Archimedes
Levers and pulleys!
The start is unit and dimensions :P Followed by error analysis XD Good topics to deter one from studying Physics...lol
@Slereah I need a programmer
I'm in bed
It will have to wait tomorrow
@Slereah I need you to teach me how to code for GPU
i want to run a simulation on my gpu
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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