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So, interesting thing
See that rep bump?
It was the week I had a job
Apparently the Hoyle model for GR was $$R_{\mu\nu} - \frac{1}{2} g_{\mu\nu} R + C_{\mu\nu} = - \kappa T_{\mu\nu}$$
With $C_{\mu\nu}$ the matter creation tensor
That's the tensor that makes $\nabla T \neq 0$ I guess
@BernardoMeurer Huh, how does that work?
@ACuriousMind I didn't do my work I just answered SO question :P
why doesn't this work
Well, I did do my work, it just left me with a lot of free time
@0celouvsky i think it wants it in CSV
@0celouvsky Why don't you download the whole document?
it's 3300+pages
that's many hundreds of MB
Well, try inputting the pages as CSV
I mean pretty obviously you have $\nabla_\mu C^{\mu\nu} = \nabla_\mu T^{\mu\nu}$
what are you even downloading
So it is literally the source and sink term of the stress energy tensor
@0celouvsky Try putting in a single number, not a range
@BalarkaSen a paper
a 3300+ paper?
is this by Gromov
It's not a paper
morse theory on asymptotically Euclidean manifolds
it's a whole journal
@BalarkaSen no
oh god
it's downloading something
You know what else I don't know?
What the Einstein universe looks like
I know it's static and has 7 Killing vectors
it's not giving me a precidted time
I don't know the metric tho
oh god what have I done
lol rip
I stopped it
Howdy everyone
@JohnR D'ya think mint goes well with button mushrooms? ._.
@JaimeGallego Your new profile picture is too pink :D Is it because of the lighting?
because he's fabulous
Or Irish
With the ruddiest complexion
Well, in his previous one...his complexion was quite different
chameleon, are you? :D
Apparently Novikov was the one to prove that the trace energy condition was violated
@JohnR: Heh. I'm able to hear the whirring of the fan now, when it's starting to get extremely hot.
bit hard to find where, tho
the reference is a book
@Slereah is this the math Novikov
@Kaumudi.H Hmm, so the fan is working then. In that case I don't understand why it's getting hot.
I used to not be able to hear it before! ._.
Wokay, I'll look into this some more tomorrow after the exam...
Maybe your hearing is improving.
@0celouvsky Nah, pretty sure that's not it :-P
@Kaumudi.H You might want to install HWMonitor.
That will tell you things like the fan speed and temperature.
@Kaumudi.H How can you not hear a fan? You should get your ears checked!
Ah, nice. Will do!
Does @JohnR pings @JohnRennie?
So Lichnerowicz wrote a GR book in French
@blue Computer fan.
I have to read it
@Mostafa yes
maybe the fan is evolving into a big whirring monster
@Kaumudi.H ow
@BalarkaSen And it's angry--that would explain the rising temperature.
You hear it when it gets too hot
@blue the cooling fan in the Latitude E6430 is variable speed and initially comes on at a slow speed that doesn't make much noise.
indeed. man, am i getting lots of horror fiction ideas
@BalarkaSen It's I. Novikov
Make of that what you will
@JohnRennie Initially?
Ah ok. The guy I am thinking of is S. Novikov
He proved that in neutron stars it was likely that the stress energy tensor was $p \approx \rho$
@JohnRennie I was thinking of ceiling fan...lol...and thinking "wth is Kaumudi saying!" :P
@blue the fan only really gets loud when all four cores are running flat out, which doesn't happen often unless you're @Bernardo :-)
@JohnRennie I get it now...:D
@blue x'D Still, some ceilings fans don't make any noise!
and some makes so much noise you want to get out of your room
@Kaumudi.H the fan responds to the temperature (or should do). Typically when the laptop is under mild load, e.g. 100% CPU on only one core, the fan will turn on at a slow speed that doesn't mae a lot of noise.
What's happened then hmm...
Alright, will investigate further tomorrow!
@Kaumudi.H then if the load increases, and the laptop gets hotter, the fan speed will increase and get noisier as a result.
@Kaumudi.H Ping me after the exam is safely behind you.
@BalarkaSen Yes. Couldn't sleep for a long while last night 'cause of one such fan >.<
@JohnRennie Will do :-) Thanks!
Oh no
Shoo shoo
leave the STEM people alone
@blue I was in a Japanese restaurant with these red lanterns
@JaimeGallego Okay, so you don't have chameleon powers ;)
[unrelated] I've only had sushi (among japanese food) and some were absolutely delicious
is paracetamol Mafia?!?
is he back under a new name?
@JaimeGallego Where I live, red lanterns are usually associated with a...different sort of business :P
no, its the same business
The Japanese are very versatile
@ACuriousMind I'm curious, what sort of business?
@Mostafa Brothels
> What do you call children born in whorehouses?
Brothel sprouts
That...was funnier than I expected :P
you mean, coming from me?
No, from that setup
I thought you were just setting up an excuse to say some sort of insult :P
@ACuriousMind I'm curious, why do they use red lanterns?
I don't have the slightest idea
WP article didn't help
gives a different interpretation of communist ideology
@AccidentalFourierTransform like Red-light districts...?
> The legality of prostitution and brothels around the world: The green countries and regions are places where prostitution is legal and regulated; the blue countries are areas where prostitution is legal but unregulated and organized activities such as brothels are illegal; the red countries are places where prostitution is illegal
lol that's total opposite to what you'd think
whats that green area in the US
next to California
Dunno, but looks like a nice place :P
regulating prostitution is pretty progressive actually
@AccidentalFourierTransform There's a lot money in that
If I wanna be an astronomer, should I go for a Master's?
dunno but you should go for Mars
Oh I forgot last night...another way to make money from the web is to get naked and broadcast yourself. At the end of the day you have to eat...
and this way you won't have to hunt rare animals @0celouvsky
and you can eat while you broadcast yourself
depending on what you choose, you can even make more money
@AccidentalFourierTransform You mean what you choose to eat?
@SirCumference you'll need a PhD, and a lot of PhD courses have a Masters degree as the initial stage.
@JohnRennie That's a lot more money and time than I thought... ;-;
@Mostafa ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@SirCumference Don't listen to @JohnR , You just need a telescope.
@JohnRennie Isn't that diffferent in the American system?
@SirCumference if you want to be a professional scientist i.e. have someone pay you to do science then you need a PhD.
@JohnRennie Yeah, I didn't realize that'd require a Master's too...
Is anyone here watching the Kiev group stages ?
@SirCumference I don't know how the US system works, but in Europe the first year of your PhD is effectively a Masters, or conversely if you do a Masters that will count towards your PhD.
So you aren't paying twice.
I'm sure the American universities wouldn't expect you to pay for a Masters then pay all over again for a PhD.
Well I'd be paying a lot of money each year in grad school
@JohnRennie Uh...it doesn't work like that here. In Germany the most common thing is to do a two year masters, then a 3-5 year PhD. You can get a PhD without doing a masters first, but it's kinda rare
@AccidentalFourierTransform In that case, I'm not sure you can make more money this way, becuase you need another person and that halves your share of the total money earned.
The master and the PhD are two completely different programs here, and the former is seen as a prerequisite for the latter
@ACuriousMind But wouldn't the PhD be 3 years with a masters or 5 years without - in practice at least?
@JohnRennie not at all, at least not as far as I know
Ah, OK, I stand corrected.
The 3-5 years are entirely dependent on what your topic is and how fast you produce results. I don't doubt however that what you describe might be how it works in the UK
5 to 7 years to get your PhD. Gosh that's a long time. I got mine in 3 years.
@Slereah yo
@JohnRennie wtf
So wait, I'll have to get a Master's, then a PhD, then do a postdoc, and then I can finally work?
And got a Masters thrown in for free.
@0celouvsky wot
@Slereah if the universe is static then is the factor in front of $-dt^2$ the norm squared of the killing vector?
3 years to get a PhD is the standard time
@Slereah it's 5
Even after the Bologna process there are still significant differences between the European countries, and even between universities within a country
@0celouvsky there is a coordinate system where that is true, yes
3-4 years typically
(Assuming the whatever condition)
4 years here.
and a 2 years Master's is necessary .
@SirCumference I risk misleading you. I didn't realise how different the different countries were. You need to ask someone from the country where you plan to study. Presumably that's the USA.
if the flow of the Killing field at constant $t$ has the structure of a 3-manifold then that is true, yes
@JohnRennie Right, thanks :)
Ah, petrichor <3
@SirCumference in my department we have 2 MS students
100+ PhD students
I don't think technical masters exist in science over here
@SirCumference Just be sure to under no circumstances ever read this web comic :-)
@0celouvsky That was my impression as well
@Kaumudi.H that sounds like a Harry Potter spell :-)
@JohnRennie :-)
> a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.
^ this is me right now
@ACuriousMind But I don't think doing a Masters is a waste of one's time
it depends on the field
in some engineering fields an MS is expected
in my (engineering) field, a PhD is expected
@Slereah halp
I don't know GR in French
I can do Riemannian geometry but not GR
@Mostafa ::shrugs:: I think in the end the exact degree you obtain doesn't really matter as long as it allows you to do what you want to do.
what's a sections d'espace
sections of space?
I assume it refers to spacelike hypersurfaces
what does that picture mean
hard to say since it starts mid sentence
I mean d.
the middle line
He ends proofs with CQFD
Quantum Flavor Dynamics?
That is french for QED
Ce qu'il fallait démontrer
What was to be proven
@ACuriousMind Yeah, but again don't forget that at the end of the day you need to eat; and that does depend on other factors (like the degree obtained).
( although you can do that by the various methods suggested above.)
> Soient $B_r$ les nombres de Betti de $V_3$
Het I actually understand that!
@ACuriousMind Umm, does $\chi(V_3)$ make sense for $V_3$ a noncompact 3-manifold?
Is it zero?
@0celouvsky Sure, if that's supposed to be the Euler characteristic it's just the alternating sum of Betti numbers.
@ACuriousMind and it's zero?
I don't trust noncompact manifolds
@0celouvsky No, it might be anything (even infinite)
Consider that's it's just 1 for $\mathbb{R}^n$.
@ACuriousMind Loch ness manifold?
Since only one homology is non-vanishing, namely the zeroth
@Slereah I don't know an example off the top of my head, but there are definitely non-compact manifolds with infinite-dimensional homologies and I think they're not even that horrible
Actually, @0celouvsky, you might run into trouble that $\chi$ is undefined if more than one homology is infinite-dimensional
What about just $\Bbb R^n$ with $\aleph_0$ points removed
wait no
Well this is pretty bad :P
This paper claims the characteristic is zero
If it fails for the most basic of spaces I guess it's wrong
Well, maybe $\chi$ is not meant to be the Euler characteristic :P
But yeah, otherwise that is definitely not zero
No, they're using Morse theory on it. It's the Euler characteristic.
Considering they call it the characteristique too...
@JohnRennie You are correct, I get that multiple times a day
@BernardoMeurer I also get it sometimes on my laptop becuase Firefox can't handle multiple windows each with more than 20 tabs open...It's really annoying (Chrome does better apparently)
@ACuriousMind The only topological restriction I have is that $V_3$ is Euclidean at infinity
but clearly $\Bbb R^3$ satisfies that...
it's even euclidian at not infinity
What does that sentence with $\chi(V_3)$ actually mean?
@Mostafa Firefox is going to get a lot better in the next couple of years
They have some amazing projects right now
The characteristic $\chi(V_3)$ is zero, considering the boundary $B_2$. Lemmas 3 and 4 imply then that $M_0 = 1$
I usually get my computer to max out because of CPU simulations in Vivado, or kernel compilation
@BernardoMeurer You mean this Servo thing?
Or parsing music
The boundary?
It doesn't have a boundary and B2 is a number
I dunno man
bord is like
that sort of meaning
@BernardoMeurer Since the very first version of Firefox was released, I installed it and never lost my faith in it.
@BernardoMeurer Firefox is working with google isn't it? They even made Google their default search engine
@blue Dunno
@Mostafa I just remember reading on their ongoing stuff a while back and it was really nice. Specially some multiprocessing pipeline they were developing
reading math in french is a bit weird
I don't really have the habit of reading a lot of advanced math in french, since nowadays almost everyone publishes papers in english
You really have to go to the 50's and before to get a lot of french papers
@BernardoMeurer Yeah Servo's main goal is to achieve better parallelism.
@Mostafa The Quantum Compositor on the last release is also cool
@BernardoMeurer What version? I'm using 52.0.2
This doesn't make much sense
If he concludes the Euler characteristic is zero, that contradicts the Morse equations
Maybe I'm being too hasty
@BernardoMeurer In order for Firefox to install updates you need to restart it.
But I never close it and even never turn off my PC (it crashes every 20~30 days and this way I get forced to close firefox.)
@Mostafa Just close it?
@BernardoMeurer I'll lose track of all the papers open in Firefox. I think I'm going to wait until Windows crashes ;)
@Mostafa You know you can restore the tabs open, right?
Yeah I've actually have that option activated
But I'll have to reload all the open pages and files again....
@Mostafa How many tabs do you have open??
@Mostafa Holy crap
Also have two Chrome windows open, each with many tabs
@BernardoMeurer That's what real hardcore research and literature review means dude ;)
Does the connected sum of two manifolds depend only on those manifolds
Or does it also depend on the removed disk and the identification
A: Evaporation heat transfer

William ShakespeareSuck acquire the ability to project thine vocabulary upon thee Keyboard, Doth thou even hoist. Thine inability to acquire proper nomenclature and linguistic procedure is a disgrace to the human gene pool. Kill thee self thou bulbous heathen.

> beg your pardon
@AccidentalFourierTransform An appropriate response :P
quick question: if we let $A_\mu\to c A_\mu$ for $c\in\mathbb R$, how does $\alpha(\mu)$ rescale?
should it be obvious?
perhaps $\alpha\to c^{-1}\alpha$?
What is the instrument used to measure angle of a prism called? I forgot the name :/
@AccidentalFourierTransform Which caliper? Vernier measures length
Any caliper measures angle?
angular Vernier then :-P
Nonius is a device, named in honour to its Portuguese author and inventor Pedro Nunes (Latin: Petrus Nonius), created in 1542 as a system for taking fine measurements on the astrolabe. Later on, it was adapted in 1631 by the French mathematician Pierre Vernier, to create the vernier scale. == Technical features == The nonius was used to improve the astrolabe's accuracy. This consisted of a number of concentric circles traced on an instrument and dividing each successive one with one fewer divisions than the adjacent outer circle. Thus the outermost quadrant would comprise 90° in 90 equal divisions...
googling :P
A micrometer (/maɪˈkrɒmᵻtər/ my-KROM-ə-tər), sometimes known as a micrometer screw gauge, is a device incorporating a calibrated screw widely used for precise measurement of components in mechanical engineering and machining as well as most mechanical trades, along with other metrological instruments such as dial, vernier, and digital calipers. Micrometers are usually, but not always, in the form of calipers (opposing ends joined by a frame), which is why micrometer caliper is another common name. The spindle is a very accurately machined screw and the object to be measured is placed between the...
@AccidentalFourierTransform That might be...
I'm checking
How are they using a linear scale to measure angle?
@blue: Don't u sleep? :-P
@Kaumudi.H I don't like to sleep
Don't you have exam tomorrow morning?
You're human, aren't you?
You should be sleeping :P
:-P Doing some last-minute revision, as usual.
@Kaumudi.H Na, I feel sleep is a waste of time. We spend 1/3-1/4 th of our precious life sleeping :/
I agree but so what? Humans need sleep. I reiterate: aren't you human? :-P
@Kaumudi.H Well, students are the same all over the world :P lol I do the same
@Kaumudi.H That's so rhetoric :D
I wish I were a robot who didn't need sleep
Yeah man, we all do.
Although, I have to admit that it's sometimes nice to go to sleep after a long hard day.
I didn't really have a long hard day today :P
Yeah, it is :D
Anyhow, all the best for tomorrow's test :)
Thanks :-)
This is unexpected. They use a spectrometer to measure angle. (vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=281&sim=1508&cnt=2)
The setup is way more complicated than I expected
It has two scales: main scale and vernier scale
@blue Illuminati confirmed
I feel enlightened after reading how people use telescopes to measure angle of a prism :P
I can do it with a protractor
Anyone know how to pronounce Chandrasekhar?
I do
OK how
The a's sound like o's
Ah, I've been pronouncing it right
Cool, thanks
That's a common title in India
Oh, and I remember a physicist with that title en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subrahmanyan_Chandrasekhar
Wait is @blue obe?
@SirCumference Nope :P
He's got the same kind of name
@blue ok
@blue how do you know that
@Slereah is your Robinson a D.C.?
@ACuriousMind What's an "Aufgabe"
I thought it meant problem
@0celouvsky A "task"
What does a "isoperimetrische Aufgabe" mean?
It might denote a school task, then it's what you'd call an exercise, but it's a general word for something that you are instructed to do
Yeah, I meant exercise.
@0celouvsky Well...I'd guess it means the isoperimetric problem?
It's a bit odd to call that "Aufgabe" in German, though
Strikes me as someone mistranslating the English "problem"
I figured
@ACuriousMind Yeah
L. Lichtenstein
Sounds pretty German
Math. Z.
It gets a bit confusing to speak/write in German if you're read about the subject matter in English
When I talk to people in German about math/physics it is usually a weird mixture of German syntax with the English technical terms strewn in
Doesn't help that many of the proper German terms are not direct translations of the English ones, or at least not the most common translation you'd choose
I see
@Slereah sobolev spaces of metrics
kill me
@ACuriousMind I'm going to start calling manifolds varieties because I'm reading so many French things :)
The german word is very ugly
@Slereah Lol, a manifold of spacetimes.
@BernardoMeurer A quiet thing the system does 'for' you is redirect the default profile link (that you used above) depending on who is asking. It takes you to stackoverflow.com/users/2080712/bernardo-meurer?tab=topactivity, but others to stackoverflow.com/users/2080712/bernardo-meurer?tab=profile.
@ACuriousMind Does a superharmonic function that decays to zero at infinity have to be strictly negative? I do believe so.
We can only see the rep bump on the activity link.
Superharmonic meaning $\Delta\mathcal U\ge0$

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