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Happy Easter @0celouvsky et al :-)
@BenNiehoff For $\kappa<0$, we have $\lim_{\delta\to\infty} \lambda(\delta)=-(n-1)^2\kappa/4$. That's interesting because it doesn't go to zero.
So there's a lower bound on the first Dirichlet eigenvalue determined by the curvature
1 hour later…
@0celouvsky propre = eigen
@Slereah you
where were you
I had to translate two pages of analysis without help
In my bed
in sleepy land
I hope you had a good sleep
i did
@Slereah Should I read BEE?
I haven't, so I can't tell
It's pretty long
Don't know if I can commit
you don't have to read everything
Look at the index, see if there's an interesting topic
I'm not reading everything
@Slereah There are lots
I wish books had a "interdependence of chapters" thing in the front
like that
which book has that
"Ergodic Theory
with a view towards Number Theory"
at least chapters only depend on previous chapters
@Slereah In chapter 4 of Grubb, she says "the reader is now assumed to be fully familiar with the material of chapter 12"
well, are you
@Slereah for the most part
only one week until I have to go back to class
To learn about php and shit
So sick of classes
I do not envy you
I should be allowed to give some lectures on geometry in my topology class
Are you absolutely insufferable a student?
do you correct your teachers a lot
I'm pretty sure they all like me
My QM prof will invite me to his office and we'll chat about stuff
My topology prof borrows books from me
I have like ten books from my advisor
It's hard finding a big document on the punctured torus that's like
General informations on it
I only find specific papers to prove one thing
Why even study it if you're not doing wormholes
What are you trying to prove?
The covering space is going to be horrible.
Am I not doing wormholes?
Well the covering space is just $\Bbb R^n$
The covering map is what's horrible
@Slereah I mean that's why the literature is so small
@Slereah Yeah
Well it's a manifold
I'm guessing math people study it for their own inscrutable purpose
I can find info on the covering space and fundamental group, but an example of a covering map is a bit harder to find
Oh hey, the fundamental polygon of the punctured torus
Red and green identified
red and green?
I'm color blind ;_;
The arrows indicate red and green
each side of the arrow is identified
it looks yellow...
Well get new eyes, what do you want me to say
what does "un revetement ou une submersion riemannien­ ne a fibres totalement geodesiques" mean?
The punctured torus on the Poincaré disk
Submersion is embedding, IIRC
Dunno what revêtement is
submersion is an English word though
I dunno man
revetment --> coating
I don't read a lot of math in french
...covering map?
what's the thing with fibres
Math stopped being in French for the most part in like
The 50's
I guess maybe I could use that tesselation of the Poincaré disk with punctured torus to find the covering map of it
It's too bad the author doesn't actually give any reference for taht
why do you need to know the covering map?
there are ways of "determining" covering maps
you basically draw the fundamental group and then attach cells to it
quite horrible
If you have the values of a field on the covering space, you can project it down to the original space
@0celouvsky I guess that's pretty much what that diagram is
It does vaguely look like the free group
Just crossings at every cell
@Slereah ok, that's called the cayley complex method
I'll give it a looksy
although it will be slightly hard to apply, because I don't actually know any metric that can be applied to the punctured torus
@Slereah See Hatcher page 77
@Slereah in theory you can pull back the metric along the covering map
I don't know how that works in practice.
there are a few metrics for actual wormholes on the punctured torus, but they are all fairly vague
And they're the kind of metrics that assume "Well the two mouthes are far apart, it's probably fine to treat them separately"
apparently it's possible to put the euclidian metric on the punctured torus
Good to know
oh wait, maybe not
For a moment I couldn't tell if I was in the maths or physics chat
why would you think math?
All things are interconnected, @Excalibur42
I mean I guess that if the punctured torus can have a covering map on the Poincaré disk, maybe an hyperbolic metric might work?
that's probably the simplest metric you can use on it
"We remark that while the torus $T^2$ admits a Euclidean metric, the once-punctured torus $S_{1,1}$ admits a hyperbolic metric. "
Also why $S_{1,1}$
too much algebraic topology jargon, tho
I guess I do need to read some Hatcher
The puntured torus is homotopy equivalent to $S^1\vee S^1$? I dunno
Apparently the S stands for "surface"
1 genus, one puncture
yeah I think that's the thing
I want to say that the $n$-genus surface minus a point is homotopy equivalent to $\Bigvee^n S^1$
I should look up the Poincaré disk, too
To find out what coordinates those polygons actually have
You know who wrote about the Poincaré disk?
Our friend Lubos Motl
god dammit
there we go!
@Slereah So genus $n$ surface - point $\simeq \bigvee^n S^1$.
what is the vee
gluing at a point
is that still a manifold?
Also wouldn't that always be one dimensional
it's not a homeomorphism
it's a homotopy equivalence
Well it's true that they're both $\pi_1 = F_n$
That follows from SvK
I think I'm an electrical superconductor. I touched a friend's computer, got a huge shock, and the screen went static for like a minute
no you're not
Every piece of metal ever shocks me.
I fear doorknobs
put your fingers in an outlet to check
His name is SirCumference, not SirCumcision
Oye, my name is the source of terrible puns
Durr durr durr
But seriously, any help with the electricity problem? It's kind of concerning
u kno wot I just realized
hydroelectric dams are freaking gravity power generators
> If you liked it then you should have moved a mass inside its Roche limit.
@SirCumference stop carrying so many shekels on you
@0celouvsky I'm american
And also...I think that might be racist
doesn't meant you can't have shekels?
Since when are shekels a race
Jews always keep money on them?
Did someone actually flag that
I was asking if he was being racist or not
well it kinda was and apparently the flag was approved
@0celouvsky I thought you can't flag anymore?
Howdy @peterh
@SirCumference he didn't flag it
he was flagged
howdy :-) Good morning :-) Or afternoon
Oh. I thought "Jews always keep money on them?" was
I doubt he was being racist tho
it came off as that <shrug>
@peterh g'night here ;P
Not always, they are glad to invest!
it's almost 9 pm for me
@"sircum" Wait did someone actually remove this?
remove what?
@SirCumference apparently
I don't get the mods here
<shrug> nsfw jokes tend to get flags
Ahhhhh, there's a SE site for vegetarianism too? Wow!
well it's a beta
There's a site for everything
@Slereah Yeah, but still

Proposed Q&A site for professional/aspiring magicians, and magic enthusiasts.

Currently in definition.

much more interesting
They try it continuously
I think it would be better if the SE wouldn't allow it.
In my opinion, the only possible place of magic in the SE is the rpg.stackexchange.com
@0celouvsky 2 days is not too much, it is more problematic that 1) the time interval increases exponentially and never shrinks 2) you can't foresee, which your message leads to the next suspension. Your only feedback if you got your next one.
@peterh I don't think they mean actual magic
@Slereah But...but...
Q: How can magic be explained with Physics?

Margaret RosaAssuming that, hypothetically, and for this example only, "magic" means things like magical powers. In movies, games, etc. we witness magic; however, it's never explained how it works with regards to the likeness world in which they take place in to ours. My wonderng is, how can magic be explai...

I think it's for stage magic
It conflicts with our main purpose
Maybe it could be thought from a Gödel-view. Manipulating and using the uncountable list of theorems, which are true, but can't be proven.
I think it would be much more interesting to think on, how would tachyions behave in the GR.
@peterh It's for stage magicians
I have a naive intuition, they would behave like the dark energy.
I am so sad that John Duffield can't be here :-(
@peterh He's here in spirit
@SirCumference please
I'm not racist
Like Mafia, Chris W, obe, Obliv, and others
I donate to AIPAC
I don't know why that communist decided to ban me
@0celouvsky I was defending you :P
28 mins ago, by Sir Cumference
I doubt he was being racist tho
thank you
Hypersensitive flaggers are the worst best here please don't flag
@0celouvsky Have you and idea, how would tachyons interact gravitationally?
@0celouvsky In the GR.
what do you mean by "tachyon"
it refers to a few different things
A point tachyon would mostly act like a regular point particle, I suspect
@Slereah Particle going faster than light. They aren't directly forbidden on the SR. What is forbidden, is that stepping over c (or, for the tachyons, going slower as c). Lorentz-transformation transforms tachyons always to tachyons and bradyons (ordniary matter) always to bradyons.
Except maybe it might be the negative mass Schwarzschild solution, possibly?
negative mass Schwarzschild fails DEC
Tachyons fail DEC pretty bad
i need a 1937 french paper
There's a site that has a lot of old french papers
@Slereah Negative-mass Schwarzschild solution means ordinary matter with negative mass. I am thinking on tachyons with positive mass. (Here comes another problem, tachyons should have complex mass.)
very shitty format
"mass" isn't a real thing
whats DEC?
The only important thing in physics is the Casimir invariant $p^2 = -m^2$
The Dominant Energy Condition
oh no
it's one of Those Papers
@Slereah Wait
everyone references but I gurantee no one has read it
Do you know GR terminology in French too?
@SirCumference to some degree
Oh, neat
"Never going to get to France"
@SirCumference there's a book on Riemannian spectra that I want to read
it's in French
of course the question is
I don't suppose Google translate is an option
Do we accept the 0 energy tachyon
That would be a pretty fucked up metric
Wait, @0celouvsky, can you fluently read Einstein's original GR and SR papers (in German)?
$p^\mu = (0,0,0,p)$
They were on German?
@peterh I think?
I'd imagine
Ich bin ein Deutscher...
Or a Berlier
strange proof
I must be missing something
There is a 1908 French paper that I'd like to have in PDF format
I can only find it on some awful online reader
@SirCumference I think, SR surely. Maybe GR, too. But he was already well-known by the SR. At the time, English wasn't very strong in the science, latinic was already weak. And German was very strong
Einstein published mostly in German until he moved out of Germany
Although translations were published of course
@SirCumference I think the SR was surely on German, it was sent to a German physics journal at first. And thus, probably the GR, too.
Have you tried reading it, @0celouvsky?
Einstein or the French book?
Einstein in German
Original SR and GR papers
Do you not remember John Duffield?
Oh come on
He read Einstein in German and was never the same
Wait he did?
That's what transformed him...
Didn't know he spoke German tho
@0celouvsky He got 1 year "leave"
@0celouvsky I don't know, if he got also chat block. If not, then he can in theory visit us, although it may be dangerous for him. If he commits something again against the rules, his block may be extended also on the chat for another year.
The paper I want
I think it's the first paper to ever considered the advanced solutions to EM
is that even true
@0celouvsky He was critical to the mainstream science, although as I can remember, he was mainly critical to the QM and not the SR. As if he had tried to continue Einstein's "god doesn't gamble" line.
Is $f(x)+g(x)=\inf f+\sup g$???
@peterh Wow, I didn't think he was a QM denier
It's hard to say what JD really thinks of science, because he mostly think of it in buzzwords
He does not have any actual understanding of the words he says
I thought he actually studied GR?
he did not
He's a programmer
he didn't know any math beyond calculus
and even that is doubtful
I'm not even sure he knows calculus
I never saw him use a formula beyond high school arithmetics
don't need calculus to code
I'd prefer if we didn't use this chat room to disparage (rightly or wrongly) folks who aren't welcome to visit us at the moment.
@rob We're not disparaging anyone
It's a fact or not whether he studied GR
Old timey science magazines are a bit quaint because back then, any electrical device was basically witchcraft
People were easily impressed
JD has some confidence and science sounding words
i was talking about JD
That is enough to get points
especially on low hanging fruit questions
He usually gets badly panned when he tries answering technical questions
@rob 1 year is absolutely not nice.
Only a few days before his ban, he posted this
A: Is there an elegant proof of the existence of Majorana spinors?

John Duffield Is there an elegant proof of the existence of Majorana spinors? No. Because they don't exist. The neutrino is not a Majorana spinor. It's a Weyl spinor. See Dirac, Majorana and Weyl fermions by Palash Pal. He said “the neutrinos had to be uncharged because of conservation of electric charge,...

@peterh No, it wasn't. This isn't the venue to talk about it, though.
-20 is quite an accomplishment
it's pretty hard to get a score that bad
without getting deleted
The comments are savage
> Since you seem to mind anonymous voting, here goes: $−1$ for a spectacularly off-topic answer which completely misses the point that was being asked.
~Emilio Pisanty
And yet it won't be deleted since it has +1
I think
+5, even
oh no
thank goodness SE doesn't have too many cranks overall
Just JD and Motl
I am being harsh
Motl's fine
Motl isn't a crank
Lubos Motl
One of our fine citizen
This guy?
Luboš Motl (born December 5, 1973) is a Czech theoretical physicist. He was an assistant professor at Harvard University from 2004 to 2007. His scientific publications are focused on string theory. == Life and career == Motl was born in Plzeň, present-day Czech Republic. He received his master's degree from the Charles University in Prague, and his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Rutgers University (2001) and has been a Harvard Junior Fellow (2001–2004) and assistant professor (2004–2007) at Harvard University. In 2007, he left Harvard and returned to the Czech Republic. Despite being an...
I'm not sure what's going on with his haircut
I don't understand sup and inf
Huh. Well, we have had people come to the chat, who actually have wikipedia pages
I have a wiki page.
I'm off
@SirCumference Like?
@blue Forgot the name of one guy
@SirCumference Only one?
Only one that I remember right now
we have a few mildly notorious people on PSE
I know Terence Tao is on SE
Also Marco Frasca
He's mildly notorious
I'm not sure we have any big names really
The famous physics people probably aren't of the generation where they hang out much on the internet
The tragedy is most professionals would find this site filled with low quality school level questions and pop science while most school students would find this site scattered with several highly mathematical questions and be scared away =P When I first joined I thought this site is too high level for me.
So this site is sort of dangling in the middle
Well there's Physics Overflow for better questions
@Slereah It is outside SE, isn't it? And I find the activity to be very very low over there
Well yeah
There are less questions about vacua topology than about why apples are red
Hehe :P I think this site can be improved by dividing it into two sites
We already did
the physics homework site and this one
Why is he so inactive?
He is active on the disqus and on his blog.
@peterh Life is complicated. People adjust how they spend their time.
If you mean Lubos Motl, getting him to post isn't hard
Just make any post doubting string theory or talking about the Bohm interpretation of QM
Going for real now
"If string theory is a valid unification of quantum theory and general relativity wouldn't there be a version that agrees with pilot wave theory?"
Perfect Lubos bait
rumor: LHCb has interesting news indico.cern.ch/event/580620
What is $\ell$
More relevantly, recently there are the younger generations looking for links between LQG and string theory
@Secret Somewhere I've read a mathematical equivalence between them was proven.
yeah, I think that's what I am trying to say but the memory escapes me
LQG doesn't even preserve Lorentz invariance
Though they're probably equivalent in the low energy limit

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