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@Slereah you still here?
@0celouvsky Halp
I can't simplify my code any further
I need your logic skills
uh, ok
Are you busy?
Not really
taking a break from Skyrim grinding
Okay, let's try this. Take a look at the following instructions:
SUBI R3,R0,1d
SUBI R6,R0,-1d
SUB R1,R3,R6
SUBI R4,R0,3d
B.EQ R4,R0,7d
SUB R2,R3,R6
SUB R3,R0,R6
SUB R6,R0,R2
SUBI R4,R4,-1d
ADD R1,R1,R2
B.NE R4,R0,-5d
SUB R2,R0,R1
B 0d
d denotes a decimal. RX are registers, basically memory cells that hold values
@0celouvsky do you think ACM got offended?
B.EQ means "Branch if Equal". And so it's comparing R4 and R0 and if they are equal it jumps seven intructions forward (to the end of the code)
@0celouvsky I was not trying to offend him
offended is not the right word
but don't expect him to talk to you
why is he like that?
I agree with him 100%
So I'm not the best person to ask
@Cows What did you do?
@0celouvsky So far so good?
@BernardoMeurer I think it is more about how I responded
I might have been a bit rude
@BernardoMeurer I have no clue what I'm looking at.
@0celouvsky Okay, this is how the syntax works:
I am second guessing myself because I don't quite know what his intentions were
ADD R1,R2, R3
Addds R2 to R3 and stores it in R1
Makes sense?
SUBI means "Subtract Immediate", i.e. subtract a register and a fixed number
SUBI R1, R1,7d Stores in R1 the value of R1-7
the d is to show it's decimal
B means branch, i.e. go to a specific place in the code
@0celouvsky how do you recommend I respond in the future ? or should i not
Just B is an unconditional branch, it just jumps to that place in code
B.EQ and B.NE are inverses of one another, Branch if Equal and Branch if not equal respectively
the syntax for a conditional branch is B.CONDITION OPERAND,OPERAND, JUMP
@Cows I would suggest you go away and learn to converse in more than buzzwords, then return.
where JUMP is how many intructions forwards or backwards you'd like to go
I tried to help you by suggesting a good book.
I am looking at it
I can't read the whole book in a day. It will take me a while
may be even a few months
@BernardoMeurer Sorry, I am busy now. I'm reading a thesis that's saying something incorrect and I need to check it
@0celouvsky Alrighty then
but I am making an effort to read it
@BernardoMeurer I'm tracking down a Riemannian geometry book from 1949
it's not easy
It's hard work
These guys don't use the right math words
i will take your advice
I think I will just go on a one month hiatus and see how far I get with the book
it's a big book though
so I will be away from this site for a bit
If you have specific questions I will be happy to answer them
so old
ok thank you. I will try to get better at this.
@0celouvsky send ACM my apologies hopefully in a month he will have forgotten my transgressions.
See you guys in a month or 2
@Ocelouvsky, hello
@Maxwell Hi?
@Ocelouvsky, Are Newton's three laws of motion independent from each other? And, we cannot derive one from the other?
Don't know, don't care. Sorry.
@Ocelouvsky, Its ok
Hello @JohnRennie
@Maxwell JR is sleeping now
@BernardoMeurer Ok it seems to be true but I'm a little worried I don't have a book that talks about it
the only book seems to be this 1949 book
ok, what's the issue?
@0celouvsky Okay, let's look at the code again
SUBI R3,R0,1d
SUBI R6,R0,-1d
SUB R1,R3,R6
SUBI R4,R0,3d
B.EQ R4,R0,7d
SUB R2,R3,R6
SUB R3,R0,R6
SUB R6,R0,R2
SUBI R4,R4,-1d
ADD R1,R1,R2
B.NE R4,R0,-5d
SUB R2,R0,R1
B 0d
Do you understand the instructions here?
, hello @BernardoMeurer
@Maxwell Hello
Are Newton's three laws of motion independent from each other? And, we cannot derive one from the other?@BernardoMeurer
@Maxwell I'm not a physicist, can't help you. If you need help with computer architecture I'm your guy
@Maxwell why do you care?
@BernardoMeurer, oh. Its ok
they're all true
@BernardoMeurer so is R0 a fixed number
@0celouvsky Oh,yeah, that's a special register that is always 0
@Maxwell The first is a special case of the second, but the third is independent of the first two.
I've always assumed that Newton included the first as a explicit disclaimer to the effect that he was following Galileo and not Aristotle.
@BernardoMeurer god dammit Reb wants me to read her homework
It's alright :P
I'll be here for a while more
@dmckee, what about Timaeus answr?
can we ask physics questions here?
ok, do you where I can to get quick answers? because the question I posted isn't getting a response but I need the question answered for tomorrow
@E7_82_8E Yes, you might get questions answered here when there's someone around willing to answer them, but "quick answers" isn't really what physics.SE is for. It might take a while until someone both willing and able to answer any given question happens upon in on the site.
ACM the madman
@ACuriousMind Cows sends his apologies. He has left for a month to train and seek your forgiveness.
@ACuriousMind Can you help me with this stuff?
I have new information
@BernardoMeurer What's the issue? (I remember how the instructions work)
@ACuriousMind Okay, here's what I have found out:
1. Branch operations finish on the EX step, meaning any two operations BEFORE a branch will always run.
2. Any arithmetic operation takes 3 cycles after it to complete. If I do ADD R1, R1, R2 I must have three command after before I can do SUB R3, R1, R1
So, I had the original ASM code:
SUBI R3,R0,1d
SUBI R6,R0,-1d
SUB R1,R3,R6
SUBI R4,R0,3d
B.EQ R4,R0,7d
SUB R2,R3,R6
SUB R3,R0,R6
SUB R6,R0,R2
SUBI R4,R4,-1d
ADD R1,R1,R2
B.NE R4,R0,-5d
SUB R2,R0,R1
B 0d
Which I rewrote to fit the issues with write and branch overhead
SUBI R3,R0,1d
SUBI R6,R0,-1d
SUB R1,R3,R6
SUBI R4,R0,3d
B.EQ R4,R0,7d
SUB R2,R3,R6
SUB R3,R0,R6
SUB R6,R0,R2
SUBI R4,R4,-1d
ADD R1,R1,R2
B.NE R4,R0,-5d
SUB R2,R0,R1
B 0d
NOP is the "do nothing" operation
@ACuriousMind Take a look at those, see if you understand why the NOPs were added
there may be some extra ones here and there
@dmckee do you have an idea why theses are often in this horrible double space format?
to artificially increase the length?
@BernardoMeurer Shouldn't the numbers on the branches increase with the NOPs added? (I may not fully understand how branches work)
Would the velocity of a non-viscous incompressible fluid right after exiting a pipe(into open air) be greater than the velocity inside the pipe if the static pressure inside the pipe was greater than atmospheric pressure?
@ACuriousMind Yes, my bad
Fuck I delivered it wrong
Well, yes, they should
@ACuriousMind Should be 16 and -9 respectively
Okay, so what's the issue?
@ACuriousMind So, I want to get rid of all the NOPs
I managed to get it down to 2, as follows
SUBI  R3,R0,#1
SUBI  R6,R0,#-1
SUBI  R4,R0,#3
SUBI  R1,R0,#2
SUB   R2,R3,R6
SUBI  R4,R4,#-1
B.EQ  R4,R0,#7
SUB   R3,R0,R6
ADD   R1,R1,R2
SUB   R6,R0,R2
B.NE  R4,R0,#-6
SUB   R2,R0,R1
B     #0
Here # is denoting decimal base
See if you understand what I did here
Keep in mind what I said about the branch overhead, every two ops before a branch are always executed
Jump numbers are wrong again, for starters :P
The first branch never happens so I don't fix it usually :P
The binary code was write, just the commented assembly was screwed up
god dammit
I don't know how my professor let this guy get a degree with this shit
"by the maximum principle"
it's not even a linear PDE for christ's sake
@BernardoMeurer I'm not sure what this code is actually supposed to do, but yes, I see what you did there
@ACuriousMind Oh, it does some pointless math. Here's the explicit steps it goes through:
r1 = -2
r2 = 0

r1 = -4
r2 = -2

r1 = -7
r2 = -3

r1 = -12
r2 = -5

r1 = -12
r2 = 12
You can walk through the code (easier to do with the very first one, with no NOPs or anything) and see it follow these values
So, the challenge here is: How to get rid of those two NOPs?
I can't crack it
I only got those two left and I cannot get rid of it
Are you sure that it is possible to get rid of them?
I mean, it might be that this is the shortest version of the code, right?
@Maxwell Timaeus' case for 1st law failing relies on a infinite force. He's pulled a fast one on us.
@ACuriousMind The prof threw it in my face that he could do it without ANY nops
I don't see how though
Classical mechanics does not actually deal well with cases where we postulate a system residing at an unstable equilibrium.
To be fair I think I'm already making wine from water here with these crappy overheads
@ACuriousMind For example, removing the second NOP
How does string theory deal with Norton's dome?
That NOP is there to protect our write to R2 which depends on R1
But it's impossible, as far as I can see, to move R1 any further up
@0celouvsky I suppose for the convenience of the Margin Lady when it came to hand-editing submitted copy.
Mine had to be that way. I played some LaTeX magic so I could print it that way for the binders and reasonably for everyone else.
@BernardoMeurer Wait, wasn't the process of exectuing an instruction five steps, where in the third it read the registers and in the fifth wrote to them? Why do we need a three-operation gap between writing to R1 and accessing it?
@ACuriousMind Because we do an OP in R1 that means IF->ID->EX->MEM->WB, so from the moment we run the instruction, to the moment it "returns" there are 3 operations in between. For dependent instructions to be successful the second's EX stage must only come AFTER the first's WB stage
And they cannot happen at the same time, that doesn't work either
@Maxwell Personally I don't worry about the difficulty CM has with unstable equilibrium states, because QM gives you a reason to understand them as subject to spontaneous loss of equilibrium (and the world is all quantum all the time under the hood). But it was a big philosophical puzzle for a long time.
@BernardoMeurer Okay, so the first must enter WB when the second enters ID. But as it's written now, the first enters WB when the second enters IF, unless I'm misunderstanding something.
@ACuriousMind Hmm, that seems correct actually
Let me try and simulate this again
So you can just cut the NOP without any effect.
Okay, simulated with the NOP on instruction 12, runs fine, now let's remove it
Jesus Christ
$V\ge 0$ and there's a $V^{-1}$
@ACuriousMind Oh hey, it works now!
Oh, no, wait
I was being silly
It just goofs
Maybe it's branch overhead
Let me try something...
You said:
35 mins ago, by Bernardo Meurer
1. Branch operations finish on the EX step, meaning any two operations BEFORE a branch will always run.
2. Any arithmetic operation takes 3 cycles after it to complete. If I do ADD R1, R1, R2 I must have three command after before I can do SUB R3, R1, R1
If you figured out 2 by testing, then something is wrong with my understanding of IF-ID-EX-MEM-WB
@ACuriousMind I'm being a goof in 2. Ignore that, it should be 4
Huh? No, I think it should be two, so that when the ADD is in WB, the first after it is in MEM, the second in EX, and the SUB in ID. Then when SUB enters EX, the WB is finished and the result should be available, no?
Yeah, I have no idea how to get rid of those :P
Anyway, you'll figure it out, I'm off for now
@ACuriousMind Hmm, I guess so yeah
I'll keep trying
@dmckee Ideas? :P
so this is all BS
the gravitational potential of the star can't be zero anywhere
but it has to be zero in the center
@dmckee, so whose explanation do you find reasonable and suitable?
@Maxwell The first law says zero net force implies zero acceleration. The second law says acceleration is proportional to net force, and if you put zero in for either of those you get zero for the other and thus recover the first law.
As I said before the first law is a special case of the second.
@dmckee, Explanatiom of Ondřej Černotík there is quite different. As i guess
@Maxwell I begin to suspect you are hoping that there is one single authoritative answer to that question. But something that you will learn about physics over time is that many parts of the conceptual structure we've built up can be read front to back or back to front and have just as much validity either way.
People routinely say "Hey, let's see what happens if we assume [this thing that is a conclusion in the traditional development]." and get around to showing that it gives rise to the same conceptual structure with one or more of the old postulates now appearing as derived results.
That gives people the freedom to lay different philosophical takes onto the structure, disagree with one another and none the less all be right at once.
Because agreement with observation is the final discriminator and if my structure and your give equivalent predictions then they pass or fail the same test.
Beyond that people bring ideas of simplicity, parsimony and beauty with them to chose their favorites, and a kind of pedagogical democracy decides how the discipline is taught, but alternate ideas lurk in old books and papers waiting for a fresh chance.
For instance Eric Mazur has re-introduced Mach's old momentum-first teaching order and since then I've seen at least one other new book taking the same approach.
@BalarkaSen hey are you around?
I need someone to talk to about some Morse theory
2 hours later…
Damn, I just found out that a friend of mine in high school is taking grad school classes for credit. And she's doing ok
@SirCumference Grad class in what subject?
@0celouvsky Giggs? Ryan Giggs the footballer?
@Maxwell I'm on UK time so I was fast asleep when you posted. I'm generally here from about six a.m. UK time.
@blue She said something about QM
Q: Are eigenvectors always orthogonal each other?

ynnWhen an observable $\hat{A}$ has only discrete eigenvalues, the eigenvectors are orthogonal each other. Similarly, when an observable $\hat{A}$ has only continuous eigenvalues, the eigenvectors are orthogonal each other. But what if $\hat{A}$ has both of discrete eigenvalues and continuous ones?...

The hamitonian has to be quite strange I guess
@0celouvsky wot
@SirCumference You're a little late to the party ;)
The joke's been made and I got kicked for it...that's how funny it was XD
@paracetamol Eh, these people have a bad sense of humour :P
^ Probably just me though ._.
@paracetamol The hitler one?
Yeah, that could be objectionable
No, the one after that :3
@paracetamol Which?
@blue That's a name, use an uppercase "H" ಠ_ಠ
@paracetamol idc
@blue I think you're already aware that if I bring up that joke again, I could possibly be banned from chat .-.
So, no...I'm not repeating the joke ;)
$\mathcal H$itler ?
I fixed the capital for you
^^ @rob @Acurious @vzn @Dave Behold my resolve to avoid bringing up controversies!
$\mathscr H$ is the nicest
and if you disagree I'll fight you
@blue I thought you wrote "Frank" there >_<
Annelies Marie (Anne) Frank (German pronun­cia­tion: [ʔanəliːs maˈʁiː ˈʔanə ˈfʁaŋk]; Dutch pronunciation: [ʔɑnəˈlis maˈri ˈʔɑnə ˈfrɑŋk]; 12 June 1929 – February or March 1945) was a German-born diarist. One of the most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust, she gained fame posthumously following the publication of The Diary of a Young Girl (originally Het Achterhuis; English: The Secret Annex), in which she documents her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944, during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. It is one of the world's most widely known books and has been the basis for...
Oh jeez. "Hitler" starred without context, hope I don't get booted or banned rip
@paracetamol Ah, don't. Just don't.
Also probably wise to stop here
because you're reaching "edgy" territory and may get kicked by a mod
Don't bring up the memories of WW2.
Hilbert is an anagram for Hitler b
@Phase no longer
@JohnRennie thanks bruh
I was going to un-star it, but someone else seems to have done it before me :3
@JohnRennie Oh..
The room owners are ever vigilant
^ I noticed :(
Synge has a section on observations
Hey @JohnRennie can I ask a question?
He classifies them as Uncontrolled natural observations, controlled natural observations, imagined natural observations and mathematical observations
Without intending any ill will
You can certainly ask, whether I can answer usefully or not is another matter :-)
You have a ridiculous amount of rep when compared with the next closest person, I'm wondering is that because you're so prolific or does high rep have a sort of knock-on effect with future posts and encourages people to upvote?
I've read a lot of answers so I'm not going to imply they're not deserving of upvotes, just curious
It's basically because I written so many answers. My average rep per answer is lower than most of the other top scorers, so I don't think the high rep means people automatically upvote you. Or at least not to any significant extent.
@JohnRennie Ah ok that makes sense, it was just a somewhat weird experience when I first joined StackExchange, and saw how much rep actually separates the people at the top of the list
There's probably a query on the data explorer somewere that shows total answers per user. I've never cared enough to look for it, but I bet it would show I've written more answers than anyone else by quite a margin.
@Phase I'm technically retired and had a lot of spare time with only limited things to fill it.
So I went through a phase of spending hours per day answering questions.
Though I've started doing various bits of contract work now and my answer frequency has dropped dramatically.
I was about to type a reply but this bird is pissing me off
I live in the top floor of a student accommodation building and I can only assume due to the reflection of light in the top floor windows, we get crows headbutting our windows
Tickles @JohnR
all I hear is "thud thud thud"
Third on the leaderboard is Anna, who is also retired, and the runner up is, well, I'm not sure what Lubos does now. How Floris has managed to write so many answers while still working escapes me.
@paracetamol Hi, oh controversial one.
@JohnRennie Greetings, O most excellent Room Owner!
Bows low
@Phase heavy metal crows? You could stop playing Motörhead :-)
Or I could just copy my inspiration Ozzy Osbourne
that would get rid of them
@Phase I went to the first ever gig by Blizzard of Oz.
I never managed to see Ozzy era Black Sabbath live (I saw they with Dio fronting), but I've seen Ozzy several times and he is, by a long way, the most charismatic performer I have ever seen.
@JohnRennie Hey! I'm becoming less controversial!
Adamant expression
Never been to a live performance : /
[Unrelated: @JohnR Know if calcium tartrate crystals sparkle? Google doesn't seem to be much much help ._.]
@JohnRennie Some really good ones, too.
@paracetamol Sparkle on?
Heating in air?
@blue In air, room temperature ._.
@paracetamol Don't think so
I went through a phase, back in the early days of Stack Overflow, of caring about various rep metrics, but after a while I noticed that I just didn't care much any more.
But I still like to write answers, which results in non-trivial rep.
@blue ಠ_ಠ
@paracetamol Calcium is readily attacked by air though
To form oxide
So maybe...
^ No shit Sherlock ;)
But just at room temperature "sparkling" is unlikely
Wait a second...what do mean by "sparkle" ?
You mean emits light or catches flame?
Herr @JohnR I'll let you sample some of the mint chutney I made last night (it tastes pretty good, courtesy: your "freeze 'em" tip) if you tell me :3
@blue ...
If it is the former, honestly I've no idea. I don't think it does emit lights or sparkles like you'd expect a gemstone to...
Even these are sparkles ;)
@paracetamol Meh...
@dmckee All the top answerers have to share the responsibility for some outrageously good answers. It still, after many years, staggers me just how perceptive some of the answers on this site can be. It's the main reason I continue to support the site.
@paracetamol if you mean sparkling in the way diamonds sparkle then that's a mainly a high RI. I don't think calcium tartrate has an especially high RI.
@JohnRennie I was thinking of the way mica flakes sparkle ;P
^ Wait, so you do want the chutney? ^_^
Darn, I need 5k more rep to get access to moderating tools on Chem.SE.
Gets to work
@paracetamol Mica sparkles because the crystals are thin sheets so they have a large flat surface to reflect light. Incidentally, if you suspend mica crystals in a fluid they align with the fluid flow to produce streaming pearlescence.
I did a bit of work on this back in the 90s.
^ What about mica crystals embedded in some mineral? Still "sparkly"? :3
4 mins ago, by paracetamol
^ Wait, so you do want the chutney? ^_^
@paracetamol It depends. If you break a mineral with mica in it tends to fracture along the planes of the mica crystals and expose the flat faces of the mica crystals. The is does indeed sparkle very nicely.
If you saw a cross section then you get no special alignment of the crystals at the surface and it is much less sparkly.
^ Agreed, but you still haven't answered the question at hand ._.
It was mint chutney wasn't it? If so, thanks but I'm not a huge fan of mint in cooking though I do like mint confectionery.
@JohnRennie I like mint ("confectionery") too!
I do like chutneys, though we Brits tend to call them pickles (though they are basically the same thing).
$\mathcal{Mint-Choc-Chip}$ Icecream $\mathbf Team$
@JohnRennie Ah, no...they aren't ;)
@JohnRennie We call sweet pickles as chutney...like tamarind chutney
Chutney (Devanagari – "चटनी" also transliterated chatney or chatni, Sindhi: چٽڻي‎) is a sauce in the cuisines of the Indian subcontinent that can vary from a tomato relish to a ground peanut garnish or a yoghurt, cucumber and mint dip. An offshoot that took root in Anglo-Indian cuisine is usually a tart fruit such as sharp apples, rhubarb or damson pickle made milder by an equal weight of sugar (usually demerara or brown sugar to replace jaggery in some Indian sweet chutneys). Vinegar was added to the recipe for English-style chutney that traditionally aims to give a long shelf life so that autumn...
@Phase Oh yes! :-) In fact a had (a litre of!!!) mint choc chip icecream after lunch yesterday.
We call them pickles unless it's something that's not typically british like Mango chutney
Mango can have both chutney and pickle
I went back down to Devon for a few weeks for easter, and local icecream there is great
Pickle is made from green mangoes usually
> Vinegar was added to the recipe for English-style chutney that traditionally aims to give a long shelf life so..
^ @JohnR ;D
Your "pickle", sire :3
Ah, you live and learn. I thought chutneys were made with vinegar and some form of sweetener. So pickles are a (small?) subset of chutneys then?
I have to work for half an hour or so. See you all in a bit ...
@JohnRennie No, (some) chutneys are a subset of pickles ;)
@JohnRennie Yep, though chutney usually refers to the sweet ones and pickles refer to the sour/spicy ones
@JohnRennie See ya o/
$Pickles \subseteq Chutneys$
It's another controversial term like biryani and pulao :P
On the note of food, what's everyone's favourite steak?
^ I'm vegan ._.
^ so dust?
By steak I mean animal wise, not cut wise
Chicken, Mutton, Lamb, Ham....I like them all :P
^ No, mint! :D
@0celouvsky I dunno Morse theory but what about it?
@blue have you tried Kangaroo or Ostrich?
@blue What's the equation for Indian Patriotism?
@paracetamol have you heard about the India-snapchat thing?
@Phase Umm, no. Had crabs and squids though
@Phase Who hasn't :P Idc personally
I just found it funny, and crab and squid are gold
@Phase No...what of it?
@Phase I initially thought that guy was joking. Then I dismissed him as an idiot.
Me and a flatmate have a history with squid though. Accidentally forgot we left dried squid from the chinese shop in a bowl of water, and 2 weeks later apparently it was the worst thing the maintenance guy ever smelt, and some juice was spilt on the lift and now it smells weird
@paracetamol basically a SC CEO called India poor, and tons of Indian people flocked to the app store / android market to leave bad reviews on SC and some of the reviews are really funny
But ofc India has such a huge population that "tons of indian people" is still probably quite slight compared to the population
@Phase Ah! That one!
3 mins ago, by paracetamol
@blue What's the equation for Indian Patriotism?
Get it? ;D
@Phase India's gdp per capita maybe low. But overall it is one the richest countries in the world owing to the population. Snapshat saying that investment in India is a bad idea is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. I didn't bother much abt it. But yeah, some people overreacted.
.@SushmaSwaraj Madam. Amazon think india flag not good enough to be doormat. Please take action. https://t.co/p5YzoaYrnU
@blue richest in what sense? as in, some of the richest industrialists and capitalists live here? sure!
^^ @Phase Heard about that little issue?
@BalarkaSen Overall wealth.
This has to be Poe's law right?
That account can't be genuine
@blue Gotcha. I agree.
@Phase Hmmm?
My life is a hollow shell save for Physics and Tekken, but tbh that's pretty enjoyable
I also like that typo; "snapshat".
>reading the Huffington Post
J. Jarem - Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis of Bipolar Cylindrical Systems Scattering from Inhomogeneous Dielectric Material, Eccentric, Composite Circular Cylinders
Have mercy on me, paper title
that guy just seems like an obnoxious ten year old typing at the tweeter to me
trying to rename all the paper files I've got to their actual title
It is gruelling work
I've got a lot of math papers on bipolar coordinates

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