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@ShaVuklia He's 19...
@SirCumference I'm going to sue you
what did you say?
Hello all
If I compute the total energy of the particle in a box (potential = 0 inside box) analytically, I don't have to worry about normalization of wavefunction, correct?
Because I am doing it by the equation $E_n=\frac{n^2\hbar ^2\pi ^2}{2ma^2}$
@loltospoon ?? The quantity $\frac{n^2\hbar ^2\pi ^2}{2ma^2}$ doesn't depend on the wavefunction at all, sooo... yeah.
You set $\langle \hat{x}|\psi_n\rangle=\sqrt{\frac{2}{L}}\sin(\frac{n\pi x}{L})$, in which normalization is important, and find $\langle \psi_n | \hat{H}|\psi_n \rangle=\frac{n^2\hbar ^2\pi ^2}{2ma^2}$.
(IIRC. Might have some factors wrong)
(I guess L=a)
You don't have to normalize an unrelated $f(x)$ before you plug $n$ into $\frac{n^2\hbar ^2\pi ^2}{2ma^2}$, if that's what you're asking :p
@NeuroFuzzy ok cool, thank you
@Slereah check out figure 7 of Penrose
Another question: I am trying to compute the eigenvalues of the particle in a box with an added potential $V$. To do this, the strategy I decided on was to compute like so:

$$\langle H_{total} \rangle = -\frac{\hbar ^2}{2m}\frac{\partial ^2}{\partial x^2} + V$$
$$\langle H_{total} \rangle = -\frac{\hbar ^2}{2m}\frac{\partial ^2}{\partial x^2} + (V_0 + V_{new}) \quad ; \quad V_0 \text{ is the potential for the particle in a box, which is zero, and }V_{new} \text{ is the added potential.} $$
@loltospoon So, this might be better as an actual question on the site, but I can give you a run down.
Well... yikes... do you use Mathematica?
I can give basically a full answer in Mathematica no problem, haha
for numerically discretizing things
It's a fun problem :)
@NeuroFuzzy nah, I'm doing this in Swift, unfortunately
Using Mathematica would be a lot easier I hear
@loltospoon Yeah, to do it numerically you basically need a program to find the eigenvalues of a tridiagonal matrix.
@NeuroFuzzy whats up
@loltospoon this is going to be really ugly but, to solve it numerically for the case of an arbitrary potential V, you construct the following matrix (I came up with it using Mathematica):
\frac{\hbar ^2}{m}+V\left(\frac{L}{5}\right) & -\frac{\hbar ^2}{2 m} & 0 & 0 \\
-\frac{\hbar ^2}{2 m} & \frac{\hbar ^2}{m}+V\left(\frac{2 L}{5}\right) & -\frac{\hbar ^2}{2 m} & 0 \\
0 & -\frac{\hbar ^2}{2 m} & \frac{\hbar ^2}{m}+V\left(\frac{3 L}{5}\right) & -\frac{\hbar ^2}{2 m} \\
0 & 0 & -\frac{\hbar ^2}{2 m} & \frac{\hbar ^2}{m}+V\left(\frac{4 L}{5}\right) \\
That's your hamiltonian matrix $H$, with space approximated by 4 points. You can plug it into Schrodinger's equation to find the time evolution of the four points in space or w/e
or you can find its eigenvalues/eigensystem to diagonalize it
@NeuroFuzzy wait, why are some of the values $0$? I thought the entire matrix would be filled
@loltospoon oh, it's in the position basis right now
@NeuroFuzzy what does that mean?
Btw, I'm only an undergrad
So... you have your $\psi(x)$. But because this is in a computer space is discretized and it's actually a column vector: $[\psi(x_1),\psi(x_2),\psi(x_3),\cdots,\psi(x_N)]$
and now your operator $V$ sends $[\psi(x_1),\psi(x_2),\psi(x_3),\cdots,\psi(x_N)]$ to $[V(x_1)\psi(x_1),V(x_2)\psi(x_2),V(x_3)\psi(x_3),\cdots,V(x_N)\psi(x_N)]$
so it's just a diagonal matrix consisting of diagonal entries which are the values of the potential
say $${\bf V}=\left(
V\left(\frac{L}{4}\right) & 0 & 0 \\
0 & V\left(\frac{L}{2}\right) & 0 \\
0 & 0 & V\left(\frac{3 L}{4}\right) \\
eep, one of the V's being a function and one being an actual matrix
So then you're saying that to get it into the state $[V(x1)ψ(x1),V(x2)ψ(x2),V(x3)ψ(x3),⋯,V(xN)ψ(xN)]$
I need to multiply the $\psi(x)$ matrix by your $V$ matrix shown above there?
Yeah exactly
hey @NeuroFuzzy havent seen you around in awhile, nice to see you again, whats new? are you still an undergrad? what kind of prjs are you working on lately?
@NeuroFuzzy Hang on, I still don't understand why the $V$ matrix only have values along the diagonal. I mean, I can totally force my code to do this, but I don't get why
likewise you come up with a matrix for the kinetic energy, and then you add them, and you have a matrix for your hamiltonian which is of the above form (I actually forgot a factor). If you want to discretize space into 100 points you have a 100x100 matrix, but only the diagonal and immediately off-diagonal entries are zero, so it's a relatively easier problem.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Nuthin'! Procrastinating!
@NeuroFuzzy me too
@NeuroFuzzy that reminds me of density formulation of QM...
I have about 20 papers to read and four books
@vzn Graduated from UCSD with a math and physics degree, accepted for grad school at UCSD! Theoretical condensed matter
Speaking of, I really should be playing Skyrim
@0celouvskyopoulo7 literally made a graph in mathematica to sort out which books i should read next
@loltospoon :( it would be so much easier to explain if you used mathematica haha. Can you tell me what you're trying to do again?
Write a program to find the energy levels of a 1D quantum particle in a box with an arbitrary potential...?
@NeuroFuzzy congrats dude great to hear :) ... hey did we ever talk about the Physics guest session? any )( possibility for you? think youd make very excellent choice, tons to talk about, chance to celebrate etc, plz think about it :) physics.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/7783/…
@NeuroFuzzy one of the books is 750 pages, and it's all PDE
I need to be 21 so I can have a steady stream of bourbon
@0celouvskyopoulo7 yeah whatever, what about the strip clubs? or is that 18? :P (which reminds me...)
@vzn ooh neat. I'll look into it!
It's still a way away
@NeuroFuzzy what math do you do again?
Condensed matter means algebraic topology
@NeuroFuzzy btw time to update your SE profile... not that anyone else seems to pay much attn to those... :| ... whats this QM problem with loltospoon?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I'm trying to shy away from the math but I'm finishing up some commutative algebra and Lie groups stuff
Why would you shy away?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 lol, exactly
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Because at this point I'm becoming better at math than condensed matter >.>
That sounds perfectly reasonable
@NeuroFuzzy mathematical physics... if not married at least a LTR
@NeuroFuzzy its yours for the taking if you want it plz let me know am sure itd be great :) caveat: not for the faint of heart or those "shy" in any way :P
The problem with mathematical physics is that physicists think they can do it.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 lol you should start your own bumpersticker biz
Nothing against physicists but what they do is simply wrong from a mathematical perspective a lot of the time.
@vzn I'll think about it for sure, but miiight decline.
> An engineer thinks that his equations are an approximation to reality. A physicist thinks reality is an approximation to his equations. A mathematician doesn’t care. —anonymous vzn1.wordpress.com/quotes
@loltospoon LMK if you post a question on this, I'd be happy to answer. If you're writing a program to find the energy levels and eigenstates of a 1D quantum particle in a box with an arbitrary potential, I can definitely provide an answer.
@NeuroFuzzy awww hard "nos" hurt my feelings, just put it on indefinite consideration instead... :| ... why decline tho?
@vzn Lack of expertise and fear of appearing an authority figure and saying something incorrect :)
but i'm leaning towards yes
@NeuroFuzzy ok. think you will find the crowd very welcoming. we are not here to ding anyone, quite the opposite, think its more about enthusiasm & nearly cheerleading. no preparation reqd although welcomed if you have time. its meant to be low key/ informal by default, guests can take it wherever they want. keep in mind one of the guests was a ~14yr old girl enthusiast. (wonder whatever happened to @heather anyway, havent seen her in ages...)
@NeuroFuzzy theres a regular mtg coming up tues may30th morning (next one is 16th, next tues, too soon to get out advance notice). plz seriously think about it, let me know :) chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/71/the-h-bar?tab=schedule
@NeuroFuzzy I actually did, but as the background to a question I thought might help me get going on this. Feel free to respond: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/332594/…
@0celouvskyopoulo7 even better combine the 2... bourbon + strip club! sort of like Two Great Tastes That Go Great Together™ :P youtu.be/DJLDF6qZUX0
@0celouvskyopoulo7 are you seriously 10?
Why do we take time seriosuly? When I look around, I don't notice time passing by, I see reactions happening on the molecular level as a result of a history of events. So What we live in is just a serious of reactions. Therefore, can't we just ignore time?
@loltospoon sure, if you can live forever metrolyrics.com/live-forever-lyrics-oasis.html
You can ignore time, but then the world won't be Lorentz invariant. No one wants that...
wow there's a Christianity stackexchange too
@loltospoon we can ignore the flow of time, and the result is the block universe. We can't ignore the time coordinate.
A: Is there a proof of existence of time?

John RennieIt's easy to get mixed up between time and the flow of time, and I think you've done this in your question. Take time first: since 1905 we describe any event as a spacetime point and label it with four co-ordinates ($t$, $x$, $y$, $z$). Saying that time doesn't exist means we can ignore the time...

@JohnRennie Do you know the book "Stars and Relativity" by Novikov?
I am supposed to read it for reasons
Wonder if the library has it
I was told it's quite readable despite being a physics book
the library has a book "relativistic astrophysics"
It looks quite interesting, though I think it's about how matter behaves in relativistic conditions rather than GR itself.
544 pages, jesus christ
@JohnRennie My goal is to understand what sorts of equations of state people usually consider, roughly speaking.
I'm off to bed
hey just reaskign his, what's the interpretation of F(x) -g(x) > -infinity. I couldn't make a sense of this statement
Don't know, sorry.
that F(x) is original function with domain R^n -> R
whereas g(x) has domain x such that all the values of x for which F(x) has loca/minimas
@Xasel ask me in 8 hours
@0celouvskyopoulo7 wot
@loltospoon Had some time and put together an answer! physics.stackexchange.com/questions/332622/…
Sorry if it looks complicated. It literally boils down to writing the matrix D2, writing the matrix V, writing $H=-hbar^2/(2m)*D2+V$, and then finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of H.
You'll totally have to use a library or program to find the eigenvalues/eigenvectors.
Or else you can roll your own eigensystem solver... but I think that's a pretty serious amount of work, even just for tridiagonal systems.
Guys, why do they compare the slow decay to $t\sim1/\omega$?
Like, what is the physical meaning of $1/\omega$ in this case?
@ShaVuklia the period of vibration is $2\pi/\omega$ so that means $t$ being a few periods.
usually I'd say it has to do with the time of an oscillation, since $\omega$ is the angular frequency
yea, but in this case there is no oscillation?
oh true.
i guess they just wanted something to make a comparison then..
I guess it's usually explained as the natural frequency. The frequency which would be there in the absence of damping
so the physical statement is that the spring creeps back to the origin on a timescale much greater than the natural period.
hm yea makes sense
@0celouvskyopoulo7 It's the book that contains the fact that the trace energy condition is rubbish
@ACuriousMind because there is a general solution for every group lol I did seeking for a particular solution for a space that its fundamental group is isomorphic to S_3. indeed i found the answer by acting S_3 on IR^2 that's simply-connected :)
am I right? S_3 is isomorphic to the group of rotation by angle 120 degrees and reflection?
Hey @BalarkaSen
@mathvc_ There are many, many ways to do this.
Isn't $S^3 \approx SO(3)$
SO(2) is just S^1
Hence the edit
Morning, everyone! :-)
@Kaumudi.H Morning
Hence no reflections for $S^3$
@Slereah SO(3) is RP^3, however.
You want $S^3 \sqcup S^3$
@BalarkaSen A minimalist, I see :-P
Oh right, it's $SU(2)$ that's $S^3$
I'm a big fan of minimalism.
So there's some quotient involved
(Waiting for Godot is one of my favorite plays all time)
@Slereah Right.
"The Clouds" by Aristophanes is the best play
It's the greatest episode of the Simpsons
that's classic tho. i'm thinking of postmodern shits
postmodern shits ?
not to be taken literally
@Balarka: How is it that you're so enriched in cultures other than your own?
although there's a thing called "Artist's Shit" somewhere
@BalarkaSen I was wondering how you would apply moral relativism to going for a number two
Greatest joke from The Clouds :
What are they doing like that, all doubled up?

They’re sounding out the depths of Tartarus.

Why are their arse holes gazing up to heaven?

Directed studies in astronomy.
@Kaumudi I think everything is related. I am into my culture too, but I don't talk about that a lot because of obvious reasons.
Obvious reasons?
Different language.
Nobody really reads Bengali. Oh I guess by my culture you meant Indian. I don't really connected to India as much as I do to Bengal.
Ah, hmm, I see. I was only wondering how you've been exposed to so many different forms of art from so many different parts of the world.
@Slereah Huh
...it's not typical for a 17/18 y/o brought up in India is what I mean.
It's a fun play because it's popular perception of philosophers in Ancient Greece
It's also probably partly responsible for a murder
i got teleported from the 60's
@Slereah What kind of murder
(Some people back then have said that it may have contributed to Socrates' execution)
@BalarkaSen -_- OK.
Socrates does say that the gods don't exist a lot in that play
in hilarious ways
of course I'm pretty sure I don't get most jokes because I don't speak ancient greek
Nor do I know athenian pop culture
ancient greeks were strange
Anybody around here have BFRD?
Not all that much
The play is fairly classic humor
Strepsiades is your classic bumbling dumb dad
Socrates is doctor Frink from the Simpsons
Strepsiades' wife is too good for him
I was reading up about it and it seems that one in 20 people have it.
His son is spending too much money
etc etc
@Kaumudi.H (Google, Google) Body-focused repetitive behavior ?
Ah, BFRB, not D.
I depends how you define it. We all have mannerisms e.g. drumming fingers or pulling on ears.
I have a tendency to chew my knuckles when concentrating ...
Ah, I see.
what;s BFRD
@JohnRennie I s'pose it would depend on the degree to which it is done.
Eg: Do u chew on ur knuckles till they start bleeding and can't chew anymore?
@Kaumudi.H Indeed. I just think you need to be a little cautious about statistics like 1 in 20 people have it since there isn't a precise point at which it becomes a problem.
@Kaumudi.H I'm currently typing this with the stumps of my fingers and there's blood all over the keyboard.
@JohnRennie -_- Nice.
I think it depends on when the habit starts causing serious harm.
In winter I get dry skin on my knuckles and I tend to worry at it. But I have never made my knuckles bleed as a result.
@Kaumudi.H Yes, I'd go along with that.
I mean, I'm pretty sure I have two of the variations of BFRB mentioned on the list: when anxious, I tend to pick my scalp (till, yeah, it starts bleeding & pains too much to go on) or I chew on the insides of my cheek till either it becomes bleedy and raw/all the skin to chew is gone. (Sorry for the grossness :-|)
Biting your cheek! That's disgraceful! I thought you were a vegetarian!!!
she only eats vegetarians
-_- You're in a nice mood today...
It was supposed to be a joke - a poor one I guess ...
Nah, I got the joke and all :-P
i could make a self-cannibalization joke but i just woke up
Anyway my morning got off to a bad start.
Oh? :-(
I forgot to buy milk yesterday so at six a.m. I had to cycle to the supermarket to buy milk.
But ...
So the day is looking up.
Ah, there you go! :-)
Man, am I glad that I only have to do this revision business for 4 more days.
the overwhelming question is, what next?
Mum says I should get a haircut or something; you know, signalling a significant change in my lifestyle and whatnot but I'm not too sure I will go along with that idea...
Four more days to go
Four more days of sorrow
Four more days of this old dump
And we'll be gone in four days

Traditional English schoolboy song.
@BalarkaSen I have a list :-P
@JohnRennie Eyy, that's fitting! :-D
well any list i ever make is trash after i finish my exams
but i guess not everybody is me
:-P No, no, I've been curating the items on this list for over three years, man. I'm gonna go through with them all.
@BalarkaSen I still have my notes from first year somewhere underneath my bed...
Anyway, my head's been all bleedy and nice for roughly a month and a half now, so I am looking forward to it not being this way in 4-5 days.
@Kaumudi.H I've always found the post-exam period to be a bit of an anti-climax. You think you're going to feel ecstatic that it's all over, but in the event you just feel numb, tired and very relieved.
I wouldn't try and plan anything amazing. Just chill and do whatever you feel like at the time.
Yeah, I completely agree. I just tend to come back home and take a long nap first thing.
Te best moment is when you wake up the next morning and you're in bed thinking "I dont have to get up and work this morning!"
@JohnRennie I believe you mis-typed 'very relieved' and meant to type 'stressed and worried that you are going to fail everything'
"Non-vanishing vector field is a section of the spherization of $TM$, a bundle with fiber $S^{n-1}$."
Not the sphere bundle
@Mithrandir24601 No, the exam I'm writing in 4 days is computer-based and displays the result as soon as it's over.
@JohnRennie I agree! :-)
@Mithrandir24601 actually no. I find that once you've finished the last exam the die is cast and your fate is out of your hands. So at that point I stop worrying. It's still stressful when the exam results arrive :-)
@Kaumudi.H Huh. Fair enough then. In that case it's 'depressed because everything was a disaster'
Although, really you'll be fine
:-P Yeah, no, if it doesn't go well, I'm probably going to spend a few hours crying in the corner first.
...which reminds me that I should get back to that sweet sweet revision :-/
guys, why can't $\phi$ be zero?
@Kaumudi.H Only four days more!!
:-D YES!
@JohnRennie Fair enough, I suppose. When I finished my final undergrad exam, I was ecstatic with relief that I wouldn't have to pummel my brain with insane physics that I didn't understand. That lasted until the next day...
@ShaVuklia it can, in the trivial case where everything is zero...
And now ... more coffee!
@JohnRennie Yeah, same here, I think.
(or where there's no damping, or no driving force)
@Mith why "everything"? As soon as $\gamma\omega_d\ll\omega_d^2-\omega^2$, we have $\tan\phi\approx 0$?
@ShaVuklia hence no damping, or no driving force. The 'everything' was just because of the order my brain works in is 'check the trivial case first'
QQ: How to apply strikethrough?
@Slereah sphere bundle is pretty good
--- blah ---, without the spaces
@ShaVuklia But why am I just giving you the answer? (OK, technically, if $\omega_d = 0$)
Coffee! It's lunchtime though but who cares
Ah, yes! @Balarka: Thanks.
they say the same as you later on
@BalarkaSen But the Grassman bundle is $Gr(n,1) = P(n)$ D:
If there's a section of the sphere bundle, is there a section of the projective bundle?
I don't think so
or is there
I don't know
A section of the sphere bundle of $TM$ is literally a unit vector field.
yeah, but the projective bundle is a direction field
So if $\gamma=0$, then $\phi=0,\pi$. However, if $\omega_d\approx 0$, then only $\phi=\pi$? @Mithrandir
Not quite the same
@ShaVuklia to be fair, if 'everything' is 0, then the phase is undefined
I still don't see why $\phi\neq 0$ when $\omega_d\approx 0$
@Slereah Oh, let me take that back. Grassmannian bundle fibers over the space of 1-dimensional subspaces of the fibers of $TM$ right?
A unit vector spans a 1-dimensional subspace of the tangent space it lives in
So that should give a section of $Gr(n, 1)$ just fine.
I guess so!
But is the opposite true
@ShaVuklia First of all, do you mean when $\omega_d \approx 0$ or $\omega_d = 0$?
If I have a direction field, does that mean I have a vector field
@Slereah Mhm, should be, modulo a Riemannian metric.
A direction field is the same as a 1-dimensional subbundle of TM
@Mith $\omega_d\approx 0$
Give it a Riemannian metric and look at the unit sphere bundle. Unit sphere bundle of the 1-dimensional subbundle sits inside that.
If M is orientable, that's just the trivial double cover. Choose out a section
@ShaVuklia then, without even looking at anything, why would you expect $\phi = 0$ when, for small $\phi$, $\tan \phi \approx \phi$?
but the double cover isn't the manifold, though
If I take the projective plane, there's a direction field, but I'm not sure there's a non-vanishing vector field
If M is orientable the double cover has to be M x {0, 1} --> M
orientability is super essential
because $\tan\phi\approx\phi\approx 0$ ? @Mithrandir
Because the thing to prove in particular is
A manifold that admits a Lorentz metric always also admits a time-orientable metric
So if I can define a Lorentz metric, I can define a nowhere vanishing vector field
@ShaVuklia which is why I asked if you're looking at the case $\omega_d \approx 0$ or $\omega_d = 0$
ok yea well i'll ask on the forum i guess, because i'm still confused
Because a direction field being equivalent to a Lorentz metric is somewhat trivial to show
I need to check Steenrod I think
I just don't understand why $\phi$ can't be approximately zero if $\omega_d\approx 0$, because if you look at the equation for the phase, it seems that $\phi\approx 0$ is also a solution
@ShaVuklia Where does it say that it can't?
technically, they don't say it can't. but my problem is they don't say it can
if $\phi$ can be $\approx 0$, then there is no reason not to mention that
yo peeps
hi @Kenshin
sup bro
Rytsas @Kenshin
ah i see something
look at this: @Mithrandir
it has to do with the sign, i think
hi @avant (again i guess:d)
Hey @ShaVuklia :)
working through waves again?
oscillations, technically
but yes :P
waves will be the last chapter
go you
@ShaVuklia I'm going to start again, hopefully better this time: Look at the original expression for $\tan\phi$ and tell me the different ways that it can approach 0
you can have: $\phi\to 0^+$, $\phi\to0^-$, $\phi\to\pi^+$, $\phi\to\pi^-$ @Mithrandir
or do you mean $\tan\phi\to0^+$ and $\tan\phi\to0^-$
So the question is, what are the different ways of getting $\omega, \omega_d$ and $\gamma$ to get these behaviours?
the first one :P
in defense of the goto
ok let me think
oh I see now
if we have $\omega_d\approx 0$
then we technically have a positive fraction
so we have $\phi\to0^+$ and $\phi\to\pi^+$
but $\phi$ must be $\in[0,\pi]$
so we are left with only $\phi\approx 0$ @Mithrandir
whoa ^
@ShaVuklia :D Now, what's the physical intuition as to why this is the case?
oh god... the hardest part XD let me think
(i have no intuition :P)
i think you mean this
like yea i get why
we have technically a force that is changing very slowly
so, somehow, the spring force balances this
i don't know exactly why. like they say: the driving force balances the spring force, but that looks weird to me, because the driving force doesn't care about the spring force. i would rather think that it's the spring force that balances the driving force. but i donno

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