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And you actually recall that!?! Do keep in mind that I was not all there at that time...
I wrote the supidest answer of my life.
It's like the best of : " 3 I have to resist the urge to post "Have you considered a tinfoil hat?" - 9h ago by "
The star wall? Oh yes, it's intended to be a "best of"
And you, too, can star things! ;)
Was I rude when I answered to Maks? He seemed to just have went away...
I would have given this and the post about TBBT billions of stars
...well the post about the post about TBBT
@G.Bergeron Mhh, well, I think he noticed we were talking about other things and went away after you couldn't immediately help him
... ummm well you know if you blow water in the pipe, water will rise, yes. But the sucking will not perpetuate itself
@G.Bergeron Hover with your mouse over the message you want to star, then click on the little star to the right. You can do it regardless of how old the message is
@ACuriousMind I've read Norton; while I don't love his writing style or his concept of generative capacity, I am very allured by his "cause as folk science"; it was a good read :)
By the way... would anybody know out of their head to second deRham cohomology group of a 4-sphere?
True, you dabbled in algebraic topology, no?
I think my profile says I dabble in algebraic geometry, but yeah, I can do topology, too ;)
I am not much into known territory there but it is coming
Actually, I never did an actual topology class. It's like the missing founding block of my math curriculum...
Well, what is "actual topology" anyway?
Like a class with the word topology in it
The class is actual not the topology
E.g you won't need all those $T_i$-separation axioms "true" topologists care about for most applications of "topology"
@G.Bergeron Ah, well, I took "algebraic topology", but it sorta assumed you know basic topology already
Yeah but at the same time a lack some common reflexes and facts and at the beginning of every graduate classes there is a bit of confusion and a lot of work involved until the topology gets out of the way :p
Soooo... I think I need to take that graduate algebraic topology class next semester just to end this game
I am making myself to biased towards pure algebra...
well... see you guys
I needed to come back to tell @BernardMeurer I just got the best idea: watching ARRIVAL !!! 8D
Y'know, I wasn't such a fan of that movie
Q: How to compute entropy of networks? (Boltzmann microstates and Shannon entropy)

user305883I also asked in SO here a few days ago, thought it may be also interesting for physics-related answers. I would like to model a network as a system. A particular topology (configuration of edges between vertices) is a state-of-order of the system (a micro-state). I am trying to compute the entr...

Thoughts about what, if anything, the mods should do about that? It's a crosspost from SO, but that could be okay (crossposting is okay if the question is on topic for each site and it's acknowledged)
@G.Bergeron Oh god
@DavidZ I absolutely hated the movie
> The best thing to do is to call in dino-hitler! (I had to answer one of these with a joke answer, sorry it was this one, eh?)
@BernardMeurer Meh. It was ok.
I felt like half of the plot didn't matter, but the other half was interesting.
@DanielSank Why would they hire a theoretical physicists to decipher an alien language?
And the line "I've had my head tilted at the stars ever since I can remember, but it wasn't meeting them [aliens] that amazed me the most ... it was meeting you"
@DanielSank hey
do you ever toss fresh tomatoes into your chilli?
@Skyler Do you have the link to his "Famous Chilli" recipe?
Dec 2 at 9:26, by DanielSank
@BalarkaSen Are you familiar with my world famous chili?
dam acm that was fast
Jesus ACM
I'm still in love btw
Oh great, I have a massive bag of tomatoes I need to finish before going to LA @DanielSank so I can bring that too
"Canned is ok but if you used canned rinse them very thoroughly because otherwise you’ll fart a lot" -Daniel Sank, Google, Quantum Physicist, 2016
btw, thought you guys might havve a good laugh, heather dont click this if you read later youtube.com/watch?v=b8AX7QN68bw
@Skyler Worst derivation ever.
Use algebra, scrub.
@BernardMeurer With me, right?
According to one of my undergrad professors $\xi$ is pronounced "more squiggle".
@DanielSank ikr, i remember seeing that in griffiths and annotating my book with an arrow saying loser to that section
Just plain "squiggle" is \eta.
@DanielSank We have a platonic thing :P
@dmckee sounds about right
@BernardMeurer Who, you and I?
@DanielSank It was love at first sight, even though you haven't seen Bernard yet #stalkingisfun
@Skyler dafuq? I've met him in person twice.
@dmckee I would have thought $\zeta$ would be just "squiggle"
I have an ideal, platonic love with Daniel, a functional, practical love with my neighbour and a strong attraction to every other woman who shows mild interest
@DanielSank wait really
@DanielSank Yes
when was he here?
@DavidZ I think that's right. Been a while.
@Skyler I went to his wedding
@BernardMeurer were you close by or something?
feeling bro jealousy here
@Skyler Nope, I was in Brazil
I just joked about crashing it
and he joked about inviting me
so I joked about going
and then I went lol
@BernardMeurer ...lol
Quick, someone: what's the default column width for a LaTeX article in two-column mode?
@DanielSank too damn small
@Skyler That's actually a true story
@DanielSank Eh? revtex4_1 know that, so I don't.
@dmckee Nah, screw revtex
@BernardMeurer how far did you have to go?
@Skyler From Rio, Brazil to San Diego, California
@BernardMeurer damn, aren't you just like entering college
how mucch did that flight cost
@Skyler Yeah I'm an undergrad
Really cheap
I don't recall how much, but it wasn't an expensive flight
then I stayed for free in LA at the house of the sister of another PSE member
and took the train to SD
Where a friend of a friend has an airbnb that I stayed in for extra cheap
@BernardMeurer youre going to be a successful man in the future going by your networking skills
@Skyler Thanks, that's nice of you to say
To be honest I just want to kill JavaScript though
@BernardMeurer where did you end up going btw?
@BernardMeurer harharhar
Going where?
@BernardMeurer university
Ah, in an unfortunate turn of events I ended up at the university of lisbon, in portugal
I'm trying to transfer
I'm going insane
@BernardMeurer You were never sane.
@ACuriousMind Well, yes, but I was happily insane before; now it just sucks
@BernardMeurer whats bad about there?
@BernardMeurer i thought you got in somewhere up here
the rent wasnt as cheap as the flights?
The tuition was too expensive, I had some familiar problems that screwed things up too
I got into some good schools
All my courses apart from linear algebra and analysis suck :)
Also the methodology is super backwards
@dmckee You're at least consistent in remembering it was eta ;)
Aug 12 '14 at 3:49, by dmckee
@alemi I had a prof who used "squiggle" for eta and "more squiggle" for a lower case zeta. We could necver decide if he was putting us on or not...
@BernardMeurer ive heard about brazillian schools from a friend who goes to UFPR, i feel for you
I don't go to a Brazilian school, I go to university in Portugal, in Europe
Hello, I have a question regarding crystal field theory, why does the crystal field splitting energy increase down a group with the same oxidation state in a complex?
@BernardMeurer oh ok, im derped
read that as being a Portuguese uni
not in portugal
Since the atomic radius increases down a group, doesn't that mean that the d orbitals are going to be farther away from the center, does that cause a greater electronic repulsion with respect to the ligands in the complex, and is that what causes an increase in the crystal field splitting energy???
Portuguese == in Portugal, no?
@BernardMeurer well i was thinking more language than location
brain reading skippy thingy, you know what i mean
@DanielSank so about the ton of tomatoes... sound like it could help with the chilly?
I do, I do, I'm just not following the commandments of my shirt
@Skyler Absolutely yes.
It's way better with fresh 'matoes.
Waiting to hear from Jason.
@Skyler where'd you get fresh tomatoes anyway?
...are fresh tomatoes some sort of rarity in the US? oO
@ACuriousMind In the middle of winter I'd venture that they're a rarity everywhere.
If you're eating fresh tomatoes in winter then either they're gross-ass mealy half-white tomatoes with absolutely no aroma or flavor whatsoever...
Not in Brazil...
or you have magic powers, which is why I'm intrigued.
We have beat the evil Winter
I'm reasonably sure we have fresh tomatoes year round here, though I have no idea whether from greenhouses or imports..
Killed it
@ACuriousMind If they're not disgusting, then I'm thoroughly impressed with German science.
And the cheap ones don't have much flavour, yeah, but that's no different in the summer, either :P
@ACuriousMind Can you get good ones for more $$ in summer?
@BernardMeurer I need help.
@DanielSank Also, I was there in the winter, it was warm as hell idk what you're up to talking like you'll freeze the tomatoes or something
@DanielSank What's up?
I'm working on some documents in my theory repo. There is some amount of cross-importing, i.e. certain documents import others as sub-parts.
LaTeX has this thing where you can label equations etc. How should i organize the equation labels so as to avoid name collisions?
@DanielSank I'm also reasonably certain I can buy good ones for money now
@ACuriousMind Devilry! It cannot be.
Send photo of Greek person eating tomato with smile as proof.
...why Greek? oO
Because in Greece they have legit tomatoes.
Where am I supposed to get a Greek person from all of a sudden? :D
I thought, my entire life, that I disliked tomatoes... until I was in Athens.
@DanielSank Ask for it to be his cute ass friend eating a tomato
@BernardMeurer Dude, stop being creepy :P
I was standing on a street corner, and was struck by a wonderful aroma. I followed it around the corner to a produce shop.
Turned out I like tomatoes if they're good.
@DanielSank Hm, I'm not sure about that, you want a naming-scheme?
Alas, I will go buy tomatoes tomorrow to test it
@ACuriousMind It's stronger than me
@BernardMeurer yup
The labels all go into a global namespace, which sucks.
I think maybe I need to have local and global names... like, within a file, there can be names prefixed local which are not allowed to be referenced elsewhere.
or something.
@ACuriousMind suggestions?
@DanielSank I use colons as section separators, e.g. eq:cross section:leading order
does SECTION-[SUBSTRUCTURE{Theorem,Proof,...}].NAME seem okay?
@DanielSank How are you naming your equations that they can collide? oO
@DavidZ :34004748 I don't particularly want to use the section names, but maybe that's a good compromise.
@ACuriousMind You're really working that "oO" today, eh?
@ACuriousMind It's less about collisions as about the names being meaningful and helping me find their original definition.
@DanielSank of course you don't have to use the section names - just use whatever name correlates to the organizational unit you want
I suppose.
the [] around the SUBSTRUCTURE part are meant to mean it's optional, like in manpages
That idea about having names prefixed local which can't be referenced elsewhere seems like it could get tricky, unless you make the compiler enforce it
@DanielSank Well, I usually just use eq:WhatTheEquationDoes, never had a problem with that, although the identifiers can get rather long.
@DavidZ We do that in python all the time though; we prefix with _ to mean "don't use this from outside this module/class, and if you do, and it changes, too bad for you".
@ACuriousMind I see.
@DanielSank Of course, I'm familiar with that
Plus there are packages and modules and classes which are their own organizational units
The old hank for c-libraries was to prefix all exported symbols with a 3iish letter identifier for the source.
@dmckee "Old hank". I like that phrase.
er ... that was suppose to be "hack", but I've been typing all day and I'm tired.
@dmckee :D
Ok, colon separated list it is.
Organic Chemistry. ANYBODY?
@ACuriousMind Had to be said. I guess.
@Kaumudi O-Chem is one of those subjects that I am very, very happy someone else likes to do.
If anyone has Mathematica available, can you see if it will simplify Assuming[HypergeometricPFQ[{n+1},{1, n+2}, -x^2/4], {n \[Elem] Integers,n>=0,x>0}] in terms of Bessel functions?
In[6]:= Simplify[HypergeometricPFQ[{n + 1}, {1, n + 2}, -x^2/4],
Assumptions -> {Element[n, Integers], n >= 0, x > 0}]

Out[6]= HypergeometricPFQ[{1 + n}, {1, 2 + n}, -(x^2/4)]
In[8]:= FullSimplify[HypergeometricPFQ[{n + 1}, {1, n + 2}, -x^2/4],
Assumptions -> {Element[n, Integers], n >= 0, x > 0}]

Out[8]= HypergeometricPFQ[{1 + n}, {1, 2 + n}, -(x^2/4)]
@DavidZ ping
no luck :-/ oh well, thanks for checking
@SirCumference do you mean why a universe where the cosmological constant exactly balances out the matter/energy density is unstable?
@BernardMeurer Yes, that line was stupid.
@Skyler you around?
To all the Arrival haters out there: I haven't seen the film so I can't comment, but Ted Chiang's novella Story of Your Life, upon which it is based, is excellent and well worth the hour or so it'll take you to read it.
Still on this movie :D
@DavidZ How about it is not quite a Bessel... Try this:
a HypergeometricPFQ[{}, {a + 1}, -x^2/4]/Gamma[a + 1]]
I get BesselJ[a, x]
Or Simplify[(x/2)^n/Gamma[n + 1] HypergeometricPFQ[{}, {n + 1}, -x^2/4]]
= BesselJ[n, x]
You missed the front factor that shifts the powers of x and the parameters where not balancing to be a Bessel. I think you where trying to put the 1 to take into account de l!, but don't forget this is already in the definition of a hypergeometric series.
@JohnRennie: Dyou know what "Receiver contacted for clearance instructions" means?
This has been the status since I woke up this morning and there's a yellow exclamatory mark so...
@Kaumudi I would guess that means TNT have contacted the Indian customs office to check there are no import restrictions i.e. that if they put the package on the next plane to Chennai that the package won't be rejected at customs when it arrives.
Ohh, okay. I must say I'm a little surprised that it's arriving at Chennai directly. I figured that it would land at the capital, New Delhi and then fly here on some other plane.
I wouldn't worry too much about the time of updates to that details page. I doubt it gets updated in real time. I'm 99.99999% sure this is a formality because I've already checked that it's fine to send laptops to India.
@Kaumudi I just assumed it would go direct to Chennai. Maybe, as you say, it will go o New Delhi first.
@JohnRennie Oh :-/ OK :-)
> "TNT will contact you if needed."
That's a relief, I guess.
@Kaumudi Whether that means you or me I'm not sure - presumably you. In which case it would be e-mail or to your father's phone.
Oh, yes...
Anyhoo, it says that it'll arrive on Monday and that's awesome!
Also bear in mind updates may be slow over the weekend. If nothing much seems to be happening when you check tomorrow or Sunday that isn't a reason to despair.
Oh, right. Thanks for warning me :-P
Say, is the keyboard clean? I bought this for the future and I wanna know if I should use it when it comes:
Sending Bernardo's laptop (to Portugal) was just as stressful. At one stage I was on the point of telephoning to ask what the hell was happening when suddenly the page updated to say it had arrived at Lisbon airport :-)
Oh! I see :-) How long did that take? It definitely wouldn't have taken as long as it will probably take to get here.
@Kaumudi the keyboard looks nearly new. It's a bit dusty but doesn't have any grease marks or traces of spilled food. I suspect you're worrying unnecessarily :-)
Though if, as you say, it's very dusty in your area it wouldn't hurt to use that blower to remove the dust from time to time.
I'm not exactly a worrier, but I'm excited and yesterday, I spent some time learning about how to take care of a laptop-how to make the best use of the battery, how to clean it from time to time, etc.
Laptops are pretty tough things. I often fix laptops for friends, and you should see the state some of them are in - I feel like I should put on protective gloves before I dare touch them :-) But they still work.
:-P I see. Still, I will do everything in my capacity to help this laptop to survive at least the next 4 (or 5, depending on what I decide to do next year) years.
@Kaumudi All the excitement and urge to maintain the device vanishes after a month and believe me, you will start eating pizza on your laptop keyboard very soon:-P (unless you are like my father who has been using the same laptop for the last ten years :-P)
No, I will not! :-)
@Kaumudi Okay. Let us meet at the same place, same time, next year :-P We will see
I'm with @TheStackExchange on this one :-)
@JohnRennie Haha :-D Thanks for the support :-P
Okay, I will prove both of u wrong!
@JohnRennie: U have an important e-mail :-)
hi Kaumudi, I have watched the fantastic beast movie. It is indeed as most said, good, I am however a bit crepted out by two scenes, though
Hey Secret :-) Which scenes are u talking about?
The death cell scene and the tragic scene where Credence Barebone get blown to pieces
That liquid in the death cell scene strongly triggers me as it reminds of how Sirius Black Died by falling through the veil (which for some reason had been a very creepy scene in my memory)
it is only when the liquid showed it only burn things like lava that I started to not so afraid of it
Yes, the scene in which he dies (and the few scenes before that too. Every scene involving the obscurial, really) is brutal. But he doesn't die so that's awesome!

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