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@vzn I want to do it all in LaTeX
@EmilioPisanty Halp?
@ACuriousMind How can I align these so that the first two are side by side, but the third one is in the middle on the next line
	E_n = \frac{n^2h^2}{8m_{e^{-}}L^2} &   & L=4\times d_{\text{c-c}}=5.64\si{\angstrom}\\
	&E_1 = \frac{1^2h^2}{8m_{e^{-}}5.46^2}&\\
You better ask the nice people from TeX - LaTeX
I guess I will :p
@BernardoMeurer with that tikz abs thing above?
not a clue beyond: don't do it in tikz
@EmilioPisanty Why not? I'm using pgfplots
@BernardoMeurer whatever rocks your boat
but that's what people made nice plotting software for
It's not a real project, it's just me trying to learn LaTeX :P
for your other one, though, does
So I'm doing things for the sake of it
	E_n &= \frac{n^2h^2}{8m_{e^{-}}L^2} &   & L=4\times d_{\text{c-c}}=5.64A\\
	E_1 &= \frac{1^2h^2}{8m_{e^{-}}5.46^2}&\\
@EmilioPisanty I just used alignat and it worked
Let me try yours
@BernardoMeurer that's like heather writing a "how to do matrices without amsmath" tutorial
@EmilioPisanty That didn't work no
there's plenty of things that you can do in TeX but that does not in any way mean that you should
@EmilioPisanty No, because people (@DavidZ for e.g.) actually do plots in LaTeX
There is an argument for it
@BernardoMeurer yeah, I have strong differences of opinion with those people ;-)
There is not a sane argument for "matrices without amsmath"
@BernardoMeurer yeah, that was some usage of hyperbole on my part
@BernardoMeurer That's one person.
Also, making plots in TeX is silly.
There, I said it.
TeX is a terrible programming language. Terrible. Use it for typesetting and nothing else.
@DanielSank <3
It's a very fun challenge though
I can't wait until you grow out of that.
It might take a while given that my notes are 109 pages long and I'm like 8 pages through
I mean grow out of learning tools by using them for not what they're for.
Oh, that will take a lifetime
It's what I'm all about man
Linux on a calculator? What's that about?
@BernardoMeurer That made slightly more sense to me.
Can sit in class and play Super Metroid, for example.
You just made me fail the next semester
I hope you realise that
Anyone around here ever release a TeX package and wanna hold me hand through it?
@BernardoMeurer How?
Take that.
The guy who wrote pgfplots is on TeX SE, maybe email him? he seems pretty sweet
Realistically, you should play that game in a room with the lights off and the sound turned up.
That game is all about atmosphere and the sound is really important.
Play with good headphones or something.
Get a 2000 dollar dac to hear that 8 bit music lel
Just make sure you don't play it on some god forsaken handheld with crap sound.
Crank this up and imagine you just landed your space ship on a deserted planet.
I'll wait until I can get a proper NES or something
Let's remaster the game and put that as the sountrack
does this one need protecting?
Q: How come neutrons in a nucleus don't decay?

AriaI know outside a nucleus, neutrons are unstable and they have half life of about 15 minutes. But when they are together with protons inside the nucleus, they are stable. How does that happen? I got this from wikipedia: When bound inside of a nucleus, the instability of a single neutron to be...

I'm typing one handed, I can only focus so much
Gimme a brake
three (four?) terrible answers by <100rep users
over a multi-year timescale
Sounds like it, then.
Hey, @EmilioPisanty, my Spanish has gone to hell. What's a good Spanish movie I could watch to rejuvinate it?
@DanielSank oooooh, good question
@DanielSank Zorro
^ :|
off the top of my head, Amores Perros and El Secreto De Sus Ojos
That last one was great
but be sure to bring along a good bit of faith in humanity, 'coz they'll both take a toll on it
El Laberinto Del Fauno
(also taxing on the faith in humanity thing, but amazingly beautiful)
@EmilioPisanty I thought Amores Perros is horribly depressing.
I don't do horribly depressing.
Never heard of El Secreto Do Sus Ojos. Will check it out.
@DanielSank I'm not sure horribly depressing is quite the right way to describe it, but it isn't far, either
@EmilioPisanty Oh, or not.
That fauno one was horrible IIRC
Got anything on the lighter side?
Also, @BernardoMeurer, your opinions about all things Spanish are hereby void.
maybe Por La Libre, or Y Tu Mamá También?
...until you fall for the Spaniard as I have cursed you to do.
@DanielSank What? I liked Zorro
@EmilioPisanty Ok will look those up, thanks!
maybe Vampiros En La Habana?
haven't watched it in aaaaaaages but it was good fun
Diarios De Motocicleta was quite nice and non-depressing
Crimen Ferpecto was loads of fun, if you can get hold of it
@EmilioPisanty Is that what it sounds like?
Diarios de Motocicleta is for communists
@EmilioPisanty confirmed communist.
I always knew
His real name is Emarxio Pisengels
Ahí Está El Detalle is really good but it takes some pretty strong Mexican Spanish skills
Consider me an intermediate, i.e. I used to be relatively conversational at modest speeds, but it's been fifteen years.
I think the thumbnail says a lot
^ Indeed.
Ahhh, dangit, I have to close my eyes to not see the subtitles.
@DanielSank how well do you do with this one?
But it's slow enough that I can understand. Thanks!
@EmilioPisanty Blocked in my country.
@DanielSank huh
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@DanielSank Drama
Nothing compared to you, broski.
I am the queen, nothing compares to me
Yo wait a sec... does TeXlive automatically download packages?
@DanielSank not in my experience, at least over linux
but I have a well documented hatred for tlmgr
ugh. This should be easy!
Contributions being hard is the bane of improvements in software!
grump grump grump
I'm using a git submodule for all my cool TeX stuff and I'd like to do something better.
@BernardoMeurer you're a computer person, fix everything for me.
I'm waiting.
Eh, I don't even know how LaTeX packages work
let alone how to publish one
It's all black magic
Ask on TeX SE
Like, make an actual question
I asked in the chat room.
Cool, I've written a TeX package.
Now I have to figure out how to distribute this thing.
I feel the need to point out that my avatar octopus is tipping his hat to you all.
Just, fyi.
Ello, everyone :-)
Hi, @Kaumudi.H.
How did you sleep?
:-) I slept well today! I will sleep for 8 hours tomorrow and let you know if that works.
Happy to hear it.
I've a "quick" question about the domain and range of a function. One of the methods to find the range of a function given in my textbook is to rewrite the given function in terms of $y$ (as opposed to $x$ being the independent variable) and then find all the values of $y$ for which this function will take real values.
Why does this work..?
Imagine a plot of y versus x.
The domain are all the values of x for which the result is a real number.
Ok, the range is the set of all possible y values.
So, flip the paper around so y is on the horizontal axis. That's the same thing as inverting the function, i.e. writing x as a function of y.
Yeah, that makes sense, but gimme a second to make sure that it does...
So this is under the assumption that the range of a function $y=f(x)$, is the domain of the function $x=g(y)$, yes?
But why should that be true? (I'm sorry if I'm being dumb. It makes 100% intuitive sense but I'm still not really clear)
Range: All values the function attains.
@Kaumudi.H What do you mean by "the range of a function $y=f(x)$"?
Domain: All values you can input to the function.
In other words, range is all values you get on the vertical axis and the domain is all the values you get on the horizontal axis.
@ACuriousMind She means the range of a function $f$.
And of course, $g \equiv f^{-1}$.
Although the original statement she's trying to prove works for non-invertible functions.
Ah. Yes, if an inverse exists, then the domain of the inverse is the range of the original.
@DanielSank Right, but what ACM just said is what has been confusing me.
@ACuriousMind That's not the statement she's trying to prove.
She's proving a weaker statement.
Take any function $f$.
$f$ might be defined by the equation $y = f(x) = \text{some expression involving }x$.
@Kaumudi.H wants to prove that if she solves for $x$ in terms of $y$, then finds all values of $y$ which yield real values for $x$, then that set is the range of $f$.
Draw it
@Kaumudi.H Draw it, it should make it easier to see
^ Yes, as I suggested, draw a function (start with an invertible one), and then flip the x and y axes.
Then afterwards try a non-invertible one.
Gimme a minute...
@DanielSank sine and arcsine?
@BernardoMeurer For example, yes.
Those will do a nice plot
Arcsine is a wonderful non-invertible function.
It's so non-invertible.
Well, it is invertible on a small domain, no?
In many definitions, the arcsine is invertible (because it's the inverse of the sine on an interval where the sine is invertible). It's the sine that's non-invertible.
@ACuriousMind Always saying things more eloquently than I do
@ACuriousMind That's what I meant.
OK, I'm just gonna ignore all this about the invertibility of the sine and arcsine functions but are you telling me that my textbook method works even for functions that aren't bijective?
Well, if it's not injective it doesn't have an inverse
So no
The book isn't asking for an inverse!
@Kaumudi.H yes
@DanielSank No?
You just have to make sure that when you solve $x = f^{-1}(y)$ you get all the solutions.
But I don't get how!
I see
I don't :-/
Let's do an example.
$\sin$ is a good example.
@Kaumudi.H Daniel with explain, he's the master explainer
Actually no it's not because we can't write the inverse easily.
Let's do $y = x^2$.
Solving, we get $x = \pm \sqrt{y}$.
What values of $y$ yield a real number?
Greater than or equal to 0
Why did this work?
Well, first draw $y = x^2$.
It's a parabola.
Uh huh...
Now flip your paper to swap $x$ and $y$.
Instructions not clear, I cut my eye with the paper
You no longer have a function (i.e. the parabola is not invertible) because you have $x = \sqrt{y}$ and $x = - \sqrt{y}$.
But it doesn't matter! You can still look at what values of $y$ give real numbers for $x$ taking into account both the + and - parts.
That's just saying that you take into account the curves that go up and down.
I wish I could point at a picture...
Here's a more interesting example
That is not an invertible function at all, but you can still flip it and look at what values of $y$ give you values of $x$.
:-| Gimme a minute...
Just because you can't define a general rule of invertibility doesn't mean you cannot look at particular cases and take meaning from them
(Is there any way for you to explain this without the graph flipping thing?)
@BernardoMeurer Invertibility simply has nothing to do with Kaumudi's question.
@Kaumudi.H Sure.
Consider a function $f$ defined by $f(x) = \text{some expression}$.
@DanielSank Hmpf
The range is, by definition, the set of values that $f$ can spit out.
Therefore, it is the set of values that $\text{some expression}$ can take.
(BTW, I've been trying to figure this out using these diagrams:)
Good. Those diagrams are excellent.
Yeah, okay, gimme a moment...
No, nvm, I thought I was onto something :-[
If I can solve $y = \text{some expression}$ for $x$ in terms of $y$ (which is not always possible) and find a value of $y$ that gives a value of $x$, then that just means we've found a value of $\text{some expression}$ that $f$ spits out for some value of $x$.
i.e. that value of $y$ is in the range.
Yeah, I guess that makes sense...
That's all there is to it.
Hmm, but why does this have nothing to do with invertibility? I mean, we are filliping the function...
Yeah but this process works even if the function is not invertible, like with the parabola!
I shouldn't have said it has "nothing" to do with invertibility. That was an overstatement.
Dammit, I still don't quite get that.
Draw your diagram for $y = x^2$.
0 --> 0
1 --> 1
-1 --> 1
That is not invertible, but the fact that 1 is on the right side is true anyway, i.e. 1 is still in the range.
In some cases, the flipped one won't even be a function, then!
@Kaumudi.H Correct.
Oh, and that's okay..? I see...
For example, if you have $y = x^2$, then $x = \pm \sqrt{y}$, which is not a function.
Don't worry about things being functions. That's just some thing your book told you to worry about for some stupid reason. All you care about is what values map to what other values.
Right, yeah, for it to be a function, it has to be bijective tho, which means that the original function will be too, which means it'll be invertibile, which is why I was confused before...
That's why I like your diagrams very much.
@Kaumudi.H Ok, so you get it now?
I think I do!
I'll spend some more time with this, figuring out if my brain's not just tricking me into believing that I do, tho.
But thank you!! :-D
Okay, yeah, I think I've understood this properly now. Yas, that's one goal accomplished today, thanks so much, I've been struggling with this for weeks. I mean, it's been awhile since I revisited it but yeah. I asked some people over at MSE first and they didn't think that my textbook was correct so I spent a crapload of time learning about asymptotes :-|
asymptotes wtf?
Also, it's always funny to me when foreigners use swearing and related slang properly.
I applaud your use of "crapload".
Lol, okay, thanks..? :-P
The MSE people probably got caught up with invertibility instead of actually paying attention to the question you asked.
Yeah :-/
A function is a relation in which different ordered pairs have different first coordinates.
@DanielSank :-P I almost feel like English is my first language so I probably don't deserve the applause.
@Kaumudi.H English is one thing.
American slang is another.
Oh, right :-P Well, I used to watch YouTube. A lot. I also listen to podcasts. And most of my favorite creators are American, so it only makes sense that I'm kinda comfortable with American slang...
Oh I meant to ask, have you reduced world suck recently?
@DanielSank Yeah, I think I contributed some when I spent like, 3 hours b/w 2:30 AM and 5:30 AM writing an elaborate love letter to my mom on her birthday, the other day <3 :-)
@Kaumudi.H awwwwwwwwww
<3 <3 <3 <3
:-D She loved it. It made her cry and everything! Totally worth the effort.
are you an only child?
Nope, I have two younger sisters who are twins.
pardon me asking
Huh? Is no problemo :-)
so an only son
Sigh. Daughter and no, not "only".
Common mistake. I think I'm gonna change my avatar to my actual face so I don't have to correct people so often and make them feel kinda bad.
@Kaumudi.H Didn't you undo the face picture for reasons?
@DanielSank Yeah, but the creep's gone...hopefully. Besides, just googling my name yields a photo, so.
I come from an all boy family.
@Kaumudi.H Imo, you shouldn't be the one worried about people feeling bad when you correct people that just assume you're male when you've given them no reason to believe so.
Uh, that sentence's structure became more awkward than I intended :P
Being in a physics chat correlates to being male. Like it or not.
that^ too
That said, I wouldn't assume someone's gender to be one thing or another in any case.
@ACuriousMind You are German, right?
:-) I guess that's true. But I'm tired of correcting people over and over. I've done it about a zillion times till now.
And sometimes, they forget and use the wrong pronoun again.
Don't let it bug you.
It happens.
@DanielSank Yep, still can't quite shake off the German tendency to make run-on sentences
Them being wrong doesn't bug me all that much but I don't wanna keep correcting people.
Just don't correct them until absolutely necessary.
If you know what I mean ;-)
@Pissedofflayman wtf why not?
English has gendered pronouns. Help people use them correctly.
Gendered pronouns are dumb, but we have them. Oh well.
Is this the English room?
No, it's not the English room. However, in this room, we use English to exchange information with one another.
Indeed, hence
3 mins ago, by Pissed off layman
Just don't correct them until absolutely necessary.
Be more relaxed, I guess.
@DanielSank At least you can use 'it' for all inanimate things without having to remember grammatical genders ;)
^ Exactly.
There. Done and done.
imo, in this context, it doesn't really matter
Well, a) I want people to stop assuming that literally everybody here is male and b) My face doesn't look all that bad (:-P)
Say, why did u ask all that about me being a single child or not?
I wanted to find out why the tears.
of joy
Um, what does that have anything to do with me (not) being an only child?
Like I said I come from an all boy family and we're not that emotional with each other.
Oh, I see. Well, we're all an girl family :-) (And also, it might just be your family. My best friend is from an all boy family and they're even more emotional than us!)
Don't you think parents would be more emotionally attached to a single child?
Of course, but like I said, I have two sisters as well, so I'm not their only daughter. Anyhoo, breakfast time, toodles!
You do have a perfectly valid point @DanielSank l just expressed my opinion :-)
@ACuriousMind why do you think that is so?
Individual German words certainly are long too :P
@JohnRennie in the match of University Challenge that I watched Timothy Gowers came through at the last minute and basically won the game for them.
@DanielSank I did once, if you have questions maybe I can dig it out of my memory
Hi @DavidZ
@BernardoMeurer that works fine for me. I'm not sure what's going on with your output.
@Pissedofflayman hi
@DanielSank: Yello again, want to see what I just had for breakfast? Bet you've never even heard of it.
^ That is Medu Vada and Sambar.
An Indian breakfast?
Yep, although it's not very typical of "breakfast".
yep, looks kinda oily for "breakfast"
@Kaumudi.H omnomnom
Nice quality photograph.
@DanielSank :-D Have u heard of it before?
@Pissedofflayman Yep. Usually, it is had with something called Idli but we were satisfied with just Vada for now.
@Pissedofflayman Thanks! No, Lenovo Vibe p1m :-P
@Kaumudi.H I don't think so.
Looks a bit oily for me.
Yep, it is pretty oily, but what the hell, we have it like, once in three months :-P
Usually, we just have the standard: dosas.
@Kaumudi.H those are good. Very open ended.
Haha, yes. Of all the tasty food (even including the North Indian curries) that I've had, I like dosas best and that's surprising not only because it's not much but also because I have it every single morning.
Have they elimated the 100 rupee bills yet?
Nah, that they cannot do.
I see.
I'm hungry now too, later peeps :-)
Who's to say what a fascist government can't do?
Also we -have- started getting new 100 rupee notes out. They just haven't eliminated the old ones.

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