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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Send lubos to the olympiad
he will be our champion
He will just hurl vodka bottles at his opponents
@JohnRennie that's a weird title.
anyone familiar with raspberry pi (and willing to help out with a problem)?
I can't seem to remote vnc into the raspberry pi i've got. my dad thinks it is because the wifi password is wrong, but i don't think that's quite right because i looked in the nano file and it is the correct wifi password. i don't know if it is instead because it isn't connecting automatically, or what.
hmm, i have the right IP address
@DanielSank, o/ how was Trivial Pursuit?
@heather brother and I played as a team and won in a close game against mom and brother's wife.
Lemme get my computer
@DanielSank ::bows::
@heather Really?!
@BernardoMeurer Really what?
I'm confused.
@DanielSank She said I can use a 4RPi cluster for computations
specially that Collatz crap
And the Schonhage-Strassen thing
@BernardoMeurer, once I get it set up, yes
I'm having a wee bit of trouble with that, though.
Oh dear, the potatocalypse is drawing nearer...
(I'm setting up automatic boot-up of the vnc server)
@ACuriousMind Merry Christmas by the way :P
@ACuriousMind wat?
@heather I literally never got to mess with Pi clusters
@ACuriousMind yep, with Bernardo as my apprentice, I'll soon rule the world by potato =P
I want to see how they scale
I'm sorry, your apprentice?
@BernardoMeurer, well, I haven't really either, so I'm excited as well.
Step one is to run the multithreaded Ackermann calculator I have
If it doesn't blow up with that we're safe
oh gosh
@heather I got a really nice command for you btw
@BernardoMeurer lol
@BernardoMeurer lol, I'm kidding
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
Very good command
(Do not run that)
@BernardoMeurer, @DanielSank warned me about rm -rf
also: no preserve the super user?
kill the super user?
bad idea.
Yeah well his command is specifically trying to delete your entire filesystem.
@heather I saw that, that's why I'm testing your strength :P
@BernardoMeurer >:(
@heather That literally deletes everything, with no regards to deleting the main, core files of your OS
@DanielSank yep. It deletes the files and directories starting with the main file, right?
It's like the nuclear version of rm
Main directory, called "root".
@BernardoMeurer, I'm debating between proud and scared that you trusted me that much.
/ is "the root of the filesystem".
@heather I wouldn't be talking to you if I thought you would run anything I sent to you
It's like, the first thing we taught you about Linux
Only run things when you know what they'll be doing
true, yeah.
Happy Boxing Day everyone
@KyleKanos Can the boy code in C yet?
No. But he's had his head stuck in a Star Wars book for the last day
(sadly, it has some crap from the "prequels" in it)
@KyleKanos Fair enough, fair enough
Get him a GameBoy with Metroid II
Oh, my daughter did get some "Hour of Code" ticket thing from school a couple weeks ago
It's like 20 bucks off eBay
@KyleKanos YES
I tried getting it out of her what it meant (because I know what it's supposed to mean), but she couldn't remember
They give paperwork home a week or two after it happened and not the same day
have her go through hour of code again, there's a bunch of different ones...on Khan Academy, on hour of code.com or something
I probably will when she gets older. For now, she's content with her Crayola art things
Crayolas taste weird
I've been told
^before you said that i was very concerned
Playdoh is very salty
@heather Good, my diversion technique worked
@KyleKanos Right?! What's up with that
@BernardoMeurer, trying to follow to conversations isn't my best idea
Well, I'm going to head out now. Just wanted to say Hi and Happy Boxing Day
@KyleKanos Have a good day man, see ya
@KyleKanos, have a good day
@BernardoMeurer, chemistry
give me a sec
@heather Great :)
I just made some changes
and then build the PDF
it's building
okay, i'm getting an error
Alright, when it's done take a look at page 4
Oh, what is it?
package pgfkeys error: choice '1.14' unknown in key '/pgfplots/compat/anchors
'. i am going to ignore this key
see pgfplots documentation for an explanation
Just built here using TexStudio
No errors
@ACuriousMind You around?
do I not have a package or something?
@BernardoMeurer Yes
@ACuriousMind Could you try building this LaTeX file and see if it works for you?
@heather Let's see what ACM gets
@BernardoMeurer doesn't work for me
@BernardoMeurer, okay.
I get the same error as heather
@AccidentalFourierTransform What OS/ how are you building?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Which distro
Bloody Ubuntu
ubuntu as well
It's because you have an old version of pgfplot
because on Ubuntu everything is old
I can build it without any error with TeXstudio on Windows7
@ACuriousMind It's Ubuntu with old packages
sure looks like it
do i need to do sudo apt-get update or something?
Q: upgrading latex pgfplots in ubuntu 12.04

HanmyoI have pgfplots for LaTeX installed but I'm not sure how to upgrade it to the newest version. When I do a search for pgfplots, it returns lots of folders... The sourceforge download has a zip file for the current version, but I'm not sure where to extract this. The current documentation hasn't be...

okay, i'll give a few things a go.
how can i check whether pgfplots is updated?
(check version number)
Q: Which package version am I using?

Tim NIs there a LaTeX command for printing the versions of the currently installed packages? I need to know the installed version of the pgfplots package.

@ACuriousMind Any ideas on how to fix page 7?
@ACuriousMind Hi, would you mind checking this out?
Q: Does gravity contract space or curve it?

Sir Cumference(The answers to my earlier question explained, mathematically, how the Big Crunch was possible. Now I am generalizing the question to all of cosmology.) In cosmology, gravity serves to inhibit the expansion of the Universe, as seen in the equation for the Universe's acceleration: $$g=-\partial_...

@heather Did you manage to fix it?
not yet
@BernardoMeurer make the pictures smaller? :P
@ACuriousMind I don't think I need to. I'd like to align (a) and (c) to the left on top of each other, and then (b) could be on the left in the middle of the page
if you get what I mean
@SirCumference I have to echo the first comment by Rob Jeffries - I don't really get what you're asking
@ACuriousMind Also, is (c) not a little crooked for you?
ergh, stupid disk space
i swear, as soon as I get these raspberry pi computers set up, i'm going to move most everything there, because there's not enough space on this computer.
@ACuriousMind Do the comoving coordinates of gravitationally attracting objects change?
You seem to have some sort of attachement to comoving coordinates, but they're just that - coordinates. Objects don't "have" comoving coordinates, coordinates are fictions belonging to particular observers, and that they stay constant during expansion is how they are defined, while you seem to think that there is some deep physical significance to this.
Well, there is, isn't there? If the comoving coordinates of objects don't change but the proper distances increase, they can recede faster than light
That's not special to the comoving coordinates, though, you can have many other coordinate systems in which distant objects move faster than light
Regardless, my question can be reworded: does gravity act as an opposite to the Hubble flow?
As in, if it can contract space, can it attract objects faster than light?
@SirCumference Yes to the first question, "that's a meaningless question in GR" to the second question.
@ACuriousMind ...?
"Faster than light" has no significance for distant objects, in GR the speed of light is only a bound on local speeds measure at the point where the observer is located.
@ACuriousMind ACM, I know this. I'm still asking whether the contracting space can bring two objects together faster than light.
Coordinate speeds (which is what is "faster than light" here, it's not a frame invariant) can become pretty much anything if you choose a weird enough coordinate system.
@ACuriousMind I know. I'm asking if gravity can cause coordinate speeds to be beyond the speed of light.
@SirCumference If you define "comoving coordinates" for a contracting universe the same way you do for the expanding one, i.e. by dividing out the scale factor no matter how fast it changes, then yes.
Just to rephrase the question: can gravity cause the recessional velocity of objects to be less than $-c$?
Even when $\dot{a} > 0$?
Why does LaTeX think it's okay to throw my images to another subsection :/
Q: How to properly write kets

FrotaurI noticed asking various questions regarding quantum physics, that sometimes, the latex command \ket works (here, for example), and other times, it does not, and I am obliged to use \left | \psi \right>. Is there a special way to enable its use or did I miss something ?

@SirCumference I see no reason it should not, and it's unclear to me why you seem to think this is a big deal
@ACuriousMind Well, as far as I knew, gravity only changed the peculiar velocity of objects.
You don't see two galaxies colliding faster than $c$.
@SirCumference I don't know what that means
Peculiar velocity?
@ACuriousMind Okay, rewording — can we have two gravitating objects attract faster than light?
That is, their velocities exceed $c$?
Stop thinking of gravity as the attraction between masses, and just look at the FLRW equations. If the matter density is right, you get a contracting universe, and computing the apparent velocities there you will certainly find cases where they are superluminal
I don't know what "attracting faster than light" is supposed to mean in GR
Talking about velocities is not very useful since they are not invariants.
@ACuriousMind I know this. But why can't gravity cause two attracting objects to travel faster than light?
Am I not making much sense here?
I might not be...
Yeah, you're not making much sense to me. In what frame are you measuring the two "attracting objects"? My issue here is that in the Newtonian limit where gravity is an "attractive force", there is of course no limit to their velocities because Newton isn't relativistic, and in the full GR regime gravity is not a force and both velocity and "attraction" are somewhat ill-defined concepts
@ACuriousMind Oye, I know, so I'm not making much sense...
Also, I'll be off now, real life calls
All right, thanks
Oye, this stuff is really confusing...
I'm so used to calling gravity an attractive force
@DanielSank, oh, I forgot to tell you: I think it's great!
makes me want to play super metroid...
@heather :-D
I updated it a bit. The prologue video is now embedded! (Bernardo's idea)
so, could i ask you a quantum computing question?
of course. What's up?
so, with the bit flip error correction code, i understand that you entangle the qubits, send them through the channel
and then wikipedia says "To diagnose bit flips in any of the three possible qubits, syndrome diagnosis is needed, which includes four projection operators"
uh huh. How many qubits are they talking about?
I've been trying to figure out what is meant by syndrome diagnosis, and such, and I'm not really getting anywhere.
@DanielSank 3 qubits
and they're assuming that at most one bit flip can occur
one qubit is the original qubit, in state $|\psi\rangle$
and then the other two start out in state $|0\rangle$ and are entangled with the first.
"Syndrome" in this case means "thing you can measure that tells you if there were any errors and if so what they were, but without screwing up the quantum information you actually want to preserve".
that does make sense.
but how does it work?
Depends on the code.
link to what you're reading?
Quantum error correction is used in quantum computing to protect quantum information from errors due to decoherence and other quantum noise. Quantum error correction is essential if one is to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computation that can deal not only with noise on stored quantum information, but also with faulty quantum gates, faulty quantum preparation, and faulty measurements. Classical error correction employs redundancy. The simplest way is to store the information multiple times, and—if these copies are later found to disagree—just take a majority vote; e.g. Suppose we copy a bit three...
(links to the bit flip code section)
Well, they tell you the projections...
I guess, I don't quite understand what the projections are doing.
Those are the operators corresponding to the actual measurement you make on the system.
In order for them to all be simultaneously measurable, they need to commute with one another.
You should check that.
i think i need to read more about projection operators.
Yeah, you're coming upon some of the more interesting parts of quantum mechanics here, and it's stuff that's barely even mentioned in school.
so, okay: are the projection operators basically comparing the vectors that each state represents and making sure that they all match up?
(intuitively speaking)
A useful Google search keyword might be "POVM", but you might not need that quite yet.
@heather More or less.
and then one of the particular match-ups doesn't work, then we know where it is, because we know which calculation "went wrong" so to speak?
When you measure an operator $A$, the system is guaranteed to collapse to an eigenstate of $A$.
So, the operator that actually represents what happens when you do the measurement should be something that projects the intitial state onto one of $A$'s eigentstates.
@heather Kinda.
so, these projection operators can be represented by CNOT gates?
and then the appropriate qubit (if any) is flipped back because we know (or the system "knows") where it went wrong?
@heather Nah.
A CNOT is unitary. Projections are not.
This is confusing to talk about because you don't know much about how measurement works in QM.
I'm thinking where to begin...
wait, isn't measurement a projection?
a "projection onto $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$" according to this book
@heather yeah
It's a probabilistic projection.
But a projection is definitely not a CNOT.
yeah, that makes sense now that I think about that
a projection compares two vectors, or shifts a vector "onto" another vector
the CNOT gate changes the vector according to a fixed operation (dependent on another state)
"projection" basically means anything like this: $\left \lvert \text{some vector} \right \rangle \left \langle \text{some vector} \right \rvert$.
is that...um...outer product?
or no?
Yes. That's a projection because, suppose I have some arbitrary vector $$|v\rangle = \sum v^e_i |e_i \rangle$$
Here $\{|e_i\rangle \}$ is a basis.
If I want to project that onto the jth basis vector, I use the linear transformation $$P = |e_j \rangle \langle e_j |$$
$$P |v \rangle = \sum v_i^e |e_j \rangle \langle e_j | e_i \rangle = \sum v_i^e |e_j\rangle \delta_{ij} = v_j^e |e_j \rangle$$
($\delta_{ij}$ means "zero if $i \neq j$ and one if $i=j$".)
So the point is that $P$ extracted the jth component of $v$.
one question: projection operators are represented by a linear transformation?
or not all projection operators?
@heather Yah. In quantum mechanics especially, "operator" means "linear transformation".
so, all projection operators can be represented by a matrix then?
so then if measurement is a projection operator
it has a matrix?
Well, be careful... measurement isn't just application of a projection operator.
This is why I hesitated before.
wait, you said it's a "probabilistic projection" - is that different?
Yeah, the devil's in the "probabilistic" part.
Any observable quantity in QM has an associated Hermitian operator.
The possible values of the measurement are the eigenvalues of that operator.
Wat? Really?
That's pretty cool
The probabilities of each outcome are found be decomposing the state into the basis that diagonalizes the operator, and squaring the coefficients of each term.
Linear Algebra is the closest we might ever get to black magic
oh, yeah, right, $|\alpha|^2$, right?
and $|\beta|^2$
Suppose I have a state $|0\rangle$ and a measurement operator $$\sigma_x = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{array} \right)$$
looks like the NOT gate...
(It is). If I want to know the probabilities of each outcome of measuring $\sigma_x$, I have to write my state in the basis that diagonalizes $\sigma_x$.
@heather yes
Of course, here when I wrote the matrix for $\sigma_x$, I implicitly did it in the basis of $|0\rangle$ and $|1 \rangle$.
Note this though: $$\sigma_x = |1 \rangle \langle 0 | + |0 \rangle \langle 1 |$$
That's really useful because it's basis independent.
okay, i need to learn how to calculate an outer product, but i'll take your word for it.
@DanielSank oh, right, yeah, i remember that.
It's simple, forget outer products.
@DanielSank, okay.
Look at the matrix.
the columns...?
right to left...?
What happens if I act that matrix on $|0 \rangle$?
$|1\rangle$ comes out
(hint: if you act a matrix on a vector that is the ith basis vector, you get the ith column)
@heather Right.
That's the $|1 \rangle \langle 0 |$ term.
and then if you act it on $|1\rangle$
If you act $|1 \rangle \langle 0 |$ on $|0 \rangle$, you get $|1 \rangle$, and if you act it on $|1 \rangle$, you get zero.
you get $|0\rangle$
@heather correct
so you get the $|0\rangle\langle 1|$ term
and then you have it.
Forget this "outer product" mumbo jumbo. It's just jargon.
and then you square the coefficients and get the probabilities...
Yeah, exactly.
@BernardoMeurer, you're right, it is black magic
Well wait a sec.
@heather The real magic is that it makes sense
Never mind, yeah you're right.
okay, so non-probabilistic projection operators are represented by matrices. These particular projection operators, showing whether or not a state has been flipped, can therefore be represented by gates
or are these particular ones probabilistic
Well, I never thought about that before... that in some cases a matrix can be unitary and Hermitian at the same time, and therefore can represent a measurement and a gate...
wait, okay now i realized something that's probably wrong:
if a gate is unitary, isn't it pretty much automatically hermitian?
because, if we say ${}^H$ is conjugate transpose
and we have a matrix $U$ and say that it is unitary
@heather No.
aren't all gates always unitary?
Unitary means $$T^\dagger = T^{-1} \, .$$
Hermitian means $$T^\dagger = T \, ,$$ so being unitary and Hermitian happens only if $$T = T^{-1} \, .$$
The NOT gate happens to be its own inverse, but that not a requirement of all unitary transformations.
Plz don't "sorry".
Wait, isn't that a symmetric matrix @DanielSank? I though the Hermitian was equal to it's transconjugate
It was a good question and you're not selfishly wasting anyone's time.
You're trying to learn in earnest and apologies are just so not necessary at all.
i retract the apology =)
@BernardoMeurer Yeah, $T^\dagger$ means "conjugate transpose".
@heather I was so expecting for you to say "sorry" and drive him nuts
The $\dagger$ symbol is called "dagger".
@BernardoMeurer, there was quite the temptation
@DanielSank sorry
@DanielSank a mathematician got violent, somewhere
okay, so are the projection operators used in the bit-flip code probabilistic (from the devil)?
@heather When I said probabilistic before, I was talking about something a bit different from what we're talking about right now.
We'll get to that soon enough though ;)
okay =)
Hmmm, we're going out.
okay, have a good day
thank you for your help!
you cleared up a lot of confusion =D
Vera Rubin's death is confirmed by a public Facebook note from her granddaughter. I'm saddened she's died without Nobel recognition.
I finally got off my bum and added something to @JohnRennie FAQ on time dilation:
A: What is time dilation really?

dmckeeFrame-to-Frame Comparison of Diagrams and Intervals This is an adjunct to John Rennie's main discussion in which we draw explicitly the space-time diagram of both twin's routes in two different frames and compute their intervals explicitly both ways in order to show that the results don't depend...

@dmckee A naked man on the internet told me not to trust this Rennie fella
Then you probably shouldn't trust me, either.
I wonder what I have to do to get on the naked man's list of untrustworthy people?
@dmckee Do you know how to use wrapfig on LaTeX?
Is that as good as being on Nixon's enemies list?
@BernardoMeurer What's wrapfig?
@dmckee Just give compelling arguments as to why his theory is wrong
@dmckee A package that allows for wrapping text around figures
Sounds spiffy, but I've never tried it.
I'm trying to make it not screw up my subsubsections
What are you writing that needs subsubsections? Even when I use them I reare want them numbered, I just want the headings.
I'm listing all the things that characterize a wave. wavelength, wavenumber, so on
Thanks @JohnRennie I found the matchup :-)
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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