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I'd rather procrastinate than go through the same old crap, over and over again, despite knowing that revision is important.
@Kaumudi.H Revision is more important than studying in my opinion. If you don't remember what you studied then it is of no use.
And I'll gladly revise months before but the few weeks before? It's stupid but my mind says "Oh, eff this".
@anonymous I don't think it's more important but it's certainly as important as studying.
But it's boooring.
@Kaumudi.H Depends on how you revise...
I find revising easier than learning the first time
I tended to revise by doing old exam papers. At the end of the day the no. 1 goal is to pass the exam. Learning physics is a (pleasurable) optional extra.
I was just wondering if any of u have/used to have the same problem. I can't afford to lose more marks just because I find it boring.
@JohnRennie Sigh. That is true :-(
That's high school education for you.
That's *education for you.
@BalarkaSen That's a bit cynical...
@DanielSank that's a question that I would prefer to see asked in the other chat room. But as long as I'm replying, at the moment, I'd suggest staying away from that topic. You can always have that conversation in another room. Asking about funding for science in the UK (or anywhere else) should be fine though.
@Kaumudi Nah
Not the point tho.
@Kaumudi.H Education can be made fun/interesting
@Kaumudi.H I had the same problem. After failing in one of my maths tests (just because I didn't revise the problems I had done few months back) I stopped being a lazy ass.
Just depends on who's teaching it
I need to figure out what to do about this and I need your help, especially if any of you have experienced the same thing.
There is no other way than to "JUST DO IT"
@SirCumference I was highlighting the fact that we've gots to prep for exams as well, at every step.
Anyway I revise physics, eg, by writing down the relevant material on the page with the least amount of words. If I am stuck, then I have forgotten stuff and need to read it.
@Kaumudi.H Oh, then nvm...
@BalarkaSen That is a good way. I give time bound tests on the same questions I had done before.
And check my accuracy
Trying to not sound bookish takes practice though
Tests are great, no doubt.
And the only reason I obtained decent marks last year is because I wrote about...30 tests, all in all. I swear to God that I'm not exaggerating.
But revising's the problem. Only another who has experienced the pain of "Ugh, I know this, I've done this, I just didn't revise" will know :'-( And "JUST DO IT" doesn't help at all. Does anybody know any hacks is what I'm asking.
One hack that helps sometimes is trance music. I revised all the derivations in physics for my boards having that in the background. But that doesn't help when you've to do problems.
I am in 11th so how many marks should I target? ( I don't want to be like aim for stars and you will atleast reach sky) I want to fix some marks so I can be happy if I reached. Maximum marks = 470
So. Somebody. Hacks. Please. I'm begging.
@Kaumudi.H There is no easy way to revise. One hack might be to join an offline test series which might motivate you to study in order to compete. Performance is directly proportional to the pressure you are facing.
Pressure? It doesn't seem like u read my message, lol:
11 mins ago, by Kaumudi. H
And I'll gladly revise months before but the few weeks before? It's stupid but my mind says "Oh, eff this".
It's totally counter-productive and stupid but it is how my brain works, for some reason.
@JohnR: Nothing other than "Just do it", I suppose? :'-(
I'm struggling for anything useful to say.
You say you did lots of past exam papers as part of revision last time, and that's the way I would approach it.
Obviously you can get past papers for the exam you're going to sit because you're about to do a test exam.
To write exams, I've gots to revise what I've studied, no?
@Kaumudi.H I am sorry I have nothing more to say. You need to find your source of motivation to revise and only you can find it. We can just give some generic tricks but I'm quite certain that won't help you in the long run. I always found pressure, jealously, envy and desire to be my main motivating factors.
spite is the best motivator
@BalarkaSen true :D
I sometimes look at the marks of toppers and say to myself: "Look at yourself, lazy ass! Just go and work!".
And it does help :P
...it's true that you don't even really know me and that you can't possibly help me to find motivation to revise and I'm really not asking for motivation. And nah, "pressure, jealousy, envy, desire...spite", none of that motivates me.
@Kaumudi.H Take the paper and start with q1. If you can answer it that's great. If you can't then go back and revise that subject until you can answer it. Then do the same for q2 and repeat until there are no questions left.
@Kaumudi.H everybody's different, so you'll probably have to go through some rounds of trial and error to find what suggestions work for you
Not as a timed exam. You can take all the time you want. The point is to find out what you need to revuise and what you don't.
@anonymous ...but keep in mind that I'm not asking for motivation. I'm asking for hacks, like the trance music that I helped before.
@JohnR: Hmm, that sounds like a good plan...
Personally, sometimes I just take a break. If you're working on a timeframe of a few weeks, you have plenty of time, and taking couple days off could easily help more than it hurts.
Nope. No, no, no :-P
Alright then, I will try some trance music again. I'm writing the test on Wednesday because my mom needs me to write it properly, within the give time-frame. I'll take some more time to revise until then...
If anybody else has a hack or two, do share.
Also, @Ramanujan: What test are u asking about and more importantly, whom are u asking? (About the marks)
13 mins ago, by Ramanujan
I am in 11th so how many marks should I target? ( I don't want to be like aim for stars and you will atleast reach sky) I want to fix some marks so I can be happy if I reached. Maximum marks = 470
Are u asking about your boards?
I am taking about board exams (called ipe in telangana) anybody knows who has experience?
(Hmm, 500-30(Practicals)=470)
No,only written test,max=470
@Ramanujan I don't think anybody here has written the Telengana board exams.
@Ramanujan Yes, I know. 500 is the max. marks in ur actual boards, which is why I guessed that it must be ur 11th boards. 30 is usually reserved for practicals.
Don't ur teachers advice you about these things?
One of my friends used to be in..ChaiNa, IIRC and his teachers told him how to do everything.
How many marks he (s)he scored ?
In his 11th boards?
Almost full.
He lost two marks in Chemistry so re-wrote that one in the summer and then I think he got full.
@Ramanujan: I have gone ahead and assumed that you've received and read the above messages and that you've simply not bothered to reply because you seem to do this quite often--completely exit the conversation without any sign that u've done so. I'd encourage you to respond with an "OK", in the least, given that it is not me who just asked for help and received at least something in response.
I couldn't care less, really, about the fact that u didn't bother to reply, and by pointing this out, I don't mean to attack you either but if u don't at least try to be nicer to people on the internet, well, it's not going to be nice experience for you or for the people with whom you are conversing.
@Ramanujan I believe you know that your reply sounds excessively rude especially after @Kaumudi.H wrote so much for you.
@Kaumudi.H thanks for making me aware,I will keep in mind (^ム^)
Anyway, I'll leave it at this and won't comment further.
@anonymous @Kaumudi.H can some one help me in maths?
I don't know how directly it got denominators
@Ramanujan Sorry, I am a bit busy now. Maybe K can help.
@Ramanujan It's the standard procedure to solve two equations with three variables.
Look at the numbers on bottom. 30=6.5-2.10
Yes,I don't know how it arrived at it
And no one is interested to share why
Observe the numbers, man. I don't remember the name of this rule, nor do I know how to explain it in words. I also don't know why.
Criss cross method…but it is only for two variables and other should be (1 instead of "c")
We're assuming one of those variables (c, in this case) to be a constant to solve the other two variables in terms of "c" or whatever.
Anyway, I haven't found any need to understand why this works. It works and u can find the answer and moving on has been the standard operating procedure for me. (When applying this rule)
@anonymous: Not that u'd be particularly interested or anything but just BTW, this motivates me:
@Kaumudi.H Yes, that is it. Listen to the stories of their struggles and their successes and implement the desire to do something in life in your daily routine. I too listen to such stories and read books on them. However, these are certain things which are too personal (and emotional) and I hardly tell anybody about it. Good that you brought it up. That is a lovely channel. :)
...I'm not focused on the successes of others. Those faces are not those of particularly successful people. It reminds me that there are many problems to solve and that if I am able to work hard, I can put my skills to good use. That is the motivation.
@Kaumudi.H "Those faces are not those of particularly successful people."No. They are quite successful in my opinion, smiling through all the thicks and thins they have faced and never giving up. That is a success in itself.
That's a different point altogether :-)
@Kaumudi.H For me success is being able to be happy with whatever you have at the moment, not being afraid of losing everything you have and yet having a definite reason to live for :)
Ahhhhhh, I am sounding too philosophical today XD
(But I do believe in what I said :) )
@anonymous Now you're going off on a tangent about the concept of success.
@Kaumudi.H I feel too emotional while discussing these things. Let that be. :)
Anyway, I have some work to do now. See you! All the best with revision!
By your definitions, surely, they are successful. However, I've heard their stories and I know that they don't consider themselves to be particularly successful, in their own terms. It doesn't matter, whether or not they/you consider them successful. I was merely pointing out that problems motivate me because I know that if I work hard, I will be able to use my skills to solve at least some of them.
@anonymous Bye :-)
@JohnR: I've set up quite an agenda for this revision thing. Wish me luck! For how much longer will u be around, BTW?
Oh, crap, did u go?
Q: What is the term for 'clean fracture vector'?

hawkeyeToday I observed a builder demolishing a wall in a house. He knew how to hit it in exactly the right place, with the right amount of force, for it to cleanly break into three smaller pieces - along fault lines. Today I observed a household member crack a boiled egg with a single, perfectly alig...

Fault lines?
Trying to write that GR book
Ordering the various chapters is a bit hard
Also defining objects
I think the order of structures might have to be manifolds, fiber bundles, metrics and connections
I think that might be the ideal order to avoid mixing everything together
@JohnRennie heh, I just removed every key on my keyboard, cleaned each individually, and removed the gunk under, in hopes of stopping this weird chattering key issue I have. Didn't help so I'm taking advantage of the 5 year warranty
@Kaumudi.H I'm still here - just temporarily distracted
Distracted by the thought of toothpaste
It is weird that our chat is the most active of all SE chats
By a huge margin
Oh wait, apparently not
Where are you getting the chat stats from?
I looked at the wrong stats, I'm afraid
We are #8 apparently
Steenrod uses odd names
The bundle of a manifold he calls a "coordinate bundle"
I guess technically they're not manifolds
They could be
but the coordinate neighbourhoods aren't required to map to $\Bbb R^n$
Hii @JohnRennie
Hope you are free now
May I ask the question
I'm doing bits and pieces, but if it's a quick question I can help.
I don't think it is a quick question
You can see it
Here it is
Starting on the left - the case with the pin - the pin at A stops the top left corner of the plate from moving up/down or left/right. Yes?
In the middle case the plate hangs from wires. The top left corner can now move left/right because the wire doesn't restrict the horizontal motion.
In the final case with springs the top left corner can move left/right and up/down. So the motion will be different in the three cases.
So how can we find angular acceleration in second and third case
Offhand I don't know. I would have to sit down and work through the problem.
Actually the solution is given , but I could not understand it
Question number 16.160
Oh oh, @JohnR: Are u busy/around?
@Kaumudi.H Hi, what's up?
Hi again :-) I'm here to trouble you with a quick electrostatics question, if u don't mind.
Ugh! Electrostatics! :-) Ask away and I'll help if I can ...
OK. I found this question:
Q: Can a conductor run out of electrons to cancel external electric fields?

Rijul GuptaWe have studied so far that electric field inside a conductor if no charge is placed inside is zero. But we know that every conductor has only a limited number of electrons. What happens when ALL the electrons have aligned to cancel the field inside conductor under application of external field ...

Alright, um, suppose that under the effect of an electric field of extremely large magnitude, ionisation happens...
OK ...
In that case, the field inside the conductor will become larger in magnitude so as to cancel the external electric field, no..?
I'm trying to figure out what stops all of the electrons from being ripped away.
(Also, am I making sense? I doubt it...)
The trouble is that it's a silly setup.
You can imagine the piece of solid as a capacitor. Suppose the external field is applied left right so the polarisation is horizontal.
And draw a vertical line through the midpoint of the chunk of solid.
What the field does is move some of the electrons out of the left half and into the right half.
The external electric field, yes?
So if we plot charge density as a function of horizontal distance it is lower on the left, slopes up to the right, passes through the average charge density at the midpoint then is higher on the right.
@Kaumudi.H External field yes.
@JohnRennie ...but this is not data acquired at equilibrium, no?
Oh, hang on...
Um, why would the charge density vary like that? If, due to the external electric field, electrons have been displaced from the left to the right, then the left-side has just as much charge density as the right-side, only opposite in sign, no..?
Ah OK, yes, I meant electron charge density. But yes, including the nuclei the charge density is zero at the midpoint, net positive in one half and net negative in the other half.
Riight, OK..?
But long before the field moves any signfiicant proprtion of the electrons you'll have field emission of electron from the positive side and positive ions being torn off the solid on the negative side. So your material would fall to pieces.
You have to say - well lets consider some ideal system of rigidly held positive charges that can't fall to bits.
Which is a pretty artificial situation.
@JohnRennie Right, so it would fall to pieces, aha!
Yes, any real material would disintegrate long before more than a small fraction of the electrons were moved.
@JohnRennie Yes, I also don't see a point to discussing that artificial solution.
There's a standard exercise of calculating the electrostatic self energy for an array of positive ions resembling a solid with the outermost electrons removed. If you do the calculation the electrostatic self energy makes an atom bomb look tame.
All this, of course, if the magnitude of electric field is so high that ionisation occurs, right? Otherwise, as always, the electric field inside the conductor will cancel the external electric field and all is well, yes?
If you consider an electron at the surface at the right end, the field is trying to pull it out of the solid and the net positive charge of the solid is trying to pull it back in.
When you first apply the field the solid has no charge and it's easy to pull electrons out - that's what field emission is.
But very quickly the net positive charge created by pulling electrons out increases the work function and the field emission stops.
@JohnRennie This statement made me jittery and I was in middle of typing a sentence beginning with "Whoa, what?!"...until I read the next statement :-P
So you ramp up the field strength, pull a few more electrons out, which increases the work function, and soon you need astronomically strong fields to get any more electrons out.
Pull them out? Aren't they just on the surface? When did they actually start coming out?
It's likely that any solid will have a work function i.e. you need to put in energy to get an electron out of the solid.
Well, yes, but isn't it unlikely that you'd be able to pull out some of them? Won't the electric field being set up inside the material prevent this from happening?
I wonder if we're talking at cross purposes ...
If you start with no field and a neutral solid then to get the first electron out you just need enough energy to overcome the work function.
@JohnRennie I've been wondering about the same thing for awhile now...
@JohnRennie Unless the conductor in question is an exceedingly thing wafer of some metal, won't the work function keep on increasing as the electron moves toward the surface to come out?
>won't the work function keep on increasing?
So none of the electrons would, right?
The second electron takes a bit more energy than the first because now you're working against a net charge of $+e$ in the solid.
But the first electron needn't have come out for the build-up of positive charge to start, right?
@Kaumudi.H at zero field the electrons are evenly distributed
So there are electrons at the right surface (we'll assume the ext field is +ve at the right)
As you apply a small field you cause a small charge density gradient. The electron concentration is slightly higher at the right edge and slightly lower at the left edge.
Ah, OK, you're asking if the forces on an electron at the right edge would balance so the net force is zero. In that case there should be no field emission.
@JohnRennie Yep, that is what I'm asking.
Phew. Alright then, that clears all of my confusions--even those that I didn't have at the beginning of this conversation :-)
Thank you!
Hmmm, well there is field emission, so there must be something awry with the argument ...
@JohnRennie What? There is?
Field electron emission (also known as field emission (FE) and electron field emission) is emission of electrons induced by an electrostatic field. The most common context is field emission from a solid surface into vacuum. However, field emission can take place from solid or liquid surfaces, into vacuum, air, a fluid, or any non-conducting or weakly conducting dielectric. The field-induced promotion of electrons from the valence to conduction band of semiconductors (the Zener effect) can also be regarded as a form of field emission. The terminology is historical because related phenomena of surface...
Right, that field emission does occur sans the disintegration of the material in question, yeah..? Hmm...
Yes. There are so many electrons ina solid that removing a few of them makes little difference to the integrity of the solid.
Field emission currents are generally tiny.
Perhaps just the electrons right at the surface are ejected...
And then the electric field inside starts to become more significant until emission stops. After that point, electronic emission should be impossible (i.e: Without disintegration), no..? Is this true?
To be honest I'm not sure. I'd have to devote more brain cells to it than I have free at the moment.
That's OK, I will battle it out on my own! Thank you :-)
I'm not sure it's something you should waste valuable time on ...
I'm not sure either. I'll look up "Electron field emission" just for a bit and move on.
@JohnRennie have you got that
Hi Guys and Gals
Hii @Kenshin
Oh, hey @Kenshin :-) Long time no see.
Long time
Sup Koolman
hey @Kaumudi.H
how is the study going
Been a bit bad as of late but going OK...
How are you?
I'm good thanks
Ok is ok
Where were you these days
study isn't everything
where was I?
I was here in Aus
the land down under
I mean why you came after a long time
no reason
just checking in on everyone
what hv u been up to @Kaumudi.H
@JohnRennie are you there
@Kenshin Was really sick for awhile, studying, and nothing else, really. U?
aww sorry to hear u were sick
Thanks :-)
u better now
Yep. All better. What about you, what have u been doing?
Ive been up to working, having fun and planning for future fun
Lol, that sounds like a regular day for a rich and famous person like you :-P
lol it does doesn' tit
to visit
On a vacation?
never been there so should be fun
Cool! :-) Have fun!
yeah that will be in 2 months
Ohh, nice. I'll be 18 in two months, woot!
officially an adult
ur exam is then to hey
Yep yep! "Adult" and busy with exams.
@DanielSank really, though, I think the real problem is Donald Trump, ban that and you're good
adults are always busy
Lol, yeah, I suppose :-P
too much caffeine
reads math furiously
@Kaumudi.H what course do u wish tog et into?
@Kenshin Shall I get back to you on this later? I've got "Pull two all-nighters in a row" on my to-do list :-P
@Kaumudi.H lol k u know the brain needs sleep to consolidate memory
Yeah, yeah, I know the facts but I also know the truth about time--it's running out aaah! :-P
there's a crack in the universe
@Kenshin: Dyou have time to answer a quick question..?
wat is it
OK. So I'm still trying to understand why electric field inside a conductor is zero. (Let me finish!)
Let me finish!
@Kenshin good manga
@0celo7 you can talk!
yeah I like :D
In almost all arguments, it is stated that since charge can only reside on the surface of a conductor, it becomes clear that electric field inside it is zero, on application of Gauss's law.
not necessary to make that assumption
On the other hand, when I go looking for explanations as to why charges only reside on the surface of the conductor, it is stated that electric field inside it is zero, that's why.
Both arguments feed into each other.
@Kenshin What to do then?
Never mind, I think I've mixed together two different cases.
what happens if the charge is not on the outside
and there is a non-zero field
All the charge can't possibly be right at the centre...
I mean let us assume the charge is uniformly distributed
but free to move
the charges will move in response to the non-zero field
and will ultimately be forced out to the outside shell
make sense?
if you pack alot of electrons together, they are going to want to spread out as far as they can
@Kenshin But this is under the influence of an external electric field, no?
until they are all on the shell
not an "external field"
If I pack lots of electrons (charge) of a kind together, they will disperse because of their own interaction on each other
until they are all maximally separated (i.e. at the shell)
Why would they stop at the surface?
because they can't move after that
we assume the charges are bound to the object (e.g. the excess electrons won't leave the metal)
they won't jump off the object
Are u speaking of a solid sphere?
but they will sepearate as far as they can
@Kenshin Oh, alright.
Anyway, it turned out that I'm mixing together too many different cases and looking for an answer.
Thanks :-)
Also, BTW, I don't think this particular case that u just mentioned would even be possible.
A solid sphere with all the charge concentrated at its centre? I think not...
sure u can
why not
It's a solid, isn't it?
so take all the electrons
and move them to the centre
Hmm. However, those electrons won't all reside on the surface.
They'll re-distribute themselves to their previous config.
but any excess ones will move to the surface
^ Right.
because we're talking about net charge
a sphere with a net charge
most eevery day objects don't have any net charge
@Kenshin Yup. OK. Thanks, again :-)
so normally you'd never have a sphere of net charge
but if you did, the net charge would move to the surface
and if yo manaaged to put it all in teh centre, it would quickly disperse back to the surface :)
@Kenshin Right.
laterz all
@Kenshin Night :-) Enjoy that trip!
@Kenshin for how long you are here
@koolman He literally just left, lol.
Last night dream=I forgot
[Also, random drawings of mine]
NB: Color is done via pixlr, otherwise pencil drawn
@Secret Dang, you can really draw

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