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I can recommend Stalker soundtrack
it's relatively short though
@BalarkaSen Doesn't really keep me from being bored to death as I write code...
Sounds more like I'm in a forest
@SirCumference King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard "Lord of Lightning vs Balrog"
@BernardoMeurer Weird...
@BalarkaSen Oh neat, David Bowie
Potential candidate, but it gets intense at the end.
Not too loud, I don't think
10 minute acid trip yo
I've been listening to Cat Stevens and Van Moorison
They're surprisingly good for programming
I don't actually know much about programming so it's hard for me to grok the mindset one would want for it
@BalarkaSen It's a lot of focusing and gets boring sometimes
hell i forgot how great that song is
@Sir Massive Attack's Collected works well for me.
Does Taylor works for anyone here?
@BalarkaSen Space Oddity is my favorite Bowie song
I can compute Taylor series, sure
Starman is a second
@SirCumference Great song man
I like your choices.
I don't think I have a favorite Bowie song, to be honest. There's too many things. If you threatened me with a gun I'd say Sweet Things or something
@BalarkaSen What works better for GR? and what for QM?
For me, the best one from DB was Cygnet Committee.
The lyrics are amazing
if we're listing his earlier stuff, Quicksand is p good too
According to @ACuriousMind , Knorkator is the best for M-theory youtu.be/nkS5mjrx_jc
@Mostafa What does the M even stand for
@SirCumference No one knows yet.
Biggest mystery of M theory
@Cryolune Looks good! Just a suggestion, maybe you could shape it more like the Moon's crescent realistically looks :)
@BalarkaSen what was that link again?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 there
If you haven't seen the original movie trailer you should
@BalarkaSen lol
obnoxious fucking laughter
I wonder who the audience was
u chicago students + faculty
There was less laughter for the algebraic topology puns
@BalarkaSen How many faculty actually saw the original trailer?
pretty sure everyone
oh original lol
i dunno
@0celouvskyopoulo7 more memes from the same channel.
1 hour later…
> Repository creation failed.
Well, fuck
@dmckee can you help please?
2 hours later…
@BernardoMeurer Windows programming? You mean using the Win32 api?
Wow, this chat is incredibly casual. You guys use swear words at will..
@JohnRennie Are you a Github wizard?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I've used it. I wouldn't say I was a wizard. I saw you post about a Github problem. What are you trying to do?
What specific math one needs to equip for studying QFT on his own?
trying to make a respository for my summer project
Through the GitHub web site?
Isn't it just a matter of clicking the New Repository button? What goes wrong when you try that?
> Repository creation failed.
Tried on two operating systems.
I must be retarded
@Shing A better question would be: what physics courses have you already done? You'd need at least 2 courses on quantum mechanics, 1 on classical mechanics, at least 2 on electromagnetic theory, 1 on mathematical methods in physics.
Many of the mathematical techniques are taught there. The only thing that might not be taught and which you will need at some point, is group theory. Though that's not immediately relevant when starting QFT.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 It can't be your OS because the repository creation is done on the GitHub servers. You need to speak to GitHub support.
@JohnRennie What happens if you try to do one real quick
just make some repo with whatever title
From this page I just click the New repo button, and I get:
@Avantgarde Thanks!
I can't make them private
I guess I am not yet ready to go then
Well fuck you GitHub for not telling me that
What kind of god awful design is that
A general error for something quite specific
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I think you can. Bernardo has a private repository. But you may need a paid account or some other special access.
@Shing QFT is very vast. First get your fundamentals in good shape. It will probably take many reads before you have a mature understanding of QFT
I don't have money for a GitHub account
So good luck!
I don't want to put my research on a public repository. Boo.
@JohnRennie btw, take a look at this one
Q: Why $\delta R_{\mu\nu} = g^{\rho\sigma}\delta R_{\rho\mu\sigma\nu}$?

Mr. KVarying the Ricci tensor with respect to the metric $g^{\mu\nu}$, one would get $ \delta R_{\mu\nu} = \delta(g^{\rho\sigma} R_{\rho\mu\sigma\nu}) = g^{\rho\sigma}\delta R_{\rho\mu\sigma\nu} + \delta g^{\rho\sigma} R_{\rho\mu\sigma\nu}, $ but in all my references I found that $\delta R_{\mu\nu} ...

I'm 99% sure it's true, but beats the hell of out me why
@JohnRennie I'm saving up for a book on quasilinear evolution equations, I don't need more expenses
I've got to go to bed, cheerio
Hi @JohnR :)
Morning :-)
@Avantgarde Thanks! I enjoy building my understanding of nature a great deal. but I am a bit in a hurry to get some research experience such that I can apply to a good graduate school :/
@Shing I see. Which year are you in, if you don't mind me asking, that is?
@Avantgarde I already left school. and I am 27 now, but really want to do grad studies in physics.
I have a BS in physics
@Shing Oh alright. Well, first you need to check whether you satisfy the minimum requirements for getting admitted at the grad schools you're aiming for. Make sure you're done with that first.
@Avantgarde thanks, I have checked the requirements already. My background is a long story and quite diverse, however, in short I have found out I am pretty much left with two options: 1.) conducting good research as an research assistant under a professor's wing(publish on Physics Review A,B,C, etc) 2.) Applying a local grad school for master degree.
@Shing Ok. You can't go directly for a PhD right now? Or you think you need better credentials before you apply for that (like experience)?
@Avantgarde I need a much better credentials. My GPA is really really bad
From I have heard of, most schools have a cutoff for GPA.
Mostly they will just cut me off.
expect for the top private schools.
@Shing I see. Yeah, many state a cutoff. Good research experience would be nice.
@JohnR: HI HI HI I have exciting news!
Tell, tell!
Though I can't say which of the 2 options you should go for. I don't know your entire academic history, so I won't be the best at that. I guess, if you had a good relationship with a teacher back at your university, ask them to get some perspective.
Forgive me if this (as it won't) does not prove to be exciting news to you but I will tell you anyway!
Do u remember this:
Jun 16 at 14:03, by Kaumudi. H
Man am I glad to be on vacation! Things I had to do today: Binge watch all of this guy's YouTube videos.
No ...
Ah, I don't think you were online at the time.
Anyway, I did binge watch all of his videos (145 in number) and then, I tweeted him:
He replied to this and everything, which was really all I had been hoping for:
What's wrong with viewing videos from before 2013?
@JohnRennie Oh, it's just an inside joke from one of his older videos.
Anyway, he unexpectedly uploaded a video today and I urge you to please watch the first 30 seconds of the same:
@Kaumudi.H :-)
Fame at last :-)
oops, I mean "except for the top private schools."
Did you watch it?!
@Avantgarde Thanks for advices, I am discussing with them, some of them are very supportive.
@JohnRennie :-D And I found out exactly 5 seconds after I woke too! My day has been made!!
Are you going to tweet and tell him how to pronounce your name properly? :-)
@Shing That's great. Hope things go well!
@JohnRennie :-) I left this comment:
@Avantgarde Thanks!
Last night dream may be a hint that my brain is a makov generator in the context of dreams
The dream has the most insane information degradation I have ever seen. Imagine reading a wikipedia page and then its contents change every time you blink you eye
Interestingly, no matter how it changes, it seems the word that changes are always from the same category.
For example, an article called Leaky Inversie, which documented the first contact of extraterrestials by NASA after observing a UFO in 2 past years, later converted into an article about some figure. Subsequent rapid blinking caused the
@Kaumudi.H I managed to get a mention on my favourite radio programme for my 18th birthday, and I was pretty pleased about that. Tweets and podcasts didn't exist in 1979 :-)
Aha, that's so nice!! :-)
Wokay, I will be right back after breakfast!
however, I suspect even my rapid blinking is not really out of my freewill (despite it feels like I am in control), but part of the script of the dream. This is because this event strongly reminds of that most skips in a minute guiness world record video I posted yesterday.

My eye blinking fast may be a symbolism to that skipping
@Kaumudi.H Breakfast at 11:50? Wow, you're really adapting to this post-exam lifestyle :-)
He he he..
Out of topic question
Is inception real?
@JohnRennie Err, erm, uhh :-)
My mother gave in, BTW, and allowed me to subscribe to netflix for one month:
You can hypnotise people and implant false memories via suggestions, but inception? I am not sure...
@Kaumudi.H RESULT!! :-)
> How to calculate the refractive index of argon at 800 nm?
Why did I read this as: How to celebrate the refractive index of argon at 800 nm?
My mind is so screwed...
@Kaumudi.H The first thing I always do is put an entry in my diary in 29 days to cancel the subscription!!
I have another question on capacitors
So, I was studying force between the plates of a capacitor when a dielectric is inserted.
In the above image, he is saying that sigma1/2epsilon is getting cancelled in the dielectric
i have also encircled that part
shouldnt the electric field inside the dielectric get added
here is my drawing of the dielectric
according to my calculations, it should be $\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon}$
where the hell am I going wrong?\
anyone there
can you solve my query
I can help with your doubt
go ahead @Kenshin
i hope u r not eating a pizza
sorry was eating
@Abhishekstudent your working in the second pic is correct
I think boss is just looking at one plate
he was writing the force on one plate
so, he was considering all the other electric fields present
then, he said that the electric field in the dielectric is 0
@Abhishekstudent check out slide 5 here: slideshare.net/christaines/intro-to-capacitors
but, acc to my calculation, its $$\frac{\sigma_1}{\epsilon}$$
but, there is no dielectric present
just means you use a different value of epsilon
the only difference between dieletric material inbetween and empty space inbetween is that dielectric material has a different epsilon value than empty space
i understand that
then why did you say there is no dielectric present
so, the electric field is just K* electric field when there is vacuum
what I meant was that, when there is a dielectric, the force on one plate would be a bit different
let us try to find the cumulative electric field so that we can calculate the force
on one plate
there will be an electric field in the dielectric
and there will be another electric field due to the other plate
(almost forgot:)
When I reached the wikipedia scene, most of my memories of the planet (an earlier scene in the dream) is drifted. This is the second dream where earlier sections of the dream were already drifted from memory while I was still dreaming, suggesting I might be either too sleep deprived or I have used too much mental resources to memorise everything I saw in the dream to the point the memory started to fade while still within the dream

It can be argued the huge information degradation seen in the wikipedia scene might be reflecting that I started to have trouble remembering my
Or put it in another way, it might be possible it will reach a stage that I will no longer have dreams because I already forgot what I dream when I was dreaming
aka short term memory loss in the dream world
@Abhishekstudent clearly in any case, the electric field acting on a plate will be half that of the field between the plate
@Secret I think it means wikipedia will soon shut down
@Kenshin I am not sure, but it does appears wikipedia asking for funding became more frequent in the past years, so...
yeah I've noticed that too
I'm really hope it doesn't shut down. I won't donate myself but I hope others do because wiki is the best
@ACuriousMind Is there any justification of the lack of surface terms for the field lagrangians
Even though the Einstein Hilbert action has them
@Kenshin wyzzat
@Abhishekstudent because a plate won't act on itself. So when considering the force on one plate, this force is only due to the other plate.
Between the dielectric however has contributions from both plates
@Slereah I don't know of many field theories that live on a space that has a boundary, so such terms are irrelevant in almost all cases.
but the contributions act in same directions, thus adding vectorially
@Abhishekstudent that is why the field between the plates is double
@Abhishekstudent but this doens't apply on a plate
because on a plate, the plate you are on doesn't act on itself
thus you only have the force from the other plate
@ACuriousMind But then why a boundary in GR
I don't know, I'm not a GRist
I think it's just because the action may be divergent if we integrate on all of spacetime
but te field from the dielectric will exert a force on the plate
But the same is true for a field theory
@Slereah "Fields fall off at infinity fast enough"
wouldn't it
good point I was considering the vaccuum case
but perhaps the action of the dielectric is already taken into account in the new value of epsilon
i dont think so
Hi, why there is friction?
@particle because objects are made of small particles that rub against each other
this rubbing causes an opposing force that slows down motion
but particles do not rub against each other
then the value of field would have been $$\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon}-\frac{\sigma_1}{\epsilon}$$
@particle no, what really happens is the particles exert a repulsive force against each other
@ACuriousMind Is that true, though
Is that well motivated
It's not terribly hard to find field solutions that do not
@Slereah The motivation is "otherwise we can't neglect surface terms".
I mean if we consider an effective action from QFT
And just look at how many derivations include some partial integration where precisely that is done
And consider a non-zero vacuum energy
@Abhishekstudent I don't know where you get that equation from
It will not fall off at infinity
friction is due to interlocking and attraction of particles of two objects
@Kenshin look
First of all
Q: How is frictional force dependent on normal reaction?

SwamiIt is a general concept that horizontal forces can only influence physical quantities along horizontal direction; similarly vertical force can produce acceleration etc. only along vertical direction. This is the same concept that helps us study projectile motion as a combination of two independen...

The electric field from one of the plate is
towards east
and if you look at this figure
wait i m uploading
yeah I understand that pic perfectl
clearly, the electric field of due to the plate will be larger
than that of the dielectric
and since they are in opposite direction
they should subtract
@JohnRennie will u help with this question
The image above shows what happens in vaccuum, the total field between the plates is sigma/epislon
Clearly in a vaccuum the force experieneced by one plate is sigma/(2epsilon)
the box is basically the dielectric
@ACuriousMind also, if we consider a mixture of scalar fields and the EH action, it will have to be an action on a finite domain
In which case we will get boundary terms for the scalar field
@JohnRennie but if we're not in a vaccuum, how do the above results change (that is, if we have a dielectric material of permativitiy epsilon?)
and the two sticks on the side of it are the plates of the capacitor
Shouldn't there be counter terms
i asked it on reddit also
but, no friggin replies
I mean comments
well u ask there why si it cancelling
perhaps the answer to that is because the field due to the plates is cancelled by the opposing field due to the dielectric
i dont think thats the case
cause the plates have a larger value of E.F.
Q: Force between the plates of a capacitor

Phill2As we know that the electric field between two parallel plates of a capacitor is $$E=\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon_0}$$, so the magnitude of force exerted by one plate on the other should have been $$F=QE$$. But in reality it is$$F=\frac{QE}{2}$$. How is that possible? Where have i mistaken? Also, I wo...

@JohnRennie Is dupehammer a word one should use in front of new users?
@EmilioPisanty it hadn't occurred to me there was any problem with it ...
@JohnRennie just sayin'
I don't think OP will have any idea what that means
not that the comment is addressed to OP, but still
s/dupehammer/unilaterally close/
[Quantum interpretations]
A pop sci style blog post result in me to read about this in wikipedia entry:
In physics and the philosophy of physics, quantum Bayesianism (often written Quantum Bayesianism or QBism) refers to an interpretation of quantum mechanics that takes an agent's actions and experiences as the central concerns of the theory. This interpretation is distinguished by its use of a subjective Bayesian account of probabilities to understand the quantum mechanical Born rule as a normative addition to good decision-making. Rooted in the prior work of Carlton Caves, Christopher Fuchs, and Rüdiger Schack during the early 2000s, QBism itself is primarily associated with Fuchs and Schack and...
But I agree, if the probability of something is assigned to be one by one agent, it cannot be subjective, else reality will be really inconsistent
Having said that, here's an even weirder question inspired from mixing this with the concept of relativity (plus possible misunderstandings) (no I am not talking about the theory, I am talking about the notion of how A relates to B and you can only get relative, but not absolute results).
Suppose I have $n$ measurement devices and 1000 identically prepared quantum states (which are of course isolated from each other so that they can neither superimpose nor entangle with each other), and suppose each device is assigned a task to measure the probability of some specific observable $a$ with v
That is, the standard description of quantum mechanics will say that the probability distribution of some observable $a$ is determined by the wavefunction of the quantum state (which can be either ontic or epstemic depending on interpretations, or nonexistent for instrumentism (in which case, it is how the experiment that is set up determines the probabilities)). Therefore we will expect all $n$ devices will conclude the same probability distribution after measuring enough replicates of the quantum state.
What if the probability distribution of the observable $a$ , that is $\textrm{Pr}(a)$ actually differs but in a consistent way such that results from the ith device can be compared to that of the jth device after some suitable transformation procedure that is common to all devices, how far we can push that until reality ceased to become consistent?
Q: Why does marking a question as a duplicate require the original question to be well-answered?

DvijIf a recently asked question which is exactly the same as (or is contained in) an old question then why does marking the new question requires the old question to have an either upvoted or accepted answer? I mean I agree that violation of the above conditions means that the question doesn't have ...

ok I want to do that, but I don't want to be scolded again for unecessary flooding the chat
Hm, what to call the algebra of diffeomorphisms
U there?
Hey @KyleKanos is this really an answer to OP as posed?
@Abhishekstudent am now
k coll
i mean cool
i saw the question that you sent
But, its for vacuum
Q: Field inside a plate capacitor with a dielectric material

user13514Suppose I have two plate electodes with a dielectric material between them with a permitivity of $\epsilon=10$. I now put a voltage V between them. What is the electric field in the dielectric region? Well since the electrodes are plates we have simply: $E = V/d$ which is independent of $\ep...

REad the first answer
he gives the electric field between the plates
lemme check
i told you
My equation is kinda correct
yeah very close
But, it still does not give me the force on a capaitor plate
easily deducible
can u help me out
lemme try
I will show in a few steps
(1) In Vaccuum, between plates $E = \frac{\sigma}{\epsilon}$
(2) With dielectric in between, between the plates $E = \frac{\sigma}{\epsilon} - \frac{\sigma_p}{\epsilon}$
so, I can write
The dielectric's contribution is $-\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon}$
Now let us consider one plate
The field acting on this plate is (a) the other plate contributing $\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon}$ and (b) the dielectric of $\frac{\sigma_p}{\epsilon}$
Cancelling out the epsilons, I get
you're close
but the field on one plate is
so, that gives me
$\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon} - \frac{\sigma_p}{\epsilon}$
where is your factor of 2 gone?
which one
look at my equation
oh i see
I beg ur pardon
its a typo
any ways
because remember
the plate doesn't act on itself
i have an idea
lets find $\sigma_p$
in terms of $\sigma$ and k
what's k?
and then substitute in the equation which doesnt consider the E.F. of the plate
K is the dielectric constant
of the dielectric
I gtg but I thin you have a good understanding of the parallel capictor now
thanks for the help
np laterz
No google, I want measure on a Banach space, not measure on a banana
If I have functionals with field values in a vector space
Let's say $S[\phi]$, with $\phi$ in a vector space
With some kind of basis $\phi_n$ (for some definition of infinite dimensional basis)
What is the functional derivative in terms of the basis?
For instance if we consider the Fourier basis of $L^2$ functions
Searching "measure on a Banach space" don't give me bananas for some reason, perhaps google think I have searched enough academic stuff that its algorithms tuned to show me mostly maths stuff
Is it just $$\frac{\delta S}{\delta \phi} = \sum_n \frac{\delta S}{\delta \phi_n}$$
$[ad(e_i)]^{1-A_{ji}}(e_j) = 0$?
You'd be differentiating a scalar by a(n infinite dimensional) vector right en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_calculus
It's Complicated
Especially since infinite dimensional vector spaces don't really have basises
@0celouvskyopoulo7 do u know
@Slereah do I know what?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 cf right above
@Slereah If $\delta S/\delta \phi$ means the Frechet derivative, then I would believe $$\frac{\delta S}{\delta\phi}=\sum_n\alpha_n \frac{\delta S}{\delta\phi_n}$$ where $\alpha_n=(\phi,\phi_n)_{L^2}$.
hi , i've got a question i asked yesterday but i didn't get my answer yet.
there is a cross section , it's said that electrons move from left to right and vice versa, and the total sum of the electrons crossing this section is zero (the left ones neutralize the right ones); and when we have potential energy (a battery connected to 2 sides of this section) electrons going from left to right are more than the ones going from right to left, and then there will be electrical current.
my question is, why would electrons move when there is no potential energy there?
@Slereah actually wait
why do you think that's true?
In the sense of functional derivatives, who knows?
Gateux derivatives are a pain
I can tell you that $DS(\phi)=\sum \alpha_n DS(\phi_n)$
That's probably equivalent but I forget how exactly $\delta S/\delta\phi$ is defined
It might be that $\delta S/\delta\phi=DS(\phi)$

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