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@Mostafa Lol. I tried installing the 32 bit version on my PC. Over 10+ virus attacks in under 1 minute. Trojan+Adware+... lesson learnt: Never use piratebay to download free software!
@Blue MATLAB is free?!
@JaimeGallego The pirate bay version is free
But DON'T download it!
Everything's free if you try hard enough
Thankfully I had installed anti virus on my PC. Otherwise I'd have to buy Windows 7 again XD
It would work with the same key if it's the same mobo (assuming you've got an OEM version).
In fact, it would work with other computers through not-so-honest methods.
It downloaded UC Browser on my PC and I'm not being able to delete it! :O
Nuke the disk and reinstall.
@JaimeGallego Nuke? How?
Ah, that's the problem, you're using Windows.
@Blue There are tools to format the whole disk, but make sure to write down your product key and other details before that.
And also read up on the tools themselves, they can be quite dangerous.
Case in point:
Darik's Boot and Nuke, also known as DBAN , is an open source project hosted on SourceForge. The program is designed to securely erase a hard disk until its data is permanently removed and no longer recoverable, which is achieved by overwriting the data with pseudorandom numbers generated by Mersenne twister or ISAAC. The Gutmann method, Quick Erase, DoD Short (3 passes), and DOD 5220.22-M (7 passes) are also included as options to handle data remanence. DBAN can be booted from a CD, DVD, USB flash drive or diskless using a Preboot Execution Environment. It is based on Linux and supports PATA ...
Uff...finally uninstalled it. Typical Chinese malware. >_<
Uninstalled, ha
McAFEE going strong :)
@JaimeGallego Dangerous if you're concerned about the data, I suppose. But it's not like this software is going to cause a hard drive to explode in your face.
@DavidZ If you're using an SSD, for example, all of the I/O activity can render it inoperable.
Or. at least. shorten its lifespan.
Still, that's dangerous only in terms of data loss, not dangerous in terms of physical harm
Well, not to you. I guess it's dangerous to the disk.
@0celo7 Are you saying you don't believe me?
@JaimeGallego My PC seems stable now. Only problem is google search isn't working but all other sites are loading :O!
How does the virus affect google search :/ Strange!
It probably is some underhanded shit the program added to the DNS or the interface config.
Do the rest of sites work?
Ah, I didn't read through the whole message.
Ya, all other websites are working. Just the google ones aren't working. I can't even open Gmail!
For example Stack Exchange is working and I am currently typing here...
My experience on Windows configuration is limited, so I don't know much about how to check the hosts file. You might try to ask @JohnRennie about this.
@JohnRennie Help! :P
Your hosts file is probably at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. Check to see if there's a line in there listing www.google.co.in. If there is, delete it.
@DawoodibnKareem I can't imagine a serious analyst doing a double integral in the \iint sense.
Then today, you've learnt something.
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
@DawoodibnKareem Nope. Host file doesn't list google!
@Blue OK so that's not the problem.
Turned on TLS. Doesn't work.
5 messages moved to Trash
Hi chat
2 hours later…
@Blue: I'm around now if you want to have a look at the problem
@Blue: I've read back through the chat log and seen that the problem was caused by you installing virus infected software. If this was my laptop I'd wipe it and reinstall. You don't have to buy Windows again as you can reuse your current key.
@0celo7 This is.... not true? Iterated integrals are a thing; they just turn out to agree with "double integral"/Riemann integral over an area because of Fubini
Did you see what was moved to the trash? @BalarkaSen
1 hour later…
I just realized that another benefit of the boundary term of the gravitational action is if the spacetime isn't orientable
Since the integral won't be defined on the whole manifolds
Too bad I'm'going to school
I have a book with a chapter on gravitational shielding
Hint : it's fairly cumbersome and violates the NEC
@0celo7 can't sleep?
Damn Lubos
Stealing my internet points
get real points in school
@Slereah: Too bad I'm'going to school - you're going back to university?
school is a subset of university
even worse
Cantor is very proud of you
I'm doing some web development class
To eat food
Ah. Not as much fun as a PhD but needs must.
web development is the real shit. who even cares about theoretical physics
is it me or are you being a bot more than you usually are
fine, be that way :P
Q: Is there a way to get my question answered if it is marked as a duplicate?

Frank I have a question about my Physics Stack Exchange post: Is the normal force conservative? The question was marked as a duplicate. However, as I explained when I first asked it, the answer to the "duplicate" post was unclear and contradicted my previous knowledge. I was merely bringing up an...

Hey, everyone :-)
@Kaumudi.H Hello again!
Oh, hi! Long time. How goes it?
@Kaumudi.H Pretty good, thanks - I've had a week of relaxing at home and it was definitely relaxing :) So, back to work today and back to talking to potential PhD supervisors. How goes it here/with you?
Ooh, that's nice! :-)
I am doing OK, thanks! Been binge watching Netflix and reading a lot. Definitely relaxing :-)
That's good :) Enjoy it while you can!
Thanks! :-)
> n the 1980s, early desktop computers were subverted by a sophisticated array of computer viruses for malicious fun
Name me organism(s) which will harm members of their community not for dominance, for survival, but for fun
(Actually, is fun a valid motivation for bullying...? since most cases I know the underlying reason is mainly to demonstrate dominance and controll, or as means of retalitation)
Sounds a bit like a psychopath
I am trying to access dmckee and Dawood's points on the issue on the following:
Although it probably depends on exactly what 'malicious fun' means
17 hours ago, by Secret
> Of all organisms on the planet, ONLY human beings are known to deliberately harm each other for pointless reasons
That was my argumet
shortly after dmckee and Dawood proposed the following counterarguments:
9 hours ago, by Dawood ibn Kareem
@Secret Many species of birds bully each other. Hence "pecking order".
13 hours ago, by dmckee
@Secret Eh? Even seen video of ape or monkey societies?
13 hours ago, by dmckee
They have all the same social $#!? that you experienced in high school, only with more body hair.
12 hours ago, by dmckee
@Secret Monkey B gets beat up by monkey A for some minor transgression. After a short sulk B goes looking for a more junior monkey and on finding C beats him out of the blue.
12 hours ago, by dmckee
Hard to find something more along the line of 'just because I can' than that.
All these points are valid and typical of bullying scenarios in humans too, but I am not sure if animals are capable to have the concept of psychopaths
I think one good way to define malicious fun is something much worse than amensalism in ecology:
Recall that amensalism is a symbiotic relation between two different communities such that one becomes harmed (e.g. decrease in viability or population) while the other is unaffected
A classical example is the penicillin mold and other bacteria. The mold produce penicillin, which end up killing and preventing other bacteria to colonise the area around them, but does not really give any advantage to them
> Amensalism[edit]
Amensalism is an interaction where an organism inflicts harm to another organism without any costs or benefits received by itself.[5] A clear case of amensalism is where sheep or cattle trample grass. Whilst the presence of the grass causes negligible detrimental effects to the animal's hoof, the grass suffers from being crushed.[citation needed] Amensalism is often used to describe strongly asymmetrical competitive interactions, such as has been observed between the Spanish ibex and weevils of the genus Timarcha which feed upon the same type of shrub. Whilst the presence
Some weeks ago, there's a philosophical discussion in the philosophy society I was part of on the issue on morality. It appears that if an agent is not consciously thinking about whether its action is moral and thus decide whether to do it, then regardless of the outcome of their action, morality actually cannot be applied to it
@Secret this feels very much like the difference between murder and manslaughter, to an extent
Or thinking about it, maybe not... ::shrugs:: I do physics, not philosophy :P
@Kaumudi.H did you see my lunch from yesterday? :-)
@BernardoMeurer Wanna see some weird shit?
@Secret That's only if you believe intent matters at all in morality (e.g. deontologists in the vein of Kant would very much say it does matter), but if you don't, the internal state of the agent does not affect the morality of an action at all (e.g. most forms of utilitarianism).
@JohnRennie Thanks for the help. However, I found out that I can perform "System Restore" and set it to a few weeks back. I performed that and now it is fine as before! :) I need to install a stronger anti-virus this time. McAfee couldn't prevent the attack. Any suggestions?
@Blue The problem is that viruses and malware mutate so fast these days that no AV can keep up. All of the AVs will give you only partial protection and it's down to you not to commit digital suicide by installing hookey software! :-)
I use AVG, but I doubt that would have done much better than McAfee did.
@Blue There's really no such thing as a "stronger anti-virus", they all mostly do exactly the same. The best protection is not installing viruses. :P
There's our evidence of "Great minds think alike".
But the system restore will have cleared out any trace of the virus so you'll be fine now. The Chrome problem was probably because the malware installed a Chrome add-in to redirect Google requests to its own malicious site.
@JohnRennie lol, yeah. Never ever gonna use pirate bay again!!! :P
@JohnRennie It didn't even re-direct. It simply blocked Google related sites somehow!
Not only Chrome but also on Internet Explorer
Pirate bay has its uses (allegedly :-) but you need to be very careful about installing software you've downloaded from it. Especially popular software like Matlab. Niche software is less likely to be infected.
if you install Matlab and get a virus, then you got two viruses
"The Pons Asinorum or Bridge of Asses theorem states that in an isosceles triangle, α = β and γ = δ."
bridge of asses
@Secret I didn't mean to imply that bullying among birds is pointless; but I don't understand why they do it. I assume there's a point to it that's too subtle for me to grasp. But it certainly happens (I keep fancy pigeons).
What does pointless mean anyway
@Slereah Google Translate gives "donkey", not "ass" for "asinus", and "asinorum" is the genitive plural. Either way, it's nothing to do with bottoms.
it's still amusing
@DawoodibnKareem "ass" can also mean donkey, not only the buttocks, so there's nothing wrong here (and I think Slereah knows that but still finds it funny :P)
Silly ass :-)
As u may know "ass" means donkey in the Queen's English
What the Americans call "ass" is actually "arse"
Some time later, I need to do this blind to be sure that it is not hindsight: Is it possible to determine what art is produced by machines and what art is produced by people?
Currently for me, (With the possible involvement of hindsight), AI art differs from human art in that their style have this "grid like" feeling at the interface between any two distinct patches of colors, creating some kind of lensing or bifrigerance effect. Otherwise, it looks like a recognisable picture overlaid with a mask tailored to a certain art style
@JaimeGallego: Juno?
@BalarkaSen David Byrne might just be the sexiest man alive
I don't like St. Vincent though
1 message moved to trash
That's a bit too close to the edge for me (not that I'm a St. Vincent fan).
I like what I heard from the album. David Byrne just kicks ass.
horns on rock n' roll threw me off a bit
@JohnRennie Saying "Screw you" to an artist is too close to the edge?
I'm not attacking her personally, I'm attacking her work
i.e. I didn't say "Screw you Anne Erin Clark", but I directed it at her music persona "St. Vincent"
I think saying screw you to a female is borderline regardless of who she or what she does.
Oh for god's sake
Because she's a woman I can't say screw her? If it was Jimmy Paige I could say "I don't like Jimmy Paige, screw him"?
I'm erring on the side of being nice. Just let it go.
@BalarkaSen I listen to a heavy metal band that replaced all the guitars with saxophones lol
jesus christ
You called?
@BalarkaSen It's insane
I have it on vinyl
It's a little bit warped tho :(
But annoyingly I have all the dirt cheap and really powerful Dell laptops I need.
@JohnRennie Find me a thinkpad
Why a thinkpad?
Not that I have anything against Thinkpads.
Here's my problem:
I have a dope ass audio system
That is on the opposite side of my room as my desk
Which means I can't really use it when I'm working
The solution: Use a cheap computer as a media server on the network
so that I can control it from my work machine
Use the builtin DAC at first, invest in something better in time
Sounds reasonable so far?
That's pretty much what I do.
You can turn it on when needed using wake-on-lan and RDP into it to tell it what to play.
So I figured maybe I'd get one of those old, pre intel ME bullshit, thinkpad, get coreboot/libreboot on it an ba-bamm
@JohnRennie Exactly
Though I use a Mac Mini because it has a very good DAC built in.
Yeah but Mac Mini is $$$
The trouble is that older laptops tend to be noisy.
When I use my IEMs, which have very high sensitivity, on my Dell I can hear the noise
But these IEMs are super sensitive
Laptop design really got into its stride about the time the 3rd gen i3/5/7 processors where released i.e. around 2013. I'm not sure i'd buy anything earlier than that.
There are loads of cheap netbooks around, because no-one wants netbooks any more
Netbooks are horrible
They're just laptops.
They're tiny
And the keyboards were horrible
@JohnRennie What year is your mac mini?
I have an Acer netbook with an Atom CPU of some form that I use essentially as a giant USB stick. It's fanless and has a SSD so it's completely silent. The keyboards are naff, but you're never going to be using the keyboard.
Lol, giant USB stick
Basically yes. A 256GB USB stick :-)
It's light enough that it's no effort to carry around and it has a 8 hour battery life. It's no speed demon, but with an SSD it's fast enough.
@BernardoMeurer Enter the Microsoft Surface board-with-buttons-painted experience :)
@BernardoMeurer My Mac Mini is the last generation that had DVD drives. 2010 I think.
@JohnRennie That's right.
@JohnRennie ebay.com/itm/…
They are very nice machines. With an SSD they are virtually silent and even with only a Core2 Duo they are plenty fast enough to run Kodi.
But, that's already at $195 and will probably sell for nearer $300. Do you really want to pay the Apple tax?
@JohnRennie Probably no
I also have no money right now, so I dunno what I'm doing :P
An i3-3110 is fast enough. It uses about 15W and with an SSD will be completely silent (unless you load up the CPUs)
@JohnRennie Now that you mentioned the Mac Mini I think I'll search for something in that form factor as opposed to a laptop; then I can just hide it away
There aren't that many Mac Mini sized PCs.
A raspberry pi!
With a good DAC!
@JohnRennie Is that i686?
Not stunningly fast but fast enough for a media centre
I have one of those Dell 3020m PCs (with an i5) and they are very nice little boxes. Effectively they're a laptop but without the screen and keyboard and in a square box.
I'm still inclined to just get a Raspberry Pi 3
All the media stuff runs on ARM
Pair it with a nice DAC like that
Buy it John
That's with a 3GHz i7!
You know you want it
Just think about it
One more laptop
I've already got one :-)
It has a fingerprint scanner
I like those, they're dope
The last time an E6230 was going cheap I succumbed to the temptation to buy it. It's now sitting unused in my cupboard.
Perhaps it's lonely and i should buy a second to keep it company :-)
I have an idea!
The fingerprint scanners on those Latitudes don't work very well though.
I've been needing to cross-compile the kernel a lot lately
To test my calculator linux
You should set up a distcc build farm for me :P
@JohnRennie @dmckee github.com/mortdeus/legacy-cc
They're fatshaming the muon
Why on earth is this HNQ?
Q: Relativity question (at least I THINK it's a question)

CompanyDroneFromSector7GIf I understand it correctly: given 2 bodies travelling at different relative speeds, time will appear to run faster for the faster moving of the two, from the slower objects perspective a single light photon will be seen to be moving at the same speed for both because although the 'distance tr...

$\uparrow$ well, that is a good start
Probably because there are a lot of people "self-studying QFT" with the same question.
@ACuriousMind srsly?
@ACuriousMind Does "Be Nice" apply to people not here? What I mean is, must I be nice to my Analysis professor here?
@EmilioPisanty Yes, srsly...
@ACuriousMind HNQ is bizarre
@BernardoMeurer Yes, it does
Or can I say "Screw you Chub n' Tuck", even though I couldn't say that to you or whomever
@ACuriousMind Hmhm
but then that one is not harmful, so, ultimately, meh
@EmilioPisanty No, it just convinces me that I have absolutely no idea what makes a question hot :P
@ACuriousMind yeah, pretty much
some Secret Sauce combination of X votes in Y amount of time
Why would you want to curse at someone who's not here? @BernardoMeurer
I mean, it does have 11 total score in something like four hours
@EmilioPisanty Well, but does it have 11 total score in 4 hours because it's hot or is it hot because it has that score?
I honestly would not have expected that kind of voting pattern on that kind of question
@LasVegasRaiders Because? Say you ask me how my analysis course went, I could just say "My prof was insane, screw that guy"
@ACuriousMind the chicken came before the egg
That's the kind of question that might even begin to be answerable if we had this one
Q: Please open the Hot Network Questions to auditing via the Data Explorer

E.P.One of the contentious issues on today's Stack Exchange is the Hot Network Questions sidebar, which can drive a lot of traffic to junk-food questions that can be very poor fits to the sites that host them (and, because of that, it can land a ton of rep on askers and answerers that by normal site ...

Is that "nice"? @BernardoMeurer
@LasVegasRaiders No, but it's also directed at someone who's entirely abstract
though maybe the unofficial tracker might be a reasonable substitute
Q: What stats should I track in an HNQ list monitor?

Jason CThis is a question for the community at large. I've been fascinated by the HNQ list for a while now and this question has pushed me over the edge to create an HNQ list monitoring and logging tool (for purely academic purposes). Currently for each question on the list at each sample I'm planning...

For the context here at least
It's like saying "Foo Fighter's music is crap", it's not nice but I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed
@BernardoMeurer Please don't try to circumvent that you're not allowed to say X by saying "I am not allowed to say X". It doesn't matter who the target of your insult is, insults are simply not welcome here.
According to their definition it applies to everyone.
@ACuriousMind I'm not trying to do that, but I see your point, sure
Here or not.
@BernardoMeurer: perhaps screw you is milder in the US, but here in the UK it means fuck you with the same impact.
@EmilioPisanty What has it been useful for so far?
screw =/= "fuck"
@ACuriousMind well
I don't think it's useful yet
@JohnRennie Really? To me screw you is a way, way milder insult. If someone told me to go "screw myself" I wouldn't mind it as much as if someone told me to go f--k myself
It's currently only got about six months' worth of data
and fairly sparse at that
@BernardoMeurer Really.
Yes, really.
but I reckon that if you had a year of data with hourly snapshots including vote counts, you could dig some pretty useful stats out of that
@BalarkaSen That's not strictly true. Your function doesn't have to be jointly measurable in both variables. Very important for the analysis of the Vlasov equation, for instance.
"Screw" is found in dictionaries @JohnRennie
@ACuriousMind is TW3 supposed to be really hard? The quest where I had to protect the people who bury corpses was insanely hard
I'm trying to grind but all of the quests are marked 3 or 4 levels above me
@0celo7 Depending on what difficulty you're playing at, yes, but in general you just shouldn't do quests above your level - the game doesn't scale at all, and even makes enemies more than 10 (?) levels higher than you basically invincible to you.
I also guarantee you that not "all the quests" are above your level, you just haven't found the right ones yet then
@LasVegasRaiders What has that to do with anything?
It has everthing to do with swearing.
@0celo7 Even the main story quest?
Swearing at people is not "nice."
By definition.
@LasVegasRaiders Soo, what has that to do with the word being in a dictionary? Can you try to present a coherent argument instead of these terse one-liners where it's not really clear what you're responding to and what they're actually supposed to mean?
I have an idea
It's kind of radical, but bear with me
Let's not have an in-depth discussion of what does and does not constitute swearing.
Extremely excellent and productive cognitive product :-)
It was definitely worth bearing with you :P
Hi @heather nice answer on the cseducators.SE question about the difference between "equals" and "assigns to" +1
@LasVegasRaiders, thank you.
\o @yuggib
so, a vector field is a map $\mathcal M\to T\mathcal M$. What about a spinor field? I guess it has something to do with a spinor bundle, but what if I want a Weyl field instead of a Dirac field? and what if I want it to be anti-commuting? what is the correct terminology for this object?
@ACuriousMind I'm going back to the Orchard next time I play to discover all of the locations and grind
@EmilioPisanty I was deliberately using "terse one-liners" to avoid going into an in-depth discussion.
@AccidentalFourierTransform "abomination", I think
@AccidentalFourierTransform here have some shiny to distract you
Equation please.
@LasVegasRaiders $$\cos(2x)\cos^2(z)+\cos(2y)\sin^2(z)=0$$
Thank you Sir.
gotta love MMA
@AccidentalFourierTransform word
@0celo7 Oh, I don't think you can go back to the orchard after you've left it.
@AccidentalFourierTransform Don't feed the animals proprietary malware
oh but they love it
@LasVegasRaiders o/
How are you? @yuggib
@ACuriousMind I went back.
I saved there last time I played
I didn't start exploring it but I used the blacksmith at the Nilfgaardian camp
I couldn't find a blacksmith in Velen
[Chemistry inspired algebra question]
@0celo7 Witcher?
@BernardoMeurer yeah. But I haven't had time to play
Will wants me to play so he can watch
Still at Kevin's?
Put Will and Lucas to play minecraft
Will likes to watch.
@AccidentalFourierTransform Don't.
did someone seriously flag that? lmao
@BernardoMeurer Lucas wanted to play minecraft but he doesn't have the dexterity to use mouse+keyboard yet
@0celo7 Well, you learn by trying
Put him to play QWOP lol
I'll let him play GTA5
@LasVegasRaiders not bad, all as usual
In [this](https://paste.ofcode.org/B4GzjCbX9DGQFLAVE5WFeB) java code when I write "Person s = new Student("Jose",12345)" is "s" and object of "Person" class or of "Student" class? If it is the former, then why is the "toString()" method of the subclass "Student" invoked rather than the "toString()" method of the "Person" class
while performing "System.out.println(s)"? Any ideas @BernardoMeurer ?
Cool @yuggib
Sorry, switched devices :-)
@Blue I don't know Java :/
I know C, Python, C++, Rust
But let me try
Ah, okay. No probs. :) I thought Java is similar to C++ except a few classes and syntax
Sure, you can try!
@Blue I believe it is an instance of Student, not of Person
Student is a class defined as an extension of Person, but they are not the same
so when you instantiate Student you get Student, not person, so when you call a method it comes from Student
@BernardoMeurer Ah, even I doubted that. But why are we supposed to write Person s=new Student() and not Student s=new Student() ? (Since s is an instance of Student class)
@JohnRennie Is this right?
@JohnRennie Oh, no, I didn't...
@Blue Because Student is an extension of person I guess? I dunno, this is some Java stuff :P
23 hours ago, by John Rennie
user image
Ohhh, wow.
That's the one :-)
That's the way to eat pizza!
@Blue is Student a subclass of Person?
@JohnRennie Yes. Here's the code: paste.ofcode.org/B4GzjCbX9DGQFLAVE5WFeB

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