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or not
ugh, I even sorted the load order
I must be doing something wrong
Are you using LOOT?
Ok, uninstalled everything and it still works
that's progress
last time I uninstalled everything I broke the game
I have loot as well
let's try that
I already have it
I used to be a pro at this
Wait, you're playing Oblivion?
I thought BOSS was Oblivion only
Ok, I put on seven mods
let's see if these work
I have a feeling I didn't do SKSE properly.
Yeah, that's the issue
It didn't load SkyUI, which uses SKSE
How can you screw up SKSE?
beats me
I am
I loaded the Falskaar and Wyrmtooth UIs, but didn't load the mods
For some reason the chat is limiting me to one message / 10 seconds
It's been aggressively spam-blocking me as well
Idk what's up
Clearly, it has enough of your spam :P
Well now my character is glitched out
@ACuriousMind This algorithm is malware
Also, Spotify is malware
What is wrong with my fps tho
Too many mods
It will screw your performance
I have five mods right now
I used to have 70 and got 60fps
Which mods?
We've been over this before
What I don't understand is why NMM isn't giving me config options for these mods that definitely do have options.
It broke again
LOOT is saying I installed patches for mods I don't have
what is this
Oh no
@BernardoMeurer How do I get NMM to show me options menus?
The mods are installing their SkyRe versions but I definitely don't want that
No clue man, sorry
Years since I've used that
me too
my freaking audio overhaul is breaking everything
I have to manually reinstall everything
@BernardoMeurer what are you up to
Bored in uni considering going home
cuz I'm sorting through mod lists and am bored
Okay, lemme go to a room I can talk
Be on skype, I'll call you
@ACuriousMind I activated so many mods at once that the game was freezing trying to install all of them :D
@ACuriousMind it seems to be stable now.
Hi all
Is there an Android app for SE chats?
@ACuriousMind ping still there?
@ACuriousMind working on an answer and don't wan to to be an idiot, so I am making some general statements. please tell me if i am heading into a ditch. I was going to just post this first since I promised to post something Hi @cows

I am looking at [this][1] and [this][2]. Generally, for some solutions , for a given k. It seems one might need to read up on collective coordinates. We are thinking about the global gauge transformations g $\in$ G .

[1]: https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0509216.pdf
@GeroldBroser intermittently
@0celouvsky Yay?
@ACuriousMind so can i post that to start?
Post that where?
I can't even tell what you're trying to say
for the question i asked
What is k, what is G, why is "I might need to read up on collective coordinates" information anyone but yourself needs to know?
Currently, I'd delete that as a link-only answer because all the information is in the links, not what you've written
well I just wanted to know if i am on the right track before I write anything
You need to try to get away from throwing around buzzwords and instead present a coherent argument: Define all your terms and variables, explain how they are related and what you are thinking about.
I want to do that, but I just wanted some reassurance that I am going in the right direction.
@Cows Since I still don't really know what you are asking about - you didn't answer any of my clarifying questions in the comment I left - I could not possibly tell whether you are on the right track or not.
so ok
let me try
@ACuriousMind yay indeed
everything seems to work just fine!
all the armor and weapons mods are activated correctly
the UI works fine
the map is updated
i don't know about the DLCs
screw it i will just talk and recieve humiliation
we get instantons solutions, and look at k =1
then the g is the gauge orientation stuff.
Instanton solutions of what theory? What is k, what is "gauge orientation stuff"?
how many times you go around
S 3 ≈ SU(2) ⊂ SU(N)
like the paper says
@0celouvsky You should be able to tell that rather soon, right? Whether you get the quests that start their quest lines or not
@ACuriousMind I have two modded DLCs, which are a big reason why I stopped playing
the modded DLC + textures + meshes + SkyRe made for an extremely buggy and difficult game
I don't actually know how to start those DLCs
there might be a level
@ACuriousMind e.g. Dawnguard requires level 15, I am level 5 right now
or is it 10?
@Cows What paper? Why can you not just tell me what theory you're talking about?
but the fact that I can startthe game without it freezing is a big improvement, as I'm sure you remember :)
@0celouvsky Oh, that might be
@Cows I know enough about instantons and string theory that you should be able to communicate to me what exactly you're looking at without having me read a paper.
That's a spacetime, not a theory.
6d 2,0
C'mon, complete sentences, please. Do you mean a 6d $\mathcal{N}=(2,0)$ super Yang-Mills theory?
Yes. I am talking about that theory.
Okay, carry on then, what do you want to know/say about that theory?
By the way, since your question is about something related to M5-branes, I think that you actually want to talk about the superconformal theory that contains a higher gauge field that is the worldvolume theory of the M5, not a SYM theory.
I am just reading this, and am learning the vocabulary. I am wondering what gauge orientation zero modes means. Is this just something to do with g and collective coordinates?
higher gauge fields so extensions of su(n)
g $\in$ G(extensions of su(n)
@Cows No
A higher gauge field is one that is not a 1-form, but a p-form for p > 1.
The (2,0) worldvolume theory has a 2-form
i meant what g becomes
I still have no idea what your g even is.
ok, so far so good p>1,
what does "gauge orientation zero modes" mean?
I am still trying to learn some vocabulary
ok let me make contact with a paper I am looking at
@ACuriousMind https://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0004186v2 (2.16) The gauge orientation zero modes can be obtained from (2.16). By expanding 5 U(θ) =
exp(−2θ a T a ) infinitesimally in (2.16) we get
@ACuriousMind I am using the language in this paper arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0004186v2
eq 2.16,
page 8
the g i refered to is in their notation
I swear I am not trying to waste your time, nor am I trolling you
gauge orientation zero modes. sorry said oriented instead of orientation
honest mistake
@ACuriousMind I realize this must be frustrating. I am using this paper to learn vocabulary and concepts first before, I learn the good stuff.
@Cows The "zero mode" simply refers to it being a zero mode (i.e. eigenvector with zero eigenvalue) of that operator $M$ acting on the gauge field. The "gauge orientation zero modes" are those zero modes that lie in the subspace that corresponds to the "orientation" of the instanton.
@ACuriousMind aha, thank you
That's more or less explicitly said on page 16/17 of the paper you linked, btw :P
I have a feeling you either didn't actually read that paper very thoroughly, or that you lack much of the prerequisites to actually understand it.
I did not read the paper thoroughly yet. I found it last night, and glanced through. I am reading from page one now. The math is ok, although I am learning some new vocabulary as I go. It is mostly new words to fairly tractable ideas.
It is a 63 page paper. It would take me a while.
I had to look at tong's paper too, because he explains some stuff a bit more too. So I am looking at both papers.
I lack some vocabulary, but that's about it
I just wanted to be sure that I was looking for answers in the right set of notes before I devoted time to them
sup nbro
nbro I was just heading out, but @ACuriousMind is a great host :D
@Slereah :D
@ACuriousMind Thanks anyway
I'm not studying physics, but I like physics, and whenever the occasion happens I read an article about a topic, like energy
most of the people have already seen the Einstein formula $E = mc^2$, which relates mass to energy in a linear way
well, c is actually a constant
so Energy would be just a scaling of mass
@G.Bergeron If you do find something out, let me know, the question sounded interesting ;)
I know the solution to this question may be trivial, but since energy can be transferred (or acquired), we can actually increase and decrease the energy of everything that has mass and we can therefore also increase and decrease the mass of that same object, right?
@Slereah Wouldn't the tangent spaces of the two origins be canonically identified?
@nbro yes
@nbro a hot piece of metal is heavier than a cold piece of metal
@nbro Yes, although you have to be careful what you mean by "mass". In modern times, we often mean the invariant rest mass of an object which doesn't change when you "transfer energy" to the object e.g. by accelerating is.
It does change for certans "transfers" where you actually change the composition of the system, like charging a battery
@ACuriousMind Unless it forms a bound state :)
@G.Bergeron Right, and then we enter philosophical territory whether the new, heavier state consistutes "that same object" ;)
But yeah ''transfer'' by ideal elastic collisions will not change the mass
mm.. ok
@ACuriousMind Ah come on, a warmed-up piece of metal can be seen as the same piece of metal. Anyway, in all practicality, we always work on equivalence classes of objects.
''What is a chair?'' :p
It seems to me, energy (and hence mass) is really an abstract concept
@nbro What concept isn't?
@ACuriousMind I will. But I need to do read around more first.
@G.Bergeron Oh, I just think the question of how we assign identity to objects (and persons) is one that's worth thinking about. I'm not saying you shouldn't claim the hot metal bar is the same as the cold one, but at what point during the transition to "molten pool of metal" does it stop being the same bar? Identity is odd.
@ACuriousMind Me too, but I think a satisfying answer is found in the concept of equivalence classes of ... qualia?
@ACuriousMind In the end, nothing intrinsic will tell you when to declare the switch, you decide and then work with the concepts. Agreed, by convention we try to synchronize as much as possible our definitions, but it's not really objective
What do you think when a person talks about a "source of energy"? What do you imagine?
@nbro Hence my question, what do you mean by saying ''is really an abstract concept''. Is it more or less abstract than the concept of ''tree''?
@nbro Somebody who is not rigorous
@nbro Or a big power plant, I guess. In movies: some scifi technology.
@G.Bergeron Ah, that works for the easy cases but I think you still have some issue with slow processes at whose beginning and end two clearly different objects are present, but where you can't pinpoint any instant where it changes from one object to the other - it's not an equivalence class if you can't clearly say which instants belong to the first and which to the second class, but declaring a new class for each instant seems...wasteful
There are different "trees", the idea of a natural tree, a tree of a family (or in computer science), but they are all ideas that describe or help to describe concrete objects, whatever concrete actually means
@nbro I think of food.
I like thinking of food.
@ACuriousMind are you a grad student?
@ACuriousMind ''Everybody'' agrees at both end points, but they will assign the cut to different instant.
@Cows yes
or Europe
@nbro Ok, well energy and mass helps to describe concrete phenomenon/objects
@G.Bergeron indeed
@ACuriousMind lol, just checked your profile. nice!
@ACuriousMind You're basically pinpointing the fuzzyness between those equivalence class for different observers. This is not a problem form the proposed framework, but a problem from langages: they are never exact in their description.
Have you ever seen people fight about wether that colour is blue or purple?
@ACuriousMind i thought it was heidelberg.edu in Ohio lol
@G.Bergeron Nah, I think your claim that all observers will make a cut is somewhat flawed. I mean, if you tell them "you must", then they will, but I don't think it is natural to expect that they will do so at all
@DanielSank Is that a valid expression in English?
@Cows It says "Heidelberg, Germany" right on my profile :P
since energy can be transferred, every object that has mass is a source of energy, and when people say, e.g., the sun is a source of energy, I don't think they only mean that the energy associated with the sun is because of its mass
@ACuriousMind But don't you agree that this comes from langage? At what point does a tree becomes a wood table?
@nbro A "source of energy" is usually something from which energy can usefully or efficiently be transferred, in my impression
@ACuriousMind yeah I saw it :~)

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