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and we also need the zeroth Law of Mechanics: motion makes sense
At least, that's what I always heard as the answer to "why is the 1st law not just a special case of the 2nd", and it makes sense. I guess in the end it depends on what statements exactly you think the three laws make
@Maxwell I would put D as my answer since if any 2 laws are equivalent, then those laws would have been treated as one!
@ACuriousMind Possibly. Newton's audience was people who believed "the natural state of an object is to be at rest."
Sure, Newton had probably no idea of frames. But we're not teaching the original Newton today, are we?
yeah, the answer is always the D
The fact that you can't derive conservation of momentum from the third law is easy, since there are systems that do not conserve momentum
and obey the third law
@AccidentalFourierTransform Let's ... let's not go there, please.
At least, our textbooks are not full of the awkward (though brilliant) geometrical reasoning that passed for calculus back then
@rob, what is "velocity is constant absent force"?
@Maxwell "If there isn't any force, the velocity does not change"
"absent" == "in the absence of"
@ACuriousMind Euclid's axioms were the ZFC of the era
Everything had to be built on it
very nicely formatted for a first-time post
Q: Can two fermions with different energylevels be at the same position?

ty.Suppose I have two fermions in a infinite square well potential, without spin or other degrees of freedom at $0 K$ temperature. Let $L$ be the width of that well. I used the two particle wave function in 1D for itentical fermions $$ \Psi_{nm}(x_1,x_2)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\Psi_n(x_1)\Psi_m(x_2...

@Slereah What systems obey the third law but don't conserve momentum?
@JohnRennie Any system with a potential depending on position
as in, absolute position
for instance, Aristotle's physics would not conserve momentum, for things are subject to forces depending on where they are
@Slereah But that's cheating because you are considering only part of the system. Total momentum is still conserved.
@Slereah @JohnR, what do you two make of this?
@JohnRennie Not if there's no potential energy or whatever else you could put the rest of that system
That's just a simple application of Noether's theorem
@Maxwell Must be another state level competitive exam where the paper setters don't know physics but are asked to set the physics paper.
If I could complain about the wrong questions in KCET, I would probably report half of them.
Either they are totally wrong or they miss important information or expects us to make insane assumptions, etc.
Use JEE questions for practice.
At its core, Aristotle's physics isn't that matter is attracted by anything
There are no fields or anything
Grave matter is just attracted to the center of the universe
Because that is its natural place
@paracetamol the electronic structure of atoms is far more complicated than we dare let students know. For example atomic orbitals don't exist for any atom with more than one electron.
The fact the aufbau principle fails to give the correct structure for $Sc^{2+}$ is not something that keeps me awake at night.
@yashas, then what would be your choice?
@yashas, Oh. I ticked the same, however
I would honestly go and fight if the answer key told the answer was option A.
@paracetamol See:
A: Why do non-hydrogen atomic orbitals have the same degeneracy structure as hydrogen orbitals?

John RenniePolyelectronic atoms don't have atomic orbitals - though they are a very useful approximation for describing the properties of polyelectronic atoms. The 1s, 2s, etc orbitals are solutions for a central potential, and for any smooth monotonic central potential we'll get solutions of this form. Th...

@ACuriousMind Reference frames seem to be defined by Newton, not in the First Law, but in a preceding discussion of absolute and relative space and time.
"This paper replaces CTP#2117, “Gott Time Machines Cannot Exist in an Open
(2+1)-Dimensional Universe with Timelike Total Momentum,”"
Can you just replace papers like that
@Slereah Sort of. It's easier to "replace" a paper in an online-only journal; you couldn't do that if you'd already mailed a bunch of dead-tree versions of the original to libraries.
But an erratum to a dead-tree journal might say "Figure 7 should be replaced with the one below", and the online versions of that paper might make it hard to find the original wrong figure.
Can you replace someone else's paper
I want to put my name on Einstein's papers
everybody knows Einstein was wrong
just pick a random vixra paper
The single reason I use Twitter is so that I can reply to my favorite creators' tweets (if I have anything particularly interesting to say) and hope that they will reply/like it! It's happened twice so far so it's safe to say that it's going great!
(Sorry about the random tangent)
Hello @ACuriousMind
@JohnRennie :O
@JohnRennie :D
@rob Hm, in that formulation, it does seem that the first law is just a special case of the second
@Maxwell Hello?
@ACuriousMind I think so, too. On the other hand, it might be easier to convince a skeptical reader of the first, then the second, rather than the other way around.
@rob Strange, the mention of the circular motion of the planets seems to indicate that Newton thought the orbits of the planets don't need the centripetal force from gravity to keep going in circles?
@AccidentalFourierTransform They're buying poop for €275,000 tho
@ACuriousMind No, that one he discusses when he defines a centripetal force.
@rob Then I'm puzzled why he seems to mention the circular motion of planets as an example for the first law
I read Newton's First Law, in his formulation, as "drag and gravity are also forces."
Fun fact: MathOverflow predates Math SE by a year
MO are the old guys
@Maxwell I think all of them (except for the negatively scored one) contribute valid points.
@ACuriousMind, whose would be best to submit to a teacher?
@Maxwell You should of course write your own answers to submit to a teacher.
None, you should of course submit an answer in your own words.
Heh, @rob, great minds... :P
Q: question of Kinetics of particles

A.GlenThe question arises from this problem:

The OP removed the contents of the question in an edit :|
It has ended up in the VLQ queue now.
@ACuriousMind True fact: dmckee and I recently posted nearly-verbatim identical answers to a Meta question, ten seconds apart.
Hi all. New here so forgive any mistakes. I'm just wondering why our subjective perception of reality is not considered to be a simulation.
because a computer cannot represent irrational numbers
if we were in a simulation, then there must be something simulating it
you need infinite memory to store the exact value of irrational numbers
that is what they say
I am critical of it, though.
What if the value of pi repeats after quadrillionth decimal palce?
sounds like a metaphilosophical question
I did not say we are in a simulation. I said our perceptions are a simulation of reality.
@Yashas Of course, what are you uncertain about?
@zanescheepers Isn't it? Your brain constructs an incomplete model of your environment, and you try to guess how your actions will affect that model.
The author had edited it. He might have wanted to delete it. It sounds bad to rollback in case they did not want the question to exist :/
@Yashas I don't know what "infinite memory" means but there's an algorithm for determining the nth digit of the decimal expansion of $\pi$ without computing the (n-1)th.
@rob, apparently not. According to comments I received.
@BalarkaSen Interesting. What is that called?
@Yashas So what? Once you post a question here and it receives an answer, you no longer have the right to delete it.
need to sleep; brain isn't functioning normally
@zanescheepers Well, your proposal is easily confused with "maybe we live in a simulation running on God's computer," which I think is a much sillier idea.
Reading carefully is hard.
Ah, I guess that's only base 16. I think there exists base 10 formulas.
@BalarkaSen Suppose you had to use the value of pi, you would first have to get the value of it? I can think of digit by digit multiplication but the result would also be irrational unles you multiply it by 1/pi.
@rob you mean grasping the context. We see what we understand.
@Yashas I can't parse that sentence. What do you mean "Suppose you had to use the value of pi"?
Use the value of pi for what?
I meant if the simulation computer needed the value of pi to do something.
Okay. So you compute it upto some precision. You of course can never list all the digits of pi!
yea if the simulation computer is doing it, then we should notice that approximation in nature?
What is this simulation computer? :P It seems I am talking about math, whereas you are going into metaphysics again.
we could measure something up and find that the value of pi measured isn't equal to the value of pi obtained from a series.
@BalarkaSen That had to deal with the case if we were in a simulated world.
I gave a reason why such a simulator cannot exist if we can measure an irrational number to infinite places and find that it is equal to the correct value.
Sorry, I don't care about a simulated world. I was just talking about your argument that digits of pi cannot be predicted.
I tried to make an argument that a computer cannot store an irrational number :P
to store all the infinite digits, it wud need infinite memory
@Yashas Of course it can, make it store the string "sqrt(2)" :P
but you pointed out that one can find the digit without knowing the preceeding digit
@ACuriousMind but you can't express it in reality? :P
Depends on what expression means!
if you construct sqrt(2) from a right triangle of sides 1 unit
then we are able to measure that sqrt(2)
if we can measure, it must first calculate the value of sqrt(2) ? :P
@Yashas I don't know what that means. But many CAS can do computations with irrational numbers - be they $\pi,e$ or $\sqrt{2}$ - perfectly well, so I'm not sure what your argument is supposed to be
What does "calculate the value" mean? You can write $\sqrt{2}$ as an infinite sum. Isn't that calculating the value?
You can write it as a continued fraction. That's a value to me.
"Killing spectroscopy of closed timelike curves"
Damn it
the infinite sum is a formula
There was already a paper on the topic of the existence of CTCs based on their Killing vectors
if you start calculating, you would be adding each sum
Define a value for me, man
you would need infinite computational power to find the sum
It ain't a mathematical term you're using
you could store the number as sqrt(2) but if the simulator has to allow us to measure sqrt(2) then it must first calculate the value of it
the hypotenuse of the right triangle can be measured
the length is sqrt(2)
I am asking what the hell "value" means
value = 3.14....
up to infinite decimal places
That's a decimal expansion. That's an infinite sum.
$\sum a_n 10^{-n}$
but it would need to compute the decimal expansion to show it in reality
What does computing a decimal expansion mean?
A decimal expansion is a decimal expansion is a decimal expansion
@Yashas good night
@BalarkaSen you need to get 3.14... from the infintie sum
get the decimal expansion from the infinite sum
3.14.. is an infinite sum
3 + 1 x 10^(-1) + 4 x 10^(-2) + ...
I have no idea what this conversation is about :P
tell me how would you calculate the circumference of a circle if the radius was given to you using a computer
@ACuriousMind i am doing a highly mathematical troll
you would need a datatype to store the decimal expansion of pi
infinitly_huge_float pi = 3.14.....
@BalarkaSen I already guessed that you were logic/semantics/etc trolling
I still have no idea what you mean though, trolls apart. But that's fine I guess!
gotta run
5 upvotes + 1 accept = 65?
I don't know if my brain is trolling itself or if ...
4 uv, 1 accept=5 events
there are 6 items with the grey colour
So what? The +55 says it counts 5 events - 4 upvotes and an accept.
delete the post and undelete it
that should fix it
Don't try to understand the way events in the rep tab are grouped :P
it fixed itself
I did nothing
Stackexchange is trolling me :(
@Acurious Mind a question?
^ What does "g" mean in the relation for spin magnetic moment given there?
A g-factor (also called g value or dimensionless magnetic moment) is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the magnetic moment and gyromagnetic ratio of an atom, a particle or nucleus. It is essentially a proportionality constant that relates the observed magnetic moment μ of a particle to its angular momentum quantum number and a unit of magnetic moment, usually the Bohr magneton or nuclear magneton. == Definition == === Dirac particle === The spin magnetic moment of a charged, spin-1/2 particle that does not possess any internal structure (a Dirac particle) is given by ...
^ Thanks @Accidental! ^_^
@AccidentalFourierTransform I can't see it ._.
^ I wasn't aware of that, thank you again :3
Q: Is it possible to draw this figure using Mathematica?

AccidentalFourierTransformThe figure is See the how-to video or a speeded-up GIF. I believe it should be possible to draw this figure programmatically using some Random function, but I'm rather new to Mathematica, so I could really use some help here.

Anyone want to hear a joke?
^ Depends on the joke...
hey! Ive seen that post before somewhere
But go ahead! :)
@AccidentalFourierTransform Sure you have ;)
@paracetamol Have you heard of updog first?
@AccidentalFourierTransform LMAO
whats updog first?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Godammit...
@paracetamol You really don't know updog?
C'mon man, everyone knows updog
Nope ._.
@AccidentalFourierTransform NOTHING MUCH, YOU?
I only know downgoat:
Downgoat, The Glorious California Bay Area
101 3
@AccidentalFourierTransform Hilarious :D
Ok, but updog is kind of like a henway, right?
...someone pls
^ You're asking me? ;)
Nope ._.
Entertain my stupid joke please
^ I wouldn't know...sorry
@SirCumference By all means, proceed with thy joke :3
They are just quadrilaterals, not rectangles. :) (A rectangle is a parallelogram with a right angle.) — J. M. ♦ Apr 1 '16 at 13:43
lol @AccidentalFourierTransform
@paracetamol Well, you really don't know what a henway is?
@SirCumference I know what a henway is, I just don't know if your "updog" joke's a henway ._.
@paracetamol Goddammit just ask what a henway is
^ That a part of the joke?
Takes a deep breath
@Sir What's a "henway"?
:D :D
@paracetamol I dunno, 2 or 3 pounds
Tickles @Pies
@paracetamol My name is SC :P
^ "Pies" it is then :3
@SirC: Do tell when u finish the book :-)
@ACuriousMind I've only had three crashes so far. Seems like normal Skyrim stability
@Kaumudi.H Yup
@AccidentalFourierTransform Which reminds me... when's the last time anyone here saw a Jim Carrey movie?
about three updogs and a month
13 stars in last 10 minutes
oh cmon
we need some cleaning of the starboard
we should program a bot to do that
@AccidentalFourierTransform That, or we could all star really offensive messages and let ACM see it :3
any room owner around?
Oh, not this again!
r.i.p stars
So. Nice.
@AccidentalFourierTransform Abracadabra.
Ah, a minute's ban...how moving :3
Yo, @ACu: Why u unstar beautiful Jim Carrey gif? ._.
@paracetamol I have no qualms about removing you from chat for longer if you insist on being offensive.
@Kaumudi.H Fat fingers, the UI to remove stars is not exactly user friendly :P
@ACuriousMind Let's just keep it at a minute, shall we?
I found a bug with the star system!
It is too late to undo this operation
click here to remove the notification bar
I can't star Jim's pic
@Yashas I think the star system may be one of the buggiest pieces of SE to begin with :P
Hey @SirC @Pies! Wanna hear a joke? :D
That bug helped me to guess the code SE is using :P
There was that time where the origin of stars was accessible through the API and people wrote bots that loudly announced who starred what
@Yashas I'm not sure what you mean by that
@ACuriousMind le Pen! huffingtonpost.com/entry/…
Trump in America; UK in political crisis; Erdogan in Turkey; now le Pen in France
@vzn If you read a bit upstream, that was precisely the context :P
@ACurious ಠ_ಠ
@Yashas Mmm?
@ACuriousMind Trump/ Le Pen seem to have some connections & ofc similar ideology ("far right") although with Trump its a total moving target...
@paracetamol rip
@Yashas You missed Petry ._.
Winks at ACM
She isn't having a big role, does she?
leader of some German political party, that's it?
@vzn What are you telling me that for, Slereah was the one who said "she's no Trump". I carefully avoided discussing specific politicians.
in other words, Le Pen is indeed a Trump-like politician running in france!
(didnt see slereahs quote re the opposite thx for pointing it out)
Woa woa woa, what on earth has been going on here during the time of my absence
Oh man
Another portugese paper
Tempa vojago kaj geodezioj en generala relativeco
@Secret A fist-fight escalated to a gun-fun and then to an arms race of sorts >_<
@Slereah You sure that's Portuguese? O_o
I'm no geese
Enough bibliography for today
^ Agreed
it seems i'm beyond bored with classical, linear fictions.
@Slereah I can't seem to view it :/
time to either read real weird shit or karl marx
@BalarkaSen They're different?
one's weird shit, the other's tough shit
big dif
@BalarkaSen But they're "excrement" nonetheless ;)
@ACuriousMind listen. . . . . I'm writing, an aswer to my question. You can comment on it when I put it up.
Anyone else can comment
I...see ._.
@Fawad hehe legend status is a miles a way :P
Can it be made illegal to spell spacetime as "space-time"

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