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@DanielSank oh, that does make sense, because they have to preserve length
@heather Yes!!!!
I love it when things make sense like that.
Dude, @heather, when you get to college level courses SO many things are going to make sense to you that confuse the bejeezus out of everyone else.
@DanielSank really?
Even if you're not mastering the stuff you hear about here, having thought about it all ahead of time and even just knowing the words will help so much.
@heather Yes. zomg yes.
being nerdy/weird when you're young $\to$ making college easier
lolololol I just went on safari for posts to upvote (to earn a hat). I searched "noise" since that's something I'm comfortable voting on. Found an answer about shot noise and thought "Hey this is good. I'll upvote it". Can't; it's my answer.
@heather college $\rightarrow$ life
Fixed that for you.
@heather Also, you're not "weird".
@DanielSank lolol
that's fabulous
I'm a narcissist :|
...and there aren't too many noise related questions on our site.
@DanielSank abnormal, then.
@heather Sure, but if there even is such a thing as "normal" it's probably awful.
@DanielSank true. the "popular" kids i see are also the ones who are most likely to get in trouble, get in weird purposeless fights, etc.
@heather So by "popular" you mean... what? They're popular with each other?
It's more fun to have legit good friends than it is to be popular.
@DanielSank, i don't know exactly what I mean, honestly. yes, that's the reality of it, but you just kind of "know" that that's the "popular" group. I've never myself wanted to be in it. I prefer nerdy (ahem, people who are going to do something cool) people.
the popular vs nerdy thing is so effin exaggerated in the states as compared to the rest of the world!
everywhere else you just do what you want, and hang around with the people you like
no big deal
@AccidentalFourierTransform, true. but it is a thing, i can tell you that.
yeah I know (I watch TV :P)
Popularity is over rated.
in american high schools being popular means everything
Someone just upvoted one of my noise answers, lol. I guess talking about stuff on chat really does get votes.
@AccidentalFourierTransform Define "everything".
I suspect that I disagree with you rather strongly, but I'll withhold open warfare until I know what you mean.
@AccidentalFourierTransform to some, yes.
@AccidentalFourierTransform You know this how? You've lived abroad?
to all, no.
@Pissedofflayman By who?
When you're young it's only natural to want to be popular
@Pissedofflayman, then I am not natural =P
@DanielSank it seems that the purpose of every choice and action is related to gaining popularity
@DanielSank no, I haven't lived in USA
@AccidentalFourierTransform Really? You're telling me that if you observe a body of high school students in the US that you find that everything they do is an attempt to increase popularity?
@DanielSank by me.
I can tell you from my experience that this was certainly not the case.
At all.
and therefore my perception of these matters is probably very distorted
but I watch a lot of TV series
high school in america seems very stressful
@AccidentalFourierTransform So if I watch a TV series about your country, do I learn a realistic picture of that country?
@heather being yourself is the most important thing at any age :-)
we don't have that
I hung around with a pretty big group of people who didn't care about popularity. They cared more about school, hobbies (a lot of video games and music), and romance.
@DanielSank You are probably right, but you won't hear about school shootings in any other place in the world
and suicidal kids and all that stuff
@AccidentalFourierTransform What does that have to do with popularity?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Don't make me look up suicide rates to show how wrong you are about that.
@DanielSank bullying and popularity are very related
@AccidentalFourierTransform, I hang out with a medium sized group of people ranging from uber-nerdy (mathy, sciency, codingy people) to a few artsy people, and we all get along quite well. We are quite far from caring about popularity. A few of us care about how they look, a few don't, a few watch TV, a few don't. ::shrugs::
@DanielSank lets do this ;-)
@AccidentalFourierTransform I'm pretty sure Japan and Russia are pretty bad.
Let's find some data.
@heather Sounds nice.
The following is a list of suicide rates by country according to data from the World Health Organization (2012) and other sources, in which a country's rank is determined by its total rate deaths officially recorded as suicides in the most recent available year. The WHO statistics are based on the official reports from each respective country, and therefore, no more accurate than the record-keeping in the specific country. Incidence of suicide tends to be under-reported due to both cultural and social pressures, and possibly completely unreported in some areas. Since the data might be skewe...
I mean, the important parameter is the ratio of suicides in kids vs adults
oh, wait, nvm, that's for all suicides
I didn't have a lot of good friends in high school. Just a couple.
not the absolute numbers
@DanielSank it is.
yeah but even for all ages, the USA is number 50.
That's pretty far down the list.
@heather its pretty much what D said "It's more fun to have legit good friends than it is to be popular."
@AccidentalFourierTransform, right. I'm curious as to why you thing U.S. popularity focus > that in other countries
it doesnt really matter what the rest of the world thinks about you
as long as those "medium sized group of people" like you
@heather He's basing it on TV.
Being a loner is ok too.
@DanielSank, !!!
@AccidentalFourierTransform I just realized something funny: I bet you watch more American TV than I do.
@AccidentalFourierTransform, come on, even your accidentally transformed cat knows better.
@heather Yeah, scroll up.
@DanielSank @heather I cant believe it. TV lied to me again sigh
all I thought about america is false
and youre probably going to tell me that you people are not yellow either right?
what tv show did you get that from?
oh gosh lol
@AccidentalFourierTransform ahahahahaha
We don't all live in Springfield.
@DanielSank, the table only has u.k, not u.s.
Look for "USA".
Took me a while to figure that out.
usa's pretty far down
Interestingly, the USA is pretty far down, but not better than most other strongly developed countries.
Most of the leading economic countries in Europe are lower than USA.
and, as I said before, the real parameter is teen vs adult ratio
better than canada
@AccidentalFourierTransform I guess that's true. I'm too lazy to compute that.
don't look at me, i'm feeling very lazy
And, by the way, I dont want you people think that I think that american teens kill themselves all the time. Its just that, as fas as TV portrays you, you seem to be under a lot more pressure than the rest of the (civilised) world
@AccidentalFourierTransform Tell that to a Chinese, Indian, or Japanese high schooler.
they all live in the us
They're under far more pressure.
@AccidentalFourierTransform lol
Paging @Kaumudi.H.
Interesting... I don't think I've met a single Japanese on this site!
What's up with that?
they are all married
I think Japan is actually experiencing a decline in marriage.
More women are pursuing careers and I was reading that this has reduced marriage rates considerably.
Hahahaha! Got it!
Waffles are within my grasp!
I don't watch Japanese/Chinese/Indian TV
I can only be judgemental about the states
I have eleven hats.
Where are my waffles?
4,043,050 views, best video ever
I counter your waffle with this
That video is awesome.
And there's a sequel:
Watch them in order.
These two videos are the basis of a great inside joke for me and @BernardoMeurer.
I jumped in my chair
Watch the aluminum one next.
One of the best things about these videos is the protagonist's wife laughing maniacally in the background.
meh, the aluminium one does not compare with the one with the book
the second one was kinda boring after that unexpected explosion
The aluminum one features two of the funniest lines uttered on his channel:
1) "I think this is some kind of Damascus foil or some samurai shit right now."
yeah I laughed at that one
2) "Today we are going to find out how many times you can fold aluminium foil with hydraulic press. I had some bad experiences with paper when folding stuff with my press.."
I'm laughing just thinking about that line.
I didn't hear/get that one
I have to watch that part again
well, maybe its a reference to his first video
he went viral with that one
suppertime for me
@AccidentalFourierTransform enjoy. BTW what country do you live in?
Ah, chevere.
Hasta luego.
bye bye :-)
Woahhhhh the listings LaTeX package is really useful.
You can tell it to go find a file you've written (any source file, python, C++, Java, LaTeX) and it will display it in your document with a nice box around it and with fixed width fonts etc.
It even does syntax highlighting.
sounds cool xD
Hey, I was going to ask something, but while typing I kinda though how the answer would be, but just to confirm: In Minkowski space, a vector being of the time type means that it is orthogonal to all spatial axes?
Well, nevermind, here's the answer:
1 hour later…
@DanielSank vat de fack
@DanielSank just noticing that now... did you know you don't have to have your package in the official distribution (CTAN) to use \usepackage?
@mochacat exactly
@DavidZ Yep.
In fact, you can stick a sty file in the same directory in which you invoke latex because \usepackage looks there.
Just checking, it sounded like it could be otherwise
@DavidZ There are pretty wacky rules about where usepackage looks for stuff.
In particular, you can sometimes use relative paths, but that's actually supposed to not work.
Interestingly, some implementations don't disallow .. paths even though they're supposed to for security reasons.
Yeah, I don't think I've ever actually put a path or filename in \usepackage.
Neither had I before this afternoon.
Except by accident once, and latex complained vigorously
Anyway, as soon as I get the file structure set up how CTAN wants it, I'll upload.
Hopefully TeXlive will pick it up within, oh maybe a few years.
It should show up in their next release, so TeXlive 2017
1 hour later…
Q: Did something/someone use a spray to create the whole universe?

G SapkotaNow I know it sounds crazy but what if a being much greater than us created a spray, which contained hydrogen and over time the hydrogen fused into other elements. They look pretty similar. I would love to hear your input please let me know.

Yup, the universe is just graffiti on the door of heaven/hell.

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