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@SpiralRain Spiral RAIIIIIN
Some stay dry and others stay the same
@Slereah No we don't, at least in the relevant dimension 3+1
I meant feel the pain
That's what I get for talking and typing at the same time
@Slereah So these page numbers are different than what's reported in the paper I'm reading
Who knows wtf is going on
I'm guessing that before computers, page numbers were hard to guess in your manuscript
you might miss a few
Also, it is not clear whether triviality is a specific feature of the regularization process chosen (lattice approximation and high-energy cut off), or an intrinsic property of the theory
quite unfortunate
Do we know if it is in 1+1D at least
@Slereah at least it is not clear to me
It is not trivial in 1+1
it is not trivial in 2+1
I mean whether or not it depends on the regularization
it is trivial in $n+1$, $n\geq 4$
Why is $4$ always the shittiest dimension
It's always the dimension in between
exotic sphere in dim 4 = unknown, exotic R^4, etc.
@Kaumudi.H you around?
@Slereah well, they're off by 800 pages
and the number of pages is different
wonder if it has what I need
@Slereah Well, in $1+1$ we have a renormalized dynamics. Whether it is the only possible dynamics up to unitary equivalence that satisfies all the axioms etc. for a scalar field I am not sure it is proved
but maybe it is
Why can't we live in 5 dimensions
Or 1 dimension
> Because 3 is special
that font is pretty fire though
the paper is pretty thin as well
it is possible to read the other side through a scan/photo
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Is that the fancy way to write Klein Gordon
I have no idea what Yvonne is trying to do there
I haven't read the paper yet
it's also in French, so it will take a while
@Slereah should there not be a metric also on the second term?
apart from that, it seems the KG Hamiltonian
also that typo lol
how did no one catch that
typos are a bitch
you'll never catch them all
no matter if you're a referee or the author
I have never made a paper without typos
plus you don't want to redo a paper for a typo in the olden days
Don't wanna retype the whole page
Just out of curiosity; why are we considering a line charge? Would something go wrong if we considered a point charge that travels down the wire?
Is a vector bundle in French just a "fibre"
@0celouvskyopoulo7 without accent is a fiber
fibré is a bundle
what's the difference
@Slereah hahahahahhaah
they reference another paper in the same journal I don't have
It should be criminal to not put journals online
one is the whole bundle, the other just one fiber of the bundle
@yuggib I know the mathematical difference
what does that little accent do
change the word?
never mind
in french, fibre and fibré are two different words
Does anyone know how a direction eigenket is defined?
is the french abbreviation for constant "cte"?
@yuggib They look the same to me, modulo that accent. How does the accent affect the pronunciation?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 it does
in a relevant way
it does what?
I asked How
change the pronunciation
Clearly it does something
Oh come on
how am I supposed to tell using english words
and I don't know the phonetic alphabet
(oh I get it. the entire thing is the line charge. I thought the thing depicted was the wire)
apparently, this is fibre's pronounciation:
This is fibré:
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I thought you couldn't read IPA?
@ACuriousMind Can you maybe see why the direction eigenket $| \hat{z} \rangle$ (which I assume is defined as $|\theta = 0, \phi \rangle$) is an eigenket of $\hat{x}\hat{p_y} - \hat{y} \hat{p_{x}}$ with eigenvalue $0$?
@ACuriousMind why would you think that?
@ShaVuklia presumably $\lambda$ is the charge per unit length?
@John yea I understand the idea now
and that is true indeed
I thought the wire they depicted was the wire they were talking about
Sep 4 '16 at 20:42, by 0celo7
@ACuriousMind how do you learn to read that
@ACuriousMind I figured it out?
Why do you find that hard to believe?
I don't find that hard to believe
It's just new information
@ACuriousMind I find that hard to believe
@JohnDoe ...Because that operator there is $L_z$?
@JohnDoe what do you mean by that, and what do you want to use it for?
@EmilioPisanty Why do people like trolling me :/
@0celouvskyopoulo7 You can clear all skepticism by recording your own pronunciation of the two words following the IPA guidelines ;-)
@0celouvskyopoulo7 because you feel trolled even when other people troll yet other people
Troll the room and the room trolls back.
@ACuriousMind Are you suggesting I troll?
also, that
What evidence do you have
Also that's Not Nice
To be fair, he could be suggesting that just to troll you
... as part of the room-trolls-back campaing, of course
@ACuriousMind Okay but why does $L_{z}|\hat{z} \rangle = 0 | \hat{z} \rangle$?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Maybe I'm suggesting EP is trolling.
@JohnDoe Well, what's your definition of $\lvert \hat{z}\rangle$?
@JohnDoe is $|\hat z\rangle$ symmetric under rotations about the $z$ axis?
(I don't know what the angles you wrote there mean)
@EmilioPisanty It is something stated in a section on Spherical Harmonics and Roat
@JohnDoe yeah, well, if you don't say which book, saying which section won't help much
Can I suggest to stop using the word trolling? I am thoroughly annoyed by neologisms, especially the ones that do not come from appropriately chose latin words
but it's a general principle
Cte is constant yes
@yuggib Would you prefer we call it troglodyting?
@EmilioPisanty Sakurai's "Modern Quantum Mechanics"
if $|\psi\rangle$ is symmetric under a continuous symmetry $S(s)$, where $s\in\mathbb R$ is a continuous parameter, then it is a zero-eigenvalue eigenstate of the generator of said continuous symmetry
which is usually of the form $i\frac{dS}{ds}$ or similar
@ACuriousMind It's still not from latin, but yes, that's better ;-P
in this case, $L_z$ generates rotations about the $z$ axis
@yuggib Well, it's Greek, so even more ancient! :P
if $|\hat z\rangle$ is symmetric under rotations about the $z$ axis, then it immediately follows that $L_z|\hat z\rangle = 0|\hat z\rangle$.
@ACuriousMind He doesn't really give a definition of the direction eigenkets, but he calls them direction eigenkets and usues it as if it is $| \hat{n} \rangle = | \theta, \phi \rangle$, hence I assumed $|\hat{z} \rangle = | \theta = 0, \phi \rangle$.
so all you have to examine is that symmetry proposition
@yuggib what's wrong with Norse etymologies?
are you biased against scandinavians for some reason?
@JohnDoe What sort of state is $\lvert \theta,\phi\rangle$?
@EmilioPisanty What's your reasoning for why it immediately follows if $| \hat{z} \rangle$ is invariant under rotation?
@ACuriousMind Position eigenstate I guess
@JohnDoe The rotation operator is $e^{i\theta L_z}$
modulo a minus sign in the exponent which I can never recall
saying the state is symmetric under rotations codes into $e^{i\theta L_z}|\psi\rangle = |\psi\rangle$
just differentiate w.r.t. $\theta$.
Howdy y'all
@JaimeGallego that Hitler topology vid is fantastic
@EmilioPisanty Yes that does make sense.
@EmilioPisanty Have you worked through Sakurai?
I should rewatch that video now that I am a topologer
@EmilioPisanty maybe...I am surely biased pro-latins
@0celouvskyopoulo7 you're a what?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 How often do you hear the "ah, you're a surveyor!"
@JohnRennie Hi :-) I'd gone out (hair+library), sorry.
@Kaumudi.H Oh yes, you've had your hair cut. Did you lose all your strength?
@yuggib A topologer
I use topology a lot, but I'm not a topologist
Haha, very funny :-) I had it cut just now. It looks very nice! Also went to the library and got three books.
@JaimeGallego Yes, people do often confuse topology and topography
@JohnDoe no
But I don't tell people I am a topologist
I say I am a geometer, and they think I mean I study triangles.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I see, so it is like the advanced topology amateur :-D
@EmilioPisanty No prob.
then I am a topologer as well
@0celouvskyopoulo7 The proper answer to that is "no, I have progressed to rectangles".
@ACuriousMind hahah
@JohnR: 29 minutes left. I'll tell you how it goes...
Did u buy the maggi?
@ACuriousMind Is an algebrer
He is not an algebraist, but uses it a lot
@Kaumudi.H Ah, OK, you must have a pretty good Internet connection. If it works let me know and I'll sort the other two files.
@Kaumudi.H I didn't in the end. I felt like something sweet rather than savoury so I bought some fruit, which I thoroughly enjoyed :-)
@0celouvskyopoulo7 how do you qualify to be an "-ist"?
I do, I do. In fact, I'm going to put away my laptop in just a bit and place it next to the router; I'm in a whole other room and being here is not helping the download.
@JohnRennie Ah, OK :-)
@yuggib Your main object of study has to be in that field
@0celouvskyopoulo7 He fixes people's bones, I see
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I'm currently trying to translate an algebraic cohomology argument to deRham cohomology to see what explicitly happens to the forms, actually
For example we use topology a lot (in functional analysis), so we are topologers
But our goal is not to study topology
@Kaumudi.H I felt like something sweet - which is strange because I don't look like something sweet :-)
@ACuriousMind uses god awful algebra to do whatever, but his goal is not algebraic
Back with the dad jokes, I see! :-)
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I think that the goal of nobody is studying topology since 60 years ago
@Kaumudi.H I fired up my new massive laptop to do the video processing and oh my goodness it's fast!
@yuggib My school has a large group of pure topologists
shape theory
things like that
@JohnRennie Ah, that's great! It was a great deal, then!
And there's plenty of people studying algebraic/differential topology, so I don't know what you're talking about.
I am not sure that there is much that has not been already said in general (pure) topology
@Kaumudi.H Definitely! See, I don't just buy these laptops for fun - I do have good reasons :-)
algebraic/differential topology sound more like applications of topology to me
@JohnRennie :-P Sure, sure.
@JohnRennie What sort of video are you processing? Do I want to know?
@EmilioPisanty Is it correct to write the working as $\frac{d}{d \theta}[e^{i \theta L_z}| \psi \rangle] = 0 \implies i L_z e^{i \theta L_z}| \psi \rangle = 0 \implies L_z| \psi \rangle = 0$
@Kaumudi.H Honestly :-)
@yuggib They are still topology...
@JohnRennie I think your surname would be great as the name of an unit
Specifically, laptop sales.
OK, I'm going to put away the laptop now. I'll ping you when I find out if it came out OK @JohnR. Thank you! :-)
the demand for Surface Pro increases 2.71 rennies this week...
@ACuriousMind Lord of the Rings films. I'd forgotten how long they are. Resampling a 3 hour film really tests a laptop - if the cooling fans were running any faster it would take off!
@JaimeGallego it's a unit of indigestion! :-)
@JaimeGallego that would be 2.71 picorennies. The Rennie unit for laptops is far too large for most purposes :-)
exhilarating and heart-wrenching love story - urp, I feel nauseous!
@JohnRennie x'D I wasn't able to find any book from my list at the library.
@ACuriousMind Does my above working look correct?
@JohnRennie How many laptops do you have?
MIT undergrads had a game where they named units after each other and defined what magnitudes they measured
@JaimeGallego that seems like a stupid game...
@JohnRennie Oh, so many inappropriate jokes in "the microrennie unit"...
Well, except one (The Giver #1) and I didn't want to start with that; thought I'd start with something stupid easy to read so that I could get back into the flow.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Nine I think. I'd have to go count them to be sure, but that's about right.
Wokay toodles till whenever this file finishes downloading!
@ACuriousMind :-)
@0celouvskyopoulo7 then also a big part of topology applied to functional analysis is still topology
My opinion is that the boundaries between various subjects are often not so clear
@yuggib I don't disagre
But neither of us are topologists, but use some kind of topology daily
That's fair
probably so
@ACuriousMind $A-B$ or $A\setminus B$
The latter is growing on me
for what?
I prefer $A-B$
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Then you should consult a doctor, that doesn't sound like a healthy growth
@yuggib sets
set difference? I agree that the latter is not good looking, but if your sets have also some other structure, the first notation could be misleading
for example, if the objects in the sets have a linear structure, I would interpret $A-B$ as the set $\{a-b, a\in A \land b\in B\}$
for function spaces, the notation is quite common: $L^p+L^q$ is often used for the set of functions consisting of the sum of a part in $L^p$ and the other in $L^q$
Yes, I have seen $+$ for vector spaces.
If you deal e.g. with cones, you can also see the $-$
@Kaumudi.H the download just finished - did it work?
@JohnRennie 27 seconds left...
finally home
@Kaumudi.H Ah that's odd. I've been watching the network traffic on my server and it has just gone to zero.
Yaay, it works! :-D
Maybe there's some data being buffered somewhere.
@Kaumudi.H OK, I'll sort the other two files, but they will take a while to process even on my super-duper new laptop (have I mentioned my new laptop recently? :-) I'll ping you when they're done.
I should read up some AQFT on Schwarzchild
I need a good example of a construction that isn't Minkowski space
@JohnRennie :-) Take ur time, please!
Well it isn't taking any of my time since I just queue up the files to be processed, press the Go, go, go! button and go back to trying to explain Noether's theorem to PhyEnthisiast.
:-P Right, OK...
@Bernardo It was dhcpcd all along, disabling the service works wonders. Spooky.
@JohnRennie Is the button labeled actually "Go, go, go!"?
@JaimeGallego dhcpcd was messing with your graphics?!
@ACuriousMind Only in my mind :-) I use software called Handbrake and the button actually says something really boring like Start Encoding.
@BernardoMeurer Weirder than your MIPS eh?
@JaimeGallego Nothing is weirder than my MIPS bullshit :P
It only gets weird when you have sneaky interrupts coming from nowhere
I'll get back to my book, then...
@Kaumudi.H you know you can connect your laptop to the TV so it displays on the TV screen? That's really good for films.
Don't you need to have a specific type of T.V for that sort of thing?
Any TV with an HDMI connector.
Maybe it's because both graphics and dhcpcd start on boot and they interact with each other.
Black magic
@0celouvskyopoulo7 You forgot spaces again
@Kaumudi.H That's pretty much any flat screen TV, though not the older style TVs with a cathode ray tube.
Ah, OK, I'll check it out then. Timely advice too, since, as you remember, my headphone jack is bust.
You need a micro-HDMI to HDMI cable.
Hmm, I might just have one of those lying around...
If not, the nearest one is available 10 minutes away so :-)
Let me just check it is micro-HDMI ...
@ACuriousMind I don't know what that means
May 4 at 19:06, by ACuriousMind
Chat inserts invisible "break" characters after 50 oder so consecutive characters without a space

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