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18 messages moved to Trash
@DavidZ Oh chill
@DavidZ Oh, come on!
@DavidZ ~ messages deleted under pear pressure?
That sort of discussion (the stuff I moved to Trash) is highly inappropriate for this chat room.
@DavidZ Who is offended?
@DavidZ What discussion? You do realize we were all just bantering, right?
You do comprehend that?
If the majority thinks it's appropriate, isn't it appropriate?
@SirCumference No. That's not how it works.
@SirCumference No, if DavidZ thinks it's wrong than DavidZ trumps all
@BernardoMeurer you need chat ban bro? Don't mess with mods.
@Fawad Boohoo
Guys, this chat is supposed to be for general discussions for Physics Stack Exchange...
I don't understand why the mods feel a need to avoid offending nonexistant people...
@nbro 99% of the time it's anything but physics
@SirCumference Don't indulge him
It's a bit late to randomly assert that
@BernardoMeurer Your comment was flagged to the moderator.
@nbro Oh no!
I am trembling in fear
@nbro Dude...stop letting those comments hurt your feelings
They're written by a guy you don't know who is probably joking
@SirCumference Those comments didn't hurt me, but I think it's not fair and correct to let them spread in a chat like this.
@nbro Wait what? What evidence do you have that it would "spread"?
@nbro Spread? It's not a virus
I don't even know what that would entail
Just go home Nelson
It's a little irritating when I can be having a joking conversation with someone else, and a random mod butts in and dictates how we can talk
@SirCumference the way to avoid that is to hold such conversations outside of SE
@DavidZ Why?
@DavidZ I completely agree.
@SirCumference The way to avoid that is by not being human, and guaranteeing everything you say and think is boring
Because SE mods have no power outside of SE
@DavidZ God bless!
@DavidZ No, I mean — why not have them inside SE?
What would be wrong with that?
@SirCumference Watch out, they might think "inside" is an innuendo and delete that
@SirCumference Because the nature of the conversations is often inappropriate for SE chat, and specifically for this chat room.
@SirCumference You...don't see why users calling each other "bitch" is inappropriate?
@ACuriousMind Well, as I was on the receiving end, it was entirely clear that he was joking
Just to let you know how strict they are in other chats and how lucky you, therefore, are here. I was banned for 30 minutes for chatting because I posted a link to another Stack Overflow chat room.
Even if I didn't know better, I would civilly talk it out
No need for mods to involve themselves unless there's a problem, like an argument over it
@SirCumference Would it be clear to other users not knowing you two know each other?
> Even if I didn't know better, I would civilly talk it out. No need for mods to involve themselves unless there's a problem, like an argument over it.
If I need inside knowledge to decide whether a conversation is appropriate or not, chances are you should not hold that conversation in an SE chatroom.
In fact, it's a little irritating for everyone when mods assume posts to be offensive and immediately delete them.
@ACuriousMind As dictated by whom, for what reason?
@SirCumference We don't delete them because we "assume they are offensive". We delete them because they are inappropriate for SE chat, regardless of actual offense taken.
@SirCumference That's a mod's job. It keeps SE pleasant. If you want to be the one dictating what is and isn't appropriate, SE chat is probably not a suitable platform for you.
@ACuriousMind Why are they inappropriate? I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't see how a message can be considered inappropriate if those involved in the conversation are cool with it.
@ArtOfCode Pleasant for whom, exactly? I guess the people who can't handle a joke?
Certainly not for the majority
@SirCumference Rudeness, in particular insults, are simply not okay. They are inappropriate because people lacking the context will just get the impression that this is a chat where people can insult each other.
@SirCumference no. I learned few slang/abuse from you guys (at least 3) so yeah.
@ACuriousMind What? Under what grounds?
@SirCumference I'm not "cool" with too many off-topic conversations. If that happens once in a while, that's ok, but in this chat it happens very often. I think there are many other places on the web where you can discuss freely. I simply don't understand why you're still coming here, if you want absolute freedom.
@SirCumference It's not about whether it's a joke or not. It's about the impression it gives to people who are unfamiliar with the site, or with chat, or with you.
Jeez, so many people
Even if no random passerby gets that impression, it creates a certain atmosphere where things are "just a joke" and it becomes difficult to draw the line to actual insults: If we don't act on insults meant as a joke, how could you expect us to act on actual insults where the user claims they were "just a joke"?
@nbro No one is asking for "absolute freedom". We don't want the ability to harass others or make them feel bad. But when we know some users can take a joke, we'd appreciate if a mod didn't come from left field and delete it.
@ACuriousMind Idea: if someone is offended, then you should get involved.
I don't see the point of interfering when the response is clearly jocular
But who uses abuse in jokes? Learn how to joke properly
@Fawad It's not "abuse". You need to be able to laugh at yourself.
@SirCumference Idea declined. I get involved when I see the need to get involved. Such as now.
This kick was 100% worth it
If someone can't and is offended, that warrants interference. But not when people are completely cool with it.
Everyone who read what I said knows it's true
@SirCumference No, it's perfectly fine to not be able to laugh at insults.
It's a valid opinion, and you don't get to tell someone else to "take a joke"
Don't kick @BernardoMeurer let him put his opinion
@ACuriousMind It's not an insult. He wasn't directing it at you, he was talking to me, whom he knows can handle such jokes.
@SirCumference But, believe me, I often frequent other chat rooms on the Stack Exchange community and they are a lot stricter regarding being off-topic, serious and respectful, and I think it should be like that, since the primary concern of these chat rooms, I believe, is to help in real-time people that really need help regarding the corresponding topics.
@SirCumference But it reads as an insult if you're even remotely unfamiliar with the situation. That's the point.
@Fawad I will let him voice his opinion when he can do it without being insulting to DavidZ or other mods.
@ArtOfCode Then it's not your conversation. Mind your own business, no one is talking to you.
@SirCumference That is not how moderation works.
(not saying that to you, ArtOfCode, but as a general response)
@SirCumference lol
As moderators, all conversations on the SE chat network are our business
If you want to have conversations that are not our business, have them somewhere else.
@SirCumference This is a public chatroom. Any conversation held here is public, and anyone can get involved.
@ArtOfCode That's like saying "this is a public planet. Let me involve myself in every conversation"
@ACuriousMind I bet go and moderate Chinese.se chat.
@SirCumference There's a very big difference between a website and a planet. Hyperbole won't help your argument.
There is no need for someone to insert themselves into conversations between different people.
Did @BernardoMeurer get banned?
@ArtOfCode Fine, public facility, public park, etc.
You can insert yourself into another person's conversation, but there's no need to.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Just kicked from the room (for half an hour since it was the third kick in a short while)
I'm not trying to sound rude, but it is a bit aggravating
@Fawad Btw, if I'm not wrong, users with >=10000 of reputation can see removed messages...
They cannot.
@nbro I don't fear
@nbro Room owners and moderators can, I don't think 10k users can.
Only mods can see.
@ArtOfCode Not to mention, if you swear in a public facility, more often than not those nearby will have to deal with it.
@nbro On chat, only moderators can see deleted messages
Please, @ACuriousMind and @DavidZ, just consider being more lenient and remember the context before deleting posts
@SirCumference Let's not play silly analogy time, here. Whatever SE chat is analogous to, you may not insult other users, even in jest, and that's the end of it.
@SirCumference but this is less like a public facility, and more like a staffed event venue, where the event staff will tell you to cool it if you sound like you're insulting people
Whatever. I don't get your mindset, much like 75% of the people.
I've seen no evidence that a significant percentage of SE users are hyper-offended by such jokes, but if you insist that your methods are correct, I can't change your minset
@SirCumference That's okay in the sense that not getting the mindset is fine, but posting inappropriate chat messages isn't. Our goal is just to keep people from posting inappropriate stuff.
(sorry I have to run, I'll be back to check in on this later)
@DavidZ I've yet to see a valid purpose to this goal.
@SirCumference There are a lot of valid purposes and, if you're not understanding them now, you will hopefully in the future.
Because someone else may be offended at a post not directed to them? Because some guy might get the idea that harassing others is okay, just because he saw people swearing in a clearly jocular context?
@SirCumference Even if you can't see a purpose to it, it doesn't need to have a purpose. That's the network's policy. You are on the network, and therefore should abide by it.
@ArtOfCode Ah, when you put it that way, it makes complete sense.
@SirCumference The purpose is to keep the atmosphere friendly and welcoming. The purpose is to not even begin to let users insult others under the guise of joking (I'm not accusing anyone here of that, but the slippery slope is there). The purpose is to make chat a place where gratitious rudeness is not accepted, even in jest.
End of the day, SE sets policy. Users abide by it. Moderators enforce it. That's how SE works, whatever anyone in particular thinks of it. There's no other realistic way to do it.
@ACuriousMind Question, have you had a friend jokingly swear to you?
@ACuriousMind For what it's worth, I agree with you.
Let the record show I told him it was inappropriate.
@SirCumference Sure. I've heard (and laughed about) lots of things in private and from friends that I wouldn't dream typing in here to another user.
@ACuriousMind Right. Did you insist that those people were being unfriendly?
This is not a private conversation and you're not just talking to your friends, so you should not talk in here like you talk in private with people you understand well.
All right, I give up
This isn't getting anywhere
@SirCumference :( never give up
@ACuriousMind Though, I do have to ask. At what point does "troll" become an insult?
@ACuriousMind ^
@SirCumference When you use it to insult another person?
It's always been something that's on the line - it has both legitimate and insulting uses
@ACuriousMind No, as in, I've used it to describe a user's actions when they fed me false information about physics, and they agreed to it
(in the case where it is both legitimate and insulting it's still better to err on the side of finding a better way to express oneself)
Suddenly, my message got removed
Even the person I was describing was confused
Right, it was here
@SirCumference The moderators of this chat room are being very patient with you!
@SirCumference Yeah, so, what do you want me to say about that?
@nbro I haven't said anything rude. Just voiced my opinion.
@ACuriousMind Is "troll" offensive?
If used as in "you troll" it is an insult, though definitely on the milder end of the spectrum.
Let me know if this is troll or insult
@Fawad Is that directed at the users here? Why did you post that?
@ACuriousMind 1 yes. 2 to know what troll level is accepted
If you want to play twenty questions about whether or not specific things are off-limits or not, I won't do that.
@ACuriousMind You kicking me doesn't make it less truth :)
@ACuriousMind I don't have 20 questions. Your act of deleting that message without my permission is insulting me!!!!
@Fawad He doesn't care
Sad but true :(
@Fawad Please don't start.
@ArtOfCode Can I know why he deleted my message? I wanted to know what troll level is accepted here. And deleting without my permission has insulted me /cc @ACuriousMind
@Fawad because it was a pointless attempt at trolling that was only going to make things worse
ACM is a moderator, he doesn't need your permission to delete a message.
@ACuriousMind Did...he really get suspended for 12 hours?
@Fawad 1. I deleted it because you admitted it was directed at the users of this chat room, effectively calling them stupid. 2. When you post anything on SE you grant implicit permission for it to be deleted by the users who have deletion privileges, there is no need (or indeed option) for you to grant it.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Yes.
Why is there so much drama tonight?
@ArtOfCode how can I speed up my simulation
I don't think it's using my computer to its fullest capacity
@ACuriousMind for how many more years you are at mod position?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 what simulation?
@Fawad moderator terms aren't timed.
It's only using 30% of one core
@ArtOfCode radiation damage simulation
@ACuriousMind Did you see my note on parallel fields from earlier?
It's indeed a global phenomenon, quite interesting.
would need to know more about what you're doing/using
@ArtOfCode the usual: srim.org
@Fawad Damn, dude
It's a Christmas tree simulation
@0celouvskyopoulo7 unless that software gives you an option to speed up the simulation... you can't
it'd be possible if you were using your own code, probably
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I saw the bit about them being everywhere linearly independent if they are at one point, that makes sense and doesn't contradict what we said before, does it? Anyway, I'm gonna drop out to bed soon.
@ACuriousMind Well, it means that it's not possible for them to be "equal on some region"
If two parallel fields agree at one point they agree at every point
1 hour later…
wait, wait, i'm sorry: @ACuriousMind, reading through the above conversation, I'd just like to point out that I'm a kid and I've seen Bernardo's conversations and never felt made uncomfortable by them. There are kids at my school more foul-mouthed than anyone in this chatroom. I can't say I understand why what he says on occasion is a problem, especially when I see people not Bernardo saying just as inflammatory (if not more so) things and not getting banned.
(just a comment to ACuriousMind, not to restart an argument, i'm just curious to see what he says.)
Sup Heather
@heather they don't care.
seems i missed all the drama, the good stuff
Did Bernardo get banned or something?
hi @DavidZ lnog time no see
do you get an alert when someone says the word banned or something?
@heather Well I'm not ACM but it was kind of the point that it doesn't matter whether anyone present is actually offended. Or, to be more precise, the fact that nobody present was offended, if that is the case, doesn't make something okay to post here in chat.
@DavidZ, thanks, I have to go now, sorry (have to go take down the trash)
i'll probably be asking about this more later =)
@DavidZ was anyone banned, or were they just warned for inappropraite behaviour
There are no bans in chat. But more to the point, I'm not going to discuss suspensions at this time.
There are bans in chat sometimes
To put it more directly, "ban" is not used as a label for anything that can be done in chat.
There are suspensions and kick-mutes, and there used to be plain old kicks but I'm not sure that exists anymore
yeah I because I remember once seeing a user here who apparantly couldn't sepak
I found it a bit odd because there was no indication he couldn't speak (other than the gossip)
and so some ppl may have thought he was just ignoring everyone
Q: Refuting an alternative claim to relativistic energy

SpiralRainIn relativity, the $E=\gamma mc^{2}$ formula tells us that as an object goes into higher and higher velocities, more input energy is needed for the same increase in velocity. An alternative claim one can make is this: as an object goes into higher and higher velocities, the object becomes less ...

That's an interesting question...but if that's the case, then we will expect under such model photons will not even be able to transfer energy to other objects at all, yet they do.

Restricting this model to only massive objects then it becomes hard to debunk
@DavidZ how is the job hunting going?
@Kenshin Yeah, that is a somewhat badly designed part of the chat interface, as far as I know.
@Kenshin not well
sorry to hear that
r u still in physics or just searching
which is probably no better/worse than I should expect
why is that?
It's just really hard to get a job (unless you stand out in some way that somebody values)
yeah that's true
To be checked: Increase in transparency to (insert word) as a function of velocity approaching the speed of light
is it your first industry job?
that's usually the hardest
Yeah, I mean, the lack of industry experience definitely isn't helping
do you use your SE account on your resume, cos that's pretty impressive
oh well, keep at it I'm sure you'll find something
It would depend on what I'm applying for, but typically yeah, it would get a brief mention at the bottom
@Kenshin hopefully before too long ;-) thanks for the optimism
The interesting thing about that question is that the alternate model to be debunked is basically claiming that the transparency of the object in terms of energy absorption increases with velocity. I am not sure if we have already ruled out the existence of such velocity dependent transparancy of relativistic massive particles
np all the best, laterz
@Kenshin same to you
@Secret there could be something to that, in the sense that cross sections generally decrease with energy
but I don't think that's what the question is getting at
Well the OP mentioned how as the object moves faster it absorbs less and less energy that get inputted to it which drivens its accelerated motion, which is why I have this impression that it sort of becoming more and more transparent to any further energy being inputted to the system to accelerate it
using the OP's reasoning, at the limit of c, the object basically became transparent thus any energy ( say in the form of photons, or other particles) that is delivered to it to accelerate it further just pass straight through the object as if it is empty space
Yeah, the asker of that question (or whoever is advancing that theory) may have similar ideas. I think it's not quite clear though. I would think that either the question is about something far removed from mainstream physics (and should be closed as such), or it's very badly described.
Still that question makes me curious on how our experiment findings on massive particles have debunked this "transparancy model" (especially now that you mentioend how interaction cross sections in general decrease with increase in energy). I suspect we get the lorentz transformation as explanation of this cutoff in the acceleration from another experiment. Uh I think I need to revise my SR...
If my background is sufficient, from what I knew, the constancy of the speed of light is not sufficient to distinguish the SR model of lorentz transformations vs this "transparancy model" as the explanation of an upper bound in the velocity of a massive object
so something else from the SR postulates and experiments are needed...I wonder, whether this "transparancy model" actually violates the 1st postulate, that physics remains the same in all inertial reference frames...
The thing is I'm not sure we even have debunked this "transparency model" - it's impossible to say without a more precise definition of the model.
Yeah, I think if this thing is actually something from a theoretical paper, then it can be dug up to check its math formulation and see if it recovers the SR outcomes
though the way the question is asked sounds like either an alternate theory without precise definition (yet?) or a genuine curioisity idea simialr to those asked by undergrads
either way, unless the OP can give us a published reputable journal source (hence mainstream), this is going to be closed as offtopic as you suggested
One reasons I found questions like these interesting is that they are the types that ask about how experiments distinguish between model A and model B. If both models are mainstream, answers to these questions give future readers more ideas on how the experiment interplay with the theory in order to select the best model out of a bunch of similar models for a given phenomenon,
and thus providing them more experimental intuition on how we actually build our understanding and how we decide what is mainstream
However asking good questions of this type is tricky especially if model B is not mainstream
Q: Temporal delay between entangled photon pair

Peter DiehrWhen generating entangled photons by means of Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion SPDC, the usual assumption is that the two photons are created at the same time. I have not been able to find any papers which discuss this assumption, nor experimental papers in which the delay has been measure...

These are also interesting questions as often when doing fundemental investigations, assumptions need to be checked. Askers of these questions often have enough experience to provide insights on an aspect of an experiment that is often overlooked for example
Bottom line: Experiment related PSE tend to caught my attention recently due to a heightened interest of me to learn more about the experiment side of the experiment-theory interplay in physics
@Secret Well, a published reputable source would help, and that probably is the best way to go about improving the question. But I could see the question becoming on topic even without that, if the model is made precise.
Noted. I have just added my comments in the PSE as suggested, Let me know if I can formulate my comment better
@Secret that's true, though in this case I think a difference between "mainstream" and "correct" becomes relevant. A theory or a body of work can be mainstream even if it's not correct; there just has to be universal agreement about its correctness or incorrectness. To take another example, people should still be able to ask questions about the luminiferous aether theory. It's been thoroughly debunked, but as long as the question is fully aware of that, it could very well be reasonable.
@Secret Good enough I think. I've closed the question for now. I'll also leave a comment to add the "weight" of my diamond (whatever that's worth) and to encourage the OP to reformulate it.
4 hours later…
Hello :-P
@JohnRennie Hi :-)
Hi :-)
How goes it?
Fairly standard Wednesday morning. Nothing has gone wrong at work. Enjoyed my morning coffee. All very routine.
Quite busy, I see...
@JohnRennie Wokay :-)
And you?
I had my exam today...
So I believe ...
You're being weird :-|
No, I'm avoiding asking you how it went in case it's something you don't want to talk about!
@JohnRennie :-) That's very considerate of you, thanks. Yeah, no, I don't want to talk about it or anything. It went OK. Might not get in though.
Ah, OK. Well, wait and see I guess.
Anyhow, how does it feel to have a life again? :-)
@JohnRennie ...sort of numb. Like I had predicted before, I'm at a loss for something to do.
I could have lunch but then what?
Numb is exactly how I felt after my finals.
It's such a big change that you don't really know how to deal with it.
@Kaumudi.H being me, I would be planning the mother of all lunches!
@JohnRennie Yes. And I think I would've felt happier had I gotten into the college I actually wanted to but I didn't and I just sort of feel numb in the worst way possible. Sorry if that was TMI :-/
@JohnRennie Ah, but my mum's already prepared lunch. Rice and sambaar as always :-/
@Kaumudi.H there is always another lunch tomorrow!
Well, apart from the day you drop dead, though in that case you won't be worried because you'll be dead! :-)
@JohnRennie ...which will also most likely be the same. I, yeah, I should probably not hang out here till I get better 'cause it will be the same kind crap from me :-/
If you're feeling kind of down then go with it - that's an entirely reasonable reaction to a stressful experience.
go with it. Where? I really don't know what to do with myself. I thought I'd go to the library but nah, I don't feel like doing anything. Not even sleeping or eating or just laying down. Nothing at all.
Go for a walk.
That's my standard solution when I'm in a funk.
Or a cycle ride.
Anything that is low level exercise and doesn't tax the brain too much.
OK. I'll have my lunch and ride my cycle to the library. Just kind of force myself to, even if I don't feel like it. Maybe I'll feel better...
It's worth a try. Gentle exercise produces endorphins that are a natural high.
Ah, but you know what the problem is? When I come back, it'll be the same again :-/
Anyhoo, I'll leave u be :-P
Try it anyway.
@Kaumudi.H I'm around all morning if you want to chat here or on that G thingy
G thingy x'D
@JohnRennie Unless you're in the mood to chat with a relatively depressed 18 yo person, I'd advise you against it :-P
@Kaumudi.H I'm not overburdened with things to do right now. If you want to chat I'm around.
The alternative is writing a report that I've successfully been putting off for two weeks now :-)
@JohnRennie Haha x'D Hmm, I could stand to ask about something. Shall I shoot you a message on gchat, then?
Go ahead. I'll try and remember how it works ...
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Riddle me this : how many non-homeomorphic quotient manifolds of Minkowski space are there in dimension $n$
2 dimension has minkowski space, the timelike cylinder, spacelike cylinder, torus, timelike Klein bottle, spacelike Klein bottle
I'm not sure if there's something with identification along null curves
@Slereah these classification problems sound like the bread and butter of geometers
they should know the answer
I don't (for I despise geometry...)
Well I don't think it's that hard for Minkowski space
It's gonna be just identifications, twisted or not, along hypersurfaces
is it easy for euclidean space?
and what do you mean by quotient manifold?
$M / \Gamma$
For $\Gamma$ some discrete group on Minkowski space
Such that the quotient is still a manifold
I think that's only $\Bbb Z$ for Minkowski space
Group acting freely or whatever the math talk is
yeah act freely and compact
@Secret I'm probably missing something obvious, but what's PSE?
Physics Stack Exchange
The place we're in
... I feel like an idiot. Not least, because last time I asked someone what an acronym is, it was also the name of that SE site. Bother. Now I really feel like an idiot, as I use 'SE' all the time... :/
Acronyms are evil (AAE)
Hm, I see why you need the coupling constant $\lambda$ for linearized gravity
Otherwise you have to consider the size of the metric components and the size of the derivatives separately
@Mithrandir24601 It also does not help that I actually use that abbreviation as an abbreviation of "physics stack exchange questions"
In general (letter)SE is (long form of said letter) stack exchange
and I tend to use that as short for (long form of said letter) stack exchange questions
Q: Perceiving and formulating

Vasu GoyalMy question may feel very absurd to few readers but bear with me. I have studied physics for almost 5 years now, since its first introduction to us at school level. What really baffles me sometimes is that why have the formulas being constructed the way they are. Why are the dimensions (like mass...

Too broad? Primarily opinion-based?
PSE could be the philosophy stackexchange
or the parenting stackexchange
Or the pet stackexchange
That's where you need the first two letters in some cases to disambigurate them
e.g. Philosophy will be PhSE
That could still be Physics though
Q: 12 year old boy is totally out of control

user27616My seventh grader screamed "Fuck you" at me last night. I am at the end of my rope. His behavior is so bad I feel like I need to send him away to a boarding school or something because he is causing so much disturbance in our house and so much stress to me, it's making me hate parenthood. We have...

Oh no
Smack his ass
but that's just me, there are no official acronyms afaik except mathematics chemistry and physics (and possibly more big SE sites I forgot)
Using PSE as physics stack exchange on this chat makes perfect sense, that's the problem - it's so obvious
I've heard SO before
You sometimes see me and others use MSE in the maths chat
and kaumudi like to use CSE for chemistry stack exchange (as computer science SE is rarely involved)
Makes sense - I've never heard one for Computer Science. A proposed one for Security was Sec.SE - don't know if it's the 'official' one or not, but all the sites seem to have one that they use
@Mithrandir24601 Pronounced sexy?
Don't actually know - it was on their list of memes - security.meta.stackexchange.com/q/880/147587
@Qmechanic unclear what you're asking?
he is mostly expressing a feeling
"I'm voting to close this question because it is expressing feelings."? :D
you're not allowed to feel in physics stackexchange
My personal preferences are as follows:
Physics PSE
Chemistry CSE
Maths MSE
Biology BSE or BioSE
Philosophy PhSE
Worldbuilding WSE
Scifi and fantasy ScifiSE
Math Overflow MO
Stack Overflow SO
Academia AcaSE
Meta Meta
Astronomy AstroSE

However for anything beneath stack overflow, I rarely used thus I do not really adhere strongly to my own preference
In general, I can sometimes get confused myself without a notebook since I have a tendency to change my preference and acronyms on the fly for no apparent reason
My answer on gravitational waves has some success
@yuggib : Please vote to close (VTC) as you think is best.
The sweet moment where you get to use some obscure paper
Fair enough - makes sense, although I tend to use WB for Worldbuilding and SFF for sci-fi and fantasy
I'm not even sure where I found it
I think it was on some paper on photon-graviton vertex
@Qmechanic I went for unclear
@yuggib : Reminds me of a John Malkovich quote from Knockaround Guys: Now everyone's feelings are involved. :)
@Qmechanic :-)
Why is the Euler characteristic not present at all in this paper on the Gauss Bonnet theorem
Q: A slight confusion in resubmitting of a closed question [a genuine attempt to re-word the original]

PhyEnthusiastI asked a question, but it was declared a duplicate of this, this and this, but none of them answered what I originally had in mind. [probably my mistake, the question must have been poorly worded]. I edited but to no avail. So I decided to ask an altogether different question, but unfortunately ...

Stupid question. I'm modeling a semiconductor nanowire with some metalic gates on top of it. I'm trying to calculate the capacitance of those gates w.r.t. the nanowire. But as it is a nanowire I can't just treat it as a bulk object, the surface also matters. So what I do is I calculate the total number of charges Q_B in the bulk, and Q_S on the surface, for two values of gate voltage, and use C_{B,S} = dQ_{B,S}/dV for an approximation. This works quite well.
But to find C_tot, do I then just add C_B + C_S, or should I add absolute values? Because they are sometimes opposite signs.
Apparently for a $k$-sheeted covering space, you have $\chi(\bar M) = k \chi(M)$
Does that mean any quotient manifold by $\Bbb Z$ has euler characteristic $0$, and so does the original space?

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