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But I guess he had a bad trip
Pretty pathetic. Supposed to be one of the biggest entertainers in the world... Very unprofessional to not know his own limits
@Danu I know
People are saying he's so bad at drugs that he OD'd on weed
I need your Valgrind skills
he's not listening
he doesn't care
I am beginning to believe @BernardoMeurer is stuck in some kind of bizarre time loop that involves Chris White and free software.
@BernardoMeurer beg my sister to go over to Berkeley and deliver a message to him
@ACuriousMind There is no system but GNU and Chris White is one of it's kernels
@BernardoMeurer Dude.
Go cry into a pillow.
@DanielSank He was the only person I knew who was a C debug master
@ACuriousMind Please. It's Free, not free.
I'm German, be glad I don't capitalize every Noun out of Habit :P
Free as in Freedom
not as in Gratis
Combining my Arabic, Irish, German, French, Greek, and Russian heritage.
@0celouvsky oh please n
@0celouvsky Что?
@DanielSank That's not helping me not curropt memory
besides, you forgot the 7
Ты говоришь по Русскии?
@BernardoMeurer wat?
@DanielSank Kannst du nicht normal reden?
@DanielSank Да (шучу - это перевод Google)
Sie ist auch Russin!
@0celouvsky Marvelous.
Deus Vult
Я хочу, это было бы круто.
@heather :-|
@0celouvsky You forgot to free your name
Al-O'0ßeloupolousky (Free)
@DanielSank I know. it would be awesome though.
@ACuriousMind Does the placement of the Greek part look right?
to know another language, period - german, russian, spanish, whatever.
@heather What?
@DanielSank to know another language.
So learn one.
Spanish is useful and not hard.
@DanielSank i am (sort of) - spanish classes in school.
hola, como estas?
or, how about, hola, que tal?
@0celouvsky Nothing about that name looks right. It looks awesome, though
I'm considering using it as a name for an RPG character :P
hey, that's something
meh. Estoy leyendo un articulo.
I like tacos too
no comprendo, lo siento
es "articulo" article en ingles?
@heather I'm pretty sure "lo siento" isn't really used like that.
@heather Yep.
@DanielSank it means "i'm sorry", right?
@heather Yeah but I don't think it's used like that. @EmilioPisanty.
what does "estoy" mean?
i can't seem to remember that one.
It's to be
"estou doente" I am sick
^ How to apologize in Spanish.
@DanielSank I clicked that and the horrible language burned my eyes
@heather "Yo estoy" means "I am", but specifically for temporary things. For permanent, you'd say "Yo soy".
@BernardoMeurer ...and then you called up your true love...
There is no Chris but White and kernels is one it's many GNUs
@DanielSank that makes me think i did it right
There is no White but Linux and GNU is one of it's many Chris'
i am reading an article?
@heather "Lo siento" is for regret.
@heather Yes.
@heather Don't let him corrupt you with spanish
I will teach you the real deal, Portuguese
how hard is portuguese?
Oh ffs.
Easier than Spanish!
Because it makes far more sense!
says the native speaker
It is a beautiful language you will see
much better than pesky spanish
eh, spanish isn't too bad
besides, the spanish girl
Yes it is
The spanish women are fine
Portuguese is what comes from your mouth when you're drunk and attempting to speak Spanish.
i was joking about that time Daniel Sank cursed you =P
@DanielSank lol
I am not kidding.
@DanielSank I'm always drunk
@DanielSank Funny, that's the same thing (some) Germans say about Dutch :P
@ACuriousMind Heheheheh
Dutch isn't a language
it's a collection of grunts
hace fresco
@BernardoMeurer isn't that any language?
@heather Stahp
Ponte un abrigo
@heather Heh, aqui hace calor.
@heather Spanish for sure
Esta 70 afuera.
@DanielSank mucho calor?
@DanielSank Use celsius
@DanielSank es afuera "fahrenheit"?
@heather Afuera means "outside".
@DanielSank oh.
70 es muy bien.
Me gusta el tiempo aqui. Ayer fui a correr en la playa :-D
@BernardoMeurer I did. o_O
Santa Barbara melted.
esta 50 afuera
i'll be back, going to have dinner.
@DanielSank Lol
@BernardoMeurer You're Lol'ing about "ciao"?
I think he's loling about Santa Barbara melting
Just too lazy to use the reply feature properly! :P
@ACuriousMind Always with impeccable interpretation skills
@ACuriousMind I never use the reply feature lol
So you're always lazy. Not a big surprise ;)
@ACuriousMind rekt
@ACuriousMind I take pride in that
@BernardoMeurer But Hawaiian pizza is great
@JaimeGallego Shut up and go away
Trekt: What happens when you badly lose a Star Trek trivia battle.
@DanielSank I thought it might be what happens when a large dinosaur catches you
But yours is fine too :D
@BernardoMeurer Not only does pineapple belong, but it is even better with green chilies (not jalapenos, but proper green chiles).
What do you get if you speak Portuguese while drunk? Is it reflexive and you get back Spanish?
You get Andalusian
@JaimeGallego hhahahahaha
@BernardoMeurer pineapple fits on everything
@heather hovito
no comprende
It's not natural
Rebecca eats pineapple on pizza but I made her stop
pero...pineapple pizza es muy bien. (don't know words for pineapple or pizza =/)
@heather La pizza con piña está muy bien
piña -> pineapple
ah, gracias.
The only proper use of "pina" is in pina colada :P
@dmckee God bless you're back
Q: Circular shifting an array with `memmove`

Bernardo MeurerSay I have an integer array like such #define MAX 5 int bar [MAX] = {0}; int foo [MAX] = {3,1,0,0,0}; Now I'd like to shift this array so that all null entries are to the left, i.e. bar = {0,0,0,3,1}. I thought I could do this by Finding the number of shifts I must perform Using memmove() t...

@dmckee hello
@0celouvsky Who said that lol?
Whoever it is, is mad at me
@0celouvsky Come on, who is it?
@0celouvsky That does not really narrow down the suspects ;)
printf("[%d %d %d %d %d]\n", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4]);
int shift = 0;
for(shift = MAX_BOARD_POS - 1; shift >= 0; shift--){
printf("%d\n", shift);
memcpy(_vector+shift, buf, (MAX_BOARD_POS - shift)*sizeof(*buf));
memcpy(_vector, buf+(MAX_BOARD_POS-shift), shift*sizeof(*buf));
printf("[%d %d %d %d %d]\n", _vector[0], _vector[1], _vector[2], _vector[3], _vector[4]);
How on planet earth does this code let shift reach -1??
@OBE Are you around? I need your artistic prowess
@ACuriousMind there's only four people who can get mad at me
one of them has good pizza tastes
@ACuriousMind ARGH! Brezis leaves Neumann regularity as an exercise!!!!!!!
Neumann boundary regularity is a damn meme
I am shocked and appalled.
Could have fooled me
@ACuriousMind The problem is that all of the Dirichlet regularity proofs use the Poincare inequality in some form, but the Neumann problem requires different Sobolev spaces!
@BernardoMeurer It looks like you're getting the help you need. As usual with routines from the c standard library it is necessary to read carefully what they do.
The behavior generally fits the simplest use case.
This time around you were looking for a non-existent function named something like memswap, and you have to build it for yourself.
@dmckee It was me being stupid while computing the shift
@BernardoMeurer AH. Well, you know what they say.
There are only three hard problems in computer science:
cache consistency and off by one errors.
Then they also say that there are only two hard problems in concurrent execution:
2. Guaranteed exactly once delivery.
1. In order arrival.

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