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@peterh thanks. I will try to answer a lot of classical mechanics and quantum mechanics questions. Hopefully there are a lot of really easy ones daily.
when you get to 10k they send you 300$ every month
its nice
OMG! There is money?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Who are they? mods?
No :-)
@AccidentalFourierTransform seriously
I would have dedicated this week to getting there
AFT probably tries to illustrate the absurdity of my statements :-)
I would have written the most clear answers on the planet
I swear
If you want to get money on the internet, learn programming and visit upwork.com . But if you aren't very hardcore, it won't pay so well as an ordinary job.
I already do that
I am a full stack web dev
and other stacks too
@Cows I can't see your SO account
@JohnRennie Do you like Giggs?
@peterh i used to have one, don't anymore
@Cows They weren't very nice to you? :-)
@Cows You're a professional developer you mentioned before?
If you want to get money on the internet, start your YouTube channel. Rent a couple of Ferraris and Lamborghinis and a big luxury house (preferably in California) and do motivational videos about being an entrepreneur while standing next to those cars/in that luxury house.
Until people find out you're a scam, you've already made a few million dollars at using your channel.
There are people already doing that
Why are your commit messages so long dawg?
So you all already know him? :-)
So you like to be an entrepreneur....
that guy is apparently actually loaded
Yeah but he started with $70 in his pocket sleeping on a coach...
@BernardoMeurer hehe, that was back in the day lol
OK if you don't like that approach, here's another one:
start your YouTube channel.
Do ASMR videos.
I don't even know what ASMR is
I'm not very hip
hip hop
Really? 2/3 of youtube is ASMR these days
tai lopez is alright, at least he is honest about his scheeme
@BernardoMeurer I mostly do LAMP web dev. I worked for some companies, but I wanted to learn more physics so I freelance now
@Mostafa wot
I did some embeded systems stuff when I lived in France
among other things
@Cows Define embedded systems stuff
My YouTube consists of Alex Jones, Young Turks, Complex, h3h3, DJ Akademiks, various Pokemon people
@BernardoMeurer NO
I wrote some kernels et al for a specialized systems :P
Ah, you're into Kernel development?
Monolithic I assume?
but I just apply SOLID oop principle and best practices these days to websites
YouTube for me is CrashCourse, DrPhysicsA, and various other channels meant to teach physics/math/coding =P
@BernardoMeurer new profile pic
@heather Hm?
@Bernardo maybe I've just missed it, but you used to have that mainly black-and-white photo of you
@Cows Why would a website need solid OOP principles?
@heather Ah, yes, I have a new profile pic
I'm older on this one
@BernardoMeurer They get big complicated and most of the time you have no choice because you are using a framework
@0celouvsky I also listen to Hitler speeches sometimes for educational (German language) and research (history) purposes.
I use php artisan for dev
@Cows Why would you pick PHP to do anything?
Well, I'm retarded
@BernardoMeurer It has been around for a while and has an active community
The mean stack is also good, but mern is better
I think it might be possible to cross the temperature of 0 K.
I don't do web stuff
Nowadays I do VHDL and C mostly
@BernardoMeurer verilog is great
@Joshua Sigh, how so?
Considering that the negative temperatures of lasers are generated by driving energy into a constrained above environment, where adding energy decreases entropy.
Yes, Verilog is nice, VHDL is not nice
@BernardoMeurer I chose web for the money. At the end of the day you have to eat
But nothing is really constrained above if we add enough energy. So we should be able to add enough energy to a negative temperature environment to cross back to positive temperature.
there is a lot of cool stuff out there, but you have to eat
I used to be spit on and laughed at
that's why hunting rare animals is ok
you have to eat
I swear
so might as well eat them
can you imagine how good tiger must taste?
@Cows I doubt I will have trouble finding a job as a hardware engineer focusing on microprocessor design
the market is lacking people
@0celouvsky but tigers are so darn cool!
@heather exactly!
did you know the stripe pattern on each is unique, just like a human fingerprint?
@BernardoMeurer you will not have any trouble. I don't have any degree, so it is harder for me to find work. The web dev community has been welcoming to me.
They have allowed me to be myself and be able to eat
@Cows Oh yeah, without a degree Web is the best place to find a job
I was once a senior (double major), but without a degree people spit on you. So if you can afford it get the degree
@BernardoMeurer Don't forget YouTube
@Cows Don't forget Tai Lopez
I remember siting in a class as a guest and the professor would laugh and say, I know you don't know x or y but it would take you years to do it. Even though I had taken the class in college and passed it. This happened several times I sat in a course. The fundamental assumption is that you don't know a thing.
@Mostafa youtubers make more money.
@0celouvsky I have heard that predators generally don't taste very good.
@Cows that makes me want to smack someone =/
but you need views. Personally, I would rather have happiness and no money than youtube money and be screwed by the emotions from comment sections
@ACuriousMind Bernardo requests that his suspension be lifted.
@heather over the years, I have learned to be fine with what anyone thinks
there is a lot to learn in life
@0celouvsky Big cats are reported to be very tough and gamey. Not at all good eating.
@dmckee I'm not talking about the physical taste
@ACuriousMind, what did bernardo even do? I didn't see anything
The mental taste
How good something tastes depends totally on you and your situation. Don't eat for a week and then taste the tiger again.
@dmckee Also one would have to be the one to take down the tiger
But if you're in the jungle with nothing but a knife and you manage to take out the tiger...that would be very sweet
Obviously you've missed your calling.
which is?
Hunting big game with a knife. You should do what makes you happy.
are you suggesting I do something that will result in my painful death?
what did I ever do to you
I'm suggesting that you follow your dreams.
@0celouvsky I didn't have anything to do with that, but if he calls people vulgar epithets, he has to live with getting flagged/suspended for it.
To do with what?
He censored himself!
But if we're using past offense as the criteria on which to bases ill will, what did the tiger do to you?
@dmckee that's different because I am the one who wants to end the tiger
I don't have to have a good reason to kill it
you have to have a good reason to want me dead though
So you say. So you say.
seems chat is chaotic, i will add to chaos; I would kill for an app that could take pictures of hand-drawn commutative diagrams and translate it to latex for me

maybe not kill, but at least pay 10 bucks. If it worked really well. Or well enough.
@JoshuaLin I am working on this. Open ai is working on this, they have a better shot.
Open ai has a lot of cool things they are working on
I don't work for open ai
wait people actually care about this? wow
it is an ml classification problem
an actual hard one
I am working on the more general problem of converting a picture to latex
I saw a few apps on recognising just random math equations; worked well enough but couldn't do categories at all

in my head though categorical diagrams seem to be easier to classify than other things? I mean, if drawn OK they usually have pretty good structure, just some points in a lattice with labels, and arrows drawn between them with labels
I am still trying to make something that can turn a picture of say a simple lagrangian into latex
it is hard
My goal is to create a tool that can help automate physics work flow
I think open ai will do it first.
In theory it's just openv + tensorflow or sklearn hehe
@JoshuaLin can you tell me the apps that do what you said. It could be a good reference
** opencv
can it handle tensors?
@JoshuaLin The tikz-cd package for commutative diagrams is fairly easy to learn (compared to the monster that is full tikz), but yeah, typesetting larger diagrams is a nightmare
it looks like a cool app
Why did I get suspended? O.o
Because you were Not Nice.
@BernardoMeurer is pretty nice
@ACuriousMind yeah I'm learning tikz-cd; but it really puts into perspective how much time goes into just formatting math books
@JoshuaLin someone will open ai will solve the problem soon
i am sure
@JoshuaLin I only read books with zero pictures and zero commutative diagrams :P
@0celouvsky you sure about that?
Apr 20 at 12:32, by 0celouvsky
user image
I know for a fact some professors have a way of doing it that is different because they are smarter than repeating a time consuming process that has nothing to do with math. The process of tikz -ing
@ACuriousMind How did you find that :P
@Cows Is the music that plays on your website licensed for that?
@0celouvsky Magic.
@ACuriousMind Well that was during my (brief) excursion into the complex world
I regret it now
@0celouvsky What world?
@BernardoMeurer I don't have a license for it. I am not making any money on my site. It is just there for fun.
@BernardoMeurer complex manifolds.
@BernardoMeurer I started making the site, and then I got a gig then stopped. :P
@Cows Even if your website doesn't make money it is illegal to freely reproduce media without giving money to the rights owners for it. Just saying
@0celouvsky Yikes
@BernardoMeurer I know, I should perhaps take down the music. I like the song though :P
@Cows It's a nice song. It just leaves you open to lawsuit, which IMO isn't worth it :P
@ACuriousMind There's a book I need to look at it and it's not on Russian servers or my school's library...tips?
@0celouvsky Name
inter-library loan?
@BernardoMeurer lol yes
@BernardoMeurer Duff Partial Differential Equaitions 2nd Ed
I think it has general existence theorems for Green's functions
I am looking at the first ed now
@0celouvsky Who's the author?
Maybe it has what I need
@BernardoMeurer Duff
This might actually be the holy grail
I don't really trust a PDE book from before Bourbarki though
@BernardoMeurer I think there's a second edition
I have that one already as a PDF
Ah, hmm
Can't find it
I think this one has what I need
or not!
I'm going to play some Skyrim, this is too difficult
On couch, at home catching up on tv
Manually optimizing machine code because I don't have an assembler
physics.stackexchange.com/questions/295569/… wat do u guys think about my question?

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