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Regardless of that information, though, my original point was that Stephen Elliot's case is well explained and acuriousmind have done the necessary procedures, unlike some moderators in MSE
Anyway, our time is up for the official chat session. See everyone in two weeks!
(which is not as trivial for MSE given that their close reasons don't emphasize as much to non mainstream and that non mainstream maths are harder to spot if one does not try to do cliche pseudomaths things like "I have proved the riemannian hypothesis" which pop up enough to be an in house joke)
Sometimes when reading the literature, came across small interesting findings like these but it might be too early too connect the dots on how it is relevant to the larger picture
It's like "Here's something new but we don't know what to do with them"
Sometimes it is unclear to me what's the best attitude on these jigsaw puzzle looking research findings
@JohnRennie Six parts have shipped!!
@0celo7 Exciting times! :-)
@JohnRennie Something happened with the case and it might not be getting here until Friday death emoji
As it happens I'm currently waiting for 16GB of RAM to go in my new terminal server - hopefully arriving tomorrow.
I might be waiting for the case and then racing to my brother's house on Friday
that would suck, it's a loooong drive
That's always such a pain. Being stuck with 95% of what you need to build a computer is hugely frustrating.
Do I really need a case :P
I've seen computers working fine spread out on a benchtop.
is i.stack.imgur 503'ing for y'all?
on a carpet?
say, the images in this one
Q: Why valence electron to atom ratio affect stacking fault energy?

MockingbirdWikipedia article on factors affecting SFE says: Another factor that has a significant effect on the SFE of a material and is very interrelated with alloy content is the e/a ratio, or the ratio of valence electrons to atoms. Thornton showed this in 1962 by plotting the e/a ratio vs SFE for a ...

@0celo7 No, just on the worktop.
@EmilioPisanty looks fine here
@JohnRennie huh
@0celo7 carpet would be a static risk
@JohnRennie I'm so excited :)
I think emilo might be seeing they look like excels, well known to be not good at making publishable graphs, though I am not sure if my guess is correct
@Secret I assume Emilio means the links are returning an HTTP error 503 when an attempt is made to retrieve the image.
@JohnRennie yeah, but they're up now
I fixed it! :-)
@JohnRennie dubious
@EmilioPisanty computers love me and work perfectly in my presence. The number of times friends have asked me for help with their computer only to find it works fine when they try and demonstrate the fault :-)
@JohnRennie it was still not working when I replied
@EmilioPisanty, just curious: What is that interesting-looking graph you are using for an icon? The resolution is too low to tell...
Is there a list of rules concerning how to post questions?
Some questions are just "I calculated this. Is this right?". I'm guessing this doesn't count as a good question
@Avantgarde That's mostly off-topic as a check-my-work question
@TerryBollinger I seem to recall it's a graph from one of his papers.
@ACuriousMind Great, thanks
Dec 17 '16 at 17:03, by Emilio Pisanty
@Secret It's figure 11c in https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.00011
Dec 17 '16 at 17:06, by Emilio Pisanty
@Secret this http://episanty.github.io/Slalom-in-complex-time/ is also related
@JohnRennie getting coolant gyazo.com/01758d6b23980fb5a67f850c900be43b
what are you doing with that vat of liquid nitrogen?
@Secret actually that was me asking, not Secret... and wow, those are some impressive graphics! May I ask what tool you used? Also, just curious: Could these LES phenomena be described using some kind of quasiparticle model? I'd think not since you are in the continuum states, but then it sounds like there's some odd stuff going on that I'm sure you get into in the paper...
Ah... that was Secret replying? Now I'm nicely gummed up...
don't worry, that happens. I know you are asking Emilo, so just ping him
@EmilioPisanty, are you still there?
Thanks @Secret, that was an interesting answer. Non-trivial graphics in that paper!
@TerryBollinger wasn't, but am back
@TerryBollinger explained in my profile ;-)
@EmilioPisanty cool papers you have there...
Dec 17 '16 at 17:03, by Emilio Pisanty
it shows the evolution of the roots of a certain complex-valued equation as a parameter is moved around in a loop
Dec 17 '16 at 17:04, by Emilio Pisanty
it shows that after one loop, the roots move around and exchange places, so they are all in some sense the "same" root
@Secret cooling my PC
@EmilioPisanty any relation to strange attractors?
what, are you seriously cooling your PC with liquid nitrogen? That's.... unheard of, though computers are not flesh they should be fine in liquid nitrogen I guess...
@TerryBollinger not to my knowledge
@Secret it's quite common
@TerryBollinger here you go in higher res
@TerryBollinger duh, now I see this
I'm not sure there's any quasiparticles to be fished there
you're already in single-particle dynamics
@TerryBollinger but then again even the classical dynamics are plenty complicated and do show some chaos, so yeah, maybe there is a connection there
@EmilioPisanty "quasiparticle" is a stretch question at best, but I tend to wonder about that option whenever an unexpected peaks or persistent effect show ups. You've got some really interesting interactions in play there in any case.
@TerryBollinger yeah, but quasiparticles are always effective single-particle dynamics arising out of complex many-body interactions
here you've got some complicated dynamics but it's always a single particle playing to begin with
I am not sure if there are any significance to figure S4 that the two saddle points are so close together, almost touching
@Secret the distance there is a bit relative because there isn't any particularly natural yardstick
@EmilioPisanty electrons in semiconductors are not really electrons: They are quasiparticles that are more symmetric with holes than with free electrons. Excitons, same thing. So... I'd say that just having a single particle alone doesn't preclude quasi. But again, you are continuum, so quantization seems iffy...
I see
@Secret particularly in S3 and S4, note that the 3D distance is pretty meaningless
because the figure has two time axes and one momentum axis
what does have a physical interpretation is their distance in the momentum plane and in the complex time plane
but then they're not that close in the complex time plane
they're separated by about 30° of a laser cycle, at least going by eye
a lot can happen in 30°/w
But then I never looked at the exact positions of the saddles
they're a pain to compute
@EmilioPisanty gotta go soon, but I'm still curious: What tool or tool set did you use to get such impressive graphics?
@TerryBollinger They're all done in mathematica
code is available in github
@EmilioPisanty that was my guess, but I'm not a user of it (!), so I just wanted to confirm!
thanks for the github link!
@TerryBollinger no worries
@TerryBollinger and thanks ;-)
Bye all, including ghostly @dmkee, who floats by often but seldom speaks...!
On an unrelated note, Figure S4 reminds of this:
The pennant coralfish (Heniochus acuminatus), also known as the longfin bannerfish, reef bannerfish or coachman, is a species of fish belonging to the Chaetodontidae family, native from the Indo-Pacific area. == Description == The reef bannerfish is a small-sized fish that can reach a maximum length of 25 cm. However, the average size generally observed in the nature oscillates around 15 cm. Its body is compressed laterally, the first rays of its dorsal fin stretch in a long white filament. The background color of its body is white with two large black diagonal bands. Beyond the second black stripe...
@Secret yeah, I mostly think of it as a butterfly, but it fits all sorts of cool natural shapes
Hopefully my own research can generate pretty looking surfaces. So far I only got a deep and steep valley on a rather flat surface with explanation to be found in the literature
@EmilioPisanty are you talking about your avatar?
It looks like a jet linear
@0celo7 what's a jet linear?
@EmilioPisanty first order approximation of a jet liner
Q: Tensors in Quantum Mechanics and tensors from linear algebra

user1620696Given $k$ vector spaces $V_1,\dots,V_k$ one can define the tensor product $V_1\otimes\cdots \otimes V_k$ by means of the universal property: it allows any multilinear map $g : V_1\times\cdots\times V_k\to W$ to be written as $$g(v_1,\dots,v_k)=f(v_1\otimes\cdots\otimes v_k)$$ for a linear $f$. ...

Possible mathematician, but I am eager for the answer nevertheless
(because I am part mathematician anyway)
So apparently people don't all pronounce ln(x) as "log [of] x":
Q: How is "ln" spoken aloud?

mweissI have always heard an expression like $\ln (x^2)$ pronounced aloud as "ell-enn ex squared". That is, the name of the function $\ln$ is read aloud as a two-letter abbreviation. However, I recently came across a Youtube video in which the speaker consistently pronounces $\ln$ as if it were a sin...

@KyleKanos it's ell en
@KyleKanos The problem with pronouncing it "log" (which often I do) is the ambiguity with $\log_{10} (x)$ in the minds of people who haven't yet fully absorbed the calculus mindset (or with $\log_2{x}$ for those used to computer science).
However, many of the properties of the function don't depend on the base so the ambiguity is not always important unless you are about to compare calculation.
For that latter case I read it "natural log" to be clear.
I can see adding the "natural" modifier, but still I've never heard anyone say el en or lawn, as suggested in the post.
EL EN for me too
That's weird.
And probably wrong
How can it be wrong?
Because it is?
And why so?
El en isn't an operator, it's two letters.
Of course. That's implicit.
@KyleKanos what does the superscript mean in $e^-$ (referencing your equation in the comments of the neutron star question)?
It doesn't describe what it is either.
@heather that's standard for electron. $e^+$ is for positron
I've hear "ell-en" reasonably often, I just don't like it very much.
Well, most times I've heard people say el-en, and people get it. As long as you know what you're doing, I think that's all
@KyleKanos okay, that's what I thought. Just wasn't sure =)
Q: Probabilistic Intuition behind connected correlations and 1PI vertex function

physicsdudeIn the context of statistical field or quantum field theory, one encounters so called generating function(al) for connected correlations, aka the following function(al): $$ W(J) = \ln (Z(J))$$ $$ Z(J) = \int \mathcal{D} \phi e^{-S[\phi]}$$ From a probabilistic standpoint, Z(J) is just the mo...

Too broad? Should bounty be revoked?
would anyone be willing to take a look at this question of mine:
Q: Calculating a "max support flux vector sequence"

heatherIn a paper on continuous chemical reaction networks (CCRNs)$^1$ it discusses an algorithm for reaching different states using various chemical reactions. I have some questions about a line of the algorithm and what it means given the authors' notation. Preliminaries The paper defines a set of ...

@JohnRennie I have the mofo GPU
I always fear getting a new computer since someone might steal it
@SirCumference Maybe stop living in ghettos
@0celo7 It's college...
I know
Tho tbh my uni's neighborhood is really sketchy
Hi, everybody.
@DanielSank Hi
@SirCumference Ah, Yale?
@0celo7 Nope. Didn't know Yale had a bad neighborhood tho
@SirCumference You believe 0celo7's opinion of New Haven, for some reason?
@SirCumference New Haven has two districts: boarded up trap houses and Yale.
What does Tenessee have?
2 hours later…
@JohnRennie the garlic strikes again!
the garlic sauce I made solidified into an amazing garlic butter
I melted it on my salmon in the skillet :)
Why does the orthosymplectic group show up in SUSY and not some Lorentzosymplectic group?

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