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Does the opposite thing hold true
I just realized there's a knife in my backpack
I take it on planes all the time
For a principal bundle $\pi : \mathcal P \to M$, is $\mathcal P = M / G$
do you mean $P/G$?
Oh right
What's true is that $M = \mathcal{P}/G$
Wrong order
That is good to know
I guess that makes sense, arithmetically :p
$M \times G = \mathcal P \to M = \mathcal P / G$
Hi, my friends...
Though of course it may not be trivial
definately not for a principal bundle
...no, not of me...of the wonders of physics! ;)
@ACuriousMind : The original post seems up.
According to my...errrm....well...experiences at my first contribution here at physics may I ask you for a quick review of my latest contributions?
?!? Is greeting considered old-fashioned nowadays or are you all fallen asleep? Or contemplating about the TOE?
Or am I the only one active in here?
Never mind...just in case:

I'm leaving for a beer at my extended living room across the street. Bottoms up!
I cannot find this flash drive
I just had it
@0celouvsky Install Linux
@Qmechanic The question title better reflects the purpose now and slightly more narrow, but the body of the post need to be cleaned up a bit (in particular, it is still the exact same block of text)
Gerold: I am currently not an expert in cosmology, thus you might have to wait until cosmologists such as Jim get on to check the questions for you
@Qmechanic Right, it's undeleted again. I left a comment asking OP to clarify (and also pointing them to a possibly better resource, the quotes sound as if the author is at the very least using a non-standard definition of spinor - unit norm elements don't even forma vector space, but spinors should live in a vector space!)
@GeroldBroser What you've written there is well-known - the age of an empty FLRW universe is precisely $1/H_0$, cf. Wikipedia
@ACuriousMind Ban me for 30 minutes
I must pay my toll from the other day
I don't want to owe the man any time in jail
It...doesn't work like that.
Please ban me for 30 minutes
I feel like I escaped jail
Or something
You don't ban me I'll get myself banned
30 minutes
@BernardoMeurer just insult him
@0celouvsky I wanted to do this the easy way
@BernardoMeurer I lifted the suspension because I thought it was the right thing to do in that particular circumstance. I don't suspend people just because they ask for it. There's no need for you to try to get banned.
@ACuriousMind So you formally and officially forgive my crimes?
@BernardoMeurer you have no choice
insult someone
In the eyes of God, the State, and Alan Turing
Uh, what?
@ACuriousMind Is that a yes or a no?
I don't know what you want from me - we're not in a court of law, and there's nothing to formally forgive, but if it makes you feel better, yes.
@ACuriousMind Okay, then we are done, just in time
I was about to start spilling curses
what a wimp
I don't think Bernardo is a weakly interacting matter particle :P
I'll show you my massive particle
@ACuriousMind he's more of a squid
A squid? Why?
A SQUID (for superconducting quantum interference device) is a very sensitive magnetometer used to measure extremely subtle magnetic fields, based on superconducting loops containing Josephson junctions. SQUIDs are sensitive enough to measure fields as low as 5 aT (5×10−18 T) with a few days of averaged measurements. Their noise levels are as low as 3 fT·Hz−½. For comparison, a typical refrigerator magnet produces 0.01 tesla (10−2 T), and some processes in animals produce very small magnetic fields between 10−9 T and 10−6 T. Recently invented SERF atomic magnetometers are potentially more sensitive...
i suggested cenobite, he refused. oh well.
why the ???
'cause I don't see how Bernardo might be such a device
The giant squid (genus Architeuthis) is a deep-ocean dwelling squid in the family Architeuthidae. Giant squid can grow to a tremendous size due to deep-sea gigantism: recent estimates put the maximum size at 13 m (43 ft) for females and 10 m (33 ft) for males from the posterior fins to the tip of the two long tentacles (second only to the colossal squid at an estimated 14 m (46 ft), one of the largest living organisms). The mantle is about 2 m (6.6 ft) long (more for females, less for males), and the length of the squid excluding its tentacles (but including head and arms) rarely exceeds 5 m (16...
but then I have zero idea what has just transpired
@Secret That feeling is par for the course for this chat
Any suggestions for my flash drive?
I think the thief might be at it again
@0celouvsky What's with your flash drive?
@BernardoMeurer Mysteriously disappeared, not the first time this has happened
Seems like everything else is still here
All my lab reports for this semester have a cover picture of star wars :P
The computer architecture prof loves it
the mechanics one not so much
I wish I had a photographic memort
I don't know if it was on my desk or not
What was the capacity?
why does that matter?
Why do you even need that much?
If there's a thief, it doesn't make sense
@BernardoMeurer it had a backup of my old computer
because if it was a 4GB flash drive I would tell you to leave it alone
You keep your backups on flash drives?
That's not good
Not a full backup
mostly documents and music
@0celouvsky Google Akon's real name
what about it
some somalian shit right?
"Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Bongo Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam"
"Lu Lu Lu"
Speaking about backups, any of you have good suggestions on how to securely backup 256 GB of data?
@Secret Can you afford to pay for it to be stored?
Buy a few hard drives and use RAID 0 on all of them
I am not sure, I did not realise there are companies that does that

Anyway, the content of that 256 GB data is all my school records, family photos etc. al the way from my primary school to my PhD. I.e. almost a decade of my life. Currently it is all stored in one of my external drive but I fear I put too many eggs on the same basket and if that drive fails one day, I will literally lost more than 80% of my life history
@JaimeGallego That is the worst advice I've seen on this chat room
And that's saying something
That was intended
@Secret Keeping it all in one drive is a horrible idea
@JaimeGallego I know, still
can't wait to move and people stop stealing my shit
this is getting bad
An example
Cheapest would be to pay an FTP server monthly and manually store files there
if you want security you could encrypt them
If you run GNU/Linux you can use deja-dup for an automated process for that
it even has a nice GUI
It was in the box with my spare bedsheets and towels
Is there a difference between | and \vert?
I see, thanks, checking out the details now
@Slereah Correctness
@Slereah sizing
which one has the highest correctness
more characters to type
looks the same to me!
also don't forget \rvert and \lvert
First one somehow looks blurrier
MathJax doesn't necessarily render exactly the same thing LaTeX would
@0celouvsky Can't wait to move and have yourself stop stealing from you, eh? :P
@ACuriousMind Ok there's no doubt stuff has been stolen from me
The Axiom of Choice is bullshit
Rebecca looked through my entire place to make sure
Why do we have different symbols for the disk and the ball
Headphones I don't use, a watch, pencils, a bag of change
Doesn't make sense
Surely we should just use $B^n$ for n-dimensional balls
@0celouvsky Rebecca is robbing you
Does she still need C++ help?
She's loaded
Now I have time
She is currently doing the drum major audition
@0celouvsky A cleptomaniac doesn't need to be poor to steal
Drum major?!
She's auditioning for a drum major?
I thought she just played flute
Yeah, the UT drum major
No, she's a squad leader in the band
Is that like having a gang?
where the fuck are my keys!?!?
Do they have a hand sign?
they have a hitleresque salute
so, I can't actually find the backup from my previous computer
not good
I put a lot of time into that skyrim guide
I love Wayland, but boy do we still have a long way to go
I know I sent it to someone
@BernardoMeurer Ah, Wayland is that new graphics server?
Compared to X
@JaimeGallego Display server
Compared to X11, yes
X.Org is the people behind X11
@BenNiehoff Wayland is pretty new
@JaimeGallego X11, there were other X's before
I had dreams about instantons
wtf is my gmail password
so much deja vu right now
how do you forget your gmail password?
@BenNiehoff I have a personal gmail that I never use
I suspect that there's a document on that google drive from 3 years ago that I desperately need
like, I will have to consider kms if I don't find it
@0celouvsky How long is that?
Hopefully pretty long
16 pages
docx is ridiculous
37MB for 16 pages? Is this just pictures?
it has a lot of pictures
tricks for e.g. Khajit chests and whatnot
pictures of map locations you one can locate them without map markers
I just want Civ VI
why buy civilization VI
lol I have a comment on a typo in the subtitles
this is awesome
The game is basically always the same
Just get Civ II
V actually plays differently from the earlier ones since they got rid of the Stack of Doom combat
@Slereah Because I already played all of the old ones to exhaustion
V is really good
I love that game
yes, they usually only get worse
I can't believe I actually uploaded this
I was a genius
play Neo Scavenger instead
it is the greatest game
You play as a filthy hobo
@Slereah Buy me Civ VI
My birthday is just around the corner
I'm currently playing Dungeon Crawl...one day I will beat that game.
Dungeon Crawler are not really games where you ever get to the end
I almost beat FTL once
@ACuriousMind I might be requesting German tech support soon
And FTL isn't the worst dungeon crawler
I have to reinstall all of my mods
@Slereah I'm talking about Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
SkyRe was breaking my other mods
any nude mods?
I can't figure out how to turn that off either
It's certainly possible to get to the end of that one, there are players with impressively high winrates
So it's a little awkward
I can turn off the male one, but not the female one
I think I manually altered the mesh and texture files
this was many years ago
@0celouvsky What are you getting me for my birthday?
I don't think I ever got even close to the end of Nethack
I'm not going to SF btw
You told me
Michelle is ignoring me so I had to make plans during May
Tickets too expensive
Not that, Michelle just doesn't respond to me or Kat
@Slereah Me neither, with DCSS I'm slowly improving though
Hm? She sent Kat a POL the other day
Veeery slowly, but it's there
and I talked to her recently
when I got her gifts
Well then she hates me
Proof of Life
So I'm not going
That's nothing new though
Come oooooon
I'll talk to her
Dude, I'm not going
Okay then
I am paying for an apartment in May
I'm not leaving for a week when I'm paying rent
Because I don't have unlimited money? What kind of question is that
I'm taking my vacation in August
I think he's asking why you're paying for an apartment at all :P
Because I don't want to sleep under a bridge?
What kind of question is that?
Live with Rebecca
save money
@0celouvsky ...why do you not stay with your current accomodation?
Or that
@ACuriousMind Because my lease ends?
And it only took us three tries to get to that answer :P
I'm not going to rent an apartment and then leave, that makes no sense. I'll be taking my vacation later in the year, after the summer session
Because fuck you, that's why
Why don't you rent two apartments?
Then you can have a vacation house
and an every-day house
What is your problem?
Sleep deprivation mostly
I also haven't had a meal in about 2 days
maybe go eat
When I become a millionaire(soon) I will buy a few apartments for cits and giggles
@BernardoMeurer oO
I have to shower and eat
I just wasted 2 hours trying to find this guide
@ACuriousMind Assuming bread with butter doesn't count as a meal
@BernardoMeurer Versions which are even older :P
@JaimeGallego Yep, the other X were written in stone-assembly
@ACuriousMind so I take the hold on my question remains?
You would carve the assembly in a stone plaque and give it to a dinosaur to eat. He would then run the code
that's how teletubbies operated
Genetically modified velociraptors
Shit you really need to sleep
@Cows You have two questions and both are currently open, I don't know what you're talking about
@ACuriousMind Oh cool. I had no idea.
After I implement branch prediction on my CPU
branch overheads are a mess
@ACuriousMind I saw your answer on this question physics.stackexchange.com/questions/126978/… and was wondering if it would have helped to mention that the co-cycle condition was responsible, and also mentioned the words fiber bundle
I wanted to edit it but I don't want to be eaten alive lol
Perhaps also mentioning holonomy and curvature, or monodromiy for the flat case
Anyways I liked your answer
I think I was primed to understand it hehehe
@Cows Sorry, what do you think the cocycle condition is responsible for? Also, why would you want to "mention fiber bundle", when I already say that $P$ is a $G$-principal bundle (and link the Wiki article for principal bundle)
And I do mention curvature, it's the $F$ at the end. Did you actually read the answer? :P
I don't talk about holonomy because it's not as "basic" an ingredient to Yang-Mills theory as the rest, at least it's physically often not as relevant from the start to know what a holonomy is
@ACuriousMind Can you find me more rock with a sound like this open.spotify.com/album/4KKBC1uABloAIFc0TiUv5r
@ACuriousMind What's a good number of mods to aim for? Also what happens if I just uninstall SkyRe?
I think I have like 60 right now
@ACuriousMind just reading your answer again. give me a sec
It's quite unstable
@BernardoMeurer My knowledge of music is strongly limited
@ACuriousMind Hmm, do you know Kvelertak?
@0celouvsky That fully depends on how they interact, and no idea what happens
@BernardoMeurer Only because you've posted it here in the past
@ACuriousMind Do you know if the mod manager can just copy ALL of my files?
@ACuriousMind Dangit
I want to mess around a bit before I nuke the whole thing
@0celouvsky I think it can, but it's been a while that I used it, so not sure
I should just write down the mods I want, then clear out the mod manager and reinstall the game
Then put everything back
No texture mods. I think that's the issue
mods are always the issue
SkyRe + my creature and weapons mods made the game WAY too hard, even on the easiest difficulty
@ACuriousMind lol, I think you actually covered everything. I read it last before sleeping, I was reviewing gauge fields, gauge fixing, and so forth. So I decided to read a few stack exchange answers on the topic too. I think I had an agenda :P
especially as I was scared my question would be scrapped lolz
Spotify free on the phone absolutely sucks
It was a good answer though. I also looked at terry tao's post on the matter. It was long so I did not read the whole thing
Holy crap is it bad
It will just add random shit to my playlist
and it's totally out of context too
In diff eq, I was told gauge theory is the art of moving from one set of sols to another
In fiber bundle theory it is a natural consequence of generalizing from vector bundles to ("anything") (x, A)
to groups (for physics)
I decided to think more about this because, as it were now, I sort of need to really know it
At any rate,
I have been thinking about instantons, and invariants
really more about solitons(really kinks) at this point
In fact I have been thinking about circles and spheres
kinky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yeah, it's been eye opening
I literally had dreams last night about instantons
invariants on manifolds and so forth
There is just so much stuff to learn
At this point I am just happy with the learning process
so much
A week ago I realized that branes and strings have this analog to E&M
@AccidentalFourierTransform :P
where the dangling string from the brane is like a field line in E&M and then you can say analogous things
E&M is the most important thing
circles are the most imprtant thing too
Sets are cool
This conversation is making me horny
@BernardoMeurer T.M.I.
You can draw two or three intersecting sets and derive all of fiber bundle theory
all of probability can be gotten from the sets too
not the same sets
there is this thing of measure theory and spectral theory that I want to know
because i want to understant quantum spectra
life is short
so much to learn
so much
I learned that, not all books are for me
anyways I have to get this off my chest
so much to learn
@Cows You said that already, please don't spam the room :P
@ACuriousMind :P
I will just learn a bit of analysis today.
Anyways, I am not afraid to draw
I can draw intersecting sets, so I can say things about spaces and limits
I have a white board in my room(not like anyone asked)
Calling this (hard) science fiction is an insult to (hard) science fiction
Q: Black Hole Computer

Winterstorm DI have an idea for a computer. This is a picture of water splashing: ![water splashing]https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Water_splashes_001.jpg If water splashed from every direction onto a point, something like the hyperbolic octahedron would form: ![hyperbolic octahedron]https://www.goo...

Because black holes DON"T work like a computer
I smell pseudoscience
For soft scifi, however, the description is actually really cool, though
@Cows what are you learning?

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