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@JohnDoe Yes
@ACuriousMind Thanks man.
@YashasSamaga Not really, but off-topic nevertheless
::shakes fist:: HNQ!!!
@ACuriousMind what happened?
@ACuriousMind the How come waves can have energy without having mass question? That didn't seem too bad.
That's some seriously messed up notation
@JohnRennie Ah, no, not that. I'm just irked that this answer of mine nets me as much rep as it does :P
@EmilioPisanty Not sure I understand what's so messed up about it
Do you think things with subscripts should not be supersets of the unadorned versions?
@ACuriousMind $\mathbf r = (x,y)$ is the restricted position, and it's only the full $\mathbf r_\mathrm{tot} = (x,y,z)$ that gets a subscript?
It should be $\mathbf r = (x,y,z)$ and a subscripted $\mathbf r_{\perp} = (x,y)$
and it's Michael Berry, too
Q: Why is the mol a fundamental physical quantity?

Abhinav DhawanI am starting to study physics in detail and as I read about physical quantities, I was puzzled why mol (amount of substance) is taken as a physical quantity. A physical quantity is any quantity which we can measure and has a unit associated with it. But a mol represents the amount of substance ...

that question had 9 upvotes two hours ago
it was marked as a duplicate already
why do people upvote it despite seeing the duplicate note at the very start of the question? -.-
@YashasSamaga Frankly, I don't think it's a duplicate
I also don't think the formulation is all that great
but it's an important question
BTW @Danu Here's RP Cameron commenting on your solutions on the optical chirality business.
@EmilioPisanty nice
I've got a question for the Physics Stack for once, here
Q: Diagonal squeezing of an electron beam by a pair of bar magnets

SemiclassicalWhile coordinating an introductory physics lab on the Lorentz force, I came across a behavior which I hadn't seen before and for which I didn't have a ready explanation. The experiment consisted of putting a CRT tube in a uniform magnetic field causing the electron beam to curve and therefore mov...

If anyone's got any thoughts, I'd appreciate them
@ACuriousMind Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how that came out
On another note, are there two separate users under the Count-to-ten alias?
this user is marked as registering last February
but then you have things like
@CountTo10: Yes, I do know there is Coriolis force, but it is totally irrelevant here. It is nullified by the normal forces from the sides of the groove. — user36790 Sep 22 '16 at 12:30
@EmilioPisanty No, but there have been several iterations of an account with that name
@CountTo10, I personally feel the problem of low entropy beginning too, like this question, falls in the realm of philosophy since ultimately most of our hypothesis in cosmology are untestable, we must depend on pure math, even though it's unsatisfactory for most people — JosephD Aug 31 '16 at 0:50
being the oldest
@count_to_10 Thank you for your time. I've read the entry on Wikipedia about lift to drag and wanted to link it here, but you need a certain amount of karma before you can post more than 2 links per post. I just thought that maybe I'm missing something, since both coefficients depend on atmosphere properties. — Shiolle Sep 18 '15 at 12:38
That makes at least three iterations?
@JohnR: Hi :-)
@Kaumudi.H Afternoon :-)
How's it going?
I have been having an entertaining time trying to work out why the Amazon Kindle app won't run on my Nexus 9.
Whoa, what?! Have u gotten anywhere with it?
Biblically, we understand that God made the heaven, Earth, the sea, “and all that is in them” in six days (Exodus 20:11). This would include the stars.

The Bible’s short timespan doesn’t allow time for stars to form out of condensed gas clouds, as the secular model requires. For instance, astronomers believe that a star like the sun requires 30 million years to form from a collapsing gas cloud. Furthermore, the Bible does not describe the origin of stars, sun, and the Earth in the same order as the secular model. Genesis 1 explains that the Earth was made three days before the sun and star
@Kaumudi.H It turns out something in the upgrade from Android 7.0.0 to Android 7.1.1 has broken the app. I flashed a v7.0.0 BIOS and the app works fine. Flash v7.1.1 and it hangs.
Indeed @JohnRennie that article does put the terrorist situation nicely. Thanks for sharing.
I realise this is absolutely fascinating for all you non-nerds, but you did ask :-)
For a very long time astronomers have suggested that stars form from the contraction of gas clouds in space. These clouds are made of the same material as stars, but the clouds are much larger, cooler, and far less dense. Astronomers surmise that the gas cloud’s own gravity could make it contract. As the cloud contracts, it would get smaller, warmer, and denser, slowly transitioning into a star.

But this scenario has problems. One large problem is that clouds also possess pressure, and the pressure counterbalances gravity. We say that gas clouds are “stable against collapse.”
> Absolutely fascinating
Ah, sarcasm.
Irony not sarcasm. Sarcasm is the last refuge of the petulant.
Astronomers have long recognized this problem and devised a number of ways to get around it. Interestingly, all of their solutions require that other stars already exist. For example, a shockwave from a supernova explosion could compress a gas cloud so that it contracted to form new stars. Even if we observed a gas cloud collapsing today, that still doesn’t explain how the original stars formed by natural processes.
@Kaumudi.H You just have to imagine the English gentleman when reading that, right?
user image
(credit goes to @HDE226868 from back here)
@JohnRennie I disagree. Sarcasm, when expertly used is rather comforting at times.
@ACuriousMind Lol, yep.
@Kaumudi.H Possibly this is a matter of definition, and irony and sarcasm are very close, but irony is meant to entertain while sarcasm is meant to be bitchy.
@JohnRennie last resort?
@JohnRennie Hmm. I certainly mean whichever one does not hurt any feelings.
Ironic and sarcastic are two different things.
That's irony :-)
@ACuriousMind Oh, yes. I'm quite proud of that one.
@0celo7 Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel - paraphrasing the quote is a popular pastime :-)
Oops, I just realised I said last resort - the shame!!!
Why "shame"?
I've understood irony to describe a situation in which what happens/is conveyed is the exact opposite of what is being said. Sarcasm, on the other hand, is whatever the other thing is, but I wasn't aware that it's a pejorative.
i have to log out for a few minutes in a desparate attempt to get some software to work. Back in a minute or two ...
Sarcastic people are not considered "nice."
@Kaumudi.H Sarcasm is always biting, aggressive - the word comes from a Greek word for biting, tearing. You can use sarcasm in a manner where it is understood that you don't mean it as an attack, but generally sarcastic comments are taking a shot at someone (not necessarily present).
@Kaumudi.H that's not what irony is
your understanding isn't as bad as Alanis Morrisette's, but still
@EmilioPisanty Please correct me, then.
Like rain on you're wedding day?
@Kaumudi.H thing is, situations can be ironic, which complicates the definition, so let me think for a bit
(situations cannot be sarcastic, for contrast)
@skullpetrol @ACuriousMind : Again, I respectfully disagree. When used correctly (in the right circumstance etc.), sarcasm has potential to be a comforting tool to ease the mood etc. but yes, it depends on how you use it.
@EmilioPisanty Have you considered that maybe one needs to define "ironic utterance" and "ironic situation" differently?
@ACuriousMind yes
@Kaumudi.H I think you might be conflating sarcasm with cynicism.
either way, this is the thing to link to
@ACuriousMind Nope.
Balls - it didn't work :-(
@EmilioPisanty Her follow up Isn't it situationally ironic wasn't a big hit.
An ironic statement about irony - ironical recursion!
@JohnRennie what? the song is all ironic situations, not ironic comments
@EmilioPisanty: It was perhaps my mistake that I wasn't able to convey my understanding of irony in the correct way. I'm pretty sure that I know the difference b/w irony and sarcasm. I didn't, however, know that there are different shades to irony.
Also, when I say that sarcasm is comforting, I mean this only with friends and those who you trust don't mean it as a personal attack.
Sarcasm comes is different flavours too @Kaumudi.H :-)
@Kaumudi.H while you're here, feast your eyes on this (those of you who don't have a strong stomach are advised to look away now):
OK, let's see.
the definitions at dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/irony are both rubbish
Hi pal @Fawad
@JohnRennie What the heck are those?!
Sausage meat burgers with cheese and barbecue sauce!
@skullpetrol hi pal!
And for dessert:
Can any non-Brit guess what those are?
@JohnRennie I hope you realise that I don't know how any of those foods tastes even individually, let alone when put together (:-P)
@Kaumudi.H you must have eaten cheese and barbecue sauce, surely?
@JohnRennie Best guess for this image: Food (-Google)
hmmm, come to think of it, none of the top definitions from google are very good at all
@JohnRennie No, not barbecue sauce and I dunno if I've eaten the kind of cheese you used.
@JohnRennie Dumplings in mint sauce with some kind of offal on it? :P
@JohnRennie is it not just apple crumble with custard?
They are ... pause for drum roll ... bread puddings
There's too much overlap in their meaning @EmilioPisanty
@JohnRennie baked in a muffin tin or something?
@ACuriousMind It states "If we take an interval $|E-E_0| \approx \frac{\hbar}{t}$ which is much narrower than $\Delta E$ (which is the width of $|g(E)|^2\rho(E)$) then there is essentially no contribution to $C(t)$". So what I did was assume that for this $t$ (i.e. $|E-E_0| \approx \frac{\hbar}{t}$) we can consider $|g(E)|^2 \rho(E)$ as constant and then I substituted $t =
\frac{\hbar}{|E-E_0|}$ into the integral $$C(t) =
\text{exp}\bigg(-i\frac{E_0 t}{\hbar}\bigg)\int dE |g(E)|^2 \rho(E) \text{exp} \bigg(\frac{-i(E -E_0)t}{\hbar} \bigg)$$ where I got $$C(
@ACuriousMind how on Earth do you figure that's mint sauce?
@JohnRennie It certainly looks lovely :-)
@EmilioPisanty Because Brits using mint sauce is a cliche? I didn't actually think very hard about it!
I didn't make them myself. They were bought at Waitrose (that's a posh supermarket for you non-Brits) and yes they were in individual pots. Hence the slightly odd shape.
@EmilioPisanty So...what do we do now?
@ACuriousMind mint sauce is green, surprisingly
who woulda known
what other color would it be?
@JohnRennie emphasis on posh
or, colour
@EmilioPisanty I think you might have missed some irony there :-)
@JohnRennie as much as I hate Britain I must say ou is better than o
I don't know why
You need to get a dictionary and look up the definition :-)
@0celo7 Right. Literally which other color could it possibly be? :-P
@JohnRennie oh, I was just calling the bluff
@JohnDoe If you're integrating over $E$ then you can't pull something that depends on $E$ out of the integral. I'm afraid I have no idea what you're trying to do there
@JohnRennie I'm feeling a bit sad for myself but at least I'm having pizza with my best friend tomorrow! (And @JohnR, you'd know that I haven't seen any human beings (other than my two parents) in many many many months)
@ACuriousMind you can if you replace by the $L^\infty$ norm and make a $\le$...
I like o @0celo7 because it's one letter shorter.
@0celo7 no. You can if you're a physicist
@ACuriousMind The statement in the text is "If we take an interval $|E-E_0| \approx \frac{\hbar}{t}$ which is much narrower than $\Delta E$ (which is the width of $|g(E)|^2\rho(E)$) then there is essentially no contribution to $C(t)$"
@0celo7 So why aren't you 0celou7?
ah, the old physicist trick
assume things are constant
@0celo7 Old English used just the "o" in many words that we now spell "ou". The "ou" crept in because people thought the words came originally from French so should have a French spelling.
Good point @ACuriousMind
wtf I think I love France now
no, but seriously, though, that's essentially what you do here
In mathematics, the method of steepest descent or stationary phase method or saddle-point method is an extension of Laplace's method for approximating an integral, where one deforms a contour integral in the complex plane to pass near a stationary point (saddle point), in roughly the direction of steepest descent or stationary phase. The saddle-point approximation is used with integrals in the complex plane, whereas Laplace’s method is used with real integrals. The integral to be estimated is often of the form ∫ C ...
@Kaumudi.H I generally avoid other humans if I can. The Internet has been a boon to us sociopaths.
@EmilioPisanty I'm well aware of the method
@JohnDoe Yeah - so treat $g$ and $\rho$ as "essentially constant" and pull those constants out, you're just left with an integral over the oscillating exponential, which is zero.
@ACuriousMind How does one change names?
@0celo7 By going to the governmental agency responsible for that and requesting it?
@JohnRennie No, you don't :-) Don't you visit friends on occasion? And in the short time in which I've known you, you've spent two or three weeks with family. And then there's the SF group.
I mean on stack exchange, clearly.
Go to your profile page.
which one?
@0celo7 Have you looked at the "edit your profile" page? :P
@ACuriousMind Yes I get that but what I'm saying is as follows.
@Kaumudi.H OK, I generally avoid all but a small subset of other humans :-)
Ok, it is done
You clearly know where that one is because you know how to change your profile picture
@0celou7 :-)
Am I now French?
@JohnRennie And this is true for most introverts :-)
@0celou7 I wonder what @Slereah thinks about that
What does that mean?
@ACuriousMind I could also be 0ßelo7
Anyway, I haven't had lunch yet so I'm off to raid the local supermarkets.
@0celou7 lol
@JohnRennie Have a nice day :-) Bye!
BTW I think there's several regulars of this chatroom in the path of this one
user image
@ACuriousMind that german snake joke is still making me laugh
@JohnRennie That's a fantastic idea, old chap!
be safe out there, guys
did you come with it
@ACuriousMind Firstly $C(t)$ is not zero for all $t$. It is zero for $t = \frac{\hbar}{|E_t - E_0|}$ where $|E_t - E|$ is much more narrow than $\Delta E$. Do you agree?
@EmilioPisanty it avoids me, thankfully
but there was a storm that took out power in our lab a few days ago
I think @dmckee is possibly in that area?
I'm dumb. If $x\ge 1$ and $p\ge 1$, is $x\le x^p$ and why?
@0celou7 yes
I know it is
I'm looking for the reasons
it's equivalent to $1\leq x^{p-1} = x^q$ for $q\geq 0$
I think it follows from Hölder's inequality on $[0,1]$ or something stupid
If you're happy taking logs and assuming logs are monotonic, that's equivalent to $q\ln(x)\geq 0$
which is patently true
@ACuriousMind It states "If we take an interval $|E_t-E_0| \approx \frac{\hbar}{t}$ which is much narrower than $\Delta E$ (which is the width of $|g(E)|^2\rho(E)$) then there is essentially no contribution to $C(t)$". So what I did was assume that for this $t$ (i.e. $|E_t-E_0| \approx \frac{\hbar}{t}$) we can consider $|g(E)|^2 \rho(E)$ as constant and then I substituted $t =
\frac{\hbar}{|E_t-E_0|}$ into the integral $$C(t) =
\text{exp}\bigg(-i\frac{E_0 t}{\hbar}\bigg)\int dE |g(E)|^2 \rho(E) \text{exp} \bigg(\frac{-i(E -E_0)t}{\hbar} \bigg)$$ then I get $$C(
if not, then what do you mean by $x^p$?
ah, logs...so it's just convexity or something
@0celou7 no, just monotonicity, I should think
I mean, ultimately $x^q = \exp(q\ln(x))$, right?
all of $x\mapsto \ln(x) \mapsto q\ln(x) \mapsto \exp(q\ln(x))$ are monotonic
were you looking for deeper reasons?
I mean, you've proved it, therefore you understand it, right?
Hello @YashasSamaga
@0celou7 I did - though I cannot exclude I've heard it before and just forgotten the source
@JohnDoe Yep
@EmilioPisanty "Avocado warning"?
I've heard of the rain of frogs, but that's just ridiculous
Does a downvote cost you one rep ?
@HsMjstyMstdn yes
Okay, thank you
@ACuriousMind well, that's what it said
it was on the internet, therefore it's true
Interestingly, though, there's no KnowYourMeme entry for it
Does @ACuriousMind know what an avocado is?
I can't be asked to look for where it originated
Do they have those in Germany?
@0celou7 no
it's all frankfurters and weissbier
also leberkäse
@0celou7 yes
Leberkäse is awesome once you get past the fact that it's rubber and tastes awful
And liver cheese is a horrible name for a food.
I once got the burning desire for tacos in Berlin and got avocados among other things
The worst German food are those little beef patties that are like hamburgers but are rounder
a full €2.50 apiece, I think?
Served on a roll
either way, each piece was significantly more expensive than a kilo back home
@ACuriousMind do you know what I'm talking about?
@0celou7 Frikadellen
Yes. Damn Germans always tried to pawn them off as "like hamburgers"
@HsMjstyMstdn only on answers
They're always horribly spiced to the point of nausea
Makes me sick just thinking about them
I don't know what you people do to that poor beef
@0celou7 I dunno, man
What German food is worse?
the knödelly doughballs that they like to pretend are a nice dessert are pretty ghastly
@0celou7 They're made of ground beef mixed with shredded old Brötchen and onions, plus whatever spices you like
Nooo, how can you hate Dampfnudel :O
wait, lemme find them
@EmilioPisanty Ah...Dampfnudeln?
@ACuriousMind hmmm, no. Not a fan of dampfnudeln either, though
also not these
@0celou7 Here in the Southwest you get that on a Brötchen as a LKW - "Leberkäsweckle"
which are pretty terrible after the first two weeks
@ACuriousMind maybe not as far south as where I was
I don't remember it being called that
I dunno what that is
@0celou7 Depends whether Brötchen are called "Weckle" in the region - might only be in Schwaben
treacherousest dessert ever
@ACuriousMind they're not
@EmilioPisanty Hm, looks like ordinary Knödel to me, but I'm not sure
@ACuriousMind yeah, those are ordinary Knödel, I think
I meant the snowbally things in the last two images
Also the unending sauerkraut
I think I've seen those, but I've never had one or recall what they're called
I didn't like sauerkraut when I lived there
Probably a shame
Can't get enough of the stuff now
just this complete lack of understanding that there is such a thing as "too much sauerkraut"
What does "kraut" mean?
Your experience with German cuisine was completely different from mine
@skullpetrol weed or cabbage
I mean herb
@0celou7 no, overall I quite liked it
but it gets tiring really fast
Why do people use it as a racial slur?
They don't. Germans aren't a race...
@skullpetrol Because the various "krauts" are a staple of German cuisine
@ACuriousMind it's a slur, but certainly not a racial one.
Ethnic slur is better
I don't think I want to debate the precise categorization of slurs :P
Although according to most paperwork, the only possible ethnicities are Caucasian or Latino
Like calling an Italian a "meat ball"
Lol who does that
@skullpetrol Italians did not invent the meat ball, the swedes did IIRC
IKEA invented the meat ball
@skullpetrol hey saw you invite a few ppl for chat session, thx for the contribution :)
@EmilioPisanty how can you dislike steam noodles?
@0celou7 too doughy
stickily doughy
Oh man, that's the best!
@vzn no problemo pal :-)
@skullpetrol turning out to be kind of an uphill battle lately :|
Yeah, I noticed.
@0celou7 this is Latino as understood in the states?
@skullpetrol lots of sharp ppl drop by the room over the months but not easy to (1) turn em/ convert into regulars and (2) commit to chat sessions.
@EmilioPisanty on paperwork you have to fill out "race" and "ethnicity"
@vzn would it kill you to flesh out your words now and then? txtspk gets really tiring to read. (Just saying)
Ethnicity always has two options, no matter which race you pick
@ACuriousMind Just one more thing, do you know why when $|E -E_0|$ is small compared to $\frac{\hbar}{t}$ we don't get rapid oscillations?
What's the biggest difference Mexican food and Spanish food? @EmilioPisanty
@EmilioPisanty you seem to have a lot of complaints, not sure where to start with them :(
@vzn It's not a complaint, it's a suggestion.
@skullpetrol uh... all of it?
@EmilioPisanty its an internet chat room
Wow! That much!
@vzn And no one except you considers that an appropriate excuse to use textspeak. This isn't the first time someone has asked you to use proper words and sentences, maybe you might want to dwell on that pattern.
@vzn yeah, one where people come to communicate. I'm offering an uninvited suggestion as to how you could communicate more effectively, thereby making the environment better for everyone, in the understanding that it's a suggestion for you to take up or not at your discretion.
@skullpetrol mostly, yes
I mean
too much incoming fire, waves white flag, retreats, surrenders, flees
they both involve food
so they can't be utterly unrelated
@ACuriousMind what's your least favorite German food?
@0celou7 Sauerbraten
I hate it with a passion
@ACuriousMind There's a characteristic smell that's revolting. I don't know what it is
@vzn (And, on a similar vein, I would suggest that a much lighter use of typographical emphasis would not dilute it when it is actually necessary. Again, just a suggestion.)
Which is spicier on average? @EmilioPisanty
@skullpetrol well, Spanish food is zero spicy
@ACuriousMind wow, why?
so it's not really a race
I had some when I was there time before last

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